Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Rain Stops Base Ball in Nebraska; Grizzlies Lose; Athletics Trounce the Tigers
Gets Back from Western Trip with
Remodeled Family, y
Fir riarm Get Release and Twt
Others Draw Flora for Pnr
Work Sfw Mm Are
Making Good.
Pa Roark and his family irot home from
the west yesterday, showing the scars
of disaster, but full of fight and more
than ever determined to win the pennant
of the Western league In the present race.
The Wichita team, whirh la Boon to be
come the Pueblos, came along, but the
rain put a atop to the plana for playing
the Sunday game here.
Today four of the Omaha players will
be dropped from the payroll. The other
teams have waived on Pickering, Anderson,
Graham and Patton," and they will be
handed their unconditional releases. Three
new men are now with Omaha, Nlehoff,
Ptck and WMllama. and more are coming.
The further changes to be made will be
announced a little later. On the trip two
members of the team were stiffly fined
for indifferent work on the field, and they
have since been up on their toes, and
ara working hard to etay on the list
Boand to Make Good.
"I am trying to make good on my
promise,-' said Mr. Rourke last night "I
am going to have a ball team here if money
can buy It . Just now the boys are playing
good ball, and. are winning games, but
I know of a couple of weak spots, and I'm
going to fill them as soon as I can.
"Since Schlpke has been relieved of the
worries of playing, he has shown much
unsuspected ability as manager, and I am
going to let him run tha team from the
bench. He Is anxious to make good, and
in my Judgment he will be a revelation
to the patrons.- The new men I have are
all doing wall, and when I get another
corking good pitcher and the other weak
spots braced up. I'll have as good a team
as any.
"It wasn't tha pitching that lost the
games on the last trip. It was just poor
ball playing. That has now stopped. We
had good business. At St. Joseph, Lincoln
nd Denver the attendance was big, and at
Topeka it was the best Week-day at
tendance I ever have played to there. At
Wichita it was bad. I do not understand
why Wichita wanted to let the team go.
but It has. The option to buy expired on
Saturday, and now Isbell will move to
Isbell Goes o Faeblo.
Frank Isbell went to Pueblo last night
to malie final arrangements for the
transfer of the team to that place. It will
necessitate a readjustment of the schedule,
In order that the travel may be equalized,
but Pueblo Is awakened, and a prosperous
season there Is expected.
Omaha rests today, and on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday will play Lin
coln at Rourke park. On Friday. Satur
day and Sunday Pueblo will play here, and
on Sunday night Omaha goea back to
Denver to play on Monday and Tuesday.
Tuesday is Day of
Straw Hat for Fans
Dick ftrotte Fixes Opening of
'Season for Summer Sky
Tueaday is straw hat day.
On this day the formal opening of the
straw hat seaaon will be made in Omaha,
and it will be opened at Rourke baU park.
Every person attending the game on Tues
day la to wear a strasr hat or be fined by
the base ball management and put down
on the blotter as not being a true and
faithful fan.
Dick Orotte, the secretary of the Omaha
ball toam, announced yesterday that he
had decided on tomorrow oa the big day.
It is something new In Omaha and also
In the entire west. In tha east It la a
yearly occurrence. At Philadelphia the
ball fans turn out In droves on straw hat
day and he who dares approach the stands
without a straw sky piece is in danger of
being ejected from tha field.
The University of Pennsylvania origi
nated the straw hat day at baas ball
games and Panamas, sailors, and straw
sunbonnets are the main attraction. Even
the co-eds have taken to the fancy and
now intense rivalry exists as to who wear
the most stunning or hideous "dicer."'
The weather man has promised nlc
warm weather and much sun for the oc
casion, so there will be no danger of the
wearers of the straw catching cold. An
attempt will be made to place one of these
beautiful bonnets on the top of Haskell's
anatomy when he appears on the field to
handle the .Indicator. And woe unto the
umps if he falls to comply with the re
quest of tha fans. His exit from tha
grounds will be livelier than that of the
late Kneeland.
The management of the ball team has
placed a premium on home runs and ev
ery one of the Rourke team who oon
nects safely for four bases will be the re
cipient of a new straw bonnet. That ought
to be an Inducement for any player to gat
out and break his neck swinging on the
good ones.
1 Teaaas Wla mm Lm lm Three
DANVILLE, 111., May n.-Danrlll
divided a double-header with Dubuque to
day, losing the first, i to t, and winning
tba second. .8 to , Scor. first game:
. R-H E.
Jnibuqu lit
Danville !.".""!f 7 t
Batteries: Rngge and Boucher: Bans
Price and Htldebrand,
Second game- R.H.E.
