Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 5, Image 33

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    BED i
MAY 21, 1011.
Master Boiler Makers Meet This Week
Wonderful Fot-Reduclna Secrets Revealed ty Famous Deauty, Who Removed
From Her Own Dody Thirty-Seven Lbs. of Ponderous weigm in
. Five Weeks and Oanlshed Double Chin Forever.
, v coogga
..I A -;PA I' ' A I ' jA. "I
AJ AAo,j , N
CkasJj.IIeznpel - Chairman
Jboeml Unterfaivmmt Conn.
Omh will be host to the International
Master Boiler Makers' association Tues
day) WMenrtay, Thursday and Friday of
thi week; The fifth annual convention of
thie organisation will open at Hotel Home
Tuesday morning, and at that time th
.order of entertainment will ba announced
(by Uie local committee on arrangement,
j composed of C. L. Hempel, chairman; City
: Boiler Inspector Robert IT. Wolfe, Clemjnt
I Ryan, M. O'Connor and D. A. Lucas.
I Every hour that the delegates can spare
i from th business sessions will be flllfid
I with entertainment features.
This convention will bring to Omaha In
fluenlial men from every station of th
United Btatea and Canada, the organisa
tion having a membership of 600. When It
Ixost last year at Niagara Falls Mr. Wolf
waa sent to make the fight for .Omaha aa
th convention city thi year Aid won out.
Th officer have written that they expect
tUla convention to be one of the most
largely attended and most Interesting yet
When th convention Is called n pn'.Fr
Rev. Frederick T. Rouse of the First Con
gregational church will make the invoca
tion and Mayor Dahlman will eif:iU un
welcome on behalf of ths Rity. Addresses
of greeting are also scheduled for the open
ing session by E. Haverstick, chair
nan of th Commercial club executive com
V .mtttee; C. E. Fuller of th
J B. W. Pratt of ths Norths
J Vaiieyi T. R. Koop of
mittee; C. E. Fuller of the Union Pacific,
western, Missouri
the tlurllniitora
Lincoln, and Crflcnel T. W. McCullough.
for th press of Omaha.
Responding to the addresses of good will,
th following members of the association
will make brief spsecher: usurps .. z-ni-nelt,
Arthur E. Brown, .1. 'I'. 'Goodwin,
William Laughridge, M. J. O'Connor. The
annual address of President A. N. Lucas
will then be made, and the first businss
esslon will tmmadlately f.illow.
Following the report of the secretary,
Harry D. Vought, and the treasurer, Frank
Qrey, committee will be named. The pro
gram contemplate morning sessions, con
tinuing almost to 1 o'clock, but no after
noon session will be held.
The opening , business , Wednesday morn
ing will be the' report of the apprentice
ship committee. Then will come reports
from other committees on standardising
hop tool and flangea on boilers. Discus
sion will follow on radical ' departure
being mad In boiler and fire boxes, In
locomotive building, and In , marine boil
ers. From which it will be seen the con
vention Is to devote much of Its time to
Intensely practical matters affecting the
business. Every session haa a program
along similar lines.
Final reports, election of officer and se
lection of th next place of meeting will
occupy th convention on the last day of
Its salon, Friday. -
Th oo nominees named prior to th meet
tag of th convention In Omaha arei
Law C, L. Hempel, Omaha, Neb., ehalr
i man I A, XL, Brown, Louisville, Ky.i Wil
liam M. WlUon. E'lver Shops, III.; John J.
. Mansfield, Jersey City, N. J.; William H.
Apprenticeship Qeorg Wagstaff, New
fork City, chairman; A. E. Brown, Loula
vlll, Ky.J, John B. Tate. Altoona, Pa;
Jams Cromble, Hamilton, Ont.; J. A.
Doarnbervor, Roanoke, Vs.
. To Recommend Topic for Commute Re
port at th Annual Convention In 1913
1, T. Goodwin, Pittsburg, Pa., chalrmanj,
W, H. Laughridge, Columbus, O.; George W.
Bennett. Albany, N. T.i William M. Wil
ton, Silver Shops, LU. Frank Gray, Bloom
tngton. 111.
Basibas these, eleven other committee
bavo bean giving attention to different
technical sublets and will make roport at
' this convention.
Among th praotJcal business organiza
tion of th United State and Canada the
IntarnaUonal IJastar Boiler Maker' asso
ciation take high rank. It ha a long
CAitW i na to mxt si iii iritae. ay m
IMnl i-uale, k-. ea tto im.
t . m assm .
