TKE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 21, 1911. E TRA.NGE that more of the Busy Beea hare not been out TlalUng ' the parka, or out In the wooda gathering wild flower. Oh, lome of you have been? Well, the rest of ua would like to bear fibout those excursions. Won't you write ua and tell of the tramp over the billa and down the ravines to pluck the violet or the columbine? We would like to read of the ex cursions and eh a re your pleasure In finding the blossoms. When you got back from the trip you no doubt-were tired, and hungry, and sleepy, from being out In the sun and wind. But the next day, or the next, you could remember your sensations and had time to write. If all the Bees would write of flower excursions, picnics or the summer games, we would have a great many good stories fori the page. Try It :,rl by fiitlcISlk Prises were awarded this week to Mary Katherine Harrison, Queen Bee, and to Helen Verrlll, ex-Queen Bee. Both on the Blue side. Honorable mention was siren Donald Mahaffey on the Red Bide. r ratr inn - - .r i -fr Any of the Busy Bees may send carda to anyone whose name Is on the Postcard Exchange, which now includes: f'" Z Img A Ins worth. Neb. Marl. Fleming, Ojeola, Neb. I i!h! u I Barnston. Neb. Lotta Wood., pawnee City, Neb. Lillian Mervln, Heaver City. Neb. E.ri p-rums. Reddlnrton. Neb. Exina Ennls. Stanton. Neb. Lena Peterson 2211 Locust St.. E. Omaha. whlt were ke a blg boll, Ina Carney, Sutton, Clay county, Nebraska. ' Clara Miller, Utlca. Neb. , Box 11. Mildred P. Jones, North Loup, Neb. AMa Wllken, Waco, Neb. Leo Beckord, Waco, Neb. Mae Qrunke, West Point, Neb. Elsie Ptasnay, Wllber. Neb. Frederick Ware, Wlnslde, Neb. Pauline Parka, York, Neb. Edna Renting. ?ork, Neb. Mary Fredrick, York. DTeb. Marguerite Baiolornew, Gothenburg, Neb. ir,ne Reynolds, Little Sioux. 'la. i , a i5' CT ' -nries street, urana Ethel Mulholland, Hex 71. Malvern, la. Island, Neb. vi.iin.- M,in ! Mabel Witt. Bennington. Neb Anna Ootlsch, Bennington, Neb. Minnie Uottsch, Bennington, Neb. Asnes Dampke. Benson. Neb. Marie Qallaber, lienkleman, Neb Ida May, Central City, Neb. Vera Cheney, Crelghton, Neb. Louis Hahn. David City, Neb. lihea Freldell Dorchester. Neb. Aleda Bennett, Klgln, Neb. Eunice Bode, Falls City, Neb. Ethel Reed, Fremont, Neb. Mulda Lundburg, Fremont, Neb. Marlon t.'uppe. Gibson, Neb. (First Prlie.) Li the Park. Br Mary Katherine Harrison, 2M North Twenty-second Street. Age 11. I had a peek Into the woods yesterday. They were so beautiful and gay that I do believe the Fairy Queen of May has passed that way. The orchards, all pink and t. How frag rant and fresh the air wu. At Elmwood park, half way down on the aide ot a green hill, a spring babbled out and sparkled like heaps of dew. We had a drink out of our handa. A big elmwood tiee shaded the spring. They must be kind friends, for the spring flowed back into the hill to water the roots of the elm. RULES FOR YOUNG WRITERS 1. Write plainly on one side of the paper only and nnmber the pages. . Use pen and Ink, not pencil. S. Short and pointed articles will be given preference. Do not use aver S50 words. 4. Original stories ot letters only will be used. 8. Write yonr name, age and address at the top of the first page. First and seoond prises of books will be given for the best tvfo con tributions to this page each week. Address all communications to CKXLDREVa DZJPABTMEJrT Omaha Bee, Omaha, Xeb. the branches of the poplar tree, which was like any other tree then. Now, this pot of gold belonged to the Goddess of the Rainbow, who was Ju piter's sister. Bo she asked him to ask the gods and goddensrs If they bad seen the pot of gold, but nobody had seen It. So he came to earth and the trees held up their branches to show that they had not the pot of gold, and all of a sudden the pot of gold came from the branches of the poplar tree. She was so ashamed that after that she always held