THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAT 22, 1911. r- ( f ( 1 OFFERED FOR RENT rinlikrl R atlaaed. KTCELT furnished front room, with bed room adjoining. 2 N. wth. FURNISHED room, under now mutiit ment; large front room, suitable for two; also north aid east room. I Capitol Ave. GOOD room for gentlemen or man and wife. 218 No. 19th. LAROB front room with alcove, private family; homallke. modern, cool; large, hady lawn; with board; gentlemen. W24 Emmet. Tela., Weh. 328, B-1326. S70J Fsmam St., cool, clean, modern rooms, reaannable; breakfaat If desired. 115 Large, cool corner room, U fur nished, with or without piano. No objec tion to muilo or practice. Nice bath, flenty of hot water; also Ice water. Both elephones. Walking distance. Ieaven worth car one block. 2M3 Bt. Mary's. ONE nicely furnished room. In modern home of young couple, walking distance, rao Burt Ft. NEATLY furnished, all modern room", $2 and up; also housekeeping rooms H block from postofflce. 212 N. 17th Bt, ONE or two extra fine front rooms, ele- fiant furniture: all modern; fins, large awn; walking distance; no sign on house. l N. Soth. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suit able for two gentlemen. 816 N. 19th St. BEAUTIFUL, large room; also smaller one; modern; clcsa In. 616 N. 23d. lied WO. ELEGANTLY furnished large front rooms also suit of rooms for light house keeping In fine locality. Everything new and strictly modern. W, N. 21st. Both I hones. Douglas 86S1; Ind. B-1087. FIVE small and large rooms at popular prices, 2201 Douglas. NICELY furnished rooms In private, family, all outside exposure, large porch, lose in. lil Harney. 'Phone Harney 6081. I FURNISHED rooms, with private fam ily In modern home; good location; walk ing distance. 602 a 28th Et COOL, furnished rooms, good neighbor hood, at reasonable price, to be had at 1817 Cass. TWO Well furnished cool rooms In mod ern home. West Karnam. Reasonable rent. Nice shady yard. Tel Harney 4P13. TWO nice, clean furnished rooms, very cool In summer, walking distance, at 2221 jjoage Bt. , NICELY furnished rooms In private home, one south room and one north room, cool ior summer, close in, on two car lines. 1919 Dodge Ft. NICELY furnished one and two house keeping rooms, su rena-a. fine nelrrhltor , nooa. walking distance. x N. z&th Bt.1 VERY nicely furnlehed front room, suit sb'e for two gentlemen, close In, on two car lines. inzi uoage fcn. NICELY furnished, modem, clean room hot and cold water all the time. 2309 Dewey Ave. TWO nicely furnished south rooms; mod em; nice, quiet neighborhood; also two un furnished front rooms. 403 8. 26th Ave. ELEQANT furnished room for rent. finest location, strictly modem; private family; walking distance. Tel. Harney 6035. 8348 Howard 6t, large south front room. NICELY furnished room, Hanscom park and Field club district, on car line. Phone Harney 71. TWO strictly modern rooms, single er nsulte. suitable for two or . three. 1607 Feraam. Douglas 6-- FOR RENT Large front room to twe gentlemen, private family. SU N. 22d St. FOR GENTLEMEN 1701 Davenport Bt, large, eool front room, neatly furnished; also single room with I windows; every thing modem; one block te postofflce; hot water an summer, mono ryier utM. THREE furnished rooms, one front room ak.,4 n . ka.l, . .1 .wmfnAhl rooms, three blocks from town. 1816 Chi cago. l VERY large, well-furnished, newly papered soutneest parlor, witn pay win dow: with or without Dlano; nice bath, plenty of hot water; both telephones; car ne oiock. aK gt. Mary a Ave. 812.00 PER MONTH: clean: very desira ble; modern; room suitable for two. 26o8 Harney bt. Harney 117a. NICELY furnished ouMdt rooms at 8411 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6Ki2. TWO large rooms facing north and south in strictly modern flat; walking distance; cool place for summer. U1I Chicago Bt. Telephone Douglas 673a, LADY will rent nice famished room to quiet transients, Cows, town. A mS. FOR RENTV-Neat furnished rooms, un der new management; some suitable for two gentlemen, 1918 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Doug, ecir FOR RENT Two modem rooms, close in. reasonable prices. 1924 Douglas Bt. . W 4 Bl V U VP A - tiJI ....... . cellar; price, fll 1607 Pierce. Inquire 1301 bo. Sbth avenue. CLOSE-IN, centrally located, modern rooms, In delightful neighborhood; hot and cold water all the time; first-class table boai-4. 6U B. 19th St. WHEN you buy O'Brien's candy you know it Is the best. If O. Turner, 1016 Burt St., will come to The Bee office lth!n three days ws will give him an or der for a 60 cent box of O'Briens candy flee. Motels aad Apartaseats. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for sen. lemon. THE CHATHAM. 110 a. uth BL Ogden Uotel S,0,?! Rooa DODCE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; ail cool outside rooms; special week rate. FOR RENT Five-room apartment In The filniaa. Apply 41 Omint National bank ldg., or vail Douglas l&te. FIVE-ROOM apartment, bath, south ex posure, (J per month. No. U Mason apart menu, list and Mason. Call li etui. SIX rooms, completely modern. Soargo Kldg.. & Omaha, above 6a) N. 84lh St. Hail 438 Rainge; D. 7401; A-4406. ( room, modem flat within walking dis tance, within 8 blocks of three car lines. IA U. Ud. Apply 22U N. 2J4. REriT DESIGNED APARTMENT IN OMAUAl 8 ROOM d, IN Fl RdT CLA8S CONDITION; UiOD IiX'ATlON; TO TARTY WHO WILL BUY THE FURNI TURE AT A REASONABLE PRICE PRESENT TliNANT. WHO HAS BEEl-f THE ONLY OCCUPANT OK A11 APARTMENT UNCK THET WKKE COMPLETED, W ISHES TO LEAVE THE CITY. ADDRESS E. ,6, BEE. VERY modern, t-rocm apartment ia West r'ertism street, beautifully located. OHN W. KOBB1NS. 14 r AKNAM ST. BIX-ROOM apartment In the Barnard. Apply 416 Omalva Nai l Hank Bldg. p. 181 SUPERB nothing like It 4 or room fist, ail modern. tt N. 134 Bt. BDC-ROOM apartment In the RrinvUller:' 8U.80. Oak bridge lav. Co., D. XXil. THE GENOA. 