Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Image 30

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Kay i Made Busy with Preparation!
for Benefit.
Leadlas; Fanrtlon of the Wffk to Be
Held at ta Caaatry CIsb Tin
lif Afternoon Brothers
Wed Sam Day. .
Social Caleadar.
MONDAT Meeting of th Daughters of
the Revolution, Omaha public library.
TUKSIMY Luncheon of the Omtha L'nl
v.r.nv rluh 1'axton hotel: Mts Isabel
Jones, evening party for Company C of
the HlRh Hchool battalion- Mrs. r.. u.
Jane, afternoon PHrtv for Mlsa Ramona
Taylor; Mn. Allan Murphy, meeting ot
Theta Bridire club: Mrs. Morand. ken
slnpton for Mrs. Capune; annual Creche
benefit brids party at the 'ountry. ciun;
kin W Slilnev. IT anil 1 Hieh Five club:
Major and Mra. H. M. Iord, dinner for
Van Rensselaer-Lorrl wedding party;
Mra. C. C. Cope, Treble Clef Musleal
club; Mra. Klmer Mc.Manus, Tuesday
Kensington club; Mr. W. J. Burgess,
Bridge Luncheon club; Mra. A. A. Cran
dnll. Crescent Whist club.
WEDNESDAY-Players' club, "An Ameri
can Citizen," at the Braudela: Mra. Ham
tiel Burns. Cooklnr club; Mra. H. F.
Khearer, W. W. club; Mra. W. K.
fjwlsher, Comls club.
THlTtSDAY Marrtnire of Mis Ruth Lord
and Mr. Frank Van Rensselaer at Trin
ity cathedral; Mien Mae Green, cards for
Miss Mabel Huntley.
FRIDAY-Mra. E. W. Naah and Mis
Frances Naah, dance at the Country club
lor anas jean tuaanr; ivirp. ji'nn wau
den. Amateur BrldK club; Miss Irene Lftr-
' mon, bridge for Mis Delia Jaccbsen; wed
ding of Miss Anna O'Connor and Mr
John D. Wear at St. Peter' church:
Mrs. A. V. Bhotwell, afternoon party for
Mrs. Capune.
SATURDAY Opening dinner, dance of
Happy Hollow club; Miss Nana Cotter-
man, dance ror Hrowneii huh seniors at
the Field club; Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Way,
dinner for Mies Olenn Wav. Miss Glnco-
, mini, luncheon at the Field club for Mlas
Mabel Huntley; dinner and dance at
Country club; dinner and dance at Field
Tha month of May Is the most popular
for benefit entertainment, and this year
la no exception. In tha last fortnight so
ciety matrons have devoted most of their
time to assisting with tha preparations i
and managing tha performance of "Around
the World with Terplschore," given so by
the younger member! of aooiety at the
Brandela theater last evening.
Creche Bridge Benefit.
Tha large charity event this week will
ba the annual Creche benefit bridge party
given at the Country olub Tueday after
noon. Mra. H. T. Lemlst is in charge, as
sisted by tha women of the Creche board.
Mr. Warren Rogers and Mrs. J. R Scoble
will direct tha play and Mrs.' Z. T. Und
say and Mrs. E. W. Guthrie will assist.
Miss Arabnlla Kimball has charge of the
prices. There will be sixteen In alW in
cluding two handsome pictures; one ot
Lady Hamilton In a dull gold band
wrought frame and the other a view of
Browning's home in Venice, framed In solid
mahogany. There Is a pin set with bril
liants and an art is another valuable prise.
Tha frame la of hand-carved mahogany,
and at the top la one of the pretty old
prints. A hammered brass card tray with
the large braas bandies Is another prise.
A mahogany tray that la about twelve
Inchea In diameter, the glass covering a
colored print, la another gift. One of the
handsomest prises that has been received
la a hammered braaa bowl for flowers and
of antique design. There will be silk
hosiery and many other .prises.
Those who have not - already purchased
tickets may do so Tuesday at 1 o'clock at
tha door. Assisting Mrs, Lemlst are: Mra.
H. T. Lemlst, Mrs. T. 1 Kimball, Miss
Kimball, Mrs. Arthur C. 'Smith, Mrs.
