THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 21, 1911. HELP WANTED MALE Agent ana Raleenarn Ceetlaaed. MA.D race for agenoy: you may be i chosen; mnm 878 every Mk. J. Hndwin, New York, sold 22 In two days (profit i I3S.MI). M. Clark, Montana. 4 firat wrk (profit SM. Homa comfort scrubbing ! machine; powerful vibration; scrubs, cleans,! drtee floora, linoleums, etc.; no steeping ' wetting hands; abolishes old style brushes, hands disfiguring mopa; self-feeding, self emptying, slf-sudslng; child operstes easily: price Hit. Women all buy; welrhs 1 pounds; easily carried; new; Irresistible; fraa sample; credit; hurry pootal. Sanitary Supply Co.. Box 828. Station F, Toledo, O. A PROFIT to agent of H per cant. Sailing Thurman Vacuum Claanera. Wad by tha original vacuum cleaning. lYotected by thirty-six baalc patanta. Live, energetic agents wanted. Every home, store and hotel a prospect. Get Into tha cleaning business youranlf. F.leotric and gasoline machines. ton't wait. Write today, Gen eral Compressed Air and Vacuum Machin ery Co., Dept. N, Ht. Lou It, Mo. AGENTS AND GENERAL AGENTS ve offer a clean-cut proioaltlon through which It la poaalbla to procure exclusive agency for a device making one gaa range burner do tha work of three. Retails for 12. Large rroflt. Unlimited selling pos sibilities. Working Individually or with erew -will develop most aatlfatory In come. Selling season Is now. B. Bpengler, 17 E. 2Mh Ht., New York. WANTED Experienced specialty selea man with computing scales, cash register or high grade advertising experience, for advertising proposition to retailers-, com mission with reasonable expense advance to men with proper credentials: want am bitious men capable of eventually hnndling large field force; position worth IS.OOO to $12 000 to producers. Rooms 1429 and 1430, Maaonlo Bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED Three high grade energetic elesmen and solicitors; not Insurance or hooka, but a big proposition requiring a man of ambition, ability and bralna; clean work, with a verv liberal commission. Per manent position to those who make good. Do not apply unless you have the highest references. Addrtss E 2T7. Bee. WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska, Kan sas and Colorado; complete up-to-date cal endars, leather goods and novelty line; eommlsslon prompt: must be a hustler with good references. Addresa Y 21, care Bee. . LAND MEN, ATTENTION. Epclal1y those who can eell land on the auction plan. Opportunity to eonnect with the laragent land company In tha country. Emtlrely new proposition. Extraordinary commission. Exclusive territory. Write today for Information. PROVIDENT LAND COMPANY, Dept. B, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Immediately, first class barber. Grand Hotel Barber shop, Council Bluffs. WANTED High grade city salesman; special line. Call mornings before 10 o'clock. 1606 Capitol Ave. WANTED A collector for city collect toa; tood future for right party; call at once 4 Omaha Nat l Bank Bide ' BALES agent to sell feed water heaters, evaporatora, condensers and other power plant equipment; guaranteed territory; commission. Address Fisher, 90 West street. New York, City. WB HAVE AN OPENINQ FOR A SALESMAN WITH A SELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THB WORLD AND LKARN THE BUSINESS. T 27L BEE. WANTED At once, neat appearing, hust ling solicitors, liberal commission. Room 07 Brandels Bldg. GENERAL AGENTS Exclusive terri tory; 660 to $100 weekly; no competition. Send for booklet. Modern Jdtg. Co., Colum bus, O. AGENTS Wanted Vacuum Cleaner weighing 5 pounds; retails 86; big profits; demonstration means sale. Pre sample. P. ft W. Vacuum Cleaner Co., 4Mb, Bt, New York. w ANTVIlHtata manacers. district man agers and saleemen to handle an article on which manufacturers today are spend ing an average of 17,000 per week In adver tising. Hubert Mfg. Co., 400 - Montlcello Ave., Chicago, 111. AGENTS make llt.OO daily selling Presto No-Match Gaa Lighter. Bells at sight. Exclusive territory given. Send We for sample and circular. Eclipse, 67 Bowery, New York. WANTED. AGENTS Legitimate substl- tute for slot machines; patented. Sells on sight for $1.00. particulars, uisna com pany, Andaraon, lnd. H K 1 H GRADE salesmen, outside of Omaha: permanent position; 1200 to 1500 monthly: call on busineaa men; I2& ex penses advanced weekly; no aample to carrv. International Co.. 933 Mclntlre Bldg., Dayton, Ohio HIGH CLASS specialty, with successful r.corrt to aall our flreoroof Account Reg- later; exclusive featuree; In Nebraska. Big pay, permanent position 10 nam mm. State age, experience, references.' photo graph. The Champion Register Co., Cleve land, O. SPECIALTY SALESMEN A new one; 17 10 on each aale: aide line or full time; small samples; strictly staple, with big premium deal. Drawer 467, lowa City, la. WANTED-ho aalesmen to sell article as sled line; sold and recommended by all best dealers In Chicago; can make I2& to If per week. Where salesmen devote all time, make 850 to 175 per week. Drl Seal Products Co., 231 W. Buperlor Bt, Chicago. 111. SALESMAN Experienced In sailing ad vertising specialties preferred; our line sells readily and repeats; permanent posi tion and good pay. Drawer 1047, Cedar Rapids. I. SALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell general trade In Nebraska unexoelled specialty proposition with Diana new lea- ture: commission, with 1 weekly for ex penses. The Continental Jewelry to. Cleveland, O. , SALESMEN for Iowa: a long established prominent manufacturer of pharmaceut icals will pay good salary If you are capable, experienced and well reeom mended. Addresa Y 17, care Bee. SALESMAN wanted to carry strong lines of belts, suspenders and garters In coa nectlon with a klnded tine through Iowa and Nebraska, Answer Y. 8. Co., 461 Broadway, Now York. AGENTS. 