The Omaha Daily Bee. NEWS SECTION WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Oonersllv Fair. For low. Shower. PAGES 1 TO 12 VOI. XL NO. 288. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1911 -TWENTY-FOUR PAUKS. SINOLK COPY TWO CENTS. DESMOINES FILES j ti KrVV rmnn TVT RAIL 10M1 LAI A 1 , Business Allege Discrimination on j Part of Three Railroads Which Enter City. HFTY-THREE FIRMS CONCERNED Charges Against the Rock Island, Milwaukee and Burlington. HIGH CHARGES FOR SHORT HAUIS Interstate Commerce Commission Urged to Adjust Differences. PASSENGER RATES A FACTOR Commission Inllmatri that Intrastate Bad Interstate Fares Most Be Alike (or Similar Service. WASHINGTON. May 19 Declaring that the freight rates between Pea Moines, la., and Rock Island. Peoria and Chicago are "rosy excessive, unreasonable and tile gal." .fifty-three business concerns r,f Pes Molneg complained today to the Interstate Commerce commission nznlnst the Rock Island, the Milwaukee and Hmllngton rHil waya. ' It was averred thnt qreater charges for ahlpmenta are exacted for shorter than for longe. hauls over through routes from Atlanye seuhoard potntM to Dea Moines And Uie commission Is urged to adjust the alleged differences In rates charged. Distinction la Pasienser Affairs. Railways operating In Central passenger association territory. Including the states of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan are permitted, by an order Issued today by the Interstate Commerce commission to exact higher passenger fares for Interstate than for Intrastate business where state legis latures or state commissions have estab lished a 2-cent a mile rate. In the territory Indicated. Intrastate fares are on a 2-cent basis, while Inter state fares are made on a scale of Vh cents a mile. The carriers asked for time in which to prepare the necessnry data on the Insufficiency bf the 2-cent rate and the commission permits them therefore to exact the higher rate until May 1, 1912. The commission expresses the opinion, however, that eventually there must be established a distinction In quality be tween intrastate and Interstate service, or the two scales of fares must be made equal. ' Cheapest Available Roate. Holding that "In the absence of routing Instructions' the shipper is entitled to have his shipment moved via the cheapest available route," the Interstate Commerce Commission today granted reparation to Goodklnd Bros, of Helena, Mont., against the Chicago, Indianapolis V Louisville railway and other carriers. The prin ciple Involved In the decision had been In dispute for years, and now is determined finally by the oommiBslon. TELEGRAPH COMPANY SETTLES WITH KANSAS WMtera I a lea Pays Charter Fee Based on A meant mt Prop, rty la State. TOFEKA, Kan., May 1. The difference between the Western Union Telegraph company and the state of Kan over charter fees was amicably adjusted today. The contest began six years ago, when the state attempted to collect a charter fee based upon the capital stock of the com pany. The supreme court of the United fltatea bald this to be unreasonable. The compromise effected today Is on the basis of the company property In Kansas, 12,000,- eotn STRIKE IN KANSAS CITY SHOP Two Hundred Fifty Mlssoerl Pacific Employes t'hsrge Vlolatloa at Agreement. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 19. Two hundred and fifty union machinists, boiler makers, blacksmiths and plpemen em ployed by the Missouri Paolflo railway company in the east bottoms shops In this city, went on strike this afternoon. The men allege that the company violated an agreement made In St. Louis December 21, with reference to the transferring of strikebreakers from one point to another. The Immediate couse waa the employ ment In the shops hero of a man said to have been a strikebreaker In St. Louis last falL THE WEATHER. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa cihowers. T at a v rat are at Osaaha ; Teat er day. Hour. S a. rn,. t a. m. ...... 7 a. m. S a. m....... a. in...... 10 a. m ...... 11 a. ro.... 12 in.. ....... 1 p. ra 2 p. in I p. m I p. m f p. m ( p. in T p. m S p. in Dog. loauaaratlve Laval Heoard. 19U. 191. IMS. ma. Highest today 1 7 7 M laiwest today U U Si M Mean temperature 74 63 W 71 Precipitation 16 .03 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from ino i.urmat; Normal temperature M Excess for the day t Total exueas sine aatrch 1 &4 Normal precipitation .It lnoh Excuse fur the day 01 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 4. M Inches tef1oiency since March 1 2.22 Inches Deflatency for cor. period. 1910..1 Oft Inches lfioincy for -or. period, 109. .2.31 Inches Ft parts (ram Statloss at T P. H. Station and Temp. High. Rain- KMMwsTTrV" J f 7mi Ftate of Vveuiher. , 7 p m. T'd'y. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 44 (0 .01 Ievanport. clear S4 M .u) Iwnver. cloudy 82 56 .00 I Moines, cloudy a M .30 Iodre City, dear US 74 .00 laadar, cloudy 4 M M North Platte, clear , .: 4 T Omaha, clear ,1 Pueblo, cluutty f f i . Rapid City. irt cloud v ... i T Bait Lake City. pL cloudy. '. S4 .4 banta Ke, cloudy M ! .00 Sheridan, rata 41 64 .OS Sioux City, part cloudy 70 34 T Valentin, part cloudy M (J .09 T ladiuatas trace et precipitation. i. A. V k.LH. Local forecasts-. Two Men Accused by AlleSed Camomsts Deny gtory in Court A,crittore. who Told Priest Cuoccoli Had Been Killed by Two Crim inals, Repeats Story. V1TERBO. Italy. May 19. The two men denounced by Glacomo Ascrittore as the assassins of Oennaro Cuocoolo and his wife were given a chance to face their accusers and verbally defend themselves at the trial of the Camorrlsts today. After Enrico Alfano and other alleged leaders of the Cemorra had been arrested on suspicion, they were released on the intercession of the priest. Clro Vltoxzl. who ssld that he had learned of their Innocence while performing his office of confessor. It developed that Giacomo Ascrittore had charged Tomasso de Angells and Gastano Amedeo as the murderers. These men, though known criminals, established alibis and Vltozzl and Ascrit tore were arrested, charged with con spiracy against them and also with an attempt to shield the alleged aasaaslne. De Angells and Amedeo are now charged with being active members of the Camorra and Ascrittore as an accomplice In the murder of Cuoccolo and conspiracy against the other two. Asyifftore today confirmed his earlier testimony repeating the circumstances which, he said had led him to believe that the men he denounced were guilty. He de clared that at one time De Angells had shown him a dagger, saying: With this Cuoccolo will be served." The accused denied the allegations. President Blanch! instructed Ie Angells to bare his leg and show again to the jury and to the medical experts the wound which, according to Ascrittore, was re ceived from Cuoccolo when the latter waa fighting for his life. De Angells reiterated that the scar was from an Injury In prison In 11XH. the wound having re-opened In 1906. Lumberman Says Conservation Policy Benefits the Trust Heated Colloquy in Senate Committee V Between Senator La Follette and Leonard Bronson. .1 WASHINGTON. May 1. There waa a heated colloquy between Senator La Fol lette and Leonard Bronson of the National Lumber Manufacturers' association at to day'! Canadian reciprocity hearing, "be cause of a declaration by Bronson that the conservation polloy of Theodore Roosevelt and Qifford Plncbot worked for the bene fit of the lumber trust and forced up the price of lumber. Bronson had also de clared that the withdrawal by the govern ment of la rr trsu-ts of thnher lands waa I the chief cause of the high prices of lumber. Senator La Follette demanded to know what authority Mrv Bronson had" lor these assertions. This Mr. Bronsott refused to explain and after a series of questions by Senator La Follette both the assertions and the ensuing colloquy were expunged from the record on motion of the senator. . C. P. Potter of Elgin, . m., representing the milk producers' associations of Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, opposed the bill. Proposal to Merge Presbyterian Boards Report Favoring Consolidation of Missionary Bodies Meets with Strong Opposition. ATLANTIC CITT, N. J., May 19.-The report of the executive commission recom mending the consolidation of Important! boards of eburch government, home mis-1 slons, church erection and missions for freedmen was presented to the Presby terian general assembly today and aroused strong opposition. The Idea of consolida tion Is by reducing the number of direc tors and clerks to cut down expenses and to facilitate the transaction of busraeea. The reduction plan eliminates thirty eight men, cutting the combined direc torate from sixty-eight to thirty. A committee on Christian life and work reported that two-thirds of the Presby teries and synods have given attention to the recommendation of the last assembly that they appoint committees on Inter church federation. The report called attention to aa Inves tigation ntade by the secretary of the committee which shows that throughout the country as a whole the total number of non-church members Is 90 per cent. It was also set forth that the number of va cant Preebylterlan churches has In creased as between 1909 and 1910 from LSS to 2,132. James Elliot is . Mentally Deranged Man Who Made Alleged Confession Implicating Employer! in Dyna miting ii Crazy. PITTSBURG. Ph., May 19. James Elli ott, who last night made an alleged con fession In Which be charged what officers