TILE BET7: OMAHA". TTESPAY, MAY 23. 1011. 1 ; i! i ii It 3 U r 1 f :' I I k V: X REAL ESTATE PIRV ASD RANCH LtM) fOH BALIS a (la are). CHT.AP STATE LANi About l.OOO.nnS ' ecrea state land to be sold on forty sears' time. It deslrrd. rnl I per cent of pur rhu price down; buyer don't have to II & An le,4- mi. nun. 1 'fcO 1 M enld tn , , . nartnn furlh.r In f nr ml t Ion and ! description nd II to Fidelity Investment Co.. ia W. nth St.. Ktnu City. Mo. N tkrailu. KIM HA LI COL NTT LAND. I have luo ecrea of the choicest unlm pro.tu land In tno county. It a a dandy. 1'rice only 'A per acre, ono-iiith ca.tn lon ami one to rive 5 ears' time on the balance at 6 per cent. tV. T. Speita, Wood Kiver, Nob. ' RIO BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA UXD. 4) acre Morrill county. Nob., nearly all smooth plovall land. Good aoU, only iU.J) ii n acre, v. rue us. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. Omaha. IF Joe Vlavec, 1724 Caatellar SC. will come to Tha Hee office within three daya we will give him a SO-cent box of O'Brien s ins canuy. TEXAS LANDS. 440 ACRES tour tern miles northwest of Houston, one mila from railroad station, ail black sandy aoll. fronting on a main county road. Frtoe 8!0 per acre. 100 acre twelve nnlea north of Houatnn, fronting on a main county road; black., sandy prairie land. Price LO per acre. 80 acres twelve milei northwest of Houa tnn, fronting on a main county road; black, aandy loam aoll. Price $.) per acre. AU the above land la well adapted to the cultivation of any kind of fruit and vege tables, corn or cotton. This claaa of land being an Id out In amall tracts on easy payments from SMI to 1100 per acre. Our terma are one-third cash, balance one and two yeara, 7 per cent Interest. HOUSTON LAND CORPORATION Houston, Tezaa. - Capital Stock, $000,000. Vtah. GOING WESTf Don't speculate in any land proposition before 1 show you how to make real money on fruit and alfalfa land that can he bought cheap and on easy terma. Ideal climate, railroad and other convenlencea. Call me up. Harasy 1472. FOR SALE Oft EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit H. H. Culver aU-M O. N. B. Blag.. D. 7876, WANTED To trade three strictly mod ern and up-to-date dwellings with big lots, tree, fruit, etc.. In tha very best residence district of South Omaha, two blocks from car line axd on paved streets for frm land. This la strictly hlgh-claas property, readily tenting at the highest rate and la very desirable. Prefer land In Nebraska, or Iowa, but will consider a good farm anywhere. Answer at- once. A. B. C, Stock Yarda Station, South Omaha, FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE We have at Saratoga, Wyo., 1 mile from town. 1,600 acres In a body, with three seta of build ings horses, cattle and farm tools; 1,500 acres of It Irrigated with an abundant sup ply of water; very rloh, productive aoll, which can be had cow at 7o per acre In exchange for merchandise or clear income property or cash. Address Box R, Fred erick, a. D. FOR reliable sales aid exchangee, see D. Id. LEAJdlNG. W8 brandeia Blag. 800 ACRES elesir Kansas land for good stock of general merchandise; will trade all or part; pries tl&.M per acre. J. J. Barbour, earner, Chester. . D. 4- WILL take horse and buggy, real etate or motorcycle as part payment on Mall 80-H.-P. auto. Addreas owner. O US. Bee. FOR SALE or" exchange. 40 acres of land ( ml'.ea from Clearwater. Antelope county, Nebraska, price SM per acre. Also have well Improved quarter of land 4 miles from fcwing, Holt county, Nebraska., all level, price 160 per acre; has mortgage of 84.000, runs i yeara, want to sell or exchange equity. . Brawn at Orilfin. Cairo. Neb. Our old auto now must go. But must bring us lots of "dough.. , For two years we now have had It, But want an Apperaon Jack Rabbit A Bee Want Tad. then, will pay, And aell our auto the next uay. MRU. PAUL G. LUCE, 1 4612 Franklin St This verse Is . very good, but does net conform to our atyla FOR SALE A clean stock of general merchandise, consisting of dry goods, clothing, a hoes, hata and caps, carpets and rugs, crock y and groceries; also brick store bulldl.ig; well located In good town of 1.600 people In northeast Nebraska; slock will Invoice about SlO.uvtf; would discount stock some for cash or would exchange stock and building for good farm in south ern Minnesota, Iowa, southeast South Da kota. eMttern Nebraska northeast Kansas or northwest Missouri; land must be good and at about real value; would assume small Incumbrance. Olve full particulars about land In first letter; improvements, aoll, lay of land, distance from what town, most price if land la rented, what rent. Address T 28, care of Bee. OMAHA has th best of everything on the market, but Farrell makes the best syrup. If W. R. Stull, t10 N. loth St, will come to The Bee office within three dava we will give him an order for a 60-cent can free. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska laada O'KEKDK REAL EbTATai CO.. :tll New O ins hi .National Bank Building. GARVIN BROS., 84 floor N. T. Life. fuM to litM.UM on luipioved pioperty. No delay. & k. 5Vonon cUy n1 " property, w. fc ,aa MaUkvLK It III. Bid. ' WANTED. FARM LOAN a Kloke InV. Co., Ouaalia. ' - WANTED City loans, peta.a Trust-Co. WANTED City loans and warranta FerB.am ami lb a Co., 1XM Faro am at W. LOANS to horn owners and borne build era, with privilege of making partita! nay. meats siul-annually. W. H. TtiOMAS. MB m ir jtauenai oana euiiaing. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY iJt BUANDE1S BLDQ. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina Co.. with asacte of over Ill7.uo0.000, I am prepared to accept ail the good loans of fered on Improved Omaha real eaiata Buaineaa and residence loana uiade wna eui delay. THOMAH BRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. :O0 to )0 0u made promptly. T. IX. Weed. Wsad iildg , Utb end Farnam. MONET TO LOAN Payne laivetraecl Co WK HAVK money to loan on Improved ii esiaie ui uu.und ana auouj-na NEBRASKA AV1.GS at LOAN A88W. ilk Faruam fel. Board of Trade Bulg. C1TT and Farm. JOHN N. KHtNlih. LOW RATES. BKMU-CARLBERO CO.. w sss sj sii imeita1 e area asa ga4 , WE have ILOWO to invcat In per cent morttiaae v. J. Lermody Investment 10.. iji v.uy nn twuK Uldf. Tel. D. Ibi. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE customer for I or (-room modem reaiueuvv, wait ivoit-u, luuat oe baraain. H. C. W t.bl bllliAAKlj. 601 City Nat. Bank. BM.