T1TE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 21, 1911. The Omaha Sunday Bee. FOUNDED BY EDWARD HOSE WATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. . I Kntered at Omaha postofflce aa second class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Hunday Bee, one year t- 50 Saturday Bee, one year 1 W Iaiiy Bee twlthout Hunday), one year 4 0) Dally Be and Sunday, one year IU0 DELIVERED BY CAKKJEK. Evening Bee (with Sunday), per month. 25c fally Bee, (Including Sunrtay), per mo.. 66c Lally Be. (without Sunday), per mo., toe Address all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department omcES. Omaha Tha Bee Building. Routh Omaha N. Twenty-fourth St. . Council Bluffs lb Bcott St. Lincoln 2 Lit tip Building. Chicago IMS Marquette Building. Kansas City Hellance Building. New York 34 Went Thirty-third 8t. .Washington 725 Fourteenth 8., N. W. CORRESI-ONDENCE. Communications relating to news and editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. 'Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall account. Personal checks except on Omaha and eastern exchange not accepted. APRIL CIRCULATION. 48,106 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, sa: Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of !Th. Bee Publishing Company, being duly worn, saya that the average daily circula tion, less spoiled, unused and returned copies, for the month of April, lull, was 8,1UL DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this 1st day of May, 1911. (Seal.) ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public afceoi-lkera learlac Ik eltr lew Bwrarlly akJ4 Tk milts tm Utah Aadrca. wUl k ksl mm (tern M raatL, The federal supreme court did Dot, iowever, uphold Miss Tarbell on every point Madero insisted on the United States recognizing his belligerency. .We 'did. The equanimity with which Mr. Rockefeller bears up usder the blow is simply sublime. The town of Chicago, Ky., has 185 population. It ought to get a cow to kick, over the lantern. Wu Ting-fang says he will live to !be 200, and Uncle Joe aspires to 150. There is a beautiful race. Fish are not annoyed with the toothache, a London scientist tells us. JJut who wants to be a flsb? It was Missouri that asked to be fchowa as to the Standard Oil, and (he supreme court has shown It The attorney general probably fcvould be accused or peanut politics tfhe went after the Goober trust. '"--The ratio In the United States su preme court is 8 to 1 but it cannot tie a sacred ratio Inasmuch as It Changes so often. Really, when it comes to weather knaklirg, you have to give the prize to Forecaster Welsh, who makes all our Nebraska weather. Governor Hay of Washington is so disgusted with the work of the legis lature there he feels like expunging it. .Where Is the recall? The Globe-Democrat takes time to observe that Nebraska has 4,000 more automobiles than Connecticut It has more of everything that is good. By practicing up his commence ment oratory first at home. Gov ernor Aldrtch ought to be in fine trim for his forthcoming sortie into Ohio. As soon as the St Louis newspapers tight out the qiestkn of which one Is tentltled to the credit for the move ment their "Get Together" project IWU1 proceed. Which reminds us, a deposit guar anty law was also promised in the Denver platform, but has not yet been made part of the democratic house caucus program. Madero a army is a gooa aeai nice jMcNally's Row of Flats, "There's Ire land and Italy, Jerusalem and France" and England, America and Holland, (to say nothing of the Indian. Those bail b tones as big as hen's kjggs will have to take a back seat in (heae days of big business. No hail atones smaller than cocoanuts have a tight now to claim public attention. Records show that farm work Is more hazardous than city occupation. That affords another excellent excuse to the Sons of Rest for not responding to the Macedonian call from the wheat fields. Some times it Is quite possible for a court to render a decision that wholly pleases neither of the litigants, and the supreme court seems to have hit upon this happy medium In the Standard Oil opinion. It will never be known whether those Mexicans made haste because Secretary of War Dickinson postponed his exit one week or because Secretary of War Stimson postponed his 'en trance upon official duties one week. No sign of our national legislature following in the footsteps of the Wis consin state legislature by making log rolling an offense punishable as a felony. For a large part of the membership of the national house and senate the abolition of log-rolling would leitve those statesmen com pletely oat of a Job. I Arbitration Beginning!. Through his letter In another col umn. General Manderson brings to light some interesting documents he has recently dug up that passed be tween the members of the British House of Commons and our Ameri can congress in the early nineties, as forerunners of the present peace movement for srbltration treaties. As General Manderson points out, these documents show that