8&30 Cass. Just completed. Aperunenie, five rooms each, bath, ser vant's room. Every modarn convenience of the highest charactsr. See Janitor. STEAM-HBATFD apartmena of rooms each, with jantttr and puhllo 'phone, in New Troy. m Harney. Call for Janitor. THCei. W. HAZBN. 907 M'Cegue, D, JJ0O. 80th AVE. and Pacific modem alihi. room Tat. 8JR Poeeeeston June 1. Wr'gnt A LaDury, sue bo. itn bu . mono D. 1U 8 ROOM brick, all modem: close in. 1118 Chlcsgo St. IM. OKEEFH REAL E3TATT9 CO. 1U16 Omaha Net. Bank Bldg. Doug, or A-JIU. FIVE-ROOM MOTERN FLAT. 8-X- U08 8. 14TH. PHOSE WEBSTfcR 978. ituations OFFERED FOR RENT A part me eta sai Flats ' Continwe-d. 1 MOD. 4-R. flat. 122.60. Har. 1246. and yard. 16th and Vinton! Oakbrldge lnv. Co . 1). 2157. 4-ROOM modem flat. 1113 S. 11th. Fsrslikea Hasiekeeplag Hooma. DESIRABLE steam heated rooms for light housekeeping. 4.68 North Mil bL FOR RENT Two nloely furnished room, good housekeeping rooms. 606 N. 13d Kl FOR RENT Two unfurnished house keeping rooms. 621 North 33d St. ' FOR RENT Three rron rooms; desira ble for light housekeeping, toll Davenport St. FOR RENT Two varnished rooms; de sirable for light housekeeping. 4640 North aih St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, de treble tur light housekeeping, 2CJ4 Call- tnrnl. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 1719 Cuming street. LARGS, Veautlful lawn for summer; one housekeeping room with alcove and one furnished room; ail modern. 2806 Ames Ave. TWO or four rooms, ensulte; nice summer home for two people; pleasant location; near car line; no children; very reasonable. Phone Harney 4266. 4229 Harney St. FOR RENT Three rooms desirable for housekeeping, good location. . 604 a. teu St. FOR RENT Nine rooms for light house keeping. 1614 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two rooms for housekeep ing. 1921 Cbtoago St. FOR RENT Two front rooms, first floor, private family. S14 N. 24th St. FOUR elegantly furnished front rooms on main floor, complete for housekeeping; 830 per month. 2018 Davenport. THREE rooms, modem except beat 2326 8. L2th St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. 622 N. 22d St. THRE40 or four nlooly furnlshejd front rooms, main floor, complete for house keeping. 2018 Davenport St. FOUR elegant rooms in private resldencei Furnished complete for light housekeep ing. 106 S. 80th. THREE elegant rooms furnished or un furnished, all modern, close in; no sign on house. 220 No. 20th, St. TJafaralahed Rooms, THREE desirable rooms, private family. 1420 South Sixteenth St. FOR REIN T 6 room. 1021 8. 30th. Phone Red 716. FOR RENT Three rooms, modern; - oa car line; referaacea 810 Cass. CHEAP 6 rooms, modem except furnace; one block south of Vinton school. Call Douglas 6196. THREH unfurnished rooms, bath room, storeroom, outslds porch; nice garden end fruit; modern except heat; no children. 2617 N.. 18th St: THREE mod-.-rn unfurnished rooms. 816 a Doth BL YOUNO couple can have with private family two unfurnished rooms for house keeping; strictly modem, finest location, walking distance. Address D 303, Bee. 2619 N. 19th Ave., four nice housekeeping rooms; pain, gas stove; U per mourn Phone Douglas 6136. FOR RENT Six rooms, all modem; 1812 Cspltol Ave.; only 6-W a month, leu itea 8177. NICE cool room in prlvlate family, 2308 Capitol Ave. WHEN you spend your money spend It for the beet there is. If C. W. Waterman. u8 South 14th avenue, will come The Bee office within three days we will give him an order tor a 60 cent oox of u tinea a candy free. Faralahed Heaaa, MODERN, well furnished house to reli able party. Phone Harney 4a48. mit RENT-Furnished house for sum mer. West Farnam. Harney 6439. Iloases aad Cottages. OM EXPRESS CO ; careful men, well padded vans. 416 N. 17. D. K&4. lad. B UB4, unTrriirnnr.n ru-iTkna n,pkid. forwarded: cbeap freight ratee; movlrg and storing. s.xprsssmen s jjeuvery 1.0.. xei. uoug. rv City office, 214 a. lllh St., f-ee Bldg. THE elegant ten-ream modem house ea suuiiiasi comer SmX ana Davecport Sta will be tor rent May 1; neghborhood most deelrable. Price V per montn. . CONHAD YOUNC3. ta Brandels Theater Bldg. TeL Doug. UTL K3i California St., 10 rooms, modem; good condition; newly papered. JOHN N. FKENZEK, BOTH PHONES, SEVEN-ROOM modern bouse. U Jack son, l-it. Harney 8677. 2238 Charles BU, 6 rooms, 8& U16 N. luth St.. 6 rooms, M. JOHN N. FRNZER, BOTH PHONES. Houses. Ins. King wait. Brandels Ta. Bldg. Modern. T-r. bouse; Bear park. 1611 & St. UNEQUALLED, central, 7-roora bouse, linn sua ,n " parte of the city. Crelgh Sons Co., h Bee Hid. FOR RENT Ten-room brick dwelling. recently remodeled; oak floors; newly papered; two buth rooms; larga lawn; new lighting fixtures. 40. Inquire Ziil 8. luth. MODERN 8-roora brick. 