Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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If Duty is Done Bee'i Booklorert Do
Officers Nebrasks State Dental Society
The Omaha Ucc'h Grcal
ooklovcrs' Contest
Not Worry About Mercury.
Tnoee Who tar . for Miitnrra of
. Wflkfr Man .t Aloas; Baaeetaly
la Flmom Ham Confarlrd
by Thlt Paprr.
"lt It male tin i1irfrn In lh
J v--"
whathar thou art cold or warm. If thou art
flolng thy duty; and whether thou art
drowsy or satisfied with l.n
Marcui Aurellua Antoniua wrota thaae
word when the world wan young and
Roma waa looked upon aa tha greatest part
or mi world, ir thera had been auch a
thing aa a Book lovers- contest In thoaa
olden daya It might ba suspected now that
Marcue had written these thoughts after
receiving an Inspiration from working over
ins una pussies. .
It la true that this philosophy Could well
be. applied to The Bee's Booklovers' con
test. "Let It make no difference to thee
whether thou art cold or warm. If thou
art doing thy duty with the puzcle Die
turea." Cold weather or hot weather can
In no wise bother the contestanta who are
woi-mng at the pictures. '
(lame la Vrrr f:iii
Tha game Is so Interesting so exciting
no so lascinating tnat one who looks at
the pictures Is bound tn foal It hi.
to solve one of the puzzles each day, even
inougn ne does not expect to win a prise.
Most of the contestants, however, realise
that the prises offered by The Bee la one
of the best ever put un hv anu .,..,,.
newspaper for a contest of this nature
ana mey are working for one of the four
grand prises. But should they lose out for
one of these grand awards then they will
probably stand a chance to win one of
thirty-five cash consolation prizes. It Is
something to work for, and the work Is
Interesting, so one doea not feel h i.
warranted In spending his time at this
Lota Uolasr Vers- Faat.
Lota In Uer's addition are being sold fast.
. , A revised plat on the full page Booklovers'
ad in this paper shows how many lots
have been disposed of. A. P. Tukey
Son, from whom Tha Bee purchased the
Booklovers' lot, have written the contest
editor aa foUowa in regard to the recent
The revised plat of Iter addition which
we sent you tnis week shows salea to
, Oste. Lot 8. block 4, of th, addition Is
the property purchased by you from us
tor your third prise In the Booklovers'
contest. The activity In this locality shows
the wisdom of your selection,
'This property Is located a little less
than two miles from ttie center of the
city. It Is only six blocks from Hanscom
trk. one of the finest In Omaha. One of
. the main thoroughfares connecting Omaha
and South Omaha, run through the center
of this addition. It has a flve-mlnute street
car service down town. The main street
Is paved with brick and 1. sixty feet wide
It fronts east on Central boulevard, 185 feet
wide. We win be glad to ahow the Book
lovers lot to any of your contestants at
ny time. A number of prudent Investors
re buying lot, n this addition as an
Investment, pure and simple.
-They believe that centrally located prop
erty In Omaha with paved streets and
"reet car facilities Is sure to get all other
8tli .no her class are buying for a .it. for
their future or present home. Both of
hese claa bellev. that the time to buy
- order to get the Increas, is before Im
provement, ar. .1, mad. r.ther tha
Clmmm Gr... Prls...
- Much comment ha. been made about the
four grand prize. In the contest. -The
magnificent Apper.on "Jack Rabbit- tour-
" a T U 'Xh'bUed th App
on company', salesrooms. 1102-4 Farn.
.treet. Is valued at U00. it UoJlTZ
- best car. made and I. good for both road
"Peclal work. The Apper.on car hi n-
Joying graat popularity right now
The second prise is a fine Kimball
lyar-plano. which" I. at the A 7! "
.tore, uu i0U.Im tree? H-p.
:. .ncoCcrrt evenr "rurnoon
pATuk."vlrR bU"d,n lot ' -A.
