Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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    niE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 21, 1911.
M i 1 1
-f Hiwr ''MS-lVcijOHl mlle from standing mart In 40:i2 Seconds, cars. The agencies of the company about
V-W aVMt&ClfrijS eclipsing Barney Oldflelds record of B0; the state report a stronger demand far
liJJI I ruAl tlWWl seconds, car. than can be tupplled. ,
Along Auto Row
Agrlcaltaral roadltlone la N
kraaka Indicate Prosperity for
Ik Aato Iadastry Ik la Seaaoa.
Mr. and Mrs. Denlse Barkalow and Mr.
and Mn. George Redlck left Thursday for
n overland trip to Cheyenne, Wye., where
they will deliver a new Packard touring
car to a cuitomer of Mr. Barkalow's, man
ager of the Electric garage. The party will
camp along the route, and take observa
tions on the condition! of the road
for the use of tourists who may make the
trip afterwards.
The Flat 155-horscpower raring car was
tent to Sioux City Friday to Its owner,
Cy Seymour of the International aviators,
who were the attraction at the Speedway
two weeks ago. The big racer has been In
the garage of the Wallace Automobile
company for the last week undergoing
adjustment. It is of the French racing
type, with a 6Vlnch bore and 7H-lnch
stroke. It was the winning car in the
Grand Prize race of the National circuit
t Savannah last November.
The Maclntyre Auto company delivered
.Oakland cars the last week to Mrs. Carrie
Paul and A. U PettlngllL
An unusually prosperous business for the
last week In reported by the H. E. Fred
rlckson Auto company. Mr. Fredrickson
ttates that buyers at this season of the
,yar have been numerous and that the
next few months will see a great ship
ment of motor cars from Omaha as dis
tributing point. While at the factories of
the Hudson Motor company in Detroit two
weeks ago,. Mr. Fredrlckson ascertained
that dealers all over the country were
asking for larger allotments of cars this
year than In any other year past.
' While demonstrating a Reo roadster on
'Thursday afternoon Miss J. T. Bolce of the
R. R. Kimball company was arrested on
the charge of speeding. At the time she
'was arrested she was showing the merits
'of the car to Robert Froberg.
, The R- R. Kimball company disposed of
the following car during the week past:
' Stevens-Duryea AA, to C. II. Brown; two
rieos to Mr. Slama of the 81 am a Auto
company of Humboldt, Neb.i Stanley
steamer to Robert Oarrison of Guide Rock,
Neb., and a Reo to Olson Bros., of Ithaca,
,Neb. t
: '
William T. Lewis, chairman of the board
of directors of the Mitchell-Lewis Motor
company of Racine, Wis., accompanied by
Mrs. Lewis, ha just returned from a tour
of nearly a whole year In the British Isles
and through Europe. Both Mr. Lewis and
his wife sought this means of taking a va
cation, and their mileage reached tbe total
of 2,870 miles.
v The Ford Motor company has compiled
.figure which show something of the gi
gantic business done by It in its eight
years of existence. The estimate that
every fifth car sold in America Is a Ford;
that in Nebraska there are two Fordsi
.for every car of one make; every
fourth car in Iowa- Is a Ford, and
every third one in Alabama. The statis
tics also show that the agricultural class
are leading In tbe purchase of motor cars.
In 1910 the farmers of Iowa bought slightly
more than half of the cars sold in the
Hawkeye state.
The United States Tire company is
preparing to Invade South Africa with
the products of its five factories and to
this end has appointed J. B. Ritchie of
Johannesburg its South African repre
sentative. Mr. Ritchie considers the out
look for American motor products in 8outh
Africa particularly brilliant,
horse In the service early In November, are
filled with enthusiasm over the showing of
the automobiles during the present winter.
Postmaster Bocharach is greatly pleased
with his motor carriers and their perform
ance in a season to have been one of the
moat rigorous in years.
Five Brush runabouts now constitute the
rolling stock of the famous watering resort.
Three were purchased in November, after
two machines had previously been given
trial. The first two cars owned by the ser
vice were of such material aid during the
busy summer months that the others were
Immediately secured before the hardships
of the winter bore down on the horses.
Several of the cars are used In the subur
ban work, making collections at inter.
mediate points outside the city limits. The
others average from 100 to 150 stops within
the city, collecting from the boxes sta
tioned at the street Intersections. Each
car covers the territory formerly assigned
to two horses and drivers, and the ex
penses of operation have been cut in half.
The runabouts are equipped with top and
side curtains. They are used in all kinds 1
of weather. The rear portion of the car
Is utilised for carrying mall sacks, and an
extra step has been added to aid the col
lector or carrier in loading and unloading
the car. During the holiday season the
machines especially prove their worth, ef
fectually clearing up the congestion result
ing from the heavy mall.
