Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 8, Image 36

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1 ,
Rousing Bargains
in Monday's Sale
0x12 Axmlnater Kuga Juet 20
fh the lot, values up to $25; on
sale Monday, at $15.08
8x12 AxmlnMer ltug Not one
worth less than $3". just 28 In
the lot; to close Monday, your
choice, at $19.75
9x12 Tapestry Brussels Kiiga
Seamless. 10-wire quality, $18.60
values, 24 pattern to choose
from; choice, at.. $14.08
$30 Reanilena Wilton Velvet Rugs
9x12 size, beautiful colorings,
end patterns, at $23.75
30.00 Mitre Velvet Barn, 9x12 size.
hi line at $13.48
fao.OO Axmlntr Bngs, -3xlO-S size,
big assortment, on sale to close,
at 1 914.B8
8x9 Seamless Matting Rags, special
values; Monday, at 83.49
84x90 Omi Porch Bags, at.... 83-98
6x8 Bamboo Porch Blind, at. .83.49
7-fs. Window Bhades, best wnter
color, on sale at 85c
Hemstitched German Linen Towels, large size, white or colored bor
ders, worth 79c, each 10t
Extra large heavy Turkish Towels, cream or white double twisted
thread; worth 60c, each 2f
Good size Turkish Towels, cream and white hemmed and fringed;
worth -19c, each 12H
Ture Linen Dinner Napkins, put up In half dozen lots, good value at
worth 25c, yard 15
Pure Linen Dinner Napkins, put up In half dozen lots, good value at
$2.50 dozen, 6 for GO
Imported Mercerized Satin Damask, 64 Inches wide; fine assortment
of patterns, worth $1.10, yard, at . .... 75
Hot Weather Dress Goods
Af a Fraction of Actual Retail Worth
Mohairs, Srrlllans, Brilllantines, the Ideal summer dress fabrics in
plain and fancy weaves; $1.25 to $2.00 yard values; on sale Monday
In two lots . 60 nd 08
$1.00 Quality Storm Herges 62 Inches wide, all wool in nary blue,
brown, garnet and black; great bargain, at, yard 60
88 and 40-lnch Novelty Suitings in stripes and checks; new spring
styles In all popular colors, white on black, and on white effects In
splendid assortments, yard '40k
SKIRTS MADE TO i OUR MEASURE New Summer models, big range
of materials for your selection; perfect fit. workmanship and satis
faction guaranteed. Trice Monday, Including materials, made to
your meaaurement, at $4.05 aid $6.05
i n nm
$4.00 .over
At $1.29
A grand line of high grade Novelty
Allover Embroideries; regular $3,
$3.50 and $4.00 a yard values; on
. sale Monday, yard $1.29
beautiful line of new Voile flounc
lngs and bands just received. The
very latest designs on special sale,
at, yard $1.10 to $3.00
Just the thing for beautiful Gradu
ating Gowns or Party Dresses.
A fine lot of wide Embroideries
for skirt flouncing; regular 25c
and 35c yard values; all fresh new
goods, at, yard 10J
Every yard guaranteed perfect.
Hi Imported Shantung Pongees
We import those popular summer silks direct from Japan
and China and sell them at as low prices as others pay.
An exceptionally fine lot will be placed on sale Monday,
$1.25 Natural Shantung Pon
gees 26 inches wide, on
sale, at 70l?
$1.50 Natural Shantung Pon.
gees 34 inches wide on
sale, at, yard 98?
$1.75 Japanese Pongees In
27-inch widths, on sale, at,
yard $1.25
$3.50 Canton Shantung Pon
gees 27 inches wide, finest
quality, on sale, at $1.98
$1.55 Black Silk Pongees
J6 inches wide, on sale, at,
yard 98c
$1.25 Black Silk Pongee
27 inches wide, on sale, at,
yard 79c
85c and $1.00 Beautiful New Foulards, 48c and 59c
Strictly all silk, neatest designs, richest colorings; as
sortment which makes satisfactory selection easy.