our government took the first step in the spring of 1890 In inviting the co-operation of other countries toward settling, by means of arbitration, disputes which diplomacy falls to adjust, and 354 members of the British House of Commons, in their Individual capacity, memorialized congress, approving the proposal and promising support of any effort to frame and adopt a satisfac tory arbitration treaty. According to the dates, the initial action of our government took place under the ad ministration of President Harrison, the response not being made until President Cleveland had succeeded as chief executive, when It evidently fell upon barren soil. The seed of Inter national arbitration, however, has been taking root all these years. When it shall have grown large enough to shelter the peace of the world, the nation that had .most to do with its beginning will have most to be proud of. Men and Religion. "Men-and Religion" and all other parts of the "Forward Movement" of the evangelical church In recent years have, above everything else to com mend them, a definiteness of purpose. This Is so because they have put busi ness methods into church work. They have combined the resources of the practical man of affairs with the pow ers of the religious propagandist, and they nrp getting results. When a man like James G. Cannon of New York, known everywhere for his business acumen, takes hold of a movement people at once take notice of the movement. They know that Mr. Can non is too big and too busy a man to give his energies to an enterprise that does not amount to anything and that is not discrediting any of the forces, personal or impersonal, of the church. Mr. Cannon is a big force in church as well as in financial affairs. Another factor that highly com mends this and kindred movements Is that they , are interdenominational, embracing all the evangelical churches on a common level. The world long has criticised the church for its blind devotion to creedal differences. These enterprises tend to a minimizing of the Importance of these lines and a magnifying of the supremacy of the great fact of religion. In this Men and Religion movement all these churches and twelve auxiliary societies are united. The " movement is nation wide and. In a nutshell, claims for Its purpose the re-energizing of he church. . "To win to Christ and the church the largest possible number of men and boys by May 1, 1912." "To make a permanent contribution to the best life of the continent, so cial, political, commercial and phys ical." There are two of . its objectives. They suggest the dynamics la them selves. They propose something cer tain. Wth men of ability and means able to engineer the raising of ampl funds for tile work will require that this looks as if it might be the crown sheaf of all these enterprises, and It has recognised the necessity of providing for the conservation of the enthusiasm it arouses. Uncle Sam Empire Builder. It Is highly befitting that elaborate ceremony should attend the opening of great Irrigation dams In the west, such as the Roosevelt dam In Arizona and the Shoshone dam In Wyoming, for they but mark the progress of the great enterprise of empire-building and Justify any amount of enthusiasm that may be spent in celebration. On June 23 the Shoshone dam will be opened with formality, Uncle Sam himself haying a special representa tive present to take a hand. The distinctive feature of this dam is difficult to name, for there are so many distinctive features. One is that Its wall holding back the great flood of water In the Big Horn river Is the highest wall in the world, sur mounting the great Flatiron building In New York by forty-two feet. But that is not, of itself, most distinctive. Nor Is the fact that the dam makes possible the irrigation of 150,000 acres of land, though that., of course, Is one of the primal achievements! But the most distinctive feature of it Is that this land is of the most fertile In the entire west and the dam was located where it is because of the su perior fertility of this soil. Experts, after making careful surveys, chose this location. The opening of Shoshone dam means the influx of another large number of home-builders into that section of Wyoming the northern part, Big Horn Basin. Wyoming is in Its maiden stage of development, prolific, it is believed, of as great min eral and agricultural wealth as any state la the union. AH it needs Is such help as this' great government enterprise will give to unbosom itself of Its fabulous treasures. The gov ernment, which spent nearly 70C.0( on this project, never made a totter investment In the west, as we teller, will be thoroughly demonstrated In a very short 'time. Such work as this Is affording magnificent outlet to our ever-swelling tide of Immigration and population on the east and ia the. cities, infusing new life-blood into the nation, increasing its virility and opening up new sources of wealth and channels of trade. . Incorporated Lawyers. Several eastern bar associations have been resolutlng