of the National Erectors' association and detectives employed by It were Implicated ra the wrecking of buildings throughout the country constructed by non-union la bor, this afternoon was found to be men tally deranged. CONSTITUTION ADOPTED FOR ALSACE-LORRAINE t essmitte-e af Helvhstaa; Pavers Gov erameat BUI for Proposed Paadame-atal Law. BERLIN. May 19 After prolonged bar gaining the committee f of the Reichstag today adopted the government's bill pro viding a constitution for Alsace-Lorraine. The support of fhe socialist was secured by abolishing the proposed plural voting. Tho original measure provided that the lower chamber should be made up of mem bers sleeted by universal suffrage of those 2B years old, or over, and that voters over 26 should have two votes, and these more than 46 years old. throe votes. The clericals were won aver toy conces sions ra the matter of religious freedom and an agreement by which tba French language will be used officially, and ra the schools of those districts of Alasta terrains whers there la a French speaking population. SUIT AGAINST LUMBER TRUST Attorney General VVickersham Files First of Series of Bills Against Combines at New lork. TEN TRADE BODIES ARE NAM! Hundred and Filty Individuals Are Also Defendants. CHARGES AGAINST RETAILERS Consumers Country Over Are at Mercy of Local Organizations. BILL DRAWN ALONG NEW LINES Conforms with Rnllns; and Alleges Cndee Restraint of Trade to Both Coasamers aad Mannfartnrcrs. NEW TORK, May 19 Sweeping chargea of a gigantic conspiracy to maintain hteh prices, to blacklist concerns not regarded as "proper" trade, and to violate generally the Sherman anti-trust law are made In a government suit filed by Attorney General Wlckersham In the United States court here today against the so-called Lumber trust. Ten trade organizations and more than lf0 Individuals are named as defendants in this suit, which may be the first of several planned by the Department of Justice against combinations of retailers In staple commodities and the necessaries of life to prevent the ultimate consumer from buying snywhere except from local retailers. The government's suit is replete with sensational allegations snd It asserted that builders snd consumers of lumber the coun try over are at the mercy of the retailers' organisations In different sections of the United States. The suit filed today Is sgalnst the East ern States Retail Lumber Dealers' associa tion, which Is the central body of 'nine local organisations covering five states, the Distriot of Columbia and the cities of Balti more and Philadelphia. Alleaea I'ndne Restraint. This Is the government's first anti-trust suit conforming to the supreme court's Standard Oil decision In that It alleges "undue" and "unreasonable" restraint of trade of the consumer and the manufac turer. It la the evident purpose of the plea to confine the charge largely to that feature, small stress being placed on the restraint of trade among the conspirators themselves. Attorney General Wickershham and his special assistant, Clark McKercher, have devoted more than a year gathering the evidence on which today s suit is based. This evidence Includes copies of the al leged agreements, black lists and reports of the various organisations, branding wholesalers and retailers who have dared to violate the rules of the association as "poachers," "mavericks,", "scalpers" .and "Illegitimate dealers,' . to whom 'short shrift' must be applied. - e, Retailers Have Monopoly. ' The government charges In brief that by an elaborate system of blacklisting not only individual consumers, but some of the largest Industrial corporations have been prevented from dealing- directly with wholesalers. By alleged-unlawful agree ments and acts it is charged that all com petition for the trade 'of the contractor, the builders, the manufacturers of finished limber products and the Individual con sumer has been thrown entirely Into the hands of the retailers. In the eastern states by retail lumber dealers' associations and its constituent organizations. The government's bill alleges that In some localities the wholesaler selling to a con sumer has either been heavily fined or ex pelled from the organisation. Officials of the Department of Justice regard the suit as the most Important, in principle of any yet undertaken by the gov ernment against alleged conspiracies said to affect the cost of living. It Is believed that should the courts uphold the govern ment's contention that It Is a violation of the Sherman anti-trust law to prevent ihe ultimate consumer from buying direct from the producer, other suits will be started against combinations of retailers alleged to be in control of the marketing of many of tho commodities of life. List of