Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Makhlsss Garment Bargain Saturday
in the Busy Suit Department
Ever since our organization we have been improv
ing, enlarging and by expedient buying and close sell
ing, keeping our Ladies' Suit Department a "busy
one" in every sense of the word, rso quiet times, no
laying off of help; but always letting down the prices.
Money refunded if you can equal our qualities at the
Here Are Some Rousing Special Bargains for Saturday
275 Handsome Tail o r e d
Suits Made to sell up to
$45, in all newest styles
and colors; serges, suit
ings, fine English tweeds
and novelties, all sizes in
cluded, at $15.00
225 Stylish Tailored Suits
Values up to $25.00, in
plain colors, stripes,
checks and fancies; lin
ings and trimmings are
worth our Saturday spe
cial price $7.95
100 Men' RuiU $8, 99 and $10 t1ui,
from our BUc Clothing Purchase on Bale
In Itotnestlc ltoom, at $0.50
$7.50 Silk and Net Waists at $1.95-Entire
manufacturer's surplus stock of silk, chiffon,
net and tnessaline waists, in black, white and
. .colors, big assortment, made to sell up to
$7.50, choice $1.95
New Spring Dress Skirts Elegant assortment
of clever designs ,in cream, serge, voiles, pan-
' amas, etc., attractive values
at.... $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 to $12.00
, Put your Coats and Furs away in Tar
Bags. We carry the very best.
150 Beautiful Silk, Taffeta, Foulard and Messaline
Dresses That sold to $20.00 plain colors, stripes
and fancies, in all newest styles and colorings; your
choice Saturday at '..$7.95
Elegant Lingerie
and Marquisette
Dresses in almost
unlimited assort
ment, at
$15 $20 $25
$30 to $125
Splendid Values in Children's Dresses An
elegant new line of white dresses, in assort
ment of beautiful styles that will insure sat
isfactory selection and of superior quality at
each price; beauties shown at
from. . . .$2.95, $3.95 $5.00 to $15.00
Children's Colored Lawn and Gingham Dresses
Plain colors and fancies; big assortment of
clever styles 98 $1.50, $2.00 to $3.95
Everthing for the Baby's Wardrobe, in
Baby's Bazar, 2d Floor.
Special Hale Wash
DresftPi Dainty
Swisses, Lingeries
and allover em
broideries, in clever
designs, beautiful
ly trimmed, values
up to $12.50; on
sale, your choice,
tor $5.00
Lingerie and Mar
quisette Waist
Finest and best
showing In Omaha.
Prices . . . 32.95
&T.95 $5.00
VP to . . $12.50
Ijawn and Lingerie
Waists 100 dor
In the lot, all styles
very special bar
gain, Saturday,
at $1.45
Veilings and
BSc Yelling at JVc A great clearing
np of our Veiling stock, all colors
and styles, Saturday, at yd. . -5
Saturday will be a Special Sale day
on Ladles' Fancy Summer Neck
wear, Ties, Jabots, Bows, Linen
and Lac Collars
10 15 25 49 75
Ladies' Handkerchief Ladles and
Children's Handkerchiefs, regular
6c to 20c values, at
2H4H 7 nd 10
Hall-Borchert Dress
A few Bust Forms were slightly
damaged In shipping, the factory
writes us to dispose of them at once
aad we will do so at (Special Bar.
gain lrices. The damage done to
these forms does not impair their
value for fitting a particle.
We are direct Factory Represen
tatives lu Omaha.