; Thomas Kllpatrick. Mra. E. R. MoMahon,
. Sirs. F. A. Naah, Mrs. J. E. Bummers, Mrs.
' IWarren Rogers, Mrs. C. C. Allison, Mlas
' Jessie Millard, Mrs. James C. Dahlman,
' Mrs. John I Kennedy and Miss Susan
' Holdredga. j
To Wed e Same Day.
Wednesday, June 28, la the date decided
upon for the wedding of Miss OUve Car
penter and Mr. George Barker, which will
be celebrated at the new home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Car
penter. On the same evening will be cele
brated the wedding of Mr. Barker's
younger brother, Mr. Joseph Barker, and
- Miss Isabel Ibbotaon ot Montreal. The
latter wedding will be celebrated at 6:30
o'clock at the church of St. James the
Apostle, Montreal. The wedding will be
very quiet and only relatives present,
owing to tha Illness of the bride' father.
Mr. George Barker and Mr. Joseph Bar
ker have each purchased home near the
Field club
Fete Day at Llneola.
A number of Omaha young people were
the guests of fraternities and sororities in
' .Lincoln for the week-end. The occasion
was the annual high school fete day given
by the university. Miss Dorothy Dal left
Friday morning for the Kappa Kappa
Gamma house, where she is the guest of
Miss Doris Wood. Miss Margaretta Burke
la staying with the Beta Phi's and the
Kappa Alpha Theta. Miss Loa Howard
Is kelng entertained by the Thetas and
Alphl Phis. All of the sororities are en
tertaining Informally for their week-end
gueats, who are present from all tha high
schools in the state. Friday evening Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Alpha Phi entertained
at Informal dances at their chapter houses.
Saturday evening Kappa Alpha Theta
gave a large dancing party. The fraterni
ties are also entertaining. Among the
Omaha boy wbe are in Lincoln are Mr.
Isaac Carpenter, Mr. Edwin Alderson
(Mr. Dick Payne and Mr. Walter Klopp.
Oaalkrem laauin Parties.
The Omikron club, although the regular
season of dances has closed, will not cease
to meet. A new feature will be introduced
Thursday when tha club will begin a series
of weekly luncheons at the Commercial
club. The datea for the summer parties
will not be announced until next week
It la probable that last summer's arrange
ments will be repeated. The club will
give a stunt party, something in the feature
ot a mock field meet, early In the summer.
This will be given at the Country club or
the Happy Hollow club. I.ast year the
golf tournament given at Happy Hollow
was a gieat success and this feature may
be repeated. Each member was Elven one
club with which to play the game. Sides
were chosen and the lowers' bought the
dinner for the entire party ot contestants.
Two dances will be given later at Happy
Hollow club.
CIbbj Electa Officers.
The Eta Vlrp club closed It regular
dancing season with a business meeting,
laal Thursday evening, and the electionof
the following officers: President. C. J.
Hanley; vice president. Otto Nielsen; trea
surer, E. L. Glover; secretary, Dr. Hayes
Changing the by-laws to allow a board
of directors to help steer the course of the
club and a theater party In the near future
and plans for the romint season were th
Important thlncs discussed. The retiring
officers ware commended tor their very
aftlcleut services during the season. Th
j ' ' V
fflSS LAURA Z2AZ whose wedding to UR.W.
-RmmpF WOOD will be- celebrated Jwie 6 at
Hans com jRi& MJJ. Cfizzrch .
treasurer's report shows the club to be In
very good financial circumstances.
I.ansraaare of Brldae.
Vn omana woman nas aecidea that there
decidedly a "Bridge whist" language.
The Omaha woman has some friends in
Chioago who are "bridge cranks," and
they decided to play an all night game
of bridge, ao the Omaha friend thought
she would telegraph some expert advice,
and started to send the following telegram:
"Don't make no trump unless you have
the cards." "I beg your pardon, wouldn't
It sound better . to say, 'Do not make any
trump, In stead of no trump," asked the
young woman, who was writing the mes
sage. "Well, I see that you do not play
bridge," answered the Omaha woman who
was sending the message.