Black reu de Sole all silk. 27
in. wide 50
Black Peau de Sole, all ailk, 36
In. wide 85
Black Silk Mescaline, 27 in. wide,
on sale 75
Black Silk MessaJlne, 36 In. wide,
on sale 5
yard for new spring Silks In Messalines, Printed Pongees,
DOC Foulards, Poplins, Taffetas, etc., in nearly ay wanted spring
colorings, plain and fancies.
Lace Curtains
Drapery Bargains
Here Some Hummers for Mon
day'a selling. See them. .
Genuine- Brussels Net Curtains
Worth $15 per pair, beautiful
allover designs, magnificent bar
gains at the price, pair. .$0.50
Lace Curtains WoMh $9 per Pair
All kinds, white, ecru or
staple, at, per pair $5.85
Lace Curtains Worth $7 per Talr,
Zion City and Cable Net, beau
tiful weaves, white or ecru, on
sale, at, per pair $4.05
Lace Curtains Worth $7.BO per
Tali' Nearly all, kinds, finest
assortment of patterns; on sale
Monday, at, per pair. . . .$3.75
83.00 Curtains, par pall', at.... $1.49
75c Colored Madras, per yard, at 49o
6So Bang-alow Wats, per yard, at 39o
15a rish Bats, per yard t ISO
Special Bargain Prices oa BMrt
Walat Boxes Monday.
Our Great May Sale of Ladies' Muslin and Knit Underwear and Furnish
ing continue Monday. Such values, such assortments were seldom if ever equaled in May
Kule in Omnha. It's quality that counts. You'll find them matchless at the prices.
Our Millinery Business
Is increasing by leaps and bounds. We're working nights
to keep our trade supplied and selling hats at regular
K&9 r
What Is the Answer?
Ask any of our customers, they'll give It to you unhesitatingly.
Right Styles, Right Prices. Selections, positively the best; goods
marked in plain figures; i no deception In any sense.
We want you to see our "DISTINGUISHED" hats at $5. Classy,
distinctive designs from our own work rooms (not factory or
sweat shop products.) We showed SO to 100 new ones of these
distinctive hats from our own work rooms yesterday. Nothing to
equal them, nothing that will begin to equi! them shown else
whore it .$5
Beautiful Pattern Hats at $10 UP to $00-
A comparison of Values Is all we ask.
Irish Crochet Laces
We have Just received an elegant,
new line of real Irish Crochet Laces
In bands, edges, medallions, collars,
etc. See Monday's display at Special
Bargain Prices.
Monday we offer Torchon Laces,
Cluny, Val., Point de Paris, Zion
City or Applique Laces; big line for
selection, all at one price, yd. 5
Here's a snap. You can't afford, to
miss this big sale.
25 f 50 Saving on .
Pictures Monday
BOO Pictures -worth io $3.60, In a
great variety of subjects; remarka
ble bargains at our sale price,
only $1.08,
PEARL PICTURES Richly studded,
many subjects. In . 3-lnch shell
shaped frames, with burnished gold,
$8.00 values; to close Monday, at,
choice $1.80
76c Pictures, choice 50
60c Pictures, choice 35
60 per cent reduction on Picture
framing prices this week.
This Sale You Will Find Every
Article a Bargain
lt-quart Granite Water Palls. .37
100-foot Triple Galvanized Clothes
lins for 20
76c Grass Catcher 45
10-quart Bauce Pan. 20
2 -hole Gasoline Stove $2.10
Loop Fly Killer 3
Brass Wash Board 10?
10-quart Galvanized Slop Pall.O
Sensible Asbestos Sad Irons. $1.20
Lawn Sprayer 40
Dustleas Dust Mop 29
Dustless Dust Rag It)
Mrs. Pott's Irons GDc
1-quart North Pole Freezer $1
2-qt. North Pole Freezer $1.1:5
Headquarters for Garden Hose,
Rakes, Hoes, Sprinklers, Screen
Wire, Poultry Fence and House
The new spring models of
the world famous R. & Q.
corsets axe here in their en
tirety; the graceful lines, the
perfect set of the E. & G, is ,
a delight . to every woman
yho wants- perfect style and
comfort combined.
