Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Image 40

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The Bee has established
its position as the leading
Real Estate Paper of
The Bee makes a specialty
of Farm and Ranch ad
vertising, and valuable
lands everywhere.
913 City National Bank Building
Tel. Douglas 49; Indep. A-2049.
sno 20N N. V'h St.: 6-room cottagp. modern except heat; splendid condition; lot
0xl32 fet. Kusy terms.
1A0-4M and Harney Kts.; 2-story. 8-room house. Rood repair, fine plumb riff, new
hot water heating plant; lot 60x127 feet; street being paved. Thin is a real
bargain. . . . . .
fiO-th and Martha Sta : brand new -room houRe, strictly modern, oak finish
and oak floors; corner lot, flOxloJ feet.
3004S23 Burt St.: full 2-torv, 8-room hoime. modern, oak floors oak ' "'
'borner lot? two blorka from the car; beautiful view; newly painted. Nonresident
owner. BIQ SNAP. . ...
WO-34th and Francis Sts.; fine corner. B7Hx97i fee. All atreets paved and paM,
large rooms, all modern. , .
V011 8 3f,th Ave.; FIEI,l CLl'B DISTRICT, nearly new. dandy, 8-roorn mod
n linu; flniHned in quarter sawed oak. beautifully arranged, exceptionally
well built; paving paid. ,,,,,, t-
750-Fat front on :Pd St., Just south of Wool worth Ave, choice location. IEl.D
n"lJBTHin-; one block from car; a good 2-story, 8-room modern house,
oak flnlHh. Owner leaving the cltv. .
000-401 Cuming St., fioxlGO feet, with large l-foorn thoroughly i odrn ."use; fin
est quarter sawed oak floors In 9 rooms and halls: new combination gas and
electric fixtures; first-class condition and a big snap.
000-U1 S. Slat St.. near Pacific, an elegant well built, fine modern rooni house
oak. birds-eve maple and birch finish, two large brick fireplaces, lot
feet, with garage. This Is a fine home, but owner has moved and wants an
offer. " -
BOft-124 R .list Ave., facing Turner Park, good 9-room modern house, not water
heat, oak finish. Now vacant; owner wants an offer.
OOO-Southwest corner 25th and Indiana Ave.; VftxVX feet, with large room,m",
house, hot water heat, excellent repair; both atreets paved and paid, stone
, 13,
; u.
wall around the ground.
P.600-1SWO and B2 Jonea St., nice new 8t. Louis apartment, 8 minutes' walk from
Boyd'a Theater; one 6 and one 6-room; rental S10 per year.
$2.20-4 acres, beautiful lvlng lot. Keystone Park; all clear, to exchange for amall
6 or 6-room cottage, In Omaha. This Is a "peach' of a nice tract.
I 0.2&O-1O acres, all in excellent bearing fruit, very well Improved, two large chicken
and squab houses, barn, bricked cellar, cave, good 5-room house, well, vine.
vard. which according to experts wilt raise 3,300 baskets of grapes. Tnls 1 one
of the finest fruit farms .in Douglas county.
1 5504KV4x3T4 feet, facing Miller Park, on Florence Boulevard car line. Snap.
$ 60060 feet, west front on 33d, north of Center St. Street to bo paved this year.
jianay locmion lur mmi iiuudd.
poo PTTNDKK North front on Davenport
i tnn itmt . .h. in th umm
-Ttfnrth rront on jmvennort
4,500-7f.x27J feet, choice lot In the Field Club District, facing east on the Boule
vard, near Poppelton Ave. ' This is a -"stem winder.'
vard, near
' Take Walnut Hill, Benson or Deaf Institute car, to 44th and Decatur Sts.. and on
he east side of Military Ave., beautiful lots, 1500 to $750; $50 down and $10 per month.
Ho interest for first six months. Discount, 7V4 per cent for cash now.
v . Take West Side Hanscom Park car, get off at S2d Ave. and Martha, go four
blocks west. Fine lots, $400 to $460; $26 down and $5 per month. Discount, 7tt per
,' eent for cash.
1 A Beautiful Country
Home in the Suburbs
of Omaha
(For Sals on Easy Terms.)