TM. . f S0" Iler ""itlon I. offered,
of , ,C,ed ,n ns of ,h -ectlons
tt . ? 'nd ' ld,,, home
This lot Is valued at tM)
Gr?fon.r"hR PrUa " rnd Columbia
.Orafonola Regent." which la worth law
Kg?. rth ' ttcora'- Thi 22
to . e TC'n 'Very "te-noon from o clock, at the Columbia Phonogrtnh
y. mi-U FarnamS
TttU to.test Will Be Klcl.
dated Here.
First-ln using more than one coupon Is
thera any objection to having the picture
complete with coupon, or should coupon
' p.TurV' U'ed 'nd ,UChe1
8econd-Ia there any certain way In which
answer, ahould be sent to the colt
dltor? Should they be prepared In any
' irC 71Te.r?-A- P. Auora. Xeb
First-It is lest to use aep.r.te pictures
and coupon, though the .econd cour.e i.
Hot barred.
8ond-They ahould be neatly prepared
so contest board's work will t, easy.
Aa.aal Dlamer Will Be HI4 on
Kmplre It.y The gpeaker.
( huarn,
Omaha'. Canadians will gather about the
banquet table at the annual dinner to be
held at the r.xton hotel Wednesday even
ing. May 21 Empire day,
Many of the invitation issued by the so
ciety have gone astray In the malls and
A notice was taued by the officers Saturday
. that any Canadian might secure tickets
by application tft either Dr. I. 8. Anglon
president, or W. A. Yonson. secretary.
The speakers of the evening chosen are:
T. W. McCullough. Robert Cowell and W
Q. Cleveland.
Mrs. 8. K. Datlea l Preside at and
Mrs. Kola llrllevker la Re.
Elected Ic Prealdeat.
Th. Association of Collegiate Alumnae
met Saturday afternoon with Miss Hilda
Hammer. The main business of the after
noon was the election of officer..
Mr.. 8. E. Davles waa elected president,
. Ml. Zola Itelleiker was re-elected vice
prealdeat, Mlsa Louise secretary;
. . Mis. Bess Duintmt. treasurer. The three
dlrectoia elected were: Mra. Paul Hoag
v land. Mis. Hilda Hammer and Mis. Mary
. Mcintosh.
A I. lie Prohleea Solved'
by that great health tonic. Electric Blt
Lr, la the enrichment of poor, thin blood
and .trengthening the weak. We. For sale
fcy n Drug Co.
At the recent meeting of th Nebrsska
State Dental society two Omaha men were
elected to office. Dr. J. H. 'Wallace was
hoaen to succeed himself as secretary and
Dr. . II.. Bruenlng was made vice presi
dent.. The. other officers were Dr. C. C.
Karrell of Cozad, president, succeeding Dr.
P. T. barber, and Dr. W. A. Mcllenry of
Nelson, treasurer. .
The Lincoln meeting was by all reports
very successful. Following thoir hunuM
at the XJndeil hotel the dentists held the
election by ballot, nominating besides Dr.
sarren, ur. wruenlng and Dr. O. A. Hunt.
A. a special honor life
society was conferred ' upon 'Dr. W. H.
Stryker of Beatrice and Dr. T. J. H.tfi.iH
of York for having been members for twen-
ix-iive years.
The Nebraska Dental snoletv .-
lsed thirty-five year. ago. Among the men
wno assisiea in the organization were Dr.
W. F. Koseman of Fremnht t
of Norfolk, Dr. W. H. Btryker of Beatrice,
w. jvason of Omaha. Dr. II. C. Miller
of Grand Island, Dr. H. T. King of Fre
mont, Dr. 8. M. King of Lincoln, Dr. D. A.
Vane, of Kearney, Dr. C. Thomas of Ne
braska City. Dr. H. W. Rhnv.r r.r
and Dr. J. W. Chaddock of Nebraska City.
...- men were nrs associated In the
Missouri Valley Dnntai
oaety mrt In Omaha In 1878 and
wrol o pieces. The members
who founded the Nehrask.