Danville g j4 j
Dubuque ,'.g 4 1
PEORIA. 111.. May O.-Peorla won and
lost to Rock Island In a double-header to
day. Boons, first game: It H E
Peoria 4 0
Rock Island 0 10 0
Katterlee: Hovllk and Jacobs; Humes
and Custer.
Second game R.H 1
Reck Island ,... n j
.... T I
Batteries. Iakaff, Dollar and Jacobean:
Davidson, Gilbert and Jacobs.
DA V EXPORT, la.. May fl-Davenport
and Qulnoy aptlt a double-header here to
day, exchanging, I Ui Score, first game:
favenpurt - j j
Qulncy a 0
Batteries: Belson and Coleman; Vyekoctl
and Forney.
Second game R H E.
Qulncy , j 10
(Davenport A 4 1
Batteries: Spencer and Clark; Flowers
and Walsh.
WATKKLOO. la.. May 21 Waterloo-
Eprirujfleld double-header postponed; rain.
A- la the Itsnark
la dyspeaia. complicated with liter and
kidney trouble. Electric Bitters help all
such cases or no pay. 0c For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Standing of Teams
Sioux City. 19 H ..'04
Phils 22 10 .-7
Pittsburg ..11 II ..'
New York. .IS 12 M
Chicago ....IS 111 .isl
Ienver 19 9
Wichita ...In !
Lincoln ...In 10
rt Joseph. 14 M
Cincinnati ..! 13 .
13 15 .4
St. Iiuia....l2 17. .444
Brooklyn ...10 21 2S
Boston 8 2a .212
Detroit' 27 7 . 794
.10 17 .3701
Des Moines 4 25
W.tPct !
Columbus.30 12
Mlnn'ps ...22 1
Kan. City.. in 14
Milwaukee 1S 1.
8t. Paul. ...17 17
Chicsso ....lrt 13 .hit
Ronton 11 14
New Tork..l", 17. ..
Phlla lu 15 .;i0)
lyoulsvllle .17 19 .472
f'leveland ..Hi IX .471
Toledo 14 22 ,3vj
Indlan'lla .12 23 .31.1,
Washlngt'n 1" 20 .m
St. Louis.... 10 2i ,j3
Or. island.
FallsClty ... 3 0 1 (10
Clarinda ... 3 0 l.OnO
Neb. City... I 1 M7
Auburn 1 6 ?1.i
Marrvllle ..0 8 .0"0
Shendoah . 0 3 .WW
Kf arney
York ....
Yesterday's Iteanlts.
Wlchlta-Oniahu, rain.
Pluux City-Lincoln, rain.
St. Joseph, 6; lenver, 4.
Lea Moines, 1; Topeka, 2.
Rcston-Chlcago. rain.
Near York. 4; St. Louis, 5; ten innings.
Philadelphia. : Detroit. 2.
Washington, 1: Cleveland, 8.
ft. Paul, 1; Indianapolis, 10.
Kansas City, 2-6; Louisville. 9-4.
Milwaukee, 11; Columbus, 10.
Minneapolis, 7; Toledo, 1.
Kearney-Hastlngsi rain.
Fremoit-Peward, rain.
Columbus-York, rain.
Grand Island-Superior, rain.
Games Today.
National League St. Louis at Boston,
Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Pittsburg at fcew
York. Chicago at Philadelphia.
American league New York at Chicago,
Boston at St, Louis, Washington at De
troit, Philadelphia at Clevelann.
American Association St. Paul at In
dianapolis, Kansas City at LouiBvllle, Mil
waukee at coiumnus, Minneapolis at 10
Nebraska State League Fremont at
York, Columbus at Superior.. Grand Island
at Hastings, Kearney at sewaro.
Mink League Jrhenandoah at Auburn,
Nebraska City at Falls City, Maryvllle at
Drummers Capture Last of Series by
Five to Four.
Lladaar an Coffey Secare Three. Baaei
; Hits GUmore aad Haaillton
LaaS Tvo-Baas;ers Six
Strikeouts. ,
DENVER. May JL The Drummers won
tha last game of the series today with
tha home team by a score of 5 to 4. Score:
AB. R. M. O. A. E.
Lloyd, 2b 10 14 8 0
Gil more, cf 4 113 0 0
Weldensaul, If 5 1 i 4 0,0
Quill In, 3b 5 0 1110
Lindsay, lbs S 1 8 1 0
Coffey, ss 8 0230
Cassldy, rf 4 11 S 0 0
McMurray, o I 0 1 6 3 0
Harris, p t 1 0 0 1 1
Heal 1 0 0 0 0 0
Hagerman, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals ....36 4 10 ,30 16 1
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
McCheeney, cf 4 1110 0
Kelley, rt 4 2 8 1 0 1
Powell, If 4 1 1 S 0 0
Riley, 2b 3 0 1 ' 4 8 1
Jones, lb 8 1 1 13 3 0
Gossett, C 6 0 17 10
Mlnke, ss 4 0 0 1 6 0
Hamilton, 8b 4 0 1 0 8 0
CheileUe, p 4 0 0 1 1 0
Totals SS 6 8 80 IS 1
Hatted for Harris In ninth.
