WANT ADS H'nnt a (is mfhrA ml any time t to li.Mire proper classification vannt hf I'lP.oPiiKd before 12 o'clock in. Jo' tlic riming eJIUoa end before 7:30 for morning and Bandar edition. Vant aria rectfrd after aurh hours Mill have their first Insertion nnder the heading, "loo I Jit to Classify" 4'Afll ItATrH KOR WANT ADS. HMil I AK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 H friita per word and 1 cent per word for urb aobaequfnt In ertion. bath laneition made on odd days, 4 H cent per word. $1.&0 P" line er month. Itslvs apply to either The Dally or Bunday He. Always count all word lo a lit e. Want ada for The Bee may be left ny of the following drug store one la your "corner drugniat' they re all branch offlcee for Hie Bee and your ad will be Inserted Jos a promptly auu on the aamo ratea aa at the main office In Ibe Uee building. Ilevepteentli and rarnara street. Al-ach. W. C. 40th and Feman, Beusa Drug ca., vi. N. I6tb St Beranek, 8. A . 14-2 8. ICtb ft. feansoa Ptiarmaay, Benson, Nab. I Hernia park Pharmacy. HAA end Cuming. , Blake-B-adlah, -J03 Sherman A . Clifton Ptlll Pharmacy, ClJ Military ATa. " " I.-,!!-. t l T uuanaiArih fl VBuaiillt V, , -Js I a as w CrlfaMT PharrmAaTV. 84th ami Lit fits. r. Con?r Fharnmrr. t South 16th 8t. -.. f i iee t... t 1 W a VVTIIHlIt, 4T-(-lla( !- -- VII ' r tnler A Co., tMI Leaves worth St Foittr ft Arnoldl, 11 North 26th St . Freytag. J. J.. 1914 N. Ittb Bt Fregger Drug Co.. 1W North lth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence.' Neb. Greet, Pharmacy, Tark Are. and Paclfi Greenough dt Co.. HiZ6 South 10h Bt. ' Greenish Co., lOih and Hickory Hte Goldman I'barmacy. 24th and Leevea- Worth fcts. Johnson Phsrmecy, rWO Femem flt Hanscom Park 1'hsrmnry, 1601 8. 2th Ave lllnterlong Drug Co., Slat Ave. and Far- Mm St. Hoist. John, C4 North lth St. Huff. A L.. -&U Leavenworth St. Jehanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. Xing. M. K.. iT Farnam Pt. Keuntxe Place Pharmacy, 2302 N. I4th St latbrop Pharmacy. 24th and Hamlltoa. Mares. Fed L.. k01 Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co.. lt03 N. 24th Bt arato.a Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave tcnseier Cut Price Drug Store, lata aaid Chicago ft Walnut lull Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND FCNEUAL NOTICES imTTCCHEKT-Rev. F. H. W , tiled Wednesday evening at 1:26 o'clock, aged 7 year 11 months, at reeldnce. 1116 Dorcas street. Funeral Saturday afternoon at I a'olook. Kervlcee at church, Twelfth and Doroaa streets. Interment private. Please omit flowers. BIRTHS A1D DEATHS. Births Pohn and Annla Adam, UlStt WI1 II an atreet girl; Luke and Almeda Bur keet. 912 Atlas street, boy; August and Cheta benny, :08 North Twenty-fifth street, boy; John and Anna Bell, 816 North Fif teenth street, girl; Ktchard and Jeesle loulen, 2801 rodtre street, boy: A- and C. Kragekow, 27ti Hur street, girl; C. 1 and lDulse LArsen. 432 Lincoln avenue, boy; Joe and Lena Sento, 142 Pierce street, girl; Gabriel and Anna Bachs. 324 Bouth Twenty-eeventh avenue, girl; Lorenzo and Kate Bister, 2220 Chicago street, boy; Frank and Francis Tltternyton, 1213 North Thlrty lourth avenue, girl. Deaths LeRoy W. Hurd, 1 year, 1903 Feuth Fifth street; Frankla Bradley, 27 yean, Omaha General hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following marriage licensee have boen iasued: t Name and Residence. Age. Thad C Browning, Omaha. 25 Lis ile Meritt, Omaha... 18 Benjamin Dermer. Omaha 24 ilay Olson, Omaha 21 vlid UolU Wedding ixwemn an narneav ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN C0.,,KDr SSbalmsri. 1414 Chicago Bt D. 166; B IK.' DUFFY ac BO LAND, jnderUkara. T. 1871 THBN1CB QQL CLEAN RXFRESHlNaJpQQ JIS AT THE Y. M. C A. Special SUMMER Rates. "Oet B Password and Try It" FREE T Iron ant Wirt. Champlaa PPYirf Fenoa Ca.. Uth and Jaoaaoa A. VliVV Bu .rL Daudaa UM. MONEY TO LOAN IO W KATK. :a sums ta suit, tli Bee Biclg. t'him. I U.. i ul-m UNION LOAM CO. T 1 Wa keep tba lata things I IftWelr V ol1 and silver in uualU "VMV" to meet the purse. Hit Wa keep tba lata things lo r in quality bursa. ISO! Harney Bt ORPHEUU JEWELRY CO. Vacuum Cleaners For rent. Pnone Webster S408. BEE HIVE CLEANING & DIE WORKS, '.Hi Vinton Bt. Wagons call and deliver, ilume Douglas 437. WA1J, PAPER cleaned; satisfaction cnaranieed. J. W. Nutu UU Doutflaa Bt. atlBSOURI FILTERS FILTER RE AliiB; new locauon. Sit B. luth. Bt. EAT KOSHER ' HOME COOKINO. ARK1N8. lit S. l&TH. UPBTAiRd. J. Knoa O'Neill Artist and photography; Utoturea enlarged. Btudlo. 