Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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V'-y as
"7 ! .'A I:
e ' v.- '. - I J.
- HI fid
' : I Because of
W l ;- j that's why
'7 f
Straw Hats for Young Fellows
A new shipment Just In Including the new shaped sailors with wide
brim and Iqw crowns In sennltta, split straw and rough braid. An
excellent aelectfon 1 1 . $2.0O.. $2.50 and $3.00
Young Men's Shirts
A new assortment of ahlrta with soft collara to match and with French
cuffa In all the prevailing colors. In madras, linens and allka
at $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 nd $3.50
Aleo a now showing of the popular B V D and Mentor Union sulfa
Ml Kill J k a Tiiiaii kk U
11 BiriW ' -way
gan, Alma; press correspondent. Rosalie
Condon. Fawnee City; musician, Mrs.
Sohtnh; chief of staff. Mrs. Cook.
Following the Installation of officers the
high school student who competed for
the loyalty pin lven for tha best essay on
a patriotic subject read their efforts.
Heni'y Chung, a Korean student In the
school, won the pin and Grand .Army
emblem with an essay on 'rTrua Patriot
ism." With tha awarding of the pin tha
convention the Grand Army and Its auxil
iary orders closed.
Debate on Statehood
House Leaden Decide that No At
tempt Wll Be Made to End Discus
sion Before Tuesday.
, WASHINGTON, May J. The desire of so
many members to speak on tha Joint state
hood resoiutfon ' admitting Arlso'na and
New Mexico caused democratic leaders to
rhanfe. their plana for ending debate and
rushing the bill to passage today and dis
cussion will continue until next Tuesday.
Tha floor leaders of the majority had j
hoped to pass the bill before today'a ad
journment, but It was not deemed wise
to cut off debate as long as so many
members on each side had prepared argu
ments which they wished to deliver.
Accordingly an agreement -was attained
by Representative Flood to continue the
debate until next Tuesday, when the Joint
resolution will be called for passage.
Conareaamaa Calls Rellaa; War 4
"Reasonable" Into Sherman I. aw
WASHINGTON, May 19 "It was a
usurpation of power on the part of the
supreme court of the United States to put
the word 'reasonable' Into the anti-trust
law -after congress had refused to so
imend the law," declared Representative
Booher of Mississippi In the house today
during tha discussion of the New Mexico
and Arlsona statehood resolution.
Ha said ha did not want to criticise the
court, but he agreed with Justice Harlan
and ha had a right to express his Indi
vidual opinion. Asked whether he would
favor tha recall of the three democratic I
Deep Cuts On
Indispensable Toilet Accessories
Those who read our ads profit by the sharp reductions we make
on standard articles. Every Saturday, It's tha same many standard
ized articlea offered at money saving prices.
Guaranteed Pure Olive Oil From Sicily
This Is our own spaclal direct Importation. It's an Oliv oil of
highest obtainable quality. We are so Impressed with Us excellence)
that we ask you to put it to the test. If not the best you ever used
return It. We'll refund your money. os. 25f. 1 Pt-. S0. 1 Qt. SI
60c Benzoin and Almond Lotion , . . , ,2oc
Hot sun and strong winds affect delicate skins. This lotion is
remarkable In Its aoftenlng, healing andpreaerrtng effacta. It pre
venta and removes both tan and freckles.
25c Flexlble-Nail Files
"-SOe - Whisk Brooms ,
'.','X5c Chamois
60c Sanltot Liquid'
'"i5e Udor
I'dor Is a well nigh indispensable toilet accessory. While
odorixer of excessive perspiration, it ia guaranteed harmless
doea not prevent nor check perspiration, but its sntlseptlc qualities
aesiroy ana neutralize any oaor. All who exercise freely will appre
ciate Its cleanly, freshening effect.
Soz.De Maj'a Tooth Powder, family size
18 os. De Mar's Tooth Powder, family size " ' jf;l
Woodbury's Scalp Cleaner !!!!!'5ol
Polishing clotb, better and more effective than Chamois, Ys Inches
equare 4A
3oc Woodbury's Blush Rose Soap, I cakes In j ! ' T ft5
J 5c Woodbury's Violet Soap. S rakes in box ' 'IKS
J5c Imported Nsll Enamel Stick In celluloid box; handy' to carry
for instant use 12
I5e Package of Powder Papers, Just imported ...!..".!!!!! 10
Fa mam and 15th Street
This Is
Particularly a
SYound Man's Store
ur yun8 men's clothes and furnlsh-
i ing departments sre increasing aany in
.Donularity. It's part of our general stors
policy to please the young fellows who
do ao much toward popularizing the
many exclusive lines we Spare no effort
to obtain.