135 PER CENT PROFIT! Rope making machine, nothing like It on the market, makes better, stronger rope than the factory, saves consumer 4tX per Cent, eella oa eight to farmers, ranchers, factories. Builders, liveries and stores absolutely Mew; wilte today for our proposl- tloni exclusive territory on ground Hour contract. Day Morse. 738 Brandels Theaiar Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED High-grade man accustomed te so Hoi ling aod to making good money. Must be able to approach man of efialr ana capable ox preeeuiing btgn-eieae mai ler. Not insurance nor books. Address U 169, oar Be. WANTED Salesmen to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; liberal commission. Weaiern Sales Co., Ui Brandels Bldg Phone Doug. 607 L I AGGRESSIVE machinery - saleemen wanted to handle Irrigation machinery I Colorado and middle wast. Rraldence agencies considered. Colorado, Utaa) and Wyoming. (jus jacason Hi. WANTED Beleamen to call on country merchants: must be auooeanful In dealln with business men; will make attractlv arrangements aa to pay with men of ability. Isauvnal Importing Co.. 6t. Louis, Mo." SALESMAN for this territory who has experience la selling advertising apeclalUve. premium goods or emendare: xo a wee orawing account and expenave; a new ho una with new line of advertleing spe cialties, ai. J. Walsh Co., 440-46! w. Hure St.. Chicago. Ill WANTED Orocery aalesmen to hand high grade white laundry aoap as side line; oa market Peat thirty-five yeara high commLtaion; handsome premium for merchant, write for propoeltlon. Lavo tvniwuir, Milwaukee, wis. Situations FREE HELP WANTED WALE Agrata and Salesmen Ctled. GENERAL and district agente, high- grade man only, to tell land on the auction plan; exclusive territory; largest commis sions; unique proposition. Write today tor particulars. Provident Land Co. Dept. 2, Kansas City, Mo' MAN WANTED In eaeh town of 2.000 or over with the energy to get up a business selling to the consumer commodities that re being used X or 2 time a day in every home. Business la adaptable to anyone ho can read and write. ro capital re- lirMt HnnMiv ambition and peraever- nce essential. He our representative In a lean, legitimate business. Write for par ticulars. India Tea Company, in sisi St., Chicago. 1 SALESMAN WANTED. Tha most highly rated and best known firm In America, selling groceries by sam ple to consumers, haa an original pian m offer reliable, Industrious men, enaDiing them to quickly establish a permanent ualness of their own, yielding a gooa in- Come; goods sold subject to inai; no in vestment; commlaslons advanced: semi monthly settlements: experience not essen tial. References required. TOIIV SRXTON CO.. IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GROCERS, LAKE ft FRANKLIN ST., UMIUAUU.- iiiKNTa loo for luminous and gold name plates, signs, number. Big profits, samples free. Wright Supply Co., Knglewood, III. ADVERTISING specialties; positively new; different from anything now on the market; sells to all trade every.where; ever miss a town; side line or exclusive. Write today if you want a winner. Erlck aon Co., Newton, la. WANTED Reliable men to write heaHTi nd accident Insurance. The best mutual eompanv In America. Apply to World Ac cident Association, W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AGENTS make BOO Der cent profit selling our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs; 8n0 varieties; enormous demand; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren St., Chicago, lit- AGENTS Big money selling gold and sil ver lettere, novelty and changeable signs; Illustrated catalogue. Climax Novelty Co., St. Louis WANTED Live salesmen, experienced In selling raw and Improved lands; liberal oommlBslona paid; Just coming In; attract- ng more attention than any otner irrigated section In Washington. Address Moses .ake Land and Irrigation Co., 60S Leary Bldg., Seattle, Wash. SALESMEN Profitable, high grae spe cialty; side or exclusive line; sells to all retailers: liberal terms. B. E. Luscombe, BOO Lasalle Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. CAPABLE) salesman to cover Nebraska with stapls line; high commissions; 1100 monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. SALESMAN ax local manager: 176 par week easily made handling complete line rormaldehype lumlgatora, liquid soap, sweeping oomnound. Mould wax. modern disinfectants and sanitary supplies. Goods uaeci y u. B. government and prominent pubiia ana private buildings, ma Forma- oone Co., W Church St., New York. AGENTS to sell hose: pairs 11.00. Guar anteed six months; direct mill to con sumer. Liberal commission. Hartford Hosiery Mills, Hartford Building, Broad way and 17th St, New York. CHEWING GUM Bell to dealers In your town; clean, profitable business built up quickly with our branoa; lour uavors; novel packages. Write today Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. BKHREND'S Bouillon Cubes, practically solid soup; dissolves In boiling water Im mediately. Healthful, palatable. Agenta wanted everywhere. Write to F. Behrend, Manufacturer, 64 Front St., New York. SALESMEN Several Intelligent clean cut young men to represent Colliers, the national weekly; new premiums ready Tuesday: greatest and best selling propoel tlon In the country; call Tuesday before 10 or after I. Kelly, Room 225, Paxtnn Blk. STUDENTS, college men over 21 pre ferred; special work for vacation; can earn 1911-12 expenses; state age, business quali fications, etc. J tin, Omaha Bee. stetys. WANTED Five reliable boys with bicy cles; first-class wages. Western Union '.telegraph Company. 