M. Seagar ha received from Guy L. a new Peerless seven-passenger tour
ing car. This car Is painted royal blue.
Ith fancy mohair top, seat covers and
full nickel trimmings. Tbe car Is one of
the most attractive In appearance seen on
the streets of Omaha.
Litigation which has been carried on al
most continuously the last twelve years
concerning the validity of the German pat
ent, generally known as the Kelley two
wire rubber tire, ha resulted In placing
the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company
in the unique position of being the only
company that does not have to pay a roy
alty to the Consolidated Rubber Tire com
pany on tires made under this patent.
The New York fire department will go
to blazes fast as the result of a recent pur
chase of ten Ford Model T cars for the use
of Its division chiefs.
1 i
The the last two weeks the Apperson
Automobile company has received and d
livered to customers In its territory twelve
carloads of the famous "Jack Rabbit"
C. J. Corkhlll. wet in n sales manager for
the Apperson factories, Is In Houston, Tex.,
at the present time, where he Is opening
a branch house. Mr. Corkhlll writes that
very encouraging prospects are present for
the Texas house.
Three new Midland Ws." with foredoors
and equipment, were seen on the streets
of Omaha this week. J. A. Freeland, man
ager of the Midland agency, reports that
cars were delivered overland the last week
to Tllden, Neb., and Farragut, la.
Five Real Veterans, Hitched To
gether to Insare Perfect
King Louis of Bavaria, resolving to re.
lteve the needs of one of his poor but brave
aides-de-camp, sent him a small portfolio.
bound like a book, in which were deposited
500 crowns. Some time afterwards he met
the officer and said to him: . "Ah, well,
how did you like the new work which
sent you?"
"Excellent, srre," replied the colonel.
read It with such interest that I expect the
second volume with Impatience." The king
smiled, and when the officer's birthday ar
rived he presented him with another port
folio, similar In every respect to the first,
but with these words engraved upon It:
"hls book Is complete In two volumes."
Full of Indignation against such parents
as delight to produce their young ones
early Into the talking world, Samuel John
son gave a good deal of pain by refusing
to hear the verses the children could re
cite, or the songs they could sing. One
friend told him that his two sons should
repeat Gray's Elegy to him alternately,
that he might judge who had the happiest
cadence. ,
. "No, pray, sir," Bald he, "let the dears
both speak at once."
An oid lady getting Into a cab In Grafton
street, in Dublin, was heard to say to the
driver, "Help me to get It, my good man,
for I'm very old."
"Begorra, ma'am," said he. "No matter
what age you are, you don't look It."
The Key to the Situation Be Want Ads.
Automobile manufacturers of Indiana
are arrranglng for one of the most unique
and interesting trade trips ever proposed
for motorists. Four of the prosperous mid
dle west states are to be upon the route
of a conteat of a non-competitive nature
which has been given the hearty approba
tion of the forty-three concerns building
motor cars in the Hoosler commonwealth,
and active plans are now under way for
the event. The state la third in quantity
production of automobiles and it is the in
tention of the makers to show that it is
not surpassed in quality and reliability,
and they have decided to institute a trade
boosting trip with a small feature of a
contest just to enliven matters. The In
dianapolis Trade association has given its
support to the matter and from present
indications in the matter of actual entries
and promised participation it is probable
that the Indiana Four-State tour will have
the greatest number of ear "of any vnt
held during the 1911 season.
"HI mile an hour, or t07 feet a second,
faster than a jman would fall from the
top of tbe Singer building that was the
marvelous speed attained by Robert Bur
man in the ' big Bens at Daytona In the
recent record trial," is the rather startling
statement made by Mr. Fred E. Moskovlcs,
sales manager of the Remjr Electrle com
pany. "Burman traveled at the rate of
better than two hundred and seven feet
per second in his world's record mile
sprint This is the fastest pace that a
human being ever traveled. , It Is faster
than a man would be going at ths tlih
he struck tbe ground In tall from the
Singer Tower. It also proves that unless
a man would be scared to death by such
a fall that there is no reason for him to
be dead or unconscious before he reached
the ground." .
The MeUger Motor Car company manufac
turers of the Everitt "30," have just se
cured a valuable acquisition to their sell
ing organisation In the person of L. L.
Barnes, one of the best known salesmen
in southern automobile circle.
Detroit get still another automobile fac
tory and the latest addition to the list is
the largest organised in the last year.