1109 N. 1M. 8-ROOM modern houee; fine location close to car Una; 810 month; rear of 8uua California, lei. Ked 43&4. FOR RENT Good home, ehean. Slst and Jackson, seven rooms, all modern, three bed rooms, in complete repair; only La. Tel. Red U64. l-ROOM house, all modern,, at northwest comer -D snd Webster Sis,, newly pa. pered and painted, oak floors, cement bas tuenL paved street and one block to car Hue. l-i txi per month. W. J. DERMODS INVEST. CO., 114 City Nat. Bank bldg. Telephone Douglas ita. Two 8-rooms, brick bldg., modern. One room St. Louis fiat, modern. Three rooms. 1734 So. ISth BL Four rooms, newly papered. Large storeroom. lth and Vinton. C. M, Barhinan, 436 pax ton Blk. TeL Red 2tB. Kesiaence, uoug. tms. 8610 AMES AVE , brick flat. 6 rooms and bain, U. Wsbsler 1339. 8-ROOM modern house, newly papered and painted throughout, oak floors, 127 W per month, la 4 Weheter Sl W. J. Der mody Invest. Co.. 1614 City Nat l Bank bidg Doug. 786. COOL, BHADT. NEAR BOULEVARD S-ROOM COTTAGE. MODfcKN, GOOD REPAIR. UAJt.Y 8t' h "liT 'UT1 aSXiJCi OFFERED FOR RENT H 8-ROOM house, bath, 2U0 Miami. 8?5 per month; water paid. Call Webster 2674. 7-ROOM, hew hoijfce; all r it door esst. modern. 8126 Cass. Inquire ne FOR RENT Thoroughly modern 6-room house; newly painted and papered. 2519 Emmet or Tel. vveo. zi4. Ji.09 MAPLE St., five rooms, modern ex cept furnace. 122.30. Hall Distributor Co. A-4406, U. 7400. 7-ROOM house, strictly modern: 4.T0S Erskine. Nice lawn, shade and fruit; M per month. Also strictly modern 6-room cottsgo, 26"4 Seward. Phone awner. Ben son 266 or Red 663. 8-ROOM cottage; bath, gas. 8508 Cass. Om. Van at Storage Co. packs.moves.stores household good. Fireproof storage; 904 S. 16th. Branch. 809 8. 17lh. Tel. D. 4163. A-lUn ALL modern "-room, 8 blocks from car Una. Call Beneon 881. EIGHT-ROOM modern house. 1401 Evans Bt Phone Webster 14-6. 2103 LOCUST St.. 8 rooms, modern, svlth barn; good yard. P. W. Bterbower, B-1909. FINE 7-room houxe. 3S03 Ohio Bt. Phone Web. 6669. Rent reasonable. DUNDEE Vacant June 1. new. modern oottage, to small family locating perma nently. Tel.- Harney 3317, after 6 p. m. FOR RENT EIGHT-ROOM MODERN bouse on Weet Farnam Dundee line. 112 8. 44th St. Phone Harney 3361. TWO five-room houses; bath, gasj un usually fine. 2781 and 2816 Seward. (17. Open. T-ROOM house, modern except furnsce. first-class condition, rent ri&ht to perma nent tenant. 2619 Calwell. Webster 3726. ONE-HALF dosen rhotogranhs of your self from the Heyn studio, 16th and How ard, will be given the lady writing the best verse about Bee Want Tad rentlng houses this week. FOUR rooms, modern, second floor. 2413 Lake St., 88 &0 . Phone Harney 1246. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, modern. 8037 California, 822.60 per month. 6-ROOM MODERN HOU8E, GOOD CON DITION. FACING PARK: TWO BLOCKS TO SCHOOL; CONVENIENT TO OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA. TEL. RED 8318. O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous every where, because they are the beet. If Mrs. C. Byer, 2326 South 16th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we win give her an order for a 60 cent box free. toree l Offioes. TWO offices. Id floor Crelghton block; elso store st 11 N. 16th St. Alfred Thomas, Agent, 108 First Nat l Bank Bldg. FOR best grooery and meat market la ciiy. with fixtures; a snap. . 230 N. 2td. FURNISH BD office and telephone. - 668 New York Life Bldg. FOR RENT Good 8-story and basement store building at 10u6 Farnam St.; strong floors, cemented basement. Inquire Room 814. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1241. , i STORES FOR RENT. Northwest corner 16th and Harney BL, 22x68 ft. ' Two stores rnew), 2104-6 Cuming St. 936 North 24th St. O. C. REDICK. 1517 Farnam St. DESIRABLE) offices In the Continental Block; either in suits or single. Alfred Kennedy, 2u9 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WHAT does a name mean? If you want to know lust try O'Brien's candles. If Mrs. M. Ratava, 3166 South 15th St., will come to 'The Bee office within three days we will give ber sn order for a 60 cent box of O'Brien's candy free. OFFERED FOR SALE raraltare. KITCHEN RANGE, dining table, chairs, washing machine, ether articles, fine con dition, reasonabls. Ind. A 2073. FOR SALE At a bargain, mahogany office furniture, nearly new; sufficient for two rooms; also rugs and Oliver type writer and stand. Address Box 697. Omaha. BRASS enameled oedstead, steel springs, good mattress, lika new; complete, 8U). Red 1267. REFRIGERATOR, gas range, sewing mi chine, lawn mower, carpets, garden hose, tables; chairs, and other furniture. 939 North 24th St. 125-LB. BOHN "Byatem" Ice box, cost 835, will gell for 115, In good condition. 2806 Ohio. Phone W eb. 2161. Masleal Iaetraaseats. PIANOS FOR RENT. 88 per month. Player Pisnos 810. A. Hospe Co., 1618 Douglas St. Tyas svtego. BUY an L. C Smith A Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swaaaoa Co., Distributer Ui6 Far nam St. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2919. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. You can own a typewriter by paying ue lOe a day. payable t: 60 to 11.60 a month. All the standard machines; visible wrlteis and ethere sold and rented anywhere at "4 to H manufacturer's prices, allowing rental to apply en price. Call or write for bargain list. B. F. SWANSON CO., 1814 Farnam St. Omaha. Mleoellaaewaa. SAFES Overstocked with aecond-hand safes, all eases aad makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., Ill Famam (U. SECONDHAND dresses, good conditloa; t7th and Farnam. Mandell Drelbelble, Mechanics' Tools. SUghUy usid. 1 N. 11 FOR SALE 860 range, will tske VA B BARGAIN IN USED SAFE, good as new. Orpheum Jewelers, 16u1 Harney. CHEAP, one medlum-sixed Cole's hot blast stove, used 6 lears; one small laun dry stove, used 1 year. Call Harney fei7. FINS National cash register; total adder, cheap. 