(5 THE BEE: OMATIA, MONDAY, MAT 22. 1911. WANT ADS Wont i(lffl at any time) " o Insure proper classification must X) presented before l o'clock m. tor the evening edition and before 7:30 or worn i hk and bunday editions. Vant ads recelel after aurh hours vlli have tlielr first Insertlom under ib Leading, "loo Late to Classlfl." CASH KATES KO It WANT ADS. KK;tIiA ft CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1 cents per word and 1 .ent per word for each subsequent In ertion. fcatli insertion made on odd lays, 1 lb cents per word. $1.6 Pr .iiie per rtonth. Kates applj to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Always count sU words .o a lis. Want ads for The Bee may be Irft at uny of the following drug Jorf' ne Is your "corner drugglt" -they ire aU branch offices for Hie Bee and our ad will be Inserted Just as ,rompMy ana on the saino rates as at .he main oQIce Is The Iteo building. 4eventeeoHa and Farnara streets. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnaru, Ilium Drug Co.. K".l h. 1tu 1st. Brsnek, B. A , 1442 B. Ifcth Bt KniioD Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Hernia Park pharmacy, 33d and Cunua. Flake-B-adlah, Ifcrtit Hherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Caughiln, C. H-, 4736 Leavenworth St. Crissey rharrnacy. 24th aad Lake Sts. Coooay Pharmacy. 823 Bouth 16th 9b Carina. EmU. X- South 18th SC Fhler Co., JW1 Leaves worth 0b Poetar A Arnold!, til North 26th Bt Freytsg. J. J., 114 N. 84th Bt Fregger Dnif Ca.. VMt Narth lth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Nab. Green s Pharmacy, Park Ave. and P sol fie. Greenough at Co., ! South lth Bt. Oreenoagb Co., 10th and Hickory Bta. Goldman Pharmacy, 24tn and Leavea roith Ft. Johnson Pharmacy, tK9 Fertsam St. Hanaoom Pant Pharmacy, 1601 B. 28th Aa Htnterlong Drug Co., tlst Ave. and Far nam bt. Hoist, John, C-4 North 16th Bt Huff, A. L.. 2824 Leavenworth Bt Johanson Drug Co., 34tb and bpsldlng. King, H. 6.. 2238 Farnam Bt. Kountse Plana Pharmacy. 2302 N. 84th 84. 1-athrop Pharmacy. 84th and Hamilton. Mares. Frad L., 2019 Central P-lvd. Patrick Drug Co.. Jh03 N. 24th Bt Raratosa Drug Co., 24th and Ames. Ave sVbasfer's Cut Pries Drug Btors, ltu nd Chicago bts. Walnut Hid Pharmacy. 49th and Cumins ANNOUNCEMENTS r. A. GENTLEMEN COmerb mbalmera 1614 Chicago 8L D. ltu; B lilt! DUFFY & BO LAND, undertakers. T. 1671 SUMMER RATES Y. JVL C. A. "GET THE I ASSVoRI AMI TRY IT." QOOL AND REFRESHING , FREETRIAIa.- Fence Iron and Wlr Champion Fence Co., lath and Jaokaoa Bta. tel. Douglas lbtal MONEY TO LOAN LOW HATE, in sums to suit 314 Bee Bldg. Phone Doutf. Hm. UNiuN LOAN Ca Vacuum Cleaners For rent Phone Webster UUS. OFFICE STATIONERY Kotera & Lcary Co., IMS Jackson. U mo. E. ROWE. WELL BORING. Benson 140. BED HIVE CLEANING & DIE WORKS, ;al Vinton Bt. Wagons call and deliver, phone Douglas.. 43b7. MIBBOURt FILTERS A FILTER RJ5 PAlKd; new location, 31B 3. 2vih. bt EAT KOUHER HOME COOKLNO. AKKINei, il b. tuTil. UPSTAIRS. YOU'LL always be happy If your wedding I ing comes from Brodegaard's, Us 8. Uth M. At the sign of the "crown. LYNCII BROS. plu1aitVinoaid PKPA1R WORK. 170J Jackson bt D, 1477. HAVE your work correctly dona by a publla stenographer; discount to regular I auons, 640 lieu Bldg. Doug. IW7. TU0TO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameiaa. The best develop ing and finishing in the city. MEGEATH STATIONERY CO.. Photo Dept., Uth and Farnam Sts. OUR letter duplicating work la unez celleo. A trial will convince you. Both i hones. Western Duplicating Co., 40$ Be illdg. HCHLITZ famous ATLAS bear en draught at Ed stothery'a. 111 a 14th fit PATTON'B IfUN PROOF paint card free, faratoga Drug Co., 34th and Ames. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood: last a lifetime. 2v7 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas to. W. 8. H EATON, American furnaces. H.2S6S. ROACHES. AN."8. BEDBUGS, FLEAS AND RATS exterminated from your prem .sea under guarantee contract; estimate Iree; Buxdead Inaecilde, 40c; large can powder, 26c. Call or write Riley Chemical oike, 2d floor, Crouns block, oppo. post office. D. 2663. A-U63. WALL- PAPER cleaned. (1 room. M. Howard. ' 'Phones: Douglas 2U1, lad. a tltiT. ICE CREAM Harding Hyglea brand ., t VAVjA1U a ,.admg aruggiet Harding Ice Cream Co. The NtTETkHoteL Now open; all outside rooms; 6o and lv day; week, 12 up. 117 N. isth. D. 72S7. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNOATR. China f ring. R0 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Wee. m.i. CARL JARL Uck,m,,th- Lw mowers . -e paired and sharpened . 0 Leavenworth. TeL Doug. 4377 er A -434. LOANS Salary er furniture: $10 up. J. II. Waaserburger, IX FARNAM ST. Room m louglaa ten. Ind. A-107L PAPERHANC.ERS. use Fnowflake raste. Omaha Pate Co. 711 B. Uth. Both phones. ED ROTIIERY'1'1" .i1" Fu"i line of liquors and ' tr- C1 4n ooanecUon. Ill 8. Ittk 8t '?.T?7 FtiJf- Cerl4th .ad Deuglaa I UY AND SELLMor,a" Isa', i-,A-A- Write lire lasuranoe. ILER TniAN D HOTEL Turkish Bath Fine,t et olu 16th and Howard Sta. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY OMAHA furniture repair wks. Doug. UU. PICTURE framing. cheaper than de I runnt stores; most select stock of I rained pictures at reduced prices. Omaha '"'1 -.. T07 S. 16th. Douglas 1WK -no. A-fciL HORNBY. Blue Print Ce 611 Bee Bldg. MA GUARD Van 4; Storage. Pack, mora tore and skip it. H. goo-w t ini u a FILMS developed free. 610 8. 16tb. S. H Cole Sign cn , D. l.it. 1114 Farssm. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Farnam Ind. A-JUl, Doug. 4T5s. W holeaale end retail a sen is for bharwln "illiama painta. varnishes, carter lead and Keystone. Open Saturday venlnsa Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75o y tn"" '"""t lai.tu.d inaiiilne. y i f-1; n i.i k a- ;rs kkhaimnii CO tA.-n, Cunln t( Open Eveline. I'honea: Dwuglas 1751 or Ind. B-2S02. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Cement Blocks i;.,,?ri,tht",d r,"h, OMAHA CONCRETE HTONE CO. tfth Ava and Sahler Web. 886; B 2011. M OXKT saved on painting, paper henx Irg. decorating paper; wholesale; quick ork. Call A. C. MctJuigan Co.. t'rouns Block, opp. p. o. Dong. lo2; A-Wtf. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric neeiil" or Injury to tha skin; lady attendant. 4"7 MoC'.igue Bids TWENTY pfr cpnt man mmht price Home ki;kmh i;k t.u.. Twenty-fourth and L bt? . i-outh Omahs. VIRGINIA DARE W1NE-750 a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 11th St. "WE LI K E LITTLE REPAIR JOBS. FUELING A 3TEIN1.E. Trunk Factory. , 13 Farnam. DRI'OS at cut prlcea; freiitht paid on all Ho orders Catalogues free. Hherman gt McConnell Drug Co , Omaha. Neb. OREGON RESTAURANT, flmt-elaM cafe for ladlva and gentlpincn; Chinese cooking a specialty; open day and night, hum Harney. ATTRACTIONS. WANTED-For the Newmarket Annual Reunion and Carnival. August 29-30-31, 1S11, vaudeville, paid admission shows, cane and doll racks, novelties and other amuse, ments. Write B. D. Pace, Secretary, New market, la. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID Into a past. Tear your top." And bring it to the beat plana ta Omaba for all kinds of rapairtng. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sts. 1910 40-h. p.. flve-paaaenger Overland.. tl.M Beven-pe.eeenger. ,0-b. p. Bte&raa it WALLACE AUTO CO- 2203 FARNAM 8T. BA RCSAIN8 IN USED CARS. 1 Wesiott "40." 1 Cnle ' j0" touring car. 1 high-wheeled auto buggy. JACOBS & ANDERSON, 1S1J Harney. Doug. 62. My outo must go. Everybody must know. So tha rxwt and cheapest TQ find. To Be Want Tad 111 aend my Ad, For sure results will be mine. JUNE QAFFORD, 1024 N. 32d St, Omaha. This verse gets the prlio of ft worth of soda water tickets trom Sherman Me Cottnell's new odoasls, lfith and Dodge Sts. If June Gafford will come to The Bee otfioe she will be given the tickets. fiiT-ra voes auto and carriage painting: JU.uilttJ' guaranteed. M24 Bherman Ave. NEW and Id-hand auto. Dertgbt, Omana. Urn T aar.r4flA mv flA1TC b fourth coat. for cash: anan. Address oarer, O 31$, Bee. FORD TORPEDO runabout at a bargain: good as new. 2616 Leavenworth, Doug. STS. FOR SALE Cheap "Chalmers HO;" good condition fully equipped. a2 N. 24th Bt. bouth Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call ea GANG EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. i'ei. D. S37. FOR RALE Several thousand shares Omaha Auditorium stock; make an offer. Box iM. FOR SALE A. nice, up-to-date stock of harness goods and fixtures completa; In voice about (3.000; only shop, doing a cash business, in best county seat town west of Norfolk, with very large territory to draw from; Al opening for a good work man; sales so far this spring 63 sets har ness (mostly hand made); reason for dis posing, will remodel our (-story brick building into a hotel, which Is now occu pied as a harness