Never before haa any brand of clothes
contained all the essential pointa now
couiuuieu in
Sampcck Clothes
In cut and finish they're as perfect
human skill can make them; In fit
and satisfaction they've outclassed all
pother ready-to-wear clothing. They're
peculiar lrt their Indescribable Jatintinesa
so links them with youthfulness.
this, they're distinctive and
young men prefer
Sampeck Clothes
Tbey re made In all popular weaves,
patterns and styles; colors Include
greys, blues, straws, tans and browns.
Prices $18. 920. $22.50 nd 925
$1.00. $1.50 nd $2.25
Judges who Joined in the opinion. If the
power of recall applied to tha Supreme
court, Mr. Booher said ha would not. as
he trusted the wisdom of. these men to
correct a , mistake aa soon as they had tha
Colonel Henry Seixas
Commits Suicide
Aged Financier Wfio Was Director in
Big Corporations Kills Himself
in New York Park.
r- anaaaaasaisast
: NEW YORK; May l.T-Colonal Henry O.
8elxas, a widely known financier and a
director In many prominent Industrial cor.
poratlons, committed ' suicide in Central
park this afternoon by shooting himself.
Tha body was found Just east of tha west
drive, opposite Seventy-ninth street. Colonel
Belxaa waa about 70 years of aga.
No cause as yet haa been learned for
Colonel Belxsa' self-destruction. The ook
nel was , a director of tha Columbus A
Hocking Coal and' Iron company, Davis
Creek Coal and Coke company, Lanston
Monotype Machine company and Bloss
Shetfield Steel and Iron company.
Attempt Will Re Made to Tie t'n
Shipping In All Parte of
E a rope.
GLASGOW, Scotland, May 19. Secretary
French of the local Sea. men's and Firemen's
union today stated that a date for a gen
eral strike at all porta had been fixed, but
that tha union officials had decided to
keep, tha data secret until the ava of the
day tha strike ta tb become effective.. It
la reported here that May 28 haa been
choaen aa tha day upon which to quit
M. Wuelngtoa
. Mmdoia.
. Mount RoysL
. Soutamrk. .
' K. P. Cteslla.
. Rarsl 0n
. Candloo.
La Provsnca..
Mount Tmsl.
N. AjnrtsrdAm.
a de-
! AtUrney. General Cohort 'Rules Hill
, Levy Ode Thi. Yfaf.
rfnl Election Mondar to Deride
Mkrlkrr Drt Molnea Khali Taka
Over Watrr rlfm tlo lea
on Ali ertlslng.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOINEH. May 19-(Ppeclai Tele
gram.) Attorney Oeneral Cosson today de
cided that the new law for compulsory road
dragging will go Into effect at once, despite
some errors in Its construction. He holds
that the 1 mill township road dragging tax
must be levied this year and be available
for use In 1912. The township trustees
ought to district the townships at Once In
regard to road dragging. Road dragging
superintendents should be appointed now
and be got to work Immediately. The pay
for road drsgglng this year should coma
out of the regular road funds tha same as
In the last few years.
A township trustee cannot hold the office
of supervisor and superintendent of drag
ging at the same time. The township
clerks ought to call meetings of the town
ship trustees at once to have the 1 mill
tax levy made for use next year.
Water Works Election.
A special election to determine whether
the city of Des Moines shall ba given the
power to acquire the Dee' Moines water
works by condemnation proceedings or
construct a plant ow Its own will ba set
tled on Monday, June 19. The water works
company ia now operating without a fran
chise, it having expired on May L
Following a heated debate. Samuel Camp
bell of Jersey City, N. J., who Is reputed
to be an expert on a typewriter, Waa ruled
out of the preliminaries of the typewriting
contest for the Brown trophy during the
session of the Central Commercial Teaeh,-
era' association.
Boylea for Advertising;.
Commercial colleges should co-operate
with daily newspapers In publicity, de
rlared H. B. Boyles of Omaha, president
of the association, in his annual address.