Great May Sale of Furnishing and Underwear
Dainty Undermuslins, Cool Summer Underwear, Stylish
Furnishings of Best Quality and in Almost Unlimited
Assortments Prioed at Much Less Than
You Can Duplicate the Quality
Shoe and Oxford
Sale Saturday
Men's and Women's Oxfords, tan or
black, in all the late models and
made from the best selections of
leathers, values 'up to $4.00 a pair,
on Bale, Saturday . . .$2.50
Men's Shoes, all leathers, lace, Bluch
er or button, all the late styles,"
mostly welt soles and leather that
will wear . .$1.98
Boys' and Youth's Elk skin outing
shoes, box calf and Vici Kid school
shoes ............ ..... . . .$1.50
Misses' and Child's $1.50 school
shoes, Blucher and lace, the kind
that wear well . . . . ,$1.00
Infants' and Child's shoe slippers
and barefoot Sandals, up from 50c
Women's Leather 8-polnt and serge house
house slippers; also men's, boys' and
youths' leather soled tennis Oxfords. -50
A polishing outfit FREE with each pair
of Men's or Women's oxfords at $2.50 per
pair or up.
Special sales all day In our busy Chil
dren's shoe department.
(3 Muslin Underwear 93c
Skirts, Gowns, Combina
tion Suits, Princess Slips,
Chemise, fine lace and
embroidery trimmed, val
ues to $3, best bargains
ever, at 98c
$1.50 Muslin Underskirts
49c All lengths, beauti
fully trimmed with sev
eral rows of insertion,
tucks, edges, etc. Every
seam perfectly sewed, val
ues to $2, at 49c
$1.25 Muslin Underwear 49c
Combination Suits,
Gowns, Corset Covers and
Drawers," lace and em
broidery trimmed, all per
fect goods, choice... 49c
Princess Slips and Skirts
Dainty designs, values up
to $5.00. Splendid assort
ment for your selection
$1.50, $1.98, $2.50
75c Cambric Brassiers, lace
and embroidery trimmed,
Saturday at 25c
Italian Silk Vests, $3.00 to
$4.00 values, at.. $1.98
$1.25 Lisle Union Suits, all
styles, no sleeves, knee or
ankle length, at 49c
Indies 75c Silk Gauz
Vests, all sizes, each 35c
50c axid 75c Union Suits,
at 25c, 35c
$2 Silk Lisle Union Suits,
at 08c
Infants' 35c Mercerized
bands, 10c
Children's 35c Summer Uu
derwear, vests and pants,
all sizea ISV'sC
Ladies Mercerized Lisle
Vests, nicely trimmed,
made to sell at 50c, choice
at 25c
Kayser Silk Gauze Vests,
pink, blue and white, all
sizes, choice ..50c, 7C
Gauze vests, values to 25c,
at 7V2C, 12M-C
Ladies 25c Lace Lisle Hose,
all sizes, at pair .I2V2C
$1 Silk Stockings, plain or
embroidered, at ....49c
50c Gauzo and Mercerized
Hose, all colors, at . .25c
Ladies' $2.50 Silk Stock
ings, Kayser and McCul
lum brands, on sale Satur
day, at $1.50
$2 Silk Stockings, at 98c
Children's Black Seamless
Hose, special bargains
at 9VSC, 12V2C
ftY . matchless
Mm '
' I I 11 II I Pyjamas-
tWffl AU oolors
tO kinds
iff i made to
fe fij I sell to $5
6 NS-J $2.50
tilove SpecUls Saturday. Milanese silk
Gloves, with double finger tips, gauntlet
tops, values to $.'.25, on sale at. . . .25
12 and Id Button HI Ik Gloves Very best
makes, all wanted colors, double finger
tlpa. at 500 t0 81.50
Umbrellas an1 Parasols, biggest showing
and best values in Omaha here. Men's
and Ladles' American taffeta Umbrella,
plain and fanvy handles, flS to SI. 50
Silk Umbrellas Sl.OS to $10
Ladles Paraaolt 75c4 to
Children's raras;. . .10 to 81.25
All new perfect goods, (1, $1.50 and $2
values, good models, well made, sizes
and styles for all, on sale Saturday
49S 750 n J 080
7Bo Brassieres, alt Blzes 250
Special Brush
A big line of Tooth Brushes,
Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes,
etc., at Half Regular Prices.
