Tim OMAHA KIWPAY HKE: MAY 21. lf.11. NOTABLE BARGAIN SPECIAL ANDEI uninjuunrCT .mis Li-iiil'taj , " iimBBM 8 This nnnual event is the talk of femi nine Omaha. The Values are fo extra ordinary. You Hiooso from hundreds of fresh undemiuslins on im mense tables on the second floor. OUR GREAT MAY SALE Muslin Underwear Throiffbout all this month new groups of undermuslins will Ikj brought forward every day at extra special bargains. ! and 22-!nch embroid ered flouncing Hnd skirting. a)o wide In sertion and gnllnona: many worth 50c a yard, per yard, at Here are special bargain lots that have been specially prepared for Mon day's selling. Opportunities like these have never before been offered. Women's very flee night gowns and chemises, slip over effects with French embroidered yokes,, white petticoats with wide lace trimmings, draw- aq ers, corset covers, -SQI; etc., at wv Elegant skirts, gowns, -chemises, drawers and covers that are elabor ately trimmed with fin est laces and embroid eries, spe cial for Mon. day, at $1.39 The most beautifully made undermuslins are in this ' group, garments that rival the finest hand made un dermuslins, rich trimmings and selected fabrics, at $1.89 25c -. ... U ,. u . , iwlsn. firtiiiMX'k mid rnmlirto emliroldery edcliiKK. insertion and hearting; many worth up ' to 1 ."c a yard, per yard, at . . . . RIES EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF EFSBROIDE 27-inoh fine Swiss embroidered flouiu-ings and skirtings; also all- over embroideries very effective designs in Knglish ( eyelet, floral, guipuire and blind relief effects worth up to (55c a yard, big bargain square, at, yard if; tusu nil- 35c 27-Inch French Batiste Embroidered Flouncing Hemstitched flouneings. ruffled flouncing dainty eyelet and spray designs; also 45-inch Swiss embroidered skirtings and A f 24-inch allovers actually worth up to $1, , iWp at yard 45-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirt ings Very effective English eyelet and floral designs, worth up to $1.25, at, nrn yard V 45-inch Fine Embroidered French Batiste Skirtings Dainty Baby Irish lace and combination Jap anese effects; worth up $139 to $2.00, at, yard....( 1 Fine Embroidered French Voile Robes All white: also dainty col ored embroiderey on white grounds; very special, at, each. .$5.98 Greatest Sale of Men's Shirts EVER HELD IN OMAHA 7,500 Men's Negligee-Shirts at half actual .value. , ; i All the Men's Madras, Chambray and Percale Shirts and all the Boy's Pongee and 9ft a Madras Shirts, worth up to $1.00, at. .... . Men's Pongee and Madras Shirts Worth up to ' $1.50; on sale, 75C All the Men's Finest Silk Mixed Pongee and Soisette Shirts Worth QO up to $3, at........ vOl - ' , ' Special Sale of Hen's Summer Underwear SURPLUS STOCK OF TOOTLE-CAMPBELL CO., OF ST. JOSEPH, MO Men's $2.00 summer weight Union Suits, at- .98c Men's $2.50 Silk and Linen Undershirts and Aft Drawers, at, per Jtlf , garment Men's 8ummer Weight Union Suits worth fl and 11.25; at, each 69 Men's $1 French Lisle ,and Balbrlfrgan Undershirts and Drawers, at. 35,, 50 Men's $1.50 Mercerized Silk -Undershirts - and mtm Drawers, at, each, J)Q Men's 75c and 85c Quality Union Suits, t 50 Men's $1.60 Athletic Undershirts and Drawers, at, per garment... 75 MONDAY'S REMARKABLE SALE of Kfew Wash Goods Will Crowd Our Basement With Enthusiastic Buyers. 35c PART SILK TISSUES AT 15c YARD. Please bear, in mind that every yard is perfect, styles and colorings new this season. Checks, plaid.s, 'stripes and broken checks, in most every coior ana coniDinaiion oi colors, oucn a bargain in summer wash stuffs may never occur again. Buy these new silk . thread tissues at a saving of 20a on each yard, at, yard ; FLORAL ORGANDIES . i Fine . batiste and summer lawns, splendid opportunity to buy these new printed wash goods. Hundreds of pretty patterns, at, per yard 5e, 62c, 8ir, 10c 15c 1 Special Sale of Silverware Monday Sterling Silver Lemon Forks, Baby Spoons, Preserve Spoons, Sardine Forks, Olive Spoons, and other odd pieces, worth up to QQ Rogers' 26-Piece ChestS Stratford's 26-piee chests, - -.worth $10, 5 75 ;jss.K 4 Knives and forts, 12 pieces. In oak AQft cases, worth A $4.00, at Set of tea spoons at , worth $,1.50, Set of table spoons, worth $2, at : .$1.49 BRANDEIS STORES . WHITE BATISTE Original mill bolts, 26c and 36c grades of 40-inch' wide mercerized 4 white batiste and plain white h( flaxon, at, per yard. MERCERIZED POPLIN Mercerized poplins and reps for pretty frocks, various new shades In tan, blue, brown, gray, hello pink, etc., at, per yard. . . . . . 