It la the King Motor Car oompany, with a
capitalisation of 1500.000. Tbe company gets
it nam from the man who delgud its
As a recognition of the business system
employed In the office of the H. E. Fred
rlckson Auto company the off totals of the
Chalmers factories have asked for the de
tails of the management that they may be
presented In magasln form to the dealers
of the Chalmers company throughout the
country. During the week of the Omaha
Xuto show In February, C. C. Hlldarbrand,
assistant general manager of the Chalmers
factory made an Investigation of the meth
ods and systems used in the Omaha office
with the result that he reported that with
one exception it was the beat he had found
In any of the oonoern's branches. With a
portrait of Mr. Fredrlckson, this Informa
tion with be presented in the monthly maga
zine Issued for the benefit of Chalmers
Late report from the National factories
are to the effect that Wilcox, Altkn and
Men will pilot the "Flying Blue" squadron
of National In the MO-mlle race on the
Indianapolis speedway on Decoration day.
"Charlie" Mers 1 well known In Omaha,
having driven the National car here for
over a year. He I now permanently at
tached to the National racing team and has
lowered several world' records. In the
Atlantic-Pablo beach races he drove one
Most miles for the least money
The Brush is incomparable on this score take it from
any view point. In first cost, in operation, in repairs,
it costs less tjban any other dependable car made.
Recently a New York editor told That's another beauty of the Brush.
us he had paid only $4.65 for re
pairs during an entire season's con
stant running.
Innoculated with the big car virus,
he bought a big car but his wife
insisted that he keep the Brush for
her us.
She could drive it herself, feared no
mechanical difficulties having no
big car complications to oppress
The Bras f)
650,000 No-Rim-Cut Tire
And Each Displaced a Clincher
It's so simple anyone can drive it.
It's so dependable no mechanical
knowledge is necessary to handle it.
It's so economical anyone can af
ford to own and operate it.
That's why it's called Everyman's
Let us show you why hundreds are
using it to advantage both for busi
ness and pleasure.
That's ths record to date. And every
day we add to this output 2,200 tires.
The demand has grown to an ava
lanche. Our mammoth plants, with
three shitts ot men, are run 24 hours
per day.
The Goodyear No-Rim -Cut, with
amazing quickness, has become tbe
leading tire in America.
All because these patented tires or
tens of thousands have cut tire bills
in two.
Which Tire?
The ordinary tire the clincher tire
rim-cuts if ma flat. A punctured tire
may be wrecked in a single block.
s. The Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tire has
been run flat in a hundred tests as far
as 20 miles. Of all the 650,000 sold,
sot one has ever rlm-cut.
These tires are now sold at the
same price as standard clincher tires.
They fit the same rims.
Which tire will you
10 Oversize
No-Rim-Cut tires
because they are
hook less can be
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without Non-Skid Tread
oversizo without any misfit on the rim.
And we do it.
That means 10 percent more air 10
percent added carrying capacity with
out any extra cost. Ana that, with the
average car, adds 25 per cent to the tire
Thut oversize takes care of the extras
the top, glass front, etc. It avoids
the blow-outs due to overloading.
Without it, nine tires in ten are given
too much load.
These two features together No-Rim-Cut
and oversize under average
conditions, cut tire bills in two. Yet
these patented tires now cost no more
than tires that rim-cut, tires just rated
Which Is your choice?
The demand for No -Rim -Cuts is
larger than ever before came to any one
tire. It has multiplied six times over in
the past two years. It is growing faster
man ever Detore.
Ask for our Tire
Book and know the
reasons. Get rid
of the worry, the
bother, the cost of
the old-style clincher
r ' s a v a
Let us give yo aide.
made 10 per cent
Powell Supply Co., Mgrs., 2020-2022 Farnam 8t, Omaha, Neb.
Branches and Agencies in all ths principal cities. We make all sorts of Rubber Tire.
Omaha bees
Of Automobile and Accessories
Apperson "Jack Rabbit"
1102 Famani SI.
Fl a a m V?i A Electric Garago
HSmitSr EC 1H 11 lit DtNISE BmALOW, Prop.
2218 Farnam Street
A Marvel of Workmanship.
T. Q. Northwall Co.,
' 914 Jones St.
eiialTU oom r rt
II r rrnrlviAliAAn A n4m sk!lM fl Thomas,
Prices $1,150
to $1,700.
Marlon Auto Company. '
c. w. Mcdonald, Mgr.
2101-2103 Farnam St.
FREELAND AUTO CO., Ilii-M Fintam Street
Tsn years ago tbe automobile was the
subject of sneers and der.slon," says Henry
M. Lcland, advisory manaa-er of the Cadil
lac Motor Car oompany of Detroit. "To
day It ranks aa one ot the fastest methods
of transportation or travel. The rapidity
. Of the growth of the Industry has sur
passed that of any other business In th
world's history. Today ths automobile has
ceased to be the rich man's hobby It Is
tbe world's necessity."