- v . . av,.,aijf
came to Lincoln from Omaha and upon the
Omaha Firm Lands Big
uovernment Contract
L. 0. Doup, Low Bidder for Sixth
er, wm jaaice Uncle
Sam'i Mattresses.
Recently the United fltsto. .
advertised extensively for miniir.l,,..
bid on a certain style mattress; every mat-
irees maaer in the country had an oppor
tunity to place his bid and
It has Just been awarded to the L. G. Doup
company or umaha. This is a regular
yearly occurence and It makes the sixth
year that this firm has offered the Jowest
ma ana secured the contract.
This order, the lararest vet tilai .uii
for four thousand mattresses, each one of
wnicn must ruiini exacting' specifications.
Ninety day. are allowed for dnliv.rv .nrf
If all were finished and loaded at one time
It 'would require over 200 ordinary dray
loads to move them.
The Doun comnanv in rm ,t.'. inAa,
manufacturing concern in hm Una it oc
cupies a three-story building with front
age of 14S feet and depth of 1J2 feet. It ha.
several departments, each ofl which Is
supervised by an expert and conducted
aa a separate plant, manufacturing and
producing some distinctive article r fur.
nlture. Not only are all sorts of mattresses
manuracturea but pillow. .. well.
Here 1. to be found the most complete
finishing and varnish rooms In the west
for caring for the fine cabinet work after
th. assembling and makina- of frames tnr
the various grades of upholstered couches
ana chairs. The upholstering department
turn out thirty finished couches and par
lor suits daily In addition to fancy chairs
and rockers; more than fifteen hides of
leather are consumed each day for this
work alone. The most expensive pieces
are produced as well as the popular and
juwer pricea ones.
A recent addition la tha ho inrlnv mat
tress department. Most hotels and many
home, are recognizing the comfort and
convenience of this sort of spring and
rapidly Installing them. At present the
concern I. at work on a special patented
ventilated mattress for person, desiring
thu varv flnAat marchindlu. nf h1a r i u r
arter that can be produced. This new
style mattress will be ready for the trade
In about a week.
This firm was tha first one west of Ohln
to Install the expensive machinery neces-
lurv fni malllnr tmr fi if niu llr.uu.u ' thru
thousand pounds of cotton are used each
day in the seventy felt mattresses produced
which makes the factory the biggest buy
ers of cotton In this part of the country.
For the manufacture of pillows, feathers
they are run through machinery, which
completely renovates, washes, disinfects
ana snrirns mem.
T. fi Timlin iriLrtMt tha Vkiialneaa twenty-
two years ago. As well as being president,
he personally supervises the work In all
depart men t. Thomas Met! rath, vice presi
dent, has been associated with Mr. Doup
for twenty-years. H. F. Reed is secretary
and sales manager.
Woanea of the First Coaareaatloaal
(ksrfk Have I'aiqat Katertain
aaeat for
"A trip around the world'' is the enter
tainment planned by the women of the
First Congregational church Thursday
evening for their friends. The tourists
will start from "Boston", at o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. McGllton.
where guide, from Cook's will be furnished.
They will then take the southern route and
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc
Donald will view the Catacombs and Mount
Vesuvius. From there they go to "Ger
many" at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sherman, where a Dutch luncheon
will be served by the young women in
Dutch costume. From there the tourists
go to "Ireland," the horn, of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Carpenter, where they will klxa the
Blarney stone and hear some Irish ditties.
Thay will then cross the channel to
"France." the home of Mr. and Mra. O. P.
Moorhead, and view the pictures of the
Louvre In Parts. From there they continue
around th. globe to "Japan," tb. home of
Mr. and Mra. C liar lee Harding, where 'they
will attend a diplomatic reception and rice
cake, and .tea will be served by Japanese
young women.
Persistent Advertising U the Road to
Big Returns.
r V7
ruin, of the old society founded the state
organization. This was In July, 176.