15c French Muslins and Long Cloth Made from Egyptian cotton noted for its extra long fibre and natural strength for womens' and childrens' 4 undergarments, on sale, at, ' lip per yard Aviv 7J2c APRON GINGHAMS at 5c .Blue and white checks, or broken checks firmly woven and dyed In clear fast colors. Desirable for aprons m children's rompers, etc., at, ff yard. : w DRESS GINGHAMS Record breaking assortment; wanted check, stripes, plaid or color. 27-inch zephyrs made' in 2, 5, 8 and 10-yard lengths, at, per yard every plain 9c MUSLIN Perfect lengths bleached and unbleached, m yard wide til SHEETS muslin, yard., MONDAY FORENOON Fancy Standard Dress Prints, forenoon only at, yard Seamed 72x90 bleached sheets, made to sell at 60c, at, each ' 29c Printed Etamine For drapery use. Sells at 19c and ;Bc off the- holt. fi.nno yards In lengths, at per yard 'cub ah 7k 3!c MONDAY AFTERNOON Promptly at 1:30, white curtain swlss, figured, dotted" or plain 1 0c, 12 Vic and 16c grades long Sj lengths, at, yard Linens at Special Prices in Basement Extra heavy all purs linen table cloths, 8-4 site. Nothing better . for ser vice, worth $1.76. each, tse All pure linen hemstitched table cloths. $-10 else. 12 values, each at . ...S1.SS Beautiful Oriental and floral Turkish bath runs, worth up to $1.50, each 89o 13-4 size, scalloped embroid ered edge bed spreads, cut corners for Iron beds, worth $3, each, at . .t2.lt Best Irish satin finish table damask, all pure linen, full 2 yards , wide, worth 11.25. per yard, at....89o II 50 Austrian and German eyelet embroidered linens, in scarfs and centerpiece, each, at sao New Linen Two Piece Tailored Suits Very serviceable anl practical for summer. New lots, at $12.50 to $25.00 MM Silk Foulard and Messaline Dresses All clever new styles fr nidi-Hummer wear, specials at $19 and $25 Stunning New Summer Appare! 1 WOMEN'S LINGERIE DRESSES A rri'i in i if iiftitr arriirnlc lnanfiPiillx' A. a, k, I V ' 'L M CI t I I T ft J 17 I'ltlUlUUIIJ tt made of fine white materials, daintily W trimmed, Qlfi m-3$,1 a t. each ViV mi. 2VV a MARQUISETTE AND VOILE DRESSES Most popular of this reason's novelties ( $15 and $19 COLORED WASH DRESSES Practical for every occasion in sum mer, Bpe- 1 fm clal price, NEW WASH SKIRTS 91. OH, V2.0R, $3 up to 910. .1 r Yl A 1 1- -it 1 i -i .1 m NEW LINGERIE WAISTS. SPECIALLY PRICED Also now voile and innniuisotte waists. Smno with hand rmbroidery with real Irish and cluny lacos -low necks, sailor collars and short kimono sloi'vos at $1.98. $2.98. $3.9S mid $5.00 Smart Lingerie, Tailored and Sailor Collar Waists This Is a special group of the newest niodclB In waists, at. QHC I Specials in White Goods DepartmentBasement Assorted lot of fine white drees swlss, St. Gall and Scotch Swisses, fine dotted mulls, batistes worth up to 60c, at, per 'yard 25 Fine quality of mercerized batiste, 35o value, at, per yard 15 Very fine quality of 40-lnch Irish batiste, at, per yard . . ( 19 4f-lnch Knickerbocker NalnsooK. extra flue and absolutely free from dressinc, bolt of JO yards, at $1.35 40-inch white English voile, regular .10;fl , - . A 0T l XI value, special, s,i,. per jam ov 40-inch fine quality long cloth, oft finish and free from starch, per bolt of 12 yards, at. .' $1.50 Wash Goods Department- Basement Sherrette is one of the new printed fabrics for dainty lingerie gowns, waists, I evening forckB, etc. Launders perfectly and retains its beautiful linen texture. SO inches wide, at, per yard . .- XC 3fi-inch natural color dress linen, every thread pure linen, at, yard :17c A splendid assortment of printed Flaxon in floral and tinted grounds, 19c values; 28 inches wide, at, per yard 10 27-inch black and white hairline voiles; also 40 lnch mercerised plain shades, at, yard . . . 