-., Ouialia, Neb. WHAT AN IOWA FARM EH WAN Ta Have you aiiyi&iug to otter the feraier kit lewar Any cbust land fur taixaar nn,.i a ganeral merchandise store lor luaa or sb) Kmu vi aa utnuitf ur nave yea tvois i.uu ivu iv sen tor cauir las oe paper thai reacnea ma last farmu la tbv Lea jioinee Capital, iioua aircuiai.ua uy. re is niie insertion. I ccal a wura. six Insc.'Uunk, oeuia a word. u aloiace Laii CaiuiaL-Lec atotae la bJwlAL. rcsidouce in good location. Uetire to exohanae 1 iilco rwidence lor It. If ou are gu.ng te cmcago and own Omaha profierty tiu ia your chance. Address G iii. Bee WE will buy well located Omaha city property, both Improved and ui,nupro e 1, will tuy direc t fi uin owneis 011L . properly t.f this kind if pn ed right Now is Die time le act before our wants are filled. Cell and -ee 11s at once. AiOKcKN HOMi-.ri CONSTRUCTION COt, ta.-e Paxtoa Biock. Ooiahv GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Domestic ITewi Bearish, Longi Sup porting; Strength of Wheat. DEMAND FOX CORN IS SLOW Rerelpia Are Heavier Crop C' ittloaa Favorable, Caailsg Wrakaeea Country Bealas to "ell Off Sitx-ke. OMAHA. May !2. 1911. Liverpool cables were weak at the open Intt. but firmed up later. Domestic news was bearish with rains general over the wheat belts. Heaia. however, were turned sellers on the breaks while some god support wan In evidence on the pai t of longs. '1 here was pronounced heatnes in the corn market. Crop conditions being very favorable and cash and shipping demand rather alow. Recelpta were much heavier and caused weakness. Rainfall was general over the country and gave traders a bearish start aa rains were beneficial If not badly needed. Cash wheat was to 1c lower. Oood ralna In the corn belt will give the new crops a fine start and aelllng by the country la reflected by more liberal rerelpta. Cash corn was V to lower. Primary w heat receipts were MiCno bush els and shipments were 273. MO bushels, against receipts luct year of 771.000 bushel and shlpmenta of SPl.onO bushels. Primary corn receipts were 711.000 hush els and shipments were 248.000 bushela. against receipts last year of 417.000 bushels and shipments of 378.000 hushela. Clearance were 36.000 bushela of corn, 260 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 46.000 bushels. . Liverpool c'osed "yd to Hd higher on wheat, and Vd to d lower on corn. ' The following cash saJes were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car. 8S.c; 1 care. 8Tc; 6 cars. 87Sc; No. 8 hard. 1 car, c; No. 4 hard. 1 car. 85c; 1 car. 84Hc. CORN No. 2 white. 4 care. 4V-c; No. t white. 1 cnr. 4'tc; No. 4 hard. 1 car, 47c; No. 2 yellow. 2 care. 48c; No. S yellow, 8 cars, 47c; No. 2 mixed, cars, 47c; No. 3 mixed. 13 cars, 47Vc; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 47c; 2 oars. 4rtVc; no grade, 1 car, 44o. OATS No. 8 white. 12 cars. 31e; 1 car, 21 Wc; No. 4 white, 1 car, 21ft. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. hard. 87&Kc; No. 8 hard, 8SVs4rs6ic: No. 4 hard. 84SflVic; rejected hard. 72VV81c: No. 2 spring. 8iVifr02c; No. 4 spring. 8M4f0c; No. 2 durum, WVtfgSoHc; No. 8 durum, SlVfffSS'iC. CORN No. 2 white. 4R'4'?48c; No. 8 white, 4S44c: No. 4 white. 4i547yfc; No. 8 color. 47V&484c; No. 2 yellow, 47f4Mc; No 8 yellow, 4747; No. 4 yellow, i T47ViP; No. 2. 47W47"ltc; .. 8. 47fg47Vo; No. 4. 4'ti847c; no grade. 4SHg44'4c. OATS No. 2 white. 81Vf&;c; standard, SlV&SlliC; No. 8 white. 31(u3mc; No. 4 REAL ESTATE WANTED (Continued.) RESIDENCE lot In Dundee, give full description and loweat cash price. Addreas C .119, Bee. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED-About IS. 000 to build a home; will pay 11.000 and 160 per month. J 808, nee. WANTED TO BUY RFST nrlce nald for 2d hand furniture. carpets, clothing and shoes. TeL D. 8871. OOOD MONEY for your brok-.n move- menu and old gold. M. Nathan. 10 rt. 12tk SELNER paya good prlcea for furniture. carpets, clothes and shoes. , T. 6401. HOUSES and vacant lota; have cus tomers. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Karbach Block. , FARRELL stands for all that Is rood In syrups, so when you want the beat syrup ask for Farrells. If Mrs. David Hill 181S Dodire St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will - give her an order for a SO-cent can free. I WILL buy a standard make, - 4-pas senger automobile that Is In good condi tion; give description how long used and price, L 227, Bee WANTED SITUATIONS PRACTICAL NL-KSK. Harney 4k. STRONG MAN wants work of any kind. Phone Doug, as 1642. Fred Oay. EXPERIENCED fire Insurance man. wants office' position. Bes, N 2WL LADY wants home work writing or ad dressing; neat hand. H 807, Bee. Young lady desires , position as ste nographer, can furnish Al references; two years' experience In law office. Phono Bed taw. YOUNG MAN of four years' gas engine experlenoe wants position as chauffeur. 'Phone Harney 2&it. 1 BY thoroughly competent bookkeeper and office man; several yeara' experience In mercantile and automobile buaineaa K J04. Bee. . . i. WANTED Situation aa nainler. Addreas F-806. care Bee. MIDDLE aged man would like a posi tion of some kind In an office, store sr as a watchman. I am experienced, capa ble and lesponsible. Try ma . Address M 286, Care of the Bea WANTED Position ss linotype operator: experienced and reliable; 8.200 to 8,000 ems per hour; references. Address F. A. Loom. a, Fremont, Neb. GERMAN (apeaka English) wants posi tion of any kind, good referencea. 'Pnone Web. 6i2. I AM 21 yeara old. looklnar for a rhmii of work; have had some bookkeeping and aienograpnicai experience; i am now em ployed by -a reliable firm and can furnish the beat of referencea; will leave Omaha Addreas K 0. Bee. WANTED A Position as nurse In a tmm. 11 y with children, or with elderly lady; speak English. French and German: please state wagea paid and work required. Ad dress M. C, Post Box Sin, Columbua. Neb. An auto will aell If you will tell The people what you offer, - And the little Want Tad Will take like a fad And bring you a buyer with chauffeur. MRS. A. C- DAVIS. 621 S. ?7th St This verse receives honorable mention. WANTED Position as saloon porter; long experience: stranger in city; white. 1'hone Doug lo42. Gay. WANTED Position on the road by an evperlenced lumber and coal man. F. T. Wing, Lincoln, Neb. SALESMAN, long experience In city; paint or building supplies, wanta work. N ill:. Bee. LADY wants position aa rompanion with some elderly lady or Invalid; beat of refer encea. Addreas, P 314 care Bee. LADIES clolhea neatly laundered. Phone Web. 34 J6. YOUNG lady, fair penman, good at fig area, de&irea position in an office aa cashier. Addrasa E 81. Bee. WANTED A position aa wet nurae by perfectly healthy young woman; baby 4 weeks old. Tel. Harney 8770 for further particulara BY thoroughly competent bookkeeper and office man; several yeara' experience; In mercantile and automobile buaineaa. E. 4. Bee. RATE CLAIM and shipping clerk wa.Ua position with large wholesale firm; eight yeara' experience; employed at present: referencea. Addraas D, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffa ' EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanta book work Saturday afternoon and eveolnga Addree K. E. Senaeney, lal4 Dodge St., or call Douglas 461. WK all like the best of evervthlng. this la also true of syrup If Charles Haj-nev. ll S s. 1 XX.. will come lo The Ree office mnhln three da:. s we will give him an order for a SO-ient can of Farrell s svrup tree. -y- MAN wanta position aa watchman or janitor work. XU7 8. Ltn s)l white nitflrric.Ko. 2 yellow, 80V931C; No. 1 4 j ellow, aoiffiflOSe. I RA R LEY No 8. K1tc: No. 4. 