THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 21, 1011. y , , "jwr. The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad-, vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. r.O CT Vryv H- REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE (Contlnud REAL ESTATE CITY PHOI'KHTV KOU (Continued.) REAL ESTATE MTV PHOPKHTV KH SAI.K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY l'KOPKRTY FOR SM.K (Continued.) REAL ESTATE mi i-Koi'i-.nrv von salk, (Continued.) ncAL ESTATE city i'i:tn i::i i v von salb (Continued! sale: ( v Glover Realty Syndicate 121-22 City National Bank Bid.. , Douglas 3WJ. Headquarters For Good Homes LOOK TODAY COME OUT TO DUNDEE THIS AFTERNOON ' AND INSPECT 4912 UNDERWOOD AVE. Now all Completely finished except od- nlng the yard, and that will be put In to Suit. This fine home, attractive lnlde and out. nothing, but the best of material and 'workmanship ued throughout, will be open for your Inspection this afternoon, r by appointment any time during the weca. just one lert, and Ita a bargain, cheaper than you could build yourself, and 'lots of time and labor saved forVyou. Has large living room arrangeiiVnt with la nifty brick fit enlace, one that In useful aa well as ornamental; large oiik beam ceilings In this room and dining room, also ! plate rail and paneling In dining room; filcnty of light; a kitchen that is complete it every detail; evei y bedroom Is a large one, white enamel finish with mnhoganlzed oor; large mirror In door; side balcony jwlth doorway, great for outdoor sleepers; ilargo attlo with five windows and plenty of room for an additional finished room If ! desired, . Woodwork downstairs 1 all oak. and the i floors upstairs are oak; the walls are tastily tinted, the lighting fixtures are 'good; the finish un 1 arrangement tlirough , ut la excellent, and we know you will , like the house. Has full ement basement, floor drain, fruit cellar and coal bins, and 'a, very good heating plant. 'terms can be arranged. Yard will be Sodded; cement walks and steps are In; has cement driveway to rear of house, and the location Is one of the best In Dundee. 4931 UNDERWOOD AVE. BRICK AND STUCCO HOUSE This substantial house, with construction, Arrangement and finish absolutely correct, we consider the I1E8T VAU'K In a house, i anywhere in Omaha or Dundee it's GOT TO BK SOLD, and th? price Is cut to 15.700 for immediate acceptance. This Is one of those bargains you've been looking for. where the owner really wants to sell, and offers Inducements accordingly. House - West Farnam Street Location If you ace looking for a place In the Wstt Farnam street district either for a horns or a lot to build on, we can assure you that we can satisfy you. We sold . five places there last week, and have the most complete list In that locality of any agent in town. Boms of the following might Interest you, ut if you want a lot to build on, we will ce clad to submit you a list: 11- room modern, up-to-date house on, 39th fit. Owner has moved east and this place U going to be sold between now and July 1. 10 rooms. 4 years ptd, an 37th St.. south of Farnam. Owner haa built a new house and this nous is ready ta be occupied at the present time. U-room brick house, on 8Sth St., with large piece of ground. U-room house on N.. 40th, with two lots. 12- room house in Bern Is Park. The finest location in the park, 125x161 feet of ground. Ready to be occupied. T rooms on 42d St., I years old, and In the best of condition. Owner is moving to Denver. 7-roorn house on Dodge St. 4 years old. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Douglas 218L 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. Adjoining Field Club IJN'UHKLY modern square dwelling, con taining parlor, reception hall, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three large bed rooms and bath upstairs; finished in bircn throughout, large porch on two sides; large corner lot. situated at 1B4 So. 38th Ave. Price, H.iSO. About J1.300 cash and balance to suit. You should see this before you buy. ' Bemis-Carlberg Co. aiO-312 Brandels Theater. st ALL BARGAINS 11,600 6-room brand new cottage. east front lota; all lencud, well with pump; located at 3t-SS N. 41st. $2,000 7-room house, partly modern, large lot; located at !M0 Bancroft. Terms. 