He urged the commercial colleges to ad-
vertlae liberally In newspapers and urged
the establishment of press bureaus to
furnish interesting articles for tha dally
press. Mr. Boyles also deplored the wicked
practice of aome schools In taking extra
bright students and giving them extra
rapid Instruction and extra attention In
ordar to produce progress and show them
up to the publlo as shining examples fof
advertising purposes. Ha also urged the
teachers to be cheerful and optimistic ra
tholr work and to use none but fair meth
ods in competing with other schools.
Care of Transient Patleata.
Secretary Sumner of the State Board Of
Health today put It up to tha Rock Island
Railroad company to stand responsible for
Importing Infectious diseases Into the
sfate. Smallpox waa found on a man llv
K in a box car and working for tha
rtd near Newton. The man had no other
hatha than on tha right-of-way. Tha local
authorities refused to take responsibility
for the caae. An official of tha railroad
asked that the atate board order the
county to care for the man, but Secretary
bumner informed the company that it
would have to be responsible, and ha no
tinea the mayor of Newton to ordar a
quarantine of tha man. in tha box car and
to 'compel the company to support him and
provide medical attendance. He takes the
grouad that the man had no domicile la
Iewa and that, tha company is responsible
for the smallpox because of having im
ported the case into Iowa.
to-operative Association Formed.'
Articles Of incorporation were tiled to
day for tha Jefferson County Co-Opera-tiye
association of Fairfield, capital 110.000;
also for the Centennial Mill company,
Avoca, 110,000, and for an increase in tha
capitaf of Hornlck, Hesa A More of Sioux
City to 1360,000.
tat Mannfaetarera' Association.
Secretary Wrlghtman of the Iowa Manu
facturers' association today announced
membership of tha state executive com
mittee as follows:
B. J. Ricker, Orinnell; F. H. Bergman,
Newton; .Paul Arbrey, Ottumwa; if. H.
lraper, Marehalltown; P. 4. Jacobaon,
Davenport; Cephas Harmon, Keokuk; J.
A. Ounn, Kellogg; ltllon Turney, Fair
field; F. C. Ihsen, Iowa City; C. B. Ches
tarman, Sioux City; H. O. Northey, Wa
terloo; F. H. Keys. Council Bluffs; J. II.
Taft, Cedar Rapids; I. W. Shambaugh,
Clarinda; Q. L. Curtis, Clinton.
Ricker is president of the association.
Planning; (or Fair Improvements.
Members of the executive committee of
tha State Board of Agriculture have been
busy several days planning for tha new
Improvements on the state fair grounds.
Workman have commenced on the founda
tions for the new machinery hall, which
Is to be the largest single building on the
grounds. Minor improvements will also
be made of great value for tha fair.
Daotors Give a "Smoker."
Despite that Pr. 6, . Bailey, one of the
moat prominent members of the Iowa
Medical society, severely excoriated the
tobaooo habit and declared that "tobacco-
ism" is a disease which Is affecting many
Americana and having a demoralising af
fect, tha doctors accepted Invitations to a
"smoker" this evening and tilled tha roem
with smoke while they discussed various
social matters. , The day waa used In
tb reading of various papers.
Bays le for Pastofftce.
M. E. Temple, United Statea attorney.
returned today from Perry, where ha com
pleted for the government tha purchase of
a site for a new poatofflce In that city.
The oast to the government waa 17.000, and
an appropriation haa already been mad
for a commencement of the, new postofflca.
Invited ta Get ta JVew York.
Mlas Clara Lane, founder of the Olrl
Scouts of America, haa been invited to go
to new xork to confer with the women
Interested In the Campflre Olrls of Amer
ica, with a view of effecting a union of
that organisation with the Girl Soouta of
America. i
The Campflre Olrls of Amertea was
started approximately three months aa-o.
and uaes practically the aarae work as the
Olrl Scouts of v America. Mrs. Ernest
Thompson Eeton waa
one of tha persons
rianeer la Oea Moines.
Vice President Clanoav nf is. tt.n,..
tlonal Iron Wckers of America atopped off
tor a visit in ! Moines today.
Mr. Clancey waa with J. J. UrKim...
at the time ha was arrested in Indian
apolis charged with the dynamiting of the
las Anseies limes ana other buildings.
as to the arfalr ba said:
"Tha arrest of Mr. McNimir. .v,.
most contemptible outrage evea aommltted
in this country. . I waa with UoNuun .
tha time he waa arrested and ae man
couis have beau treated wsrae it he had
MA. in Russia."