Defendants, The defendants named In the suit and who are alleged to have conspired among themselves and with the assistance of the National Wholesale Lumber Dealers' as sociation have prevented wholesalers from selling directly or Indirectly to consumers are: The Eastern States Retail Lumber Deal- era' association, a New York corporation wtth offices at No. in Broadway. The New York Lumber Trade associa tion of New Tork City. The Building Material Men's association of West cii eater county, New Tork. The Lumber Dealers' association of Con necticut. The Massachusetts Retail Lumber Deal ers' association. The I Aim bar Dealers' association of Rhode Island. The Retail Lumber Men's association of Baltimore. The officers and directors, trustees and members of the above are named as in dividual defendants as well as ths officers and directors and members of three follow ing voluntary organizations: The New Jersey Lumber Men's Protective association. The Retatl Lumber Men's association of Philadelphia. Calls It Rldlcaloas. PHILADELPHIA, May 19. William H. MscBrtde, president of the Lumber Men's exchange of this city, and also head of the Retatl Lumber Men's association of Philadelphia, refused to believe this after noon that the government had entered suit in New Tork against the Eastern States Retail Lumber Dealers' association charging it with restraint of trade In vio lation of the Sherman anti-trust law. "It seems Impossible for me to believe that the government makes such serious land ridiculous allegations," he said. BOSTON, May 19.-The Massachusetts Retail Lumber Dealers' association, men tioned In the conspiracy charges made by the government, has Its headquarters la Worcester. Many of the Boston retail firms are allied with the association, but nons of the dealers cared to discuss the action of Attorney General Wlckersham until they had consulted their attorneys. BALTIMORE. May- 19. -George H. Pohlman, secretary of ths Retail Lum bermen's sssoclstion of Baltimore, made a sweeping denial of the government's charges so far as the Baltimore dealers were concerned. PROVIDENCE. R, I , May 19-Waher Pariiott, secretary and treasurer of the Lumber Dealers' association of Rhode Island, whsa Informed of the government's action this afternoon said: "Bo far aa a lumber trust Is concerned. I sever heard of any." An EL xV'V - a From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. LUMBER PROBE IN THIS STATE Action of Attorney General Will In , volve Nebraska Retailers. WHOLESALERS ARE INFORMANTS Fats Tending; to Show Agreement on Price Forwarded to Headquar ters and Thence to the Government. Government Investigation of the retail lumber business as outlined In the suit filed In New Tork by Attorney General Wlckersham, will reach Nebraska. That Is the declaration of a wholesale lumber man in touch with the trade of the terri tory of Omaha. "It will, In all probability, be shown that retail dealers out through the state have held up wholesalers for supplying goods to the so-called 'poachers' firms who sell below the prices made by the retailer's agreement. "Not lees than four Omaha concerns sell ing lumber to the general trade have felt the strength of the combination which cuts both ways, against tho wholesaler and the retailer. "Other instances can . be shown where retailers have made contracts with whole salers on the stipulation that ths whole saler would not sell to firms in tho terri tory which did not sell under the terms of the retailing agreement." ' . - The effect of exposure th rough Tfrs Bes of ths exorbitant prices asked by retail ers for common grades of lumber has been to temporarily at least disrupt ths retail agreement. Reductions in prices have l been made by murty retail dealers. . Figures on ordinary shlplap and scant ling, published In The Bee, showed a profit to the retailer of from 0 to 100 per cent Meetings held by retail lumbermen in a downtown hotel have been discontinued. according to the statements of a member of the clique. Information bearing on the retail situation In Omaha has been forwarded to. the head quarters of the manufacturers' associations. It Is said that the evidence collected by theso associations is In turn being de livered to the attorney general. ODD FELLOWS OF SOUTH DAKOTA ELECT OFFICERS K. B. Raymond of Nllaa Is Chosen Grand Master and 8. K. Wll son Wardea. SIOUX KALLS, K. D., May 19 (Special.) At a business, session of the grand lodge of outh Dakota Odd Fellows, which hn been in session in loux Falls since Tues day, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Grand master, F. B. Raymond, Vilas; deputy grand master, J. M. I'atton, Sioux Falls: warden, K. E. Wilson, Hot Springs. Harvey J. Rice of Huron and George V. Know of Springfield were re-elected secre