Denver 0 0)3 0 0 0 0 0 1 04
bt. Joseph 0 00 8 0 2 0 0 0 1-6
Stolen bams: Poweil (8), Kelly, Jones,
Riley. Two-base hits: GUmore, Hamilton,
'i'hree-base hits: Llndaty, Coffey. Sacri
fice hits: Lloyd (2), Hlley, McMurray.
Kelly. Struck out: B Harris, 8; by
Chellettn. 6. Bases on oalls: Off Harris.
4; off Cbellette, 2; off Hagerman, 1. Wild
fitch: CheileUe. Left on bases: Denver,
, St. Joseph, (. lnniiurs pitched: By Har
ris nine Innings, runs 4, hlta 7; by Hager
man one lifnlng. runs 1. hits & 'Tlmei 3:22.
Umpires: Kneeland and Morgan.
, 1 S '
Locals Brk Hlta with De Molars'
Errors 1st Se-realh.
TOPEKA, May 3L Topeka made It two
out of three from Dea Moines today. To
peka bunched hlta with Des Moines errors
In the seventh. Score:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Rlckert, If. 4 0 0 1 0 0
Moore. 2b 4 0 0 1 8 0
Harford, jb 4 0 1 0 3 0
Whitney, lb 4 0 1 10 1 0
Hopke. ss 4 1110 0
Crompton, rf 8 113 0 0
Hrelteusteln, cf 8 0 0 3 0 0
Prambes, e , 8 0 1 T 0 0
McOrath, p 3 0 0 1 4 0
Totals 80 1 1 U "l
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Curtis. If 8 0 14 10
Colllgan. ss 4 0 1 0 0 1
Matties, cf. .......... 1 0 0 8 0 0
Dwyer, lb. 4 0 U 0 0
Korea. 8b 4 0 114 0
Decamp, rf. 4 0 1 0 8 0
Hersche, lb. 3 113 11
Hachant. o. 4 0 0 ' 8 0 0 p 4 0 1 0 6 0
Totals 81 1 U U t
Topeka 0OOO008O8
Des Moines 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Stolen bases: Crompton, Decamp. Sacri
fice hit: Mattlck. Bases on balls: Off Mc
Orath, 3; off McKee, 1. Struck out: By
McUrath, ; by McKee, 8. Hit by pitched
ball. Hersche. Pafsed ball: Frambea.
'lime: 2:u6. Empire: Hhoemaker.
Naaserooa Eatrlos Received for Two
Days' Meet la Jaly.
SriRIT LAKE, la.. May 3L-SpoolaI.)
Entries for the July 4 and 6 horse races
here, at which two SuOO purses and four
3-i0 purses have been offered, indicate
there will be a large field of starters.
Stats Senator L. E. Francis, who Is presi
dent of the Dickenson County Pair asso
ciation, predicts one of the most successful
race meets ever held In northwestern Iowa.
Carpenters are now at work building addi
tional barns to accommodate horses and
trainers snd a new pole fence la being
built around the track.
Sack Aatlera Sek Gosae.
The Buck Antlers would like to book a
game wnn some out-oi-iown team for May
. Address L. J. Karrya. 4K3 North Sev
enteenth street, Omaha, Neb.
rolejr'e Kldory ctvasedr Acted 4elek.
M. N. George. Irondale, Ala., was both
ered With kidney trouble for many yeara
"l waa perauadsd to try Foley Kidney
Remedy, and before taking It three cays
I could feel Its beneficial effects. The
pain left my back, my kidney actios
cleared up and I am so rauca Setter. I
do not hesitate to reoommead Foley sUd
aey Remedy.' Toy sal by UI druggist.
Leading Members of Rourke
Vil i j
Y , . '
1 I t $
i " f, 7 -h
1 n ' , - it
1:. '" : I
t '-- 'J:-: :i::iv J . ., f. . 7 I
PS A " .
' fa .... :. : '";.r,. rV,.. . A V
Minneapolis Lands on James for Eight
Safe Ones. '
Caret Keeps Locate' Hlta Well Sot
tered Bstler Reeares Two-Baa
Hit -Two Stolea Bases
Three SacrtHoe Files.
TOLEDO. O.. May Mlnnit hrr.W.