High School Events
The last dance of the "Oma-Hl" club
was held Friday evening at Chambers'. A
great number of high school students were
present, besides the guest list Included
many of the school set. Several cosy cor
ners were arranged, and the decorations
were simple and artistic.
Miss lone Foog, Anna Purdy, Donald
Klpllnger and Lyl Lents were the com
mittee In charge of the dance. The club
Is to be organised again next year, and
the prospective membership numbers over
fifty. Those present were:.
Misses Mimes
lone Fogg, Helen Howe, -
Marene Burchmore, Marie Hampton, '
Francis Schmidt, Dora Haarmann,
Margaret Cott, Elisabeth Gould,
Marie Donahue. Katherine Lents,
josepnine congaon, eteita Tnummei
Eugene Patterson,
Beatrice Chapman,
Myrtle Haarmann,
Myrtle Hayden.
Florence Andrus,
Anna Anderson,
Emma Reese,
Lyllan Grotte,
Gladys Budlono-.
i oaDei j ones,
Ethel Fry,
Gladys Alpine,
Irene Harris,
Mary Corby,
Ruth Zlttle,
Anna Purdy,
f rancia Hostettier,
Elinor McCarthy,
Catherine Woodruth, Helge Rasmussen,
Minnie Johnson,
Addle Fogg,
John Drexel,
Herman Bantlan,
George Jacobs,
Lyle Lents,
James Halptne,
Joseph Adams,
William Huston,
Jack Poller.
Byron Rnhrbough,
Donald Klpllnger,
Glenn Wlern
Roy Greeting,
John Woodruth,
Paul Reeae,
Ewing Forbes.
Robert Connell,
Harry Menold, .
George Suchart,
Lester Burkenroad,
David Marvin,
Stuart Gould.
Clarence Shary,
Flwood Pratt,
George Rosa,
Lee Holllnger,
Morton Engleman,
Harry Marsh,
Earl Reel,
Harold Langdon,
Maurice Loomis,
John Cotter,
Tupper Wyman,
Archie Hocht,
Gilbert Loomis,
Oerrit Fort
Warren Breckenrldge
xnaroia j nomas,
Walter Marrlot,
Gerald Duffey,
Howard Home,
Isreal Israel.
Earl Connelly,
Wvman Bee be.
Albert Lewis.
Lletenant Colonel Voyl Rector, In charge
or the cadets of the Omaha High school,
and Miss Harriet Parmalee, the regimental
sponsor, will entertain the commissioned
officers and a number of young women at
Happy Hollow, Monday evening. May 29.
Miss Harriet Parmalee has the distinc
tion of being 1 the first regimental sponsor
to entertain the officers, and tha officers
are pleased with the Interest Mies Parma
lee takes in the regiment. 1
Miss Nell Ryan, sponsor of Company G.
will entertain the cadet of the company
at her home, 3857 Seward- street, Satur
day evening. Park Larmon, captain ot
the company, will assist the hostess in
providing entertainment for the cadets.
Miss Helen King and Mac Parkinson,
sponsor and major of the first battalion,
will entertain officers and friends at the
Rod and Gun club on the evening of
May 31. ,
Miss Marguaretta Burke and Ned Alder
son, sponsor and major of the third bat
talion, will entertain the officers and
friends at the home of Miss Burke. 1543
Park avenue, on May SO.
Miss Isabel Jones and Morton Engleman,
sponsor and captain of Company C, of the
Officers of
HSiirM'"- ' h,
"J"" ,
high school cadet regiment, will entertain
the company at the Field club, May SR.
A farewell party was given the seniors
of the Omaha High school last evening
at Dundee hall. This was the last high
school dance of the season. Messrs. Mao
Parkinson and Wayne Murphy were the
committee In charge of the dance. Senior
pennants and tha school colors were used
In decoration. Orange and black, the
senior colors, predominated. The guests at
the dance were:
Nell Ryan.
Isabel Jones.
Adelaide Funk-
Elizabeth Race.
Marie Rowley.
Gladys Bolt.
Arlean Maythen.
Eulah Renner.
Lillian Parsons.
Florence Heggway.
Nlta Hinman.
Harriet Parmalee.