There is a model for every
figure, a price for every,
purse. We show all styles
at $1.00 to $5.00.
Nemo, C-B, Thorn son's
Glove Pitting, Kabo, Warn
er's Rust Proof, and all pop
ular makes shown in com
plete assortments.
Greatest of all May Suit Sales
.Monday we will offer an assortment of styles in new spring
Tailored Bultis that include all the, season's roost desirable fabrics, col
ors and designs at bargain prices. We do not telletver equaled in
any previous May Sale, qualities "considered. '"
Hew Spring Tailored Suits at 87.50 In this collection of over 176
'beautiful suits will be found a choice variety of the season's most
popular models in best fabrics and most favore-i shades, all sixes,
actual value to $26.00, on sale, oholce ...... .t 87.50
Hew Spring Tailored Baits 815.00-r-Such style and value as are sel
dom shown under $55.00 to $16.00; ever 800 elegant suits in the lot,
distinctive styles of the latest type. French serge la the most in
evidence but many new fancy -weaves and a splendid variety of
mannish suiting effects are Included; best colorings, In plain, strictly
man tailored suits,, semi-tailored effects and the latest high grade
novelties; choice Monday 916.00
Something Unusual. Ladies Wash
Dresses 82.98 Not in the price,
necessarily, but in the Quality of
materials, the beautiful designs,
the splendid finish of the gar
ments at the- price they're truly
unusual bargains. Buch values
will be a revolution in value giv
ing to all attending this sale;
best bargains ever, at. . . '. .93.48
Elegant ITew Wasb Dresses at
95.00. 97.50, 910.00 and 913.60
Nearly 700 beautiful new dresses
just received, dainty style ideas
not to be found elsewhere; lawns,
dimities, pretty cotton foulards,
ginghams and the always popu
lar lingerie gowns, the latest,
the best, most attractively priced
at 95.00, 97.50, 910.00 and 919.50
Soores of Other Delightful Bargains la Monday's Saleo
Men's Furnishings and Underwear at About Half their actual retail
worth. Several big manufacturers' sample stock and sample line purchases enables us to offer
values in all kinds of high class furnishings and underwear surpassing all previous offerings.
High Oracle White Goods
St Gall embroidered Swisses and mull, 32
inches wide, in dots and figures, at, a yard
85. 75. 50 n 50
.Mercerized Fancies in bars and figures, at,
a yard 30
Mercerized Batiste, 45 inches wide, soft fin
ish; regular 75c grade, at a yard 50
Persian Lawns, 32 inches wide In extra good
quality, at, a yard 25
Linen Lawn, at, a yard... 25
English Long Cloth, 36 inches wide, at, a
yard 25 10. 15 12 V4
Countess Nainsook; etra good quality; regu
lar 35c, at, a yard 20
Dress Lawns, in all colors, at, yard. . . .25
White Goods, Wash Goods, Sheetings,
Flannels, Etc.
In Our Domestic Room
10,000 yards of Batistes, Organdies, Foul
ards, Scotch Ginghams, Domestic Ginghams,
Percales, White India Llnons,' Persian
Lawns, English Long Cloths, Llnegerle
Cloths, Cambrics snd all kinds of White
fancies for dresses, underwear, shirt waists,
men's shirts, etc., all placed on squares and
greatly underprlced for Monday. They will
he placed according to value on different
squares; yard 5. 7. 8 Via 10.
12 H and 15
Some goods worth from 26c to 3 Co yard.
High Grade Wash
Goods Dept.
The newest, the cleanest, the most up-to-date
stock, and the lowest priced
for the high grade quality of the
stock, in Omaha.