2,6606 rooms and reception hall, two story, all modern housu; 6v-toot lot; paved street' and paid for; located at !d and Burt. S,0CO a-room, all .lodern, house, oak fin ish, hot water heat, east front lot, paved street and paid for. This Is a first-class home and easily worm 64.000. House built only three years. If you want aomeimng good see this. It is ten minutes waia irom court house. vacant una t 60 buys i lota on 26th Ave and Sprague. 760 buys 1 lot near 31st and Martha. -iu buya 1 lot near 4th and Capitol. I 8u0 buys corner 2Uh and Brown. $3,600 buys corner &d and Davenport. P. O. NIELSEN & CO. 70s Om. Nat l Bank. Phone Doug. 1304. . : , IN DUNDEE 500-1 Cass St. 7-Room $4,500 This is one of the most desirable loca tions In Dundee; less than H block to car line; south front lot; with large mapie shade trees; this bouse has reception hail, parlor, dining room, kitchen un the tlrst flour, three good bedrooms and bath on tlit secoiiu kiour; tj U..-, fun bricked un cellar, with first class furnace the house Is well built, nicely decorated, strictly modern In every way. If you want a nice home In a good locality you should go out and look at this as soon aa possible. HASTINGS 6 HEYDEN. 114 Harney. NEW SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. HARUWOOD FINISH, hardwood floors upstairs; stairway to floored attic; a well-built house, on east front lot; well located; conveni ent to car; for $3,660. 'Phone owner, B-161C RhlAI, ESTATE sgwita. If you want easi est selling,- moat honest towa lot proposi tion ever put on the market, where every buyer will double his uiouey or better, write W. D. Cheney. a- Cantral bldg.. be At tie. Wash. NEW cottage. I rooms, with tils bath, las and electric combination fixtures; oe nu-nl cellar and walks; draw curtains: siiikt be seen to appreciate. ZIU N. 27th 4e, lkke oar, Oiuaha. or phuna O. O. Over, Bell Red Utf or eUher phone Ui. Council Bluffs, la. W DKCATl'B T-. S-raom house. In fine audition, Uluu. . IX Wead. 1JOI Farnam. has Inige living room across entire front of house; has tile vestibule entrance; handy clcset; tlreplare of brick; oak book i as. s, built-in; luine light dining room, iji'tn of tnese looms being oak finish with lain ceilings, and walls tinted; complete kiichen .pantrv, back entry, etc. Three very large bertwrnms, a large bath room, and a back balcony over back en try and pantry that is large enough for a sleeping porch. The woodwork upstairs Is birch, natural finish, and double floors, -lnch oak. Have metal weather strips at doors and windows; the front porch Is sclld (ement; the first story is of best selected hard brick, very attractive,, and the upper story is of best hard stucco finish. Open for Inspection This Afternoon Price Is Right House Is Right Take Dundee car to 49th and Underwood Ave. Location Is good. KOUNTZE PLACE Just Listed $5,700 W have Just listed for sale an elegant 8-room, strictly modern home facing south I on Spencer street. In one of the best blocks In Kountxe Place, modern and up-to-date in every way; oak finish; very tastily dec orated throughout and painted .lust re cently; has four good bedrooms, large at tic; full cement basement, full lot and thi paving taxes all paid. Owner has beer transferred from City and has alread gone price has been reduced from $Bu for immediate ssle, and we consider It besft value offered In this fine district. Ca show at any time by appointment. Can ar range terms. S-ROOMS-WEST FA UNAM $4,850 This modern home offered at this scandal ous low price to move it quick, haa four bedrooms,' and four living rooms, beside hall: excellent heating plant; two pave, meets nrd hady to Turner Park. C;in handle this house with fl.OOO cash. "LOOK FOR- THE YELLOW SIGN." $500 Cash 1517 Spencer St. $3,750 Cash 1517 Spencer St. Owner wants to sell this home, built oni. three years, and will make terms to sui House has 6 rooms and Is completely nuu em and has full size screens, storm sasn screened porch, cistern, garage and a fin shaded yard. This property can't be duj.l cated for the money today. . t 4. : DUNDEE f; M M, 50th i Ave. ' A beautiful 6-room hoUB. " ' ' having all the modern conveniences and finished In oak. Second floor finished In white