Lyndell Jacobs.
Korlne Kline.
Muriel McCutcheon.
Muriel Baldwin.
Marie Niesman.
Blanche Brotherton. Helen King.
Emily Wentworth. Louise Fearon.
Halcyon Chambers.
Gladvs Robertson.
Marthena Moore.
Park Larmon.
Morton Engleman.
William Noble.
Harry Llndberg.
Kenneth Craig.
Lester Burkenroad,
Donald Fox.
Leonard Marshall.
Will Roe.
Louis Coaowey. ,
Roy Gates.
Paul Belsel.
Howard Blttlnger.
Mao Parkinson.
Wayne Murphy.
Lee Ellsworth.
Rex Houlton.
Tames McKlnnon.
Rustln Carrier.
Ruth Morris.
Evelyn Handschuch.
Messrs. '
Edward Perkins.
Robert Belndorf.
Russell Israel.
Harry Mason.
Kenneth Morton. -Herman
Louis Wavrln.
MUly Nicola
Carl I
Voyle Rector.
Lisle Keys.
George Jacobs.
Frank Anderson.
Robert Buallman.
Glen Lamb.
Edgar Morris. r
Herman Handschuh.
Guy Beckett.
Mrs. Herbert McCoy and Miss Helen Mo
Coy entertained the girls of the senior
class of the Omaha. High school Saturday
afternoon at their home. The class teach
ers. Miss Kate McHugh, Miss Jeeele Towne
and Miss Laura Bridge assisted in receiv
ing the 120 guests. The others assisting the
hostesses were Miss Bertha Vaughn, Miss
Kate Field. Miss Lenna Peake, Miss Grace
Leidyand Miss Blanche Brotherton.
Besides the senior girls there were pres
ent Miss Anna Peterson, Miss Susan Pax
ton and Miss Abba Bowen.'
The house was attractively decorated
with spring flowers. In the sitting room
and hall the colors, orange and black,
formed the basis for decoration. The high
school colors, purple and white, were used
In the dining room and library. The re
freshments were also elaborate. The can
dles were marked with the class date, 1911,
and the wafers were whits with O. H. S.
In purple.
Miss Loa Howard and Mr. Edwin Carson,
sponsor and captain of Company B of the
High school cadet regiment, will entertain
the company and the other officers and
their sponsors Friday, June 1, at the home
of Miss Howard.
Miss Elisabeth Alderson and Mr. Albert
Cahn, sponsor and captain of Company
D, will entertain at the home of Miss
Alderson the evening of June 2.
Miss Lillian Parsons and Mr. Louis
Wavrln, sponsor and captain of the High
school band, wilt entertain Tuesday even
ing at the home of Mr. Wavrin, 15)73 Dorcas,
May 23.
Pleasures Past
Mra W. A. Debord entertained a small
party at dinner Saturday evening for Miss
Ramona Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lemlst, Mis Curtis,
Mrs. Montgomery, General Dodge and Mr.
B. W. Hart were guest Thursday evening
at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles T. Stewart of Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Mosher Colpetzer gave an Informal
tea Friday afternoon for Mlsa Folda. who
has Just returned from a winter In Europe.
Omaha High School Cadets
lit If ;-:
,,,, .' -.-, ...... ,v i .
About thirty guests were present. Spiraea
and snow balls were used In decorating the
Saturday evening Major Harry Hale gave
an Informal dinner at his apartment, when
Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam C. Martin, Miss Forepa'J"i of St.
Paul, Mlsa Curtis, Miss Doane and Captain
Babcock were the guests.
Miss Alice Horton was hostess at an
afternoon luncheon Saturday given In
honor of Miss Marion Harnlsh, whose wed
ding to Mr. Taylor White of Denver will
take place In June. The rooms were decor
ated wtlh sweet reas and in each guest's
corsago bouquet was concealed a small
heart announcing the engagement of Mlas
Horton and Mr. T. L. Trout of this city.
Covers were laid for twelve.