Wo are now offering our country real-
dence, consisting of 16 acres, located on
Military road, half-way between Benson
i and Irvlngton, -room house, with all mod
' ern Improvements, Including bath room,
I furnace, laundry, hot and cold water, open
fireplace, hardwood floors, summer dining
room, etc.; also large barn, Ice house,
chicken house, hog house, etc.; large
amount of fruit, consisting of nearly all
varieties raised In this climate; paved
streets Into Omaha; a little over a mile to
street car; good grade schools In this (dis
trict. Only 20 minutes' ride In automobile
to business center of olty. Will sell all for
$11,000, or divide and sell 5 acres with all
Improvements and fruit for $8,000. This la
certainly an opportunity to get a country
home for a small amount of money, when
you consider the location and Improve
ments. "
Why spend the hot summer months In
the city when you can have the benefit
of both country and cltyT
Inquire of owner.
E. S. Rood
va Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
Corner, 51st and California, elegant
bouse, garagev $8,500.
Corner 60th and Cass, fine house,
' $6,600.
No. 4933 Underwood Ave., up-to-date,
Mo. 4908 Webster, a bargain,
6017 Nicholas St., Xorced sale,
1 $750, $800, $850, $900, $950 and
208 Boston Store Bldg.
Douglas 6107.
Dundee Stucco
Brand new 7 rooms; completely modern;
niahofcnay finish with oak floors. Full ce-
merited basement and porthea with ce
ment floors. Thoroughly well built and
nicely decorated. Lot 50x137; paving paid.
Halt cash.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536.
210 8. 17th St.
Close In Lot
Price Cut to $4,200
60x134, fronting south on Harney St.
midway between 2tth and 27th Sts. A
fine location for flats or apartments. In
order to effect quick sale owner made
large cut In price. Our algn Is on the lot.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both 'Phones.
212 8. 17th.
2305 South 33d St.
8lx rooms, modern, oak finish, hot water
beat, full lot and Improved; highest site
in i'relgnton's First addition; two blocks
from Hanscom park and one block from
school, stores and west side park car line;
terms rltfht Lel direct with owner. Call
Harney 4.14.
Clifton Ilill Bargain
House of T rooms, water and iu; full lot.
close to car.
Price $LKj0l
W. T. GRAHAM, lilB BUK.'
lv sores near 4th and VaUey 8ta; fairly
foud bouse, but not finished inside. fbone
iuiui ur loulas ad.
St., Just west of 61st, 60126 feet,
riiih District, facta east on the
ni.. jubi wpii oi out, m.w
' ,W. H. GATES,
Room 644 New Omaha National Bank
Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1394.
$1,700 Five-room cottage, 2111 Ohio
St., with bath and gas, lot 30x
119, rents at $17.
$2,000 Six-room house, with bath,
at 2504 Emmet St.; south
front 60-foot lot.
$2,500 Six-room cottage, at 2065
North 18th St.; modern except
heat; large lot 60x132. Owner
leaving, city.
$2,760 Six-room, two-story house at
1820 North 25th St., modern
except heat; east front lot 30x
120; close to car; on paved
$3,000 Six-room cottage and large
grounds 160x120, on north
, west corner 31st and Miami,
fronting south and east, .with
a fins view; one block from
$3,760 Eight-room, well-built house
at 2029 North 19th St. (Boule
' vard); oak finish. Bargain In
a house for someone; lot S3x
$3,600 Seven-room modern house at
2810 Spalding; light oak fin
ish; hot water heat; south
front lot, 50x125.
$4,750 Eight-room, new, modern
house, with stairway to floored
attic, at 1804 Lothrop; light
oak finish, and hot water heat;
a fine home. Qo out and Bee
We have three unsold choice acres
in this beautiful addition, two at $560
each and one corner acre for $600.
One will make six 40-ft. city lots;
these He high and sightly, only two
blocks from car and macadam road,
and the term's only $10 down and $10
a month. Will sell one, two or all
three together. These prices are only
about one-half the price you would
have to pay for acres so close to car
and macadam road. These acres are
located in Florence, a good place to
Invest part of your savings. If you
want more information today you can
call up 'phone Web. 621.