VOILE Voiles, double fold, single fold,
stripes, checks, plaids, plain colors, etc, at
18. 25. 30 snd 45
GINGHAMS Scotch, French English and
domestic, 32 inches wide; Btrlpes, checks,
plaids, etc.. at yard, 12 tt. 15. 18
d 25
BATISTES Englsh Batistes, French Ba
tistes and Domestic Batistes, Borders Ba
tiste' and everything in Batistes for spring
and summer, 1911, at yard 10. 12 H,
15. 18 and. 25
SILK WARP WASH GOODS The largest and
most complete line in the city. Plain dot
ted coin spots, Jacquards, pointed floral
rough effects, dark and light colors; the
best material all silk or washable; every
yard guaranteed. Prices, 25. 38. 50
nd 75
fyr.-.-Dress Forms
We are sole factory agents for Omaha, the
states of Nebraska and South Dakota,
and In buying of us you buy from first
bands at factory prices, which saves you
cost of freight or express. We handle
only Hall-Borchert forms and guarantee
every one perfect or money refunded.
Best Forms, at $1.48
Folding adjustable Wire Forms, at $6.50
Best Forms on extension stands, at $2.08
Complete adjustable Forms at prices from
$10.00, $12.00 to , . . .$15.00
Mynday's Specials on
Bed Spreads, Sheets and
- Pillow Cases
In Our High Grade Linen Department
45x36-inch Pillow xCases, made from
heavy strong muslin, worth 19c,
at i2Vc
42x36-inch Pillow Cases, made from
fine muslin, worth 29c, each...l9c
Full size Bed Sheets, invisible French Beam,
full 3-inch hem; worth $1, each, at.. 65
Good size Bed Sheets with Invisible seam,
special; worth 76c; each 48
Fringed and Hemmed Summer Bed Spreads,
full size, worth $2.50; each $1.50
Full size Hemmed Marseilles Bed Spreads,
beautiful assortment and patterns; worth
$3.50; each $2.25
The Greatest of All Grocery Departments
in the West Is Hayden's
rreshest Goods, SLarrest Stocks.
Xlrhest Quality, aad a savior of 85 pe
eent to 50 par cent oa yoar living es
' peases.
20 lbs. Beat Granulated Sugar for $1.00
48-lb. Sack Best High Grade Flour
For $1.15
10 Bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All
Soap for BSo
10 lbs. Best White or Yellow Cornmeal,
for 15c
10 lbs. Best Breakfast Oatmeal for 26o
lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans,
for 26o
Gallon Cans Apples, Tomatoes or
Pumpkins, at ....26c
7 lha. Bent Bullc Laundry Btarch 20o
Gallon i'ans Peaches, Plums or Apri
cots, at 0o
lbs. Good Japan Rice for -fo
Grape Nuts, per package for 10c
Corn Flakes, per package for.... So
1-lb. Cans Assorted Soups for....?c
15o Pkgv Golden Rod Macoronl for lOp
The Best Creamery Butter, per lb., 26c
Good Country Creamery Butter, lb., 210
The Beat Dairy Butter, per lbr,...18o
The Best Fresh Eggs, per dozen. .17 He
The Best Full Cream Cheese, lb., lSo
on roiT cam or rnraArrx.ES
They are extra fancy, larg-e, ripe and
juicy. Now is the lime to put up your
vns&per rruit Known for cannlnir. On
. . . . -
pineapple preserves.
n juunuay . .
"iuiu size, eacn at ;.7V.c
, . .860
..ty ,
. . .860
.. .100
Bale Monday
Medium alza.
Medium large size, each ,
Medium large slxe, per dozen...
Large. 38 size, each
Large, 3 size, per aozen .....