V ' -V H '
1 , .JJ , i J Jit
JlraiietJsaaitgemejit Cam.
list of officers, scattered from Manitoba to
Virginia and California, and M. O'Connor
of Missouri Valley, on the local committee
as an Omaha booster, la a member of the
executive committee.
The president, A. N. Lucas of Milwaukee,
is a brother of D. A. Lucas, a. so on ths
local committee. He served as first vice
Pj-esldent befote being advanced to the
head. For the last twenty-four years he
haa been general foreman of the boiler de
partment of the Milwaukee road.
Harry D. Vcught, the secretary,' 1 a resi
dent of Montclalr, N. J., but ha his offi
cial headquarters In New Tork. Bo satis
factory has been his rervlc as secretary
that he has held th place for th last five
years. .
Frank Grir, th treasurer, make hi
horn In Bloontlngton. 111. H ha been
tor many years In charge of th boiler
department of th Chicago b Alton rail
road, and 1 serving hi fifth term as th
treasurer of th organisation.
CI: airman Hempel of the local arrange
ment committee ia general boiler Inspector
of the Union Paolflo, hi Jurisdiction ex-
Brtlllaat ghade laid te Infos
Cheery Badlanoe tn Com.
Why don't women tndy th influence
of color on th spirit and regulate the
color in their wardrobe accordingly T"
aid a woman who believes that a large
proportion of her. social success 1 due to
the variety of color In her wardrobe. "It
make dreeslng so much more interesting,
Tnml an I am of black evening gowna,
I never will wear on unless I feel that 1
am thoroughly free from any tendency
toward depression. A black gown aggra
vate melancholy of mood. Put on I
blacV gown In a somber mood and see If
It doe not seem Just part of th mood.
"Brown 1 another color that I avoid In
depreaaed times. Brown 1 a heavy eolori
It will drag depreaaed spirit lower. When
naturally morose people tell m that thrtr
favorite color la brown I feel Ilk saying
to them, Llk seek like.' Brown la
charming oolor, but should be worn only
with the (lowing mood.
"Gray la another oolor to bewar of tn
down time. You know how a walk
through a brown autumn wood will throw
you Into the dumpe if you feel a bit dumpy
and how a gray day make you more for
lorn if you are feeling a little so.
"Whit never drag on the spirit. It
has always a serene Influence. But It wlU
not always have the power to lift you out
ef depression. It 1 too calm and imper
sonal to deal with oartata mood which
pink, yellow, blue, heliotrope, etc, may
dispel. A mood that needs the help that
yellow gives will be unaffected for the
better If you Impose pink upon it.
"I needed red th other evening. I had
Dean aanea to a dinner which I was sure
would be a dull affair because I happened
to know who had been Invited to It, nice
people, but Inclined to be heavy. I was
sure that the women would wear the eon
ventlonal black gown. So I wore a brll
llant red gown. Why, when I put it en I
felt it giving m eourag.
'Th Instant I entered my friend'
drawing room I waa conscious of th
lively clean of th atmosphere of my gown
and the dull atmoaphere of the dinner
party. I felt appreciation of lu cheery r
dlanoe positively tingling In the air. Thar
waa a special warmth la th way I was
I ,- . f li
' j
Eo3Td Z2T.&JT.&.
City 2icdfcr laapettor
tending from Omaha to Ogden, Utah. He
Is a past president of the International or
ganization, and for the last thirty years
has been prominent In his line of business.
M. O'Connor of Missouri Valley is gen
eral foreman of the boiler department f of
the Northwestern for this section and the
lines west of the Missouri river. He baa
been with the company twenty-three year
and la the patentee of the O'Connor fir
door for locomotive boiler. Mr. O'Coonor'
friend are talking of pushing him for th
vie presidency at th Omaha convention.
Although not. living In thi city, he haa
been a persistent booster for Omaha at
every eon vent) on. and gave enthusiastic
support to "Bob" Wolfe when th local
boiler Inspector waa making th fight for
this olty at Detroit in 1409 and at Niagara
Falls fat 1910,
D A. Luca ia th general foreman at
th Burlington' boiler shop at Havelock
and stand high among hi fellow. Like
Clamant F.yan, local Inspector here for the
Union Pacific, h la on the local committee
b oca us of hi good work for Omaha in
th past.
greeted by those people that would not
have been In their manner, however cor
dial, simply and solely becaus of th re
lief that my gown brought their spirit.