store and shop; can now soon rent a cheaper building, so stook can be moved into. Hers Is a chance that Is second to none In Nebraska. If you want this you must act at once, will give tiros to responsible party. If desired. Don't write unless you mean Business. Schneider & Bon, Alnsworth, Neb. GOOD BUSINESS for sale; must leave ciijr a,i ouce; mv kuuu reasons xor selling Call 403 Omaha National Bank. lQfo GUARANTEED DIVIDENDS Omaha manufacturing company, has paid 10 per cent for alx years. By Increasing facilities and broadening tha business can easily make 40 per cent Limited amount iv per cent prcierrea siocg. orrered for short time. Act quick. Address R 262, Bee. SCALES, SCALES Independent Seals plsments and plumbing goods In county eat town, near southern central Ne braska: further particulars. Address Y 27 care Bee. ' MONUMENT works, good trade, only shop In county. A bargain. Address Y Ua, car of Bee. WANTED a! doctors location free; plenty of business; man of experlenos ana reference. Address Y 21, Bse. FOR BALK Grocery, established since 183; must be sold on account of Illness. Apply to D. Gross, 1426 N. 24th St 11-ROOM hotel, 1 block from depot; good business; newly furnished; a snap at 2200. Mrs. Im Chapman. U69 Lincoln Ave., York Neb. WANTED A live man to buy an interest in well established real as La la business. Address V m. Bee. FIRST-CLASS grocery for salei fins lo cation. Pbons Douglas 327. A FINE pair of 210 mad to measure trousers, of your own ahotung-, from the Landeryou Tailoring Cov, City Nati Bank Bldg., will be given the gentleman writing the best verse about Bee Want Tad rent ing houses this week. Reesalas Heaees Bale. FURNITURE ct rooms, strictly tneeV irn. A-SZ&a. BARGAIN Look this up. Everything new and modern; -room rooming house at H7 N. 20th St. Party must sell on account of other business. 14-ROOM rooming house In splendid I tion. irurniiure lor sale. Only hotel In good town doing splendid business; 16 rooms. Will sell furniture) and lease building. MRS. IDA NBFV. Bee Bldg. PRIVATE hotel; full; steady and trans ients, meals, 8oc; sleeping. 76o. Phons Doug. sact3 tor quick sale. BARGAIN le-rootn. (18 N. 20th. BARGAIN Look this up; everything new and modern; (-room rooming house at 117 N. Jlrth bt. Party must aell on account of Siher business. Will sell cheap for cash or easy payments. 8-ROOM FLAT, completely furnished, full of good roomers, flue location. A 422 for quick sale. CHIROPODISTS MOXHF.IT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat'l Bk. D. 2333. DR. ROY. itog Farnam St Dauglas 4t DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. 3d floor Paiton D. 1 DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service I -elective Agency, (Be. bonded. 448-3 Paatou Blk. D. 121: A-Llft. CAPT. T. CORMACK. (17 KARBACH Blk. JAsV ALLAN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. 2831 DRAINAGE J. J. PTL'BBS. R 4U. Mrst Nati Bank W. J. McEathron, C. E., 101 Wars block. "TTp. CRICK. 3-4 Braudaia TrvUex. D.4XA Look for Write About Hundreds of people find a You can win a prize if you try renting houses. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and mem bers of their families. -You must follow the style not over six lines and it must relate to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee Want Tad Editor, Omaha Bee. Th Bee Want Tad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in become the property pf The Bee. DRESSMAKERS MISS DUGGAN, dressmaking. 2864 Fsrnam. TERRY'S Dressm'k'g College.20th& Farnam EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sessions. Students admitted any tlms. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue is free. Address H. B. Boyle, Preal. dent Omaha. Neb. Y. W. C A. SHORT TERM CLASSES X2C SEWING, COOKING. MX WEEKS BEGINNING MAT IS. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA lessons, firing, orders; leave china for tiring at corset shop, Brandels theater. Mrs. S. H. Smith. D. (737. CUSTOM MADE corsets, $S.0O; front and back lac-d; realdence fitting if desired. La Brock Corset shop, (32 Bee Bids. L. Lieff, Ladies' Tailor. Phone Harney S410. SWITCHES from combings, (1.60; set puffs free. Mrs. Eck, 1760 Leavenworth bt FINE early aster plants, mixed colors, 10c per dozen; Margaret carnations, mixed, 20c per dosen. Phone Benson 331, Ferguson Bros.. Sta. D., Omaha. lst-class embroidery of ail klnda D. 4603. FLORISTS A. DONAQHUE. U07 Farnam. D. 1001;A-1001 Bannett's Flower Dept East sntranoa. L. Henderson. 