Mrs. J. W. Woodruff entertained Satur
day for Miss Marie Butts, who Is to be
married June 7. A color scheme of pink
and white was used In decorating. A large
wedding ring In the middle of tho table
was filled with bridal wreath. From this
ring pink satin bands extended to each
cover, where the guests found a doll's silk
hose filled with salted nuts. Packages ot
hosiery, presented by the guests to the
bride, were drawn to her place by the pink
ribbons. The afternoon was spent In feather
stitching dust cloths In colors. Twelve
guests were present.
Mr. and M,rs. J. Van Rensselaer gave a
buffet In their apartments at the Colonial
last evening after a theater party given
by their kon. Franklin R. Van Rensselaer,
for the Van Rensselaer-Lord bridal party.
Those piesent ere: Major and Mrs. Her
bert M. I-oid. Mrs. C. M. Secrist of Chi
cago, Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Rensselaer,
Miss Ruth M. Lord, Miss Mary Richard
son, Miss Mildred Rogers, Miss Helen
Forbec, Miss Nannie Page, Mr. Franklin
H. Van Rensaelaer, Mr. Charles O. Vos
bugh, Mr. Joseph Barton, Mr. Taylor
Belcher, Mr. Selden II. Armat, Mr. Jack
Guild, Mr. J. Van Rensselaer, jr.
Miss Frances Rogers entertained at her
home Saturday in honor of Miss Grace
Wilkc, who is to be a June bride. A
kenslngton and hosiery shower was given.
Red and white carnations made an ef
fective centerpiece for the table. The
hosiery was presented In a basket tied
with red and white ribbons. Those present
Grace Wllke,
Bertha Heltfeldt.
Jean Matters,
Orena Morse,
William Wllke,
A. C. Drelbus,
P. J. Drelbus,
W. A. Drelbus.
Hilda WUke, .
Edna Wllke.
Mary O'Neill,
Frances Rogers.
C. D. Glover,
John McCulley,
Jesse Rogers,
Mr. andMrs. George U. Seymour of
Elgin, Neb., entertained Saturday evening
for their daughter, Miss Alma Seymour,
one of this year's graduates from Brownell
Hall. The party left the Hall In, a tallyho
at 4 o'clock and after a ride returned to
the Paxton hotel to a banquet given by
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour. The guests were
members of the senior class and Included
Miss Eertha Dickey, Miss Glen Way, Miss
Helen Lent, Mlsa Ruth Wales of Sioux
City, Mlas Ava Johnson of Fairfax, S. D.;
Miss Bess Cattle of Seward, Neb.; Miss
Katharine Huffman cf Neely, Neb.; Miss
Alma Seymour and Perna JackBon of El
gin. Neb.; Miss Nana Cotterman of Ma
nllla, P. I.; Miss Mildred Miles of Sidney,
Neb., and Miss Ruth Strelta of North
Mrs. John H. Shary, who entertained at
a series of mustcales and luncheons Friday
and Saturday at her home, had a surprise
for her guests. After a delightful program
of music, given by Mrs. Shary. Mr., Gard
ner and Mrs. Edith Waggoner, luncheon
was served, but Instead of having the
small tables brought in, luncheon was
served in the new garage, which had just
been completed at the Shary home. The
Interior of the garage was covered with
bands of green and white bunting, and to
this was attached sprays of snow balls,
bridal wreath and other spring blossoms.
forming a beautiful arbor. Small tables
were arranged for the fifty guests Friday
afternoon. Green basket filled with mar
guerites and ferns formed the centerpieces
for the tables, and around the room were
bowls of lavender Iris. Mrs. Shary enter'
talned sixty guests at a musicals and
luncheon Saturday afternoon.
The Pan Danolng club gave its annual
May party Friday evening at the Rome
hotel. It was a dinner dance, covers being
laid for the entire club at one large table
in the banquet hall. Favors of May baa
Lets filled with sweet peas were at the
place of each of the women guests and but
tonhole bouquets for the men. Carnations
were scattered profusely over the table.
During the evening letters and telegrams
were received and read by different mem
bers which furnished a great deal of amuse
ment A souvenir leather vanity purse
and card case combined was presented to
each of the women guests. The dance pro
gram of the club colors artistically ar
ranged with the Pan Insignia embossed
In gold on the back were also souvenirs:
Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Homan,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dudley.