Do you know that evening was a Jolly
success just becaus of th color I had
chosen to wearT
There I no color Ilk rod. for putting
th heart In one. It always seems to me
the moat generous of all colors. A rsd
gown is a most wonderful nerve saver,
because It doe so much work for you in
"Green ia a refreshing color to wear,
especially In summer. A gown of green
on a hot day will invito one' thoughts
away from the discomforting temperature.
"I know a woman who 1 regal In a
purple gown and not so at all In gowna of
other oolor. In them she is charming,
but not regally so.
"If a fascinating study and get more
so th deeper one goea Into it. It make
dressing more Interesting, onoself more
charming to oneself and to others. Women
who stick to few color or who wear col
ors without regard to their relation to mood
ar Immensely behind In the art of being
attractive." New Tork Bun.
Seligioiu Sotea.
Oeneral William Booth, who recently
celebrated hia euihty-aecond birthday. 1
situ aouvely eru,mcfcd In lurtberuag th
woik ef that baiviiuoa army, ami be wt:4
toco inaJto a apcaKlax tour of Norway,
SwaUea and Denmark. Traveling mlgnc b-t
tailed hie ono rurealkMi. aiiaoan ne
s ae aara on mtuytxuud aa lu ooca oa
Urry Harri. the boy preacher, wfte
ta Uie wuuder of ooiUiinawTi uteio Ua
fears aso. hi ba TUksio. aoiud v kui hi-,
fataar, bom aa savant fur yea, ILut
paivnc stoves to as a una itjr vbuui Har
ris aoognc tor year as an aocotnpflca of
fcisy iJarria, who had told him hi family
were all dead.
Rev. David Kelso, who ha beea a Pulton
county, .Pennsylvania, preacher for luore
than half a otmtury. ka Mm more of hie
own race In direct daeoant loan uoet peo
ple. He knew hia own great-granilparoaLs,
hia grandparents, hie paienia, hi own
children, grandchildren and great'grand
chLuren. and hope tu Uv to th Dfth
generation below him.
The women of the Methodlet Foreign
Missionary society have raised fM.UuO fur
a new buildlnc at th Iaabella Thorburn
college at Lucknow, India. Th building
la to be erected a a memorial to Mia
LilaveU Klngh, the young Hindu woman
who nam to America eeveral year ago
fi.r the purpos of raising th money for
th oolleg and who died before she bad
fairly iartd oa her work.
Thi Queen of Beauty, After TJnsuooes-
ruuy using roisonea m-nirs, ana aa
vertlssd Bemedl) Perfcot new
Bom Method cf Bednolng th
rorms of Men and wo
men to Perfeot Pro
portion. Arrangement How Mad to Tarnish All
Our Header, Absolutely Tree, a Copy
Of Ho? Wonderful Book Telling of
Her Bemarkabl Treatment of
How to Bednoe the Hainan Form
in a Harmless, Pleasant Mis
Bit. Out Ont and ZsaU
Coupon Below
he Offer tl.OOo In Cash if She rail to
-nv in superiority or Sex seeth
ed Over AU Other.
Marlori Hamilton, know
America a the famous "Calendar Uirl."
IS nOW reCOSrnUed a the rreatoat knnorn
expert in the art of fat reduction, and she
practices only simple, natural methods
In reducing double chin and excess fat.
Ghe Is acknowledged as th hi,at.
priced exclusive photographic model for
art calendars in America, demundine one
hundred dollars per hour from noted
Calender Houses" for her time. Realiz
ing that an abundance cf superfluous I lesh
would no longer keep nsr in mad demand
by photographic artists, she set about to
reduco, her increasing weight liv n mrr
velouay simple method of her own
No drugs or harmful massaetnp: no
sweating; no painful physical culture ex
ercises: no starvation ,in;t t .,r t,t
tho old niiHlviJs uie tu;cd In
her splendid new treatment.
The free book of thin niman nf
explains to men and women, how by her
natural, harmless treatment, they may re-
w iuiiumvua wcikiu lrie rate or one
pound or more dally. How any man ?
woman may banltih douole chin quickly
and renal n new health and vixor.
Our readers will be astonished to learn
for the first time of a really new. marvel
ous method of FAT REDUCTION, ns re
ferred to In this splendid hook, and now
offered freo as an advertisement to our
readers for a short time.