tary and treasurer without opposition. There waa a hot fight for warden be tween Mr, Wilson and Mr. Barrett, the latter being a resident of Madison. The attendance at ths grand lodge meet ing has been the largest for some years and the local Odd Fellows and citizens In general spsred no pains to make the stay of the visitors pleasant by entertaining them In a royal fashion during the time they were not engaged in transacting lodge business. the Town for the By Mrs. C. Few peopl. In this or sny other community where there Is located a well organized, fully equipped Toung Women a Christian association, ap preciate the assistance, protection, educational and social opport unties It offers, especially to the young woman, who comes, a stranger, to the city, compelled by necessity to seek employment In carrying forward the varied work of the association, the help of many women is ' needed, and too often these women shrink from iden tifying themselves with the organi sation fearing they will be asked to solicit money from the public, which work Is the hard set and most dis tasteful a woman can do. Considering that the association Is the church at work down town, where all denominations co-operate In doing f-jr the young women of Omaha what no one denomination Is equipped to do, and considering what the association has accom plished In the past also its beautiful and well equipped building. Its strong organization for service In the future, do the oUsens of Omaha not owe It to the women of their city to free ths association from debt that may 1s thslr tlms, strength and energy gooa in tne community. it w . - - m r swsi v raT-r ,w y . . m tib - . js. -si w j m -,x m mxs w w Jf. V Unexpected Sunday Caller ft i" yrrv rif- wr i a M Hobson Proposes to Create Council of National Defense Alabama Man Wants Board Composed of Executive Officers and Heads of Congressional Committees. WASHINGTON. May 19.-Th proposed council of national defense, the establish ment of which is provided for In a bill in troduced by Representative Hobson of Ala bama, was under discussion today before the house committee on naval affairs. The object of national defense Is re garded favorably by military leaders, offi cials. The council would consist of the secretary of war as president, the secre tary of the navy, chairman of the senate and house committees on appropriations, foreign relations, military and naval af fairs, the chief of the general staff of the army, the aide for operations of the navy and the presidents of the war and navy colleges. The chief function of the council would be to determine a general policy of na tional defense and recommend to the pres ident for transmission to congress meas ures relating thereto. Paper Carrier is Taken by Spinal Meningitis Friday Henry Brehl Dies Twenty -Four Honrs After He is Taken . ' . Sick. ' ; ' After an Illness of less than twenty four hours Henry Boehl, 12-year-old son of C. N. Boehl, 609 South Twenty-fifth street, died at 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing of spinal meningitis. The body will be sent to Grand Island this morning for burial. . Boehl on Wednesday afternoon was In good health and carried a paper route for a local paper. On his way home he bought an ice cream cone. On Thursday morning he was too sick to go to school. His condition became worse as the day grew longer. Medical assistance was called, but too late to save the boy. He is survived by his parents, three brothers and four sisters. Actor Pleads Guilty . to Series of Crimes Harold Enfield, Who Committed Sev eral Burglaries in Pittsburg, ' Goes Up for Ten Tears. PITTSBURG. Pa., May 19.-Harold En feld, an English vaudeville actor, who con fessed to a series of burglaries In Pitts burg, and whom the New York police au thorities charge committed robbery In their city, today entered a plea of guilty - in criminal court and was sentenced to serve an indeterminate term of from seven and ona-hnlf to ten years In the western peni tentiary. Rex Hunter, an accomplice, also pleaded guilty and received a sentence of from fhrs to twenty years. Church Down Young Women C. George. MRS. C. C. GEORGE. tho.. who have the work in charge in making It a still greater forte for Q - I , v . 