212 8. 13th street. FREE TO BOYS A professional base ball or a catcher's mitt for only a little of your time, write today, otto supply Co., oil jn. center Ave., umcego, in." C'lerleal and Office. Automobile salesman, 1 150. Traveling salesman, grocery trade, 1100. Traveling salesman, aggressive young man with good personality, experience not necessary, ItiS. Traveling salesman In electric suDDllaa. Assistant manager for well established business, Investment of L(0G required. II. nooKKeeper ana rypist, sua. Bank clerk, must operate typewriter, tffi, Of flee clerk, young man; good penman, $40. oienograpner, rairoaa, ia. Stenographer and assistant bookkeeper, experience not neceaaary, stu. Bookkeeper,, mercantile acoounts, Ii0. General otftoe clerk, automobile bualnesa- WESTERN RBFEREN' B BOND ASSN. OMAHA Eat. I Years--KANSAS CITY, T52-I-4- N. Y. tlfe Bldg. YOU ARE THE MA J we want to Bee Monday morning. If co'nretent to hold any of the following positns. Accountant with int.'e contractor: young man who la ambitious and capable of ad vancement. li&-Mi. Bookkeeper, manufacturing firm. Good future for right Vivty. 176. fctenograpner. preier man with railroad experience, i.u. Office clerk. Young man quick and ao curate at figures. orrice clerk, plumbing experience, ino. Office clerk. Beginner will do. If com petent, . Assistant shipping clerk. ISO. Stenographer two yeara' experience, Office clerk, good Penman. 146. REMEMBER we are In k position to mar ket your ability QUICKER than you can established TOUR YEARS In Omaha. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. IOuV-16 City National Bank Bldg THE great V. T. It. R. guarantees you a telegraph position after training; practice on raiiroau wirea. Aaarees or particular H B. Boylee. Pres. U. P. Telegraphy scnooi, oma-na, nan. AT urn ts A INO. 1 bookkeeper; one with experience In manufacturing busineaa prererrea. Answer in nanawriting. -atating lalary wanted and how soon you can alert. Aaareas u aiu. ware ties.- THB best made randy can be bought must any place where randy Is sold. Re member the name O'Brien's candy. If Henry Krumwted. 291 8. 16th Bt, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a td-cent box of this fine candy free. WANTED Stenographers, bookkeeper, cUrks. scaleemen. No Filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 Bee Bldg.- Faetevjr aad Trade. Drug SNorea (soap). Job Kolas. Be Bid HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Tradee Con tlaoed. MEN Learn automobile trade at school or home lessons. Earn t-'S to IM per week. Positions. Auto School of St. Louis, line. J. ill Pine St.. tit. Louis. Mo. WANTED Good tailor, steady work; married man preferred. S. L. Jacobsen, Hamburg, lowa. WANTED Two hand Box Co., East Omaha. nailers. Omaha WANTED A first class butcher; an all around man;' must have sober habits and must have good recommendation. Address 8. A. May. K. F. D. 4, Waco. Neb. WANTED Platen press feeder at- once, t. A. Medlar Company, 114-416 S. ltth St. WANTED Three experienced slsck bar rel coopers at once. Hloux City Brewing Company, Sioux City, lowa. ASK your grocer for the best table syrup end he will hand you Farrell's. If A. Rochman, k'517 N.loth St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a W-cent can of Farreli s syrup free. Hlacellaaeeaa. SOUND MF.N-21 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electrio railway tnotormen and conductors; ti0 to 100 a month; tine opportunity! no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address Y-14P. Bee. THE V. 8. NAVY IS TODAY COMPOSED OF THE FINEST BODY OF PICKED MEN IN THE WORLD. IT HAS NO PLACE FOR THE NE'ER-DO-WEEL OR THE FAILURE. More than 1,000 men apply for positions n tha Navv each weeK. on y aouui mv of these pass the examination and are ac cepted. This ahows that the Navy picks ts men with rigorous care ana paine. The Navy does not urge any man to en list. But It does urge both parents ana sons to Investigate the opportunities the Navy offers young men 417 to So), either as a four years' training or aa a life s work. The life la healthful, the work agreeable. environment wholesome and helpful, and the man who wishes to learn by stuay ana travel or to learn a trade will find ample opportunity, as will ths man who desires to save money ana win promotion ana re tirement on three-fourths pay. The nearest Navy Recruiting station is at P. O. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. The offloer In charge will be glad to See parents and sons, and explain everything you wish to know about work, pay, promotion, retire ment, recreation, etc. or sena ior mo Making of a Man-o'-Warsman;" It Is free; or address Bureau of Navigation, Box 209, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Sinn MONTMI.T and exnenaea to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. 8. Schaeffer, treas urer. B-I15, Chicago. WiNTEiv-For IT. H. arm v. able-bodied unmarried men, between the ages of II and IB.; cltlsena of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, re&a ana write uw language. For Information apply to re rmiflnir officer. 