TmdaT 6vna Baallr -a sjTg T"
Inntrmettama ta aerHver (
ATXJUmC. I a- May litspeelaj Tele-grem.-Jodge
Or seas today wrote eat tha
ins truer! cms to the reoetver for the At
las tie Northern A Bauthera nCwir.
These wtU ba filed with the dark here to
morrow morning. The name of the re
ceiver has not hen given out definitely,
but It Is understood he will be Ed Bharlan
of the Iowa Trust anil tavjnss bank of
this illy. No other lorij nisn' hen-come
before tha "court's attention for.'Vappotnt
ment, and Judge ftreene aivlsed the out
side creditor that It was his Intention to
name a local man.
President Rattenbrrg is here working on
hie plan to save the road to local people,
and he has 100,000 now raised In notes.
town News Notes.
EL.DORA J. H. Smith, aKed R7, one of
the pioneer merchants of this pla'. died
at his home here Inst night ot old ae.
He hud been tin business heie continuously
since 1R6. '
IDA GROVE 8. U Friable and son.
Loyd, of the Reoord-Era. have purchased
the Gulf Coast Advertiser h Wloxl, Miss,
on the Gulf of Mexico, end the son has
gone there to tske possession. Mr. Krls
bte, sr., will remain here.
M'ORKOi R Blanche J. Q'Hglev, past
president of the Iowa Rrbekah assembly,
died here last night. Phe was one of trie
best known ladles In the Rehekah circles
of the stste. Funeril services will be held
Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
NEVA DA-While going to work B. T.
Rasmussen waa thrown from the vehicle
In which he was riding and a 1.000-pound
coll of wire cable waa hurled on top of
his body, crushing his limbs. The horBe
became frightened at an. automobile. .
IDA GROVE For cross-country llverv
service Harnoy Boyesen of Kohleswlg hHS
purchased a big Avery car with five seats
that haa a capacity of eighteen psssengers.
There Is some talk of establishing a
dally service between towns In this sct:
Iton with a similar i ar.
MARSH A LI TOWN Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Ptlnson of Minneapolis today announced
the coming merrlage of their daughter.
Ellxebeth K.. to Mr. M. Derhv, for
merly Ot this C tv but now nf Mlnnom..
oils. Derby is the eon of City Clerk and
urns. u. Leroy ot this city.
n aua Airs. Paul c. Telg of near
noiana, wnne leading a cow from pas
ture, got her foot entuniHeH In I ha t-n.
when the cow bei-ame frisky and started
to run. Mrs. Telg. who Is 67 years of
sge, was dragged ano yards. One arm was
irai-iurra in two places and she was in
jured Internally.
IDA GROVE County Auditor Varner fin.
Ished the abstract today for the lll as
scsment in Ida county. It showa the total
aciuai vaiue ot persons I property, i74:i,tiM
of lands and lots, 1i4.m5,;m, and of all per-
aonai property. 111,428.111. The taxable
value of all property in the county Is given
1 i.aoo.mi. 1 ne actual value ot automo.
biles owned In Irin cnnmv la n 1
190,018, and Ida is the smallest county In
CHARLES CITY-Mrs. Byron Brown
inn wim a aisc accident which nearly
cost her her life. She had gone over to
a neighbor's to borrow a disc Four
nun?es were nitcnea to it and she started
to drive home. Something scared them and
incy commenced to run. Hhe went to
jump irom me aisc. ana must have fallen
in tne attempt. Her leg was broken, her
Fiioumer sprainea and a deep gash was
uui m ner nmo.
ALLISON A settlement has been ef
rectea petween Mrs. Oakes and Butler
,Y.. ,y- . ,ler nusnana, Jack Oakes, was
killed while attermUlna- to drive, a trx-tion
engine over a bridge in the aouth part of
Sl Jf" i""-jr- Bne BUea lrie county for
110,000 damages on the ground of negli
gence In not keeping the bridge In proper
condition. Mrs. Oakes will receive J2.00U,
and it l understood that the county will
cokis inus iar made.
iija UKOVE-Captaln J. E. Murphv of
Company B, Fifty-sixth Iowa, who went to
Ban Antonio with the Iowa detail of offl-
u . u t renuiar army maneuvers, writes
i!L. . "motcti asBignea to company 1
inirieontn inrantry, and that the first
uic a uo nu uraerea out lor a twenty
loiir miie nike across country to Leon
Springs, Tex. He says there Is not an Idle
minute In tha big camp and tha govern
ment Is evidently determined to get ail the
drill possible out of the division
there. Captain Murphy aaya the weather
vcijr nut.