against Incor porated lawyers, or, to be more ex plicit, against corporations that do law business among other services which they render to their patrons. The big title guaranty companies, for example, are said to be corraling a large part of the real estate litigation, undertaking to defend in court, if need be, throughVbeir salaried law depart ment every attack upon a real estate title which they guarantee for a fee. In the same way the great casualty companies are accused of absorbing most of the personal Injury defense business, in reality selling their clients the use of a special organization of lawyers to fight off damage claims. Naturally, the lawyers who are not incorporated bbject to having business which they formerly monopolized In vaded in this fashion. But if they would be frank they would admit that their real grievance Is not against competition by incorporated lawyers, but the fact that the corporations get the business, and particularly that they get it by up-to-date business methods of advertising which the un incorporated lawyer still thinks un professional. If the common every day practicing lawyer would overcome his obsolete prejudice against paying for printer's ink he could get the busi ness Just as easily as the title guar anty companies or the casualty com panies. Omaha as a Musjc Center. Omaha has never had a music season to equal that which it has had this past year. Its own artists and musical societies have quite outdone themselves. High class musicians and musical organizations from abroad have found here appreciative audiences, and the musical season, culminating with a festival of choral and orchestral music, scored a pro nounced success, artistically and financially, and in every way credita ble to participants and patrons. Musically, Omaha is acquiring standards and standing of high char acter, and if it will maintain this dis tinctive position as a music center it can add to its prestige Immensely. By its musical activities Omaha has come to realize what it is musically. It has discovered what It can do toward cul tivating music and art, and that these are not to be overlooked among fac tors that go to make up the desirable and attractive features of a prosper ous and cultured city. Tackling a Man's Job. The government's action against the alleged Lumber 'trust deals only with the manufacture or sale of lum ber, not with the ownership or control of standing timber. Yet the last re port of the commissioner of corpora tions, filed February 13, 1911, charges a combination In the latter. This re port deals only with the control or ownership of the forests, setting forth as its "foremost facts": 1. The - concentration of a dominating control in our standing- timber in a com paratively few enormous holdings, steadily tending toward a central control of the lumber Industry. 2. Vast speculative purchase and holding of timber land far in advance of any use thereof.. , I. An enormous Increase in the value of this discriminating natural resource, with great profits to Its owners. This value, by the nature of standing timber, the holder neither created nor. substantially enhances. In the course of his report Mr. Her bert Knox Smith cays: Whatever power over prices may arise from combinations In manufacture ' and distribution (as distinguished from timber owning), such power is Insignificant and transitory compared to the control of the standing timber Itself, or a dominating part thereof. I Inasmuch as this report, the result of more than a year of labored inves tigation, formed a vital element In the basis of evidence which led the attorney general to file his" suit against the retailers throughout the country, it would eeem almost certain that this action is but a forerunner of another against the combination con trolling the source of supply the standing timber. ( Whatever the evi dence against the retailers 'may be, the commissioner of corporations is doubtless right in concluding that the control of the forests is even more vital. Thus the public may get a glimpse of the far-reaching scope of the fight the government has begun, for, excepting possibly steel, no other industry touches a larger number of persons and goes so straight to the home-owner and the home-renter. Yet, diverse and complicated as are its ramifications, the power of great owning companies must be more con trolling. In tackling thev lumber barons the representatives of the gov ernment are showing that they are not afraid to tackle a man's Job. British Cotton Raising. British cotton manufacturers have tired of depending so largely on the United States for their raw material, having learned that It is no longer safe If they hope to keep their mills running. So the British Cotton Grow ers' association is taking advanced steps to plant cotton in Britain's colo nies, notably West Africa. In doing this it is observing the Importance of carrying the native with it and there fore Is exercising greatest diligence In the selection of the kind of seef it plants, for It might be fatal to