13th and Douglas Sis., Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City. la.; 130 N. Tentn Bt., unrom, neu., 110 E. Third St., Grand Island, Neb. HOTELS AND RESTATIRANTS. Fry cook, K. Second cook. 80. Man and wife, cooks, fian. Man and wife, cooks, . Pantry man, ISO, room. Pantry man, 18 weekly. Five waiters. 140. Man and wife, lunch, counter. MISCELLANEOUS. Milk route driver, 1.16. Five milkers, 135. Three fruit farm hands. Concrete form maker. AUSTIN at MARTIN. 1 N. 16th St. on-TTABTin - M wnmen In every county to advertise, deliver and collect. 118.00 weekly easily made, steady work; hustlers wanted. Dexter Supply Co., 608 South Dearborn, Chicago.' WANT TO BE AN EXPERT AVIATOR .... . . . nil . .w. VUGP bkliliui Aeroplane ouimina imuhih Easy mall course by aeronautical engineer. rin Khtnv cmiraa aruiai nvina iniuruu- tlona. Standard Aviation School, 441 Lear- V lyu i lie, wu.wmbv. . i ii ii ' I start a Mirror raotorv. We teach and tni.i vnii irwi hrlrtvi aamnie lesson. t-o daily guaranteed.' Hulllngers', Franclsvllle, AMU, 1 vnnvu men become Firemen. Brake- n.n Tlaman: 175 to 1100 monthly. El perlenoe unnecessary. Steady, permanent employment. Rapid promotion, state age. weight height. Railway Bureau. 71 fin- m, tktilMin fit IIUIH. MO i P ARTISTS Beginners. Catalogus rasnion Illustrating . Opportunity to learn gooa paying profession. Fashion Cut Service. 231 No. Fifth Ave., Chlcego. 2& WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthv DeoDle to travel and distribute samples lor pig wnoiesaie nouse. n. Emery, t; l tnicago.- WE will start you earning 111 weekly with Standard Inka. No capital. No can- vaaslna. Write for particulars, stsnaara Ink. Co., f. O. 1JOX Bos, ooaiun, - LEARN drafting: good pay, conatant de mand I give Individual Instructions by mall. 8enf for particulars today. Francis Thlese, I29-I3th St., uuttenDerg, iN. j.- 18 PER 100 paid for collecting names and addresses; steady work; stamp for particu lars. Calvert Bales So.. 217-219 Bt. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. WANTED Young men to devote spare time a collection business In home city; 110 per week; more for full or vacation time. Send 25c money order for forwarding full particulars, Instructions, Mst. etc., to start work at once. Bureau of Commercial Publicity, Miuot, N. Ii.' WANTED For Saunders county, Ne braska, salesman to sell Succeaa Hand Vacuum Cleaner' liberal commission Western Sales Co., 6u7 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Railway mail clerks; average 11,100, preparation free lor coming umana examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept. 208 G, Rochester, N. X. U. S. 1109 MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha. Neb. LARGEST BEST. WRITE. WANTED For Otoe 'county. Neb., sales man to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner liberal commissions. Western Sales Co., eUT Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. National Auto Training Ass'n Omaha, Neb. Actual experience In ahop ana roaa won; competent instructors. MR. HAN-Ut Landeryou Tailoring Co. make a pair of trousers for you, or if you write the beet verse shout Bee Want Tad renting houses this week we will give you a 110 pair of trousers, made to your meas ure, as a prise. MEN We have good positions waiting for you If you will learn the barber trade now. Hundrede of graduates running ahop calling on us for help. Only few weeks re quired by our new method. Complete out fit of tools given; diplomas granted; wages Saturdays; great scarcity of barbers this season; personal Interview or card mailed will explain how to better your circum stance Moler Barber college, 110 B. 14th St. t ANYBODY, anywhere ran make II daily gaowing mushrooms In cellars, sheds, Duxes, ate. Markata waiting. Free tllue tialed booklet, lllram Barton, West 4 lb St.. New York The situation column of The Bee is Free vto those seeking cm ployment. If you want a position, -write an ad and bring it to The 13ce office or telephone Tyler 1000 and a want ad taker will help you write it. We will run it free for you. need for anyone to be out of work with this offer before them. HELP WANTED MALE Mlacellaneoo ntlnned. 6.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. tlS-O. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED male: or female. WANTED An office assistant; must be efficient stenographer and bookkeeper: give experience and references In letter of application. Addrss P 293. Bee. WANTED Men and lady agents In a few good towns In Nebraska; apply with reference. The Union Pacific Tea Co., 704 N. 16th St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Lady or gentleman to handle small article In good demand; no competi tion, can Miner hotel. Room 1. Monday. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harare aad Vehicles. HORSES and MULB8 for sale. 1711 Burl SPRING wagons and horses foe sale at reasonable prices. 816 N. list St, ALFALFA HAY. Wagner, fcl N. 16th. HO. HORSEB CLIFPBO. 17U BURT. D. M5J. NAVAJO Indian ssddle nonv. aafa for children; 4 years old. 924 N. 21st FINE driver for sale: dark brown, x years old, 16 hands, over 1,200 lbs.; standard bred; fearless of automobiles and loco motives. Box 631 Carroll, la. HAY. I per ton. 801 North 16th St nARir Rir npTViua uitid . ' ... . BUUI1U and gentle. 7 years old; will work in all harness. Phone S. 1306 or S. 1&89. PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 19a S. 84th. Har. 366. 6-YEAR-OLD driving mare, rood non.ii. tlon, l.loO lbs., buggy and harness, all lor 1176. Webster 18G3. BLACK FAMILY HORSE. surrev slightly used, and high-grade Stanhope for sale; bargain. S313 Cuming. Phone 11. 