1614 Harney St.
3511 Howard
9 Rooms, $5,250
New and up-to-date. Completely modem;
finished In oak; paved street, close to Far
nam. Thla Is a fine home with large roouia
Worth the money.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1&3S.
210 8. 17th et.
Close In
Eight-room, all modern house, fur
nace, laundry, gas heater, fireplace,
bath, etc. Oak. white enamel, birch
and hard pine finish. Telephone
Harney 60. Harry H. Putnam, 5140
Burt St.
We are going to sell a U'it.'.Ui i-'oora
bungalow, well located, at a vttt.i attractive
price to some man with a good reputation
and cash. Call at 17 J) Lake St. and
look it over today. Then see us Monday.
Entire. $d Floor Ware Blk. D. 1781; A. US&
' A Lot In Happy Hollow or Dundee
For an investyient or a home cannot be excelled as
it has'all the improvements of other residence dis
tricts, is in the direct line of Omaha's best growth,
and is easily reached by car from the business dist
rict in twenty minutes. ,
ONLY ONE-TENTH CASH, balance easy pay
ments, will buy a lot thus giving an investor the
advantage of present low prices, with only a small
Clase-In Residences
$.50X-Eiiiht-room. all modern home, oak floors, G0xll2-foot lot, near All Saints
church, within easy walking distance.
ti.fiOO Ten-room all modern house, south front lot, on Howard street near 22d- All
specials paid for. Rxeellent renting locality. Walking distance.
$2,87.'r Six-room modern house, near 30th and Mason streets. Kast -front lot.
$1,4002771 Cuming street, four rooms, in fair repair, but excellent location, and cheap
at this price. y
New Forest Hill Residence
$7,0U0 l'p-to-date. new, seven-room residence, located on one of the best corners In
Forest Hill. Finish of this hotixe la equal to some of the best residences in
Omaha. Quarter-Fawed oak finish and floors. Handsome lighting fixtures.
Tiled bath, porcelain fixtures. Convenient to Jobbing district and depots.
Must be teen to be appreciated.
Kew Dundee Residences
$750 cash, balance monthly -for a new 7-room modern house, located at 5115 Under
wood Ave. Oak finish and floors first floor. Natural pine finish second. Com
bination electric light and gas fixtures. Furnace heat. Overlooks Happy
Hollow and Fairacres. Price, $5,250.
Kountze Place Residence
$6,4002021 Wirt St., eight-room, two-story modem house, recently built, quarter-
fawed oak finish and floors first floor. Full cemented basement, hot water
heat. This Is a frame and stucco house and is In excellent condition.
$7,000 Nine-room, two-story modern house.
garage. Two fine lota 100x124 feet. Near boulevard. .
Gearge 3c Company
Uth Floor City National Bank Bldg.
Last of My Beautiful
Bemis Park Property
But THREE remain of the many
beautiful homes 1 have recently built
and sold in Bemis park. My reputa
tion is undlsputably established for
having the
Material Used,
DrCT Workmanship Employed,
DJ-rfO 1 Hot Water Heating Planta
Artistic Interiors,
Beautiful Lald-Out Lawns
$6,600 3522 Lincoln Boulevard;
8 rooms; oak finish; splendid lighting
fixtures; size of lot 49x135 feet.
$6,800 3514 Lincoln Boulevard;
9 rooms; same finish; living rooms
full width of house, with beamed ceil
ing; actual center of Bemis park;
view magnificent; less than two blocks
from four street, car lines; size Of lot,
47x180 feet.
$7,200 3518 Lincoln Boulevard;
11 rooms; situated directly opposite
the delicious, healthful, natural
spring; beautiful reception room, with
built-in mirror; dining room, with
beamed ceiling; splendid large clos
ets; sleeping porch; paved alley in
rear of all three houses.
These are the last new houses in
the park and there are no more avail
able lots in this ideal location. If
you want a home In the most pic
turesque part of Omaha It is your last
Phones: Harney 3079 or Ind. A-2671.