disap point aroused hopes in an African. At the recent meeting of the asso ciation in Manchester the earl of Derby, replying to criticisms to the ef fect that the association was proceed ing too slowly with its work, stated that it had better proceed slowly than to make one mistake in the selection of its seed and thereby retard the ulti mate progress of cotton growing in one of the colonies many years. None too good results have been achieved thus far with cotton in Africa, and the Britons are not consumed in confi dence, though determined to Bucceed finally. Not only have the British cotton mills found it Impossible in the last few yeirrs to supply their demand for cotton from the southern states of America, but the New England mills have met with similar difficulty, and It will be positively necessary for Eng land to go extensively into the cotton raising business on its own account if it expects to remain in the cotton manufacturing industry. The fact is that cotton spindles have increased in number more rapidly In our own southern states of late than has the acreage of cotton. The south has learned that It can manufacture cot ton goods as well as raise cotton. This Is at the bottom of the shrinkage In supply, though it is true that the southern planter is not increasing his acreage as he should and as he un doubtedly will before long. There are vast areas of good cotton land in the south that are not cultivated, and to the entire area under cultivation, no doubt, the principles of intensive farming might be better applied with the result of greatly enlarging the output. : i Kale of Reason for Autoists. The rule of reason has been eagerly seized upon by law-breakers and near law-breakers 'as a welcome relief from discomfort of various kinds. But we believe that nowhere does it promise to fill such a. long-felt want as with our automobile friends. All things in reason, and especially the speed limit when it proves troublesome. If the gait is too fast, let the question be as to the reasonableness or unreasona bleness of the excuse. "Going to get a doctor for a sick dog" is an easy one. "Racing with the stork" con forms to Rooseveltian ideals. "On the Way to catch a train" might help some in a pinch. Of course, the wise automobilist will adapt his tale quickly to time and place, particularly to time of day or night Enterprising auto dealers will give a rule of reason guide book to every purchaser of a machine without extra charge. The Commencement Gown. The commencement gown problem reappears with the approach of ; the graduation season. It is apparently as robust as It was a year ago and shows no signs whatever of having suffered from past . attempts at its solution. Fair femininity, we have no doubt, will emerge In all her glory to receive her diploma and enter the cold, unfeeling world without being the least Im pressed with anything said or done to change her mind upon the subject of dress. It is a good deal like the ques tion of universal disarmament. You cannot expect one or any number of young women to give up their fash ionable attire so long as some do not. It is woman's stock in trade, her one imperial .prerogative, and she knows it and is not going to be deprived of it If she can help It .' V. But it does seem, in all seriousness, as if young women filling their heads with practical education might not suffer by the admission of the most sensible ones upon this subject of dress. It would be In keeping with the spirit of education for them to de vote less time to empty fashions that make such heavy, drafts upon their time and their parents' pocketbooks, especially where they are unable to stand the pressure. The breeding of false notions asto dress is stultifying, in Its influence on the mind, to the mission of education. If there Ib a place where girls might be expected to learn sensible things, that' place Is the school or college, which, presumably, at any rate, fits her for life's duties. No reform in woman's attire contem plates an abridgement of her inalien able right to make herself beautiful and attractive, any more than do many of the fads and foibles of style lend either to her beauty or her at tractiveness. I The Criminal Clause. Governor Woodrow Wilson has the art of so phrasing his speeches as to catch the popular ear, though it Is not necessary to Impute insincerity to him for doing that. The New Jersey execu tive has recently gained applause in the West for declaring that in dealing with offending corporate combines we must punish the Individual and not merely the Impersonal organization and also we must inflict the criminal penalty of the law to make It effective. Of course, not even the governor, himself, would .claim anything new or novel for this proposition, which has been"persistently urged by others. It Is as old as the Sherman law, itself, though, to be sure, the criminal clause In this great law has not been in volved as often as the civil clauses. At times the demand for the impo sition of criminal penalties instead of civil has been