Toledo's winning streak today, hitting
James hard and taking the contest, 7 to L
t avet kept the locals' hits well scattered,
Score : -
A.B?-?"-V AB.H.O.A.B.
Vllss, tf I 0 I 0 (I riymer, el., I 1 a A
Hlncbnun, tb I 0"! 4 "1 01)1. lb 4 a It 0
"". It 1 Crarsth. rt.. I I 0
Hlrkman. rf. 4 1 4 0 Willi. mi. Ik 5 1 ft 0 4 I 10 1 t I I 1 8
Butler. ... 4 111 t Kllllfar, rf... I 0
Brnnklt, lb. 4 1 t 1 0 Ferris, lb. . . . I 1 0 10
Adams, r ... 111 Owens, e I 1 c
JUpp, .....! I I lum, 4 0 .4 t
W. Junes, 1 0 ft I "
TstsJa. ..oJK I 17 II 0
Totals 11 I IT II t m
Toledo 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Minneapolis 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 07
Two-bsse hit: Butler. Stolen bases: Cly
mer. Gill. Sacrifice hlta: Gill. Kllllfer,
Owens. First base on balls: Off James, B;
off Cavet, 2, Struck out: By James, 3: by
Cavet. 8. Double play: Butler to Hlnch
nian to Hohnhorst. Left on bases: Toledo.
8; Minneapolis, 7. Wild pitch: Cavet.
Pa.oeed ball: Rapp, Hit by pitcher: Kll
llfer. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Owens and
Bines and Colonels Divide.
LOU18VILLE. May 21. -Kansas City and
Louisville broke even today In a double
header. Home runs by Hay den and
Hughes and catenas by Orlmshaw and
Haydrn were the features. Scores:
gUnUr, ef.. 4 1 4 Bsrbws, lb. 1 1
Howard, lb. 11 Shannon. If.. 1111
Laanoi, lb . I I 1 0 0 Lots, rf 4 I t 1
Hardn. rf.,4 1 I 1 0 Hyatt, lb.... 4 111
Orlmahaw, If t I 1 Braoot, rf.... Ill
Robinson, as I I' I t Oimdon, ss. 4 I 1 10
Stantburr. lb I I I I 0 Dowala, tb... 1111
Hushes, ... I til Jamaa. a 4 1 0
lacla, 111 Bhoadas, p.. I 4
Bakar 1 III
Totals M mil I
Totals tt 14 II I
Batted for Rhoades in ninth.
Kansas City 8000000 03
Louisville 0 0 1 0 0 3 8 8
Stolen baaea: Robinson. Jamas. Two
base hit Single. Home runs:, Hughe.
Hayden. Struck out: By Slagle, 8; by
Rhoadea. B. Base on bails: Off Single. 1;
of Rltoades, 4. Tims: 1:38. Umpires:
Hayes snd Handlboe.
Score, second xame:
AB H O A B ; . AS H O A B.
Barbaau. lb. 1111 Stanlar. ef.. 4 1 0
Shannon. If.. I I 4 0 Howard, lb. ( I 0
Ua. lb I 1 I tUanni. lb .. I til
Hratt, of.... 4 11 Haydan, . rt.. t 1 1
moot, rt 4 I I 1 S Urlmihaw, It 4 I I 0
CViriidoa. aa. 4 I 4 1 Robinaon, si I I I I
liownla. lb.. 4 1 I I . (Banabury, lb 4 I 4 1
O'Connor, t. 4 1 I 0 Orendurff. a. 4 8 4 I 0
Alirork. p... 111 0 Undamaa, pl 0 1
Brandon, p. 1 t .
Total IT II n It
Totala i 11 tt 11 I
Louisville 00000031 04
Kansas City 30011010 06
Stolen base: Stanley. Two-base hits: Al
trock. Karbeau, tkansbury. Three-base
hits: Kmoot, Orendortf, Orlmshaw. Struck
out: By Lindaman. 4; by Altrock, 1: by
Hrandom, 1. bases on balls: Off Linda
man, 1; off Aluocla, 1. Time: 8:00. Um
pires: Handlboe and Hayes.
Salats Are Defeated.
INDIANAPOLIS. May 21 After a rain
storm had put an end to the first came of
a scheduled double-header In the third In
ning, the locals easily defeated St. Paul
in the second game. Steinfeldt. formerly
of the Chicago Nationals, played his first
game with St. Paul. Score:
relehantr. rt 1 4 Rallmaa. If . I 1 I 0
Kaluoa. If... 4 1 1 Waodnifl, tU I I I I
MK'ormlck.aa I 111 1 Car lath. rt..t 1
Seaaear 4,1 8 I Houaar. Ik.. I 4 I
Autrar. lb... 1 T Geti, lb I 4 1 I
Howard, cf . . I I 1 Hit tar, c. . . . . I lft
Stalntaldt. Ik 4 1 I 1 WlUlams. Ik. I 1 4 1
Howall, lb... 4411 Mowar, as... 4818
-h-K. p I 1 I Wahk, p 4 I
Kell.y !