Kxtra large, 30 size, each
Extra large, SO size, per dozen,
rxxsx TzazrrAxi.zB rom
Fresh Spinach, per peck Bo
8 Hunches Fresh Radishes 60
S Bunches Leaf Lettuce 60
( Bunches Fresh Green Onions ....60
2 Bunches Fresh Asparagus 5o
3 Bunches Fresh Pie'). ant 60
8 lbs. New Potatoes , lOo
New Cabbage, per lb 5o
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb., 7Vo
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb.... 7 Ho
Hothouse Cucumbers, each ....5c-7o
3 Bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots or
.Turnips lOo
rut up your rtneapplea How. Tola
Tear's Crop la Bhortt
Heavy Domestics in the Domestic Room
Wide sheetings, yard wide muslins, sheets, pillow slips,
linens, crash, towelings, towelsv etc., at much less than can
be purchased elsewhere.
8-4 Lockwood, Bleached 17 Sa
7-4 Lockwood, Bleached ...16HO
6-4 Lockwood. Bleached 15o
Fruit, of the Loom.genulne article, 84 o
Pride of the West. 16o value.
Masonvllles. 12Vto value
Hunter's Choice, lOo value . .
Pride of the Farm, 11c value
.Clover, lOo value
BKXZTB, 81x90.
Lexington, 75c value
Arcadia. 78
. ...50
'9c value
Standard. 85c value
Snowflake, 85o value
BUSTS, 73x80.
Parkvllle. 59c value.., 38o
.Sterling, 65o value 4So
Stella. 65c value 38Vo
25c Slips ISo
2: He Slips
ZUO Mips
18c Slips
15o Slips
. .17MiO
ISo Value, at ISo
20o Value, at
18c Value, at loo
lHo Value, at lauo
12 Ho Value, at 10e
Union Crash and Cotton Crashes
at 80, 8c and 7H
All our Bath Towels are very large
and heavy.
7 He Bath. Towels, at So
8 He Bath Towels, at Ho
10c Bath TowelB, at 7HO
12 He Bath Towels, at 8U0
15c Bam Towels, at loo
20c Bath Towels, at lSVta
25c Bath Towels, at lie
Huck, all linen, half llntn and all
cotton, each, at So, 7 Vie. lOo, ISHo,
1 80 bp te 86
Draper by the bolt, Pipers' Towels,
made up, etc., at the very lowest
prices, i ' -
GTS First
Interesting Furniture Specials Monday
( Our cash prices mean a saving of 15 to 33 to you
on your furniture bill and our special sale offerings a neat
saving on top of that. You will find best assortments here
for selection, too. See These Splendid Special Values:
Many Other Specials Shown for Monday.
Sanitary Folding Davenport Roll Arm Porch Hooker.. St 1 o":
York, is perhaps the first and most force
fal pulpit rator of the day. An admirer
nt Dr. Jowett has compiled some of his
epiemmmattc sayings which are worth re
membering. Here are a few:
"He shall baptise you with the Holy
Ghoot and" power to burn.
"The v. ases of sin Is" benumbment.
"When ye pray" get beneath somebody's
"Know ye not thai your bodies areM
churches, not ptgstyes.
"The things which happened unto me"
had a twist.
"Whoso lrinketh my blood" hath blood
to Hive.
"In Christ Bhall all be" -vlta'.lzed.
Yon tell the ago of a tree by the num
ber of Hi Inner rings. By the increasing
watched with keen Interest by , rln nd cirtle i'ltei cession you regis
n of all denominations. It will ter th n,n' frowth in giace.
pcriecuy ory eye would i onna. a
Proffmi 0' General Assembly Inter
ests All Churchmen. .
Lev. D. Joweet of Flttb Aveuoe Pree
hyteriosi thurrh Is a Maker of
Epigrams aaS a Dravte
of Definitions.
NEW YORK, May !0.-3pec!al to The
Bee.) The Presbyterian General assembly
now is in session at Atlantle city ana
will be
1 churchmen
. be one of the most Important church
gatherings, held In a long time and Its
; action will have a marked Influence 0:1
the question of higher criticism, new
thought and the breaking away from the
old moorings. Some of the strongest' men
In the denomination are Inclined to favor
the so-called advance ideas, w hlle others
are fearful that tns agitation of the ques
tion will be likely to do more harm than
good. There la, however, a strong element
In the church which seems determined
to have the matter threshed out and the
position of the Presbyterian church clearly
defined. Hence the interest In the big
Jowett Epigrams.