20c Tooth Brushes, at 100
60c Hair Brushes, at 250
75c Hair Brushes, at 390
Hand Bag Sale
A new line of Suede and Moire Silk
Bags with fancy frames, regular
$1.00 values, on sale, choice 400
$3.00 Hand Bags $1.98 Beautiful
German Silver frames, full Hair
Seal stock, fine tan leather lln-
ln .-S1.08
Belts and Belt
ing A new line of Silk Elastic Belts, reg
ular 50c qualities, on sale .-250
Fancy White Belting, a belt for 50
A sensational offer Saturday A full
size belt of high grade white feiton,
1 to a customer, at, belt ....50
& Pictures, $1.98
500 beautiful framed pic
tures, great ' vuriety of sub
jects in 22x26 and 16x20 gilt
frames, with burnished cor
ners, snap Saturday
Sepia PrlnU, worth $1 variety of
fine subjects 590
80c Fruit Ilctures, In dark frames,
good assortment 230
Right Hats at Right Prices
"We're now showing the largest line of Straw
Hats iu Qmaha; prices ranging all the way
from .... ..25c to $5.00
Just the hat you want at just the price
you want to pay.
Men's $3.00 Felt Hats $1.00 Final clearance
of all the broken lots and odds and ends of
6tock in stiff or soft felts, to $3.00 values
at $1.00
Men's Furnishings and Under
wear at Matchless Low Prices
in our great May Sale
( Beautiful Summer Millinery Just Half
rSk Unrestricted Choice of All Trimmed Hats Regularly
l -AifV rncea ai iu up. Absolutely Nothing Reserved.
$2 to $4 Shirts 08c and $1.45
Entire surplus stock and samples
of WelWRamsay. manufacturers,
of Griffon brand Shirts, over
1,000 dor. , garments In all the
f.ewest styles, colors and patterns
white linens, Bilk pongees, im
ported madras, etc., in two lota,
at ...........980 n 81.45
Men's 25c Guaranteed So 12 He
Four Ply Linen Collars, 15c
values, all sizea Qo
Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Pyjamas
t 980 an $1.45
Men's $1.00 Cambric Crowns
Made extra long, in all sires 12
to 19, on sale 490
Silk Four-in-Hand Ties $1.00 to
$1.50 values at 250 and 490
26c Wash Ties, choice . ...7Vig
Boys' Knit Union Suits 60c val
ues, on sale 250
35c Balbrlggan Shirts and Draw
ers, men's or boys', at .... 190
$1.00 to $1.60 Shirts 40c Sur
plus and sample lines of John K.
Britton Co., SC. Joseph, Mo., more '
than 600 doz. garments, all per
fect goods, in all styles, fine new
patterns and fast colors, $1.90 to
$1.50 values ,.250 490
Men's Sample ilelta in all colors
and kinds, Crown brand, worth
up to $1.60, on sale ....250
and .490
Men's Summer Underwear Sur
plus stock and samples of the
Lawrence Mfg. Co. Balbrlggan
and mercerized lisles, shirts or
drawers, perfect goods, all colors,
to $1.25 values 250 350 450
$2.00 and $2.50 Union Suits 080
Men's $1.50 Porosknit and Bal
brlggan Union Suite 690
$5 Silk Lisle Union Suits $2.50
$10 Trimmed Hatsior $5
$12 Trimmed Hats for $6
$15 Trimmed Hats $7.50
$18 Trimmed Hats for $9
$20 Trimmed hats . .$10
$25 Trim'd Hats $12.50
$30 Trimmed Hats $15
And so on up.
All Hats Marked in Plain Figures Here.
Get Acquainted With Our 'Distinguished" $5 Hats.
Don't get the factory-made hat notion in your head,
for our 'Distinguished" $5 hats are our own make.
We show 50 to 100 new ones every day from our own
work rooms. You can't duplicate them at the price.