up her branches to show that she was Innocent, because the man had put the pot of gold in the branches of the poplar tree. To this day the poplar holds up her branches. Fairy Story. By Marjorle Armlstead, North Bend, Neb., Aged ( Years. The story of King Corn. "At first," said the corn, "I was tn a store, and a man came and bought ma He took me to his home In the country and planted me In a field. It was very dark under the ground, and 1 stayed there for what seemed to me a year. But Mother Nature was very good to me. She sent her rain and sunshine to me and soon I begar. to grow, and soon I saw the sun The BE'S Junior Birthday Book Ihis 23 the r-TT7iL w Day We Celebrate j May 21, 1911. Name and Addreas. : .-, , a ' I, 11 ELIZABETH EDMONDSON. 1717 Nicholas BU-oet. School, rv.,: . . . uieanor Meiior. juaivem. la. .yoia rvoin. west .oenig street, urand Katherine Mellor. Malvern, la. wltVi inm tcuA unA watAr hut wnuM But It came out a little way down the side not ,at Qr drlnk( he WM ,orry t0 of the hill and fell over green moasy rocks. . IhVn-1 TrynB'ad t0,gu UVr Eleanor Austin, 8515 Dodge St Columbian II the ground. I had now a stock and a., , ivi,ul, 11 leaf and I was very proud. I grew bigger Dudley Brown, 1117 Park Ave .ebstor 1 every day and soon I had an ear of corn. Ethel Booth, 2024 Grant St LaKe 1 Island, Neb. win- t , . , nuin Jibut i l 'l l , inHiium, tn. Klla Voss, 407 West Charles street, Grand Marnaret B. Wltherow, Thurman, la. T.l!Jn?v. fin TO , v.u . . Bertha McEvoy, R. F. D. 3, Box 2S, Mis- Irene tostello 116 West Eighth street 80UP Valley. Ia. tif Ii r1"LBfndU , . , . . Henry U Worklnger. 8063 West Huron Jessie Crawford, 406 West Charles street, street Chicago trn1 J'l?' ebi Adlena'Sorry, Monarch. Wyo.. Box 31. a1'inf MhUile-, lJS1W0f B.D.u , . Fred Sorry, Monaroh, Wyo.' Martha. Murphy, U Kast Ninth Street, n,.,, narron. Monarch. Wvo. John Barron, Monarch, Wyo, and mads a little waterfall. Then It flowed A Dandelion, into a creek, which had such a soft sandy Kather,n, Que,n tt half a. Pr etty as the ear of corn It- Warren Cook 2608 Harney St Grand Island. Neb. Hugh Kutt, Leshara, Neb. Hester F. Rutt, Leshura, Neb. Alice Temple, Lexington, Neb. Ruth Temple, Lexington, Neb. Anna Nellsnn, Lexlnston, Neb. Edythe Kreita, Lexington, Neb. Marjorle Temple, Lexington, Neb. Anna Grassmeyer, J645 C street, Lincoln. Marian Hamilton, tcua L street, Lincoln, Elsie Hamilton, 2029 L street, Lincoln. Irene Dlsner, 2030 L street. Lincoln. Hughle Dinner, 2030 L street, Lincoln. Edith Amend. Sheridan. Wyo. Pauline Squire. Grand, Okl. Fred Shelley, 230 Troup street, Kansas City, Mo. Mary Mcintosh, Sidney, Neb. Nellie Dledrlck, Sidney. Neb. Ev nice Wrlnht, 632 North Logan street, Fremont, Neb. Carol Simpson, Wllber. Neb. Phyllis Haag, 632 West Seventeenth street York. Neb. Maclle Moore, Silver City, Ia. Charlotte Boggs, 227 South Fifteenth street MaDel Houston, 3018 Sherman avenue, Omaha. Helen Johnson. S34 South Seventeenth Dorotny Tolleson. 4340 North Thirty-eighth street, Lincoln. tret Omaha. Altnea Myers, 224 North Sixteenth street Mabel Baer. Lander, Wyo. Lincoln. Corlnne Allison Robertson, Wllber, Neb. !n- MM'n.M7 ? vn! Kh Elisabeth Wright. 1322 South Thirty-fifth Estelle McDonald, Lyons, Neb. avenue Omaha Milton Belser, Nebraska City Neb Marlon 'staples, 1313 South Thirty-first A i I J viTa.ui4, I'rui Bnn, a, w. Luolle Haznn, Norfolk. Neb. Aged 11 Years, 2404 North Twenty- Second street Blue side. I know a lion; He does not roar Stands on one leg Instead of four. When a young fellow His mans is yellow; When he's old and gray You blow him away. You think he's not handy, But for cure he's dandy. I've said his full name; If you can't guess, I'm not to blame. The Poplar Tree. By Margaret Folden, SOlfi Jackson Street Omaha, Aged 11 Years. Blue Side. carried it away. When he got into the street. Omaha. ir r """ -i.v m.m. Phyllis Corbett, Sidney, Neb. Neb. Emma