4tf4c; ; No 1 feed, rr: rejected. MSc RTE No. 2. 1. OMB 1.01; No. I, Wclfll.00. I Carlot Reeelsts. Wheat. lrn. Oats. Chicago Mlnneapouns Omaha Duluth , M 2S2 1M ..174 .. M .. 54 127 18 CHICAGO GRAI AMD PROVISIONS Featarea at the 'I radios; natal Cloela Prlcea oa Board! of Trade. CHICAGO, III., May 22-Relief from anxiety concerning drouth resulted . today J in a searing market for wheat. Because ot special aupport. however, the May de- 1 livery was an exception, closing c up. other months fl ..shed S'a'c to 'ic down. The end of the day left corn at 'c lower to a shade advance, oats with ,4t1c de cline and provisions varying from aire gain to a loss to a dime. The general rains of the last forty-eight hours put a complete atop to all talk of a dry weather scare In the wheat crop crowd. Anything like a stampede to sell, though, wae checked at the start, the obstacle being a disconcerting ahow of etrength In May w hen shorts commenced to cover. The possibility of a long delayed squeeze In the current month had a decidedly Intimidat ing effect on bears. Moreover, the demand at the lower levels proved more than enough to offset the selling preesur which tapered with the declines. During the eea slon July ranged from 87c to 88c, and In the end waa 87c, a loss of V cent net. Corn price were sustained. July fluc tuated between 5J4WlSc and 52c, closing firm, a shade up to MVa2c. Cash grades v.eie easy. No. 2 yellow finished at 53c. Benefits from the rain brought about liberal selling of oats, especially by the country. Low snd high points for July turned out tn he S.-jftfyjc, with the closing 9c net lower at S3V833ic. , An enoouraeTlng export showing lifted provisions' a trifle, barring July pork. That article, through lack of demand, slipped down 10c. aa compared with tha last pre ceding close. Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Grain oompany. Telephone Douglas 2473, 70s Brandeia building. Omaha: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat May.. July.. Sept.. I J, I. I S6! 87H 87, I I caw S7V I Corn 51HVtJ May.. July.. Sept.. 61 V Rl61Niff14 MV(1 61W2 MVrW'SlTs 61' 62 MSI 2l K 88'J 231 K. Oats- May.. July.., SDt... 8.1S 83'i 83'4l33iH23 33VtH MvssVitf-y 88. I 33T4J Pork- July.. Sect.. 14 60 14 00- 14 60 14 00 14 42H! 14 46 14 00 14 55 13 87H 13 6 Lard- Mar.. July.. Set... 00 7 "74 8 05 8 02H S 12H I 02!, 8 06 I 10 t 05 8 00 8 07Vi Ribs- 1 May.. July.. Sept.. 7141 75 2W 7 75 0 1 7 72V 7 7!i T 70 7 76 7 72H1 7 67HI 7 72 7 73HI 7 70 7 72Vi Cash quotations were as follow; FLOUR iRteadv : winter patents. 14.00 4.60; straight. $3.70426; spring stralgtiuJ, 4.1o(S-4.36; bakers, S3.4OS4.60. RYE No. 3. Wc. BARLEY Feed or mixing, &880o; fair to choice malting, 92e1.02. SEED Flox, No 1 south western, nom inal. No. 1 northwestern, nominal. Tim-1 othy. $12.00. Clover. S1.fl. PROVISION'S Mess pork, per bbl.. $15.00 15.26. Lard, per loo lba.. 88.00. Short ribs. sides (loose), $7. 2597.76; short clear sidps tooxedi. H.irirH.i2. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 46,000 bu. Primary receipts were f? 0.000 bu., compared with 771.000 bu. the corresponding day a year aaro. The visible supply of wheat In the United States de creased 608.000 bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage In creased 8.880.000 bu. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 184 cars: corn. 368 cars; oats, 246 cars; nogs, 18.000 head. . Chicago Cash Prloeaj Wheat: No. 1 red. KS$MH; No. 8 red, Kmoc; No. 1 hard. 6.5Vic; No, I hard, 2396e; No. 1 north ern spring. $l.00tg1.04; No. 2 northern spring, $1.03'l.O3: No. S spring. SMjpssc. Corn: No. 2 caah. 6Jfl62c; No. $ cash. 6252He: No. I whit. F,!ewe: No. t white, 62V492He; No. $ yellow, 624 3e; No. $ yellow, 62ff 62Ve. Oats: No. 2 cash. S2c; No. 2 white. M'i'3sc: no. 1 wnite, saia'34c; no.,s white. S3H33V: standard. 4QA4''ve- BUTTER Steady ortf-meriea, 168i21e; dalriea, 18iro . EGGS Steady; reeelpta, 26.017 eases: at mark, eases Included, lZVrtflSc; firsts, 14Vjc; prime firsts, 15o. CHEESE Steady; daisies, 12Ho: twins, llHtriSe; young Americas, 13S4e; long horns, l3r12Ho POTATOF" Weak: choice to fanev old, 444c; New, 860c; fair to good. old. 8ft3SSc; new, 869fl0e. POULTRY Eaay: Uve turkeys ltc; live fowls, 124r; sprlns-s, dressed, 22.1r28c. VEAL Steady; 60 to 0 lb. wts.. 7iJT7Hc; 0 to 85 lb. wts., SiStc: 86 to 110 lb. wta, SjlOc. Car Ixt Receipts Today: Wheat. 80 cars: corn. 2fi2 cars; oats, 168 cars. Estimated To morrow: Wheat, 1M cars; corn, 3os cars; oats, 246 cars. St. Laala fleaersl Market. ST. LOUIS. May B - WH E AT Cash, weak; track No, 2 red. 3gc; No. 2 hard, Sii&lWc; futurea, lower: May, tVc; July, 84ftS4T4e; September, 86c. CORN Lower; track NiA 2, SHirRSc; No. 2 white, SSVitJMHo; futurea, lower; July, Slac; September, 61,S61'c. OATS Steady; track No. X S3c: No. I white. 3oc; futurea, lower; July, 32 Vc; Sep tember. 8214c. . RYE Lower at $1.01. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.20ia 4.70; extra fancy and ftraight, $3.80-4.10; hard winter clears, I2.nifrs.i. SEED Timothy. $6.00ia0. CORNMEAL $2.50. BRAN Weak; sacked (east track). $1089 1.11. HAT Steady; timothy, $l.00f2.o0; prai rie. 12 KyfilR.60. PROVISIONS Pork unchanged; jobbing, 16.76 Lard unchanged; prime steam, $7.7249 i.S2Mi. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 88.60; clear ribs, $8.60; short clears, 88 76. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. 88.60; clear ribs, $.60; short clears 3 76 POULTRY Firm ; chickens. 10c; springs, S32&c; turkeys, lid 16c; ducks, 11 V; geese, (c BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 16021c. EGGS Weak at Uo. Raoeipta Shipments. Flour, bbls 14.300 .I0 Wheat, bu 41.000 14.000 Corn, bu 161.000 - 48.000 Oats, bu 37.W0 , 17.0U0 Kaaaaa City Grata and Provtaleasv. KANSAS CITT, May 22. -WH F! AT Canh Halo lower; No. 2 hard, SftSDOc; No, S. K,vV&c: No. 2 red. SVnSOc; No. 8. 86if8c; futures, May 87c, sellers; July 83 c bid; September, 82c bid. CORN Caah H4rT'-c lower; No. I mixed, HeWiiuOV:: No. 3. 4SW'S4iavc: No. 2 white. 60Vsc; No. 2. 49Hi)50c; May, 484o: July. 4Mc, sellers; September, 49. bid. OATS Unchanged: No. 2 white. $4V4(Sasc; No. 2 mixed. S2H4i33c. RYE 06c 4) 11.00. HAY Weak; choice timothy, $lt.s0i?17.00-. choice prairie, $1126tn$ k. BUTTER 'reamery. 