27!i8. DRIVING horse, young, safe, sound. 212 So. ,20th Bt. ONE pslr limits, weight 2.000 lbs.: one pair farm mares, weight about 2,300; span splendid drivers, about 2.0U0 lbs.; single driver, l.OuO lbs.; 6 good work horses. J. Althaus, Blue barn, rear Millard Hotel. ONE pair mules. 12.600. One bis chunk cf ba horse. A light team, weight about 2,100. im n. KlSl Bl. ' - ' ' . ruH balk real greed trotting horse: also new buggy and harness. Phone South 80S or call at 1080 N. 19th Bt, South Omaha. Doajs, Cats and Other Pet Stock. FOR SALE FUXiBLOODED-'BtTLr. PUP. APPLY 1716 LEA VEN FORTH ST. OR PHONE DOUGLAS 1574. LOST AND FOUND 410 Reward to nv onB :ng a bet- rui, inniirrifMi, uyuoiaienng, etc., Cleaned oy vacuum system, m i ifta, websler eul. PERSONS having lost soma artists would do well to call ud the office af tha Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left It la the street ears. Many articles each day are tarn ad la and the company la anxious to reetore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA at COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ' MONDAY, May 8. single Elks' gold mounted tooth. Return to M. J. Curran, 1511 Howard St., and receive reward. LOST Mesh purse containing money, key end handkerchief; Brandels Pompeiaa pressing Room. Reward. Harney 8064. LOST Bunch keys, with name taa- at tached. Return to Charles K. Foster. 846 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Reward. FOUND Tn Teddy Bear expert clean i er. ana dyerfc A-226. D. 8466. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Rest rem ery for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES, 60c postpaid: samples free. Bher- men (k McConnel I Drug Co. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use 126 or 850 to a good ad vantage? if ao, come to ua; don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, plenoa or teama without removal, small and easy payments; 60c Is the weekly pay ment on a 126 loan and 11.20 is the weekly payment on a 850 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the sme proportion. Write or 'phone us and we will call on you at once. All business confidential. STATE MOKTGAGE LOAN CO Room 11, Arlington Blk., 1611ft Dodge Bt Phones: Douglas 2466. Indauendeot A-246S. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., ZM Bee Bldg. Doug. 1366. A-Uaa. MONEY loaned salaried people, woman keeping bouae and other, wi.hout security; easy payments. Office In (7 principal oitiea Vol man, 603 Omaha Nat Bank bldg.. (r marly N. Y. L. bldg. MONEY TO LOAJN. Come in and let us explain ur low ratea Re liable Credit ro 80S Paxton block. YeL Duaglas 14U. A-14UL DIAMOND LOANS AT Wfr n large loans, smaller loans at t aitu W. C. FLATAl), L'ieii; JiOVING, STORAGE, CLEANIN G OMAHA VAN at SIOKAUE Cu. cieeu your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum yahora. 8V4 8. llih; ft a 171. Doug, tlal iXrkUHMAN'l DELIVERY CO-Mov-Uu; furniture packing; fireproof atorese. City Offloe, 111 aC 11th. Doug. aa4; lad. U-lj PIANO moving. Colo's storage and ex- Pr a Capitol Ave, D. tin, A-8M7. MUSIC,. ART LANGUAGES BUCK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; muala turn, for all occaalona. 1U1 Ohio. Web, itu. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Robbs. FOR RENT Modern rooma, board, UU Cuming at FOR RENT Neatly furnished aouth room; desirable tur two. 4 bouth soth St FOR RENT Two desirable rooms: oon aeeted; good beard, ill ttouih 84th bt FOR R ENT Strictly aeoder room BMaily (uraiahed; two gentlemen. Oae Wewk trout two car gut CaiiXerul BL OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooms -Contlnaed. DOUBLE or single rooms, strictly mod ern. Home cooking. 611 S. 21th St. D. 2WL ONE nicely furnished, newly papered, south front room; modern In every way; suitable for two gentlemen: best home cooking. 2114 Harney St FOR RENT Two .'Ingle rooms for twe gentlemen; board. 1118 Caaa St. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for two; table board. 2222 Howard St- VERY comfortable rooms; boa id. Davenport St. FOR RENT Desirable room and board 1216 Howard St. FOR RENT Nicely, furnished rooms, with or without board. 2017 Manderaon St. FOR RENT Large room; suitable fot two. 1104 South 19th St FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly fur (Usbed; borne cooking. 710 South 18th bt. THB BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam. Rates: Single, 836 to 140; double, tbi to 166. VERY desirable rooms with board. 8. 26th Ave. 201 ELEGANT front parlor; modern In ever? respect; suitable for two gentlemen ot couple; Al table board; pleasant neighbor hood. 2222 Howard. DESIRABLE summer house, furnished rooms with board. 123 South 2oth Avenue. NICE, quiet home with first class home cooking; cool rooms; everything modern; hot and cold water all summer; referenoes. Web. 8763. 2631 Hamilton. ROOM and board for gentleman. Han com Park. Harney 2230. EXCELLENT BOARD And nioely furnished, clean rooms; hot water all the time. 2472-4 Harney St NICELY furnished modern rooms, with meals, if desired. 2618 Dewey Ave. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT; THE IRVING, 2102 Leavenworth; strictly first class, single and double rooms. Phone D. 6537. CLOSE-IN. centrally located, modern rooms In delightful neighborhood; hot and cold water all the time. First-class table board. 