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Bulla.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cajacob.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tag.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherwood
Theresa Robblns,
Beatrice Cole.
Francis Gould,
Thomas Allen,
Harry Cheek,
Joseph Tanner,
Roy Gillespie,
Elizabeth Behrens,
Delia Jacobsen,
Nell Howard.
Neal Bowlby.
James Trimble,
James Allen,
Floyd Sherwood.
At the Field Club
The Field club . management announce
that beginning Thursday noon ladles'
luncheons will be served the sunt as last
Several small dinner parties were given
Saturday evening preceding the regulnr
club dance. Thoae entertaining were Mr. L.
C. Sholee, our; Mr. Loomis and Mr. Tal-
.. ' , f
madge, nine; Dr. Anson, four; Mr. Francis
rotter, four; Mr. F. A. Kwlng, seven; Mr.
W". H. Murray, four; Mr. J. P. Cook, four;
Mr. 8. S. Miller, four; Mr. J. E. Rugg,
three; Mr. John Ixirette, six; Mr. F. P.
Whitman, four; Mr. L. Glfford, five; Mr.
J. E. Buckingham, seven
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien had as their
dinner guests Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Eldrldge. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
English and Mr. Edward O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. Malchten celebrated
their twentieth annlversnry with a dinner
Saturday evening. The table decoration
were a basket of spring flowers. Those
present were Mr. Henry Meyer, Mrs. Julius
Hallo of Dcnlson, la.; Mr. and Mrs. O.
Hulse, Mlsse'a Margaret Malchlcn, Mlas
Helen Malchlen, Minnie Malchlen, Mr. F.
A. Malchlen.
Mr. and Mrs." E. B. Carrlgan enter
tnlned at dinner Saturday evening for their
house guests, Mrs. John Henry Pratt, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Tllden. all of Albion, N. Y.
Besides the honor guests there were present
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tompkins, Mr. and
Mrs. Burton Reed, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mc
Call and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Carrlgan.
At Happy Hollow
Mr. I. Slbbernson will entertain 150 guests
kt luncheon at the Happy Hollow club
Monday, May 29. His gueats will Include
Ihe members of the Danish Singing
Happy Hollow club will open Saturday,
May 17. with the first, table d'hote dinner
at 7 o'clock, followed by dancing, places
have already been reserved for 175 gueats
and almost (00 are expected. One party
dining together will be Mr. and Mrs. 8. R.
Rush, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Talmage. Mr.
and Mrs. O. Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
I. Elllck, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Klmberley,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carmlchael, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Reed, Mrs. W. E." Rhoades
and Miss Gladys Goodman.
At the Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith entertained
at the Country club last evening. Their
guests were Miss Phelps, Mlsa Davis and
Mr. Phelps, all of Boston; Miss Pauline
Bourke and Mr. Paul Gallagher.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Baldrlge entertained eight guest at din
ner. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brogan enter
tained eight guests.
The club will give a table d'hote dinner
every Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, fol
lowed by dancing. Reservations should be
In by Friday noon. Lunch will be served
Sunday noon and evening. Reservations
should be In by Friday evening. Every
Wednesday at 7 o'clock there will be a
table d'hote dinner an4 dance. Reserva
tions must be In by Tuesday noon.
For the Future
Mrs. Allan Murphy will entertain the
Theta Bridge club Tuesday morning at her
ilin Anna Bourke will entertain at din
ner Monday, May 29, In honor of Miss
Cudahy and Mr. Wilhelm.
The Knight of Columbus, Omaha coun
cil, announce their annual May party
Thursday evening. May 25, at Chamber.
Friday afternoon Mr. A. V. Shotwell
will entertain at her home for Mrs. Capune
of Chicago, who is the guest of Mrs. W. R.
Mrs. W. K. Swisher will entertain the
Comls club the afternoon of May 25 In
Brandela assembly room. Refreshments
will be served In th Green Room annex.
Mrs. W. R. Morand will entertain Tues
day afternoon for Mrs. . Capune of Chi
cago. The guest will enjoy an old-fash
ioned kenslngton on the porch of th
Morand home.