Clever Hat Styles for The Little Miss.
Sweet little lace braid hats, beautifully trimmed, two
very special bargain lots for Saturday.
School Hats at 25c up
to $3.00
100 Children's Hats,
Special Saturday
at .... $2.69
100 Children's Hats,
Special Saturday
at $1.98
You Save 25 to 50 by Trading at Hayden's for Groceries.
He alia Dr. E. U Graves Tooth Pow
der for 00
2io nil Sanltol Tootli Powder 1V0
26c Tootli Brushes, extra quality,
for. each . .100
Ho site Violet Talcum Powder, three
cane for . ,;880
tOo Java Rice or Possunl a ae Puw
der. for
I5o Peroxide Face Cream; two to a
customer at. each . .100
25c atza Pure Hydrogen Peroxide t
three bottle fur ; ,a8
$1.00 alae purs Hydrogen reroxlde
extra ante, for JSO
5c Blue Hire s Hoot eer l.j tract lo
2uc box 11. for aoia ftet. for.... .aoo
25c Uo Wood Violet Bath bait ..loo
tOo Stlllman's Freckle Cream for. .3So
S&o Mermen's, Colgate's or Williams'
Talcum Powder for, 16c
Klv bars of Ivory Soap for ISO
10c Jap Knse or Palm Olive Soap at
two bars for 15c
10c Williams' or Colgate's bliavlng
Soap fur BO
11. OU Raxor Strops for ...A 760
ll 50 Ittixor Strops lor .... . .11.00
76c Rubber Ulovea for . .480
11.00 S-quart KeJ Rubber Syrlilge and
Bottle for
13.00 Wellington Pyrin and Bottle,
guaranteed for five years for S3. 00
One-pound pkg. Paris Green for 85
Cine-half lb. pkg. Paria Green for 15
Large bottles assorted Pickles. Worces
ter Sauce or Pure Tomato Catsup, bot-
tlo tVo
1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4o
The best bulk Peanut Butter, lb loo
The finest Creamery Butter made, at
per lb BSo
The finest Dairy Butter, per lb.... ISO
The best full creajn Cheese, lb 18a
The best full cream Brick Cheese, lb. ISO
The beet No, 1 Eggs, per doi..,.17Vo
xs ur
They are extra fancy, large, ripe 1 and
Juicy. Now Is the time to put up your
pineapple preserves. No finer or
cheaper fruit known for canning. On
bale Friday.
Medium size each 7Vo
48-lb. sack best Patent Flour.... US
10 bars Diamond C or Beat-'Em-All
Boap sBo
lbs. Good Japan Rice. 7H quality, SBO
4 lbs. Fancy Japan Head Rice, lOo
, 880
10 lbs. Best Rolled Oatmeal S5o
011 or Mustard Sardines, per can... 40
Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jello, per
package THfl
lSe pkg. Golden Rod Macaroni 100
1-lb. cans assorted Soups THo
. . .850
. .S'iO
. . . SBo
Traveling Goods Specials
Vacation time almost here. If you need
a new trunk, grip or suit case now is the time
to save on price.
500 Matting Suit Cases Regular $2.00 val
ues; Saturday $1.50
Trunks In big assortment, regular $7.00 to
$60.00 values; specially priced
at $4.95 to $43.50
Heavy Cow Hide Suit Cases Regular $10.00
value, choice $0.95
Medium size, per doien
Medium large, eatch
Medium large alxe, per dozen..
Large. 36 alxe, each ' lOo
Large, 3( slse, per dozen 81.18
Extra large. SO size, each ........ .HVo
Extra large, 30 size, per dozen. .. .81-40
80 lbs. best Oruulate Bogar $1.00
The best Creamery Butter, lb 8Bo
41-lb. sack beat Patent Flour 81.18
fresh Tegetaslo Prices for Saturday.
Bead Them.
