-AA. 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAT 19, 1911. 1 " i i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Balls Playing on Dry Weather Re port! for Advance. CHOP PEOSPICT IS STRONG Pnaltc of flood t leld of Both Spriest and Winter Whral tork I -rrail( Hapldlr with Caah Demand Light. OMAHA, May 1. 1JU. There U a period of partial drouth over tha central males from Iowa to Ohio. Bull had tha upper hand at th atari on con tinued dry weather, whirl) la being fea tured hy huyera to advance tha market, although both the winter and spring wheat crop! are of very promising character, while stocks are increasing rapidly for which there la no rash demand on the benrlnh t""tures of the trade. Tha corn market holds steady and nar row aa the actual movement of receipts and shipments continue unexpectedly light, t'ntll there Is a large Increaae In the country, movement trade will he light and rash com "III stay In a strong position. Wheat ruled weak and lower selling be ing gsnm-al on rains being reported In the dry districts. Cash wheat was unchanged to lower. Corn was steady, ruling a shade lower with wheat. Light receipts kept cah corn steady and value were unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were 4'A.no hu. and shipments were fteono bu.. against re ceipts last year of 5-14.000 bu. and shipments of 267. ono bu. Primary corn receipts were ZW.ono bu. and shipments were 41S 0" bu.. against re ceipts last vear of 242,000 bu. and shipments of SOi.ono bu. Clearances were 78.000 bu. of com. 500 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 4M.O0O bu. IJverpool closed Hd higher on wheat and n higher on corn. The following caah sales were reported: WHEAT No. 1 hard. $ cars. We; 8 ears. J.c; No. I hard, 1 car. 8"c; 1 car. 87c; 1 car, 87c; No. I mixed. 1 cars, 871c. CORN No. I yellow. 2 cars, 4Hc; No. 4. vellow, 1 car. 4Sc; No. 8 mixed, t cars, 414c; No. I flint. 1 car. 48c; no grade. 1 car. 4fc. OATS-No. 1 white, 1 cars. lc; No. 4 white. 1 car, 31V,c; No. I yellow. 1 car. Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. I hard. MffMo; No. 8 hard, KWtc; No. 4 hard, 84'a7Ac; rejected hard, 74ffl?3c; No. I aprlng, 8994Hc; No. 4 spring, 87fr!2e; No. 1 durum, 8687e; No. 8 durum, HSoo. CORN No. white, W3Bc; No. t white, 41(!H0! No. 4 white, 4S44r!4o; No. 8 color, 4SH4T490; No. 1 yellow, 4X41j,4&c; No. 3 yellow, ItV; No. 4 yellow, 4744Ac; No. 3, 4804h4c: No. 5. 478'c; No. 4. 47IfJi47c; no grsde. 4fc346c. OAT9 No. 2, S2Sf2o; standard, S1V3' 52o; No. I white, 3m&31.c; No, 4 white, eKTSlHe; No. I yellow, $U4&31V; No. 4 yel low. 31 Si uo. BARLEY-3BSC No. 4, 74384CJ No. 1 feed, 7S3o; rejected, 647c. RTB No. 1. I1.0031.01; No. I. 9ttc8$1.00. Cavlot Reeelpto. Wheat Corn. (tats. Chicago 117 112 147 Minneapolis 1 Omaha 32 89 t Duluth 24 CHICAGO GRAUT AMD PBOVISIOMS Featmree of thai Trading us, Ctoslaar FrlaMte on Board ( Trade, CHICAOO. May la A fall in tha barome ter helped carry down the price at wheat. 1 na suggestion of wet weather was too strong to be resisted by the dealer who had a haivlaom profit in sight. Aeoord Inglr selling beceirie aomoarhat ganarai and tha otoe wag fetjifoo lower than Last night. Com finished hmtfmo down, oala fytf'o oft to VtsPlad X aoa provinlotui at a daouna of l4t'Jt-a. , Aa a matter of fact, the only rains that wheat apanulavtoaa could dlacover were at widely ecaaatered pointa. mainly eaat, and aa role wore rather light. It waa no ticed, tboosb, that Russia had been fa vored wfcrai gsaaaroua ahower. and that world stfMptnwrrta promlaed to ba large. rwDiarmsi, no new export bualneaa from tha Dotted States bad developed and the country waa continuing to ship wheat to CMsafO trmm unexpected aouroea. Bafore tha selling raid began the market abewed eon4aWabU artnengto. There waa aiao a little return of flrmnaea during tna final trading. Between the opening and the close July ranged from 8Sao to 8&Lo, with final sale at IKTee. a net foes of Sc. Haporta of lncreassd acreage and ' of food growth In early planted fields had a tandency to weaken corn. July fluctu ated wltbin limit hounded by 6&o aiid 6?V. closing ataady, 46 down at 62H& MSo. Caah grade were slow. No. 8 yel low finished at tefjSefco. Resting orders to sell at high levels counteracted to soma extent the advanc ing tendency which oats showed. High and low pointa for July were 8SS34o and ttVQiie. with tha olosa Ue, exactly the ame aa last night. Unloading by stock yard longs depressed tha market for provisions. May pork waa let down 75o and other products from 5c to So. Prices In Chicago, famished by tha Up dike Grain company, Telephone Douglas 1478. 70s Brandels building, Omaha: Articles. Open. J Hlgh.l Low. Cloee. Tee y. Wheat I I I. May... r 5 f4 K 8M4 July...WwO, 5WW 88SWS corn May July 6TJ 621 US B3VI 62VO7S Sept... Oat May... July... Sept... Pork May... July... Sept... Lard May... July... Sept... rub May... July... Bept... us 84t I149S4S 84'. 3 4V 84W ivVa-sl !844yU IS 50 14 14 30 It 50 14 14 80 15 00 lfi 00 14 76 14 15 800 8 05 8 14 15 75 14 rr 14 82 8 05 8 20 8 20 8 03 T to T st 14 S3 14 10 8 07H lTVs 8 10 8 05 8 17 8 USl 8 00 T 85 8 00 T 86 7 85 T77U 7 SO 7 KP T I3H 7 7i i77 Cash quotations were aa follow: FTOUR steady; winter patents. 83909 4 50; stralghta. W 03 4 25; spring straights. t4.la?4.a; bakers. $3 44.60. RTB No. 2. 11.0&31O2. HA RLB3Y Feed or mixing, &30o; fair to choice malting, 82cdl.01. BKKD flax. No. 1 southwestern. 82.42; No. 1 northwestern, 8255. Timothy, 1 12.00. Clover. 816.75. PROVisiON-Pork. mess, per bbl.. 815.28 4715.(0. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 88.00. Short rlbe WANTED SITUATIONS' (Continued. ) BT thoroughly competent bookkaei fflca man; several ears expert meroantlla and automobile buatm 8ui, Bm. WAlfTKD Jttiaion aa painter. Addreaa r-M, care Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Office of Indian Affairs. Washington P. C. Sealed propoaais for letting g ras ing Dlatrict No. 8, Crow Reservation. Montana, for tha graalng of sheep, either under a leaae er by permit, will be re ceived at the office of the commissioner of Indian affairs. Washington, D. C, until 8 clock p. ., en Monday, June 6, ltli, and will be Immediately thereafter opened in the presence of such bidders aa may at tend. AU necessary Information may be obtained on application to the superin tendent of tha Crow Indian school. Crow Agency. Montana. C, 9. Hauka, Second Assistant Commissioner. M 44 lit. FORT TKL LOW STONE, WTO., APRIL, If, 18U. etealed propoaal. tn triplicate, will be received here until 12 noon May tX lMli. and than publicly opened, for fur plehtng labor and material tor construct ing pipe Una from Panther Creek to point near Kuatlu Palls for Port Tellowatone .'water system. Information fornlahed on pptillontton. Envelopes containing propo sals to ba endorsed ' Proposals for Pipe Line" and addraseed to Constructing Quar termaster. A2-2Ml-2-U-a), JORT ROBINSON. NEB., MAT 11 un fceeled proposele. In triplicate, win be received heie until 18 noon. May 11. 