clamorous and it has not been entirely unsatisfied. Some prominent men in several cities of the union have gone to prison for vary ing terms In recent years as officers of offending Ice trusts or coal com bines. So that, while at times it has seemed Judges or Juries were lenient with "the men higher up," It will not do to say that the criminal law has never been successfully applied.' After all, it is a matter for the Jury as well as the Judge and, even more, it is a matter for public sentiment to say whether criminal or-only civil pea- allies shall be imposed on this class of lawbreakers. Mr. Bryan's Commoner carries in its last issue a striking advertisement headed, "Prepare for Victory tn 1912." Seems we have heard that several times before from the same source with dates.successlvely moved up from 1896to 1900, to 1904 and to 1903. Give Father a Show. Washington Herald. There ought to be a father's day, too; and as a celebration what Is the mat ter with letting him have his pay en velope nil to himself one week In the year. Sleep on, Vol Innocents. 'St. 1-ouls Republic. Iaw-ablllng corporations may sleep peacefully ten hours each night; only nefarious combinations whose ways are dark and tricks vain need fear the Sher man act. An Interesting- Educational Item. San Francisco Chronicle. A woman teacher, arguing for higher salaries for her srx. presents statistics to show that it la more expensive for a woman to live than for a man. A woman teacher, she says, needs 11.250.60 a year and a man teacher only $838. Has she taken amount of the dinners that the woman teacher and the man teacher have together and that the man pays for? Fiction and Reciprocity. Wall Street Journal. In showing the senate committee what a dreadful thing reciprocity would be for the poor farmer, one delegation of Missouri farmers" told the committee how much, wheat was raised In Saskatchewan. The figure was greater than the yield of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta. Ontario and all Canada, with Australia thrown in. With this trifling amendment, the state ment of yield was correct. An Awful Prospect. Chicago Record-Herald. In opposing the proposition to pay mem bers of the Britten House of Commons salaries of 12.000 a year Austen Chamber lain predicted that "It would flood the house with money-grabbing politicians seeking an easy livelihood." Inasmuch as there Is to be no mileage or other graft In connection with the salary, American politicians will wonder how Mr. Chamber lain could suppose it would be possible to get an easy livelihood on 2.O0O a year. Flylnsc Is the Pacemaker. New York Sun. At Daytona, Fla., recently an automo bile was driven a mile in twenty-five sec onds, which was at the rate 140 miles an hour. No aeroplane has equalled this speed for so short a distance, but Lieute nant Fequant of the French army flew for ten minutes at the rate of 101 miles an hour at the Mourmeion course recently. The longer the distance the greater the superiority of the aeroplane seems to be. In a race from Paris to Berlin the auto mobile would finish far In the rear. CHIi IIC II ADVERTISING. Modern Specific for Banishment of Service Dullness. Brooklyn Eagle. "Display advertising for the house of the Lord beats the church bell' says Robert Frothlngham. The late Edward Everett Hale agreed with this view. Advertising, unfortunately, has never been taught at theological schools. Many preachers have assumed that church advertising, beyond the formal notice, would be undignified. It is considered good form to have an en tire sermon printed after It has been de livered. A few of the strong sentences taken from a sermon and displayed in the newspapers on the Sunday morning that sermon Is to be preached would draw many a man and woman to church that day. The 8unday newspaper might be made a greater missionary worker. If It is legitimate to pay a soprano soloist a high salary to contribute the beauty of her art to the church service it is legitimate to engage a skilled writer of advertisements to pre sent that costly feature In a way to make It. tell in church attendance. There is a general complaint among choir singers that they are not so well paid as they were a few years ago. All persons employed nowadays by nonadvertlsers are likely to find business equally dull, and churches are all engaged In what their members consider the most Important business In the world. People and Events The United States supreme court will not know the worst until Chancellor Day speaks. A Connecticut experience tends to prove that beer la more effective than Vater In putting out a fire. Incidentally' the dis covery shows the Nutmeggers to be "warm members." Americans who insist on going to London for the crowning of King George should at least heed the friendly caution to fortify the system before tackling Alfred Austin's coronation poem. To make sure of a "safe and sane" Fourth of July without removing too many of the frills, the city of New York has appropriated $50,000 to Jubilate with fire works 'and things. In