There will be a special meeting of th
University Club of Omaha Tuesday, May
28, at 13 o'clock noon, at the Paxton hotel,
at luncheon, in honor of Dr. Henry
nurcnin lung, president of Oberlln col
lege. The P. E. O. oclety will meet Thursday
afternoon, May 25, at the home of Mr. S.
H. Crocken, U17 South Thlrty-lxth treet.
The guest will be the mother of the mem.
bers. Mrs. O. C. Craven will give a book
review or "The Life of Helen Keller."
Mrs. E. G. Jones of Dundee will give
an afternoon party at her home Tuesday
In honor to Miss Ramona Taylor, whose
marriage to Mr. Clement L. Waldron will
take place June 14. Mrs. W. A. DeBord
will also entertain for this same bride-to-be
(Saturday evening at the Field club, fol
lowed by a house party at her home.
Wedding Bells
Invitations have been Issued for the
Platt-McHugh wedding, which will take
place June 28, at the home of the bride,
2219 Dodge street
Mr. and Mr. T. C. Phelan announce the
engagement of their daughter, Margaret,
to Dr. Marcus L. King. The wedding will
take place in early June.
The wedding of Miis Almee Johnston
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward John
ston, C560 Poppleton avenue, to George F.
Beyer will be celebrated June 6.
The wedding of Mlas Luella Harford and
Mr. Alfred Cornish will take place the
afternoon of 'June 1. It will be a very
mall wedding and there will be no attend
ants. Bishop John L. Nuelsen will offi
The wedding of Miss Anna O'Connor,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connor,
and Mr. John D. Wear will take place
Wednesday afternoon, June 21, at St.
Peter's church. Miss Mry O'Connor, sis
ter of the bride, will be maid of honor,
and Mr. Joe Wear, brother of the groom
will be best man. The ushers will be Mr.
Bert Murphy. Dr, Louis Bushman, Dr.
Frank Welllnger and Mr. John O'Connor.
Invitations were issued Friday for the
wedding of Mr. Ralph Millard West, son
of Mr. Joel W. West of this city, to Miss
Mildred Warburton, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David R. Warburton of Grinnell. Ia
The ceremony will be celebrated Thursday
evening. June 1, at 8:S0 o'clock at the home
of the brides parents. The wedding is the
culmination of a college romance, both
Miss Warburton and Mr. West graduating
in the isame class from Grlnntll college.
Invitations for tha wedding of Miss
Laura Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jotn Frank Dale, to Mr. William Highter
Wood, were Isbued Friday afternoon. The
ceremony will he celebrated Tursdny even
ing, June . at the liar.scum 1'ark Metho
dist Episcopal church, and will be followed
ty a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mies Mariha Dale will be nia'.d of honor.
The bridesmaids will be M:ss Dorothy Dalo
and Miss Dorothy Fulton of Chicago,
cousin of the bride. The grooms attendant
mill be Mr. J. C. McC'lur. The ushers will
be Mr. John L. Kvuns of Emerson, Is.;
Mr. Doane Powell, Mr. John R. Uunoal
snd Mr. Fred Dale. Mrs. J. C. Fulton and
Miss Dorothy Fulton will arrive this week
from Chicago.
A number of social affairs will be given.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hreckenrldge will give
a dinner this week for the bridal party.
Mr. and Mrs. Frd Dale will entertain at
dinner the evening of Saturday, June S. at
th Field club. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wood
A y 11
.:X'zr UJi
Dont merely buy invest
Albert Edholm
INSURED against fire moths- burglary.
Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Doug. 3040.
From the Trans-Caucasia comes the Genjas or
Guenjas Rugs. They are small, mat size, usually about
3 to 4x5 feet. They are most interesting because tho
weavers have copied closely the designs though not
the colorings of the Kazaks, Daghestans, Cabistans,
with a few of the traditional characters of the Shiraz.
The pile short, warp and "weft is wool. The knots run
from 45 to 75 to a square inch. Selvedge is a heavy
cord, in some cases overcast with goat hair in some
cases overcast with vari-colored wool. A great many
of the weavers make up prayer or "Namazie" Rugs
which have in them 'either the Daghestan or Bokhara
prayer arch.