You will be amazed to know how Tap
Idly you may reduce your double chin and
excess fat In a few days by following her
Instructions. All fat men and women who
desire to make themselves more attractive
should secure this wonderful book nt once
and Irrmrove their ftaure oulcklv hv hr
This hook Is written In a fascinating
style. It explain how this famous photo
graphic model, who Is the raging "Calen
dar Girl" of the present time, reduced her
FIVE WEEKS by purely natural meth
ods, snd without resorting to druss, star
vation diet, external stuff to rub on the
body, or harmful exercises.
Write for the book at once, and learn
the anguish she felt when her girlish
beauty started to develop to abnormal
proportion. Read of the terrors she felt
when the monster fat made her realize
she mut give up her profession and fade
into oblivion.
Learn how she experimented, and with
determination and grit conquered fat;
learn of these things so you may Improve
your own form and destroy your fat so it
will not be longer neceasary for you to
subject yourself to the awful danger of
excessive flesh.
Miss Hamilton's health was at one time
miserable on account of burdensome flesh,
which had developed rapidly. She was
weak and tired all the time; unable to
sleep night or digest her food; he re
peatedly used all treatment and method
of flesh reduction known to medical sci
ence. Violent exercises, starvation diets
and worthless drugs, also external stuff
to rub on her body, were all of no benefit.
So, realising that if she desired to longer
London Society Fear She Leans to
Puritan Ideas.
Kiag George Inclined to Bee Thlsor
a the o,oeea Does and Dislike
the nisqae Flay and
Book oa Sex.
LONDON, May 20. (Special to The Bee.)
Queen Mary' recent pronouncement
against the hobble skirt i but another
Indication of the trend of her majesty'
mind, which Indicate that the tendency
of th court will be toward th rather
puritanical ideas of the later Victorian
year. In fact, th Queen la, a has been
said, "on the aide of the angels," and
already th effect of her Influence ar
beginning to show. They will be much
more marked, it 1 understood after th
Bhe la dead against playing card for
money, betting on races, cigarette smoking
for women, and other such up-to-date
diversions. And she seem to think that
her own sex should not shoot, stalk deer,
drive their own motors, or fly in aero
plane. Her majesty Is also advene to risque
play and to novel on ax questions. Th
domsbttc woman is Quetn Mary' Ideal.
Then ahe has her own views on dress and
personal adornment Aa regards her lad
iea la waiting and maids of honor, ahe
has put a ban on over-tight skirts, huge
nats ana aay gowns that are made with
half-short sleeves and na neck bands.
Bhe likewise objects to hair that is too
much puffed at the bides, or that la colfted
In the extreme of fashion.
The queen likes her Uiiies to dress more
or ieibS on her own l.nci,; but at court It
Is an understood fact that there must be
no undue 'imitation of royal costumes.
It Is no secret that the queen has much
the stronger will of the roal couple and
that sue w.ll hav her way in ali matters.
Th younger and gayer aet regard the out
look a distinctly gloomy.
Indian Belle a Sensation.
Bociety has been watching a latuer in
tereatlng romance with keen -fellah. For
om time the pretty daughter of a cer
tain well known Indian rajah have been
very prominent In the smart set of Boitus
of the Bupper club on a Saturday night.
Among the young men who worshipped at
th shrine ot thea dusky divinities waa the
young Marqula of Stafford, heir to th
title and great estates of the Leveson
Gowera. Although, of course, nothing can
be said against th young women, who,
In their own country, ar amoug th great
one ot th eai th, the Idea of an ail.unc
between the heir of the great houa of
Sutherland and the daughter of tho prince
of a subject race as not to be thought
of for a moment, so that immediately the
young man' family were cognisant of the
slat of affair effort were i.iade and we
hop successfully to cur tna young man
to hia love-alokneea. With that end Ui vlow,
hi lordship la aa w hav said, shooting
big gain in Africa, and It la to be hoped
that the good advice of his family and the
presence of his pretty nouain may bring
th young man to' a proper appreciation of
hi position aa an IbngUah aauiieitiun and
th hair to such great family tradition and
A rise Old lor.