IOWA CITY Tha Cosmnnnlllan -I..K
the University of Iowa will hold a monster
. I, , lno "scaa Japanese base
ball nine here Monday evening. The team
P'ye a series of two games on Tuesday
. ?5N?N""Th clty cou"cM recently re-
" -ii in mHKing me proposed
Having .ouuiunio aione and will throw the
contract open for brick and asphalt also.
1 he plan to narrow the paved streets has
Dn given up. Property holders are
tione paving street interaec
GLENWOOn Mrs Biin.l .III....
73 years, waa found tea in ,., u ' C ? .
1; "" "u since tne aeatn or
ner husband several years ago. by a
daughter. Mrs. Charlea Mlnner, and neigh
bora. yesterday evening. Mrs. Minner was
subject to attacks of heart failure and this
- ""iuijr mo cause ot ner death.
jKKSTON-At a meeting of the Greater
v-.i-r-Bt.uii association ripii ia. n .k
Commit Lat Wil sirirminf awl ku x...ti
Keith COnaUtlllaT lf A. Mtran.a liiam i .
nd William Recknor to confer with the
city council at Its next mtin ri..tiv
w tlo yurcnu oi m water wotka plant
XrOni the bandlnar nnmrianv nr,t A.l&na
iTig It " w vpsimv
CRESTON-Thls week will see the finish
of corn planting In this vicinity. Farmers
report tha work almost done and In many
instances the corn Is up and cultivation
may begin soon. Last week a passenger
en route from- Cumberland to this city a
distance of forty-eight miles, counted 122
corn Planters, at work In the fields passed
by the train on the trip.
ESTHER VI LLEEstherville will have a
gymnasium on the plan of a Y. M. C A
"gym." Manley Pecoy.of Cresco, Ia.. and
B. R, COX Of this cltv will ennrtnc an i,n.
1o-date gym in the Armory In this otty.
uuBiuras mon oi tne city nave taken
hold Of the matter. All modem innirilm
has been ordered and will nrnhahlv K in
working order in about a week.
ALBIA While performing an ooerattan
on a patient for a mllla-nant eancar. De.
Brnest O. Guath of Albla slightly scratched
his arm with a knife. Immedlatalv tha arm
showed signs of Infection and became badly
swollen. It waa lanced several times, but
afforded little relief. The doctor's condi
tion became so grave that he has gone to
tha Presbyterian hospital at Chicago for
treatment. . .
CRESTON Phllllpp Ootobed ta tha
unique name of a young man from Red
Oak who presented himself before the
county clerk here yeeterdav, with his
sweetheart, Mlas Nora E. Altaffer, and re
quested a. Uoenae to wed. The would-be
gVoom waa but V years of age. but car.
tied a permit to wad from his parents. The
young woman waa aooompanled by her
father, and t4e neceaaary document ws
Issued to them.
GLEN WOO D-vMrs. John Fox of Olen
woud, aged C4, waa fatally burned Tuesday
evening, when she attempted to light a
fire by pouring kerosene In tha atove. Her
daughter. Mrs. O. G. MoLaln, waa badly
burned in trying to save her mother, and
John Fox, husband of the dead woman,
and Miss Jane O. French, a nurse, wer
both seriously burned. The McI-nJn fam.
II y ia suffering from a siege of measles
and the nurse was heating sums water tor
the sick room when the kerosene exploded
In the atove. Her clothing caught fire In
this wav. The house was oulte badlv In-
Iured by fire also, Mrs. Fox died lmme
lately from her burns.
Arrested to Answer
for Chasing Girls
. Insane pursuit of lltle girls has put
Kathan Bchmtts .n Jail to answer seri
ous charges. .
Bchmtts was arrested Thursday night at
the home of Mrs. Brandon, 2706 North
Twenty-fifth street, after ba had pursued
the daughter of the bouse into the dwell
ing. Standing on tha steps, Schmits de
manded that the girl be delivered to him
Mrs. Brandon detained Schmits on a
pretext until the police arived.