1411. and then pubuoly opened for furnlahing labor no inateral for eonetructmn concrete Sidewalk Information furnished oa ap- fllcatlun. Envelopes containing propoaala e be indorsed "Propoaala for eldewalka," and addressed la OuaxtariBcater. UiMet side iIooppi. IT.Ci.fli.ST; short clear sides jiboxedt, t 0"j8.:. Total clearanrei of wheat and flour were I equal to 48,l bu. Primary receipts were ! tno.OiiO bu.. compared with 634.000 bu. the torreoponritng day a year ago. Otimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, T (Brx; corn, 87 cars; oats, U6 cars; bogs, K''aXf, No. 2 red. WVac; No. 2 hard, "7 i No. 8 hard, WrtO&Ho; No. 1 northern spring. 10ltjl.04; No. 1 northern spring, lluuSlOS; No. I spring, 9B'aKc. Corn: No. I csxh. 633r: No. 8 rash, 6-'S''B.Tc; No. white, 54ai4c; No. 8 white, nllyfriasc; No. 2 yellow. MftMSc; No. 8 yellow, 634n'c. Oats: No. 2 white, 8f.i4fi.1ec; No. 3 white, 34H1ic; No. 4 white, KVLf-HV' I standard, 3uioWo iil.TTalH dieady; creamerlea, ly&210; dairies. 13tfl8o. Ktilis Steady; receipts, 14,4! cases; at mark. cai Included, 12Sllc; firsts, 14o; piin.e firsts, l.'-c. C 'HKKSIv .Heady; daisies. 121240; twins, HViUSc; young Americas, lioUSc; long horns. l-4ill'c. POTATOEd btsady ; choice to fancy, 48 ili-c; fair to good, MlQUa. POULTRY fcasy; turke,vs. live, Uo; fowls, 13c; springs, dressed, 22'u2Sc. VfciAL Stesdy; 50 to 60 lbs . :'7o, 00 to 8.i lbs., Riiitr; 55 to 110 lbs.. r10e, Chicago Receipts Wheat, U7 cara; corn, 112 cara; oats, 117 cars, estimated tomor-10.-Wheat, 7 cars; corn. 87 cara; eata, 136 cars. KW YORK OK.-VKRAL MARKET Unotatlona ef the Day oa Vnrlona Commodltlea. NEW YORK, May ll-rlOUR-Qulet; spring patents, $4. a 515; winter straights, 63 SOt. On; winter patents, 34.10fl4 60; spring (lesrs, $3 764.10; winter extraa. No. 1. 13 30 63 60, winter extraa. No. 2, U Wdi . Kin utM straights. 14. lu'i4.0. Rfe flour, quiel; fair ii) good, 84.&X&6.06; choice to fancy, 6. im&6.0. CORN MEAL Dull; fine white and yellow, tl 15-31 SO. coarse, 81.luDl.15; kiln dried, 1300. WHEAT Spot market dull: No. 2 red, lc. elevator, and 99c, f. o. b. afloat, both nomiral; No. 1 northern Duluth, 81.08. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market declined at the start on the cables and foreign selling, rallied on dry weather talk, but eased off sharply on ahowers In Oklahoma, with prospects of rain In the winter wheat belt and poor export demand, closing S'S" net tower. may closed at 7c; July, sSo; September, MSc 1 uk.-Hpol market quiet; export, new No. 2 corn, tiO'jc. f. o. b. afloat, nominal. Futures market waa without transactions, cloHlng at unchanged to lo net higher. May closed at 61c; July, 60c. OAT8 Spot market easier; standard white. 40c; No. 2. 40'tc; No. 8. 391c; No. 4, 39'iiC. Futures market was without trans actions, closing nominal. HAY Steady; prime, $1.36140; No. L I1.1S; No. 2, 8U5&1.20; No. 2. 81.3531.40. HIDE'S Dull; Central America, 30c; Bogota, 2li22c. LEATHER Steady ; seconds. 214i.'23c; thirds. 19'a3k:; rejects, 14 16c. PROVISIONS-Pork, easy; mess, $17.70 IK.ii: family, $18.5(Ka '20.00; short clears, $16.00 $1S00. Beef, steady; mens, $lJ.13.0o; family, $12.60'g 14.00; beef hams, tJ.W92.00. Cut meats, sieady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. $11. (XVi 12.60; pickled hams, 10 to 14 pounds, $11,751 12. 50. Lard, easy; middle west prime. $S10(a'8.2O; refined, steady: continent, $8.55; South America, $9.60; com pound, $707. TA LLOW Quiet; city, 6 15-ltic; country, 'c. BL ITER Steady; creamery, specials, 22c; extras, 21c; firsts, 2O20c; seconds, IsVil!!:; creamery, held, lw&20c; state dairy, finest. 21c; good to prime, l20c; common to fair, ID'a-lSc; process special, 17 bn'sc; extras, 16'jc; firsts, 16c; seconds, 14igl5c; factory, current make, firsts, ltj'jc; seconds, 1dc. t-'H EiiSn. Easy . old skims. 2&l0c: new sktmu. oiuD'iC. fcXjHJs W eak; fresh gathered, selected extras, 19c; firsts, 16al7c; seconds, 16&16c; iresn gainerea. storage pacKca, itrsts, Iw 16c; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1, 1415u; No. 2, 14r14)tc; dirties, poor to fair, 12 lj'ic; fresh gathered, checks, good to prime. 13c; fresh gathered, checks, poor to fair. lieiJc: western gathered, wultes. Uxiil'o'ic. POUL.TRT Alive, steady; western springs, 24o ; fowls, 14c; turkeys, Uo. Dressed, steady: weatern fowls. U316c: turkeys, 13ga6c. Cava nad Wktst ttenloa llnlletln. Record for the twenty-four hours ending A 8 p. sa. Thursday, May U, 1911 1 OMAHA mSTAiGT. . '1"vhh, Rain- Statiena. Max, alia. fall. Sky. Clear AshlaMd, Neb..... 8S IV .uu Auburn, Mee.,,,. h 68 M Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear (leer Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Ceiumbua, eb... 00 07 .W Culbertaoo, tfeb. u$ W ,00 Falrbury, Meh,,,, W to ,uo Fairmont, 94 64 .00 Urandla d, Keb.. M 68 ,00 Hartlngtod. Iieb. Os 6i .00 Heatings, W S .00 Holdregc, Neb... U 60 .00 Unooln, Neb...... 80 tl .00 N'h 1'lai.le. Neb. 84 68 .00 Oakdaie. Neb.... 01 66 .00 Omaha. Neb tf 71 .00 lekamah, Neb... 68 63 .00 Valentine. Neb.. vO 54 .00 flloux City, la... tw 70 .00 Alia, la W 66 .00 Carroll, la M 64 .00 Clarlnda, la 72 63 ,00 Sibley, la 1 66 .00 Minimum temperature for period ending at 8 a. m. ' PiaXRICT AVERAGE No. of Temp Rain District. Sleiiona, Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, 0 17 ' 80 62 00 Loula villa, Ky 20 ti 62 .00 lndlanauolla. Ind.. U to 64 .00 Chicago, 111 86 6s 6 .30 tU iuia, mo. m 11 .vg Des Moines. I.... 21 86 tS .10 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 W 60 .30 Kansaa city. mo.. Z4 0 to .00 Omaha, Neb 18 0 64 .00 Warm weather continues general through out the corn and wheat region. Appreciable rainfalls are reported at one station each In the Chicago, Iea Moinea and Minneapolis uuttricts. U. A. WlHL.aU, Local Voreoaater, Weather Bureau. St. Lenta Osasral Market. ST. LOUIS. May 18. WHEAT Ptrm; track. No, 3 red. 96&c; No. 8 -hard. 6oQ1.00. CORN Firm; track, No. 3. U64o; No. 3 white, 65ip65o. OAl-S-Highor, track. No. 8. 83c; No. 8 white, 86a RYE Unchanged at 81. OS. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. $4,200 4. TO; extra fancy, and straight, $i.t4-4-l'i, hard winter clears, $2.00.16. SEED Timothy, 8&.0UUV.MI. CORN M EA L 82.50. BRAN Dull; aacked, east track. $L0Oii L12. HAT Firm; timothy. n&aufctt3.ov; prairto, $a0uirf 15.60. PRO VlBlONtl -pora, lower; jooDtng, io (i. Lard, lower: prime steam. 