the absence of horse racing as a bet ting lure, Washington sports are offering odds that the British House of Lords will reform Itself before the democratic house of representatives completes its economy stunt It may be right and proper, in a com mercial sense, to work the lever for the Ice man, but the "rule of reason" ought to be Invoked in behalf of June brides who are obliged to work overtime trying on their fineries these days. Four hotels In Chicago, boldly defy the lure of the coin and tyrant custom by re fusing to sublet check room and wash room privileges to organized tipsters. The new declaration of independence will leave guests with enough change to ride out of the smudge on the lake front. New York follows St. Louis in pulling down the electric light rate. The advertised schedule of reduced prices fixes the maxl mumxat 10 cents for the first 250 kilowatt hours, decreasing to 6 cents for 1,600 or over per month. The minimum power rate la 3 cents for 2, W0 kilowatt hours or over. The new schedule Is effective July L The village of Waysatta, on the shore of Lake Mlnnetonka, Minn., Is ready to provide and furnish a house for President Taft and his family during the summer. Beverly and oter towns are yet to be heard from. The rivalry afforus a fine view of reciprocity in action the president helps a summer resort, and the resort helps the president. Some girls have such a hard job in land ing a man nowadays that one cannot but admire the strenuous pace of the bride-to-be who. when the groom ducked at th church door in Wyoming, Pa, chased ling for two blocks and lost the foot race. Hearts disposed to pity the ralbfortun. should reserve the throbs until the courts dlvpose of the breac of jrvrukse. The Bee's Letter Box Contributions ea Tlm.ly bjeets STot KaedlBS Tw. nndren. Words Are tavltsd from Out lt.ad.ts. t Arbitration. OMAHA. May 19-To the Kdltor of The Bee: The commendable project to settle all International disputes, by arbitration has my hearty approval and I long for the time when this may be accomplished and war shall be no mure. But to show you and others that there is nothing new under the sun, I enclose a paper received by me In January. lSHfr-slxtem years ago to which was attached the names of 3."4 mem bers of the British House of Commons, urging that Great Britain and the I'nlled States frame a treaty which shall bind the two nations to refer to arbitration disputes which diplomacy fails to adjust. Thus you see that our government on April 4. 1890, took the first step and Ureat Britain, In 184, followed our lead. Time moves slowly, but it moves, and I hope to live to see the time when all civilized coun tries will disarm and unlveisal peace shall reign. The enormous waste of money, to say nothing of the sacrifice of life, in need less wars should cease. I know something of war's horrors and long for "peace with healing on Its wings." CHARLES F. MANDERSON. ..LONDON. Jan. 1, lS95.Dear Sir: 1 have the honor to forward you a copy of a memorial signed by 354 members of the British House of Commons. As the object of the memorial is of the highest Impor tance, and the signatures represent all shades of political opInlunNn the British Parliament, I venture to ask for the praver of the memorialists your tamest considera tion. Respectfully vours, V. RANDALL CRBMER. Hon. Charles F. Manderson, Senator. To the President and Congress of the United States of America: In response to the resolution adopted by cons l ess on April 4, IS!), the British House of Commons .sup ported In Its decision by Mr. (j.udstone on June 16, 1893, unanimously affirmed Its will ingness to co-operate with the government of the United States In settling disputes between the two countries by means of arbitration. The undersigned members 'of the British Parliament, while cordially thanking congress for having, by Its reso lution, given such an Impetus to the move ment and called forth such a response from cur government, earnestly hope that con gress will follow up its resolution, snd crown its desire by inviting our govern ment to Join in framing a treaty vUti shall bind the two nations to refer to arbi tration disputes which diplomacy falls to adjust. Should such a proposal be made, our heartiest efforts would be used In its support, and we shall rejoice that the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland have resolved to set such a splendid example to the other nations of the world. Grievance of Government Employes. OMAHA, May 18. To the Editor of The Bee: I want to commend your article about government employes and labor unions, and particularly the suggestion of griev ance committees to take our complaints up to the head officers, who alone can pass on them. I have not the slightest doubt that If some of us could have talked with those In charge of the railway mall service face to face, explain, what we wanted, and learn what the difficulties in the way were, and what was proposed to be done, all the recent trouble In the railway mall service Could have been avoided or adjusted