The first president of the state organiza
tion was Dr. S. H. King of Lincoln. Dr. J.
W. Chaddock of Nebraska City was the
first vice president. Dr. W. F. Roseman
of Fremont was the first secretary and
treasurer and he held the office during the
first seven years of the society's existence.
In the early days the society held several
- I
Ad Club Committee Would Organize
Citizen Patrols.
Lawyer Issues Statement Deerrag
Condition, and I. ark of Ade
quate Protection by the
A "vigilance commrttee," ' reminiscent of
frontier days Is to be organized in Omaha
for the protection of citizens and home,
against highwaymen and robbers, unless
the Ad club committee, which ha. started
the plan finds Omaha men too timid or
too conservative to undertake the -duties
of policemen.
P. A. Wells, lawyer, chairman of the com
mittee of the Ad club, Is taking th. initia
tive in the matter. The men who are
backing him. Including officers and promt,
nent business men of the Ad club are will
ing to back him only a. silent partners,
and have put upon Mr. Well, the public
responsibility for the challenge, which he
has Issued for Omaha men to resort "to
arms." , The other, lunched with Mr. Wells
at the Commercial club Saturday noon, but
shrunk from publicity, . because It might
hurt their business. Mr. Wells, "who de
rives his Income from clients outside the
Strong and Active
at 81 Years of Age
Dear Mra. Itamney, who is known and beloved by all her town folk, ha. been
restored to-health and vigor after an illness of several months. So
may you be If you Rive your system a chance.
Mil. and AIRS.
"My wife was taken sick last fall and I called in our doctor. He
tended her for two months, but did not help her in any way. I saw
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey advertised in our paper and after reading what
it had done for others I bought a bottle. She commenced taking it at once
and grew better from the start. She is now strong and able to do her
housework as well as ever and she is 81 years old. We would not be with
out it. I advise all old people to try it, because what it has done for us
It will do for them." Wm. J. Ramsey, Matamoras, Pa.
Duffy's Pure alt Whiskey
If every man and woman in the United States would only appreciate
what this great family medicine does toward building up the system, driving
out the disease germs by strengthening
the circulation so as to prevent a cold or other form of congestion from
becoming deep rooted, ninety per cent of the illness would be avoided.
When people get sick they blame different causes, but if they would only
stop and think the chief, cause is the system is allowed to run down; the
blood becomes thiu. the digestive organs are not stroug enough to do their
work properly, the tissues become weakened, the kidneys are unable to
carry off the waste matter. The result Is pains, aches and all kinds ol
troubles. Just give your system a chance; build it up by taking Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey as directed; it will build new tissue, help the stomach
digest the food, strengthen the heart action, enrich the bkod and invigorate
the body, brain and nerves.
Duffy's Pure- Malt Whiskey U the only whUkry that was taxed by
the Government aa a medicine during the HoaniHh-Amerlcan war. !
Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggists, grocers and dealers. 1
or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. Our doctors will .end you advice free tnl
aether with a valuable Illustrated medical booklet on application. The Duffy
Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
( )
l - V;
of Its annual meetings when there would
not be more than six members present.
Only two of the founders of the society are
now practicing and are still members of the
society. They are Dr. A. W. Nason of
Omaha and Dr. W. F. Roseman of Fre
mont. The total membership of the
society Is now 425 out of 600 dentists In the
state. About 400 members attended the con
vention. A
city, and has nerve enough to do the whole
think all alom.' expects volunteers to
meet him at the Commercial club Wednes
day evening, at 8 o'clock and the vigilance
committee will then be organized. .
Oklahoma City Man 'Who SmoR.led
Gooda from Mexico ttnnda ia
Thirty-Three Dollars.
WASHINGTON, May 20. -President Taft
today turned Into the conscience fund of
thu treasury $33 sent to him by a resident
of Oklahoma City, who wrote that several
months ago he smuggled from Mexico City
good, subject to 40 per cent duty. Now
that the goods had been sold, he wished
to settle with the government. "I hope,
Mr. President." the letter concluded, "you
were not Inconvenience dby the delay."