161 Farnam, Douglas UU, J U. BATH. 1638 Harney. Douglas 3000. HESS BWOBODA. 1413 Farnam St BRAN DEIS cut flowsr dept New store. Narsertea. YELLOW Jersey sweet potato plants. 86o per 100, 32.60 per 1.000. Tel. Benson 831. Fer guson Bros., Station D, Omaha. A DISH of Dalaell'a to cream will re fresh you wonderfully In the warm weather. If W. B. Kllgore. 2818 Bouth 13th St.. will coma to The Bes offlcs within three days wa will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. HELP WANTED FEMALE AsTeats sat aleavreaaau LADIES WANTED Several ladles of good appearance for corset demonstrators. Salary and commission Call (3 Bee AT ONCE ( bright, capable ladles over 21 to travel, demonstrate and aetl dealers In Kan. and lo. ; Ut to (6u per week; R. H. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., 1JU8-10 Harney St, Omaha, Neb. FIVE acheol teachers for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., ldUk-10 Harney St. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Salesladies to travel. Ambi tious, energetUi women earn 810 a day. It's work, but It pay a. No experience necessary. Ws train and instruct you so you can t fail If you work. Answer quick. Address, H KA. Bee. Clerical aad Office. WANTED Girls ter telephone work. Ap ply operating dept., 13th and Douglas. raetary aad Trades. OIRLS to learn heirdreaalng. Oppen hetrn parlors. City Nat Bank Bldg. D 2JS3. LADIES wanted tor decorating sofa pillows at home; experience unnecessary. Call forenoons. 23u7 B. 13th. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY GHKIN BROS.. 818 S. UTH ST. WANTED Girls to learn hsirdresatng; prices reasonable. Apply J. L UraaiieTa A bens lialrdrekaing Parlors. WANTED Girls for thlrtmakers and ap prentices oa power machines. Burgess Shirt Co., (Id Karfcewch Block. Haeussst g ) sa4 Dwanewttaa. WArfTBD At sore, capable girl for gets era! housework, tait Harney St Phons liamey lit GIRL for general housework In Field Club :lub district: summer at Lake Okobojl. I phone Harney 174, j J the Winner's Names Amtng the Wait Ads. . More Big Prizes This Week Bee Want Tad Renting Houses This Week few minutes of pleasure and amusement each vrrite a verse on the style of the one accompa HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers aad Domestic Ceat'd. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. W. P. Wherry, 2443 Manderson St GIRL for general housework; good wages, small home. Harney 8441. 8140 Ma son St. WANTED A girl for general housework, small family, no children, best wages. 1339 S. 36th Ave. Harney 2904. WANTED Good cook with reference. 2013 Case. WANTED Girl for general housework two In family. Telephone Harney 4066. No. 407 Bouth 38th Ave. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. A. Room, 2008 Burt A GOOD girl for general housework. 281? Farnam. 'Phone Harney 4043. GIRL for general housework; two In family, lis S. t&th St. Harney 984. WANTEDA girl for housework. 1303 Park Ave. Harney 8366. WANTED House girl. S02S Pacific St WANTED A good cook. Good wag-es. Apply Arthur CI Smith, 1303 Park Ava. Phone Harney 632. GOOD-girl for general housework; small family; good wsges. 3122 Cass St H. 4630. WANTED A maid for ward work. Clarkson Hospital, 21st and Howard Sts. WANTED A near housemaid, also an experienced nurse, 426 N. 28th bt. AN experienced girl for general house work; small family; no washing; good wages. Phons Harney 990. WANTED A neat housekeeper, call Har ney 4770. 4806 Burt St. t- COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing If preferred. 60S 8. 29th St. WANTED A sleep at home. nurse E33 8. nurse girl, one that will 25th Ave. ItlseellaaMas. LADY of executive ability to take charge of an established custom- corset business. Exceptional opportunity. Investment, 8250, fully secured. Address M-264, Bee. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places er otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. ' WANTED Girls to take coarse of tn- structlon in training school for nurses. Ap ply Mercy Hospital, Council Bluffa DALZELL'S loe cream la in a quality class by Itself. If Joe Thompson, 1220 Ar bor St . will corns to Ths Bee office within three daya we will give him an order for a quart brick or this puallty ice cream free HELP WANTED MALE 4(sts, Solicitors aad BsLleasBfest. AGENTS Wanted at once, first claas proposition; big commission. Writs today. Bartlett Supply Co.. Browa Blk., Omaha Neb. IF you are a good, live salesman, not afraid of work and wish to oonneot wUh s fins selling proposition of the highest character, call immediately. 