Rv. D. Jowett. the new paator of the big
lfta Avenue Presbyterian cnurca la New
pei-fecly Ciy religion has no iTht.
Always the clearest views when there
Is a lit Ue moisture In the atmosphere.
All the greet experts in spiritual life
have been men who have not denuded
their religion of emotion.
Hear the carbon coll In the bulb say, "I
shine, yet not 1, but the electric energy
shines In me." Hear Paul say, "I live,
yet not I. but Christ that II vet h In me."
The dredger in the river deepens the
channel. An ae Is a dredge deepening
the Lie, taking out vanity and trlvoltry.
Pef.lnllons fcr Jowett,
Grey U black shot through with light.
Orey Is black with the halo oa It.
Faith U reasonable dealing with reason
able thiiiaa.
, Prayjer Is a mighty business, a tremen
dous business in the waters of grace.
Belief la the acceptance of a map. Faith
is taking the voyage.
Faith is belief ventured upon.
. The Individual Is only on organ, not an
Hope contemplates a possibility; faith
converts a possibility Into actuality; love
is the resulting disposition.
Hope is a foundation; faltn draws the
water and drinks; love distributes the
water to others.
Faith is an attitude of soul which ex
tracts the substance out of hoped-for pos
sitlties. Faith is the venture of the will acting
on the suggestions of the mind.
Grace la the divine energy of holiness
issuing lu the ministry of love in quest
of the lovely and by the communication of
Itself converting the unlovely Into the
W'ordllness is a spirit, a temper, an atti
tude, a pose, a posture, a disposition of
the soul, a certain Inclination, a certain
aspect of the soul.
Ths heart Is that part of the personality
of a man which feela after God.
Jesuit Colleav'to sieve.
Woodstock college, officially known as a
Jesuit house of students, located for more
than fifty years at Woodstock, Md., Is to
be removed to a site on the Hudson river
a few miles north of New York City line.
The reason for removal is insufficient
transportation facilities to Woodstock.
Some years since the Jesuit novltate,
where future priests under direction of the
society are educated, waa removed, from
Frederick, Md., to a Hudson river - site
north of Poughkeepsle. The new buildings
for the college, will cost $200,000 in addi
tion to the site, which cost $76,000. Many
of the best known Jesuit priests In the
United States of the rest and present gen
erations were educated at Woodstock.
Balance In Mission Fond.
The Congressional Homo Missionary so
ciety, one of the many American societies
having long records of service, was able
to begin its fiscal year on April 1, with a
balance of 11,200, carried over from Its
previous year. No money was borrowed
last year an no interest paid on old debts,
a record not attained before in many years.
The total Income last year amounted to
47.00. which was 175,000 less than the
year before. But appropriations had been
reduced with the knowledge that 1310 fig
ures were phenomenal. Congregational
churches in Minnesota and Washington
undertook for the first time last year their
own missionary work, which meant S2S.0OO
going to their state organisations direct,
and there was a fulling off In legacies of
M.000, a feature that nobody can control.
Private gifts amounting to 130,000 were re
ceived during laat year, a quite new ex
perience, and the society kept up Its full
complement of work without falling Into
Presbyterian Missions.
The Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis
sions Issues supplementary statement of
Its flnsnces, which statement will be pre
seated to the forthcoming general assem
bly. It shows the largest gifts to missions
ever msde by the board, amounting to tl.
w,Qg. Tnereieipu vX the board nere
also the largest, and were $1,632,000 from
regular sources. To these receipts credits
on account. of Income were added amount
ing to $80,400, showing a surplus on the
year's 'account of l'JO.000. The year before
carried only eleven months, owing to a
change of date In closing. Compared with
two years ago, churches last year show a
gain In gifts of $81,200 and In legacies of
$100,OU. A debt of $u8,000, carried over for
two years has now been reduced to $38,000.