Totala .41 It tT 10
Toiaia 14 i n u 4
i niied lor Chech In ninth
St Paul 00000100A1
lndtanapolui 00300233 "10
Two-baae hlta: Houser. Oets (2). Bases
on baUs. Off Webb, 4. Struck out: y
( 4
Webb, 8. Tim. 1:60. Umpires: Ferguson
and Chill.
.. Brewers Wla Swatfeat.
COLUMBUS. May 21. On alx hlta. two
passed balls and errors by Mahllng and
Perrlng, Milwaukee secured seven runs In
the last two Innings snd won today's
gam. 11 to 10. Sensational plays by Bon
nln and Mahllng In the ninth kept the
score from mounting higher. Congalton
and Perrlng were the heaviest hitters
AB.H.O.A.B. AB. H O. A. B.
Randall, rt.. Ill 10 CRonrke. lb 4 1 I 1 0
Obarlaa, lb.. I III I Hlnchman, if I 010
Jonaa, lb.... I t II t Congalton, rf I I 0 0 0
Bamtt, at... 4 10 Downa, lb... 1 1 I I 0
Stone, it I 0 0 Parrtni. lb.. 4 1 1 I 1
Latbold, If... 110 4 Mabllnc, aa.. 4 114 1
Clark, .... I I 0 Bonnln. cf... 110
Lawla. as.... 4 111 1 Arbocaat, .. I IT
Marshall, a.. I II Packard, p. .. 1 1110
Ollllsmn, p... !'
Marlon, p.... 1 1 0 Totala 14 11 17 1 I
MoOlyna, p.. 8 I i
Braan 0 0 i
Lriidwl ....
Totals 4 U IT M 8
Hatted for Marion In the fifth.
Batted for Stone in the eighth. '
Milwaukee 0O40V003 411
Columbus 33021101 110
Stolen base: Marshall. Sacrifice hits:
Perrlng, ' Arbogaat, Packard. Sacrifice
file: Downs, Packard. Two-baao hits:
Perrlng (2),. Congalton, Clark. Double
plays: Mahllng and Downa; Lewis, diaries
and Jones; McGlynn and Jones. Bases on
balls: Off Packard, 4: off Ollllgan, 1: oti
Marlon, 4; off McOlynn, 3. Struck out
By Packard. 5; by Marlon, 1; by McGlvnn
1. Hits: Off Ollllgan, 6 in one and onr
third Inning-; off Marlon, 1 In two aim
two-thirds innings; off McOlynn, 7 In five
innings. Wild pitches: Marion 2). Time:
3:36. Umpires, blerhalter and Weddlge.
Gor Webster Knocked Dons
While Playlagr at Waverly, la.
CHARLES CITY, la.. May a (Special
Telegram.) Oeorge TYebster of the high
school base ball team, while playing at
Waverly yesterday was hit by a pitched
ball, knocking him senseless. He was
taken to a hospital and is to have an
operation performed
- Festral City Wins.
CENTRAL CITY, Neb.. Mav 21. (Spe
citl.l Central City High school defeated
Fullerton High school here Saturday by
the score. 13 to . Trtplett. for the home
team, allowed but three hlta and struck
out seven batters. Score:
Central Cltv High. 40011403 13
Fullerton High ..2021OO01O8
Batteries: Triplet! and Lutes; Godding,
Marohlnney and Downs.
Morrill Wloa Trsrk Htet.
MORRILL, Neb , May SI fSpeclal .)
Morrill High school defeated Mitchell High
school In base ball snd track meet here
Saturday afternoon The score In the base
ball game was: Mitchell, 8; Morrill, 12.
Track meet score: Morrill, 8); Mitchell, 00.
For Morrill the honors are divided between
Rllvernail. Rloeum snd Braslel. Joe Wilde
was the star for Mitchell.
f"VrM. Con A. C00S1N
, (t:VlrVt TKWttN KWKW
3. M. Howell, a popurar druggist of
Greensburg. Ky , says. "We use Chamber.
Iain's Cough Remedy In our own household
and know it Is excellent." For sal by all
Exause Allows Detroit Flayers Bat
Four Singles.