to the satisfaction of all. This plan would keep the government service employes in a mood to do the best they could Instead of leaving them sore and. feeling, that what 'favors they, got were forced or grudgingly given. In the government service, as elsewhere, the way to get good work out of the men is to make them feel that they are well treated and that .good wei k will be appre ciated and recognised. ' j RAILWAY MAIL CLERK. ' SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. Minneapolis Journal: In enlarging upon the topic in his last Sunday's sermon, "What Has Become of HellT" Rev. Charles Bayard Mitchell said he did not want to be associated with certain persons In heaven. Perhaps heaven has "our exclu give circles" for particular people. Houston Post: Evangelist Ham told a Fort Worth audience that Jesus Christ was a politician, and we suppose it was through an oversight he omitted the assertion that the Virgin was a suffragette. Evangelists are privileged, it seems, to Indulge the blasphemy which even the toughest sinner would shrink from. New York World: The vested choir of Calvary church on Fourth avenue Is said to be displeased at the decision of Dr. Sedgwick, Its evangelising rector, that it shall sing on the steps of th? church before service to draw passersby within. Why should there be objection? Tetraxzlnl had the time of her life singing In the street in San Francisco. The Salvation Army sings upon busy corners In New York, and except In the matter of vigor does It very badly. Better songs better rendered should answer Martin Luther's query why the devil need have all the good music. Boston Transcript: With the election of Philip M. Rhineiander as bishop of Penn sylvania and remembering the choice of Logan Herbert Roots, bishop of Hankow several years ago, the class of ls91 of Har vard has two representatives In the bishop ric, rather more than 'Its share. This, however, like all Harvard outputs. Is a famous class. It Includes such world-wide celebrities as Joe Leiler, "Nick" Long worth and Charles Lewis Slattery, minister of Grace church. New York, as well as dozens of others who have won local fame of one kind or another, but who are not (yet) bishops. !BBSKQswBBsaB3SQSZSSS5EKK&3S23BlBBSsS3BBIl Highest Grades in Pianos Kranich & Bach Krakauer Bros. Kimball Bush 8c Lane Cable Nelson Nothing Better Made Prices $350 up. Terms Easy. Monthly Payments. A. MOSPE CO. 1513 POIGLA HTHKKT. P. 8. IlrliiR your rertift.ates), any lor our ih-m'mi are lower. MANDELDERG'S 0QGO inn x iuii OF WATCHES DiAf.MlDS SILVERWARE AND GOLD JEWELRY NOW IN ITS 3d BIG III SAVE MONEY BY INVESTING IT You Can Buy DIAMONDS here at your own price. v c will gladly "putup" any article you select from our stock NOTHING WITHHELD v EVERYTHING FOR SALE A Beautiful Present FREE to some lady at the close of each sale. Ladies are especially Invited to attend. We have chairs for their comfort. 2 GIG SALES DAILY AT 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. MANDELBERG'S 1522 FAMIAM ST, DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. He I . feel, darling, that I am not hall good enough to be your husband, but She But what, George? . - He I'm a darn sight too good to be the son-in-law of your grouchy parents. Balti more Transcript. Kemeralda She's going to marry her fourth husband and she has always claimed to be a man hater! Gwendolen Well, perhaps she is; that's her way of getting even with the hateful tribe. Chicago Tribune. "I proposed last night, and today I have to see the girl's father." "A painful ordeal." "Yea; I feel morally certain that he la going to borrow at least $00." Louisville Courier-Journal. "I've been warning ClaTa Skeggs about allowing her husband to play so much base ball. Now, It's made her a widow." "What are you talking about?" Noth ing's the matter with Skeggs." "I tell you It's finished him. I saw my self In the paper where Bill Skeggs was playing a game and died on the base." Baltimore American. Husband (annoyed) Why do you want me to go with you? You know I detest oiivI'lllff. Wife Oh, you won't have to shop, dear. You'll merely pay the bills. Boston Tran script. "And who," asked the Sunday school teacher, "who was It that orled, 'Oh, king, live forever?' " "All the life Insurance agents," sug gested the small boy whose father was an adjuster. J udga. OPULENCE. Edmund Vance Cooke. The wee, wet kiss against the lips. The warm head in its shoulder nest. The little legs across my chest, The froward little finger tips; These common riches of the rata Are past all gains of pelf and place. The sword may conquor throne and state. The song may win the poet's bays. Finance may make another great III, I.QPtll n,. Wllan m . V. . . Choose asVyou will! My choice Is bests ijv iiiiio ma wtuh my urease. Tho' Shakespere were a petty name To mine and Plato were my fool; Tho" kings were subjects to my rule una nations pawns to play my gams: How poor 1 were had I not pressed This little life against my breast! color, any kind, thoy will go farther si fillet mi m WEEK