27.72W7.S2. Dry salt meata. unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $8.60; clear rlbe, $d.50; short clears, $8.76. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra horta, $e.6u; clear rita, sv.ou; snort cieara, Uh . . rUULTrll rinn; cnicaens, iic, ipran, $Ot?26o; turkeys, 13(i'l.Sc; ducks, llc; geese, sc. BUTTER Dull; creamery, l&g21o. KGQ3 Weak at 14c, Recelpta. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 7,600 (,200 Wheat, bu. 17.000 14,000 Corn. bu. i.0jO 40.000 Oats, bu 22,000 30,000 Kaaeas City Grata and Provlalena. KANSAS CITT, May 18 WHEAT Pteady; No. 8 hard. tO9Sc; No. 8, sWaOfrc; No. 2 red. tO&tt'ic; No. 3. gTig'OOc. CORN Steady to o lower; No. 2 mixed, 62o; No. 3. 61bn2c; No. 2 white, 62u; No. 3, 61363c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 34335c; No. 8 mixed. Jl'fli.to. RYE-4cffl$l 00. HAY Kteady; choice timothy. $15.50 17 00; choice prairie. $12.2&& 13 00. BUTTER Creamery. 20c; firsts, 17o; sec onds. 15c; packing atock. 13c. EGOS Extraa. 17c; firsts. Ifie; seconds, 10a. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. MOOO 45.000 Corn, bu Ib.Oio 37.000 Oata. bu 6.000 4.0U0 Mllwanke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. May 18. WHEAT No, 1 northern, $1 04a l 06; No. 2 northern, 81.029 l.Ot; May, Kftc; July. 8Sc, OATS Standard. 86c. BARLEY Malting, 86ce$1.01 nlah Grata Market, DIXVTH. May 18. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 81-00: No. 8 northern, 0711 c; May, 61.00, asked; July, 81.00; September, 92c. OATS 349. Oatnha rre4aee Market. BUTTER Creamery. 80c; packing stock, 13c. F.GG8 Freah. 13c POCLTRY-Broilers. 30c; sUgs, 37o; hena. 10s NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Extensive Profit Taking- Sales Char acterize Day's Operations. NO CHANGE IN THE SENTIMENT Veiled Ktatee Steel Again Leads Market la Aetlvlty, with Intereet I ndlmlalahed Copper Greap le Strong. NEW YORK, May 18. -Extensive profit taking ealea today characterised the ad vance In stocks. The buying lacked the enthusiasm of the two preceding days and at midday trading fell off. Professional traders were ranged on the selling side. The tone was herniating during the latter Part of the day and the market fell back from its high point, although prices were reduced by only small fraction. T5?..chne ,n tone w due to technical conditions rather than to any reversal of sentiment. Union I'aclfio had advanced nraily seven Points from Its close of Mon day to Its high price of today. United States Steel gained nearly five points and Reading four pointa. Speculative interest In United States Steel waa undiminished and It again led the mar ket in activity, other aieel stocks were strung. Betniefiem Steel soored a good ad vance and Colorado Fuel waa on of the strongest Isauaa. Strength of the copper group was marked. Amalgamated Copper and Ana conda improved auhatantlaflv mnA A marl. can Smelting gained nearly two pointa at It high price of the day. The strength dis played by these Issues was ascribed to the iiiianess ot me copper metal market her and abroad and to an unconfirmed report that the copper merger projected some time ago would be brought about In tha near future, American Hmeltlnv. uhirh h tensive interests in Mexico, benefited also iroui prospects or peace in that country. The money market waa noticeably stronger. The bond market was firm. Total sales, par value, $6.s7S,OuO. United State bonds were unchanged on call. Number of ales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows; SalM. Hl(k. Urw. OI04. Aim-. nlmr pits j.joo AmAlfam&tftd t'oppr 13 400 Americas Agricultural 1.500 American Bct gugar 1, 500 American Can 1,800 30 0 ' 48 7 4e II M 14 21 11 40 11 MVl 4S 1146 M4 4 24 22 ti II 19 4 American C. a: P t joo Am. Cotton Oil i,ino American H 4V U pfd loo Am. Ice gecuritlea 600 American Ltnaeed 200 American Locomotive 300 American 8. e. R 13,300 66 61 U 12 11 80 80 7U. em. a. rt. pro Am. flteel Koundrlea. aoo imuj iom HM Am. Sugar Refining .40 120 ill 1 44 f nui.i..n 1 m. 1 American Tobacco pfd.... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchison pfd Atlantic Coaat Lin Baltimore aV Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey.... 1 1' ni m 1.700 102 101 101 S3 1, in 100 14 1. 1100 40 l,"M 111 1I1U, 1124b 200 103 1034, 103 to l.NN l.tO 12 128 1,400 107(4 0 34 ti I.4O0 HIT, SO 4,000 iU 233 7.00S , 2Vt 107 13 80 hi t22-, K0 101 101), 101 ( neeapeak A Ohio 6,400 83 Chicago A Altos 2 l" 80 23 44 tTilcago G. W , C. O. W. pfd 300 10O 22 44 44 Tllcago & N. W 00 118 118 147 . i. at 01, r C C. c. a St. L. Colorado K. 1 Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Delaware a Hudson Peuver ft. Rio Grande D. ft. R. o. pfd dinners' Securities Erie Brls let pfd Erlo 2d pfd General Electrte Great Northern pfd Great Northern Or ctfs... Illinois Central lnterborough Mot Int. Met. pfd International Harvester ... Int. Marin pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City 80 K. C. 80. pfd i 51.400 12o 123 124 4 4.7D0 15 3ii 34 6S 64 44 U. 100 2,400 H1H Its 144 ea lft- ib 16 1.3(10 172 172 171 100 104, 30 10 4 l4i U 61 200 1.000 13 Koa 4.100 7 4 1 47 34 IX 60 00 40 40 81 2,3.10 IS IV 1S03. Ill J. 400 129 128 121 .800 (U 2 834 (00 128 1384a 138. l,oo 18 18 IS 62 i 63 62 800 126V 131 12 II 10 40 1414 U 18 108 1.400 II 18 1.400 MO MO 1,600 11 40 l u 10 40 14 86 Laclad Gaa 1,400 101 10 fewuieriii m aaenTiu Minn. A HI. Loula... . M.. BU P. A t. g. M M., K. T , 1,100 148 14144 141 sou so so 81 00 imk 137 lit 1,600 86 l 14 M.. a., T. Bft 100 17 18 Mlaasarl raolll , 11,100 12 rauonai uineult National Laed 100 18746 118 US 1,400 1744 64 M N. . R. ei U. Id BM..... 1,000 U Now Turk Oeatrai , 1,100 101 N. Y , O. W MO I 83 10844 1044 41 41 eenQii m waaaara.. North Anerlcan Northern Paalfi .... Fuln Mall asm iu4 10844 101 ... t,ft U 2 7444 ... 10,40 U8 117 11744 in lot K M44 ... 1,600 M ... 