Each Team Claims Two Games of
Series Mnrphy ierarea ' Two
Two-Base Hlta Twelro
Men strike Oat. v
DETROT.T, May 21. Krause pitched bril
liant ball allowing Detroit but four singles,
and Philadelphia won. Each team claimed
two games of the series: Score:
AB.H O.A I. ) . AB H.O.A.B.
Lord, It 411 OITraka, if.. 4 0 0 0 0
OMrlng, ef.. 4 1 I'd d Buih, 4 fl I 1 0
Colllna, 2b... 1 l.t I.OCnl. rt I lit
Bakar, lb.... 416 0 Oawforrt. rf I 0 0 8
DaTla. lb.... 111 0 TAeb(ntr, lb 4 1 l,T 1
Murrhr. rf.. I I 01 Mnrlarty, lb. 4 0 1 1
Mflnnla. aa.. I 0 0 4 I Nraa, lb...'.. 4 I'll ' I
Barrr, aa.... 1 0 0 Btanage, ,e... I til
Thomas, e.,.4 10 1 Lively, 111
Krauae, p.... 4 13 .. ,
Totals.. ....81 4 IT IT I
Total! tt 1 IT 14 4
Philadelphia 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 .0-6
Detroit 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
Two-base hits: Murphy 2. Struck out:
By Krause, 6: by Lively, 8. Bases on balls:
Off Lively, 3; off Krsuse, 2. Time: 2:04.
Umpires: Dineen and O'Loughltn.
St. Loots Beats Wew York.
. 'ST. LOVIS. May 21. St Louis won the
final gam of the series with New York.
The locals tied the score , In th seventh
when three singles, a triple and an error
netted them four runs. In the tenth Me
loan scored the winning run when
he drove the ball Into the bleachers for a
home run. Score:
IB H O 11 AH. H.O.A.B
DanMa. ef.. 4 I Rhottaa, ef.. 4 I 1
Woltar, rf... 4 II Austin, V... f 11
Hartaall, lb.. 111 Maloan, rf...l 3 1
(TM, If, I I I 0 Laporta. lb.. 1111
Knlfht, lb . I 1 II Hosan. If.... 4 114 0
Oardnar, 2b. 4 1 1 I Clarke, a.... 4 I 4 8
Johneoiw aa.. Ill I Wallaos, as.. 4141
Blair, c I IT! 4 Myara. lb.... 4 I 14 I fl
Flaher, 1 I Geone. P-... 101
Swaanay, c . 0 Mltrhall. p.. 1 0 1 (1
Caldwell, p. . 0 I ('rlaa 110
ttmpblll .. Hotfmaa ...
Totala 13 1227 II I Totals IT 10 M II I
No one out when winning run waa made.
Hatted for Blair in ninth.
Batted for George In elKhth.
Han for Crlss In seventh.
New York 002010100 04
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 15
Two-base hlta: Fisher, Daniels, Meloan.
.Three-baoe hit: CriM. Home run: Meloan.
liases on balls: Off George, 1; otf Mitchell,
2; of Fisher, 2. Struck out: By Fisher, 7.
Time: S:t0. Umpires: Mullena and Evans.
Naps First Aala.
CLEVELAND. May 21. Cleveland made
tl four straight from Washington today.
Oreeg was a mystery all through the
game, while iluxhe was hit hard while
men were on bases. El be if eld Injured a
knee und retired In tike lghth. Score:
Milan, cf. .. 4 1 I I l firanay, It... I I ' 0 0
. haater. lb. I I I I I Olaon. sa 4 1 8 4 0
Lahvrli. If . 4 1 I 0 Jarkaos. cf..4 I
Elbarlald. ID 4 II I I tl Kaalarly. rf.,4 lit
Oarer, lb... 0 Stovall. lb. I 110 0
Gaa.lxr. rf . 4 1 1 Hlnn' hais. lb 4 111
Mcbnda. rf. I 0 I I 0 Ball, tb 111
l un sham, lb 4 I Sroitb, c 4 1 T 1
Henry, t 1 1 I I I Groaa. 4 11
Hug Ilea, p... 4111
Totals II 14 17 I I
Totals 14 I 24 14 I
W as-runKton 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
ClevHlund 80002080 8
Two-base hits: Birmingham, Henry.
Three-base hit: fichaefer. Bases on bails:
Off Grur-g, 2. off Hughes, 4. Struck out:
By Or en . by Hughes. 4. Time: l.iA.
Umpire. Perrine and tiberldan.
Ilorrkesler Loss to Wllber.
DORCHESTER, Neb., Msv 21 iSpeclal.)
Dorchester loat to Wllber her featur
day by the score of 3 to 1 The gam waa
one of the bent ever wltnesxed up to the
sixth inning when Byeis for Dorchester
w..kenfri and was tOLirhed up for four
I run. from the result of two singles, a
j thue-bujfK-'r and home run. all in mat
inning, i p to inia tune ii a mivnm a
battle Score: R.H.E.