21 8. lith St PHOTO SUI'LIES Kodaks and cameiaa The best develop ing and fmlaliing In lh city. MbXIKATH BTATKJ.N tRT CO , Photo Dept.. l&th and Farnam Sta. YOU'LL always be haujy If your wrddlng Ing comes from Broriegaard's, us 6. jth t. At the sign of the crown. , LYNCH BROS. PLVAVlNaAND .EPAIR WORK. 1T0 Jackson bt. D. 1477. OUR latter duplicating work la unex ' lleo. A trial will convince you Both , sonea. W'asiura Duplicating Co., 401 bee ..Wg. . B. H EATON. American furnaces. H 16i. ROACHES. ANTS. BEDBl'QS, FI-EA3 ND RAT8 exteriulnated from your lurm wa unotr guarantee contract; rstlinaias we; Bugdead Intrcilde. 41"-; lare. can owder, 2S.O. Call or write Riley Chemical .'orks, 2d floor, Crounse block, ortu. uot. .'flee. D. S.-Ti A-lSnt. HAVE your work correctly done by a utillo strnugraphrr; diemunt to regular itrons 40 Bee Bldg. Doug. :v7. BCHLITZ famous ATLAS berr on aught at Ed Rothery a. Ul B. 14th 8t PATTONB BVtTrnOOr paint raroTfrea iratoga Drug Co., 24tb and Amea. ANCHOR FEcc7or .ron and wire fences cheaper than wood: 41 I lifetime. 'Ml V nth. Phone Red tit DOUGLAS Pruning Co. Tei Douglas etl ANNOUNCEMENTS H'ontin ull PAI.TCTX'S Ire eresm tsts like more. If H P. Hiuiron, ?.'d Ft , will come to The Be r.ff ce within three days we w.l? give him a quart of this fine Ic cream fre. WALL PAPKR elenned. It rm. M. Howard. 'Phones: Douglaa tf-41. Ind. A 21a. TPP PRFAM Hmint Hyglea brsnd JVTj VIVrjv4l A, ieanng druggists Hsrdlng lea Cream Co. The New Elk Hotel. Now open; all outside rooms' o and Wc by day; week. 2 up. 817 N. 14th. D. T2ST7. MRS. CHARLES C HUNOATE. china firing 87U Brandels Bldg. Tel. 'Web. t7k PAPI. TAPT. Locksmith. Lawn mowers WYJIL.JA.IILI .,p,re,, .n(1 sharpened 1709 Leu ven worth. Tel. Doug. 4377 or A-43S. LOANS salary or furniture; 110 up. J. H. Waaner burger, im FARNAM ST. Room til Douglas 22US. Ind. A-1071 PA PERHANOERS, use Paowfldke raata. Omaha Pane Co., 71S S. 13tu. Both 'phnne.i. KDROTIIFRY fchun au. Full EjU lKJ illIL.l,l in , liquors and cigars. Cafe la connection. Ill S. IHh St. Caearty Co.. 8. W Cor. 14th and Douglaa BU AND SELL", ILER GRAND HOTEL TVirVoh. RoiK Finest la tha lth and Howard Sta DAVID COLE CREAM ERT COM PANT PICTURE framing. H cheaper than de partmenb stores; most select stock of framed pictures at reduced prloea. Omaha Art A Frame Co., 707 8. 16th. Douglaa 1094, Ind. A-2ML HORNBT. Blue Print Co. Ill Bea Bldg. HAGGARD Van Storage. Pack, mora tore arid ship H. H. goo4. D iot, B 242s, THE BPHTNX HAS BPOKENI Bald: "Have Butters Call and Take That Post Card Picture Now." OBEY THE BPHTNX. Low Prices High Quality. Addraaa. SMJ Half Casa Bt Phone Harney 628A. FILMS developed free. HO 8. llth. 8. H. Cole filgn Co., D. 276S. 1311 Farnam. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. mi Farnam. Ind. A-3821, Doug. 4760. Wholesale and retail agents for Sherwln Willlania paints, varnishes, Carter lead and Keystona. Open Saturday evenings. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75c by the latest patented machine. WESTERN LOCK OUN REPAIRING CO 2420H Cuming St. Open Evenings. Phoneai Douglaa 1751 or Ind. B-280L Cement Blocks P4r;.r,?,hBtnt,M rtnt- UMAHA CONCRETE BTONB1 CO. Bth Ave and Sahler Web. 886; . B SOU. MONET saved nn natntln nantr hanap. Irg, decorating paper: wholesale; quick work. Call A. C. McGulgan Co.. Crounse 1,1 uuk, opp. f. u. uoug. Koz; OMAHA furniture repair wke. Doug. Jut Tha Bea Want Tad la a lively lad. Whan poultry Is to be sold. He'll sell It quick. And do it slick. ,, , 4. (.t Ba It either young or old. H. C. STAFFORD. IT11 Lincoln Blvd., Omaha Neb. This verse Is very good and receives hon orable mention. RTTTtrnirT.TTnrT v.i. - w , i K.. in iiiwi.iiii ; . c mnv.il wlthAitt I a- t , . . tha akin; lady attendant 4W McCagua Bldg. TWENTT per oent lens than' Omaha prloea II Awn tru? fi vrrifi ith . Tmenty-fourth and L fits.. South' Omaha. ' -mavua " ii iu a iaa.f j bottle. Klein Liquor House. E23 N. 16th St WB LIKE LITTLE REPAIR JOBS. FRELINQ BTE1NLE. Trunk Factory. laOl Farnam. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders Catalogues free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. - WHEN answering- advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, pleaaa mention The Bee. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your acta, "BKID Into1 a post "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place la Omaha tor all klnda of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 18th and Harney Sta. 1910 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland.. CSM Seven-passenger, 7-h. p. Stearns l.M WALLACE AUTO CO. 1203 FARNAM SI'. fnrrnTdoea ut nd carriage painting; 11X111 ln J guaranteed. 1424 Sherman Ave. NEW and 2d-hand autos. Delight, Omaaa BUSINESS CHANCES . i yj in r om oi ousinesa, call oa OANGF.BTAD. 404 Bea Bldg. Tel. D. 1317. GOOD BUSINESS for sale; muet leave city at once; have good reasona tor Bailing Call 403 Omaha National Bank. lQfo GUARANTEED DIVIDENDS Omaha manufacturing company, has paid 20 -per cent for six years. By increasing facilities and broadening the business can easily make 40 per cent. Limited amount 1 per cent preferred stock offered for short time. Act quick. Addiess H 2ai, Bea. SCALES. SCALES Independent Scale Repair Co.. 110 Bo. llth St. Ind. A-J93J. FOR BAIE A sanitarium, near Denver pi Ice, lai.OOO; terms easy and long time. Address Bug D, dgewater, Colo., via Denver, FOR SALE Good general merchandise stock and building la a good business town in eastern Nebraska, For further Informa tion write to Box B, Uehllng, Nob. FOR BALEv-Clean stock et hardware. Im plements and -plumbing roods in county seat town, near southern central Ne braska- further partlculara Address T 17, care Bee. MONUMENT work a good trade, only shop In county. A bargain. Addreaa T lea. caie of Bee. WANTED A doctor; location free: plenty of business; man of exparienoa and reference. Addreaa Y 21. Bea FOR BALE Twenty shares United Wire- lliw, also 6,0uu shares Uncle Bam Oil Stock Bux Little Rock. Ark. WILL sell established automobile express businos, Including four good delivery cars. Rare opportunity for a hustler. Sea or write owner at 2ul S. 10th St., Omaha. Itaaxatag 14 veers lor Sale. FURNITURE af I rooms strictly mod ern. A-lss. SEVEN -ROOM modern Tat full of roomers. IAjo cash. 2v42 r'arnam. ROOMING house, fine location, full of beat people; bunding and furniture; rea xonfiTle if taken by May 2i. one block from postoffice. 102 NVorth 18th St. BA RU Al N Look this up Fverythlng new and modern; 9-rojnm rooming house at 117 N. 2Hh St. Party must sell on account of oil.i-r business t - PRIVATE hotel: full; steady and trans ients, meals. Joe; sleeping. 71a Phone Doug. 6oM (or quick aale. BARGAIN 10-room. Ill N. loth. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat I Bk. D. 2ia DR. ROT. liul Farnam St Douglas DENTISTS BAILS I" MACU, id flour i'atloa IX 1Mb. This Veek Bee Want Tad is Selling Automobiles Winners of prizes last week, will be found somewhere in the want ad columns If you did not win a prize last week try agnin, yon are in competition with hundreds of others only two can win prizes. Put forth your best efforts and send your verse in early. . Follow the stylo of the verse accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only write about him sell ing AUTOMOBILES. For the bestverse written by a lady we will give a special prise of a $10.00 pattern hat from the Pennell Millinery, 1511 Douglaa St. For the next best verse written by either lady or gentleman this week we will give $5.00 worth of Soda Water Tickets good until used at Sherman & McConnell s new "Sodoasia," 16th and Dodge Streets. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben eon and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and mem ber of their families. I Ton must follow the style not over six linea and it must relate to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. , Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee "Want Ad Editor, Omaha Bee. ' The Bee Want Ad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in become the property of The Bee. Winners, names will be announced the following week, found somewhere in the want ads. You must find your name and identify yourself to claim - t : It will be fun for everyone. Special prizes for both, men and women, a Write your verse today and mail it to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember, contest closes Friday of each week. tJ . DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency. Inc., bonded. - Paaton Blk. P. 131S; A-Ull. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 117 KARBACH Blk. JAB. ALLAN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. 1831 TOUR dinner tastes better finished off with Dalxell'a Ice cream. Wa will give Annla Jensen, 2564 Cuming 8t, a ' quart brick of this lea cream if she will come to Tha Bea office within three days. DRAINAGE J. I. 8TUBB8, R. 411. First Nat'l Bank. W. J. McEmthron, C. &., 101 Ware block. J. P. CRICK, IM Brandalg Theater. D2K. DRESSMAKERS 11183 DUOOAN, dressmaking. 2864 Farnam. TERRT'B Dressm'k'g College.aoth Farnam EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sessions. Students admitted any time. Buslneas, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue is free. Address H. B. Boyles, Presl. dent, Omaha. Neb. Y. W. C. A. SHORT TERM CLASSES IN SEWING, COOKINO. BIX WEEKS BUQ1NNINQ MAT 11 TAKE home a brick of Dalsell'a loa cream. If Fred M. Davis, 2411 Cuming St, will come to The Bea office within three days we '111 give him a quart brick of this fine lea cream. EVERYTH1G FOR WOMEN CHINA lessons, firing, order; leave ohlna for firing at corset shop, Brandels theater. Mrs. a. H. Smith. D. 1717. CUSTOM MADE corsets. BJ.W; front and back laced; residence fitting It desired. La Brock Corset shop, 121 Bea Bldg. LLTef fTLadies '"TaUor." Phone Harney Mia SWITCHES from combings, 11 10; set puffa fret Mrs. Eck, 170 Leavenworth SL A BEAUTIFUL turban style pattern hat trimmed with willow plumes, will b the prise for the lady writing tha best verse about Bee Want Tad selling automobiles this week. Hat can ba seen at tha Pennell Millinery, UU Douglaa. FINE early aster plants, mixed oolora, lOo per dosen; Margaret carnations, mixed, 20c per dozen. Phone Benson 131. Ferguson Bros.. Sta. D., Omaha. . lst-class embroidery of all kinds. D. 4609 FLORISTS A. DONAQH UE, Wt Farnam. D. U0V.A-1D1 Bennett s Flower Dept East entrance. L. Headeraoa. till Farnam. Douglaa ltll J. H. BATH. 1S2S Harney. DouglaeM0 HES8 4k SWOBODA, 141 Farnam St BRANDEIB cut flower dept. New store Karaerlea. YELLOW Jersey sweet potato plants, S6c per 1U), 12 60 per 1.000. Tel. Benort 331. Fer guson Bros., Station D, Omaha. THE best made candy can be bought most any place where candy Is sold. Re member the name O'Brien's candy. If J. H. Jenney. 2647 Chicago St. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a -eent bos of this fine candy 4ree, HELP WANTEDFEMALE Aaeate aad laleeweatea. LADIES WANTED Several ladiee of good appearance for corset demonsUators. Salary and co mini avion. Call IJ Bee Bldg. AT ONCE I bright, capable ladlea ever tl to travel, demonittrate and eel I dealers In Kan. and Mo : t-5 to per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. 1308 Id rtarney bt.. Omaha. Neb EXPERIENCED saleswomen in our hos iery dept. A; ,ly tupenntendent biandel aUorea, FOLLOW THIS STYLE Had I poultry to sail. And wanted to tell AH tha poop I e at .little expense, I'd send a small ad To Bee Want Tad, And show, I've get good common sense.' 1111 S. 2ld St W. T. UUiMAK. This vara won tha prise of a pair of trousers from the Landeryou Tailoring Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE treats and "aleswasBrn Cesllsael FIVE school teachera for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., K'C-10 Harney t)t- Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED saleswomen In ear wo men's waist department Apply superin tendent Brandels Stores. ICE CREAM makea an excellent deaeert. If Fred Smith, 614 N. 17th St, will oome to The Bee office within three days we will give him a quart brick of Dal sell 'a fine lea cream. Factory nad Trade. GIRLS to learn balrdreaslng. Oppen helm parlors. City Nat Bank Bldg. D 