808 City Na tional Bank Bldg. WANTED Three high grade energetlo salesmen and solicitors; not Insurance or books, but a big proposition requiring a man of ambition, ability and brains; clean work, with a very liberal commission. Per manent position to those who make good. Do not apply unleas you have tha highest references. Address E 267, Bee. WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska. Kan saa and Colorado; complete up-to-date cal endars, leather goods and novelty line; commission prompt: must be a hustler with good references. Address Y 31, care Bee. WANTED Immediately, first class barber. Grand Hotel Barber shop. Council Bluffs. WANTED A collector for city collect loa; good future for right party; call at ones 4ul Omaha Nati Bank Bldg WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A SEUJNO REC ORD; AN' OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PA NY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINEbd. T 27L BEE. WANTED At onoe. neat appearing, hust ling solicitors, liberal commission. Roora iu7 Brandels Bldg. SALESMEN for Iowa; a long established. firomlnnnt manufacturer of pharmaceut ics wlil pay good salary It you ars capable, experienced and well recom mended. Address Y 87. car Bee. WANTED Lrve nlasmen. experienced ha selling raw and Improved lands; liberal commissions paid: just coming In; sttract- ln K more sttention than any other Irr'ifat.'i aecdun In Washington. Address Moses Ike Land and Irrigation Co.. bo4 Leaxy hg , beat tie, Wash. clay writing n verse nying Bee Want Tad For the best verse written by a lady thi3 week, we will give an order for Va dozen photo graphs, from Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard Sts. These photos are valued at $15 per dozen. For the best verse Written by a gentleman, we will give an order for a pair of made-to-your-measure trousers, valued at $10, from Lander you Tailoring Co., City National Bank Bldg. FOLLOW THIS STYLE The Bee Want Tad Has gone Auto mod; But with method es they say. When he-has these spells He often sells A dosen cars a day. MRS. CKA3. W. STMON, 221 Emmett St. This verse receives honorsble mention HELP WANTED MALE Areata aad Belicltors roatlaeed. AGENTS. 125 PPitfc CENT PROFIT! Rope making machine, nothing like It on the market, makes better, stronger rops than the factory, saves consumer 400 per cent, sells on sight to farmers, ranchers, factories, builders, liveries and stores; absolutely new; write today for our proposi tion; exclusive territory on ground rloor contract. Day A Morse, 738 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must bs abls to approach men of attain and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not mauranoe nor book a Address U 161, care Bee. WANTED Salesmen to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; liberal commission. Western Bales Cp.. 807 Brandels Bldg. Phone Doug. 607 L AGGRESSIVE - machinery salesmen wanted to handle Irrigation machinery in Colorado and middle west. Residence agencies considered. Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Call 1208 Jackson St SALESMAN as local manager; 875 per week easily mads handling complete line formaldehyde fumlgators, liquid soap, sweeping compound, liquid wax, modern disinfectants and sanitary supplies. Goods used by U. S. government and prominent public and private buildings. The Forma cone Co., 60 Church St., New York. SALESMEN Several intelligent, clean cut young men to represent Colliers, the national weekly; new premiums reartv Tuesday; greatest and best selling proposi tion in the country; call Tuesday before 10 or after 8. Kelly, Room 225, Paxtnn Blk. Beys, WANTED Flvs reliable boys with bicy cles; first-class wages. Western Union Telegraph Company, 212 8. 13th-street Clerical sund Office. j THE great U. P. R. R. guarantees you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires. Address for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. U. P. Telegraphy school, Omaha, Neb. Factory and Trades. Drag Stores (snsps). Jobs. Knlest. Bes Bldg MEN Learn automobile trade at school or home leasons. Earn 16 to 350 per week. Positions. Auto School of St. Louis, (Inc.), 1106 Pins St. bt. Louis. Mo. PLASTERER laborer, good on outside scaffolding. Call svenings. 