8us N. loth. FOR SALE One 80-ft, paneled counter, suitable for lunch counter or similar pur- rse; slso several small serving tab;es hone So. aa. Hotel dept.. Union Stock ltrds Co. New and second-band aafea 1618 Farnam. With Judge Crawford oa the box. A-gatherlng In the rocks. I'm filled with api'rehenslua and alarm, So before I get in bad 1 11 see that He Want Tad. And have him trade my auto for a farm. J. W. DUNBAR. Mnh and Pierce 6t. This versa Is very good, but does not conform to our style. BARN for sale, 11x20. 8619 Emmet. Phone Web. 821' The tituation column of The Bee it Free to those seeking cm ploymcnt If you want a position, wTite an ad and bring it to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000 and a want ad taker will help you write it. "We will run it free for you. No need for anyone to be out of work with this offer before them. OFFERED FOR SALE Mleeellaaeeo tlaned. SECOND-HAND fans. 813 So. 12th St. 120 LINEAL feet of ornamental castlron rence, wun gates, miiis etc. wnn gams, iJi'tiir. piu. HALL DISTRIBUTOR CO., Douglas 7406; Independent. Phones Do A-4408. FINE organ with mirrors for nearly nothing. 306 N. 16th. FOTl SALE Go-cart with hood. 2819 Woolworth Ave. Harney 12S7. FOR SALE Grading; outfit, ten wheel scrapers, ten dump wagons and a lot of sup scrapers. Call at sio Hee Hidg. or 4122 Howard St. 'Phone Douglas 2904 or Hsrney 2638. Ed Shaw, attorney for mortgagee. LA ROE COAL HAXOE. 810. three-plate gas stove, 82. Tel. Harney 2201. CHEAP7, PMITH PREMIER; excellent condition. Thomas Kllpatrlck Co.. drapery department. FOR SALTS Cheep; No. 7 Rotary Neo style virtually new. Tyler 1000. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. C B. Hoover. 2519 South 11th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an oraer ror a w cent nox tree. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 808-9 Brandels Theater Bldg Katheryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandels Theater. PATENTS HIRAM A. STUBGES, reg. attorney. 641 Brandels T heater Bldg. Douglas 3469. D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111 WILLARD EDDY, U. 8. Pat. Office offi cial solicitor. 1630 City Nat. Bank. Tyler 1530. PERSONAL MECHANO THURAPY Maseage treatment for nervous debility. Dr. Margaret Halloran. Neville Blk. D.7761. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 DOuglaa block. Both phones. HATHS ea,t Eow Knd massage, 1603 L'l-L,J Dodge, 8d floor, opposite post office. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7666. MAGNETIC treatment, 89. Brott, 1911 DR. BURKE, disease of women. Omaha. SPECIAL lady's prize of one-half dosen photographs of herself from the Heyn studio, 16th and Howard street, for the best verse written by a lady this week about Bee Want Tad renting houses. Try ana see now gooa a verse you can write. WI OS "! toupes for men. Griffith. . 106 6a Uth St.. upstairs. BEST nerve bracer" for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, 61 box. postpaid. Sher man 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braes. Strengthen. 60a BELL DRUG CO. DR. EGGERS, prlvste confinement home. 1516 Martha St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6230. A HOME for women during confinement; babies adopted and boarded: hutmina- mod. era. For terms address Matron Tlnley xioine, w joancroxt el. let JLKug. 111 JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 803 S. 19l h St. Douglas 1311. STRICTLY private home for confine ment; excellent care; babies for adoption. 8618 Davenport. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY, niaddien Pharmacy, Uth and Dodge. The Bee Want Tad Is a hustling lad. A saleeman tried and true. When he says, "I wilL" He hustles till That autqf he sells for you. MRS. C A. 8TBINBAUGH. 8208 Lincoln Blvd. This verse wins the lady's special prise of a beautiful pattern hat from Pen nell Millinery, 1611 Douglas St. If Mra C. A. Stelnbaugh will oome to The Bee -office we will give ber an order for the hat. j YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assoclstton building st Seventeenth street and SL Mary's Ave, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for cur traveler'a aid at the Union Station. ADELIGHT hair food grows hair; see Mme. Frayer, Uegeatn Stat'y Co., 16th and Farnam. MANICURING, facial massage, sham polng and halrdresslng done In your home. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith. Tel. Harney 6772. MASSAGE Swedish movement: nothing belter for raeumaUam. Ladies. 1; gentle men, 8160. Apartment 1. 1D01 Farnam. Hours, I t (. Massage. Mrs. Rlttennouse. 808 O Boston Bg MRS. SNYDER, Swedish massage, baths, radiator and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat 8, 10th and Pierce. Doug. 43b0. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-K63; Douglas 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney Sts. Good Samaritanm, ft'&Vt Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE maternity borne. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24tb. Web. S9: Ind. D-1S36. f A K.Q A ("IVTREATMENT, Mrs. Steele, fllAOOAUIjji, 8 Wln njlt , Roon, jo. MORAN & NELSON MANICURIST, balrwork and massage; 2d floor, 1406 Farnam. Douglas 4236. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 184 N. 11th St.. for coat of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 aad wagons will call. WANTED To locate C. H. Remington. Nothing to fee-r. Evervthlng settled. Write or come at once. Mable Remington. IF YOU want to make good fudge use FarreU s syrup. If Mrs. I.. II. Hamilton, ISIS Capitol Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent ran free. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SILKO CHICK FOOD la the best In the market for young ;hlok ens. Mads from pure grain. For sals by all deaiers. A. W. WAGNER. AGENT, an N. liih BL Tela Doug. 1142, Ind. A-348. ROSE COMB REDS Eggs 83 00 per 100. Mrs. Louis Borland. Velvet Lawn Farm, Diagonal. Iowa. SAVE THE CTLTCKS ?y of white diarrhoea. NOW Is ths time to eve them; give them BOB WHITE'S W hite Diarrhoea remedy and avoid loasea Send 60c today for a largs box postpaid. Bob While Co., 47U4 Ames Ava phone Web. 866. FOR BALE, cheap, brindle bull pup. Ad dress M 8iL Bee. PRINTING PHONE IN IV A IS29 for suod nrlntlns. Lyngstad Printing Co., letb and Capitol Ave. R1ES HALL Ptg Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-36X Lew W. Raber, Trinter fiS PER BLDG ENTRANCE ON COURT. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLE. PETER JESSEN, Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. t2 THE Midland GAT. Co. 1714 Faraaia, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest ahstraet oriice in iseoraaga. w urandela Theater. II. C. WestergaardR'8tm".tn,; fSl City Nst'l Bank BTdg. Ws have customers for Omaha Income and residence List your property with us for satisfactory re- REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., M teenth floor. City Nat Bank Bldg. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. TO PROPERTY OWNERS-Masonry or an Kinas, onck laying, piaster Ing. concrete and cement work. ESTI MATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. W. Raymond, 1818 Capitol Ave. Doug. 7744. WM. EVERITT, carpenter and cabinet maker; special or ,-epair work; new screens made to order, old ones reframed; vine trellises on hand; good work at low fig ures; shop 24th and Farnam, southwest corner; Tel., ind. A -2918. SPOUTING, roofing, gutters, valleys, smngies, metal ceilings, furnace work, re pairing. Lt me figure with you. B. Sav- ae, i inner, 2822 Farnam. Har. 2111. CITY PROPERTY FOR BALSfi. 8 ROOMS NEAR HANSCOM PARK ONLY $4,600 This la a beautiful home, with oak floors throughout, oak finish down stairs, birch finish upstairs; hag just been completed and possession will be given at once. The. material, carpen ter work, plumbing, etc., are "A No. 1" throughout, and the bouse has every modern convenience. Owner Uvea In the house. You should look It over today. 'Phone Red 7797. tpriT? CJlf GOOD PIECE OF RUST x wav uxi-uij KESS PROPERTY BY OWNER. 1109 Douglas bL Buy Lawndale . Acres We have three unsold choice acres in this beautiful addition, two at $560 each and one corner acre for $600. One will make six 40-ft. city lots: these He high and sightly, only two blocks from car and macadam road, and the terms only $10 down and $10 a month. W411 sell one, two or all three together. These prices are only about one-half the price- you would have to pay for acres bo close to car and macadam road. These acres are located in Florence, a good place to invest part of your savings. If you want more Information today you can call up, 'phone web. 621. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 114 Harney St. A KNAP ThrM lnl anv r, K ku. uwnw, wi do. USI 01. Only $485 for a full lot on 60th and Nlchola 15 U.; h4BB f rnnt. SELBY Doug. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. Five Rooms Strictly Modern Furnace heat, full basement, cemented and bricked up, good bath, toilet: crice 82,100. See this today by. calling Web. 6621. Poppleton Avenue Building Lot st 82d St.; beautifully situated, terraced lot, 87Vixl00. Can be had at a bargain. KARL a a. HAAiif., iu uocague Bldg. Tyler 1600. An Opportunity FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Price Goes Up Soon 6 ACRES, or 8M ACREtL NIf-F.I.V IA CATED, with large frontage on macadam road, within 7 blocks of street oar line, ¢ fare. The Improvements are almost new ana cost a few thousand dollars, con sisting of 7room house, besides bath room. uiuraajr, pantry, cioset ana cement oellar, besides young fruit, etc This property is something well worth while In faot, It la a chance of a life time In getting something right that will greatly enhance In value. The price is 84.8U), and terms only 8KHJ cash and bal ance 826 per month, including Interest at 6 per cent; or will sell 8"- acres of It, with improvements, lor IJ.teO, 7b0 cash, bal ance $2b per month, or will take part trade tor well located Omaha or Bo uth Omaha Improved or unimproved property, but It must be at Its cash value. This prioe and terms do not bold good for long, so take advantage of it now, as It goes us to 84,2110 soon. 1 have a large list of aore property, but none to beat this, ail things considered. The location Is choice, the prioe right and thsMerma extra right First come, first servea. ORIN a MERRILL COMPANY. Rooms 1218-1214 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. BEMIS PARK. 7-room house, mis sion style; fine home; $4,600; terms can be had. F. V. We ad, 1801 Far- barn. NEW, 6 room all modern, cholca location, close in. boutb 21st bt. Bargain. Tele. phone Harney 664s. bee owner, 2&C1 Dodge. FOR 8 ALii NINE-ROOM HOUHE. DE TACHED; GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD, NEAR FINE SCHOOL; TWO BLOCKb FROM CAR; NORTH. 