10fr Instep Strap Pumps, Pumps Without Straps and 3-Eyclct I ftvtnrA TiV Sn Wnrncii's Shoe Section V VAIV1U In, tan, calf, suede, velvet and gun metal calf; Goodyear welted extension soles; ,high heels and arch instep shoes. Made over scientific lasts' that insure perfect fit. The newest and most chic effects shown this season, in every desired va riety. Monday, special 48 JMTXC A new Shipment of the much wanted Real Irish Hand Crochet Lace 1 Edges, Insertions ana iyiouis iuso neai nana jcaaae jimy uwxa, Insertions and Bands. These are the exquisite varieties of laces that have made Brandeis Stores known all 'over this section as the headquarters for beautiful lace. The prices are reasonable. BRANDEIS STORES BOOSTERS READY FOR TRIP Special Train ii Being Well Stocked for the Excursion. ALL RESERVATIONS ARE MADE Bu Will Help Kirlrt 4h Mlr Mm U Installed In the Obaerva tla Car Gle Clab la laa. Tha apadat train carry Ins tha Omaha trad booatera on their thirty-eighth annual excursion ever tha llnea of tha V'nlon Pa cific, will leava Union atatlon Sunday after noon promptly at o clock. All reserva tions have been made and practically everything ts In readiness fur the start. All of Saturday was spent In storing away tha supplies and advertising matter for the trip. Sunday afternoon, before tha start la made, the special train, made up of brand new equipment, will be set In at the station for inspection by the public. 'I he trada boosters will go direct to Kim ball, from which point the real boosting begins at T:W 'clock Monday morning. Pudng tha day stops will be made all along the Una as far as Oxkoah, and the start Tuesday morning will be made from North port at S:M o'clock. During this day visits will ba made at the points along the line as far as Kearney. On the third day the train will run between CaJloway and Ord. ami on tha following day tha Itiner ary will Include visits to all tha towns be tween Loup City and Columbus. On Fri day. Spauldlng. North Bend and Inter mediate points will receive the visitors. 'Leaving Central City on tha last day ths boosters will stop at tha points between that place and Omaha. Tha members of the party are looking forward to the most enjoyable and profit able trip aver taken out of this city. All arrangements are agreeable, and every thing has been dona for ths comfort of the excursionists All along the line they will ha given hearty raceptlona by school chil lia and business men. 4 small plana has been installed la the observation car by Hayden Bros. A quartet will also help to furnish the muHle. Fisherman Slashes Throat With Razor Frank Kechar, Victim of Mental De rangement, Tries to Die at Breakfast Table. Sudden mania drove Frank Kochar. fish erman, living at Twenty-first and William streets, to attempt suicide by cutting his throat Saturday morning. He was taken to the county Jail. He will recover. Kochar was sitting at the breakfast table when he uttered a scream and. aelstng the rasor. slashed his throat. Inflicting a deep but not dangerous wound. John, a son. restrained the" raging man until the police arrived. If members of tha family do not tils a complaint of Insanity, the authorities will carry tha rasa Into court. ORDER OF PARADE ANNOUNCED Tom Flynn, Street Commissioner, to Be Grand Marshal. CAPT. DUNN ORGANIZES POLICE Fire Department te Brln Up the Rear, So aa Net te . Break Vp the Parade la Caae ef a Fire. STRAIN MANAGER OF THE REORGANIZED LAUNDRY Former Newspaper Maa Sow 'at the Head ef Rl local Ia atltetloa. Following the death of Frank Kimball, who waa killed in an automobile accident, there has been a reorganisation of the of ficers of the Kimball laundrlea. George M. Strain, who was formerly manager has been made president to aucceed the late Mr. Kimball. Harry J. Jacobberger has been elected manager and treasurer. Mr. Jacobberger has been connected with the company for eight yeHrs. being first hired as a driver. Later he was made collector and since last July he has been secretary of the concern. F. K. Kimball Is vice president, and Carolina Kimball, widow of Frank Klinbuil becomes secretary. Serlwas Breakdvtn recalls from chronic. ' constipation. Vr. King's New Life Pills cure headache, stom ach, liver and bowel troubles. 36c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. The order of formation and Una of march for the municipal parade, which will be held on May 3, were announced Saturday morning by Thomas Flynn, grand marshal. Flynn alsp named his assistants to pre pare for the parade, selecting one each from the police, fire and atreet depart ments. Captain Henry Dunn wllr represent the police and Captain Henry Crager will look after the firemen. To George Campen, as sistant city engineer, haa been delegated the duty of rounding up the employes of the department and keeping them In line during the state occasion. Though decidedly opposed to letting his men participate In the parade. George Craig, city engineer, haa decided te go the limit for the successful outcome of the parade. "The council haa ordered my man to take part." aald Craig. "So