1818 Capitol Ave WANTED Good tailor, steady work; married man preferred. S. L. Jacobaen, Hamburg, Iowa. WANTED Two hand nailers. Omaha Box Co;, East Omaha. I WANTED A first class butcher; an all around man; must have sober habits and must have good recommendation. Address S. A. May. K. F- D. 4. W aco, Neb. WANTED Three experienced slack bar rel coopers at once. Sioux City Brewing Company, Sioux City, Iowa. . ASK your grocer for the best table syrup and he will hand you Farrella. If A. Rochman, 2617 N. loth St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will rive him a 50-cent can of Farrcli's syrup free. Mleeellaaewaw. BOUND MEN 41 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electrlo railway niotormen and conductors; 80 to 3lu0 a month; tine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y-liM. Bee. THE V. S. NAVY IS TODAY COM POH ED OF THE FINEST BODY OF PICKED MEN IN THE WORI-D. IT HAS NO PLACE FOR THE NE'ER-DO-WEEL OR THE FAILURE. More than 1.000 men apply for positions In the Navy each week. Only about 200 of these pass the examination and are ac cepted. This shows thst the Navy picks its men with rigorous care and pains. Ths Navy does not urge any man to en list. But It does urge both parents snd sons to Investigate the opportunities the Navy offers young men 17 to 35). either as a four years' training or as a llfes work. The life is healthful, ths work srreesble, environment wholesome and helpful, and the man who evlahes to learn by study and travel or to learn a trade will find ample opportunity, as will the man who desires to save money and win promotion and re tirement on three-fourths pav. 'Ths nearest Navy Recrultlflg Station is at P. O. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. The officer In charre will be glad to tee parents and sons, and explain everything you wish to know about work. pay. promotion, retire ment, recreation, etc. Or send for "The Making of a Man-o'-Warsman:" it Is free; or address Bureau of Navigation. Box 20B. Navy Department. Washington, D. C WANTED-ror Saunders county, Ne braska, salesman to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; liberal commission. Western Balea Co., 807 Brandels Bldg, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Railway mail clerks: averse 11.100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Fran kirn Institute, Dept. 218 G. Rochester. N. Y. National Auto Training Ass'n Omaha. Neh Actual experience In shop and road work; competent instructors. about this clever little lad. today, only write about him The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. . Special prizes for ladies and gentlemen each week. If you don't win this week .try again. Write your verse now and mail it to Bee Want Tad, Editor, Omaha Bee, HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaneeaa Cent fused. UO 1100 MONTHLY AUTOING. . O. AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. LARGEST dt BEST. WRITE. WANTED For Otoe county. Neh., sales mag to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; liberal commissions. Western Sales Co.. (07 Brandels Bldg., Omahe, Neb. MR. MAN Let Landeryou Tailoring Co. make a pair of trousers for you, or if you write the best verse shout Bee Want Tad renting houses this week we will give you a 310 pair of trousers,, made to your meas ure, as a prize. MEN We have good positions waiting for vnil If .in will I -. . u - w . . j .."in win jmx mr iraue now. Hundreds of graduates running shops calling on us for help. Only few weeks re quired by our new method. Complete out fit of tools given; diplomas granted; wares Saturdays; great scarcity of barbers this season; personal Interview or card mailed will explain how to better your clrcum stances. Moler Barber college, 110 8. 14th St. S.0n0 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept 215-G, Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE OR PEM ALB. WANTED An office assistant; must be emblem sieiioBrapner and bookkeeper; give experience and references in letter of nnllpaHnn lilil... D 009 T WANTF.fl M.n m, 7Z77. . 7Z . i . . o." .genu in n rew good towns In Nebraska; apply with reference. The Union Pacific Tea Co., 701 .1. ivlii 01., ismswna, xeo. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Herses aad Veklclesu HORBES and MULES for sale. 1711 Bvt SPRING V, t . - " v . . eaie wa reasonable prices. 