enamel with mahoganlzed doors. All door knobs are of glass and the hardware and fixtures are the beat. The finish on this home can't be beat and the view U one of - the best In Dundee. Only two blocks to car and within 5 minutes' walk of Happy Hollow club. Price, I4,2a0; terms to suit. 6 Rooms Large Bed' Room on 1st Floor 4402 Harney St., a 6-room, all modern house, built in 1909 and trimmed In oak. Haa 4 rooms on 1st floor and 2 rooms and bath on 2d floor. Lrge closets. Look at this place and make us an offere. Button Rea .v Co, 694 Brandels Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1670 Forced Sale $100 discount on every lot upon 20 lots fn 10 days. These are po-ltlvely the best ba gains In building sites In Omaha. Tlu.. are located Just south of Crelghton's Firs Addition. None more than block fron Wet tilde Park car. Prices ranging from $225 to $400 Termi only $26 cash, balance $10 per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Bole Agent. 'Doug. 10(4; lnd., A-1064 Tela: 41st and Davenport $5,150 T rooms and sleeping porch: all modern. Quarter-sawed oak below; hard pine above. Fine cemented basement with laundry; nice large attic. House Is frame on the first story; stucco above. Paved street. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1634. 210 8. 17th St. For Sale In High Class Residence Dis trict at 41st and Davenport Streets Several well situated residence lots ready to build on. Low-priced. In quire of owner, room 314 First Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 1242. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE Look at I71S Central Boulevard or Cass Ft.; 7-room house. In the beat of condition, all modern, south front and dirt cheap at $4,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., EnUre Sd Floor Ware Blk. D. 1781; A. 118$. A SNAP I am leaving city and offer ray 4-roora cottage for only $1,150. See It today aa I leave June 1. 6AJS N. 3th. Block north of Fort Bt." A GOOD 7-room modern house. SS.850. $300 to $aou cash, balance monthly. Uood location and cheap. 610 lee Hldg. Phone Douglas Toland Wiley. HOCSES for aala on easy payments and low piioes; also soma good lots caeaj. an revuie i5iug uougiaa Sosa WE build modern homes to order and In the location you select. You can u for the same ta monthly Installments, la oilier oiu;. yuu gee ui aiyia ol nouae you want In the location you want with payments to s'dt your laooma. Come talk It ow with us and e will start your noma at onoa. - uouiCRM hiiiiui constructing go Good Cottago Cheap Near ttd aad flaerard dta, roans, nsurtly moaern, W. T. URAUAU. BS BUXI. House Bargains On Manderson St., west of 21th. among those large maple trees, an S or S-room modern hard wood finish, with lire place and mantel, front and side porch, south front lot. MtxlJA it. This was built for aTiome. and has a homelike appear ance. Shade trees In front, fruit trees in the back. Paving paid In full. I4.2UO for quick sale. On 24th 81.. north of Ames Ave, just listed, a 6-room modern home, with good little barn, built a few years ago for a home and still used by the owner, but he Is going farming and will sell right, Jo.ljO. 6-room cottage, modern plumbing ' and lighting, large lot, south front on Taylor St., block f mm Ames Ave. car and Monmoth Park school. This Is number 3314 Taylor St. For quick sale, $2,2o0. Neat little cottage and two large lots joining Creighton 1st addition, on Arbor St., between 34th and 35th. This Is a splenuid double comer, could be divided Into three lots, and the cottage Is nearly new. Owner going farming makes low price of $2,600. West Farnam District 6 rooms modern with beautiful lot In a very pretty pait of the West Knrnaui district for Jfi.uio, A eompai atlvely new home In splendid condition. On one of the beBt streets, only a half block from Farnam fct.. 9 rooms, beside billiard room. u-ft. lot, with driveway and huraire. $10000. A new hunsal.iw of rooms on 30th St., just north of Dodge St., lot 60-ft. front, very attractive and roomy, lasted at $1,000 and worth the money, but owner might iake a little less for iiick sale. This Is hany to Farnam car and close In, too. "On 3oth. north of Dodge St.. we are build ing: a 7-room house that will be very up-nj-date and some new leatures. Will have ,iot water heat. We have the frame up and roof on. Inspect it If Interested. We aie building It by day labor and will offer .t at about $7,000. We have all the lots on both sides of 35th St. In that block. Let js send you a plat with prices. No old houses In the block and all uniform grade. Two other houses of 6 rooms and hall, modern and nearly new, In this location, at $o,0O0 each. A Clean Investment A 2-apartment brick building, rented at ...iK) per year (low rent and very desirable tenants well located, with all street lm novemenyj In and paid In full. Price, tb.'