Marquardt, Fifth street and Maul son avenue, Norfolk, Neb. Uenevleve M. Jones, Nortn Loup, Keo, H.,,v p.,.,,- in Fnet Flnt street. Grand WUllam Davia 2ai tfest Third street North H,rtRNih K Award Beckard, Waco, Neb. Ellen Peteriion, Flfty-f.rst and O streets. South Omaha. bottom that I wished to wade. There are many beautiful trees at Miller park. The birds sang joy, joy, flitting from tree to tree, for now is their nesting time. The jay has come, too, for he noisily announced himself while flying from a sweet bud tree. He seemed to say: "I can make a noise' if I can't sing." The lake was olear and I could see sky tints of pink and blue In It Near a rippling field of green wheat we spied a most fool ieh baby rabbit. Why, he just sat and stared at us with big, Innocent eyes. I hope he will get his rabbit education be fore fall. Birds. (Second Prise.) By Helen Verrlll, Ex-Queen, Aged 14, The Strehlow, No. 19, Omaha, Blue Side. One day as I was looking out of the window I saw a nest with four little eggs her branches? It is because once upon a in it. It was Just about a toot from ths time a man went to the end of a rainbow As if to wake the people on that peaceful P.rn l.lf 111. ,Mt. r,ln. I, .D.d". and I thought it very pretty. Not long Elizabeth Edmondson, 1717 Nicholas St.,.. after a sad thing happened. The man of Daniel 13. fuller, Z561 Dodge bt the house came out to look at his corn. Mary A. Gutter. 4014 North Thirty-third St... When he came up to ma and saw my Rudolph Hornlg, 1601 Frederic St Castellar ear of corn he tore it off my stalk and Samuel Horn. 621 North Central Boulevard Webster Farnam Lincoln Kcllom Central Druid Hill. .. John Hewitt, 3039 Meredith Ave. hniiaaa Yi a nut It vrltVt sa Int tt nthas nnm and took it down to the mill and had It G' Helslng. 807 North Forty-third St ground up. I have had many ears of Ella Johnson, 974 North Twenty-seventh Ave. ...Monmouth Park ...High . . .1903 ...1901 ...1901 . . .1900 ...1905 . . .1904 . . .1901 1902 1894 , Webster corn, but I never forgot the first ear." An Easter Morning. By William Campen, Aged 14 Years, CU South Twenty-sixth Street. Red Side. The sky was clear and blue. With a few yellowish streaks, of red in view; The air was still and soft, Which was chilled by a wind from aloft, i Most everyone was fast asleep. For It was yet too early for them to peep, lllnnl, TAl.n.nn 1141 If Me a n Of tlitfll luuiuic i uuuouu, o A & a uiaouu oi. , i i iii&u ......... Inez Johnson, 2920 South Twentieth St Vinton 1905 Annie Kuchlrlk, 2807 Dupont St Dupont 1902 Marie Knott, 1318 South Fourth St Train 1902 Isabel Kolniits, 1513 North Twentieth St Kellom 1898 Florentlna Kosowska, 2920 Frederick St Im. Conception. ... 1897 Fannie H. Livingston, 1329 South Thirty-first St.... High 1898 Helen Miller, 3311 Harney St High 1893 Helen M. McAullff, 2211 South Nineteenth St. Hulda Nelson, 418 Walnut St. . Do you know why the poplar holds up But tha blrdYVere singing beautiful I songs Johnnie Nelson, 2636 Chicago St. with all their might, Inland. Neb. Jeanette McBrlde, Elgin. Neb. Platte. Neb. Louise Raabe, 2608 North Nineteenth ave nue, Omaha, Frances Johnson, 93S North Twenty fifth avenue, Omaha Marguerite Johnson, 033 North Twenty' fifth avenue, Omaha Helen Goodrich. 4010. Nicholas street S?!1. "obU?5' a,r k"k ' NB' Omaha. "'J" y'T'"- window in a grape-arbor. By and by a and found a pot of gold. song sparrow came and sat on the eggs and in a few days I saw four tiny baby birds, and when their mother or father He put it into morning so bright. Frances E. Newmann, 47 U St. R. F. D. Doris Payne, 3206 South Twenty-third St. ...... . Elizabeth Wright, 1322 Uouth Thirty-fifth came to feed them they looked as If they avenue, Omaha. wrA u mouth, and very selfish. Eunice Wright. Kl North Logan street, . . hra.. crumbl - .. window sill Birthday Letter. Fremont. Neb. a sleeping: beast. . , i A1 . ., ..