84.600. MAKE Us AN OITFtR. RJiD 6100. BEAUTIFUL new house tn Dundee, seven rooms, hot wster heat, oak finish first floor, birch second, 84.150. F. D. Head, lull Farnam. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargains. 816 4maha Nat'l Bank. 1H acres near 84th and Valley Sts.; fairly food house, but not finished insids. Phone iarney ooil or Douglas 4c21 STRAIGHT FROM OWNER. Attractive 7-room house, hot water beat, all modern conveniences, built Is months sgo. first floor oak finish, screens, storm windows, swnlngs, beautiful lawn and fences, wslkmg rilstanoe. Telephone Har ney U4L 101 a. bib bt REAL ESTATE CITY FROFKPtTT FOR SALS (Continued.) BA ROA1N Six-room rottsga, large lot. south front; paved street. Owner, 1M4 Madison A vs. w eoMer i3. STRICTLT modem si -room cottage near met and Ames, foj cash, balance pay. tbie monthly. Harney xa. NEW cottage. 8 rooms, with tile bath. ges and electric combination fixtures; ce ment cellar and walks; draw curtains: must be seen to appreciate. 2316 N. 17th Ave. i,ske ear, Omaha, er phons O. O. Over. Bell Red 1S48 or either phone 644. Council Bluffs, Is, 86n DF.CATfR ST.. 8-room bouse in fine condition, H.l'O. F. D. Weed. 101 Farnam. THH1 children wilt enjoy their bread more If It Is upreed with Fsrrell s syrup. If R. Penney. 1916 Chicago St , will come to The Hee orfice within three nays we will give him sn order for a M-cent can fre. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR 8 ALB Arkaasas. 1.808 A. UNIMPROVED eut-otf timber land; much fine timber yet on land; 6 te f mi. irom uurexa springs; ins lor rrutti ranch and general farming; 87 80. Special Bargain In Improved terms. 810 to 8a). v, m. jKAKiNS a iu,, Eureka Sprloga Ark. 100 fenced. 40 cult., small house, two wells, two publie roads, li.MO. Union Bank A Trust Co., Real Est. Deot., Searey, Ark. 10. 6 ml. out. 1 In cult.. ISO black alfalfa or clover land: fair Imp.: good neighbor. hood; so. sue, 6 tl. from town of l.uu). near P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up. Isnd; 86 cult., bal. timber, 16 clover: 4 al falfa, 6 bearing orchard. 136 fenced hog- tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bldg., new barn; dark red sandy loam; good community; delightful location; abundance good aicr; U.uU, subject to 6-year loan IWO; terms easy. WM. QILMORE. Marshall, Ark. COTTON plantation; 480 acres; elegant 16-room dwelling; plenty tenant bouses; good barn ana outbuildings; rich, black loam; will grow bals cotton or 76 bushels corn per acre; woven wire fence; too acres cultivation; suu mercnaniaoie umoer, nara wood; healthful location; 4 miles from good town; good neighborhood; nesr school snd church; price km.ow; reesonabie terma Address Johnston A Willis, care Southern Trust Co.. Little Rook. Ark. 1,608 ACRES' nob bottom land, sis ml lea Newark, 810 per acre; terma Fine orange grove, Florida Forty acres; 87,600. Other nergalna. A. A. Henderson, Newark, Ar kansas. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. All elaasea of timber, farm and fruit lands In Arksnsaa, Louisiana and Mississippi, from 15 to 6-16 per acre. Write J. D. j&ey. aolds, Camden. Ark. OZARK LAND CO.. Qravette, Ark Stock rancher, fruit farms, berry fields, small tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty, business bousea Write ua BEST fruit and general farming lands for price In U 6., In Searcy Co , Ark. Send for booklet showing lo to 816 land near town. W. M. Henson, Leslie. Ark. 60 TRACTS of land In the corn and al falfa district of Delta land; black soil; good schools; lands will double In vslus In three years; row rant from 86 to 67 per aura Write us what you want. F. C. HOLLAND, Pine Bluff. Ark Caaaaa. f WOULD be glad to correspond with a view of purchase, with any one owning land along the Soo Una In Saskatchswan, Canada, between the towns of Yellow Grass and Roleau. H. A. Bmlth. Oaisa burg. 111. GOLDEN wheat lands for sala Im proved and unimproved prairie farms, any slxe. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodhead Coy, Walrous. Bask.. Cam. CANADIAN LANDSEEKER8 furnished with lettera which will ssve them money, Frank Crawford, Ware Block, i BEFORE going to Canada fori land con sult Mengedoht A Co.. Bee BlAg. Calereao. I NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat lands. 812.60 to 816 per aore. A few Improved farms, 820 to t& Write J. B. Bernhardt. 6terllng, Colo. FOR SALE. 197 acres, being a portion of my Norwood Park ranch, 11 miles east of Pueblo, under the Bessemer ditch. This land is platted Into 10-acre tracts, with private road touching each acre. The land has been under high state of cultivation for many years, all of this land having been In alfalfa for approximately IS years previ ous to three years ago, when I plowed up the alfalfa and put the ground into sugar, beets. During the past year 126 acres of It has been in sugar beets and the balance In wheat and oats; the wheat produced 60 bushels to the acre, the oats 63 bushels to the aore. and the sugar beet land an aver' age of possibly 890 to tbs acre. It all lies In one level tract. An Interurban line is now surveying across the ranch and I am icllably Informed, will build this summer. Every foot of It can be irrigated and Is considered the ehotoeat piece of land In one tract under the ditch. The Beasemer ditch is ana of the oldeet ditches, and the water right Is unquestionably one of the beet character. The ditch stock has a ready market value of 8100 per share. The land Is for sale at 8160 per acre; 40 per rent cash; zo per cent -in one, two and three years. J. H. JENKINS, 6eo'y Chamber of Commerce, Pueblo, Colo. 160-AC RE beet Irrigated farm. Colorado; finely Improved, new ten-room dwelling. barn; potato oellar holds 10 carloads; 64 A. whsat; 60 A. alfalfa; na waste land; svery foot under old water right; have another farm, can't work com: 40 miles north of Denver, ten south of Greeley. C. A. Oregory, 406 M&ok Bldg., Denver, Colo.