.m. Harrison & Morton 16 Omaha Nat. liank. Tel. D. 314. iome & Speculation iJv,nt- of a very ruy solid block of 14 ...Is at 42d and VVooi worth Ave., just west - ilea ieiu ciao golf links and couniy .ospital, is hcie lrora California for a few is to uose out tins property. There Is . modern house finished In hardwood, hot aier heated and e.ocuic Hinted; rented 6.nporaiily at $-6 per month. This Is 5 or oiocks from car line, haa shade und trult .i ces; city water to whole block. Price on .hois block. $t,0u0 or will consider offers i or part. Act quickly. Ha ispn & Morton MS Omaha Nat'l Bank. ' tlb Omaha Natl Bank. Doug. 314. VACANT LOTS $l,0UO S. V. crner 80th and Ohio, 100x120 on car line. Make offer. $1,600 N, K. corner yth Street and (Shir ley, dUxIuV on car line . Fine for three cot tHgcK. Make offer. ll.iWO N. W. corner 3lBt and Martha, 60x 127. Make offer. WHO Fourth lot south of Martha' on 31st facing east. Make offer. DUNDEE $S25 South front lot on Hurt St.. haiwun 61st and 6-i. $o Souih front lot on Cuming between SOth and 61st. $ma Houth front lot on Underwood be tween 4th and 4ath. $400 North front lot on Burt, between 48th and 4Dth. . ei.iMu For i'Sxl28 ft. ON I'NDKRWOOD, , ....oi I'Jill. NOTHING FINKR DUNDEE. PETERS TRUST CO., Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. MUST BE SOLD 3021 Davenport Street Owner hag Instructed us to cut the price way down In order to make aulck sale of this beautiful new dome of 8 rooms, which wua jubi completed two years ajo. This houBe has pressed brick foundation, auar. Ur-aawed oak on first floor, all large rooms and nicely arriuiK'cd; 4 well ar ranged bed rooms and bath on the sesond floor; first-class plumhlnx and heating inrougnoui; oo-iu rront iot on paved street. We can sell you thla house for very nearly the price It would cost to hulld the house alone without the lot. Property In this locality Is very choice and Is within walking distance. If you want a blK bargain see us today. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney Street Quick Sale Prices Near 20th and Boulevard. 8-room eottaare. j II modern, except furnace; paved street anu car line tor u.z.). Near Omaha university, almost new; full J-ttory, b rooms and reception hall; strictly modern; oak flrtlsh; worth, $4,500. Sale price, $4,160; less for all cash. New suburban home, two blocks to car; 6 rooms, strictly modern; hot water heat, two lots. Price. W.iJ Will lak.e in good lot on deal. Birkett 8c Tebbcns 423 Bee Bldg. Phones r47.4; A-1764. Near Hanscom Park I-arge, a-room house, all modern, except heat; full cellar, large lot, 60x150; has an abundance of shade and fruit trees; located on paved street; just one block from Han scom Park. Paving Is fully paid for. This certainly la a snap at $4,000. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310-312 Brandels Theater. Yest Farnam $5,000 Near 31st and Davenport. Six room a practically new; finished in oak on first floor; maple and birch above. Good attlo and fine Daseinent. Paved street, paving paid. Owner leaving Omaha reason for selling. Armstrong-Walsh Co Tyler 153S. a s. i7th st. CHEAP HOMD-EABT TERMS, S40r. Center street, t rooms, with fine ce mented cellar; good hot air furnace; newly papered and woodwork painted; clean and ready for occupancy. Want a buyer with $3U to $3U0 cash. Prica will be made low and terms easy. ARTHUR C. OROfiSMAN, ' BOSTON STOKU BLDG. Douc. 6107. FOR SALE At a bargain. thre room brick houaa and lot. 4td and Fort Omaha Ava STRICTLY modern a4x-rooa eottaga M. ua aanea, fw eaaA. halanoa Dar- a4a suootbJjr. Harney 2a4. BEMIS PARK SNAP This handsome property, located at 36'2() Lincoln ISIvd., in