7a. 1 rnmmsm l- i W MADERO WILL GO TO CAPITAL Insurgent Leader Not Affected by the Threats to Kill Him. SAYS REPORT hAs NO REAL BASIS Telegram from lit) of Mexico Karly In Day Said Conspiracy Had Been Formed to Assas sinate Madero. JUAREZ, Mexico. May 19. "I am going to Mexico City. I have confidence In the federal government. Rumors that someone my do me personal harm are to me of no consequence." In this manner Francisco I. Madero, Jr., dslmissed the repoit from Mexico City this morning that rumors were in circulation that an attempt would be made on his life when he arrived at the capital and urging that precautions be taken. When an Associated Tress representa tive informed him of the receipt of the message by a member of the El Paso Junta, Mr. Madero smiled and shrugged his shoul ders. "I have received hundreds of rumors all through the revolution and It has been my task to sift the reliable from the un reliable," he added. "This one Is utterly discredited. The federal government wants to make peace with me." - The face of the successful leader became serious and he paced the floor of his of fice with a quick, nervous stride. Piaas Will Not haasjed. "If, by any unfortunate occurrence, my life should bo taken, anarchy would follow In Mexico. I cannot for a moment taks such a report seriously. My plans will not be changed." - ' '' Mr. Madero said present plans contem plated the departur of himself and party for the capital tomorrow, but added that this might be changed after he had con ferred with Dr. Vasoues Gomes this after noon. Some of - Madero's advisers believe it would be more advisable and courteous to those who are about to step down If ths rebel leader and his party were to post pone their entrance to the capital until the resignation of President Diaz hsd actu ally gone Into effect. This point will be definitely decided at this afternoon's con ference. The trip will be made as unosten tiously as possible. Judge Carbajal today said It was neces sary for the revolutionists to draw up In blanket form the substance of what will be their ultimate demands, these to be trans mitted by telegraph to Mexico City Imme diately with the object of securing the pas sage If possible of certain measures desired by the revolutionists before the Chamber of Deputies adjourns at the end of the present month. Diss Telegraph to Madero. It came out In the conversation between Provisional President Madero and the As sociated Press representative this morning that for the first time since the revolution started President Dies has held direct com munication with the revolutionary leader. Broken In spirit, sick and seeing before him his native country convulsed with re bellion, President' Diaz last night wired his personal assurance to Mr. Madero of his Intention to retire. "Theother points can be settled by you and Judge Carbajal," the mweaage said. The message mads a desp Impression about revolutionary headquarters. Wben the fact of President Diss's direct com munication became known and a feeling was shown that Mexico, their beloved country, torn and devastated by the long struggle, would at last know peace. Reason af Conspiracy. Plans for the dopsrturs to Mexico City within a few days of Provisional Pres ident Francisco ' I. Madero, Jr., re ceived a temporary setback this morn ing when a member of the El Paso revolu tionary junta received a telegram from the capital stating that persistent rumors were In circulation from the capital stating that peisistent rumors a ere In circulation there cf the existence .of a plot to attempt the life of Madero . upon his arrival. Beyond this bare statement, the message gave no details, but the matter was con sidered seriously enough to result in a hurried consultation of Insurrecto leaders as to the advisability of postponing the trip of Madero until such time ss the re ports were disapproved or affairs In the capital were In a more settled condition. A definite announcement as to this will probably be made later In the day. Outside of this suddtn unfavorable phase, there were r.o development In the situation this morning. Mr. Madero and his advisers are still awaiting an answer from Mexico City as to the immediate naming of the four provisional governors, the remainder to he nominated later snd until s reply to this la received the progress of peacs negotia tions are practically at a standstill. No doubt Is expressed, however, that the an swer will be favorable. Every officer on the staff of the pro visional president. It was announced today las donated six months' salary aa a fund for the widows and children of lnsurrertj sc'.dlers killed during the revolution. Ranter of Plot Discredited. MEXICO CITY. May 19-The govern- (Continued on Page Two.) GRAN D ARMY MEN ELECTMFICEHS CaptAin A. M. Trimble of Lincoln wade department Commander of Organization. SUCCESSOR TO JOHN F. DIENER Member of Fost No. 25 of Lincoln Gets Chief Place. NEXT ENCAMPMENT AT BEATRICE Unanimous Decision Reached Choice of Place. on MOVE FOR SULLOWAY BILL (eaernl .1. II. t slier Arts as lastall. Ina Officer When Newly Fleeted Officials of Varlnna ".note, lies Take Places. KEARNEY. Nctv. May 1.