A, P. Tukey & Son
We Must Sell
Five Homes
3011 Miami St., 8-room, all modern house,
2-story residence on a full lot, for the small
sum of $2,750.
2315 S. 12th St, 6 rooms on one floor. All
modern but furance. House is" in fine con
dition. $2,650.
$031 Uarcy St., 8 rooms on one floor.
1049 Park Ave., 8 room, all modern, with
46 feet of ground. $3,500.
118 S. 42d St. This Is the best and moat
reasonable house we have advertised for a
long time. It has 7 rooms, besides large
hall, closets etc. It is strictly modern.
Soft water in kitchen and laundry.
We are going to sell this for the best
offer we can get.
A. P. Tukey & Son
Phone Douglas 2181.
444-445 BoardM Trade Bldg.
New House
6 Rooms, $3,900
$500 Cash
balance in monthly payments like rent,
buys a new 6-room all modern house at
1629 So. 26 th St. Oak finish and floors
downstairs, hard pine finish and oak floors
upstairs. Keen's side will cement in bath
room; Feck-Wllllamaon furnace; house just
being completed, no better built In Omaha.
You select your own lighting fixtures at
our expense, Yard will be aodded. cement
walks put In. Don't wait, see us Monday
about this.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both phones.
212 So. 17th.
Only $2,100
For thla splendid 8-room houBe. nicely ar
ranged, ail on one floor, consisting of ves
tibule, parlor, dining room, kitchen, three
bed rooms and bath room, fully equipped.
90-foot lot fronting east on paved slreK;
large shade trees, fruit trees bearing. No.
$134 N. 2lh St. Terms $300 cash, balance
only $20 per month.
1320 Fax nam St.
Tels.: Doug. 1064. Ind. A-10M
Close in Bargain
W-room, all modern house, five blocks
from court house. Price $4,500. Will take
small bouse as part payment.
Birkett & Tebbens
43$ Be Bldg. Phones D-4754; A-1754.'
C. Fred Harrlsoa and Oeo. T. Morton fa
business fearasina. i mah Nat l baas.
In center of Kounnze Place. Barn and
Art Home
Alone In Its Class.
New and Distinctive Designs,
This elegant home of 7 large rooms
and sleeping porch, with .first story
and porch 9x32 ft., of brick laid colon
ial style, and second story in stucco;
carries out the "Craftsman" or
"Straight Line" idea of architecture.
Basement has toilet, laundry, vegeta
ble room, with shelves; coal and ash
bins, cemented basement under entire
porch. First floor has tiled vestibule,
mirrored door in reception hall, large
living room, with handsome oak and
tapestry; brick mantel, on one side of
which is an vL-shaped, built-in book
case, and on the other side an L
shaped, built-in seat. These features
form a nook which is very attractive.
The dining room is lafge, is paneled
in oak and hasy beamed celling and
window seat. Kitchen; built-in china
closet and cupboards; two coat clos
ets; second story has four large bed
rooms, with ample closets; one room
has mirrored door, two closets, win
dow seat and is finished in white en
amel; one finished in mahogany and
two in natural curly birch. Bath room
has tiled floor and walls, 2 0x6 4-inch
beveled mirror and medicine cabinet;
fine attic; artistic screened sleeping
Brushed brass light fixtures and
brushed brass hardware, with cut
glass knobs. First floor is finished in
oak, except the kitchen, which is In
maple and gum. Carton furnace and
first-class plumbing. This fine home
(completed this week) was built by
day labor and of the very beBt materials..-
Lot faces east and south on
the corner of 35 th and Poppleton ave
nues. Owing to the illness' of the
owner this beautiful home will be sold
for less than you can build it for.
Open for inspection daily frqm 2 to
6 p. m. Inquire for owner at bouse
next door west.
FROM $1,500 TO $06,000.
PAY FROM m. TO 14t
I These Investments are selected and take
in buildings from the 5-room cottage to the
large apartment house; trackage to store
buildings. There 1b not a single investment
listed below that the income will not take
care of all Interest and payments on the
principal and leave a rood maridn after
paying all expenses. Pays on
$ 8,000.
$10,000. .
on Am't.
..$ 3,000 $ iAO 8.0.