20c; firsts, 17c; sec onds, l&c; packing stock. 134c. EGGS Extras, 17c; firsts, 16c; seconds, 10c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 7.0i eftono Corn, bu 83,000 37.000 Oats, bu 10.000 2,000 Mvei-paol Ormla Market. LIVERWOL. May 22 WHEAT Spot, Steady;. No. $ Manitoba. 7a 4d: No. 8 Mani toba, 7s 44d; futures, firm; May, Ss lod; July. He October, a 8d. CORN Spot, new American mixed, no stock: old American mixed, quiet. 6a Sd; new American, kiln dried, eaay. 4a lod; fu turea, easy; July, 4a 7d; September, 4a l'-d. FLOUR Winter patents. 27a. weorta Market. PEORIA. May 22. CORN Lower; No. t white, MV: No. 3 white, 61c; No. 4 white, 4!"c; No. 2 yellow. 61 "c; No. 8 yellow. Sic; No. 4 yellow, !ac; No. I mixed, 61o: No. 8 mixed. Sic; No. 4 mixed. 49c; no grade, 4V(J7C. OATS aHeady; No. I white, nominal at S4e; No. I white, S3983Vte. MllwaakM Ormla Market. MILWAUKEE, Mav 18. WH EAT No. 1 northern. 31 .OIVttfURMt; No. $ northern, 10ji4'l.lH; Mar, NH; July, ro. OATS Standard. 4Wc. BARLEY Malting, ucl-l. Dalatk Grata Market. UCLI'TH. May 28 WHEAT No - north ern. c; No 3 northern. ff.tfV!e: May, sc; July. 88; 8ertember, 81c Osstaba May Market. OM AHA. May 22 HAT N L tU 00: S'o. 4 M OO: parkir '87 00; alfalfa, ill 00. Btraw: Wheat. 86 60, rye, Hot), oaLS. 7 (10. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Forward Movement in Market it Re sumed Where Interrupted. CONSIDERABLE STRENGTH SHOWN Grala-4'arrylasr Roads Helped by ra-tlaaea- Kewsl Reaiorla of Crop Pros per 4 e aad Are la atroasi Deaaaaa. NEW YORK. Mav SI The forward movement In the stock market which waa Interrupted late last wenk. was reeumed Indny. During the greater part of the session prices ruled well above the final fisures of last week and the market ex hibited considerable strength, although late In the dav galna were cut down materially on realising aalea. Reading was the leader In the early part of the day, when the market was strong est, and roee to within a small fraction of Its highest price of the year, reached several weeks ago. The grain carrying roads especially the Hill group, were helped by the continued good reports of crop proapects. and were In unusually strong demand. Western I nion continued Ha recent rise and the other stocks. Including American Car and Foundry, American IvocomoUve and Pressed Steel Car wore marked uP on account of Increased business, which theee companies are expected to enjoy in the near future. Missouri Pacific was under pressure and fell back sharply. United States Steel advanced less readily than other active stocks. Steel and Iron manufacturers report a better Inquiry espe cially from the railroads, and a substantial Increase in banking Is looked for. The same optimism prevails among western railroad officials which state that traffic Is being well maintained. April railroad reports began to come in today. Lehigh Valley being the first Im portant system to submit Its statement. The report showed a decrease of 1118,000 In gross revenues and of about the same amount in net operating expenses, showing little change. The sale of a block of Hud son aV Manhattan railroad bonds in Lon don and reports from Paris of the con tinued purchase of American railroad bonds. Inrestment account indicated that the foreign demand for American securities was still keen. The bulk of the 3.670.ino South African gold in the open market was taken by the Bank of England at the minimum price, The bond market waa firm. Total aalea, par value M.lK.OOu. . United States bonds unchanged on call. Number of salea and leading quotations on stocks were ss follows: galas. High. Low. Close. Allls-Chalmers pf4 Amslssmared Copper .... Americas AgTlcultursI .. American Beet Sugar Ameriosa Can Amsrloaa C. 4V F A mart can Cotton Oil American H. A U pfl... Am. Ics Securities Amerleaa Linseed t. Americas Ljocomotlve .... American 8. A R.. ....... Am. S. A R. pfd Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Refining.. American T. A T , American Tobaceo pfd.... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Gb Atchison Atcalsja pfd , Atlantis Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio Nothlehem stael Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paolfio It 11. mo 2,000 1.700 10.400 1.400 t.DOO " t"0 7S0 1.700 U.400 7 47 . us 7 411 124 11 414 ms o 4 11". 41 4.1 42" 400 107 10414 loo . I.ono 1211 ii4 12014 4 8,110 144S 41m mn 101 ini 800 14 14 33 40 . 14,1100 11SH 1VJ HI . 110 104i IO414 104 100 12S 1VIS 100 107 104 10 100 S3 H t2' no II o m Lino 814 us nt Central Leather Central Leather pfd 1,100 10 M lH 101 M4 8.000 II 13 I2H 100 31 II II 400 ti n 11 100 44 44 44 40 14K 144 141 14.100 13i 11 114 - 4 1,104 84 14 UH lntrel ot ,w Jersey.... Ciesapealis A Ottlo. ...... C4ilcaao A Alton QUcago Great Western... C O. W. pfd rjnteaaa A N. w C-, M. A M. P C. C. C. A St. Li Colorado P. A 1. Colorado A Sonthem... . . . too M 46 U i,K 144 144 146 400 U 14 U 304 172 172 HI Consolidated Oas Corn Produots Delaarara A Hudesa Denear A RIs Oreads.... D. A R. Q. pd Distillers SsoaTltMs .... Tfirie Brie 1st pfd. Brie Id pfd , II SO M 744 1 1 7 44 n 88 SO I. ono 4.400 1.000 MH to 1.40 41 40 40 Oeasrsl Bleotrlo 1.400 141 10U ISO Great Northern M.... ,400 ISO ii uo Oreat Northera pfd.. 4.40 110 12 110 Ores Northers ore eX V.SS S H SI4 IlllDoia Central .. Intarbareush Mat. ... eoe 140 140 i.h ,u (04 U M II l.sos irr its its Interaatlenal Hi Int. Marine pfd.... International Pump 44 II 11 17 ..... to 4A 40 40 r.... tOO , II II 174 SOS St St 84 y.. , SlUj uve 101 104 106 lows Ovtral Kanaaa Otty Se , K. C. 8e. pfd LaoUdei Oas LsulsrHle A NaahTills... Minn. A St. Louie. . M., St. P. A S. . M.,., M., K. A T M., K. A T. pfd Missouri Pacific ,., S. 141 ia 144 I II 100 ill 1M 111 a. 400 si s ii . mo Ii 47 47 4144 SO 40 W, too National Biscuit 1 1M . S00 . MS 44 46 400 11 II 11 8.100 10 ion 1M44 LSO0 41 it 41 4.40 1444, 104 104 400 74 T4 74 S.iot 12 ltl 11144 100 r 17 i 11.100 1114 121 12!' 800 104 104 10ft 1.304 81 SO to 8.100 ! 14 W 100 12 12 12 404 If. Ii II 111.100 111 lt 1W) Nstlooal Lewd ............ N. R. R. ot U. Id pfd.. New York Central , N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Western North American Northers Paoifle Paclfis Mall Pennsylvania People's Gee ..... P.. C., C. A St. L. Pitta baral Coal Preeeed Steel CarT: , Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring...., Readlns , Rapublle Steel Republic Steel pfd Rork Island Co Rook Iaiand CV pfd c L. A S. F. Sd pfd... St. Lnla t. W St. L. S. W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield S. A I... Seat beta Pact fie Southern Railway out tars Railway pfd... Teaaeaaee Copper Texaa A Pacific T., St. L. A W T . Bf. L A W. pf I'nlea Padfle ........... Union Pacllle pfd Vnned States Realty.... Vntted Stetee Rabser.... TJnJtad States Steel V. B. Steel pfd. I'tah Oapeer . Va -Carolina Canieal .. a abash Wabash pfd Western Maryland ....... Weotlnthouaa KlectTie Wee tern Ualoa Wheellnc A L. B Lettish Valley 1.700 I! II II 1.400 14.400' t.io 400 M 1.11k axsvk 41 44 S4 II 45 42 SI 47 41 111 2 47 . 