Lord Ayebury celebrated hie birthday
the other day. He proves very effectively
thi fact that the world ha almost been
remade in th last eentury. "Though I am
not yet $H." a aay. "I am older than any
-'..raV'- x
continue a the star In her profession, and
ie longer sougnt arter Dy art caienaar
houses of America and Europe, she must
do something quick to prevent the en
emy fat from destroying her beauty,
she studied on an entirely original and
different plan, and after repeated efforts
and many failures, made whnt she con
siders a wonderful scientific discovery, by
means of which she haa. perfected a treat
ment which actually reduces the weight
in a remarkably short time, and adds
to the strength and health of the individ
ual with every pound taken off. MIhs
Hamilton also made a great study of the
system employed by the Japanese, who
remain through life slender and vigorous,
and it 4s said she has a treatment similar
to theirs. j
This woman's remarkable success has
amazed her frlenda, who stand aghast
In astonishment, marveling at this young
woman's wonderous skill. Her method
Is so simple, yet It is looked upon
with curiosity and admiration. By this
system any person may reduce their flesh
In the privacy of their own homea with
out medical assistance, at th rate ot one
pound or more daily.
With her marvelous method befor
you, any man or woman should make a
wonderful lmprovgement In his or her an-
Kearance quickly. You should quickly
anlsh your double chin .and excess fat
railway company, any electrlo light com-'
pany, any telephone ortelegraph company."
A story Is told of a surgical operation
Lord Avebury ence 'had to undergo. HI
friends tried to persuade him to take
chloroform. "No, thank," ne replied, "I
would muoh rather be present at the op
Advocate Beard.
Among the multitudes of suggestions for
fittingly commemorating the reign of King
Edward VII, perhaps the most novel of all
Is that emanating from Captain Macllwalne,
R. N., who says: "Our late king strongly
favoured the growth of the beard, he grew
one himself, and, to say the least, encour
aged It growth by the members of his
personal staff. His brother, the duke of
Edinburgh, a naval officer, grew a oearu.
Our preaent king share the view of his
father, grows a beard himself and makes
his staff do the same.
-Amnn the men of the present day tne
beard Is the exception, not the rule. Is t
The Arnold Massage
y.:' '.' v '" """'J, "Vy-'"i " 'I1'1
f ;Vf;;;:.
Massage for Weak and Lam
Back, strengthens tho Spine.
Vibrator remove
Wrinkles, Crowsfeet,
Pimples and all ir
regularities. Correcting the Hip l ines. For
Obesity, reduce excessive
fat formations.
Strengthens the Spine,
Cures Hheumstlsm.
Stomach and Bowel
Keep th
vet y,
relieve sore-
e e '
..-i .... 1
, i . .
as many others can testify to having
done, and Improve your health rapidly
It is simply astonishing the number of
men and women who write In, regarding
the wonderful result of her new process
for banishing fat.
Mrs. H.. of California, writes in and
"The first week after using your treat
This coupon entitles all reader to recelv en copy of thi grt book, en
titled "Fat Reduction Without Drug," poatag prepaid, aa explained tn artlol
Cut out this coupon and end it, with your nam and addruss plainly writ
ten; or, better yet, write your name and addre plainly on a pojtal card or
letter and send it to MARJORIB HAMILTON, Suite 470, Colorado Building.
Denver, Colorado, and the book will be sent you by return mall.
She will send all our reader everything aha agree to send ebaolntely
free, so that you may learn of her Home Treatment fo start In the reduotlon of
fat at once.
not Incomprehensible that th manhood of
the empire, who are otherwise always so
ready to accept a royal lead, should In.
this matter ' show such Indifference, or
worse, to th view, both expressed and
Implied, ot their klngsT Is it not tlm that
they emulated their example and fulfilled
their wishes?
"Th British empire in beard would b
a memorial to our lata king such a hi
heart would have loved. Can any one
doubt how such a memorial would be ap
preciated by hia son, our present klng?'
Hareaa Skirt 'Wedding.
Neany 2,000 women assembled at the
Union Congregational church, Sunderland,
the other day to see a "harem klrt" wed
ding. The congregation wa so curious
that when any one entered the church it
sprang on the seats to look. The Rev. J.
G. Aldridge rebuked them. "This con
duct," he said, "Is most unseemly. It Is
unbefitting the occasion and shows a de
plorable lack of reverence." Outside there
Massage for
and Busu-
Is it worth anything to
you to have perfect health?
Five m nutjs a jjytcitj ffl ARNOLD MAS
SAGE ViB ii ATOR i all hat h necessary.
There Is nothing in hia so l:;-. portent a a healthy,
vigorous, well ke;t body, full ot life, ttrength and am
bition. If the lungs, he-rt, nerves and. every vital organ
of the body are kept In uniform strength, there is no
need for drugs or medicine.