An earlier statement, amended by later
receipts. Indicated a small addition to the
debt rather than a alight diminution of It.
Therefore, to data the new Interest in mis
sions on the part of laymen results In In
crease In receipts of this board in two
years of $81,200. The four other societies
lust ending their fiscal year show decreased
receipts and three fall heavily into debt.
Wkr Gnynor Belioves.
The Rev. Christian F. Relsner, pastor of
Grace Methodist Episcopal church, In
West One Hundred and Fourth street, re
cently addressed letters to a number of
prominent men asking them their reasons
for believing In God.
The following characteristic reply from
Mayor Gaynor was read to tho congrega
tion at last night's service:
"You ask me, 'Why I believe In Godr
Because I cannot help it. I simply know
there is a God, and that settles It with me.
I have absolute confidence In Him, and am
willing to submit to whatsver He wills In
respect to me. You also ask, 'What good
comes from reading the Bible?' An Im
mense deal of good. It sooths you and
makes you content and charitable. I might
add that It educates you, and gives you s
good literary sty Is, but that is another iwi-
at S4.ns
Imitation Leather Conch Tufted,
splendidly made $13.50
Diamond Tufted Couch Genuine
leather upholstered . . .$22.50
Vernla Marten Brass Hed 2-inch
continuous post $4.05
Genuine Brass Bed 2-inch post;
on sale at 80.85
Iron Beds Several styles
t $1.00 S2.50 S3.75
Golden Oak Chiffoniers
t $4.05 87.50 80.50
Golden Oak Dressers
t. . . .87.50 80.50 $12.50
4-passenger Iawo Hwlng. .$0.75
45-lb. Felt Mattress Full size
nP $0,501
Quartered Oak Hideboai d French
Plate mirror, 46-inch top snap,
$30.00 Sideboard $10.50
Quartered Oak Buffet 38-!nch
mirror and 44-inch top; on sale
at $10.50
Parlor Suite Genuine leather
upholstered $17.50
Quartered Oak Dining Chair
Leather seat; a beauty. .$2.75
Quartered Oak Dining Chair
Box seat, polish finish. .$1.05
Extension Dining Table. . .$o!s5
Hall Trees in tfarly English or
quartered oak; snap. .. .$5.J)5
Child's lied Adjustable $5.05
Kitchen Safe Large size $4,05
vV ivV svU
ter. Gol.-g to church gives people stesdy
habits ano makes them prudent and care
ful, and rnaks them vote carefully. Church
members make a stable nucleus for so
Kindly Ualtnntry of Mlssoarl Solons
Manifested In Sobstantlal
The practical enforcement of Missouri's
statute granting pensions to widows who
have children dependent on them Is just
beginning. The Missouri widow is fortu
natenot fortunate in being a widow, but
fortunate In the kindly gallantry of the
state legislators. She Is provided for. If
she has one child she gets $10 a month.
Each additional child means $6 more, bo
the widow with six children Is to be
awarded $35 a month, or as much as vhe
could wane in less prcgrutslve states by
arduous labor at scrubbing floors.
Missouri Is a state of great natural re.
source. Let them all be developed at
once. They will be needed. Widow, and
orphans at $60 a year apiece will be very
expensive. Missouri must pay ths piper.
The theory of her legislation la that at
every cost the family should be preserved
and that orphans !n asylums are particu
larly unlucky orphans, even when the asy
lums are all that asylums ought to be
As for the widow without any children
it has been agreed by the lata Charles
Dickens and the present George Bernard
Bhaw that shs can take care of herself.
It is for mere man to "bevare" of her. The
"life force" is at Its strongest In her. The
only safety tor the bachelor is In precipi
tate flight. She needs no pension. Bhe
asks for no pension. Propinquity Is
enough for her. Prosperity in matrimony
Is propinquity's sequel. The legislators of
Missouri were wise as well as frugal la
leaving the unhampered widow out of
their benevolent scheme. Urovkl a fcefla.