17 II 11 1.1 44 42 1.000 114 114 S.400 t 14 II iff 12 404 17 II lli 40 too 1,404 11 40 44.100 111 144 114 M an P4vi too . 1,40 I 71 41 0 41 12 4 47 l4 47 41 71 7 4 42 41 84,400 1.104 1J0 IS) 4.M4 47 4T 14,100 o too ... ' S04 ... 1.4H ... U.400 44 S7 144 II 10 74 71 13 74 71 14.000 1M 17 17 Total sales tor the day, 44. toe a ha re a. l.en acta ftaek Market. LONDON, May 22. American securities opened steady and about unchanged today. Trading waa light during the first hour, but prloeaj advanced a fraction. At noon the market was steady and from un changed to He higher than Saturday's New York closing London closing stock quotations: Cossets, money ....II 7-14 Ixmlerllle A Naah...Itr de account 1 ate., aaji. at Teiaa.. 444 N. T. Central ill 4 Norfolk A Western.. .111 Anal. Cooper Anaeonaa .... Atchison 11 ra do pfd 104 On tan e A W Baltimore A Ohle. ..104 Pennsylaala Canadlaa Parlfto ....141 Read Mtaee . .. l .. 44 .. 4S .. 74 .. 41 .. SO .. ..lit ..! .. M .. 44 ..1 ... IT .. 87 CVeaapemka A Ohle.. 14 Reading CM. Great Wl tl Bouthers Re 11 war Chi . Mil. A St. P. De Beers Denver A Rio O.... da pfd Erie do 1st pfd.u de Id pfd Orend Trunk IIS do pfd .., 1 Beatkera Partfle ... II Union Peeina 4 da pfd 14 V. S. Steel , 41 do pfd 41 Webaati ! de pfd Illinota Central .. 141 SILVER Bar, steady at 244d per ounoe. MONEY I per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for abort billa la 1 B-lStySV per cent; for three months' bills, 2 s-lufi?2S per cent tloatoa Storks aad Bonds. BOSTON. May 22. dosing quotations on mining stock were aa follows: Atlouea 11 Mohawk, .. 41 .. II 1S .. SI .. a ..104 .. II .. tl .. 11 .. 44 .. 4 .. 14 .. 17 .. .. 44 .. 1 .. 47 .. I ..10 Anal. Copper A. . L A S Alisons Cost Atlentio B A C. C. A B. U. Butte Coalition .... , 47 Nevada On r Nlpteelng Mines 17 North Butta 4 North Leka 14 Old Deoeinloa ... Ki Oeoaala 42 Parrott 8. A a. Cel. A Arlinna.. '"al A Heels 47 Qulnry Oatennlal 14 Sltannoa roooer Range C. P.. 41 Superior Seat Butta C. 44 ... 12 Superior A B ranblia Olreus Can. , Oraaby Cea Greens Ceneae ... tale Ravala Capper 10 Superior A P. C. 4 Temarark 44 V S. S. R. A M. 7 e ptd 14 I ab ra Kerr lxke 8 4 14 reh rlbppar on. Lake Copper 17 Winona la Salle Nipper 40 Welveeiae hi leant Cktpper SO Asked. Lex-el Sewer-ltlwa. Quotaliona furnished by Burns. Brtnker A Co.. 448 New Omaha National bank building: B14 Aete. Avery A c eterk.... .. . loo City of Omaha 4a, 1S0 104 K4 M tuy nf Oraaha 4s. 141. aehoot... 104 lot CudaJiy Parking Co. 4e. 12 M Chicaao Rallmay te. 127 k Denver Cm on Block Tards Ss M a twere Co es. note loo lm Saal St. L A Buk 4s. 1SS8 ..... Mis M l0 ia 1 4 " St r 4 ta 1" 1CJ a 100 101 tMnaha f'm. A Omaha Omaha A B ft. Hy. ns, list ... St. Ry. pfd 4 per Ct f. B. A C. A C. rl. St. Kv ruin R. Ry A Bridge H is. 1I7 T Omaha Oa Feters Mill 4 per cent pfd 4V.mh Omaha Clly 4i t nlon atock Tarda stock.... 1'nion flwk arde honda... Si Wlae Memcr.i Hoaplial . 1411.. loo New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 22. MONEY On ra'l. steady; 2'B2'4J per cent; ruling rate. 2', per cent; cloelng hid. 2. per tent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, atrong; demand yovi at rales ellRhtly under the market; sixty days. 2Vtf2 per cent; ninety daya ?Vu3 rer cent; six krionlhs. 3 per cent. rrtlAia, MtRUASTII.B; FAFFJR 3) J4 per cent. STFRIJNO EXCHANGE Pteady. with actual business in bankers' bills at 84.84.V, for sixty-day bills and at 84.8iv?fZr4.840 'or demand. Commercial bills. 34.83V SILVER Far, 63Vc; Mexican dollars ISc. RONDS Hovernment. steady; railroad. Cloning quotations on bonds today were as follows: 8. ref. Is, re....l"o nt. M M. 4a 47-t do coupon ... ..ion Japan 4a IK ..im do 4a 44 ..101 K. C. So. 1st Is .... 71 V. 8. St. res. de coupon j, C. B. 4a. reg do coupon Allls-Chal. 1st Is.. Am. Ag. te Am. T A T. rv. 41 Am. Tobacco 4.... .114 U R deb. 4e 1411.... 44 114 LAN. unL 4a " 77 M . K AT. 1st 4S.. 47 101 do in 41 M 110 Mo. Pacific 4 74 4 N. R. R. of M. 4 He M !" N. T. C a 4s I do la Armour A Co. 4a.. 41 d deb. 4s 8 Atchison (en. 4s 4 N. T., N. H. A H. do ov. 4a Ill ev. 4a m .Hi N. A W. 1st a. 4a.. . It da cv. 4a 107S . 'No. Pacific. 4a H . 42 do Ss 71 . 40 n. R. U rfrlt. 4i... 44 . PVnn. cv. a 1114.. 47 .101 da eon. 4s 104 do rv. la A. C. L lit 4a.... Bal. A Ohio 4a... do la do g. W. Ia Rrooh. Tr. cV. 4a On: of Ga. So.... Can. Leather 44 Rradins sen. 4a .. . of . J. t 4a... 122 St. L. AS. F. fg 4a 42 Chea. A Ohio 4a...lo do sen la. 7 ao rer. as e at L. 8. W e. 4i Chlcaso A A. Ia. 40 do let gold 4a... C. B. A (J J. 4a.... t'4 a. A. L 4t do gen. 4a IT o. Pac. col. 4a.. C. M. A 8. P. g la 424 do cv. 4a C K. I A P. t. 4a. 74 do let ref. 4a... do rfg. 4a Bo. Railway ta... Onlo. Ind ta 7 do gen. 4e Colo. Mid. 4s 41 t'nlon Pacific 4s.. ... 0 ,.. 42 .. 71 .. 42 ,,. n ... IS ..lot ... I" ..101 ..loav '.(era e. is a nn rT. as. 1 A H. ev. 4a. ...ion do lit A ref. 4a... 7S ... 424 V. 8 Ruhher Is 104 ...41 1'. 8 Steel td tr ...lo ... 71 Va.--er. fliem. te...inoi D. A R. 0. 4s.. do ref. ta r1t1 1174" ta .... Krlt p. I. 4a.... do gen. 4s do cv. 4a, ear. do series B ...at vtanaen let ta ... 77 do let A ei. 4a.. 4,. II TVeetern Md. 4a ... ...74 West. Bloc. cv. Is. 01 II 4 S3 hen. Klec, cv. ...In wia CVntral 4a.. 111. On. 1 ref. 4.. MX Mo. Pao. cv. ta. inc. met. 41 wi Bid. aoffared. New York Carb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan Bryan, members New York Btock exchange. 316 South Sixteenth street. Omaha. Am. Tobacco 407 La roe 4 Bay State Oaa 24 Nov. Cons 19 Butta Coalition 20 Xewhouee 42 "acta 11 Nevada-1 tan 44 China ti Ohio Copper 1 Chief Cone 1 'Rawhide Coalition .. DavlaPaly 1 r,v Central 1 S;iy Central I gwltt Pkg. Co 101 74 Ely Ctens 47 Scire-Rn buck Co... .141 Olrous ( surer Pick 4 Belmont 44J Superior A Pittsburg II Ooldfleld Florence .. 1 Trinity Oippar ...... 4 Oreene Cananea ..7 1-14 North Laka 4 Inaplratlon 4 Kerr Lake 4 New York Mlalng Itocki, NEW YORK. May 22. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows; Alice ID LH(S Chief ... S 47 1U 2S 100 Com. Tunnel stock... II Mexican do bonds . 14 .144 . 24 .140 . 1 Ontario Ophlr Standard Tellow Jacketv, Con. Cal. A Vs., Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvllla Con. . Offered. Bank ClesvrlnsTa. OMAHA. Mav 22. Bank clearing. fn, day were 82.5i0.4b7.86 and for the corre- spontung aate last year. 2.J,S33.2a. MW YORK OK.VERAL MARKET 4atatlona of tke Day oa Varioos CoBaaaodltlea. NEW YORK, May 22.-FLOUR-3ulet; spring patents, ti.mneh. u ; winter patents. 