Arnold MeesEce Vibrator Is invaluable in the home.
For poor circulation, ailments of the nerves, brain,
heart and vital organs; rheumatic, neuralgia and para
lytic affections Produces health, strength, vigor and
vitality. Ask your physician about the Arnold Mes
sage Vibrator.
polng demonstrated this week by
"Plstribaltrr cf Arnold Mm Vibrator."
3J3 Ro. 11 th St., Cninha, Neb.
Te'.o;vri, Pouilan
Out of town ycipi wiltc for fieo KO pajo booklet.
. y
t:.'aa .
x a
Y? At' 1
-. .',.;' . w' . '
Hair and Scalp
preveut Baldness,
Cures Weak and Lame Back,
Lumbago, cclalli-a and Kheu-limlism.
ment and new system I lost three pound
that was encouraging. But th second,
week I lost eight and one-half pound
mora 8o delighted waa I that I kept
right on ualng it, until at th end of th
fifth week I had lost thirty-two pound,
and felt Ilk a new woman. My health
has Improved, my headache have entire
ly left me, and what delight me most i
that while using your' simple method I
kept right oa eating everything I craved,
I consider your system the only perfect
on known for a apeedy and sure reduc
tion of flesh."
Much Interest Is shown in thi new
remarkable method by letter from dla
tlnguished physicians, which prove that
even, doctor are ouilged to give up drug
ana acKuowieoie this woman a metnoa
superior to all other.
i ne distinguished Diiysician. Dr. waiter
Robinson, write In and anya:
it is with muoh Pleaaur that 1 orrer
congratulations upon this splendid method,
of treatment lor the reduction of super
fluous ileali and double chin. Nothing,
in my opinion, could be more effective.
This mettioa is tne emy scieniirio niemoa
of treatment endorsed by the medical pro
fession. I consider your method of treat
ment, not only original, but remarkably
clever, and the only truly scientific way
to reduce superfluous flesh and dowbi
chin harmlessly and quickly."
Enthuslastlo letters as the abnv should
be indisputable evidence of th remark
able merits of tills treatment. The de
lightful letter from satisfied users which
are being received from fat men and '
women are regarded as strictly conflden-
till. Miss Hamilton considering it a great
breach of confidence to permit publication
of the addresses of those kind enough
to express their heartfelt gratitude to her, i
The most astonishing part or tnia rat- i
reducing method is that It does not cre
ate wrinkles or leave the skin flabby, but, '
on the contrary, it haa a tendency to
tighten riesn; sometning not usually ai
tempted by other methods. j
All our readers wno wisn to give up
harmful diet, starvation methods: who
wish to abandon the harmful Internal and
external remedies and painful exerolses.
should write rnr a copy ol her latest work.
so that they may learn how It Is possl- I
ble to at once begin tne reauouon or,
burdensome flesh.
Simply cut out th coupon below an
mall it at once, aa ernlalne.1 In coupon,
and DON'T SEND ANY MONEY, becaus
particular are entirely rree, aa this
charming "Calendar Girl" Is so grate
ful for her own health, brought about
by her simple methods, that she I doing
her utmost to benefit man and women in.
need of a perfeot home treatment which
will benefit thoe burdened with uper
fluoua flesh, and thereby make life really
worth while. I
wa an eager rush at each taxJeab that
cam up. Whan th wedding party ar
rived they were all in ordinary conven
tional attlr. Th crowd had been hoaxed.
Woman a Chores. Wardens.
Though not exactly a common
blackberries, women church warden ars
neither a novelty nor a curiosity, aa the
Easter vestries remind u. Isabella,
Marchioness of Exeter, who was unani
mously elected church warden for the par
ish of Deeping St. Jamee, South Lincoln
shire, has been church warden for twelve
years. At Walsgrave-on-Sow Mia Ver
rall, a well-known follower of the Ather .
stone and North Warwickshire hounds, Is
church warden, and It I said that a re
newed interest in th work of th church
ha resulted.
There hav been quit a number of
well-to-do and well-known ladle who hav.
itt various time in various place held ,
the office.
1 i
Arnold Massage Vi
brator for Weak and '
Orowlng Children.
Strengthen and Pe
vttlop. Face, Neck
Massage for
Ueufness, Head
Noises, Hinging lu th
liu r.
Work an Hlmple a
child ran operate and
give aa good a inaa
aagn as an expert
Curra Neuralgia
s. A
f . V:u i
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