- laaaa. RIVER VIEW orchard tracts fa 1 to 18 acres; finest fruit country in the world. For terms address Boone Land and in vestment Co.. Boone. Ia, lews, FINEST colonisation tract in the United States; 132,000 acres very finely leoated at 83 an acre; make 1.600 per cent to sub divide; have plenty of outers. Bos H Win terse t. la. EXCHANGES mads everywhere. Fanna. wild lands, Inoome property, stocks of goods and other things desirable for ex change. Several large tracts of western lands for exobange. write me full descrip tions of what you bave. I. N. MolaUre. First Nat Baak. Bldg., Sheldon, la.-. A FINE 160-aore farm in Buchanan coueUy, Iowa, about 6 milea from Aurors; good Improvements; encumbrance 66.O0U. Price 8126 per acre. Owner will excheng tor South Dakota land. Prefer Improved. Here is a fine chance to exchange your Dakota land for an Iowa farm. Address Bollebrands Land Agsacy, Fella, la, 860 ACREa and 178 acres of southern Iowa laud, Improved, well located, good soil, right price, for sale or trade; fl.Qut equity in brick store building; a firet class Income property for sals or trsde, quick; on land, merchandise or automoUlsa Ad dress Boa 8, Diagonal, Ia. WANTED A good stock of general mer chandise, I.0u0 to 811.000, In exohange tor good farm near Rolfe, la.. Slid cash. Farm contains 164 acres, six-room ho una, barn, 14x40, pries. 81U0 an acre, subject to 86,740; equity, 66.060; F. K. Uomsr, Kolfe. la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 acres fine timber land In Lake oounty, Minne sota. Railroad being built not far front land. The timber Is very largs oa this land. Mostly white pine, tamarack, bal sam and spruce. Sure to Increase ia value fast. What bavs you to ctlerf Writs Lcck Boa ill. DltAeas, la. TO LAND ADEN To For 83 will ssnd addreeses of 1.6uu parsons who have sold for l.6u0 or mors 10 southwestern Iowa since January l WiL compiled from deed record la. W. Motr Co Harlan. Is. 60 ACRES Improved Clarke county, Iowa, to trade for clean stock general merchaa dlks; good house, bsrn, orchard, etc.; prioe 8"0 per acre. Address owner. D. B. Har risoa, Altoona. la. IOWA FARMS FOR SALE. Our 111 list of Iowa farms In Webster, Calhoun and Greene countiee Is Just out. If interested writs for our new Hat woodard Land company, gowrib, lOWA-- REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAN CSS L AH FOR SAL lewa C'a tinned. FOR HAI.K Bsceilent 840-ecre farm Hi corn and blue-grass belt. Ada.ns county, los Farm all well fenced. 60 seres hog tight. 1F4 seres tiled, snd all In excellent cultivation; K-room house, Isrgs brick cellar with cement floor, cement wslke. large saw barn and mill, with good Fair banks engine, new hg house, other out buildings, sll In good repair; good Stock and barnyards, large grove end good ercherd. four good wells, excellent wster, two windmills. For further particulars sidres Mrs. Annan M. Naali, ILA High 6t., Dss Moines, la 180 ACRES, Casa county. Iowa, farm Im proved and well located; price 1125 per acre; my equity Is 8l6,oOO. Wsnt southern Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In flated prices considered. One 10-horse-power portable gsaollns engine for what have you? Address V. W. McCaustleud. Casa County. Lorab, I. FOR BALK Splendid farms, well Im proved, ranging In price from 60 te l per aore. TMs Is choice Iowa land, la well Improved rou.i.. unities, near town and schools. There Is . more fertile or beau tiful part of the state han Osceola county. Write for particular T. B. Redmond. Sibley, la. Kaasas. 830 ACRES, 8 miles good town: fonred) wen impiovvo: an sniooin isna; ricn black soil; good orcbard; R. F. D.; phons; fine surrounaings, eno; gooa terms; will ex Changs for hardware. Implements or gea eral merchandise. W. H. Molt, Herlngioa, ivan. 8M ACRES as In alfalfa; 10-room bouse, large barn, granary, etc; two miles te Larned. Pawnee county; bt acres pasture, bslance In cultivation; rich deep soil, abun dance of water, wells and mills; 6.iw; terma Bunte Really Co, Hutchinson. Kan.- A BOX of O'Brlsn'a fine randy makes a good linpveeslon on your girl. If c. A. Swanson, 31 N. 26ih fit., will come to The Bee of floe within three days we will give him a 60-cent box of this fine csndy free. 640 ACRES, six miles rrom Mlnneola, 6i acres in wheat, one-third to buyer; new 6-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rick black soli; bss raised good crop svery year since broken out; great bargain. 836 per acre. Terma. The Roy C Besrd Land Co., Mlnneola. Kan. ""WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND runs 140 acres, l1 miles out; 110 acres In wheat, H delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soil good well and windmill; 86.160; terma' Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all sixes snd prices. L. F. bchuhmacher, owner. eieauv. awm.