618 S. 19th St. COOL Dundee room, nicely furnished with board; new, modern home. Dundee. Phone Harney 4891. LARGE east front room, newly papered and furnished, with board In private fam ily of two; modern home In Kountxe Place on 24th St. car line. Pleasant surround ings; use of piano and 'phone. Married couple preferred. Terms very reasonable. Reference required. 2&08 N. 24th. 'Phone Webster 991. aralahed Booms. TWO furnished rooms. Tat Webster ttTk 2619 N. 20th Bt . TWO strictly modern rooms, single er ensults, suitable for two or three. Hut Farnam. Douglas 6866. LARGE modern rooms, suitable for two; Hi per month. 818 N. 23d. DEWEY European Hotel. 11th Farnam. FOR RENT Comfortable rooms, walk ing distance. 407 S. 26th Ave FOR RENT Two large rooms, desirable for two gentlemen, ill 8. 26th Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, private family. 2610 N. 19th St. FOR RENT Two uealljr furnished rooms. tc8 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nice room suitable for two. II S. 26th St. WANTED Two or three men for large front room, with bath, breekfast and sup per, 84.60 per week. 1711 Nicholas. FOR RENT Nicely turnlehed close In. 1611 Leaviwworth bt FOR RENT Clean, neat furnished rooma 1211 Douglas St FOR REN I Nicely furnlsnad rooius suitable for twe. J Dodge bt NICELY furnished modern rooms, with breakfast If desired. 2662 Jones Bt Phone Douglas 8496. FOR RENT Nioely furnished, mode good location. TU N. 20th St WALKING distance, well furnished rooms single or ensulte. on Farnam St.; nice. cool place, shady yard; everything modern. 'U Farnam at I NICELY furnished south room; hot water. 1707 Dodge. LOOK A large parlor with large sitting room ensults or can be rented aeparate: also smaller furnished room; reasonable rent: beautiful neighborhood, on car line: everything modern. 1427 N. 17th St. Phone Webster si- BEAUTIFUL room, - especially desir able for summer, 8 windows, modern, closs In Best of references. 114 No. IS. Red 4364. 1"VV IT I..,. frr. mam- J ' - - .J 1 .M . . ... 1 WW I . , ,,,OT, IllUUn It flat; private family; walking distance. 1816 Liiicsjio, s-iione o-fsdu. LARGE front room and slds rooms; cool and strictly modern: everything new. 1910 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Doug. 7639. NICELY furnished front room, with bed room adjoining. 220 N. 19th. I FURNISHED sleeping rooms and suite of housekeeping rooms at reasonable prices; In good neighborhood. 214 N. 26th St. 'Phone Doug. 6452. FURNISHED rooms, under new manage ment; large front room, suitable for two; also north and east room. 1906 Capitol Ave. GOOD room for gentlemen or man and wife. 218 No. 19th. LARGE front room with alcove, private family; homelike, modern, cool; large, shady lawn; with board; gentlemen. 1H24 nimet. Tel. Web. 828, B-1326. 2702 Farnam Bt, cool, clean, modern rooms, reasonable; breakfast If dealred. 16 Large, cool corner room, well fur nished, with or without piano. No objec tion to mualo or practice. Nice bath, plenty of hot water; also Ice water. Both telephones. Walking distance, Leaven worth oar one block. 28 Ht Mary's. ON iil nicely furnished room. In modern home of young couple, walking distance. 2720 Burt St. NEATLY furnished, all modern rooms, 12 and up; also housekeeping rooms block from postofflce. 212 N. 17th St ONE or two extra fine front rooms, ele gant furniture; all .modern; fine, large lawn; walking distance; no sign on house. ZM N. 9uin. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rouuis. plenty of hot water; one room suit able for two gentlemen. 316 N. 19th St. BEAUTIFUL, large room; also cmaller one; modern; clone In. 616 N. 23d. lied 6K!3. ELEGANTLY furnished large front rouina lao suit of rooms for light house keeping In fine locality. Everything new and strictly modern. 6j N. Slat. Both Phones. Douglas 81; lnd. B-1087. FIVE small and large rooms at popular prices, 2m Douglas, OFFERED FOR RENT Famished ktoni -Ceetlaaed. NICKLY furnished rooms In private family, all ouia:cle exposure, lame porch, close in. 26X2 Harney, 'Phone Marney 61H7. 8 F1HNIP1IKI) room, with private fam ily In modern borne; K'M'd location; walk ing distance. M 8. 2Mh St. COOL furnished rooms, good neighbor hood. ed, at reasonable prices, to be had at .7 Cas, 1M TWO Well furnished cool rooms In mod ern home. West Farnam. Reasonable rent. Nice shady yard. Tel Harney 4fll. TWO nlre, clean furnished rooms, very cool In summer, walking dlstanci, at 2'!-l Dodge St. NICELY furnished rooms In private home, one south room and one north room, cool for summer, close In, on two car lines. 1?1 Dodge St. NICELY furnlsred one and two house keeping rooms, gas range, fine neighbor hood, walking distance. 109 N. 25th St. VERY nleely furnished front room, suit able for two gentlemn, close In, on two car lines. 1921 Dodge St. NICELY furnished, modern, clean room; hot and cold water all the time. 109 Dewey Ave. TWO nicely furnished south rooms; mod ern; nice, quiet neighborhood; also two un furnished front rooms. 403 S. 2ith Ave. ELEGANT furnished room for rent, finest location, strictly modern; private family; walking distance. Tel. Harney 6035. 224S Howard St.. large south front room. NICELY furnished room. Hanscom park and Field club district, on car line. Phone Harney 716. TtVfk .tHnfl mnAera MWma atneia nf ensults. suitable for two or three. 2607 Farnam. Douglas 63uV' FOR RENT Large front room to two gentlemen, private family. 112 N. 22d St - FOR GENTLEMEN 1701 Davenport St., large, cool front room, neatly furnished; also single room with I windows; every- tlilug modern; one block to postoffloe; hot water all summer, mono lyier ut. THREE furnished rooms, one front room and one back parlor, nice uomfortable, rooms, three blocks from town. 1811 Chi cago. SIS V t 13 IT In.n. fllrnl.h.ri fl.vW papered southeast parlor, with bay win dow; with or without piano; nice bath, plenty of hot water: both telephones; car one block. 