Fresh Spinach, per peck So
8 bunches Fresh Radishes... So
t bunches Leaf Lettuce . So
6 bunches Fresh Green Onions Bo
t bunches Freuh Asparagus. 5o
S bunches Fresh Pieplant Bo
t lbs. New Potatoes lOo
New Cabbage, lb 6o
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb 7Ho
Fancy Rip Tomatoes, lb 740
Hothouse Cucumbers, each "B0-TV40
3 bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur
nips loo
Liquor Dept Speci'ls
V x x 1 t CAxzroaurx WIVES
Port. Sherry. Angelica, Muscatel, full
quart bottles 500
Home made grape wine, red or white,
per gallon , 81-00
B-Year-Old Whisky F.lther Rye or
Bourbon, Schenly, Willow Springs,
Cedar Brook, etc., qi!arts 81.00
Per gallon 83-BO
Two-quart botrts high grade beer 89o
In Domestic Room
$1.25 Hammocks with pillow
and spreader 98c
$1.33 Croquet Sets''. . . .98c
85c Croquet Sets 69c
Cloth Bound Fiction, 25c
Big line of titles, such authors
as Bertha M. Clay, Mrs. South
ard, Mary J. Holmes, Alexander
Dumas apd others.
Hardware Department
We are overstocked on Uwn Mowers and for this sale offer four
mowers in two styles and Kveiy mower guaranteed.
14-in. Clover Leaf mower jgl.98
16-ln. Clover Leaf mower $2.10
14-in Signet mower ....$3.98
16-in. Signet mower ....$3.29
Child's 3-plece garden set ..7
K1ce root Scrub brush .
Ring Lawn Sprinkler 39
60c Hose Nozzle 35
100 25c Garden Hoes, each XBo
4-tooth Lawn Rake
Mrs. poto' Sad Irons...
It-gallon Garbage Can...
Hone Reel.
tras Shears
Grass Hook, worth L6l!!!
Tj . "8" P"1' foot.
. IbO
to to 800
is. -?.?. -r1f .e..r.rr vey to it.
li I ""Juoiauitj CU TetSil . ,
Uieen Screen
door, any
1 S-ln." Oiled 'sCfeei't' iVior, any ' !"?.
Wholly New Phase, of Usefulness De
veloped by the Corporation.
Efforts Bere Perpietmlty by Leslagf
Ike ladlTldaal ta th tr-
porato Bdjr What
The corporation which has taken over
so many American Industries and Inveet
ments has developed a wholly new phase
of usefulness. The legislature of Now
Tork has been aaked to grant a charter
for the Incorporation of family Interests,
un.lrr hi,h the whole Pant family, or
Jones (anitly. or Vanderwagen family can
pool all Its financial Issues and buy. aril
r.d iiiac cerrem!a. 'h l' a
rled financial and Industrial activities re
ponMble to the stoi-kholde. s and their
4ulv eonitiiiuud directors.
Few ktagea In the modern evolution of
busineta have so piqued the attention of
wealthy ocUty ropln or so awakened
eurl.-u-lt) and tprculatlon as to the possi
bilities and the probabilities of a novel
"Three generatlona fiom poverty to
aealtb. and back again" lias pioted so
often true of the lexser fortunes In this
country that any form of assurance fur
even moderate prosperity durng a single
generation, with prospects of continuing
the integrity of a family's riches with
only a fair Increase. Is deemed worthy of
careful scrutiny. As for the great for
tunes. It has been suggested repeatedly
that some such pooling of family Uaue
might keep them Intact where disinugra
Uon seems always to U In wait juat
around the corner.
rioaeee toncea.
The ptoneor charter proposed In New
Tork la rather modest in its functions. ,
It alms to keep the family uniud, to re
lieve want among the members, to pro
mote sociability, to pay sick and other
benefits, to piovtde accident, life and fire
Insurance and to conduct such bus. net
enterprises as may be considered likely to
prove profitable for the stockholders.