Fira ef CBauseera Origin Deatrwya
i Henna ef Frank Leonard at
KEARVtT, Nee.. May IS. 8pedal Tele
gram.) Fire ef unknown origin today de
stroyed the IHOOS farm realdeooe ef rFank
Leonard. H vtng aevon miles east of eKar.
ney. Te reatdenee 1 baa Juat been com
pleted and Mr. el-onard and family were
furnishing It expensively. A large barn
near the house waa aaved by a bucket
brigade with difficulty. The loss waa par
tially covered by Insurance.
Story Current that Insuirectoi Will
lake No Chances.
Measure Proposing; Pardon to
Political Prisoners Introduced
Chamber ef Deputies at
.Mfilre City.
" tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
EL PASO. Tex., May lS.-tftpeclal Tele
gram.) Colonel -Toncho'' Villa, the prln
c'pal troublemaker among the Insurrectos,
today accepted an opportunity gracefully
to resign. The reason, officially given, Is
that he wishes to become an American
citizen, so that he nny better engage In
business. The real rearon Is well known.
He will tfike none of his men with him,
according to the present arrangement. It
has been arranged that Oroxeo shall start
south with his commend in the next two
days. Thus with Orosco and Villa, the
most persistent agitators and trouble
makers out of the way, all will be peace
when Madero starts either Baturday or
Sundsy for Mexico City to lend his Influ
ence in the reconstruction of the govern
ment. "I am morally certain that pesre will
be declared" bef'-re tomorrow sfternoon,"
declared Judge Francisco Carbajal today.
'o firmly convinced am I of this that
If all details of ptace are not settled by
tomorrow night I will leave El Paso and
let Madero and his army fight It out
"I'p to date there have been no official
negotiations. At present I have no power
to make any concessions. I expect plenary
powera some time tonight. Then tomorrow
morning I shall meet Madero at tha presi
dential msnslon and before noon peace
should be declared."
Mar Walt for Resignation.
In striking opposition Is a story which
tonight comes unconfirmed out of the rebel
camp, which Is that all peace negotiations
will stop right where they, are until Plai
resigns. He has promised to step down
during this month and the story goes that
the lnsurrectos figure that they had bet
ter wait a few days before making peace,
thereby taking no chances.
It Is certain that Madero will start for
Mexico City either Saturday or Sunday.
He la still considering whether to make the
trip alone or accompanied by a body guard
of 250 men. In order to reach Mexico City
he will have to enter United States terri
tory at Laredo. There Is a warrant for his
arrest on the charge of violating the neu
trality laws. However, It is understood
that the warrant will not be served and
he will be allowed to pursue his trip un
molested. Fearing for. hla life because Madero,
who saved him from his blood-thirsty men,
Is going to Mexico City Sunday or Mon
day, Oeneral Juan J. Navarro tonight
threw himself on the protection of United
Statea troops and is now occupying quar
ters at Fort Bliss.
Kdnardo Hay Arrives
Eduardo Ha, the brilliant young rebel
who was captured at the battle ot Casas
Qrandes after being wounded six times,
arrived In Juarea today, just one week
after making his escape from the peniten
tiary In Chihuahua. He was met at the
train by the entire rebel army, who threw
their hats wildly In the air as tha cour
ageous eoldler advanced slowly and was
embraced by General Orocco. He was at
once given 'the -position of honor In the
procession and, supoprted on either aide,
marched to the custom house, used now
as , White House. Madero rushed down
the steps to meet him and embraced him
warmly. He waa stHl too weak to talk
much. He wore two pairs f glassea He
lost hla right eye at Cases Qrandes and he
said aadly that he feared the other waa
going. Ha was not disheartened, however,
and aald he made' his escape by stealing
tha key to the Infirmary where he was
kept. He made' the trip partly by horse
back, afoot and by train. When I spoke
to mm about the reception he aald:
"I did not deserve it near aa much as
dosens of men who have done more fight
ing than I have."
He wore an old suit of overalls, but a
revolver peeped from beneath hla Jumper.