Objectionable Man Removed and M i-
sonrl Paeifio Men Retarn to
KANSAS CITY. Mav M.-Followinsr tha
removal of an alleged strikebreaker, said
to have been transferred from the Missouri
Pacific railway shops in St. Louts to the
company's east bottoms shops in this city,
most of the 2G0 ooilermakers, blacksmiths
and machinists employed by the company
who went on strike yesterday, returned to
work today.
the digestive organs and quickening
Ll 1 ii M DIMS IS" iTTTlSl 1 llf
WO. 47 BUHDAT, SCAT 91, 1S11.
Vhat Does This
Your Name
Street and Number
City or Town
Arter you hate written tn the title of the book save the coupon
and picture.
Do not send any coupons until tha end of the contest Is aa
Remember the picture represents the title of a book not a scene
or character from It.
Catalogues containing the names of all the books on which the
puzzle pictures are based are fo'r sale at the business office of The
Bee 25 cents. By mail, 80 cents.
Rules of the Contest
ail swmii. ar .nglkl. 1. ntr tsls contest .msloiM at th Omasa in an.
rnuobai ol taialiua, EaoS da, fur MvMity-tir. aara, thar. will a. uUah. la
Th. In a plotura whlck will npramx ta. Dam. .1 a koua. SMMata mo. statur
tar will b. a stank tur tk. cmuiitat I. rill In tk. tit I. ( th. bwa.
Out out koto ik. .Ictur. ana kiank and nil In tk. nam. and autkor at tha aaoa aa.
aid rur nam. and addrkaa nutlr and plain!? la lb. apae. srvnld.4.
Ms n.triotl.n. wll k. slaeea m th. war la wkloa answ.r. 1. tka pletsna mar a
Hcund. Kach slotur. rapraunu enlj wi. till, at a kok. II ra ar n.l sura at a
till, and wtih to nd In mora than sn. anawar ta wet pletura, jruu mar d. BUT
lnaerrMt an.ww. will n.t a. Munud aaain.t Mnlaataata it correct aoawar la alas sWaa.
Hon than on. uwwtr sb.uld n.t k. a at on tb. aama oousan. Batra ..upon, ab.uld k.
mm far Mtra anawara. All aaswan t la sam auaakar ab.uld k hast lasatbcr ia
Hndlua a tk. ml
Wbll. not naosaaarr. It U .Mlrakl. that tk. ploturas sksuld la asa aaa
s. sant In with tb. anawara ,ln rdr that ail anawara' k Uniterm. Additional pl.turM
aa. aoupana ma k. .ktaln. at tha trioa of Tb. Haa mf mall or la aoraoa.
When rem hava all Mvantr-flT. pl.tiuaa, faatan tbtm and brlns a.' mail
tb.m t. Tb. Omaha Ih, . addraaaad to tha Sooktonra' Oantast editor. Prlua will k.
awards ta th ..ntaaiania ..ndln. la tb. largaal nam bar of corrMt solutteaa. la arn4
C tw. r mar. parauna bavins Uia m mm aumbar of oorraot solutions, taa paraan attn.
tk aaAallar anmber at axtra oouaona In hi hi of anawara wll a ImUim wlnnar. In
avaff tw parauna kavlng tk. auna n tun bar eonwat and sain, tha asm Bunbtr of
Mupsna, tk paraon wom. art oHaaawara la swat nUr prasaraa, la Lb p Lilian mi
th lull Judsinf eomniltt. will th. flrwt prlM.
Onlr an. U.t of an.war mar b .ubtnttcad mj a amitawtaat.
Th ua f tk coupon. ! aot okllsatonr apon tha oontaatant, and aa aoawar saar
b sukmltt. In any l.slkl mannar tha Mntaataat may Mltct.
Awards will a mad atrlotlr aardlns t. tk. merit of aoh aapanu list.