23M, WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY ORK1N BROS., 311 B. UTH ST. WANTED Girls to learn halrdreaslng; prices reasonable. Apply J. L. BrandsTs t Sons liairdreKsing Parlora Clrrloal suad Offloa. . WANTED Girls for telephone work. Ap ply operating dept. Uth and Douglaa. Hoaoekerpera aad Daaaaatloa. GOOD girl for general housework; good wagea; small family. Douglaa IS4L 2601 St. Mary's Ave. GIRL for general housework; family of two. 2622 Poppleton Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework; on car line; good wagea. Tel. Harney 4912. CHAMBER maids wanted. Apply to housekeeper Hotel Roma WANTED A good girl for general house work. 1333 8. Uth. Tel Harney 2206. A GOOD girl for housework; no Booking and no washing, 16 2423 Casa 84. GIRL for general housework. KM Chicago St. Telephone Harney 2766. WANTED Girl to assist In housework; no washing: plain cooking. 601 Georgia Ave. FIRST-CLASS girl In family of two; must ba good oook; housecleaalng dona; good wages. 1316 Dewey Ave. H. 1763. TOUNG girl to assist In housework; good home and good wages to the right glrL Call at once. 1221 N. Mth Bt WANTED A good girl for general house work ; good wages and nice pleaaaat ream. 2103 Leavenwortt- St. WANTED A girl for general housework, good wagea. small family. Harney 2V04. WANTED A girl for second work. Ml Farnam St. WANTED A cook; also a girl for sec ond work. 2121 Davenport Tal. Harney 69. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply at once. 5024 Pacific. Harney 1146. GIRL for general housework; family of two; rooms on first floor. Tel. Harney 1731. WANTED An experienced laundress by tha week at tha Creche. 1S24 Harney St WANTED Flrst-elaes pastry oook. Apply Green Room cafe, Brandels Stores. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Ul S. 16th St Tel. Harney M4. WANTED Competent girl. Mr. B. W. Christie. 1034 Park Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework. I. B. Foster, til No. 3Sth St Harney 12X4. If Isrtllsasaae LADT of executive ability to take charge of an established custom corset business Exceptional opportunity. Investment tu. lUlly secured. Address M 24. Bee. TOUNG women coming to Omaha, a strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Pt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they elll be directed to suitable boarding place er otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. EXPERIENCED colored waitresses Ap ply R. C. Pheipa, Brandels Stores. WANTED Women to wash and Iron by the dsy; steady work; good pay. 2SMT7 Leav enworth. HELP WANTED MALE Afrsli, tollelters aad galeeate. AGENTS Wanted at once, first elaas proposition; Lig commission. Write today, bartlett Supply Co.. Brown Blk.. Omaha r-eb. WANTED Immediately, first class barker. Grand Hotel Barber shop. Council Bluffs. WANTED High grade city salesman; special line. Call mornings before 10 o clock. U Capitol Ave. IF you are a good, live salesman, not afraid of work and wish to connect with s fine selling proposition of the highest lUwtial Banic Bldg. and will be the prize. . HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad Solicitors "ntlaned. WANTED A collector for city collection; good future for right party; call at once 4Jt Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg SALES agent to aell feed water heaters, evaporators, condensers and other power plant equipment; guaranteed territory; commission. Address Fisher, M Wast street. New Tork City. WANTED, SALESMEN To sell gaso line and oil storage system. High grade line salesman furnished free sample. Men with experience handling this line pre ferred. Pump Department, Columbian Steel Tank Co , lboo West Uth Bt, Kansas City, Mo. . ' WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH ASELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. T 271, BEE. WANTED At onoe, neat appearing, hust ling solicitors, liberal oommisslon. Room 807 Brandels Bldg. AGENTS, 126 PER CENT PROFITI Rope making maohlna. nothing like it on tha market, makea better, stronger rope than the factory, saves consumer 400 per cent, sells on sight to farmers, ranohora, factories, builders, liveries and stores; absolutely new; write today for our proposi tion; exclusive territory on ground floor contract. Day & Morse, 738 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of preaenting high-class mat ter. Not insurance nor booka. Address II 161, care Bea. WANTED Salesmen to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; liberal commission. Western Sales Co., 107 Brandels Bldg. Phone Doug. 607L AGGRESSIVE machinery salesmen wanted to handle irrigation machinery in Colorado and middle wast Residence agencies considered. Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Call 1201 Jackson St. Beys. WANTED Five reliable boys with bicy cles; first-class wages. Western Union Telegraph Company, 2U B. luth atreet TOUR dinner tastes better finished eff with Dalxell'a loa cream. We wlU give Mrs. J. O'Dell, ldll California SC. a quart brick of thla tine toe oream if aha will coma to The Bea atfloe within three day a Clerical aad Of flee. WANTED Bookkeeper; give referee oe and experience. Address C, Omaha Bea, Council Bluffs. THE great U. P. R. R. guaranteea you a telegraph poaltlou after training; practice on railroad wires. Addreaa for partlculara H, B. Boylea. Pres. U. P. Telegraphy school, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced tailor and bush si man In men's clothing dept Apply Su perintendent, Brandels Storea Faetarr aad Trades, Drug Storee (snaps). Jobs Knlest Bee Bldg WANTED Two men and twe boys. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. MEN Learn automobile trade at school or home lesaons. Earn 1-3 to j0 per week. PoslUona Auto School of St. Louis, tine.), 1106 Pine Bt, bt Louis, Mo. WANTED Painters, finishers, striper for automobile work; steady position to good workmen. Apply at once, Colby Motor Company, Mason City, la. WANTED Good tailor, steady work, married man preferred. S. L, Jacobean, Hamburg, Iowa, ' at laeellaaeaaa, BOUND MEN 21 to 40 years eld. wanted at once fur electrlo railway motormen and conductors; nw to ijw a month; tins opportunity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address Y-ltS), Bee. UO CCD MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha. Neb. w LARGEST at BEST. WRITE. WANTED For Saunders county, Ne braska, aalesman to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner;, liberal commlnslon. Western Sales Co., 107 Brandels Bldg, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Railway mall clerks; average 11.100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21a U, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied, un ma tried men between the ages of Is and 36; cltizena of the I nlted States, of good character and temperate habits, who csn spesk, read and write the English lan guage For information apply to recruit ing officer. Uth and Iouglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg , Sioux City, la ; liO N. l'ltn St., Uncoln. Neb.; U0 E. 2d St., Grand lslsnd. Neb. 1.000 GOVERNMENT I-OHITION8 OPEN. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 216-G. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED For Otoe county, Neb., sales man to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; liberal commiasiona V(st-rn hales Co., s07 Brandels BiOg.. Omaha, Nek, HELP WANTED MALE M taeellauaeos reattaaesL National Auto Training Ass'n Omaha, Neb. Actual experience In shop and road work; oompetent Instructors. WANTED Men to distribute circulars. lSQg Dodge street ' " anaaasaassMesaBEMgSEcssaBB HELP WANTED M ALB OH VBsfALaV WANTED An effloe aasfetant; must ba efficient stenographer aid boek keeper; give experience and referenoee la letter of application. Addras P 2M. Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heraea aad Vealelea. RORfiBS and MULES for aala 1711 Bart, APRTNt) mtflni anA tin, . fM I - . reasonable prices, til N. Hat St Tha Boat. All kinds of wagona, buggies and team ing gears. Central Improvement Cov, 1117 Farnam. ALFALFA HAT, Wagnerr 101 N. Igth. Ill HORSES CLIPPED. ITU BURT. D. 1467. NAVAJO Indian aaddle pony, aafe for children; 4 years old. 824 N. list HAY. I par ton. 101 North Mth Bt DARK BAT DRIVING MARE, eeemd and gentle, 7 years old; will work in all harness. Phone 8. UM er & 166. PROF. A. M. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of heraea; aat- IsfacUon guaranteed. U2 8. Mth. Har. SMB. 1-YEAR-OLD driving mare, good condi tion, L100 lbs., buggy and harness, ail lor 1176. Webstar 135. Pegs, Cats aad Otaew lw Btesak. FOR BALE FULL-BLOOD H7D BtTLL PUP. APPLY 1715 LEA V EN FORTH ST., OR PHONE DOUGLAS 1574. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some artlole would do well to call up the effloe ef the Omaha dt Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are taraed ta and tha company la aaxloua te restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 41. OMAHA COUNCIL, BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MONDAY, May I, single Elks' geld mounted tooth. Return to M. J. Curran, 1611 Howard 6t, and reoelve reward. $i.u aewaru Ur pike- to j,. carpets, rugs, mattreaeee. upholstering, eto., cleaned by vacuum system. MYER8, Webster elU. LOST Mesh purse containing money, key sad handkerchief; Brandels Pompelaa Dressing Room. Reward. Harney lot4. TrY"lTT"M"n The Teddy Rear expert elean- rvjuiVL era mnd aytrm x-tau. D. 8466. MEDICAL HA EEL LEAF PILE CONES Rest reav ery for Itching, bleeding er protruding PILES, 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co- Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALAH I AND CHATTELS. NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use 126 or 160 te a good ad vantage? It so, come to us; don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments; 60c is tha weekly pay ment on a 126 loan and II 20 Is the weekly payment on a l loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the urn proportion. Write or 'phone us and we will call on you at onca All business confidential. STATE MOKTOAGE LOAN CO Room 12, Arlington Blk.. 111 Dodge Bt Phones: Douglas 2464. lodeuendent A-2406. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., oj Bee Bldg. Doug. 1JJ& A-13M. LOANS IHOO UP QUTCKLT On household goods. pianos. horees wsgons, etc. J Low ratea; easy weekly or montniy payments and No ADVANCE CHARGES. You gel tha full amount n cash. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. ' 11 FARNAM ST. ROOM fl6. t Board of Trade Bldg ) Phones Doug. 22it, Ind., A-107L MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security, easy payments. Office In 17 principal oltlea Tolman. Iu3 Omaha Nab Bank Bldg, for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. MONEY TO lOA.N Come la nd let us sxpiaia ur low rates. Ma ilable Credit Co.. e4 pastoa block, TeL Deagias UU. A-lsU. MONEY TO LOAN BaJary a4 Chattela Coitlaae4. DIAMOND LOANS AT XVifo en Urge loans, smaller loans at IS ana i w L'l TA11 Telephone Red Kit J0VINGSTJCLEAj4IG ukAHA VAN & hlOKAUifi to. cleans your carpets on your floors; electrlo vacuum cleaaera lot B. llth; a. 171. Doug. 41A KXPRKMSMAN 8 DKL1VLHT CO.-Mo-ingi furniture packing, flreproot storage. City otllce. tie S. 1th. Doug. i4, lod. B-LH1. PIANO moving. Cole'a storage arid as preee. 1. Capitol Ave. D. IVU, A li'lT. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES BLACK'S L'NION OROHE8TRAS tnusla furo. for all occasions. 1511 Ohio. Web. ix OFFERED FOR RENT Board Bad Rooms. ST. JAMBS, 411 flo. 13th: eteam heat free heth. Am. II. 2S iu: wkly. 16 up; meals c. WANTED Two refined roomers for a large esot front room on North Seven teenth Pt . In new modem flat; hreakfat snd supper; walking distance; on oar line. 144 i N. 17th St.; 'phone Webster MW, FOR RBNT Modern rooms, aoara. mi Cuming it. FOR RK NT Neatly fornlaked aewtk room; dealrabla for iwa. Ml bouth Ituj Bt. TOIl RENT Two desirable rooms; ooa aaeted; good board. Ill Bouth Uth Bt DOVRLK or single rooms, etrlctly mod ern. Horn cooking. Ill 8. Mth Bt D. ISL FOR RENT Strictly modern rooms, neatly furnished; 'two gentlemen. One block from two cars. SZ10 California Bt ONE nicely furnished, newly papered, south front room; modern In every way; suitable for two gentlemen; best boats cooking. IU4 liamey BC FARRELL'S eyrup spread on bread will please the children. If Mrs. K Morrlseey, 2202 B. Uth St., will come to The Bea office within three days we will give liar a fx cent can of Farrell'a ayrup free. FOR RENT Twa single rooms tor tws gentlemen; board. 