84.10a-i,60i winter extras No. 1. 3.8t$r3-60; Kanaaa slxaighta, . 84.10j4.3i); . winter atrAlghts, 83.yO'u4.O0; spring clears, ' 3-7o 410; winter extraa No. 2. 83.lojjo.26. Rye flour, unsettled; fair to good, 34.Si2j.0S; choice to fancy, 104(5. 26. CORNMEAL 8teatU; fine white and yellow, 1.16J,L20; coarse, 81.1031.16; kiln dried, 13.00. WHEAT Snot market easy; No. 3 red, 87Vic nominal, elevator, and 9SHC. f. o. b. afloat. Futurea market was easier on the fine ralna over the wheat belt, large world's exports and a slow cash demand, but bears were timid, fearing bull sup port. At the clr.se prlcea were o net lower. May closed at 97Vc; July, 94 6-ly 86 1-lSo. olosed at 94 -Wc; September cloaed at 98,o. Receipts, 160,800 bu. ; shipments, nil. CORN Spot market steady; export, new. No. 2, 60c, nominal, f. o. b. afloat Futures market waa without transactions, closing- at MiC net decline to c advance. May closed at 60c; July closed at 69Sc Receipts, 27,000 bu. ; shlpmenta, 17,33k bu. OATS Spot market easy; standard white, 39'c; No. 2, 40c; No. S.'SS'c; No. 4, 3c. Futures market was without trana sctlons, closing nominal. Receipts, 9, 876 bu. HA Unsettled ; prime. t.40ai.o0; No. L fl.8otil.40; No. 2, $1.2641 1.30. HII)F7S Quiet; Central America, 19V 20c; Bogota, 2122c. LmEJL'i HEH bieaay : hemlock firsts. 23Mj 627c; seconds, aiVf23ic; thirds, l3'-0c; rejects. 14yloc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; meas, $17.76 6 it io. lamlly. SlS.omii20.uu. short clear?, I16.00ttjl8.00. Beef, quiet;, mesa, $12.60113 00; family, $13.60ii 14.00; beef hama. $24.60427.00. Cut meata, ateady; pickled belli ea, l0.0t9 $14.00; pickled hams, $11.7512 60. Lard, steady; middle weat prime, $8.158.26; re fined, quiet; continent. $8.66; South Amer ica, $?.h0: compound. $7.L!4v7.37 TALLOW Firm ; prime city. hhda., 15-16c; country. b1h(66'4c. BUTTER Steady; creamery specials, 22c; extraa, 21c; firsts, 20jj2iHc; seconds, lsra 194c; thirds, 16Vkii'17Vc; state dairy flnesu 21c; good to prime, 11 30c; common to fair, 1lilSc; process special, 17c; extras. ltiV,c; firsts, lc; aeconda, 141a416o; factory, cur rent make, firsts. 18c; seconds. lBVc. CHEESE Steady ; old skims, cV'oloc; new, ECrGS Irregular; fresh gathered selected extras. 19c; regular packed firsts. 16ijl'7c; cold storage packed, first to extras, 179 18c; regular packed seconds. 15tpl5Sc; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1, 14&Mjc; No. 2. Uv&13c; fresh gathered checks, good to prime. 13c; poor to fair, &t12c; western gethered white. 17i"u?0c. POULTRY Dressed. steady; western fowls. 126W4c; turkeys, 188l6c. Minneapolis Grain; Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 12 -WHEsAT-Mav, ftvic; July, Stie; September. 90fJ 90Ao; December, 904c: No. 1 hard. Wajc; No. 1 northern, 9VJ97V; No. I northern, 94VfH7V:; No. 3. 92510. SEED Flax. 82.84. BA RLEY-0jV4r. CORN No. 8 yellow, 614620. OATS No. I white, 32i(J8:c RYE No. t. 90e. P RAN 821 6(tl 23.00. F1AUR Flrat patenU, $4. 094.90: second patents, $4.60d4.ftO; first, clears, IS KnS .86; second clears, $2.202.85. Visible Sepply at Orala. NEW YORK, May 22 The visible supply of grain in the United States May 20, aa compiled by the New York Produce ex change, was as follows: Wheat 24 034 000 hu. : ilMruia 616.000 bu.: Com 4.478 000 bu. : decreaaa. 8S8 000 bu. : Oats. SnJO.OOO bu.; decrease, 8K8.000 bu.; Rve. 29.000 bu. ; decrease. 8.000 bu.; Barley. 1.070 000 bu.: Increase, 108,000 bu.; The visible supply of wheat In Canada Isst Saturday was 7.614.0U0 bushels, a de crease of 81.6.000 bushela. Pklladrlpkla Preealaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 22. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 23c; nearby prints. 24c. EGOS Steady: Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. 86f per case; current receipts, free caaea. 84 80; western firsts, free rases. 86.10 per caae. CHEESE Steady; New York, full rreama. old, fancy, September, UB12ic; fair to good. Ui&llVso; new, aa to quality, 117 11 Wc. I Isfsr Market. NEW YORK. May 22-SUQAR-Kaw dull; mtiacovado, 8 test, I toe; centrifugal. n test. 8 Sac; molaaaea. 89 test, 3.11c; re fined, steady. Wool Market, ST. LOC18. May 22 WOOL Unchanged ; territory aad western mediums. li!17c; fine mediums. Ufflic; fins, ll-fllte. Elgin Batter Market. E7LGIN. 111 . May 22 BUTTER Firm at He; output, 833. 7M0 pounds. Felrment Creamery let g. S per ri. Petrmnnt Creamery pfd 7 per cent. I'i-a Portland 1 emi.t lat mlg. a. Kanaaa Oaa A r7lc4. 7 per ct. pfd. 4 aneaa city Hr A 1 a. 111. ... Omaha Water e. 144 i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET ; Cattle Are Generally Steady to Ten ! Cents Lower. HOGS SELL TEN - CENTS LOWIS Fat heea and Laanka Verr Scare f Fifteen te Twenty Five Centa. POnTH OMAHA. May 22. 1011.' Receipts were: Cattle. Hrs. pheep Fstlmate Afnnday 4 400 S.l) 1 i.4 came oay last aeek 4 784 Same day 8 weeks agev. 8.S70 Same day 8 weeks ago.. 3.7H8 Same day 4 weeka go.. 2.J Same dav lasi iu s ait 4 k0 J s - 6.218 44.714 3 1 P.IWl S.S:'8 i.m S.824 The following table shows the receipts of of csttle. hogs and sheep at South ihnaha for the year to date as compared with li11 1910. Inc tattle; , 403.3.08 HSI.ril 17.770 Hoga 1,031. MJ 8S8 197. 4K. Sheep 000.206 S78,Sf 80,848 The following table shows the avernire prices on hoas at South Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons: Pates. I till .:10.1908.1903. 1907. 11808. 1190S. .! 8 SKUI sni T 04' a rt a i t n Mav May Mav May Mav Mat- 8 801 80 e 1 301 8 8R I 88! I ( 41 7 04 T Osl T 11 I 6 84 XV, 8 Sli 6 23 S 24 , 8 80i h IS 6 S'l 6 8Nl 7V 6 24! s 1 8 i 6 20 8 3 23 8 Sj 6 1 8 3t, t 20 I S 34 ( s :a, 1 29 I 8 21 t 80i 26 8 84 T 02; tx 0 7 Oil T O0 May May 20... 1 j May 21. ..f May 23... I I I 38, 231 6 88 8 24 I 37, 18 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nlon Block Tarda. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. Mon day: , RECEIPT S-CAR8. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. C. M. A St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Psciflc C. N. W.. east C. N. W.. west C, St. P., M. O C, B. A Q . east C B A g . west C, R. I. A P.. eaat.... C. R. I. A P., weat Illinois Central Chicago Great Western 8 . 9 . I . M , 8 , , S2 , S , 81 , 5 , $ . 