He Is now a guest at the residence or
Madero. He apeaka English fairly well. He
graduated at Notre Dame university. In
The largest of the two home-made ineur-
recto cannons waa seised by the Twenty-
third infantry today when It waa brought
across the IUo Grande for repairs, it waa
made out of the axle of a locomotive at
Mad era. Men:., and blew out Its breach
after nine shots on the second day of the
battle of Juarea.
Amnesty BUI Introduced.
MEXICO CITT. May U.A bill proposing
general ajnnesty to all political prisoners
waa Introduced In the Chamber of Deputise
today. Explaining the measure, the author
of the bill, Manual Calero, aald that tha
revolution had triumphed In all the coun
try, not alone In a military sense, but in a
political! sense as well. He added that
tha president and cabinet have recognised
the revolutionists' belligerency by entering
Into peace negotiations.
The galleries applauded the speaker until
silenced by the presiding officer.
(Continued from Page One.)
ment officials discredit the report of a
plot to attempt the life of Francisco I.
Madero, Jr., on his arrival in this city.
They say the rebel leader will be treated
with every courtesy. The general opinion
Is that if any attempt should be made
against Madero's life or liberty, the first
move would be a signal for a general up
rising and the Immediate march of General
Flgueroa and his revolutionary army
against the capital.
Rumor attributes tha alleged plot to op
position In the array to Madero's proposal
to General Gooxelea T. Bales for minister
ot war In the provisional cabinet.
Saasmlaarr Battle at Cnantla.
CUERNAVACA. Mex.. May 1.-A sang
uinary battle la being fought at Cuautla,
twenty miles southeast of here, between
the federal garrison under Colonel Mun
guta and a forte of rebels commanded by
Colonel Zapata. Fugitives arriving here
today state that the streets of Cuautla are
etrswn with dead and wounded.
A commission left here last n'ght for
Cuautla carrying tha news of the armis
tice which, It Is hoped, will put an end to
the fighting. Oeneral Flgueroa Is leading
1.000 rebel troops from Iguala presumably
en route for this city, Cuernavaca is the
capital of the atata of Morelos, and is
forty miles south of Mexico City. Cuautla
is a town ot about 1,000 population .In
Dlaa la Better Health.
MEXICO CITT, Mexico. May 1. The
condition of President Clas continued to
day satisfactory to his physicians, who
said It was likely that the executive would
leave his room during the day. He Is said
to ba In good spirits and except for tha
trouble caused by an ulcerated tooth, la
excellent health. Thla morning he received
callers In his chamber at tha palace and
transacted some official business. The
newa that Francisco I. Madero. Jr.. tha
Beautiful Summer Millinery
Every Hat in the House Enormously Cut in Price
S0t Children's Hati, All the New
Pretty Style
Itttll508 Douglas St.
Coat and Pants
Blue and gray serosa, tan sod gray saxfinlea and some nice blacks
are the leading features of this $20 sale.
AM goods guaranteed all wool and perfectly fast in color.
Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and style. All coats
lined with alpaca.
Every suit will be a good advertisement for us.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co,
804-306 South 16th St..
Five Steps South of Farnam.
Rex all Blemish Soap, cake 23c
Danderlne, 2&c, 45c and 86a
Llquzone (Llquoctde) 4Sc and . .80o
25c Feroxlde of Hydrogen, for ....o
Borden's Malted Milk, 15c and ..75c
Newbro's Herplelde. 48c and ....89c
40 kinds Malt Extracts, 1 bottles 26o
1 -lb. box pure Sugar of Milk ....25c
Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly, 25c and 50c
Mother GrnrTs Croup Remedy ....25c
S. H. 8., 89c and 11. M
KexSll "83" Shampoo Paste, per
bottle 25a
25c Holmes' FrOstatte, for 14c
50n Palm Olive Cream 29o
Formaldehyde for dislnfectting, bot
tles 25c and 60n
Pyramid Pile Cure. 45c and ....89o
Hazel Leaf Pile Buppoaltortea, per
box 50c
We are agsnta la Omaha for the
Old Reliable
nitwii - willi am aaxxz
And sail a lowest prices. Call
for color card.
QfinflACIQ 0ur new beautiful Soda Fountain
OvU Vl.UlO Room at 16th and Dodge Sts. is now open.
(TFoSS-sfs) Have you Been it?