the most exclusive section of Bemis Park, one of1 Omaha's most desirable "home" districts, can be bought at a price that scarcely equals its original cost. DESCRIPTION Two full lots on best corner in the park; 10 rooms; hardwood finish throughout; hot water heat; billiard room; beautiful shade trees; beautiful convert ible outdoor Bleeping porch and sua parlor Garage in rear. All In best of repair. Offered at a low price for quick sale. Owner leaving city. As a home or an investment, this property will bear the fullest investigation. Call and look it over. GEO. H. LEE CO. Phone Douglas 838. Residence Phone Harney 2742. Last of My Beautiful Bemis Park Property But THREE remain of tne many beautiful homes I have recently built and sold in Bemis Park. My reputa tion Is undiuputably established for having the Material Used. Artistic Interiors. T-vTT'QTT v cr':rranshtp Employed. DILs) 1 i.u W i.?or ITcnting Plants. I'eauliiul Laid-Out Lawns. (jt000 35Ca Lincoln Boulevard; 8 rooms; oak finish; splendid lighting, fixtures; size of iot 49x125 feet. 6,800 3514 Lincoln Boulevard; 9 rooms; same finish; living rooms full width of house, with beamed ceiling; actual center of Bemia Park; view magnificent; . less than two blocks from four street car lines; size of lot, 47x180 feet. 7(200 3518 Lincoln Boulevard; 11 rooms; situated directly opposite the delicious, healthful, natural spring; beautiful reception room with bullt-rn mirror; dining room with beamed oelling; splendid large clos ets; sleeping porcn; pavea auey in rear of all three houses. TheBe are the last new houses in the park and there are no more avail able lotsrin this ideal location. If you want a home In the most pictur esque part of Omaha, it is your hjst chance. G. VV. GARLOCH OWNER AND BUILDER. Phone Harney 3079 or lnd. A-2671. 3704 HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Submit , Offers The following; property MUST BE SOLD. SKK them they are CHEAP. 2114-16 Ulnney St.. double house. In good shape, occupied by two tenants; rents $: per annum $1,900 2621 Lake 6t., frame apartment flat. occupied by four tenants; rented $650 per annum $3,450 Lot on Cuming St, west of 16th St., 60x66; submit offer. Lot on Cumin St., west of 17th St.. 22rl33j ubmit offer.' Robinson & Wolf 436 Paxton Block. 'Phono Douglas 1418. Near Cathedral $3,500 Six rooms, modern, only two years old; space for another room If desired. This was built by the owner for a home, but removal from the city forces him to sell, it is extremely well built and nicely fin ished and decorated throughout. Fine basement with laundry; best of furnace. Lot la on grade and Is 51x138. This is the best value In the district for the money. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 153G. 210 8. 17th St. BIG BARGAIN Owner golnv, away offers at a sacrifice one of the newest and moat complete mod ern Ill-room In the West Farnam district: can give quick possession. Also offers the two choice vacant lots, corner With Ave. and Dodge. Nothing finer In city. Auk for particulars. . H1LKS, 21t Board of Trade Bldg. New Cottages Several new cottages Just completed, on Plnkney St.. 2lh tii. to 37th St., facing new University of Omaha park. All oak finished, colunnade openings, furnace, laun dry, etc.. beautifully planned and built; cement walks, trees, etc.; 6 to 7 rooms. $3,0U to $4,150; terms reasonable. BARNES & WILSON, IW Bee Bldg. Doug. K41. FOR BALE NINE-ROOM HOITBE. DE TACHED; GOOD NiilGH BORHOOD. NEAR FINE SCHOOL; TWO BIJCKS FROM CAR; NORTH. $4,600. MAKJ US AN OFFER. RE0J 6109. BEAUTIFUL Bw house In Dundee, seven rooms, hot watar heat, oak flush first floor. Wren second. $4.13. F. D. Wead, laol Farnam. BARGAIN Slx-rom cottage, larga lot. souia front; paved street. Owner, 114 Haduwsi Aa WalasUr l&O. Acre Bargains 6 Acres tiood 8-room hntiKe and all the necessary outbuildings; about one Here in fruit, balance nice level land; only three-quarters () of a mile from South Omaha. Price, $4,500. 3 Acres In same locality, with Bond 7 room house; splendid bearins or chard and vineyard; also privilege of leasing 3 acres of R. II. land ad joining for an Indefinite period at $a annual rent. This Is a very de sirable country home. Price, $.1,2,',0. 