2 Total receipts. .180 DISPOSITION HEAD. Omaha Packing Co 67S 9!7 22 Swift & Co 1.0r8 1.60 27. Cudahy Packing Co AM 8.079 US Armour & Co 902 1.9S3 307 Schwartx-Bolen Co 812 .... Krey Packing Co 207 .... Sinclair 112 Rhode Island 6ft Stephana Bros 7 Hill A Son 82' Huston A Co 22 J. B. Root A Co 11 McCreary A Carey 3 .... .... Other buyers - 879 Totals. S.8G8 7.654 1.221 CATTLE Receipts of cattle at this point were no larger than on Monday of last week, although larger than on a good many first of the week days. However, other markets were well eupplled, especially Chicago having a very heavy run for tills seasun of the year. ' The big receipts at Chicago proved to be the weak feature of the day's trade. In consequence of that practically all the markets showed more or less decline. Beef steers at this point were alow In opening, and it was late In the forenoon before very much business had been trans acted. Here and there soms of the choicest light cattle may not have sold very much lower, but aa a general thing beef steers, especially anything having weight, were 10o lower than laat week's oloss Choice. light heifers and light cows on the heifer order sold early at about steady prices. The heavier cows were slow and week, and In most cases as much aa lOo lower. Thera were ho feeders hero of arty conse quence, but what few thera were sold at very strong prices. Two loads of Texas steers brought $6.68. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $o.769.10; fair to good beef steers, V.Wtj5.76; common to fair beef steers, $6.08 36.60; good to choice heifers, $6.0ti36.75: good to choice cows, 84.7V3.36; fair to good cows and heifers. $4.26tf4.76; oomroon to fair cows and heifers. I2.7b3-4.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, $6.8036.70; fair to good stockers and feeders, 5.80a.70; fair to good stockers and feeders. $5.00g6.30: common to fair stockers and feeders, $4.08 436.OO; stock heifers. $4.26&.00; veal calves, 14.2603.36; bulla stags, etc., $4.0006.26. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Aa Pr. Ne. As. Pr. M..,.., 777 S II It ... 11 I TO 14 1148 S II 17 114 I 70 T 444 S 40 II 1424 4 70 H 1211 S 44 14 1111 1 70 20 lis S 40 14 71 70 2 1214 I 44 84..... 1141 8 10 SO 1011 S 4 It 1424 S 14 41 Ill 4 14 22 1UI S 74 U) 1244 4 4 II IMS 8 74 II 1244 4 40 111 4 71 M 1114 4 0 II 122 4 74 1 It I 0 14 1214 I 74 2 .1144 4 44 44 124 4 71 41 12M I 46 II 1M7 4 44 . 1104 I 4 7 1441 I 44 16 1244 S II 1MI 4 44 II 1217 I M 17 till 4 II 10 1424 I 44 44 144 S 14 SO 1171 4 14 STEERS. HEIFERS AND COWS. M 421 4 74 4 114 4 444 4 20 40 124 4 4 7 111 I 24 24 401 S 40 S3. 494 4 SS IS 1021 4 4 U 462 I 40 14 HtO M I S42 I 40 II 124 I 74 IKS I 4 87 K I 40 (1 742 S 41 COWS. M Ill 4 II II 14 4 4 1120 4 6 4 111 4 0 It ..171 4 4 1 1284 4 M 34 ..1414 4 ft II 1011 I 00 11 1074 4 M 17 101 I 0 11 I0 4 10 17 Ml I II 11 ..1124 4 7 . 8 1040 8 SS 1 1241 4 0 H EIFERS. 11 lit 4 M 1 Tl I 44 10 441 I 4 8 811 8 44 BULLd. 1 400 4 14 1 1444 4 0 I , 11 4 tfl I 0l 4 M !.... lib 4 M 1 U44 I 4 1244 4 71 1 144 S 00 1 15 4 74 1 14S 00 1.... .1110 4 K 1 42 8 IS 1 ..146 4 Wl 1 1220 4 II 1.... 110 4 4 t HI S IS I'ALVKS. t 14 4 I 8 - 840 T SS t IK SS ' 171 7 t l m ki l in in 1 10 1 74 4 171 1 St 110 1 00 1 12 t St M 114 I 24 S 170 t 40 I KM 7 24 1 1S4) T 4 1 14 T 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 44 1 T 174 S 84 10 4 10 11 114 16 ..., 41 4 SS 4.'. 711 I 40 1 40 4 44 1 414 4 44 , Wet4ierna Nebraska-Texas. 60 feeder.. 721 t 60 HOGS Receipts were massed at Chicago today, following a Monday precedent that has no explanation, and marketa at al) points ruled lower. Th break locally amounted to a dime, all weights sharing In the decline. Only ninety-five oars arrived at this point and, with demand ample and reasonably active, no reaaona except those coming over the wires could be credited with cheaper cost. Yarda were cleared of offeringa before 10:80 a. m. Spreads between lard, butcher and bacon grades held at even smaller margins than last week, but any contraction in the range waa alight and resulted from depres sion In high-costing material rather than a reel star, t tons to trade in heavies. Long strings ranged from S6.tU4lo.70 and beat light animals on sale reached 86.76. a dime lese than Saturday's high price. Shippers and speculators furnished very few orders snd brought In all only five or six loads This policy , proved a natural one. of course, as heavy receipts tn the eaat always act as a strong brake upon demand from order buycra Representative aalea: Ke. Av. Sk. Pr. , Ne. Av. Sk. Pr. 0 404 MS 44 '44 Se ku4 4 44 4 414 ... 4 4 12 ... 4 1 II 21 SI 4 44 ' 7 24 10 I 44 44 Ill ... I 14 tr, Ut 4 4 44 17 2t M I 44 Tl 241 10 I I 42 24 S 4 k 41 224 14 4 44 4 li ... Ill 44 141 ... 44 4 41 ... 4 44 72 241 M I 11 40 12 44 41 431 140 I 44 I.. Ill 1 4 44 11 t4 ... 114 44 "f 4 I 44 74 Ul M 1 46 tl 2 ... I 14 44 244 ... 4 44 H 44 . 4 4 74 141 4 4 M I 141 114 S 44 44 Jol 12 I H 14 44 . . 4 44 71 l'l Se I at 44 IKI S 147 44 24 4 44 (2 24 120 4 40 11. 241 . . 4 44 I 14 ... 4 40 44 147 S I 4 7 24 10 I 44 71 lit 40 4 I 1 241 . . 4 4 17 14 4 II 24 40 I 0 I 110 ... 4 44 14 2l 4" 4 4 'It ... 44 41 .13 4 4 0 tl 244 4 44 41 20 ... I tO 7 244 4 44 tO 44 ... 8 44 44 11 ... 7t T f4 10 4 eo T tl 0 I 7 I 21 Jl ... SO ?0 .1 4 4T M 2 ... I 0 SS ! ... ST II Ml ... 0 71 .140 4 0 I 70 1 7 Jl 0 4 0 4 407 ' 40 I 7 41 IH 12 4 S Tl M 40 I 74 41 144 . I S 74 K 00 I 70 rm i- 12 I SO 44 ' ISO s 7 M HO ... 10 U 114 84 I 74 4 f-4 0 4 an 71 ST ... S 10 M ? 40 4 71 17 ... 4 TO 47 74 ... 40 41 1'l ... 8-- 7 ... 4 4 , t'0 ... 4 70 II ,?4 ... n T4 121 .171 41 2!.7 8 I M 77 .t'7 J"0 4 7!i, M T4 ... I SO 74 jnO ... 4 7J' SO r4 40 I SO HI Ill o 4 75 an 4 10 aa 7J 114 R 11 II 24 IS l 10 ... :...l4 ... 174 t tM 10 I an inx Ii4 40 I 71 ll i2 an 7 .. .I '7 ... I 7t sn iao 4 77 04 ... 4 7J . 4 2".o Wl 74 l , . 4". 0. Ml 0 7 14 40 4 7 71 M 00 4 l"H 4t 2'1 1'0 Tl Sf.7 ISO at 71 14 2(4 I TJ S 1ft o ao in ... 74 44 14 IN I 41 IS 11 ... 1 II MIKKP-lt as a little market In tie sheep barn this morninu. but what If lacked in volume v. aa more than offset by life and strength. Prices ruled sharply higher on everv thing thnt was sold. t artlrally all nf six-car supply hiwtng lf.'SIio advances. A run of this sle hsd much to do wlih Improvement, of rnure. and It 1a hardly probable that offeringa amounting t twenty or more doubles eon id have met ith such an tinquallf led demand. l.emhs reached the highest levels of tha reason one string of wonled Colorado Mexicans aelllng at $7.20. They were choice seventy-four-potinders and the price noted in the highest on record slnr-e August of Isat year. Hhorn western lambs, weighing sixty-five pounds, moved at M M). Indli-atlnvr a possible limit of $fi.7S. Another shipment of heavier animals commanded $4.2. The proportion of old sheep In receipt saa so small that few of the talent seemed wining to give an opinion on the trade for fear of unduly encnurlng feeders. Mexican yearlings In fleece reallxed aa much as 88.D0 and Mexican wether, alao wooied, found an outlet at SS.40. Shorn etve, tlia only onea on sale, sold at 14 25. but something irime In this line Is quotsble tip to I4ii. Quotations on sheer-and lambs: Good to choice spring Iambs. $. 