Dorchester ..1 0000004) 01 4 t
Wilier 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 08 10 3
Latterlea: Wllber. F. Rlmerda and Pru
rha; Dr-hestr. Bvei smt''r and Mor
racy. Umpire; Edward Morraay.
He Sees People Unfolding in Lap of
Bee's Booklovers' Contest.
Fasatly Head Gets Miied la Trying to
Flsere Out Ttnok Title and Raaa
Ashore on l.eters of "Oar"
Artlal'a lanatare.
Through his field glass of purzles The
Man In the Toner sees Omaha and the
west unfolding themselves In the lap of
the BxentcHt newspaper contest that hss
been conducted In the middle west In
recent yearsthe Booklovers.' contest of
The Bee.
In homes he beholds children and parents,
all working at the pumles After supper
the family circle Is formed around the
rarlor table and all trlve suggestions as
to what book Is rerrsrnted In the dailv
picture. Mother lends her aid. She Is a
club woman and her friends have recently
discussed books. Ah, sh has suogestlon.
"It Is 'Th Last Hnpe of the White
Race.1 I feel sure." is whiit she remarks.
Then Th Man In the Tower see little
Harry look up at her with a glance of
Mother Mont Be Wrong;.
"Mother." he savs, "don't you know this
la no sporting event? We are talking
about real literature." One would think
you were reading the pink section of the
newspaper. Oet Into the spirit of this
contest. It seems to me this hook Is
'The Man from Red Ken:.1 Pee, he has
a pair of red top boots on. It must be
this book."
"I don't think either of you are correct,"
remarks Sister Hsiel. "If you will con
sider all points In the picture and look
Into the details of the background you
undoubtedly will rhanse your mind and
j agree with me that the title represented
In this illustration Is "The Love Affairs
of an Old Maid.' "
The Man In athe Tower Is deeply Inter
ested now and he glances over to the
other side of the' table where papa has
Just thrown down a paper and Is paying
strict attention to what the other members
of his family are saying.
"Well of all the thick-headed people,"
from sarcastic father come these words.
"I never thought my children, and my
wife, well, well, could be so . dense. The
Idea of those titles. Well, I am so dis
gusted. Papa Gives Some Llarht.
"Now look at this picture. All of you
get your optics riveted on the center of
the picture. See this straight line' here?
See that line which curves over the man's
leg? There Is another line here In the
corner. Why the title Is there lust, ss
plain. There Is something about 'Doarte.
Powell, too. Why the book -mtist be by
Powell. What book did Powell write,
HarryT " . . .
"Why, papa," answers Harry, "you are
Just simply ridiculous tonight. Doane
Powell Is the 'name of the artist who
draws the pictures.! You surely must have
your brain muddled jover figuring out how
Omaha won that game In 124 A. D. Oet
next to these pictures and you will be In
your right mlnd agsln." :
reels Ills Bad Mistake..",
"Oh, I made' a mistake." papa' feels his
error. "I should have known that was
the name of the author. Well, going back
to those lines again there are so many
lines In this picture I believe . the title
must be 'The Lions Share," by Octave
Thanet." :
Little Hasel at this point picks up The
It is Never too Late Before July 2
Extension In Bee's Booklovers' Contest gives new entrants plenty
of time in which to solve puzzles.
Last picture will appear June 19, but. extension takes limit for
sending in answers to July 2.
Enter today and get tbe back ; pictures tn the special catalogue
coupon combination offer.
: See rules In under picture today. for additional Information.
More Ihan S3.6QO In Free Prizes
ranks among th leading motor cars. For both aervlce and speed this auto
will make an excellent possession. It Is a real Joy-maker It is tully equip
ped and Is Just like accompanying Illustration. The famous Apperaon war
ranty goea with this car. The prise may be Inspected st th Apperaon sale
rooms, iiuz f arnam street.
Second Prize
Value $760
Not everybody can-play a . piano
but everybody would like to. The
88-nots Kimball player-piano, worth
8780, which Is the second grand
prize, will furnish music for you
whether you play or not- It la a
wonderful Instrument, and will make
some horn a happy place for every
member of th family. Even Grand
ma can play- this instrument. If
sister wants to play It without the
mechanism, ahe alrnplv has to lift
a lever. This player Is exhibited at
the A. Hospe store, 1813 Douglas St.
