C , o aim In the THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 21. 1011. Moire 11 torn Starting Sunday, May 21st, THE BEE Begins an AD-GETTER CONTEST, Which Will Run for 90 Days, Ending Saturday, August 19th Any hoy or girl under the age of 21 years, who may be nominated, can compete for these big prizes. Fill out the nominating blank on this page now, and mail or bring it to Bee Want Tad, Editor H ere Is Your Working Plan : Get BEE WANT ADS. Paid ads count as votes. Little ads count as much as big ones. Each day the ad appears counts as one vote, re gardless of the size of the ad; For instance; A 1 0-1ine want ad for one time will count as one vote, while a 2-line ad appearing five times will count a five votes, although it cost the same as the 10-line ad run one time. So get the ad to appear as m&ny times as possible. At the end of the contest .the one having the greatest number of votes to his or her credit, gets the first prize; the' one getting the next largest number of votes, gets the second prize, etc. A little work each day, a few ads each day, will pay you well, and you will probably win a big prize in the bargain. The Bee Does Not Expect Yon to Work for Nothing . ONLY PAID WANT ADS count. On 'every ad you get The Bee pays you a commission of 10, whether you win a prize or not. THIS IS YOUR CONTEST AND GIVES YOU AN OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE A GREAT DEAL by MONEY AND A GOOD CHANCE TO WIN ONE OP THE BIG PRIZES. - ; Get busy start at home. There is somathingaround the house around every house which can be sold; something which has no value to your folks, but would be worth a great deal to some one else. Get an ad at home first. Then go to your neighbors, they probably have a baby carriage, a bed, a couch, ice box, stove, table, chair, rug, desk, piano, phonograph, chickens, cat, dog, cow, horse, incubator or an automobile and a hundred and one other things which will sell and bring them good money if advertised in the Bee Want columns .' May be your neighbor wants to rent a room, or buy something ,or needs help of some kind or wants to sell their home or rent a house. Write them a Bee Want Ad, collect from them at the regular rates, V cents per word if run only one time or ONE CENT A WORD IF RUN TWO OR MORE TIMES consecutively; bring the ad and the cash to BEE WANT TAD, EDITOR, who will credit you with a vote each time the ad ap pears and pay you a commission of 10 for your trouble., Remember the more times the ad ap pears the more votes you get. ' Everyone Stands An Equal Chance READ THE RULES CAREFULLY Any boy or girl under the age of 21 years is eligible, except employes of the Omaha Bee and members of their families. Only paid want ads brought in or sent in by contestants count as votes. Each paid want ad counts as one vote each time the ad appears. Want ads from real estate dealers and regular business advertisers in The Bee do not count. All ads subject to investigation and rejection by The Bee. Only bone fide ads will count; ads found to be of bogus address and inserted only for the purpose of getting votes will be declared void and not counted. Cash must accompany each ad. , , . ' As The Bee runs Domestic Help and Situation ads free all contestants are obliged to take such ads with the same courtesy as a paid ad. Domestic help and Situation wanted ads' cannot be counted as votes. No entry fee is charged. The receipt by the Bee Want Tad Editor of a nomination blank, properly filled out constitutes sufficient entry, and counts as ten votes for the candidate. Only one nominating blank will bo counted for each contestant. Receipt books will be furnished all contestants on application. The Ad-Getter contest will close Saturday evening, August 19th at 6 P; M. The standing of the contestants will be announced weekly. The contest is limited to the following territory: Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa and South Dakota. Mr FIRST PRIZE A Beautiful Ludwig Baby tirand Piano 5760 A beautiful high grade instrument that will bring joy and contentment into any home.1 An instrument you will be r roud of all your life. It is worth any ef fort you might make to get it. To these who have a musical education it offers the highest quality in the makers art. To those beginning their musical education it offers a broader 6Cope for their ambition. STYLE G. SMALL GRAM) Description x Seven and one-third octaves, copper overstrung scale, three unions throughout except w-)und bass strings; repeating action; pin block of Rock Maple wholly of glued-up layers, the rln of each laid at right angles to adjoining layers; ebonized bushing around the tuning-pins; sounding-board bridge built up of continuous rock maple veneers; ivory keys; three pedals, viz., sustaining pianissimo and sostenuto. - ' CASE: Double veneered, In finest figured Mahogany. SIZE: 5 feet Z Inches long; 4 feet 6 inches wide. ' This Baby Ludwig may be seen at any time at Hayden Bros. Piano department. Second and Third Prizes, $140 Each A Graduation Scholarship Course in the Om aha Commercial College, comprising complete course in Business, Shortland, Special Banking, -Preparatory Courses, Principals of Agriculture, Business Agriculture and Salesmanship. These prizes offer an education to the win ners, and starts them in life with the necessary knowledge to make their efforts in the business world a success. The management of the Omaha Commercial College, 19th and Earnam, will be glad to discuss any point relative to the scholarship at any time. FOURTH PRIZE A Beautiful Watch, $100 Either Ladies' or Gentlemen's solid gold case watch with T. L. Combs & Co.'s Special Movement, Selection left with winner. This beautiful time piece is one that anyone would be proud of. It will satisfy someone's desire to own a solid gold nigh grade watch. This watch may b seen in the window of T. L. Combs & Co., 1520 Douglas St. FIFTH and SIXTH PRIZES $50 Each Two Ladies' Suits, to be made to measure in any style and material which may be chosen. Style, fit, workmanship and quality fully guaranteed. These suits will be made by the Novelty Skirt Co., who have a repu tation for turning out only high grade work. Goods and methods of tailoring may be inspected at any time at the shops of the Novelty Skirt Co., 214, 216 North 16th Street. SEVENTH and EIGHT PRIZES 50 Each Two National Pace Follower Special Bicy cles, 1911 model, for boy or girl. The bicycle fad is growing in popularity each day. It is a recreation that affords a healthy exercise com bined with the pleasure of paying visits to places which were out of your reach before. . These bicycles are on store of the Omaha Bicycl go Sts. nihib 6 Co., 1 6th and Chica- Ninth and Tenth Prizes, $13 Each Two full memberships to the Y. W. C. A. for one year, including the Gym nasium and choice of the Educational classes. Every young lady should belong to the Y. M. C. A. Its elevating influence is felt the world over. -These prizes will appeal to those who wisha place to ppend an enjoyable hour down town. When you are down town, drop into the Y. M. C. A. Nominating Coupon ' AD-GETTERS' CONTEST In space below fill in the name of some ambitious boy or girl friend and send to Bee Want Tad Editor care of Omaha Bee. ' ' This coujon entitles nominee to TEN Votes. Nominating votes will be allowed on' first nomi nating, coupon only. """" Name . V" , Address Age City Halt Up Your Hind To Win a Prize and Start TODAY Remember you get paid 10 per cent, regardless of whether you win a prize or not. Copyrighted. May, by Joseph M. Hyland. All right reserved. Eleventh and Twelfth Prizes $13 Each Two full memberships hi the Y. M. C. A. for one year, com prising all the membership privileges, iucludiug the gymnasium and swimming pool. These prizes are uplifting and elevating to mind and body, and should bo eagerly nought after by those who wish to make a place for themselves in the world. Visitors are always welcome at the Y. M. C. A. HOTIQ3 Address all inquiries and'requests for in formation to Want Tad 17JI4 Omaha jcuuur, II Mi ll ' ILL Mm Bee ' mlrrr7777i fawA : ""