-(Sperlsl Te! grsm.) At a business sesrlon of the Grand A nny of the Republic here today A. SI, Trimble- post No. Di of Lincoln, wss elected department commander to succeed John F. I'lener of post No. 21 of Syracuse, oer J. f. HoagUiid of North Platte. O. II. luiiand pnFt No. 77. Falrbury, was chosen senior Ice commander by a vote of Mil npalnst IS for E. A. W arner of York. For Junior vice commander, Frenian Merrlman of Kearney was selected by acclamation. The following rounril of administration, was elected: L. O. I'avne, post No. 13, HaJ-tliiKs; V. J. UlyrUint. post No. 14, Lincoln; M. T. KlnK. post No. 12, Geneva; John Fl. M.'Clay. post No. 114. Lincoln; A. W. George, post No. OS, Broken now. Following Is a lift of the delegates chosen to the national rncumpmrnt In Rochester. X. Y., in August: James McKelvey, post No. 81. Juniata: P. J. Ruch, post No. 32. York; R. J. Culllne. post No. 40, Ord; W. O. Dungan. post No. 91, Mlnden; Frederick Myers, post No. 2,1, Lincoln; E. C. Calkins. Post No. 1, Kearney; N. W. George, post No. W, Broken Bow; M. H. Hlnman. post No. 4. Fremont; C. H. Warren, poht No. K, Edgar. ext- Camp to Beatrice. The order given Is In ratio to the votes received. After a brl,-f discussion on the floor of the house as to the next encamp ment city, all other towns withdrew and Bentrlce was unanimously declared the proper place. John E. Olllman of Boston, enmmandor-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Repub lic, was present at the meeting and die cue ed at length the hiulloway pension bill, and expresied a determination at head quarters to put up a strong fight In the next congress to serine the passage of ths bill, which will then be known as the Anderson bill. Woald Have Park at Fort Kearny. The committee on resolutions, headed by J. H. Culver of Mllford, presented the following, which waa unanimously adopted: Whereas. In searching history for the -5.,,.'Ht..r,?,pUoe " Nraska ths reader finds that the annals of Fort Kearny powess more of Interest than sny other place In tho state. It was the great way station across the plains In the earlr flighting days. Officers and men who. afterward became famous In union and confederate armies served here prior to the wtrr, and this was the strategic point In early Indian troubles and during war-, as war ever directed toward it from the time It was located by the secretary of war and the spiking of the guns bv Can tain Dick Taylor until It was ordered aban doned hy General Sherman because of the disloyal sentiments of doby town; there fore, be It Resolved,- That we reouost our senators and congressmen to unite on some plan that will eventually lead to the establish ment of a public nark including the sight of old Fort Kearny. A resolution thanking the citizens of Kearney for their Intertalnment of ths vis iting veterans was also passed. Joint Installation. Joint Installation of officers of ths Grand Army of the Republic, Women's Relief corps and Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic was held. this afternoon at the Methodist church. General John H. Culver, past department commander, was the Grand Army installing officer. Mrs. Pattle M. Vaughn of Lincoln Installed the officers of the I-adies of the Grand Army of the Republic, who had been elected, as follows: Caroline Putnam. lLncoln, presi dent; Nora R. Kidder, Scrlbner, senior vice president; Louisa Dlener, Hyracuse, Junior vice president: Boh pi a C. Bliss, Junlana, sentry; Flora Nelson, Ord, treasurer. The officers of the Women's Relief corps, who were Installed by Mrs. Mary R, Mor gan of Alma, were chosen as follows; Lil lian P. Eddy. Omaha, president; Clara Hef tier. Kearney, senior vice president; Nettie Johnson, Fullerton, Junior vice president; Frances Thrall, Grand Island, chaplain J Josle C. Bennett, Harvard, treasurer; ' board of exerutlvea, Minnie D. Bill, Lin coin; Beulah C. Davis, Omaha; Olive BaU lard. Dlller; Mary Elder, North Plattei Augusta Taylor, Broken Bow. W. R. C. UeJesates. Women Relief corps delegates to ths national ocnventlon are: Delegate-at-large, Esther Horth, Hhelton: alternate-at-large, Mattle Rhoades, Grand Island;' Jennie Tramor. Omaha; Mrs McMorrls, Lyons; Anna Wyckoff, Juniata; Mrs. Green, Un. coin; Julia Heine. Hooper; alternates, Jen nie Klrkpatrtck, e,.irney; Alice Bchleh, Omaha; Mrs. Clemmons. Norfolk; Ruby Marlon and Mrs. Armstrong. The Women Relief corps officers are Harriet E. Wilcox, counselor; Addle B. Hough, secretary; I. and I. officer, Etta Stone, Nellfc'h; inspector, Ada I. Heine, Hooper; patriotic Instructor. Mary R, Mor Cans of Farrell's Syrup. Boxes of O'Brien's Candy. Quart Bricks of Dalzell'a Ice Cream. AH given away free to thota who find their names in the want ads. Read tho want ads every dy, your name will appear sometime) may be more than once. No puzzles to solve nor subscrlB Hons to get just read the wast ads. Tarn to the want ad page now.