2663 St. Mary's Ave. 112.00 PER MONTH; clean; very desira ble; modern: room suitable for two. 2408 Harney St Harney 1172. NICELY furnished outside rooms at 2411 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6882. TWO large rooms facing north and south in strictly modern rial; walking distance cool place for summer. lklj Chicago. St Telephone Douglas 1739. LADY will rent nice furnished room to quiet transients, down town. A 88.16. TWO rooms, West Farnam dlBtrlct. Ad. dress K-309, Bee. rrz rt FOR LADY UNLT-WE8T FAKNAM HOME; VERY DESIRABLE SOUTH ROOM; PRIVATE FAMILY. ALL MOD ERN; FINE LOCATION. CLOSE TO FARNAM CAR. REFERENCES. 3419 DEWEY AVE. HARNEY 4643. FOR RENT Neat furnished rooms, un der new management; some suitable for two gentlemen. 1918 Capitol Ave. 'Phono Doug. 5619. ) VERY desirable cool south room; board If desired; lawn, shade; gentleman pre ferred. 2718 Charles. Webster 6479. FOR RENT Two modern rooms, close In, reasonable prices. 1924 Douglas St. BASEMENT, 4 rooms, toilet, pantry and cellar; prlo. Ill . 2607 Pierce. Inqulr 1301 So. 16th avenue. .. . -. Hotels aad Apartsaeats. NICELY FtTRNlBHBD ROOMS for gen tlemeo. THS CHATHAM. U 8. 18th Bt Ogdea Hotel pVi. 91 DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all cool outside rooms; special week rate. Apartaaeale aad Flat. FOR RENT Five-room apartment In The Uintah. Apply 418 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. or call Douglas 1AS6. FLATS. 1839 N. 24th St., 6-room, partly mod., til. 2uu8 Sherman Ave., a strictly mod., 6-r., "St. Louis" Flat, In a good residence dis trict A bargain at 17.50. 818 No. 26th St., 6-r.. strictly mod., within easy walking distance, 8..S. 616 8. 19th St.. a 6-r.. strictly mod.. "St. Louis flat, only two blocks from business district. Reduced to 635. 1733 S. 29th, a 6-r., strictly mod. "St. Louis" flat (second floor) In the Hanscom park dlBtrlct, 835. 3u8 N. !d a 10-r., strictly modern, brick dwelling, within easy walking distance, 40. 2504 St. Mary's Ave., a 6-r., strictly mod. "St. Louis'' flat (second floor!, within eaav walkhig distance and In a good residence aimnci, nv. 60S N. 21st, a close-In. t-r., strictly mod., brick dwelling, 150. PAYNE ft SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FIVE-ROOM apartment, bath, south ex posure, 136 per month. No. 13 Mason apart ments, list and Mason. Call H 6466. SIX rooms, completely modern. Bcargo Bldg., S. Omaha, above 620 N. 24th St Hall 483 Ramge; D. 7406; A-4406. FIVE-ROOM strictly modern, heated apartment 2K8 North 20th treet (key 2A2l; special low price to right party without children. Jeff W. Bedford at Son, 60s Brandels Theater Bldg 6-roora, modern flat within walking dis tance, within 3 blocks of three car lines 218 N. 22d. Apply 220 N. 22d. THE STANDARD. 123 SUMMER BARGAIN. Six big, cool rooms, thick walla, extra ventilation; hot water, gas range, shades, private hall, fine ftnluh, steam. Janitor. Very desirable. PAYNE ft SLATER CO.. Sole Agents. 6th Floor Om. Nat Bit Bldg. BEST DESIONED APARTMENT IN OMAHA; 8 ROOMS, IN F1RHT CLABS CONDITION; GOOD LOCATION; TO PARTY WHO WILL BUY THE FURNI TURE AT A REASONABLE PRICE PRESENT TENANT, WHO HAS BKEri THE ONLY OCCUPANT OF SAID APARTMENT SINCE THEY WERE COMPLETED. WISHES TO LEAVE THE CITY. ADDRESS E. 276. BEE. VERY modern, 6-rocm apartment In West Farnam street, beautifully located JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1Su2 FARNAM ST. SIX-ROOM apartment tn ths Barnard Apply 418 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. ISS'i B CP ERB nothing like It 4 or t room flat all moderr. 220 N. 23d Bt -ROOM steam heated flat strictly mod- - i im. .-room nai. xiu 1102 S. 13th St. ' FELL ft PINKERTON CO., 213 Board of Trade Bldg. SIX-ROOM apartment In the Brlnvllller; M260. Oak bridge Inv. Co., D. 2157. ' IF Theodore Vogel. 1516 Martha Bt, will come to The Bee office wlihln three days we will give him a eo-tent box of O'Brien s iiuv laitujr. TAKE home a brick of Dalxell's Ice cream. If R. A. Forsdlck, 2319 So, luth St., will oome to The Bee office within three days e will give him a quart brick of mi iiiie ice cream. THE GENOA. 3S.10 Caaa. lust comnlt1 Apartments, five rooms each. hath. ur. vent's room. Every modern convenience oi mo nignest cnaracter. cee Janitor. BTBAM-MIS4TKI) apartmen of 4 rooms run, wun juinor and public puunr, in nrw t roy, ws Harney. Call for Janitor. THOri. W. HAZEN. 207 M'Cague. D. 13C0. 6-ROOM modern ' brick flat. 1HU6 North 16th Ht. M. Thomas W. Hasen, 2V7 McCagu Bldg. Phon D-1300. Soth AVE. and Pacific, modern eight room flat 135. Poateesion June 1. Wright ft Lasbury, 6ue So. ltth bt. Phone D. lii. I MOD. e-R. flat, S3 64. Har. 8244. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartmenta aad Flat loattnaeg. CLOSE-IN RAROAIN. IN THE STERLING. (Cor. 19th and St. Mary's Ave ) Apartment No. 7. 4 ro.ima. Apartment No. n, I rorma J7 ,M. Apartment No. ii, S r,)-ma. $46. Heat, gas range, curtain rod, shades, lint and cold water the year around, and Janitor service furnished. Jpen for In spection. l . r, o: r-liAir,n Sole Agenta. th Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Cldg. A it 'R.I (Viu . ,M. . - . , i ' - v w, i miriii, .t; line annua and yard, lith and Vinton. Oakbrldge lnv. NEW 6-room. i,rr.n.A unur,m.nt strictly modern, heat. Cornish ?,!'t,'n," southwest corner 10th and William Sta. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 132U Farnam St. APAimiKXTS The Alsatian. 3,'th it ml lioilpe. Onlv tw left. Five rooms; beautifully finished an decorated. Steam heat; hot and cold water and Janitor service. Prices and $6.. The Urban. 1317 Park Ave. One apart ment. Will be for rent' June I. Will deco rate to suit tenant. Rteam heat: hot and cold water: Janitor service. Porches front and rear. 40 the year round The Ivy, corner Sherman avenue and Sherwood. One 4-room apartment. Steam heat: hot and coli water; Janitor service. 130 summer; !:;; In the winter. 6PS-v9 South 31st street. Five rooms each with heat; hot and oold water furnished. Nicely finished in oak and decorated to suit tenant. $.M summer: :i& winter. ARMSTKOXU-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 210 S. 17th St. 4-ROOM apartments; each room has pri vate bath, gas range and ass heat for 1813 Chicago St. toO. O' REEVE REAL ESTATE CO. 1019 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Doug, or A-21&2. 4-ROOM modern flat. 1112 8. 11th. FIVE-ROOM MODERN FLAT. la. 2308 S. 24TH. PHONE WEBSTER 978. Famished Hoasekeeplng llooma. DESIRABLE steam bested rooms for tight housekeeping. 4.53 North 24 ft Ht FOR RENT-Two nlcly furnished room, good housekeeping room 6t N. rid b FOR RENT Two unfurnished house keeping rooms. 622 North 23d Ht FOR RENT Three front rooms; desira ble for light housekeeping. 20ls oavennan bt- FOR RENT Two aurnisnea rooms; de sirable for light housekeeping. 46W North Svtii Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, de sirable for light housekeeping, 2024 Cali fornia. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 1719 Cuming street LARtSS, tutlful lawn tor summer; on . housekeeping room with alcove and on furnished room; all modern, 2608 Ames Ave. TWO or four rooma. ensulte: nice summa home for two people; pleasant locution; near car line; no children; very reasonable, rnone Harney 4zt. 4'i Harney Bt FOR KENT Three rooms desirable for housekeeping, good location. 604 8. S9i St- FOR RENT Nine rooms for light house keeping. 114 Chicago Mt FOR RENT Two room tor bousakee. a. 1921 wbtsao Bt FOR RENT Two front rooms, first flee , private family. 814 N. 24th St r- FOUR elegantly furnished front rmiw on main floor, complete for housekeeping IM per month. 2018 Davenport THREE rooms, modern axoent haat 2221 8. 12th St FOR RENT Two nioely furnished roonii for housekeeping. 621 N. S2d 8t THREW or four nioely furnished fron rooms, main floor, complete for hou4 keeping. 2018 Davenport St FOUR elegant rooms In private residence Furnished complete for light housekeep ing. '706 S. 80th, THREE elegant rooms furnished or un furnished, all modern, close In; no sign 9 house. tS No. 20th St. TJaf araiahed Room. THREE desirable rooma. private famll: 1429 South Sixteenth bt FOR RENT 4 room. 1021 S. 20th. Phon. Red 7U66. . FOR RENT Three rooma, modern; oi car line; referenoes. ttlo t'aaa. - - CHEAP 6 rooma. modern except furnace one block south of Vinton school. Cat Uougla 6198. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath room storeroom, outside porch; uloe garden arw fruit; modern except heal; no children 2617 N. 11 th Bt THREE modvrn unfurnished rooma. 8b S. 26th Bt YOUNG couple can have with private family two unfurnished room fur house keeping; etrlctly modern, flneat location, walklna distance. Addresa D 303. Baa. 1- 2619 N. 19th Ave., four nice housekeeDins rooms; bath, gas stove; 111 per month. Phone Douglas 6136. FOR KENT Six rooms, all modern; till Capitol Av; only 6J0 a month. Tel. Iteo 2177. i . . NICE cool room In yrlvlate family. 234 Capitol Ave. faralahed Heaae. MODERN, wall furnished house to reli , able party. Phone Harney 464s. FOR RENT A furnished house of I rooms on West Farnam car line; garagt In rear. For particulars call at 619 N- 4uib bt, or Tel. Harney 4004. 6-ROOM furnished apartment steam heat and every modern convenience. Cornlsli Apartments, southwest corner 10th iu William Sis. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 13J0 Farnam St Tela.: Douglas 1U64; lnd. A 1064 FOR RENT Furnished house for sum mer. Weal Farnam. Harney 6439. TENANT desired, six-room, perfectly furnished apartment Park avenue. Juni to September. No chiluien. Inquire iL Paxtun Bldg. Heaaea aad Cottages. OM EXPRESS CO.; careful men, well padded van 411 N. 17. D. 4. lnd. B 1834. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded) cheap freight ratea; niovicg ana storm. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. SV4, Cliy of tie. 818 a 17lh St, Bidg. THE elegant tea-room modern bouse oh Suutiiwtai wuitier jfed anu uavetpuii oi. will be for rent May 1; negbboihood mo gealrabl. Price t6 per month. , CONRAD YOUNG, 121 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tat Doug. 167X, X.26 California Bt, 10 rooms, modern; goo condition; newly papered. Jull.M N. FRKNZIlK. BOTH PHONES. FOR RENT- ROOM COTTAGE, HANSCOM PARK D1STRIC1. Modern except furnace, good lawn, shsdi and garden, one block of street car, 161' So. 3Jd: also, modern 9-room house in goo condition; large barn, 1;VJ Ho. K6th, t blocks of street car. Phone H. L. or P Whitney, D. 210, or Inquire at 616 Nation Fidelity Casualty Bldg., lith and Far. nam St i SEVEN-ROOM modern bouse. S610 Jack sou, 826. Harney 6677. 22S8 Charlee St, I rooms, 816. lhli N. luih St . rooms, la). JOHN N. FRENZER, BOTH PHONES. House 1b Bingwalt Brandels Th. Bldg. Modern. 1-r. bouse; er park. 1611 at M UNEQCAI.I.h.n. ceatr!, l-room beuae, IM N. 11.