1I.8O0 111 1X114 Pwinetvaole. People' Oas P.. C. C, g It, L. PltUburg Coat Praeeed Steel Car iMllmaa Faiae Car 1W 1W 100 M 00 31 lK X4 100 111 400 16 lot K 044 14 3444 181 11 Railway Steal spring, Reading Repabll I teal 86 84 .13.000 1644 1M 159 H ll4 M 1 7.4O0 1.100 1.300 l.e X2 444 Si 83 12 8 86 II 81 1V4 Republl Hte.1 I4 Rock Island 0 Rock Island Co. pfd....... It. L. 8. T. M pfd St. Loula B. W 780 4r i 47 12 st. l. a. w. pfd to 47 7 Siosa-8bffleld a. A I Southern Pacin M.gfl lit 111 11844 southern Railway 11.600 U 18 o. jiauwar pin 1,000 Texas as raclflc too T , St. L. at W , loo T , st. u a w. ptd. too IS 1744 r, 17 II 11 M 13 60 11 60 4 Union Paclrlo . SI. 600 184 in 18344 Union Paclflo pfd 1.400 Lolled State Realty 1,100 United Stale Rubber. I, too United SlaU Sural. lM.tOO 71 414 86 Tl 41 tJ5 1 10 L B. Btaal aid TJtak Copper 7.000 uo iw 120 4. WO 47 47 48 Vi -Carolina Caamlsai 1, 30 Wabaab 100 Wabash pfd 1,700 Western Maryland LkK Westlngbous kUcotri I.too Weetero Union 4,70 Wheeling A U M0 1 14 38 0 u 74 1 1144 11 I T4 76 61 14 II 61 T4 76 4 4 Lehigh Valler 11. too ntt 178 171 Total sales far the day, S41.M saarea. Mew York Heaey Market. NEW YORK. Way 18. MONEY On call, steady; 4iJiJH per cent; ruling rate, 24, per ctnt; closing bid, 24, per cent; offered at 2V4 per cent. Tim loans, strong; demand increasing and lendeta withstanding from market, forecasting higher rate. Sixty days, 3&2H per cent; ninety days, 244f3 per cent; six months. S'-fiHW per cent. PRIMS MERCANTILE PAPER-SOH per cent. BTKRLJNO EXCHANOE IHrm with actual business In bankers bills at $4.8440 for sixty-day bill, and at $4.(s;4yo-4.8636 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.ffl7i. Bl EVER Bar, 634c; Mexican dollar. 46o. bONDhV Oovernment, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: tl. S. ret. le, rac-...lo4 Int. MM. 4 TH ee ouoa .. V. a. am, re . A voupoe .. V. S. 4. rag.. do ooupoa .. Alll-Cbal. 1st ...IW Japan 4a n ...10144 d 4a 84 ...1144 K.. C So. in la.... 13 ...114 L. 8. dab. 4 1831... 4U ...114 U N. anL 4 1 ... 77 at.. K. A T. 1st 4.. n ...11 d ran. 4 17 Am. Ag Am. T. A T. ST. 4s. .110 Ido. Pacific 4 78 Am, Tobaeo 4 86 N. R. R. of If. 4s 81 do 8 1U N. T. C. g. I 88 Armour Co. 4.. 61 de dab. 4s M Atrblaoa gaa. 4a 8 N. T.. N. H. A H. da er. 4a ltl or as tstu do . U 113 N. W. lat a. 4s... tZ A. C. U la 4a 84 de ev. 4a. 107 Bal. Obi 4a s No. Pacific 4a do 3a do la Tl do 8. W. I 81 O. a. L. rtdg. 4 H Brook. Tr. . 4a.... Ponn. e. Is 181S... 7 Ceo. f O. 6e 1 do eoa. 4a ics Con. Leather Is n Reading gea. 4s 84 C ef N. J. I I.. 188 KL4I. I. I. 83 Cfcaa a OblO 4 .... ie do re( Is 8 f4t. L. g W. Chicago A A I. 7 de let gold C. B. A Q. I. 4s ... M 8 A. L. 4a ... do geo 4a. 7 fae. eol. C. M. A a P. B- 4e M do ev. 4.... a 4s., 11 ,. 78 ,. 8 ,. 84 ,. 86 ,.1044 ,. 60 ,.101 ,.il .. 81 .104 ,.los ..191 .108 ,. 6 . 88 .. ,. ,. S3 C. R. 1. a r. e. 4. 7 ee 1st ref. do rfg. 4.... as go. Ran, Cow Ind 6a... Colo. Mid. 4a. C. ft 1. r. A , ..... 76 Aa gea. 4a l Cnloa Pacltle .... 4 8 o ee. 4a. do 1st A rad. 4a.. 2 r. 8. Rubber 8 ... 61 I', a tMi 8d g... .... 7 V.-Car. CfcaaL 6e 8T Wabaab let 6 p. ft H. re. 4.. D A R. a. 4. . do ref. 6s.... Distlllon 4 .... rl p. I. 4. do gen- 4s. do ev. 4s. eer. j do serie B Oaa. nee. n . Ill Can tat raf. ... 77 do let A ex. 4. A... 18 Wetera ltd. ..... T6 Weaa, Elea. er. 168 Wu. Caatral 4 7 Mo. Pea. t. 6 Bid. "onsiea. New Yerk Mlalaar ateeka. NITVP YORK. May U. Tloelng quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Aits tattle auf Com. Tunnel stock.,. I Maalcaa ont band 14 Ontario U0 Con. Cel. A Va 1 Ophir too Horn ailver If standard to ire ailver 18 T at lew Jaakat u Leadvtll Ca. M orrarad. Quotatlona furnished by Burns, Blinker A Co., 44 New Omaha National bank bunding: Aeery A Co. etocfe Cltr at Oeaaiia 4. tMi. tdaar racaJag 6 UM. v Bid, Aswed. 18 1H jo I lHts atnm wa'm saw f too 6 . 14 ) 88 lno 6' ' 64 88 1(11 101 ' 100 ( 84 II 7 68 10 losdon Stock Market. IXJNDON. May 1. American securities opened Irregular today. Good support ap peared later and price Improved. At noon th market waa firm and from 'a'ul point higher than yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Consols, money II Loulrl)l ft Nash. .168 do account II 1 11 Mo., Kan. ft Texas.. 8o Atrial. Copper 86 N. T. Central Ills Anaconda 6 Norfolk ft Weatern. .111 Alohlaon 115 do pfd .' do pfd li '4 Ontario ft Western.. 44 Baltimore ft Ohio. ...tons Pennsylvania li Canadian Paclflo .... :'4 Rand Mine 7 Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 64 Reading 82 Chi. Groat Western . 11, 8o Railway 10 Chi., Mil. ft St. P.. 121 do pfd 701, De Bear 18 So Paclflo 123, Denver ft Rio O.... 31 Union Pacific 188 do pfd 84 do pfd I Crl 84 U. S. Steel 42 do 1st pfd 63 do pfd 128 do Id pfd 41 Wabash 17 w Grand Trunk 28 do pfd I Illinois Central 141 SILVER Bar, steady at 24Hd per ounce. MONEY lV, per cent. The rat of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills Is 2 i I-It per cent. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. May 18. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Allows 81 Nevada Con 18 Amal. Copper S Mlwing Mine .... in A, g. L. A 8 14 North Butt 13 Arlsona Com IS North Lake 7 Atlantlo 1 Old Dominion 41 B. ah C. C. A 8. M. 13 Osceola lot Butt Coalition 18 Perron S. A 0 11 Cel. ft Arlsona. 11 Qulncy 70 Cel. ft He. la 471 shannon 11 Centennial 11 Superior 12 Copper Rang C. C. 81 Superior A B. M 6 Bast Butt C. at 13 Superior A P. C 14 anklln 10 Tamarcii 88 Gtrouz Con I 8-16 V. 8. C A O I Granny Co 13 U. 8. 8. R. ft M.... 15 Greene Caaanea I So pfd 46 Isle Royal Copper... 14 Utah Con 1 Kerr Lake t, puh Copper Co 47 Lake Copper 1 Winona 7 Miami Copper S Wolewin 10 Mohawk 41 Aaaed. New York Cerb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, $16 South Sixteenth street, Omaha. Am. Tohaooe 47 Laro 4 Bay Stat Oa 16 Nevada Con. 18 Butt Coalltloa 18 Newhous 64 Cactus 13 Ohio Copper 1 Chief Con 1 Kawhlde Coalition .. 4 Davis Daly 1 Ray Central 1 Franklin ie Swift Pkg. Co 101 Gtroui geara-Roebuck Co.. ..142 Belmont 4 1-11 Superior A P 16 Greene Caoaaea .... 6 Trinity Copper 4 Inspiration 6 Ojtbway 7 Bank Clcarlnga. OMAHA, May If). Bank clearings for to day were $2,592,870.70 and for the corre sponding date last year $2,766,321.65. OMAHA CBS KRALa MARKET. RUTTFR T-rearnery. fee t delivered t the retail trade In 1-Jb. cartons, 24c; No. t, In 10-lb tuba, Z2c; No. 2, In J-'h, cartons, 22c; packing stock solid pack) 13c; dairy. In 0-lb. tuoa. 144jlto; market changes every Tuesday CHEE8E Twins, UVi'gilSo; young Ameri cas. l?017Vc; daisies, lc; triplets. 16UC limberger, 18e; No. I brick. 1M; imported wiaa, eVtc; douieatio a wise, xio block 8 wise. lC. . POUL.TRT Dressed broiler, under I lbs ft. per dog.; hens. 16o; oocks. 12 Wo; ducka No; geeae, ISo; turkey. He; pigeon per Cos., tl.HO; homer aquaba, per dos.. at og fancy squab, per dos.. $3.60; No L oar dog.. tS.to AU Broilers, ioc, 1 to 1 lbs., and 1 to I lb., aoc: smooth legs, 14o" hen. l2o. ataga. lOo; old roosters, o: old ducks, full feathered. UHc; geese, fuU feathered. 6c; turkeya lie; guinea fowla $0o each; pigeons, per dos.. 80o; bomenv per das.. b.uO; bq uabe, No. i. per dos. $l.at; N. L Ber dja. sSc, tampoaa. over i lb.. 14; old turkey . FISH (ail f rosea) rickerel, o white, loo pike, 14c; trout, lio; large crapples, OfitWc: tipauish mackerel, lsc; eel, loc; haddock, lie; fieuadera. 