-... .i.k...l hi. m v in tTHl irwram iniioi, Sadie Finch, 201fi Fourth avenue, Kearney, ana tne mgtner-oira wouia come ana gei birthday on April 20. and his picture was While the sun filling the earth with bright- Neb. r . them when l was stanaing ngm near. published in Ths Bee on that flay. Many . . ", . One morning about two or three weeks 0f Edwin's little playmates and school- Ana D11 we " Joyrui- M.rv 2 rvntrai boulevard. Neis L. Olson. Vail. Ia. ' ater neara a ioi oi cnirping, ana wnen i fellows saw the picture ana congratuiaiea The church ehlmes rang out from beyond Omaha. central bouievaro, B Wel eare Miller. 196 East Third street looked out of ths window the birds were him, but he is now prouder than ever of To wake the people all around. Eva- Hendee, 4401 Dodge street. Omaha, ;J!f?J,'!''k I'w .m) rvm.ha. ' learning to fly. It was so funny to see his birthday picture, for it brought him P''fsiifrireomaaa.- " stehicbTr , Eait dSKiqWii!. them flap their winds and fly a few this very nice letter from th. famous lee- A Trip Through South America. Xewis roil, uq irranKiin street, umana, i,vi..nn mo Wm On. Hundred lnh.a .tr.lch nn nd th.n drnn In tha iiT-.r nr.r.h.r anil humnrlat. T?.v TtAhcrt x wiuj n... r.n...h. rw.fc. Agea 10 rears, km erne. After a while a red ball of f.r. arose from Raymond Powell. 4007 North Thirtieth St. the east Eddie Kynarzewske, 2 518 South Thirtieth St High , 1896 WhhPlendPid Ben8en Rwler. "08 Grant St High 1892 And whose rays aa they fell awoke many Martna rjnutte, 2715 Elm St Oastellar 1903 wuamia innes, sw r on streei. uibm. . r .-. Mw Vork Cltv Bassett Rur, 18i4 Ulnney street Omana, .r ifn.UU tS.vM riv Neb. , Meyer Cohn. 840 Georgia avenue, Omaha M"75Mu7?. VLt mT?,ii T Nrih Welen F. Douglas, 1981 O street. Lincoln. "lr vJV,,r,h'w;vi vih Ada Morris. S424 Franklin street Omaha. Father McNeat Wayne. Neb. Myrtle Jensen, 29U9 ltard street, Omaha Katie Weudt 908 North Seventeenth street, Orrln Fisher, 1210 8. Eleventh St., Omaha Omaha. Mildred Erlckson, 2709 Howard St., Omaha. Hflen Bartos, 2314 South Fourteenth street Oscar Erickson. 2709 Howard St., Omaha Omaha. . Gall Howard, 4722 Capitol avenue, Omaha Clirlstlnk Stephen. 8017 South Central Helen Houck, 1626 Lothrop street, Omaha. boulevard. Omaha. i Emerson Goodrich. 4O10 Nicholas, Omaha. Gertrude denser, 2907 South Twenty-first Maurice Johnson, 1027 Locust St., Omaha. street. Omaha. ! Leon Carson, 1124 North Fortieth, Omaha Forrest Perrln, 8U South Thirty-seventh ' Wlima Howard, 47211 Capitol Ave . Omaha. street, Omaha. Hlian Fisher, 1210 South Eleventh, Omaha, Frank Freeman, 1311 Georgia avenue, Edna Heden, 2789 Chicago street, Omaha umaiia. Mabel Shelf elt. 4014 Nflrth Twenty-fifth Lculae Watklns, Helen Silver, 4312 Erskine St Clifton Hill 1904 Clifford F. Schurlg, 108 North Fortieth St .Saunders J904 Louis D. Swanson, 2602 Poppleton Ave . .Park 1906 Wilhelm J. Sick, 1347 South Twenty-sixth St .Park 1905 Frank Sullivan, 1837 North Twenty-first St..'. Kellom 1895 Sigg Slanger, 2 9 0 5 Elm St , im. Conception .... 1 9 0 4 Josephine Walsh, 3601 South Nineteenth St. ...... .Vinton' .....1895 uien watson. 2 607 North Eighteenth St Lake . Oerhart F. Wengel. 211 Walnut St Train South street. Omaha. Walter Johnson, 2405 North Twentieth. street, Omaha Emma Carruthers, S211 North Twenty-fifth street, Omaha Leonora Lenlson. 807 William St.. Omaha Mue Hammond, O'Neill. Neb. Mildred Jensen, 436 North Nye Ave., Fremont, Neb. Madge L. Daniels, Ord, Neb. Zola DeCdeo, Orleans, Neb. 2614 E street, Omaha Reath i Shelton. Checotah, Okl. Marlon Albert Bradley. 310 North Nine teenth street, Omaha. Harold E. seventh stroet. Omaha Al're Thomas, 611 South Thirty-fifth street, Omaha Ruth Shotts, 2233 West Trie street, Chicago. Arthur Maann. 