All ll.LSO.
. 6.0110. $1.440....
.$10.01)0. $1,9X0....
.$11.000... '....$1.U0....
... 0.D.
... 4...
... .8...
... 9.9...
... 8.6...
...12 0...
... 9.6...
... 8.3...
W5.0U0 1'art $tL370...,
$16.0"0 All $1,60...,
$ 8 OK). Part $ 3H0....
$ 6.6M) All $ ....
$ 4.2"0. All $ 420...
$ f.500 Fart $ 7HO....
$ 1.&U0 All $ 144....
$ 7,250. Part $ 720...,
$20,000. Part $1,728...,
$ 3,100. $ 500 $ 216....
$ 3.000 $ 600 $
$ 5.0110 $ 3.1) $ 4Si....
$15.500 $12.0110 $1,2X5.
$ 7.750.
..Part $ 840..
.. 9.6...
.. 8.8...
$ S.STiO..
$ 3.5tiO..
$ 3.000..
$ 2,2"0..
t 7,500.
..$ 1.500....
.$ 1.6O0....
.$ 1.000....
628 ...
$ 2.750.....
$ IhJoO....
$ .0O0. $ 8.000..
.10.0 30.0
$L3,U4) All ..
...!,( HI..
$ 6,000 $ 2.01IO. ,
.$ KM).,
..14.6 44.0
$ 6ooot.;
.$ 2.800. $ 604..
..10.0 18.0
Button Realty Co.
504 Brandeis Bide.
Phone Doug. 1670.
It '
Some man with $200 or a good va
cant lot can become the owner of a
dandy new 5-room cottage at 3918
Bancroft. Owner is anxious to sell.
as his business takes him out of the
city. Only $1,800.
Entire Third Floor Ware Blk.
Doug. 1781; A-1188.
Beiriis Park Home
Here is a chance to buy a practically
new 8-room, all modern home In the Bmta
park district at a big discount. Extra large
room.?, oak finish first floor, birch and
maple above; downstairs all decorated; hot
water heat. Owner wants a smaller borne,
makes a verv low twice.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both phones. 212 Bo. 17th.
48x132, south front, 4116 Farnam, $-room,
modern house. Make a cash offer to R.
Biota, Chula Vista. Gal
For Sale
$13,500 An extra well built 12-room house,
with all modern conveniences. Including
hnrdwood finish, hardwood floors, mantel
and grate, book can as built In, laundry tubs
ana cistern, south and each front corner
lot, very sightly locatlan, convenient to
street car, churches and schools. Easy
$!t,000 One of the most desirable homes
on the west side car line, north of Hans
com park; 9 rooms, with all modern con
veniences. Including hardwood finish and
hot water heat, east front lot and barn.
$6,250 Wight-room, modern house with
oak finish, oak floors, hot water heat and
all conveniences; lot 32x128 feet; on 2tth
St., south of Dewey Ave. Built in 1907.
Owner moving to Lincoln.
$0,200 Ten rooms on first and Recond
floors and 3 finished rooms on third floor,
east front lot .fine neighborhood. Same
property with two lots, $9,ouo.
$6,200 A new 7-rooni modern house of
latest design .with large living room, din
ing room with beamed celling, oak finish
and oak floors below, white enamel with
mahogany doors upstairs; $1,800 cash, bal
ance monthly.
6,l60 Oood comfortable, 8-room, modern
house, with lot 50x150 feet, on the east aide
car line, north o Hanscom park.
$3,800 Seven -room modern house, with
oak finish, oak floors, hot water heat, full
lot. paved street; built In 190K.
$3,250 8-room houne, with five bed rooms,
city water ,gas and sewer; lot 50x150 feet;
paved street; two blocks from car line.
$1,260 A very desirable 1-story modern
cottage, with one bed room below and two
bed rooms and bath upstairs; south front
lot, 424x150 feet; one block from Harney;
with flowers, shrubs and garden.
$2.200 Five rooms, modern except fur
nace, full lot on 34th street, southwest of
Hanscom park.