816 N. lst St. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. Ml N. 16th. 318. HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. 1167. NAVAJO Indian .AA- .... ... children; 4 years old. 824 N. 21st HAY. 89 per ton. 801 North 16th St DARK BAY DRIVING MARE, sound and gentle. 7 years old; will work In all harneas. Phone S. 1306 er 8. 1583. PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 1D2 S. 34th. Har. 3686. (-YEAR-OLD driving mare, good condi tion, 1.100 lbs., buggy and harneas, all for 1175. Webster 13t6. BLACK FAMILY HORSE, surrsy slightly used, snd hlgh-grads Stanhope for aale; bargain. 3313 Cuming. Phone H. 2718. DRIVING horse, young, safs, sound. 212 So. 25th St ONE pair mults, weight 2,000 lba; one pair farm mares, weight about 2,300; spaa splendid drivers, about 2,000 lbs.; single driver, l.OuO lbs.; ( good work horses. J. Althaus, Blus barn, rear Millard Hotel. ONE pair mules. 82,600. One big chunk of a horse. A light team, weight about 3.100. 1209 N. 21st bt. Doers, Cats aad Other Pet Stewk. FOR SALE FULL-BLOODED BULL PUP. APPLY 1716 LEAVEN FORTH 8T.. OR PHONE DOUGLAS 3574. I- FOR a dainty dessert use DaJsell's ice cream. I If Morris Hllwe, 252 Burdett St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fins ice cream free. LOST AND FOUND t1D Pwnrrl 1 i"? on flnd.ng a bet- rugs, mattresses. upholKterlng, etc., cleaned by vacuum system. MYERS, Webster 132. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are tamed In aad the company Is anxious to restore them to tbs rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. ' OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Mesh purs containing money, key sod handkerchief ; Brandela Pomp las Dressing Koutn. Reward. Harney 8t4. pnTTKTl Th Teddy Bear expert clean v era and dyers. A-2S25. D. 3466 LOST Gold locket, monogram C. W. 8. ; reward, fall Douglas 1117, Claude Shay. THE beat treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Daliell s ice cream. If R. A. Wil liams, 3515 Jones St., will come to The Pee office within three days we will give him sn order for a quart brick of this fins les cream free. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem ery for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 6oc poatpald: samples free, feber bub A McConnell Drug Co- Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN AtAKV AMI (1IATTKL9. NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Jxmn. Could you ties t2i. or $."! tn a good ad vantage? If so. come to us, don't go tn a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or tcsms without removal, small and easy payments; Hoc Is the weekly pay ment on a 125 loan slid II 20 is the weekly pament on a toO loan for 60 weeks Other amounta In the s.une proportion. Write or phone us and we will rail on you at once. AM business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12, Arlington Klk . lodge Ht Phones: Douglas 24m. Indenendent A-24&6. C1LTTEL LOANS Lowest tales and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. TM Bee Bldg. Doug. 1366. A-1.IM. - ' " ' " MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping bouse and others, wl hout security; easy payments. Office In (7 principal cities. Tolman, 503 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. M C "M" TT V InVftf 'us Vxplal! 11 7 I I I our low rates. Ke ' i,,. credit to. TO IIAN. Come la u Ke- l o.. P I'axton block. Tel. Douglas 141L A-141L "DIAMOND LOANS AT lVi en large loans; smaller loans at 2H and .t W C FIjATAI) T'Pnons Red Mil tV . u. J? a, noo,. street. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electrio vacuum cleaners. 804 8. 16th; 80 8. 17 Us. Doug. 41i EXPRESSMAN 8 DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 111 8. i;th. Doug. V. led. B-im. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex preas. 1st Capitol Ave. D. 670. A-3M37. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES BLACK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; musla furn. for all occasions. 1612 Ohio. Web. 3413. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Hoerne. FOR RENT Modern rooms, beard. 1S1 Cuming St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished eoutb room; deslrabls for I we. 644 be uth 36th St. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms; con nected; good board. (11 South 34th St. FOR RENT Strictly modern rooms, neatly, furnished; two gentlemen. ons block from two cara 2210 California St DOUBLE or slnclo rooms, strictly mod ern. Home cooking. 