1205 North Irving street Fremont Neb. nest strain. But before the day was over J. Burdette. for whom he is named: they could fly very well, and in the morn- "BOSTON, May 7, 191L My Dear Boy: I first got on a train, went to New Donald B. White, 4118 Grant St ' Clifton ing they flew away and never came back. A thousand thanks for your birthday plo- York and then boarded a ship ror South Floyd P. Zarp, 1507 South Twenty-sixth St J Park , ture. I am proud to be standing in the America Ws went to Brazil, in the rub- ) I middle of your nama That's the meatiest ber section, where they raised rubtier part of the sandwich, you know. You had trees. Every twenty years they tap the a long chase after me, but you caught me trees, then send the rubber to Para, hers at last. I am on a 'go-look-see" tour After I was through visiting Brazil I in Yankeeland, and will return home about went to Venezuela, where they raise cof June 10. fee, but not the kind ws drink In the "I spent two or three days with James United Statea Whttcomb Riley, who ha been very ill, Next I Went In a different part of but Is now happily, cheerily and hopefully Venezuela where they raise cocoa trees, children. Papa said we had better sell convalescent. His mind is clear as crystal, in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela him or givs him away, because he tors his bodily strength daily increasing. He After that I was Just about ready to go Water?" a writer In the Young Folks' our stockings and frightened the baby, taias ana laugns ana tens stories numor- home, when I happened to think I forgot Catholic Weekly says: "When I was Hill. . 1901 1899 1898 1904 Trix, (Honorable Mention.) By Donald Mahaffey. Aged Years, 4023 Charles Street. Red Side. One time I had a little dog named Trix. He was a fine cocker spaniel. He knew how to play hide-and-go-seek with us large cities, which were Buenos Ayres ing day In the tropica and in the clear sky and the La Plata countries. overhead a black rain cloud appeared all .men w mua, ma snip some ana went or a suaaen. Then out of empty space over around to San Francisco and turned to Omaha. then re- Sea Birds Drink Bala. Under the headline, "Where Do They Oet a hundred sea, birds came darting from every direction. They got under the rain cloud, and waited there for about ten minutes, circling round and round, and when the rain began to fall they drank their fill. In the tropics, where the great sea birds sail thousands of miles away Paffenrath, 816 South Thirty Soon after a man said he would buy him. ous and pathetic with the old-time Riley to visit Argentina. Its climate was about cabin boy I often used to wonder, seeing , "bore, they get their drinking water The day before he went away some chil dren came over and we all played hide-and-seek with him. When the day cams for him to go away we put him in a bog The Lion and the Owl--A Strange Story HI 119 SDirit. like our own in the United States. Next birds thousands of miles out to sea, what , 1"'y "me" oul storm a "My greetings to all ths dwellers In we visited the railroad center. There they did for fresh water when they were ' wajr off! they trv' a hundred miles your home. Cordially yours, were cars and trains about like ours in -thirsty. One day a squall answered that maj,l t0 "et under It and they swallow "ROBERT J. BURDETTB," the United States. It had some very question for me. It was a hot and glitter- enougn rain drops to keep them going." A Narrow Escape. "I nearly had a scrap this morning,'' confided a slender young lawyer, whom you wouldn't suspect of being belligerent. "Who with 7" we asked, with no respect for grammar. "Jlmmle Squlggs. I guess I spoke hastily to him. Anyhow, he got ths idea that X wanted to lick him." "Well, what did he do?" "He took it on the run. Honest, he did three blocks in about twelve seconds be fore I could say a word." That's going some for a big man Ilk Squlggs." "Ain't it? And it didn't do him a bit at good. -1 was half a block ahead of lilna very step of the way !" Cleveland Plain Dealer. ARRY OBER had always wanted you know that I desired to go