1111 Cass. Bt FOR RENT Two dealrabla rooms tot twa; table board. tZS Howard St. VERT comfortable rooms; board. MM Davenport Bt FOR RENT Dealrabla room aad CIS Howard Bt O. If . E. haul trunk. D. all. A -MIL FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. With or without beard. 117 Mandaraea St FOR RENT Large room; suitable tot twe. 11M South 1Kb. St FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly fur atshed; home cooking. 710 South 18th St. THE BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam. Rates: Single. 136 to 140; double, 161 to tt6. ' VERY desirable rooms with board, tot a 6th Ave. ELEGANT front parlor; modern In every respect; suitable for two gentlemen or couple; Al table board; pleasant neighbor hood. 2222 Howard. COOL, olean. modern, close and desir able; porch and shade; excellent cooking. Phone Douglaa 2251. i r- nirarD A DT li' a,,mm Iimim eintUh rooms with board. 123 South 26 in Avenue. NICE, quiet home with first claaa boms cooking; cool rooma; averythlng modern; ' hot and cold water all summer; references. Web. 1761. 2631 Hamilton. ROOM and board for gentleman. Han scorn Park. Harney 2230. EXCELLENT BOARD And nicely furnished, clean roemai hot water all the time. 2473-4 Kara ay at NTCT2LT furnished modem rooma, with . meals, It desired. feSU Dewey Ave. lsaed TWO furnished rooms. Tat, Wsbatey HTL Ml M. tvth Bt BEAUTIFUL, Urge room aad an? esnall reotn; everyning uuorui rent i 'Phone Red 6623. aid M. 13d St. TWO strictly modern reams, single of enaults, suitable for twe ac three. 2M Farnam. Douglas I8&V LARGE modern rooms, as its hie fas twos HI per month. U M, Ud. DEWEY Euro; Betok llth Fnraem. FOR RENT Comfortable seams, jralke Ing dis-tanoe. ew a. wa av FOR RENT Twe large rooma, leaks bla r twe gentlemen. 117 B. Mth St i for FOR RENT Wtoolr furniabed private family. KilO N. Uth St FOR RENT Twe xteaUz furnished Has Capital Avsv FOR RENT Kios : HI a. Mth Bt sasKaM tag twe. FOR RENT Nicely rorniahed. awed kooaUen. 714 N. Mth Bb FOR RENT Nloely furnished. a l&u ieavenworva ov- FOR RENT Claaa, aeat furnlaaed Ull Deugiaa FOR R1LNT Mloeiy furaiaiied suitable for two. IZ16 Dodge alb NICELY furnished modern rooms, with breakfast If daalrad. ttjal Jonas sit rhena Douglas 24SH. WANTED Twe er three men for larga front room, with bath, breakfast aad sup per, 64 M Per week. 111 Nlnholaa WALKING dlstaaoe, well furnished roams single or ensulta. on Farnam tsti nice. cool place, shady yard; every tuing modem, tZM Farnam bt NICELY furnished south reem hot water. 11707 Dodge. LOOK A large parlor with large stttlnc room ensulta or can be rented separate; also smaller furnished room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, oa oar line; everything modern. 1427 N. 17th St Phone Webster 314. BEAUTIFUL room, especially deelr able for- summer, I windows, modern, close in Best ef reference. 114 No, 13. Red 4114. WHEN you buy Farrell's syrup you get real value for your money. If W. o. Shrum 381 Parker St., will come to The Bee office within three days hs will be given a 60-cent can ef Farrell a ayrup trea ONE nicely furnished room. In modern heme of young ooupie, walking distance. 1720 Burt St -4 NEATLY furnished, all modern rooma 12 and up; also housekeeping rooma, H block from postoffice. 212 N. 17th St TWO nice, clean furnished rooms. cool In summer, walking distance, at 2211 Dodge Bt t NICELY furnished rooms In private home, one south room and one north room, cool for summer, close In, on two car liuea 1919 Dodge St. NICELY furnished one and twe house keeping rooms, gas range, fine neighbor hood, walking dlHtance. 3"3 N. 2Tth Ht VERY nicely furnished front room, suit able for two gentlemen, cluse In, on two car lines. 1!21 Dodwe St. NICELY furnished, mndem, clean room; hot and cold water all tha time. 2.HI4 1'ewey Ave. TWO nicely furnished south rooma; mod ern ; nice, quiet neighborhood; al-o two un furnished front rooms. 403 8. 2bth Ave. ELEGANT furnished room for rent, finest location, strictly modern; private family; walking distance. Tal. Harney 6u&5. 2243 Howard St.. large south front room. NICELY furnished room, llanscom para and Field club district, on car Una. Phone Harney 716. TWO etrtctly modern rooms, single er ensuite. suitable for tws or three. 2uJ l-ra-s. jjo-aias