5 Acres Vell improved, south'of Albright; SoiWl house and outbuildings, 'this property belongs to a nonres!dnt who wants to sell bad. Price, $4,000, easy terms. 4 Acres Near t ort Crook -car line; fair Improvements. Price. $2,000. You can buv this place like paying rent. IlEMBJMBER, we have still left some choice tracts in Country club acres. Go down today and look over this beautiful addition; our salesmen will be on the ground. O 'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENCY 1505 Farnam St.. Omaha. Tela: Tyler 1U24. Ind. A-J313. or 24th and M Sta.. South Omaha. South 192. lnd. F-1192. - $75 CASH $17 PER MONTH New 4-room cottage and one full lot, 50x12s. front and two blocks from car. Nice porch, good sized living. room, fine south side dining room, large bed room with closet, convenient kitchen and pantry, good slxed bath room with water closet, one-piece poreclaln sink In kitchen; city water, electric light, with a pretty brush brass three-light shower In living room, good cellar. All floors machine scraped, smoothed and polished. Well built In every way .double floor, good lum ber throughout and put together as well as any large house. Bungalow style roof. A coxy little home for two, and arranged to build on another room later if wanted. Lot lays up well, on good street, fronts east. Iet the rent you are paying for some dingy old house or In some crowded flat pay for this pretty little cottage, all new and good. . Price $1,650, $75 cah and $17.00 per month (Interest Included). Both cottages advertised last Sunday sold by 6:30; don't wait, but see me today, Sunday, for this will go Just as quickly. At home Sunday and evenings only, t'ome to my residence. 115 9. Halcyon Ave., Benson. Phone Benson IH. F. S. ,J'rullinger. Brick House Lot 89x131 ' $2,500 House has four rooms and could be made i modern at a light .expense. Fine old shade trees and remented walk across the front of the property. Room for two or three more houses. Armstrong-Walsh Co, Tyler 153C. 210 8. 17th St. Investment . & Home Large, tt-room house, strictly modern, cor ner lot, b2xl30; room for several St. Louis flats; fronting on Davenport St.; both streets paved; elegant location; northwest corner of &d and .Davenport. A bargain at .$7,000. 1 Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310-312 Brandels Theater. ONLY $1,250 For a 7-room, almost new, house at 3908 North 36th St. Look at it, then see us. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire Third Floor Ware Blk. Doug. 1781; A-1188. For Sale My modern home, 7 large rooms and reception hall, full lot, permanent walks, barn, fruit and shade trees, close to car, churches, school; In first class repair. This place must, be seen to be appreciated. Apply John Mc Clurg, owner, 2229 Locust. Poppleton Avenue Building Lot at ttd St; beautifully situated, terraced lot. ITSaxlOO. Can be bad at a bargain. KARLE A. KAAKE. $12 MoCasua Bld. Tyler IUMl BY OWNER. NEW t-ROOM HOl'RE; RECEPTION HALL; .STRICTLY MOD ERN THROUUHOirr; EXCELLENT CAR SERVICE. SEE THIS AT ONCE. SW4 N. 17TH ST. BEMIS PARK, 7-room house, mis sion style; fine home; $4,600; terms caff-he had. K. D. Wead, 1801 Far nam. NEW, $ room all modern, choice location. cloca In. Utai South $lt St. Bargain. Tele phone Harney stto. Sea owner, iaui Dodxa, Easy Payments Very desirable lota In Clalrmont half block to enr with city water nt prices ratiKint; from $.130 to $500. Terms, $15 cash, brlauee monthly. Two fine east front lots, on grade In Club Terrace nt southeast corner of Field Club. Price $650 each. Terms. $25 cash, balance monthly. Also three fine lots each fnxl f, on Lincoln Boulevard at southeast corner of Field Club in Club Turrsico, for sale at a bargain terms very easy. Two lots 3 blocks from car In Ben son, $200 each. Terms very easy. DUNDEE 'Two south front lots in Dundee, $350 each, on easy payments. Lots S and 9, block 1, Cloverdale, 48th and Sheridan $500 for two lot3. Terms $30 cash, balance $20 per month. Nine-room, modern house, block from car line In very desirable neigh borhood full lot, 50x128 shade trees. Price $3,250. Terms, $:100 cacih, balance monthly. Benson &Carmichael 642 Paxton Block. 