up to moun- again. It would not be a safe place for to go to the top of the great tsinT" uu or any uv...B " mountain which loomed forbid- "I am wisdom, my fine lad," replied the main; yours lies at the foot of ths moun- dlngly la the sky, and which owl. "I know things without being told. tain. made the days so short, hiding So come with us ths Hon and me and Even while ths owl was speaking Harry the sun from sight as early as we'll take you to the place you desire to shivered. The air was cold and sent a S o'clock every afternoon. And very often aee." chill through him. Also, a mournful wind the great mountain s crest wis hidden by "But what strange companions you are was sighing through the tree and Harry the heavy clouds falling about It like a a Hon and an owl!" cried Harry, much wondered how the owl could endure such . robe. When the clouds were white they bewildered. "I never knew that creatures sounds all the time. And from the cave's resemlbed snow on the mountain; when so unlike were companionable." mouth there issued a horrifying wall as black and full of rain, they looked like a "Which proves that a Youth of Dreams the 'wind entered It. a sort of moan, like shroud. And st all times the top of the does not know everything." observed the one in distress. And about them hung a mighty mountain held Interest and mystery owl calmly. d" darkness, wltlihuge rocks piling up for Harry "wl" 'ou com w,th UT" kl th ,ike Dlack spectres. Once or twice Harry Th. Obe'r. lived tn a fin. fertile valley "on. shaking hi. great head. "If not the pomt of asking to be conducted at the foot of th. great mountain, and. we ll wast, no more tlm. with you." home again but thought he would better unlike their son Haary, Mr. and Mrs. Ober nt drive my cow. home," ,x ".Uck it out." So catching tightly the good seldom thought of th.mountam sav. as a J-"- "Then, if mother will per- ' background to their splendid landscape ""l mm view They felt no curiosity concerning "Your cows will go home of themselves." "We re halfway to the top, my youth, the top of th. great giant never once con- interrupted th. owl. "And no on. but explained the owl. Breathe deeply of this templatlng a Journey up Its rough, steep you must know of your going. If you air, for soon we'll be amid the clouds and side. Tbey were content to live at the "Pesk of It to another soul the charm will mist, and the atmosphere will not be so mountain s feet, till the soli, raise sheep be broken, and we shall disappear." much to your liking. Whist! What was and cattle and enrich themselves In an Hurry was thoughtful. He wished very. thatT" For a dark body hud gone swiftly honest homely way.- But not so with very much to go to the top of the moun- past and a low wail lingered on the air. their young son Harry. He had dreams tain; but he disliked doing so without first "A panther." said the lion. "I'd hav. and drum! full of mystery, snd would sit telling Ms parents about It. The owl made quick work of him, hadn t our friend , v,,., iui. iii, seemed to read his thoughts, and said: been on my back. ward th. top of the great mountain which "w cn t tlm wltb Peul 01 "And he would have made quick work HARRY TREMBLED IN EVERY LIMB, BUT CLUNO THE CLOSER TO HIS loomed over all that part of the land. Indecision. Will you go?" of the youth, had not he been on your STRANGE BEAST OF BURDEN. "Some day I shall go there," Harry alu arry. nm , Ana m. owi smuea ,-riniiy. eucn ,aiey looked like promised himself. "Some day!" But th. r "ever- " " mouma.n, n. u- Ult a ,lclt ,onKlnK for tne coly nom, wlthout effort. Down and down he flew. 7"" " ' "Z . " that Ereat black time flew by and still th. day of hi. going mountain, h. mu.t not waver about ded. Then they set out up th. steppe.t whlch h. knew nMtled in that rich valley, like a bird. And without the least feeling J"" P0h the moanTn. did not arrive. "Next year I shall go," ""S- i went aiong Ah