The Mlchelln "Twins" two Broodtnglan
manikins, twisted and disported themselves
before wondering crowds In tbe show win
dows of the Nebraska-Bulck oompany on
Friday evening and Satwday ot the week
past. While an advertising feature feolely
for the Mlchelln Tire company, the "twins'1
are so out of the ordinary that their ap
pearance In the large cities of the country
has been the occasion o( numerou press
The figures, which are about twelve fret
tall, are made of rubberised silk and are
seated In roammoth seats on an Improvised
platform In the window of the automobile
eompany. Underneath the platform are ar
- ranged elect Ho air pumps which keep the
manikins Inflated. By means of cords and
partial drfluthm of the figures they as
sume some very grotesque positions and
keep the tpectators roaring with laughter.
Tbe manikins were first shown la Paris,
the home of the Mechelln company. Later
they were Sant for exhibition purposes to
several of the capltala of Europe and fin
ally to this country. The figures are repli
cas of the familiar effigies seen in the ad
vertisements of the company, apparently
made of , rubber tires of different Uses.
Oogglea and huge cigars complete the Illu
sion created by the "twin"
tporta from Atlantic City, where tbe
poatoffice authorities discarded the last
greater mileage
Than From Others and a
very much lower upkeep coft,
for extras and repairs.
These results were shown
in The Only Extended, Dis
interested Tire Inquiry ever
Do you buy Tires merely,
or Tire Mileage
The Diamond Rubber Co,
Akxoo, Ohio
915 8. SOUi St., Omaha, and
S3 .other principal cities.
nfll notorGarCo...;1?."
lUirULa 111 f; Parnom
I I I w MM aa hi W W t
Buickmd Olds-
mobile Cars...
Nebraska Brick Auto, Company
s w
Lincoln Branch, 13th and T Sts. S, B. SIDLES, Oen'l Mgr.
Omaha Branch. 11S-1-14 raruam St. X.EE MUTT, Mgr.
2052-54 Farnam St, Omaha.
F0RED00R TOURING OAR $2,000, $2,100, $2,250. Forty H. P. and Fifty H. P.
p!D The Car Yfith the Full Floating Motor fl
The only car that can stand twists. Jars ami Jolts of amy road, and In no matter how strained a position,
produce power to the full limit of its power plant. A car that combines Power, Durability and lieauty.
f Midland Cors Come Up to tlie Mark of Quality
Midland Motor Co.:
When I left your
Colorado City, Colo.. Dm. 11. 110.
factory last June.
I promised to
write you in resard to my overland trio to Colorado. When
I arrived at Colorado springs, j immediately got Dusy
haullnc tourists to the different oolnts of interest In
tbe Pike's Peak region. They kept me busy day and night;
this, in fact, being the only day I have not been busy.
Outside of a puncture at Kocky Ford. Colorado, I made
tho trip without a mUhap. I never stopped for anything
but food and water except at Lyons, kanaaa. where 1
pulled a five paasenger out of the sand They
could not move either way. They had a rope with them
which I guess all and some other cars carry o
some one can pull them out when they get stuck. I nave
never yet Deen siuck witn my car ana aon i expect 10 do.
The power my car has In hill and grade climbing sur.
prlei the people out here. There is one hill out here
known as tbe Jonea hill that only one or two cars la this
vicinity can make on high sear, and mine Is one of them.
I often have seven passengers in my oar besides myself,
and I go up tho hills and down the grade without any
I ant sending you soma poet cards of some of the
roads and places I go with my car. I go to Denver and
Pueblo, nearly every week with passengers. Every one
wants to ride in my car because It rides u easy. It Is na
trouble for me to get a bunoh of ladles for a Joy ride, which
1 do quite often. The tourist season Is over now, but I have
all I can do hauling people that live here. I have never
had any work done on the engine and have never had all
tbe spark plugs out yet; but am going to clean the plugs
and valves if I can get a chance. I have earned half the
price of the car this summer and fall and she la still run
ning a good as ever. 1 am sending you a photo of my
self and a load of Oklahoma people In the Garden of tne
Gods. That Is a hard drive to rnuite, but I have been there
dozens of times
I will say this of the Midland car It beats them all
for the price of two thouaand dollars and under, and some
of the higher priced cars for power and endurance, and
I know I will never want any other.
I have to go to Illinois next May and have decided
to come through in my car, and you can see how It has
stood up.
Hoping to aee you next June, and with best wishes to
the Midland Motor Company, I am.
Yours very truly. C. W. REYNOLDS.
FVeelaod A.oto Co. urSis'
Wallace AutomobileCo.
utok cak 2203 Farnam Street
rnr Tin j
VELIE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1932 Farnam Street
John Deere Plow Co., Distributors
Overland and Pope
Hartford Council Bluffs Is,
Omaha. Xebr,
Apperson Jack Rabbit Touring Car