The granting of such a charter should
practically open the way to the conduct
of any legitimate Industrial or commer
cial or financial enterprise on the basis
of a family corporation, with the holding
of such stock limited strictly to ibjoj;
who ou kinship to the parent family.
Whether It would Infallibly promote so
ciability is an altogether doubtful ques
tion, for It would be a mighty poor brand
of sociability that could be promoted on
the basis of the late Cornelius Vamlerbtlt n
duislon of Ins Immense fortune bet en
his sons, where the elder got only a mil
lion because he insisted on marr ing the
womaa he loved and the younger got a!)
the rest It might hae even operaud by
limiting the free use of Individual capital
to prevent the real heir of tha Vanderbllt
brains, almost disinherited as ho was. from
achieving the immense success he has
since won.
Had that first foundation for his now
rapidly Increasing fortune been tied up
In a family corporation, with the con
trolling interest overwhelmingly in his
brother's hands, he could not have sold
out to Fliangrrs because of the charter
limitation, and Alfred Uw)nnc could have
cajmly refused to buy Esau's mesa of
pottage for himself. So all the older
brother would have had would have been
the income to wield, and even that would
have been at the mercy of his younger
brothers business acumen.
Cn the other hand, the large Thaw for
tune, crippled hb it has betn by the un
happy marriage of an helreaa to a noble
blacks, uatd and the desperate struggle to
save another menilrr from the electric
chair, might have stood a fat sliongei
chance of depletion, Hairy
Thaw, for his part, would have been a
rock of oppOf-Klon against the dowry that
made his titter s marriage a possibility.
U hether any other member of the family
would have had the heart to oppose Mrs.
Thaw's lav iali outlay for the a . lug of liei
son If doubtful; but on a hard-cash, cor
poration basis tl would have been the
subject of a must serious discussion as
to the extent to which the Thaw stock
ought to be depreciated for the rescue of
that one member from the consequence of
his homicidal deed.
The Trwstee System.
The Gould family, with Its system of
in practice than most of the other clans
holding such Immense pusse&sions In the
United States. The limitations enforce
able by the trustee, when the well-being
of an . Individual was threatened, even
with the Individual s eager desire ex
pressed to whoop it up along the load to
ruin, were emphatically ehown during the
latter years of Anna Gould s married -life
with Bonl de Castellan. The countess
was only too willing to go broke for the
sake of her plcturesgue profligate. But
her brothers and sister held the check
rein, and were almost as powerful for her
welfare as if they had been able to vote
Bool's extravugance lntu the wuiie-bsket
at a directors' meeting.
Yet the corporation principals, applied
to George Goulds freedom of action as
to h's holdings of I'nion Pacific, might
have affected (he plans of one of the
most Important railroad s stems of the
world, quite apart from the consequences
that must have attached to hU own life
and his Inalieivble light to the pun. nt
I of liberty and h 'pplness.
Another poweriul lallroad family, the
Hal rimans, might have been injected as
a corpoiatlon Into the transportation os
teins that stretch from coast to coast,
while finance coujd await with anxiety
the extension of Hetty Greens pcisumil
bank Into a close corporation m h as her
genius for finance could enable her to
construct. The only rival of the Green
family corporation. In shrewd Invest
ment by reason of the experience of its
1ving, and the care of her prosperity
was taken In a way that rendered incor
poration needless.
The establishment of the family cor
poration, if It should ever become popular
on an extensive scale, might prove a pow
erful factor In maintaining a modest
prosperity, and a safeguard against folly
and extravagance on the part of the pro
verbial black sheep. But even at that,
a lot of human nature will have to be
changed to guarantee that all the de
scendants in the third generation will
have enough to get along on. Philadelphia
North American.