whv wa, not b, content there? Why of weariness, he soon came to the foot of said Harry to himself on. evening a. he "I "hall carry you, said th. Hon, I am Harry felt th. melancholy of th. moun- ionf t0 ie. th. ,trang, ana forbidding? the mountain where his father's farm lay. drov. home the cattle. "Next year!" But Strength and Battle. , I can carry you tain. Everything there seemed to breaths U n succeeded In reaching his home once He could see the pretyy vine-covered cot- as h. spok. he heard a foot fall beside anywhere and no animal will dare to ap- sadness or strife or danger. Into great more b, WOuld never leave It tage where his parents were probably wait- fclm, snd glancing round, was astonished Proach you so long as you are on m, crevices, hundreds of feet deep, he looked while thus meditating oa his own fool- Ing for him, snd where they were for muui.ii w.m awe. ini uaraness or nigni ocgan Ishness. and also on the dangers surround- the first time very unhappy on his account. "And I shall lead the way." said the to settle, and the clouds dropped about ig him, Harry felt the lion give way be- Then he felt his feet touch the ground. owi. i am Misuoin ana uooa oense. men like a aamp curtain, it was dim- n.ih him lh.nrk. k,.. . ai. .h. vt .m- vu r. M.I,,,.,. .11.1,.,. . , I. I .11 ll.l..ll.,...l..l.U .11 II IU I! LSI,!, ijii . I. ,M a Tear. .1897 1899 899 There was a green covering over It and Helen M. Braun, 1181 South Seventh St Pacific 1901 little silk threads were at the top, and I Mary Crusco, 1115 South Fourteenth St t. Phllomena 1905 thought It very pretty, but I did not think r.hftunrnv rnok. 2608 Harnev St Farnam 1901 1900 1895 .St. Joseph 1902 .Train 1898 . Webster 1905 . St. Joseph 1899 .Vinton 1905 Lothrop 1896 A Bath pi. had become overanxious when their son did not return at nightfall, and bad been to call on their neighbors, thinking th. boy might hav lingered with some of th. neighbor children to pity. Not finding him at any of th. adjoining farms, the good people had set out to search the grounds thoroughly. And so It was that Harry ran right into their arms. You cannot imagine the surprise of Harry's parents when e told them his story. They led him home between them, fearing he might take wings and fly away again. "No, no, no, papa and mamma" Harry! Ih.m I'll n.v.r n.v.r leave home lonely sea Harry bis toes, and, lo! he soared into the air wlthout on. or botn of you w)tn me. Oh, and frightened to behold a great lion trotting along Ilk. a tarn. dog. "Fear me not. youth ot dreams," spoke th. lion. "1 top of th. muntaln "But but " stammered Harry, did you know the mountain "Th. owl told me," Informed the lion stammered Marrv "how . ,. ,. -r --- mm, auin( auwu i r I wlThed to mo trThi too of nlo,,nte,1 t0 th ,lon' bck- nd ,wmy lhe ,vln v'nt 10 ,hort- amphatic hoot, every mountain, his eyes .u i . " three strange companions went. Th. lion few minutes. And one. th. Hon pauoed stare from the set , , .... , ,. ' a swift traveler and the owl as swift to roar, and his roar shook the very "Alone! Alone"' I. .1.4 m. " tnfitrmul th. linn 1 Aluue. frowning mountain. Oh. the moaning wind, the roaring lion, the booting owl, th. yellow tiger I shall never, never for get my feeling of terror at it all! And the loneliness, the cold, the darkness! I shall never be able to describe them to you. But no longer am I ihe Youth of Dreams. I want Just plain reality henceforth." And Harry sat down at the rheery supper table (his parents had not eaten during hlu ab sence, and were waiting for him), and flt once more the happiness of home and father and mother. And the good parents smiled as they purtook of the meal, for they were thankful to have their boy back again. neath him. and then the h?iut ImH rile- and the Falrv Invisible said: hav. come to lead you on your way to the 'VVner I ,eal no o"Ser can come." cult to breathe. Harry trembled In every appeared! He