Tha nam. of mora than on w.-n must not, k. wrltt.n upon any n coupon.
Th. award, wll b. mad. br lb. Contort Editor asd a commute. ( w.ll-aaowa atU woapj' names will b. ann.unswd later. 1
The taZ.teat la limited ta tb toll awing texrltorri Nebraaka, Wvamkag. that peat 1 an
of Iowa rrt o( kut not inoludlug boa alolaaa, and that aaottoa of Sout. Dakota known
aa th. Bank Hill. DUtrtot.
' contest. It has many speed 'and
road records, and today ranks
among the leading motor cars. For both service and spsed this auto
will make an excellent possession. It is a real Joy-maker. It is fully
equipped and Is Just like accompanying illustration. The famous
Apperson warranty goes with this car. The prise may be Inspected
at the Apperson sales rooms, 1101 Farnam street
Second Prize
Value $750
Not .v.rybody can play a plana
but everybody would Ilka to. Th.
IS-not. Kimball pl&jv.r-plano. worth
1760, which la th. aeoond grand
prls. will furnish muslo for you
wbsther you play r not It is a
wonderful Instrument, and will tnak.
soma horns a happy plac for .very
member of th. family. 7v.n Grand
ma can play this Instrument, if
sister wants to piay It without th.
machanlain, she simply haa to lift
a lever. This player la exhibited at
tb. Hoape .tare. 1611 ixju.las 81
Fourth Prize
Value $260
A I Columbia "Regent" Qrafon
ela and IfeA worth of roMs form
the fourth grand prise. This excel
lent Instrument is one of the best
rnanufaotur.ct. It le built of finest
mahogany throughout. Kor any
family this Instrument is simply a
musical gem. It ia sure to increase
th tills of any hum. It wll) drsw
the'family closer together and form
means of entertainment night after
nlaht. This Qrafonola Is now ex
hibited at the Columbia Phonograph
Company's agency, llll-ts Farnam
6 tree t.
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
Value $140
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Friaes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $1
Watch for the Daily
Picture Represent?
M ,
First Prize
Value 32,000
A $2,400 Apperson "Jack Rab
bit" Touring car. Model Four
Thirty, with five-passenger capac
ity. It la a great car in a great
Third Prize
Value $600
This prise is a beautiful lot In
A, V. Tukey a Bona Iler addition,
adjacent to Haoscum park and Cen
tral boulevard. It is lot 4 of block
elsht. on Thirty-third street, and is
01I0 feet The street car line runs
along Thirty-second Avenue, Just a
Duck, from the sue of the lot. Some
young couple, perhaps, will here
erect a little cottage in which to
llv. for years and year. Who oan
tell what lucky peraoa will gat thla
Ideal lott Tea may be the one
Picture in The Bee
Arc How Sold
By The
Omaha Silver
For years this firm han
handled all sorts of fix
tures not selling them
but replating and prac
tically remodeling them
for prominent Omaha
firms and individuals,
We have just installed
a perfectly selected, artis.
tic stock of the most prac
tical fixtures and urge you
Before purchasing light
ing fixtures to visit the
new fixture house with
the new fixture stock.
All Hen Goods
Hen Designs
Carefully Selected
Most economical prices,
"on' really ""fnn save .... a
large sum on any fixtuto
purchase. Our merchan
dise is marked very, very
low but
You Must Come
Here and See
for Yourself
You may visit every fix
ture house in town (in fact
we want you to do that)
but by all 'means come
here for just a few quota
tions before placing your
We know if you give us
any investigation at all
our prices will induce you
to give us all your trade.
We have no old lines
or out of date goods
that require the pay
ment of extra commit
sion to salesmen before
they will even try to
sell them to you.
Omaha Silver
Manufacturers of Electric
and Gas Fixtures.
All kinds of plating,
oxidizing, antique finishes,
repairing, etv. Automo
bile lamps and trimmings
repaired and refinished.
314 So. 13th St.
Telephone Douglas 78