16th and Dodge Streets
16th and Harney Streets
For the Girl Graduate
A dainty La Valliere 13
one of the prettiest bits of
jewelry that one can give' a
sweet girl graduate. Her
graduation will have an
added pleasure if she wears
on her gown a piece of FA
holm jewelry. Platinum
forms the perfect setting,
lending itself most adinir
ably to hand
aaw wrought designs.
twV,., ,i5 We shall be pleased
jprwJ5l to nw vou tBe 1t-
esi creauuua iu (Jia.i
Inum for graduation
Boat Masai?
Bay Is vest
lets and Xar
ney Kta.
Machine Shoe Repairing
SI South Sixteenth Street.
Hewed Half Bolee .
Nailed Half boles
I-eather HeeU, pair
Rubber Heels, pair
I ji dies' Bowed Half Soles
ladles' hailed Half Bole"
Ladles' Heels, pair . . . . .
All work guaranteed first class. If you
have to take the car we will pay your
car fare. Shoes eallod for and delivered
Ind. Pbone A-44U.
leader of the rebellion, ia to come sooa to
the capital waa received with great interest
here. When It waa communicated last
night to Foreign Minister de la Barra. be
appeared surprised, but said he would
facilitate Madero'a arrival by any further
agreementa that might be neoeaaary pend
ing tbe visit.
The coming of Mad ere la accepted hers
as meaning that the armistice will be con
tinued aa a permanent peace pact baala,
the terms of which will be announced by
the government officials In this city.
Fifteenth Cavalry Official to Be
Triad on are ef ConSaet
tsknonlss an Officer.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan, May It. Lieu
tenant E. & Hand. Fifteenth eavah-y. wilt
be triad by oourtraaartlal bare next wee
on aharges ef conduct unbecoming aa offl-
ear. No explanation of tbe charges have
been made publlo. It is not probable that
the true nature of tbe charge will be
known until the verdict of the court
martial has paeel upon the charges at
the headquarters at Omaha.
ON -
to Order $20
Sherman's Bitter Apple Hnlr Tonic,
for 60c and 75c
25c Zodenta Tooth Paste for 14e
25c Kexall Tooth Paste for 19c
Ftexall Toilet Soap, box I cakes ..25c
Graham's Lane till and Buttermilk
Soap, box 1 cakes Ifto
11.00 Rexall Beef, Wine and Iron 4o
75c Hall's Catarrh Cure for ....7c
All 25c Santtol Preparations for 14c
25c Barkeepers' Friend for 14c.
I doien for 11.50
Wavenlock Hnlr Orower. 50c and $1 00
P. r. T. Keaema Cure. 25c and ..89e
20 Mule Tesrn Horax. per lb 9o
II 00 Mrs. Potter's Walnut Juice Hair
Restorer for 9o
Several kinds 25e Tooth Pastes and
Powdera Saturday and Monday, 2
for 25o
Ask us for the new Toilet Ar
ticle and Pharmaceutical
Preparations. We have them.
A better delivery service for
less money. Let us show you. .
Auto Delivery
- and Messenger Co.
1111 Bonglaa Street,
Biaadela Theater Bldg.
raoaea Bong. tM XuA. A-fttM
Tea, all kinds of danelng Oreek,
blah. Bog-uah, Sootoh, Butaatan
and nuuiy more besides a
Klrmesa ef unusual aoope.
eallad the
At the Crandeis Theater
a???.. .HAY 20
OHven by the seat 1 sewn young saea
and women f Omaha.
erformanoes foe the 'seanflt
wi uty atisstoa and the
Child Savin Institute.
Sunday Bight Only.
and ha own oompaay in
VHnee Sl.oo. stoe. 9joo
Oeod Seats Still Available
Irloes loo, son and tea.
The Coolest Bouss In Omaha.
Mat, Tuii. Inure. Bat.
Baaa Sullivan sad Assoolata Flayers
Tatai at-aar raoM ion mo."
Beat Week "OlSHt"
I.OOO Seats at 10 Cents.
tamSO Dally Mat.. lS-SA-te
Last Times Today, at U and 1:11 P. M.
Of TBB BOB-TOBS. Last Show of Season
TOMoavnow matiksc-Opening of the
Summer Saasoa
uorn iwaawtM crocs eo.
la Wra. B. Crane's Buooees
"TBB sruatrjann-
Fopulaa Brloee Tnaaaay. Thursday and ,
Saturday Kattasea, lOe aad UOO I
Matinee Today at SilS