- VBK h,u. aoma (hnli,. K . r . I -- ; " ' ' i . . i in cons. and Rush counties; write for list of farm bargains. Amerlcsn Investment Company. 820 ACRES, 1 miles out: 290 In wh..i W to buyer; balance pasturo. The lata r,i and snow assures bumper crop; level as a , " , i, nuk , , , aV VIM bsrtson. Scott City, Kan. Louisiana VERNON parish, La.: ths Isnd of sun shine, soli, clltnste. msrkets, water, her It h. good; prices rhesp; write Leesvllls Real fc'.stats and Improvement Co., C. M. Mo Farland, Bec'y. Leesville. La. LOUISIANA farm and timber land good for truck, corn, cattle, etc ; on ac count of cotton pest, cheapest lands ot, market. Hall, Elder A Kencit. Monro a Louisiana. Minnesota. 80,000 acres In HL Louis and Carlton counties. Minnesota, near cities of Du luth and Superior, at price within the reach of all. 86 to 812 an acre, easy terma Fourteen railroads now entering these two cities furnish cheap -and quick transpor tation. A ten-mUUon-dollur steel plant now building by United States Steel com pany, near lands. Soli la fertile and well adapted to diversified farming, dairying and garden truck. No long hauls or trans portation charges, but right at the door of the best markets of tbs United States, . with constant demand and blah prices.' Writs for full Information. Boston A, Duiuth Farm Land Co., 1600 Al worth Blag., Dulutb, Minn. BUY from owner and save commission a 800-acre grain and stock farm close to three town, school and creamery, 120-aora field, about at) acres meadow, remainder timber pasture, fenced and cross fenced, running water and a full set of frame buildings at 1J6 per acre. Write for terma C. F. Flalg, Wadena, Minn,. R. K. No. 8.- F1NB FARM HOMK, IX "aCRES. I milea from good town, blaok loam soil. All fenced. Large frame dwelling, barn, granary, machlns sheds, etc. 160 acres In field. 40 acres timber, balance clover snd timothy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. 836 per acre, one-third cash, bal ance easy terms. M. J. Kola, i'osstou. Minn- ' A SNAP-" MUST BB QUICK; 800-ACRH Improved farm In Murray county, Minns, sots; has first class buildings; fences; splendid grove; orcbard; two miles from town. Write John Holdea, Jr., Garvin. Minn.' I HAVE a farm of 820 acres t4 mile from good town, 80 tnilee from Mlnne-' spoils, 100 acres under cultivation; about 80 acres meadow, balance timber. Can all be opened up. Rich soil, good house, barn and other buildings.' Price 838 per acres. Also sO-acre farm two miles from good town, 60 acres under plow; 16 acres timber; good rich soil, 6-room house, two barns and other outbuildings, windmill, fine natural grove. Orchard Just com mencing to bear. Price 3,6u0;' easy terma. Write owner, Charles . Swanaoa, Elk River. Minn. SEND for list of our fine Improved southern Minnesota landa Ws havs hundreds of pleased customers. C. E. Brown Land Co.. olflcea Madella and New Richland. Minn. 10.000 equity In good quarter In southern Minnesota; quarters two miles from good town, hsvlng house 26x10, new bars 82x40, with gable roof, small granary and fence. Want machine Slock or dry goods. Price 80 per acre. Ben J. A. Cone. Wlndoin, Minn. LANDS-NO. 660. 160 ACRES, T8 MILES Twin Cities; good tillabla soil; state map mailed with 46 page book for 80 centa Hobart land Co., PbeoU bldg., Minne apolis. Minn, FOR SALE 160 acres of good pew hard wheat land, near Waihalla. Pembina county. North Dakota. For particulars, address owner, A. Lucases, 837 Third Ava. N. Minneapolis. Minn 166 ACRES 18 miles from St Paul. 8 miles from Rosemont; all fenced; black loam aoli; 60 acres culu.atsd; beaence pasture and black oak timber; only 6J6 per aore for Immediate sala; hal? cash. 180-acre Improved farm 16 miles from St, Paul, 1 mils from Rich Valley elation-nine-room house, windmill, large barn and other buildings, all in good condition: ' black loam soil, clay subsoil; always besn cultivated by owner; lsu acres under plow 7 acres fruit trees, mostly applee; balance good Umber land, gpsclal prioe and terma W. V. e K. W. Monty, Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul. Minn.- r Miaaoarl. FOR SALE AS farms, large and small, between Mississippi and alla-KOurl rlveis. avsrags 836 per acra Write for trig prices list. William Crewe. Wright City. Mo 820-ACRB homestead rsllngulsbmsnta for sals; also one hotel, one bakery, oue general store, one saloon, one feed stora Address. Charles F. Brown. Gaiata, Mont. "" BTOPI Dont go a atap fuitner thaa Douglas county, down In ths beautiful Osarks; raise anything; corn 80 to sg bush els par acra all other crops in proportion; Cheapest good land on earth, u to lJ0 per acra Free information. Globe steal aetata Co., Ava. Mo sO-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine bouse, barn, fences, tlrst-claas condition; fins spring water, 3 miles from town, J miles from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co., PlsduiguU Mo. MlaaOLRI FARMd None better oa earth. High) Improved 1M) acres; ralae anything. ). Other decided bergenia Write us. Gilliam Realty to , Gilliam, Mo CHEAP STATE LAND About 1.000.0M acres stats land to be sold on forty years' time, If desired; only 6 psr cent of pur chase pries down; buyers don't have to live on land; not over acres sold to one person. For further Information and description send 81 to Kldollty Investment Co., 128 W. lib St., Kamas City, Mo. MISSOURI farm. fcO scrss; 6 room bouse; bain; luO tc-rss whsat. 2u0 acres corn; level, black dirt; 8 miles railroad. 66 aors Cbas. fc. Uucksup Kraity Co.. cisberry. Ma.