1 J. W. ROBBINS BARGAINS IN HOUSES $ll',500 Double modern brick flat, with 8 rooms each; on corner near high school; rental $1,200. $ 8,500 9-room modern house and lot with frontage of 50 feet on 19th street and 5il feet on 15th awniio; wltiin 3 I locks oi co"r h'-' : duced for a qu'ck sale. Better sea mu at uuu .i.. $ 6,600 8-room modern house, with hot water heat; near Field club. $ 6,250 8-room modern house and garage, on corner in west Farnam district. $ 4,000 6-room modern house, near Han scom park; very choice. ; VACANT ; LOTS ) $l.$n0 50 feet on 42d, north of Dodge. ' $1 ,60ft 50 feet on Cass, paving paid. $1,5003 full lots, two of them corners, south of Hanscom park. $1 2"iO Kast front, corner 37th and Dodge. $1.000 East front, on 38th Ave., south of Farnam; paving partly paid. $ 800 East front on 27th Ave.; fine trees; very sightly and close In. SEE MB FOR OTHER BARGAINS. John W. Robblns, 1S02 Farnam St. Dundee Bungalow Splendid Location $3,600 5111 Capitol Avenue Here is a choice bungalow of five rooms, with bath, in a locality where high-class homes are being built. The parlor and dining room are finished in oak, Including floors; lot 60-ft. front, high and sightly location. Close to school and within 1 Vt blocks of car line. Nicely decorated. You will find this is the biggest bargain in Dundee. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. 8 Rooms Modern Corner Lot, 108x128 Fine Large Barn South of Hanscom park and close to Central boulevard and west side car line. Fine shade and fruit- trees. Several rows of bearing grapes. Most beautiful lots In the district. All Improvements are practi cally new and In first claas condition. Owner says sell and some one will get a bargain. Why not you? Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th .-St. West Farnam Home $6,500 buys an attractive 8-room, all modern home In one of the beit parts of the West Far nam district. Large rooms, nicely deco rated; front and, side porch; full east fron lot; large shade trees. rlrnt time offered. For further information call on The Byron Feed Co. Both phones. 212 So. 17th Only $485 for a full lot on SOth and Nicholas "Sts.; tnree ironts. SELBY Doug. 1510. 4IK Board of Trade Bldg. A BIG SNAP $24 cash, balance $22.50 per month, buya a D-room collage, modern nut heat, full east frtint lot; located dear 34 ih and Martha. Why pay rent when you can get this nice place on such easy terms. Price l-.&i-O. This won't last long-go he quick If ou wisu to buy. (jail Harney 474o Sunday. 1 O. NIELSEN & CO. 703 Om. Nat'l Bank. Phone Doug2204. SURELY A DREAM. , 5-room house, almost new, 14 blocks to car, $ii60 rash, balance monthly. Let me show you this. Must bo seen to be appre ciated. Must sell. OltlN 8 MERRILTj COMPANY. Rooms U13-1214 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. i'JM Maple St.. & rooms, modern except furnaco. 60-ft lot, $2,600. tfc4 Blnney S(., bungalow, 6 rooms, south front, completely modern, $2.t0i. Hall Dis tributor Co., 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 740ti; A-4ub. Five Rooms Strictly Modern Furnace heat, full basement, cemented and bricked up, good bath, toilet; price, tUuO- Sea this today by calling- Web. H I. H0mCS On Payments 43.'!4 MAPLE ST. fr en-i iniin house. 5ft -f out l't, liwn. soffit Ci vnt pirkt t feni-o. VrWc H .. SOUTH ST. Six-ro ni rnttHKP. city water, bath, M. to'iel. le'tvnt mrect walk; a-.phalt paved si i ret. lot I'xli" feci: excellent location j und m-lcjilxu hood. I'rlce $:!.iT)0. 2222 SOI 111 13T1I ST. Kive-roo'n rottaRe, city water, cement wplks. close to 80. Omana car line. Price il.'iW. 1702 SOUTH 28TH SJ. Kifrht-room house, hot and colli water, hath. :a--, f'irnace, paved streets, corner lot. 1'ilce K.VV. 1341 SOUTH 27TH ST. sTIv-ri-mtn ii.mli.rn hnnKe enrner int. three Hoc ks of Munscoin Park. Rents (L'70 per annum. I'rlie $2.4.41. IN DUNDEE New 7-room hiiise. first floor finished lit oa kand onl; I loot a. fine combination gas urn! lei trie fixtures, modern throughout four s c( i),nii rooms, nice lawn. . Con venient to i nr line and Happy Hollow tlub. Pike u;:o. GARVIN BROS. SOI Cinuhii Nat'l Bank Bldg. A SNAP Ten Kood rooms in this house; downstairs there is a large living room, library, dining room ancr Kitchen, besides large hall. Upstairs there are six good bed rooms and bath. House is In splendid condition; there in also a fine barn that could easily be made Into a house without much additional expense. Ground Is 10Uxl40 ft., facing east, on paved street, with paving paid, near Hans com park. Splendid shade trees. Owner is goins to leave the city and has cut price down to $1,000 less than coEt. If interested in this bargain call for E. W. Stoltenberg Harney 3416, or Doug. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. S1X-KOOM modern cottage. Convenient to Ames Avenue (,'nr Barn. Just the place for a street car conductor or motorman. Small cash payment, balance monthly. In beautiful Prairie Park. Paved streots und walks, hedges and shrubbery. No un sightly alleys. All new and nice homes. I have one of the best homes In the addi tion; oak finish, first floor; the best of plumbing, fine lighting fixtures; nice siie bed rooms and extra large closets. Splen did basement; full size of house with laun dry. Price, 4,ono." Very .easy terms, 832 Board of Trade. I THESE ARE BARGAINS. Fully mod. home, near car, 7 rooms, large lot, barn, very easy terms. All furniture Included at $3,250. ' Very easy terms on above, B-room, mod. but furnace; barn, $2,150. 1-arge lot. 6-r. house, part mod., near 21th and Lake Sts.; a bargain at $1,760. We bargains for sale only. Several good houses: easy terms, on N. 22d St., $1.0u0 to $1,300 each; snaps. D. R. BUCK & SON. 849 New. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 6226. WEST LEAVENWORTH LOT ONX.T $27B. Why go way out to 56th and Leavenworth when we can sell you a nice lot Just a little west of 48th and a few blocks south at only $275? This belongs to a New York man and you can get It on easy payments. See us at once. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Tel.l Doug. 2707. Bvenlngs H-2587. lfith Floor City Nat l Bank Bldg. $1,150 Cash Choloest lot In Kountse Place, south front, paving paid, one block from 24th St. Wav below prices on adjoining lota BARNES & WILSON, 406 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3641. $2,500 BARGAIN Perhaps you have admired that house 4706 N. 24th St. when passing on the car, but never dreamed that It could be bought for $2,500 and only $200 cash. The house contains 7 rooms and Is all modern ex cept furnace. Now get busy. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire 3d Floor Ware Blk. D. 1781; A. H88. Snaps Direct from owner. 7-room bungalow with billiard room con veniently arranged and beautifully fin ished in oak and natural birch. Terms. 'Phone Douglas 1313. 5132 Dodge St SARPY COUNTY QUARTER. ONLY 25 miles from Omaha, ( miles) south of Gretna and miles west of Springfield. 130 acres under plow, other 30 acres timber and pasture through which spring water flows. High, gently rolling; land; 7-room house, new large barn, tiOxMl; first story of stone, with corn crib, gran ary and wagon shed combined. Best of water. Price, $135 per acre. $7,500 can be ar ranged and owner might take $4,000 in Omaha property or western land. When can we show you? Write us to day or phone Bell, Douglas 2152 or Inde pendent. A-2l.ri2. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Douglas or A-2L02. 101$ Omaha National, Omaha, Neb. I . Can Never Be Duplicated for the Same Money An elegant home in the nicest residence district of Omaha; complete In every re spect and arranged so aa to lose no apace; garage on the place; nice lot; two blocks from car; price asked Is an object to any one wanting a desirable home. GALLAGHER & NELSON 490 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 3382. HOME IN FINK NEJOH BORHOOD. Eight rooms, thoroughly modem, quarter sawed oak floor in parlor, back parlor and dining room: seven rooms on ground floor and one room upstairs; electric and gas light hot water heat; fine yard; located at 222 N. 26th St. For further particulars call Harney 2453. A SNAP Three lots, any of each cheap. Owner, u4 So. 41st St. ACREAGE FOR SALE) FRUITFARM Ten acreB, all in fine bearing fruit, both small and large fruit; fine get of improvements; only four blocks from Ames Ave. car. This is one of the finest fruit and garden farms we have ever offered. Price $10,000. If in terested in a farm of this kind ba sure to investigate this one. . J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 1653; A-2663. ' ' k