there is noth ing left for me to do. but te make the best showing. Personally, I believe the interests of the city can be better aerved by having these men work nest Thursday, but tha council aeea it otherwlae. So my men will be there with bells on. If any one will furnish the tinklers." Green's band, which haa been secured for tha occasion, will be given the post of honor at the front. Three other bands will ba sandwiched In to discourse sweet music during the Jaunt. The oWer of formation la: Green's band, police department, car riages containing the mayor and city coun cil. Fire and Police board. Tark board, Library board, city attorney s department, building inspector, gas commissioner, boiler and plumbing Inspectors, electrician, license Inspector, Inspector of weights and meas ures, health department, superintendent of city hall, band, city engineer's department, band, street commissioner's department, band, and tire department. Here is the route of the parade: Start at Sixteenth and Cuinlngs Btreet, south on Sixteenth to Douglas, east on Douglas to Eleventh, south on Eleventh to Farnam. west en Farnam to Fifteenth, south on Fifteenth to Harney, west on Harney to Nineteenth, north on Nineteenth to Far nam, cast on Farnam to Fifteenth and north on Fifteenth to Capitol avenue, where the parade will disband. Bad Man Weakens in Effort to Commit a Terrible Crime Then Walk to the Police Station and Gives Himself Up to the Anthoritiet. Joseph Rotholti Friday night appeared at the police station and gave himself up, claiming that he was a "bad man." To bear out his ftatement he gave over a gun which he was carrying In his hip pocket. Examination showed the weapon to be empty and. strange to say. almost new. From appearance Rotholts had done some terrible deed, as he was snaking like a leaf. In police court Saturday morning he waa charged wlh carrying concealed weapons, and It was then that his story came out. He had gone into a atore Friday afternoon ant) while In there his pocketa had been filled with rotten eggs. In tome manner these eggs were crushed In his pocket, and a terrible stench issued therefrom. with blood in his eye Kotholtg ran to a hardware atore and purchased a new re volver. Ah! he would be revenged. As he ncared the place where hia pocket had been filled with the overripe hen fruit. Rotholts was-pvercome with terror. Turn ing around, he ran with all haste to the police atatlon, and was released on a 11 bond. Ills case waa dismissed. ANTICIPATE BUCKET SHOP LAW Margin Sellers Close Up and Quit Ahead of Time Limit. NO EFFECT ON REAL TRADING Grala Eirkssg Traasaetlvae w'lll Net Be Involved, Awsrdlsg to Opinion of the t'ooaty Atlorner. Anti-bucket shop legislation of the last session has already had its effect In Omaha with the closing of three "shops" In an ticipation of the effect of the new law, which will be In force after July I. Tlfree shops, those formerly operated by Herbert E. Gooch, and later under various firm names, closed the morning the law was passed, despite the fact that they could have continued in operation for the next ninety days Concerns now operating In Omaha are legitimate brokerage establishments, deliv ering actual grain and securities. While the bucket shop, pure and simple, la for- 1 bidden by the Nebraska statute, the right to purchase commodities and stocks nn margin is not affected. Ttt statute ia In terpreted to forbid any transaction which does not contemplate the delivery of the commodity or security margined or pur chased. "Omaha has been very little troubled with bucket shops." said James P. Eng lish, county attorney. In regard to the Omaha Grain Exchange, both Mr. English and his ass'stant, George A. Uagney, believe there will bo no diffi culty. "There are a few bucket shops here, and as soon as the law goes Into effect it will be enforced agalnat them," said Mr. Mag ney, "unless they make some changes In their business methods or go out of busi ness. It is difficult to move against them j because they masquerade un"1er firm names ' and the proprietors sre always said to be someone In a distant city." BAKU The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada 12M Announce throughout this entire week a special DEMONSTRATION AIID SALE OF La oda and 1ET CO Ms Rose, special repre sentative from the makers, will he present to Remon strate and fit these favorite makes of high class corsets. BRANDEIS -i Watch Us (Jrow-Ju.it Think of It-The Bee for 2oe a Month!