I'm Points Ueslanated as the Limit
of the I'eafederato lava
trustees planned by Jay Gould, whose ; founder, would have been that whli-h
wisdom was greater than the serpent's, Russell Eage might have founded, but he
has com nearer to the family corporation I died, with hit generous wife alone sur-
A point at the stone wall on Cemetery
r.ide. familiar to all visitors to Gettys
burg, la correc tly enough pointed out as
i "the hUsh water mark of tne rebellion."
says the Bosion Tianscrlpt. 'I he rebellion
sent Its spray farther north. The con
federates during their advance In I&u3
entered Carlisle and York, but neither of
these marks their northernmost progress.
A bill now hi fore the Pennsylvania legls
I lature proposes to convert Kort Washlng-
ton, in Cumberisnd county, into a public
I park as a nieniorlai of the faitheft point
north attained by any confederate force
In that memoiable year. Fort Washington
Is across the Susquehanna from llarns
t'Uri, about three miles from the capltoi
Here the confederate advance was stayed
by the conciliation at Harrlsburg of a
large force of militia. Harrlsl)ui i; was
spared a vl'N.uion of the Invaders, though
for a U w d:tyji it seemed possible that the
city m:glit ko( an experience of real war
ll woukl !ji,g remoniber. It did see a skir
mish at Kporting Hill In which the more
venturesome of the confederate scouts
were driven back. This wsa on June 30.
before Gettysburg had sealed's fate,
and when even Pltuburg was being for
tified. - On a farm in Columbian county, Ohio,
says the Richmond Tlmes-lMspatch, Is a
laige granite boulder. It marks the
farthest point north ever reached by any
body of confederate troops during the war
for southern Independence. A bronie tab
let fixed In the rock certifies that "This
stone marks the spot where the confeder
ate raider. General John 11. Morgan, sur
rendered his command to Major George W.
Rue, July 36, 1S..3." An eld locust tree
used to Indicate the place of surrender,
but it was cut down not long ago. and its
stump Is now preserved in a museum. The
memorial Is near the town of Wellesvllle.
The place Is farther north than Gettys
burg, which Is usually thought of as the
limit of confederate penetration Into north
ern territory. The boulder Is a fitting me
morial of one of the most dramatic chap
ters in the history of the confederacy.
Morgan's laid into Indiana and Ohio was
f.T.e of the boldest and mod dating events
lot the war. General Early and his hand
ful of men drew rein on the outskirts of
Washington during the war. hut Morgan
and his cavalrymen dashed through Ohio
and Indiana, and under the cloak of, night
beheld the lights of Cincinnati. As a pri
vate In Morgan's tioop rode a boyish Ten
nesseean, who Is now a member of the i
preme court of the I nlled Btates-Mr. Jus.
tiro Lurton-and In Cincinnati, when Mor
gan pasned by, there was then a i mall boy
who la now president of the nation
If Jackson cuuld h.tve been te cnforcrd
after the Xlrst battle of Manatsas, or tf
lee had passed beyond Gettysburg, wbo
knows what the farthest point noi i a
reached by the confederates might hao
been? It might have been Maine; it might
have been Massachusetts, but fate marktd
tho highest tide on a little Ohio farm and
caused the ebb to cease only at that th.u
line which separates Texas from Mexico.
Dlapeptlo rkllosophy,
Manv a man lnn'1 vcni-th in.. i.
takes to get the better of him.
Is It the beef trust that prevents thn
poor man from making both ends meet? -
There la little In common between glit
tering generalities and golden oppoitum
tles. The Impecunious young man's air cas
tles generally take the form of an heiret, .
It doesn't require much pull to tak
time by the foielock.
The man who marrWs a woman for h- r
money and the woman who marries a
man to reform him are Jutt about pairnl.
' Most of us feel that we cuuld hrar
each other's burdens with more fort. tin'.?
than we bear our own.
Tell a girl she Is an anpel miu t
rhunres are she will want jou to flv wi )
Most of the articles on how to c;r,rt
a husband are written by women .:
never had a chance New York 'i'niv-s.
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