75tj 8 2o : fair t- good apiing lambs, 16.75'fi'S 76; Mexican lambs. $R6''a7.26; wetern handv lambs. W 35751.90; western lambs, heavy. W.wyq-ij . .vi; good lo choice ahorn lambs. I.36fl4j.;6: fair to pond ahorn lambs $i.2,V7rci 26; shorn feeding lambs. H.-wflt 3f ; shorn retrllns. 14 S-Vir 5.2S; ahorn wether. M3.VfM.ao; shorn, good to choice ewes. l4.2riT4 &5; fair to good shorn eaea. 3.lv,S4.25. Representative sales: 414 western ewea ....... . 9,7 36 western ewes, shorn.... 11 20 western shorn lambs, culls.. o IS spring lambs .o2 12A western shorn lambs v 212 Mexican lambs 16 13 Mexican lambs, culls 'AS 261 Mexican lambs ...v.. 73 4 26 4 60 6 60 7 76 26 60 60S 7 20 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for tattle Steady Hogs Lower Sheep Hlather. CHICAGO. May 22.-CATTLE-ReceIpts. 26.000 head; market, steady to lOn lower; beeves, $o.l0-n.40; Texas steers, 14 tWH 60; weetern steers. $4.WVd6.60; stockers and feeders. $3.90-S.7R; cows and heifers. $2.40fJ 6.70; calves. $4 75j7.25. HOGS Receipts, 62,000 head; market. 6o lower for light; 10c down for others com pared with Saturday's closing: light, $6,769 8.10; mixed. $6.7rJgi.0O; heavy. $V50j"..9."; rough, $6.60tr6.ri6; good to choice heavy, 5.6u6.fl6; pigs, $5.50r?i-o.00; bulk of salea, $&.8VYf.A0. SHEEP AiND LAM Bi Receipts. 20.000 head; market. 15c to 2.V higher; native, SS.ZSfrt.Sfi; western, SS.WrrilW; yearlings, $4.0IVij6.t6; native lambs. $4.7668.10; western, !6.60'(i'7.26. Kanaaa City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, May 22. CATTLE Re- celpta, I,(f'i) head, including 700 southerns; market, steady to shade higher; dressed beef and export steers, $6.7045. 15: fair to good, In.20g6.ro; western steers, $5.O0fJ8.OO; stockers and feeders. 14.7'ooto; southern steers, $4.60.00; southern cows. I3.00-a4.76, native cows, tiTSQiOO; native heifers. $4.78 6.00; bulla, $3.8'8.00; 'calves. $6.0trg7.25. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; market. 10c lower; bulk of salea, IS.fe66.W; heavy, $580 T6.90; packers and butchers, $6.82406.9O; lights. $6.86t6 96. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts, 10,009 hetd; market, 10c to 16o higher; lambs, 25c to 60o higher; Texas goats, $4.00; lambs, $fl.vrrf7.00; yearlings. 14.766.60; wethers. l4.tVkQin.00; ewes, 4.0g4.60; stockers and (seders, $3.0O5?l.S5. Bt. Laala Mve Btaelc Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 21 CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,200 head, including 2,400 Taxans; market, steady; native shipping and export steers, 16.75714.46; dreasad beef and butcher steers, 5 40tf!&0;' steers under l.OuO pounds, S6.0Uifi.2S; stockers and feeders, $2.yf.16; cows and heifers, $3.O0.26; canners. $"..00a 816; bulls, l3.7f(5.50; calves, 86.org).2A; Texas and Indian steers, $4.&i3.26; cows and heifers, 33.tVxg6.ri0. HOGS Receipts, 8.800 head; market. 6c to 10c lower; pigs and lights, $5.50ig.10; packers, 86.9006.06; butchers and best heavy, $r.96$.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 7.000 bead; market, steady; native muttons, $4.00 63.00; lambs, 15.504(7.60; culls and bucks, $3.00(23.50; stockers; $2.2503.00. 84. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, May 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.600 head. Market ateady to 1"C lower; steers. S4.60Qfj.on; cows and heifers, $3.5tKg5.76; calves. $3 6ii7 26, " HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head. Market 10f8 15c lower; top, $5.95; bulk of sales, I6 7t4 $ 86 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head. Market lM?26o higher; lambs, $5.002 $.80. took ta Blgkt. Receipts of live stock at the five prln cipal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hog, snoop. South Omaha. . St. Joseph Kanaaa City.... ert. Louie Chicago Totals i.400 .. 4,600 .. 8,000 .. 6.200 ..36,000 ...48.100 (7.800 39.600 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 22. COFFEE Futures opened Irregular at a decline of 1 point to an advance of I point. There was soma foreign and local selling, chiefly of March, but European markets were steady. There were bullish private crop estimates front Brar.il. Brazilian firm offers were said to be steady to a shade higher and while August contracts held about a point undor the figures of laat night, other positions Improved on oovering and bull support. The close waa ateady, net 1 point lower lo 7 points higher. Kales. 29 730 hags. Mav and June. 10.60c; July, lO.flae; August 10.6c; September, 10.64c; October, 10.25c; Novem ber, 10.3.1c; December and .Tanuarv. 1034c; February and March. 10 85c; April,' 10 3rtc, Havre waa & franc higher. Hamburg waa 14'3 pfv higher Rio waa unchanged at 7$td. hantos was 60 rels higher; 4s, fi0; 7s. 68100. Receipts at the two Brazil ian ports were 9.000 bags, as against lLOfr) last year. Jundiah'v reeelpta were t.4 bags, as against 6.2i0 lsst yenr. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday were 6.744 baa, aa agalnat 5.848 last year. A Snntoa firm cabled estimating the new Santos crop at lO.eooooo bass, or a little undr previous eat 1 ma tea. spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio. 13c; No 4 Santos, 13"eC. Mild, quleti Cordova, 13ta15e. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 22 METALS Stand ard copper was firm, but quiet; spot. May, June, July and August. Sll.Mtf 00. London spot, 56 16s Sd; futures, 66 Is Sd Airvais of copper reported at New York today, L406 tons. Custom house returns show ex ports of 19.627 ton so far this month. Lake copper, $12.2tVfil2.37H; electrolytic, Snootf 31 25: casting, II 1.7T,j 11.17",. Tin, dull; spot, 43 30-&-4S 87V,; May and June. $43 fl348 26; July. lt2 2.Vo4a.60. August. $41.26341.76. Lon don market, steady; svot. IM; futurea, 169 16s. Lead dull; $4.44X44.60. .New York; $4.3004 26. Eaat St. Louie London, spot, 13 Spelter, steady; So 16 tf 4 40. New York; 62tttr6.26. Eaat St. Louie; London. 24 7 Sd. Antimony, Cook eon a. S9.00-g9.6O. Iron, Cleveland warranta. 4oe 9d In London. lo cally Iron waa unchanged; No. 1 foundry, northern. No. 1 foundry southern snd No. 1 foundry southern soft. 315 2tVql6.7fc; No. 1 foundry northern. 81S.0Orai6 60 ST. IAJUI3. May 22. METAIli Lead, steady at 84 36. Spelter, dull at $6 20. Terpentine aad Real a. SAVANNAH. Ga . May 23 -TUftPEN-TINE Firm at 6Mfcc; ealn. 1,213 bbls ; re relpia. 'if bbls.; shipments, 781 bbls ; stocks. 13,374. I'.OSIV Firm; sslea, tV bbla ; receipts. . ., . ,.(,1 ....,., i ao bhls.; stoika. H,f3 bbla B. 6 56; E. 9; F. O, $1 -, v. . rv. Ii. J', M, $7 35; N, $750, K. i . $7 00; W. W.. $7.7$. tattea Market. ST. LOU1K. May a.WTOTTO.V U.i changed; middling. 16Hc; aalea, 1A3 t.:... receipt. 4T4 bale; shipment, 474 bal.''; lock. 12 1VJ hales. Persistent Advertising 1 th Road to B.g Ratun 6.30 1,600 8.6O0 1,000 11.000 lO.OvO 9600 T.00U 12.000 20.000 f I ) f' I '1 ! t-ji . ir i v kmmtrmmm"mh-