13c; green catfish, loc: roe eh ad. ti eava; sliaui rot, per pair. 66c: froa leg, per do.. Sou; saiinoo, 10c; halibut. 7c: herring, 7c. ' BEKr CUTS-Rlba: No. t lc; No. 1 Uo; No. t Uo. Loin: No. L 144o; No 1 Vtoi No. , Llo. Chuckst No. i. 7io: Nol 1 7o; Na . 7a Kound: No. I. c: No. X so; No. . a. Plate: No. j. Ic; Ko, ? &c- No. a, c FRUITS, ETC.-Bananaa. fancy select per bunch, $2.3oa2-o0; Jumbo, bunch, $2 76a $.70. Uatea, Anchor brand, new, 30 l-Jb packagea In boxes, per box. 11.00. Grape - -. . - - - imi vujaf ao.w; 36-46 trtaes. per box, $4.60. Lemons, Llino nelr brand, extra fancy. 30U-S60 sixes, per box, $6.60; Loma Limoneir, fancy, 3uo-db0 slses, per box, $6.00; 240 size, 60o per box less. Orangea, Camella Kedlanda navels all slses, per box, $d.6o4J3.76; fancy navels SO-1-124 sizes, $3.26; loo and smaller lzes' IX h,tr,.l 7K rallf,.rnl T. ffa " I .-.-..iv-.-.... v.BusDs, iov una smaller sizes, per box, $S,60. Pineapple, aiaea, ir craie, 8.2o; 42-48 sixes per crate, J3.26. Straw berrie, Arkansas and Tennessee, per 24-quart case, $3.00. VEQETABLKS Beans, atring and wax per hamper, $3.60; per market basket, s)c0 $1.00t Beets, per bushel, 76c. Cabbage, Cali fornia and Texas, new, per lb., Jo. Carrots, natr IK I ' 1 1 i rti knl k. n . . , . . ' nuuoo, in ana 2 dosen in box, per dozen, $1.001.26. Egg x-isuiL, isuc; c lunua. per aozen, 1.60. Oar lio, extra fancy, white, per lb., 12c. Let tuce, extra fancy leaf, per dosen, ioc. Onlnna T.,.. a r m i . H ,hi,. . r, ' . ' jor crate, $2.2o; yellow, per crate. $2.00. Parsley, j uoiiib ruu, per aozen nunchea, 2uc Potatoes, Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock' T, a r k.k. te.. . ....... , . . ' wv-, ,i. " sivvn, in bucks, per bushel, $1.60. Radishes, home grown, per dozen bunchea, 2U8.26C. Tomatoea, Florida $160 "ba"k"t cral fancy. $4.uo; choice! M IHCKI.T.A VPVl'H iim,,.j. . ' " .......... ,c, t . i I L (J I Ultt soft shell, per lb., 18c; in sack lota, lo less. . ul". "r ' "c m sack lot, lo I nam. ITIIKai-ta 1K w. ,. . lo las. Hlckorynut. large, per lb.. Se aman ivr Ih a fcon..,. .: . j ' rr' . ' - . vbuuiw, .uaaisu, per ID. fi rw. Pr , Wc. Pecans, large, per l.;. '. '. ,ol 10 ' walnuts, California, per lb., inc.; in sack lots, lo u-jr, uww, at irames, o ,6. Mlnaeapolls Grain Market. MIVK'iriprii.in m. , a n,,,!.,. ar -. . , a, j io. xi n.w i May, h-C:i,JUly-fPtner BlThc; Decern- Dei. 81 T.V (ajah- TxTn 1 Via,. at ah. - - - a iu a, eA .wit. , O. northern, sWHctjl.OSO; No. i northern 6V. ftHc; No. a, 3&4r7tic. ur"1'-n. FLAJC Closed at $2.62. BARLEY 03c. CORN No. $ yellow, SaSfSMiC. OAT8 No. 1 white. 834ioW RYE No. 2, 96o. BRAN $21 soeta.oo. FLOUR First patents, $4.tS4.0; second patents, MAOtot.SO; first clear. $3.203.65; econd clear a, $2.20(84.86. " ' Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 18 BUTTER Steady : extra wee tern creamery, 23c; extra nearby prlnta, Ua. EO08 Steady; Pennaylvanla and other nearby firsts, free cases. $6 26 per case; Pennsylvania and other neajt.y current re celpta, $4 86 per caae; western firsts, free cases. $526; western current receipts, free cases $4 So. CHEESE Dull and lc lower; New York full creams, fancy old September, 12Q.12V.C: fair to good. UQ'Uc; new. UUc Llverpoal Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. May 1$. WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. $ red western winter, no stock; No. $ Manitoba, 7 2d; futures, steady; Mi.'f.1I1: July 101Hd: October, 6a $d. CORN Spot, new American mixed, no stock; old American mixed, quiet, 6s 8d new American, kiln dried, easv, 4s lid' future, firm; July. 4s Sd; September. 4s vd, FLOUR Winter patent. J7. Oils and Resle. SAVANNAH. Mav 18. TURPENTINE Firm at 6ygjuc. Sales. T10 bbls.; receipts, Hi bbls.; shipment. 8 bbls.; stock. 11.910 bbls. ROSIN-Flrm. Sale. 2.464 bbl ; receipt, 2.508 bbl ; ahlpmenU, 826 bbla ; atock, 47,8; bbla Quotations: B, $6 66; D, $4 86; E $; F, $4.86; O. $7.00; H, $7 17; I, $7.30; K $7 30; M, $7.35; N, $7 60; WO T.aO; Ww Mlaaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 18. WHEAT Ms y, TSc; July. 9tvc; September. 91',c; D. cember, l'c. Caah: No. I hard. $1.0114: No. 1 northern, StfL00Sc; No. 2 northern. i144391ec; No. $. Mt1i7c. Peerla Market. PEORTA. May 18. CORN Lower; No. I white 62c: No. I yellow, 62'c: No. ( yel low. 614je; No. $ mixed, 614C; sample. 46te OATS Hls-her; No. t white. Mc; stand ard. 4o; No. I white, i.3c Ora Bscheng Net. Psnk stock Chicago Rsllwsr 6s. IS7 lener Union Stock Tarda h Dear Co. 6e. note Esat t. L. ft Sub. , 1881 Fairmont Creamery let g. I per cant. Peirmoot Creamery pfd. 7 per rent..., Iowa Portland Cement la Bit. A Kansas Gee A Blectrtc 7 p. e. pfd Ksnaaa City R. A L. is, 1611 (linsha Water 6s. 14 Oms ba C. B. St. Br. Is. 11)6 Oms ha C. B. St. Rr. pfd. I p. a.. Omaha ft C. B St Ry , eoa Omaha ft C. B. Ry. ft B Omaha Oas 8, 1617 South Omaha City ls Valea Stock Tmras S'ork Wise Memorlsl HosplUl la , OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Fairly Active at Pricei Steady with Wednesday. HOGS SELL FIVE CENTS LOWER Fat Wooled Lambs Ten Cents Higher, While Shorn Lambe Are Fifteen to Twenty-Five Ceate Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. May 18, 1M1 Receipts w-ere: Official Monday .;. Official Tuesday.... Cattle. Hoeii. Sheep. .. 4.7M 4.W 6 214 . 6.311 11 SV 6 1S1 Official Wcdneadav 4 541 4 241 10..V.2 4.6:.j Estimate Thursday 4.6ft) 10.0H) 1.4 iTrtll Am tm ,kl. ....I, 1C Sid AT HI 1C Same days latt week. ...17 f--l 34 412 2.1M Same days 2 weeks a:o..lS.i'0 43.715 27. Same day 8 weeks ago. .18 MS 62.723 88. M0 Ssme daya4wpeks ago..20,C91 4.S.'?:4 K.?s3 Same day last ear....lo,iS7 31.0KS 2.7!W The following table show the recelpta of 'Mile, i.otta ar.u s.ietp at South ilr.iaha lor the year to date, aa compared with last year: 1SU mo. Inc. Cattle 3!.8M J0.:2 U.72t Hogs l.OnS.HOS 811,079 ir4.639 Sheep titil.Mti 6tv..646 So.ilOO The following table shows the nverag? prices on higs at south Omah for tb last several day, with comparisons: Dates. 1911. 1910. 1!0.190. HBO7.ll90n.U30S. Mav 7.... Aiav 8... May t.... Alay 10... I May 11... May 12... May 13... May 14.. Alay 16.. I May 16. . May 17... I 5 75, 77 SI 6 im 6 8JV 6 mv 4 !j 6 HS, 6 9.V.I 6 694,1 6 64(l 18 t 18,' 21 2S 2.1 JO, 9 391 I 9 30, 8 36j y 44i I 861 6 84 27, ti 971 6 S4 S 26: ( 21 6 17 6 15 6 1 t 27 i 24 6 20 t 15 t 20 6 28 6 26 I SO, 261 i 81 S 411 SHI 5 42 I I 21 $ 24 S 90 6 ; t 2 30 a 81 7 01 7 041 6 361 6 351 7 08j 5 24 6 301 T Ui 6 22 t 24 I 6 24, 6 19 7 M I 6 2 1 1 7 02, i 80 $ 26 30 29, 33 6 3S1 Alay 18.. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Lnlon Stock Yards, South Omaha. Neb., lor twenty-four hours ending at p. m yesterday: RECEIPTS. - . Cattle. Hog-s. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. A Rt P 8 2 .. vVahaab 5 2 Missouri Pacific T $ Union Pacific 22 23 I 2 C. A N. VV east 2 4 C. & N. W west.... 40 48 .. 1 C., St. P. M.. & O.... 26 8 .. .. C.. B. & Q.. east 1 6 .. C, B. 6t Q., wet 73 88 1 C, R. I & P., west.. 2 C. G. W. $ 4 !! " Total receipts ...'.188 145 9 i DISPOSITION. . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing- Co 1,603 1.W8 273 Bwin ana company W7 2.28 640 Cudahy Packing Co 904 2.767 .1,331 Armmi Jfc , . . .. . . n . Krey Packing Co 249 Sinclair 40 Morrill 15 '." Rothburg 1 w'r Stephens Bros 4 "" ""' Hill A Son 99 F. B. Lewis 2 I"" Huston & Co 61 J. H. Rulla 7 Hoffman 4 '"" McCreary & Carey 36 S. Werthelmer 7 ... Root 7 .... .....(. aaI a.... ..... Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 1 ('line A- Chrlatv a Ooldshurg 3 nieyers 17 Degen 2R t'artpr . a Other buyers 144 "'si) Totals 4.U5 9,475 8,094 CATTLE For a Thursday receipts wer large, 1S2 car being reported in. This makes the total for tha four rlava 1 Mrt head, the largest for any similar period since four weeks ago and larger than a year ago Dy almost 3.000 head. At the same time other market pointa were fairly well supplied and early advice generally Indicated a somewhat lower range of prices. As a result of this the market at this point opened with the feelinar watak and with prospocts that cattle would sell lower before the close. However, the local demand proved to be so good that steady price were maintained and the trade was rainy active at that. The bur bulk of thfe cattle changed hand In very good season in the morning. What haa been said above would apply equally well to all kinds of cattle, that is, beet steers, cow and heif er and stock ers and feeders. Quotations on Cattle tJuod to choice beef steers. $fi.S03.10; fair to good beef steers, lo.oU&o.SO; good to choice heifers. I6.00tti5.ti6; good to choice cows. 84.76d25.26: fair to good cows and heifers, $4.20-4.76; common to fair cows and heifers. 12.764 6.60: good to choice stocker amd feedera. $9.2!55.50; fair 10 gooa mockers and feed ers, $5.U)!(f d.2o; common to fair Blockers and feeders, $4.00&j6.o0; stock heifers, $4 26 4)6.00; veal calveB, $4.257.26; bulla, stags, etc., $4.0mi,6.25. BEEF BTEERS, Ne. At. Pr. No. At. Pt. 1 lilt 38 17 124 I 44 14 1047 t 80 14 Ubl B 84 23 UM t 40 II 8s 4 Si 11 844 I 40 18 UI8 84 14 371 8 44 11 lull 84 10 1174 I 48 104 1164 4 46 10 1161 4 60 10 U44 4 70 It 1011 I 60 18 1244 I 70 14 1141 4 B0 40 1144 4 70 86 1181 4 64 11 1174 I 7 10 1244 1 (6 20 1010 4 10 11 1138 B 66 38 1847 I 70 14 868 1 86 18 1474 I 78 48 1231 B 64 17 1144 4 74 18 1141 B 66 13 1307 $ It 28 1214 B 68 41 1824 4 74 40 1840 4 40 11 1141 I 78 11 100 4 40 17 1441 4 ft 64 311 B 40 18 1U4 4 78 17 1174 B 80 10 1404 B 40 14 1288 B 40 30 HM 1 80 II 1108 I 40 17.... lift B 30 16 Kill I 40 14 1674 I 80 14 841 1 80 18 1408 B 86 18 1140 I 60 84 1417 I 84 18 1170 6 46 18 1101 4 SB 48 1332 B 46 4 881 I 80 17 1368 B 46 1 16S0 4 00 17 1184 B 46 1 1600 4 10 BTKKKS AND HEIFERS. t 64 4 86 IS T70 I 64 7 13 I 10 16 Ill 4 84 18 110 B 40 11 731 I 70 14 877 6 40 4 81 1 74 11 807 B 44 it 840 I 74 11 880 I 45 4 1261 8 80 11 311 I 41 7 Ill 84 1 80 B B0 COWS. 1 310 1 60 1 1031 4 0 tl 2 I 46 17 M17 4 46 1 846 I 81 4 1177 4 7 1 1081 4 16 1 10S0 i 70 4 1107 4 16 1 864 4 80 4 816 4 11 8 683 4 0 T 1044 4 40 4 1043 I 0 T 1060 4 64 4 1068 I 00 14 10JO 4 60 f 117 t 40 1123 4 66 T 101 4 14 1046 4 40 t 1004 I 14 llElFh-KS. II 804 4 40 4 1107 4 1 8 320 4 40 T 747 4 14 1 441 4 60 11 110 4 14 10 473 4 36 1 321 4 34 1 luO 8 00 4 48 4 S3 4 107 B 0 ( 461 I 44 21 764 B 44 uui.is. 1 830 I 80 1 1300 4 84 t 60 4 44 1 1744 4 84 1 14 4 6 I SO 4 80 1 1640 4 46 1 1064 4 80 1 1630 4 74 1 880 t 00 1 1470 4 40 1144 I 00 1 lsttfl 4 84 1 1344 1 00 1 1660 4 86 1 874 I 14 1 10 4 44 1 44 I 8 1 1414 4 84 1 1104 64 ALVc.S. 4 800 B 78 4 141 1 ae 1 K'O 4 24 1 13 f 00 4 16 7 00 IN I 16 7 00 1 176 T 16 4 l'4 1 00 1 140 7 34 1 144 7 04 1 100 7 IB STtX KM IS AN O KKF.Dr R.N 4 631 4 44 4 (Of 4 II HOGS Hog trade opened a big nickel lower, became active and cloaed with some show of strength at the decline. Rather large supply waa one reason for th fresh loaa In prlcea and weakneas elsewhere waa another cause. Trend to product market at present In largely a reflection of condi tions In the live hog situation, so that pro vision data haa little or no Influence upon yard trading. Packers are still operator In the pit, of course, but tn view of th fact that the lard and fresh pork demand Is broad, their Interest In pork trade la taken as aggressive rather than defenalve. Today s ordera for hogs were ample and were filled with a fair degree of freedom after the market waa falny opened. Ship pers held few reaueats from other packing centers and the speculative demand proved quiet. Fully 90 per cent of a 162-car run moved Into the hands of local packer, everything clearing before 11 o'clock. Spread between varloua weight re mained at uaual position, but really good heavies had to sell aa low a $6.76. Butch er held at $6 sJ M. and best bacon weight reached o 02. a nickel less than verterday' price. Representative sal: X. At Baa. Pr. N. At Ska. Pr. 10 44 ... I 1 41 0I ... I 4S 11 478 80 1 He li ait I a 4 8a4 ... 1 74 41....... .164 SO 4 S t.-Mi ... I 7 U..7 4 $ at 88 M IN I II Tl 18 18) I M n I 80 4 T4 44 887 ... I 88 40 8-l H III 70 154 40 I 18 80 84 ... I tl 81 ... I 84 IT ,14 80 8 71 84 Sa ... 8 84 SO., IH ... 8 lit Ml ... 88 88 471 ... I 74 48. It 40 4 84 41 88 ... 8 74 I? 811 10 8 84 41 SH 180 I 71 71 8U 80 88 18 140 - . 8 74 8i 848 ... 8 84 84. ...... .888 80 4 71 40 1st ... 8 at. 18 878 ... SO 84 I I . . 8 14 14 23 ... I 10 II 888 80 8 8 84 SOT 80 I an 17 1,8 80 I 89 (8 81 ... so 88 t4 80 I 84 80 811 ... I 80 4U 178 . . I 84 88 178 80 8 80 71 I0 40 I 88 88 I8 ... 8 80 l . . I 88 88 8'4 . . I 80 41 il SO A 88 81 878 100 I 80 41 til ... 8 41 301 10 t 40 88 14 ... I 88 8 iS . 8 80 81 348 80 t 81 88 167 40 I 10 4 !8 . . 4 88 8n 311 ... 8 80 48 4 HO I II 87 Jl ... 8 40 ' 48 Ml 40 I 88 33 113 ... 8 80 83 M 40 8 84 II rM ... ( 84 88 .'41 . . 8 871 II 318 ... 180 11 120 B Bit B4 in 140 3 80 48 t.1S M 8 87 5 IA7 lift 80 43 8.0 ... 8 SO 44 31 180 8 80 87 340 ... ( 80 0 HI ... I 80 88 147 ... I 80 14 314 . 8 W 78 114 130 B 80 84 ..378 340 t 40 37 14.1 80 B 80 aa I7t 40 I at to nr. ... I n 48 801 40 t 10 70 .2.48 ... 8 0 87 r3 . . 8 80 81 84 10 8 M '' i3 80 I 80 40. ...... .33 SO I 84 83 271 . . I Ml 84 807 ... I 87 w 47 .tfh l?0 B 0 74 J27 ... 80 84 808 ... 8 80 47 ,,1'4 180 B 80 41 26 80 I 80 18 .! 