On Farnarn Street Hill
$16.500 Larpe, modern house, with oak
finish, oak floors, hot water heat; lot 60x
165 feet, and garage; on 37th street, south
of Karnam.
$10,000 Ten-room modern house and two
east front lots, one block from Farnam car
$7,500 Same house, with one lot.
$5,500 Kight-room modern house, with
east front lot. on 35th Ave., one block from
Farnam car line,
J. H. Dumant & Son
'Phone Doug. 690. 1605 Farnam St. Omaha
Elmwood Acres
-Acre Lots
On Easy Terms
Located only t blocks south of the termi
nus of the West Leavenworth car line and
across the road from Kim wood park. Ten
of the twenty lota sold.. They won't last
long at our prices. One acre at the S. K.
Cor. of 60th and Leavenworth Sta. sold
for $2,500.
Why not have a home In the country
where you can raise chickens, gaiden truck
and fruit. Ten-minute car service, 22 min
utes' ride to center of town.
and take advantage of the extremely low
Prices, $600 to $760. $25 cash, $10 per month,
Including interest at 8 per cent. Send for
circular, or better still call up and our
salesman will show you the property.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both phones.
212 So. 17th.
If you want a snap in a good 8
room house (not new, but in good
condition), let us show you this. Two
fine lots, close to car line, only $3,650.
We can also sell you a good corner
40x135 ft. for $750.
Corner 50th and Nicholas Sts., only
Wept Farnam
A fine home on 41st St., near Dav
enport St.; large living room, with
fireplace, etc.; four good bed rooms;
floored attic, room for two good
rooms; oak finish. Only $6,500.
68 ft., east front, near Davenport
and 41st, only $2,600.
67 y ft., east front, on 32d, just
north of Dodge St., only $4,000. A
D. 1610.
436 Board of Trade Bldg.
$10 DOWN
$10 Per Month
Nicely located corner lot, suitable for
building, 1 block from Ames Ave. car, 3
blocks west of hospital; south front, on
grade. Has sewer, water, etc., all in and
paid. Is easily worth $450 cash( but I am
willing to sell at this price on easy terms.
An elegant Investment for your savings,
as the surrounding neighborhood is btlng
highly Improved and this property Is sure
to advance rapidly in value. Addreos A
317. Bee.
Orchard Hill
8 Rooms Modern
$900 Cash
HouseJs nicely decorated throughout
and Is finished In hard pine. Rooms are all
good size. Fine cemented basement with
best make of under feed furnace. Oood
open plumbing. Lot 60xUiu; fine shade and
fruit trees; paved street, paving paid. Just
two biocks irom me car i.cie. i'nce $3,20;
$o0 cash, and $25.85 per month.
Armstrong-Walsh Co,
Tyler 1636.
210 S. 17th St
32d Ave. South Hanscom Park
Klght rooms, entirely modern, open
plumbing, combination gas and electric
light fixtures, city and cistern waUsr;
paved street, permanent walks, shade trees,
house In fine condition (painted last ytart,
63 feet east frontage, terrace, barn. Owner
leaving city. Will sell for $3.in0. Quick
offer, must be sold this week.
Tels: Uoug. 10S4; Ind.. A-1C64
Five Rooms $1,250
Near 2Sth and Miami Sta, nice little place
-great bargain.
Sunday, May 21st
Kountze Place
We have contracted w th Oak C. Redick I
to close out the remaining Lts on )
Pinkney Street
Pratt Street
Evans Street
At Bargain Counter
N and on easy terms
Your Opportunity
to start saving for a home
Never Again
can you buy such fine lots at
such low prices
Sewer, water, gas, cement walks, ()
All Free to Purchasers
- $29,000 Worth Already Sold-
Only 22
New Homes Being Built
Buy Where Others are Buying
For Investment, Speculation
or Home
Building Restrictions
Protect the buyer of these lots
Kountze Place
Has fine schools, all churches, beauti
ful homes, splendid car service, a fine
park and boulevard and fine streets.
Come Out Today
take 24th street car, get off at Evans street
Salesmen on the ground all day
Norris & Martin
Phone Douglas 4270; A-4270 400 Bee Building.
21st Street
22d Street
24th Street
Lots Left