Prices, $12.00 to $18.00
As we are the only direct importers of Oriental
Rags in Omaha, you have here the opportunity of
making a first selection.
A visit from you will Ibe looked forward to.
A Suit-Tailored for a Wo
man by a ManBy a man who
establishes Omaha's $50
will give a dinner party for Miss Dale and
Mr. Wood. May 30, at Happy Hollow club.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dale will entertain at
dinner June 5. at their home for the wed
ding rarty. This event will be' followed
by a rehearsal of the ceremony.
Personal Gossip
Miss Margaret Anderson has returned
tiotn a three months' visit In Panama.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash are expected
home Monday from a week In New York.
Mrs. Julius Ball ? of Denlson, la.. Is the
guest of her mother. Mrs. Henry Meyer.
Mr. li. II. (,'uinby returned homo Friday
from the west, where he has spht the laxi
few months.
Mrs. Georgia Paxton returned from a
seven e'ki' visit In New York, Cleveland
Mid ""h clnnatl.
MIhs I'htli'S, Miss Davis and Mr. Phelps
of Boston are the gutts of Mr. and Mr.
Arthur C. Smith.
Mr. Juuw Houston is spending Ma vaca-
(Continued on Page Three.)
Diamond Time
Visitors to this f-torc during
the pjist week wore iiinnzoil nt
the magnificence of the dia
mond display. Karcly would
one find any store carrying
such a stock of diamonds. We
do not have these stones in
regular display, but we do offer
one of the finest ami most ex
tensive assortments in the west.
Every stone is n splondid study
in diamond purity true color
and tense brilliance. "With June
brides and summer almost at
hand, one naturally thinks of
buying n diamond, it may be a
solitaire for the June bride, or
a ring for yourself but what
ever it is, you will find ihe rich
est quality and tho most com
us to show vou our lame collec
tion before you buy.
Sixteenth and Harney Sts.
stores tors
Webster-Sunderland Dldg.
Phone Douglas 7479
N. E. Cor. 16th and Howard
A IVtfw; Discovery
for Autoists
Adds Much to
Its Enjoyment
Many people do not enjoy autolng, driv
ing, or other outdoor pleasures as they
should, because their skin is so sensativ
to the sun and wind. The discomfort ex
perienced afterwards mars tnis pleasure, pu.
Sunburn. Tan. Roueli and Red 8 kin are-
not nleasunt. but a way has' been found') T
- - r m 1
1 1 ..ullv nrAiAnfr all tlif. a. ... ( au u.tnA .
who uses this plan can have perfect skin
comfort. The Velvetlna gystem is a won
der worker. Before going out, apply Vel
vetlna Vanishing Cream to the face, hands,
etc.. and It is simply Impossible to sun
burn or tan. Dust will adhere, and not
get into the pores of the skin, cIokkIi'S
tnein, cauulug bluekneudu, elu. It In en
tirely d.ilerent from anything elsH, as It
keeps the skl.t slightly moim, absolutely
proiectiiig it. Uiviaible, not a beauUfiei',
but should nlwjvs be used before povvuuia
or beuutiflers, it they a. there, inakiun an
entirely invisible natural appearance,
'the Velvetlna iiyitem for beautifying and
protecting la to first use the Velvelina
Vanishing Crfac.i, 60c; Velvetin-t l-'are
powder, 35c; auO for flesh tint,
add Velvatina i.ouge, :5c, and If an en
amel effect n desired, Instead of the
powder use Velvatlnn Hkln Beaut Ifter,
6Uc. Itc finer!. deliKhtful and a perfect
protection. At all dealers. If yours can
rot supply you, we will, and tell you ail
about it.
Second Floor City National Bank Bldf.
Telephone Douglas 199.
Corset Perfection
The differeace between buying yonr
coraets In Paris or buying aa Artist
Model la Arusrtoa Is only a differ
ence la location.
The Artist Model Is always aa up-to-date
as th Parisian artlol. It is
made to give you satrsme eomfort
while yon get extreme style.
Our private fitting room give 7n
that privacy you desire.
80S Be. 17th Bt.
Brand! Theater Bid.
Call Doug. 474a.
Uae Dollar fer Yew.