80 B 0 82 343 SO B 80 71 211 40 4 80 70 JM M0 B 0 74 1K8 HI IM 14 1:0 ... B 40 74..." .' 80 80 70 Jt 80 8 10 80 :o 80 8 80 81 382 . . B 80 82 141 ... 8 fO 88 !l too S 80 24 214 ... I 80 88 2V3 80 6 80 8 118 ... t 80 3 874 ... I SO 78 ,. 212 40 4 40 48 804 ... B 40 70 2W ... B 80 10 :4 80 8 40 44 244 ... t 80 30 ;.3 20 B 40 80 114 SO 4 so 88 100 ... B 80 81 ISO 80 3 33 4 34 ... B 84 28 ... I !V 43 320 80 B l!la 84 212 80 B 84 4 3(1 30 8 S21 47 217 ... B 85 3 14 30 t 84 14 103 ... B 84 54 170 10 l 2 184 ... B 85 43 18 80 B 85 73 2S8 40 t 84 48 171 10 4 S 70 10 ... t H 41 l 20 I 88 8 118 ... 4 84 41 241 ... I 88 74 l?0 40 B 85 74 HI 110 B 14 71 2)4 40 B 88 41 174 ... I 84 77 in ... I 02v PIGS. 14 87 ... 4 40 oHEEP It was another session of mend ing values in the sheep barn today, the shorn lamb trade getting best attention. Spreads were properly margined for ihe first time In many days and the adjust ment process was attended by breety de mand. There waa a general scramble among buyers to get piseslon of a few singles and a meager supply ot 1.600 head waa soon consumed. Prices sharply higher were paid for anything good without fleece and modest advances were also scored on a very meager offering of wooled stock. About nine doubles wre received In all the bulk consisting of shorn western lambs. Only one shipment of Mexicans In the wool arrived, as well as one or two shipments or shorn sheep. Actual sales of wooled lambs, the only ones available, rarrled figures about a dime higher. Mexicans weighing ill pounds brought Sb.85. Indicating a limit r,t 8: , in ior eometnmg handy aa well as choice In this line. Bulk of business In shorn Ismhi presented a lntfjJoc hiKher armearanre heat western landing at it; if.;, Tk... ..,.. afford proof of a new spread that ranges at or near ioc. Shorn ewes acted well at 84.30 and shorn wethers and yearlings also sold to advantage at $4.66. Sharp decrease in supplies this week has enabled sellers to lift the trade out of the season's rut better than any other one factor. The market has promptly re sponded to limited runs on all das and present prices show considerably Improve ment over those of last Friday. Shorn lambs are closing 63.7oC higher, wooied about 50c higher and old sheep show ad vances Of lnlj26c. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Spring lambs, good to choice, $i.50i.00; spring Jamba, lair to good. $55g.60; Mexican lambs, $H.OT7.0t weatern handy lambs, $S.10&.6o; western heavy lambs, $5.7eVdft.25; shorn lambs, good to choice, $o75ij).i5; shorn lambs, fair to good. $4.7605.75; feed ing lambs, shorn. $4.506.15; yearlings, shorn, tl hCYr.A 11 - , .e .l.. ... - ."-'" - v .in id, puui ,i, -..jQjj'.En;, ewes, good to choice shorn, $4.0034.40; ewe, air 10 gooa snorn, 3.&iB4.oo. Representative sales: No. , ( 464 Mexican lambs 664 western shorn lambs .... 269 weatern shorn lamb .... 184 western shorn ewes Av. . 91 . S8 . 99 Pt. 85 6 26 6 75 4 30 4 66 t 86 10 10 $ 26 6 26 ...102 612 western ylgs., wethers shorn. 94 238 western shorn lambs 87 243 western shorn lambs 73 122 western shorn lambs 68 8S bucks , ....102 47 buck 106 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle glow Ho are More Active Sheep Strons;. CHICAGO. Mav 18. CiTTl.ltr.ini. (.000-head. Market slow and weak; beeves. $i.00(95.40: Texas steers, K6O186.6O; western steers, $4.80&6.60; stockers and feedera, $3.90 (po.75; cow and heifer, $2.408:6.60; calves, $4. 76'. 25. ' HOGS Receipts, 24 000 head. Market more active; light. $fi.Sft&.20; mixed. $6 85 3.17li; heavy, $5.6.'v2.10; rough, $5.t1f5.tyi; good to choice heavy, $6.8045.10; pigs, ti lia .20; bulk of sales, $6.9fft3.10. SHEEP AND LAMBti Receipts. 16.000 head. Market strong to 16c higher; native, $3.2otfjt.90; western, $3.504.96: yearlings. tt.dO a660; native lambs, K76.0; western, $o.253'iOO. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, May 18. CATTLE Receipts. 2.300 head. Including 400 Texans. Market steady; native shipping and export steer, $5.75j.50; dreased beef and butcher steers, $6.4ftig6.60; steers under 1.000 pounds, $6,500 6.26; stockers and feeders, $3.00fg6.60; cows and heifers, $3.60r35.26; cannera, $3.003.15; bulla, $3.76:66 50; calves. $A.005j7.oO, Texa and Indian ateers, $4.6ta.60; cows and heifers. $3.10(66.60. HOGS Receipts. U.600 head. Market PS lOo tower: pigs and lights. $5.256.30; pack era. $6.0ttf.06; butchers and best heavy, $6.16.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,500 head. Maraer steady ; native muttons, $3.76 fi4.w; lambs, $5. 751041. 8b; cull and bucks. 4i.0tia3.D0;. stockers, $2 26&3.00. Kanaaui City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, May 18. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.200 head, Including 100 southerns. Market steady to 10c hlfrher; dressed beef and export steers, v 66'nS. 15 ; fair to good, $o. 16)6 60; western steers, $4,751(6.86; stock ers and feeders. $4.75fiV76; southern steers, $4.2u5.60; southern cows, $3 .00414.60; native cowa. 13.00826; native heifers, $4.5041.10; l.ulls. $4.00( 00; calves, $4.50ifi7.00. HOGS Receipts. 12,000 head. Market steady; bum or aalea, 6o.uo'tiu.i2'; heavv .0(yS.07H packers and butchers, $4.OO0 Be. i-"; iignts, so.wyju.io. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 6.000 head. Market strong; lamb. lO'ff&c higher; lambs. $6 354)6.60; yearlings, $4.60i6.26; weth ers, $4.00&4.75; ewes, $3.7!tf-4.36; stocker and feeders, $3.00432-75. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 18.-OATTLR-Re. celpts, 2 000 head; market steady; steers, $4 6OS4.06; cows and heifers, $3.506.90; (alvea. $2.B0r7.M. HOGS Rectlpts, 9.500 head; market sieady lo 6c lower; top, $4.15; bulk of salea, $f. 9f$.10. BH EBP AND LAMBS Reeelpts, 1.500 head; market hVA higher; lam ba, $4.509 (.66. Stock la Slant. Receipt ef live atock at th five prln. cipal western market yeateraay: lauif . Hog. Bheep. South Omaha St. Joseph .. Kansas City . St. Louia .... Chicago ....... Totals .... 4.7S4 2 000 2.200 , 2.300 6.000 4.8sn 9,500 1. 2O0 1.500 12.000 1 1. .'-10 24 000 r.ooi) 1.600 15,ti0 .17.284 60.880 28,200 , Metal Market. NEW TORK. May 18.-METAL8 Stand ard copper, firm; spot and future. $11 7,vff 12 00 London market firm;-spot, 54 7sd; futures, .'. Lake copper, locally, $12 269 12 37V: electrolytic $12.0yffl2 26: casting $11 764jni tTi. Tin, firm; spot and futures $41 &")3 60i London market, steady; spot, 198 He; futures, fl90. Lead, quiet; $4 40 4.60. New York; $5 3 26, East St. Louis. London market. i4 7s d. Antimony, dull; Cook son s, $0tQ9 5O. Iron, Cleveland war rants. 