Fourth Prize 9230
A 8200 Columbia "Regent-' Orafon
oUi and $60 worth of records form
the fourth grand prize. This excel
lent Instrument is one of the best
rnanufa JiLied It la built of finest
mahogany throughout. For any
family this Instrument la alrnplv a
musics! gtm.. It Is sure to Increase
the bliss of anv home. It will draw
the family closer together and form
means of entertainment night after
night This Grafonola la now ex
hibited at the Columbia Phonosrhapti
Company's agency, 1 31 1-1 3 Far nam
'-LJ J! 1- LJLJ gS-jL ILJ-Li 18
Xlilpty-aPivc Cash Prizes
Value J5140
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Priue
Watch for the Daily
Pee and pilule picture and leaves tho
room. Her psrtlng shot Is: "I m golr.4
into a room where I can collect
thoughts. You people all are foolish."
The Man In the Tower is still waichlna;
her. For many minutes she pores ever
the plrture hlle secluded in her chamber.
And when she gels through she seems t
have solved the pimle. The Man In the
Tower he knows the pur.xle breathe
freely and wants to congratulate the little
girl. , '
The Man In the Tower sees thousgnds of .
the Tower sees tnouesnis oi
vorklng on the puzslea.
? close watch during U'f'
nlct." 1
other people w
means to keep
rest of the conic? 1
Okohn.1l Camp Pats I sereaty-Acr
Crop for Member of Order
Wko Is Sick.
PIERRE. S. D.. Msy 21. (Sperlal.)-Th
Modern Woodmen have a lodge at Oko
bojo, Sully county, composed principally
of farmers, list spring a man by tho
name of Pearsol moved Into that vicinity,
and since his arrival has bfen having ft
great deal of sickness In his family, badly
delaying Ms farming operations. Learn
ing that he was a member of their order,
the lodge decided to get busy and Wednes
day of this week eighteen farmers, with
gang plows, disks, harrows and other Im
plements, using a .total of seventy hnv
gathered at the plae and be,fore they nuT?
at night they had plowed and planted
seventy acres for him. Most of It waa put
in corn snd oats, wltft, an acre of potatoes
In the list x
State League Gossip
Fremont drew a blank and for nine In
nings were handed a goose egg by th
Seward boys.
Hastings trimmed Kearney Saturdav In
the first game played bn tha home ground
by a 6 to 3 score.
Grand Island administered a goose egg
to the Superior bunch In (Saturday's gam
lor nine long innings. j
Wheeler, for the Seward team, pitched
some game. He allowed but three hits, no
runs and struk out four msn.
Henry, the first baseman for the SowarU
team, made three of the six hits. He wiis
to bat four times and connected aafe
every time but the last.
Five home rt ns were made In the Columbus-York
gums. The lucky connectors
were Harms llrnr.essy, Buchanan, Meixell
and Melum. Some clouting.
McKlbben, the Grand Island first base
man, drew a big hand in Saturday's gam
wnen ne sent me dam over the cent
flold fenc in the final Inning.
Campbell also pitched a - good game
against the Seward team. He allowed but
lx hits, struck out eight men and gave
inree runs, lie passea out one man. I
Columbus' new third baseman, MelurK
was not right Saturday. He had louSr
cnar. res and booted every one. lip to tisu
uiday he had been playing grand ball.
Hoffman pitched a good game for Su
perior, but the support In the field was
poor.. Five errors were made, sll of whlh
Mere costly and came at the wrong tlms
Columbus took the game from York Sat-'
urday by a score of 11 to 8. The gam
was slow and uninteresting. Two hours
and ten minutes were consumed In playing;
nine innings.
Columbus made thirteen hits off th
Thompson battery, which is considered on
of the best in the league. York made a
like number of hits, but they were not
placed right. .
Superior made five hlta In Saturday's ,
game, but they were scattered. Mors
pitched a. game for Grand island which
was, without doubt, the best game pitched
this season In th league.
Sick headache results from a disordered
condition of the stomach, and can b cured .
by tbe use of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Taeiets. .iry . ur saue oy
First Prize
a Value $2,000 '
A' 32,000 Apperaon ".rack Rabbit"
Touring car. Model Foir-7 hlrty, with
five-passenger capacity. It Is a great
car In a preat contest. It has many
sneed and road records, and today
Third Prize
Value $800
This prise Is a beautiful lot ' In
A. P. Tuksy Boa's Her addition,
adjacent to Hanacom park and Cen
tral boulevard. It Is lot 4 of block
eight, on Thirty-third atreet. and Is
60x180 feet. The street car Una runs
slong Thirty-second Avenue, Just a
block from the site of tho lot. Some
young couple, perhaps, wll. here erei-t
a little tut lace in which to live for
years and yeara. Who cau tell whit
Jucky person will ret this Ideal lotT
You may bs the one.
of 93. Twenty Prizes of 92
Picture in the Bee
: Ii X -
r i