looked about quickly for safe once more, my youth. Never forget JUU""" "'" v""" "ul ,u" '" siranae oeasi the owl, but the bird was flying low abov your experience of today. And-never al- were meandering homewards. Harry of burden. Up, up. up they went, the owl him nm riwn th. .w. .... inw vnure.if tn h. a ,.a hv wild blinded, possibly, by the fancies and foolish Hons and egotistical etting sun. owls. They curry you to the End of Thlngr And Harrv felt that and decert you." riv.r Hftrrv ui ui v nn tn. rrur fmunn ti.n. .tn tn.m 11 ...v 1 1 1 The owl and I llv. near neighbors. My anlmal , tack .n(i ,oon round h,mself as- most terror, for he fearea ne would lose cave Is beneath the tree In which His cenalng tht ..p mountainside. his hold on th. lion', mane and slide to Wisdom. Master Owl, Uvea Oo nj upwarol tney went, not one of the bottom of a deep precipice beside "Yea, I .xi-lalned to the Hon. my friend, the three aaylng a single word. At last the which they were climbing. ..... - "o pueu oeaiu. a nut. any noma ai ioai iney siooa on top me mignty known again, unless with your parents' waiting parents of ley, and that It was his heart s desire to is within that cave." he said, being th. mountain. Harry scanned th. world be- consent. They would have told you of and stranirer return. go In quest of adventure. So spoke an- first to break the alienee. And he nodded low, a dim, distant, mlst-ehrouded world, the daneera of this arent mountain where .nw.Ucr h. . a l.nt.m ..irinr nnir ,,r-, other voice at the other side of Harry. And his head toward a dark hole which Harry On th. western side hung the sun like a beast of prey seek out such ss you to rend the lane which led to the big road wher. "What Is the matter with the meat?' turning about Harry saw a very nne owi knew to be mouth or a cava ball of fog-veiled fire. Just dropping out them limb from limb. Rut-there comes a he had alighted. Then he knew his father quirtd the butcher. flying along clot, to his head. His as. "And I llv. ther.." said th. owl. point- of sight. On the eastern side he looked Into tiger! Quick, rise and lly!" , was out searching for him. With fet al- Tuklng a long I reath, the boy replied: tonisbment was great and for some sec- ing one wing towards the top of the tree, the spreading valley where lay his father s Harry asked no questions. He only knew most aa awift as had been his wings, he "Well, pa says ou certainly would be onds he was siweohlees. Then, finding "And let me warn you, now, Youth farm. But not a house could he see. not that a good fairy had com. to help him In ran to meet the anxious parent. And he bankrupt if beefsteak ever became legal vuio, b asked of tha owl "But how did of Dreams, never to come near tola spot a greea field, hut a tree or hed.. Th. kis hour of need. H. raised himself on found bis mother, too, for both good peo- tender." Ywungstown Telegram. .. ... a-,. . . T all was over for him. But at the moment For a few moments Harry stood like one a kindly voice spoke- In his ear. "I am stupefied. The erround felt very strange the Fairy invisible," it said. "Hut I see after having flown .through the air. And Tooeh on the Steak. your dilemma. You want to go home, and he felt very small and extremely foolish. "Little Johnny iaced a package on the you will never, never want to soek the un- But he must hurry home and tell his block in front of the butcher. the strange Journey ' I'lease, sir," he said, "father wan ts you Just at tht moment, to change this piece of meat f'r s'ra llver- in- HERE were Marjory, little, And brother John, big, Up on the pen Looking down on the pig. "He takes his bath In mud, ' John said. Then straightway he tumbled Right down on hla head. And theie he stuck In a deep mud-hole Till Marjory helped him Get out with a pole. "A bath of mud Don't 'tactly eult me!" Cried brother John, big. "Just look! Hully-ge! ' .41 t ) I v 1 n !.'? 3 1 i ii i .1'' i