46s In London. Locally quiet. No. 1 foundry northern. No. 1 foundry aouthern and No. 1 foundry southern oft, $15 2fi 15 75; No. 3 foundry northern. $16 Orvs 50. BT. LOUI8, May 18. MET A I. S Lead, firm at $4 26. spelter, lower at $5 20. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, May 18. COTTON 6pot cloaed quiet. 8 points higher; middling up lands. Kioc; middling gulf, 1136c. Sales 700 bales. ST. LOna. May lA-rxVTTON Market unchanged; middling, 13c; eaJes, tlO.Ors) bales; receipts, 46$ bales; shipments, L238 bals; stock. 18.167 bale. gar Market. NEW TORK. May It ST'OAR Raw, nominal; muacoradn, ft) teat. 124c: cn ."i' J l1- -, 0 test. 814 sieinsii WSMI'(- HELM COMMITTEE REPORTS Findings of SUU Senator! Appddited to Inve$tirat Election of Lorimtr. JUDGE PETIT IS CRITICrflD -1 Ratlest la Haheaa Corves Teiae laol ins; Tildes) Asserted to Be Wresiawgaekpel Toeehed bet Matatlr. PPRrvoriELP. ill.. Mar W -TTi re port of the Helm eenatnrlal committee, appointed for the purpose of Investigating the circumstances surrounding the election of Senator Lorlmer was returned to the"v ate Wednesday. Its two most viral rj rr. are a crltlcfsm ot Judge Petit for hTTTri ing In the habeas corpus case. Involving; Tllden. Cummtnga and Mitchell, and this expression: "Your committee has reached the conclusion that the election of William Lorlmer before the last geajeral assembly would not have occurred hsd it not been for bribery and corruption." The report begins w-lth the history nf th appointment of the committee on January 17, last, by virtu of a resolution of the senate. The committee appointed by the senate consisted of Senators Halm. Hay. McKenzle. Ettelson and Burton. It Is set out that many witnesses wert called and sworn and testified before the committee and tht In ddltlon "th com mittee received a full and complete tran script of all th testimony taken in the case ofTh People versus Iee O'Nell Brown, which case was tried in the criminal court of Cook eounty and con eluded on or about th first day !V tember, 1910." The commute also says it received complete transcript ef th testimony taken In the cas of th People versus Pember ton and Clsrk and th people versus Broderlck, and also a transcript of the tes timony taken before th United States senate committee which investigated tht election of Lorlmer. Koblaaat'e Testimony Bet Forth. The report sets forth the summoning of H. H. Kohlsaat. publisher of the Chicago Record-Herald, and Mr. Kohlsaat disclo sure that it waa Clarence 8. Punk, secre tary of th International Harvester com pany, who had told him of a conversa tion which Funk hsd had with Ed ward Hlnes, in which Hlnes is alleged to have Informed Funk thst he had Jnr ceeded In electing Mr. Lorlmer to 1 the Lnitea states senate at a cost to him land ..i... . a . . . unnsuneo person or eooui nu. .on. In the matter of th artion ef rfuAn. Petit, who decided that Tllden, Cummlngs and Mitchell need not appear before the senatorial investigating committee, tb re port says: "Tour commute I advised and believes that in the matter of requiring the attend ance of said wltnesse It waa acting within its legal right and th action of said Judge was an unwarranted and uniawfuKJntef ference on th part of a member of Tthe Judiciary with a legislative branch of the government That the Inability of your committee to compel th attendance of said witnesses and th submission of said uutuiMomarjr prooi naa prevented onJhe part of this committee a full an .,., ,.,, qunum or corrup tion and official misconduct on th part of members of this or the last general as sembly." The committee also touches on tb o called "Jackpot" episode, but says so long a no person publicly connected with that matter Is any longer a member of the snate, no recommendation Is mad. The whola question of bribery and cor ruption charges is placed by th committee peiore tn senate for whatvp action th i tn tea a iiieuiDers aeem lit. imo attempt la made In th committee i rport to recommend the reopening of th Lorlmer Investigation by the United States senate or the unseating of m.mK. of the Illinois legislature rhar4 bribery and corruption. The senate agreed to receive th report and It consideration for adoption or re jection was made a matter ef special order fpr tomorrow morning. E. E. DENHAM DIES SUDDENLY AT HIS HOME Assl.tant Traffic Chief a Eaepl.y f Weatern Union Expire. ( Heart Dlseaee. r m si, i"nBam- "'tent tr.fflc chief of th Western Union Telegraph company's S?, aiy 4tt ociock it night at his home. Thirty-third and lArl more streets. Mr. Denham had been cX. Plaining of f.ellng badly for ten or twWiV. dy but thought h wa. not aeriousiraf fected Heart trouble i. thought to hav. .tutheaw"tdir- hb had reft l Z Ln'n "1C Md ht toft hi. work at th. u.u.U time, 6;j0 o'clock. H was In unusually good .pl.u. when he arrived horn and busied himself with ..tending to hi. chicken, cm hTpouTtry farm at hi. horn. Mr. Denham H year, old and had been a telegrapher mora than ... ... . " tr . year. H cam Ji irnana fifteen year ago from MeCoo. wnre he waa a train 7 . . ' tbharrk w' tOT 0,9 We8te uiltw .Inc. that Urn. Hi waa married three v..,. He la survived by hi WMn .. broth.r. " " tnree ., ., u, wnom, N. B. Denham ..... Bl aunaen. The funeral arrans-.. ureiiis nave not been mad.. auiu STRUCK BY LIGHTNINjG Two Member, of Ml,....,, p.... Under Crew Slightly Dlaabled MTvJ!" T"br,4T. . D. In"? r Z 'if tn"" nd Drt"r Overshln. s-nd C. E. Babcock. a telegraph operator, were .tunned, but oon recoveref Th car waa only sightly damaged. Foley Kidney pm, ytem and help you take bold of your to rid yourself of your dragging backache, dull headache. newi ...luairen svaiii j II K. .... .. . "" of .,, , . " n. impaired action nf x, n . bu ... aaiey Ilia rPUBl 1 1 II n a 4 SB. -- ..uiiBa .na bladder. Re member, it 1. Fol.v KM... .a., a . this. For mi. by all druggist.. . - -. ... v a ma met do toffee Market. NEW TORK- v. .. turea rlnan-4 ' r r-iG Fl- and June. hTsuo; July, lo 44c; Augu.t in 60c ?te.m7"- i0' October. '10 j-t. w wc; icsmtir and January 10 Tv Jebrnary. lO.ltlc; March 10 ltc "a nil Viio ' Spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. n- sU tlllU- U"d' CordoltuVl Dry Goods Marke. NEW YORK, May 18.-DRT GOOPP I . y nd some fair slxed contract s-. PMn..r.Pl .Vth "'" b on't'.rters! 8rinirn,i5fd-,h,s ,m"u'voturlng trado frfPlv KU.M.b,nf much more freely here and In other centers. Jobbers r doing a .lightly better bu.lne.. Omaha Ray Market. OMAHA. May U.-HAT-No. L niOft: I. 110.00: napkins srr on- .i.i. m Straw: Wheat, $6.50; rye, $4 50. oata, $7.00. iw WmI Harket. RT. LOUIS. Mo... Mar 18 -WOOL Un I 1 changed : territory and weatern cnediums. . (UtTUCi One medliiroB, UJOAo; fia. H&lia. V