611 8. 24th St. D. 293L ONE nicely furnished, newly papered, south front room; modern In every way; suitable for two gentlemen; beat home cooking. 2114 Harney St FOR RENT Two single rooms for two genUemen; board. 1918 Cass. St. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for two; table board. 2222 Howard bt VERY comfortable rooms; board. 2601 Davenport Bt FOR RENT Deslrabls room and board, 2215 Howard St FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooms, with or without board. 8017 Manderson St FOR RENT irge room; suitable fot two. U4 South lutb St FOR RENT Deslrabls rooms, neatly fur nished; home cooking. 710 bouth Uth bt THE B ACHE IX) ItB. 20th and Farnam. Rates: Single. 336 to 340; double, 858 to (06. VERY deslrabls rooms with board. 808 B. 25th Avs. ELEGANT front parlor; modern In every reepect; . suitable for two gentlemen or couple, Al table board; pleasant neighbor hood. 2222 Howard. ' DESIRABLE summer house, furnished rooms with board. 123 South 26th Avenue. NICE, quiet home with first class horns cooking; cool rooms; everything modern; hot and cold water all summer; references. Web. 8763. 2631 Hamilton. ROOM and board for gentleman. Han scorn Park. Harney 2230. EXCELLENT BOARD And nicely furnished, clean rooms; hot water aU the time. 472-4 Harney St NICELY furnished modern rooms, with meala, if desired. 2618 Dewey Ave. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT; THE IRVING, 2102 Leavenworth; strictly first class, single and double rooms. Phone D. 6637. CLOSE-IN, centrally located, modern rooms In delightful neighborhood: hot and cold water all the time. First-class table board. 618 a 19th St LARGE east front room, nswly papered and furnished, with board In private fam ily of two; modern home In Kountxe Place on 24th St. car line. Pleasant surround ings; use of piano and 'phone. Married couple preferred. Terms very reasonable. Reference required. 2808 N. 24th. 'Phons Webster 891. THERE Is only ons kind of lea cream, DaJzell's Is ths best. If C. I Meyers, 2112 liim bt., will come to Ths aee. office we will rive him an order for a quart brick of this fins Ice cream free. t arwlshed Roosns. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webstar MA, 8618 N. 20th Bt TWfl atrlctlw rn.jl.ni AAma v ! . ensulte, suitable for two or three. 2W1 r ernem. uougiu djuo. COOL Dundee room, nicely furnished, with breakfast If desired; new modern borne. 'Phone Harney 4S9L LARGE modern rooms, suitable for two, 812 per month. 818 N. 33d. DEWEY Europesn HotsL Uth dt Farnam. FOR RENT Comfortable rooms, walk. Ing dlatanca. 407 b. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Two large rooms, desirable for two nentlemen. 817 8. 26th St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, private family. 2610 N. 13th bt FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooaaa. 8638 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nice room suitable for twe. 313 a 26th Bt WAWTFn THva m , V. ... . ..-...uv - " . ... .J iiiw ior targe front room, with bath, breakfast and sup per, ft.ov per weeit. 1 1 i.a IWCQOlaS. FOR RENT Nicely furnlsned rooms, close in. 1611 Leavenworth bt FOR RENT Clean, seat furnished rooms. 1816 Douglas St FOR REN I Nicely furnlsned rooms suitable for two. 2216 Dodge bt NICELY furnished modern rooms- with breakfast If desired, laiti Junes bt Phons Douglas .2498. FOR RENT Nicely rurnlshed. modern, good location. 71a .N. 20th bt. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms single or eiikuile, on Karnain bt ; nice, cool place, shady yard; everything modern! 2226 Farnam bt. NICELY furnished south room: water. 1707 Dodge. , hot LOOK al large parlor with large sitting room ensulte or can be rented separate; also smaller furnlohed room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car llne everythlng modern. 1427 N. 17th St. Phone WeUter 314. BEAUTIFUL room, esneclally desir able for summer, 3 wlinlows. modern, rinse in Best of references. 514 No 13 Red 4164. ' ONE Isrge front room; new. modem flat; private family; walking distance. IMS Clilcano. Phone U-ZW. LARGE front room and side rooms; ool and strictly ni"dern; verythlng new. DJ Capitol Ave. 'Phone Doug 76.9. 8 Fl KNIJIIKl. sleeping rooms snd suite of housekeeping rooms at reasonable prices. In good neighborhood. 814 ft. 26lh bt 'Phone Doug. (43.