WANT ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY TO LOAN . i ) PI Ii j i I Want ! rwrrI at any time t to Insure proper classification Bttrt be presented before 12 o'clock m. tor the evening edition and before 7:30 for morniug and Band edition. Vtant ad received cfter each hour will dav their first inserUoa under tb beading, "Too iUe to Clalf." CASH RATKJi K WANT ADS. Ktt.tUfi CLASSIFICATION One Insertion la ceut per word and 1 cent per aord for each aubeequent la ertion. Each Insertion made on odd day, iH eenU per word. 91. BO per line per laontb. Itaies apply to either The Dally or Sunday lice. Aiwaya count U word to lite. Want ad for Tbe 0ea may be left at any of tiie following drug store one Is your "comer druggist" b7 are all branch office for The Bee and your ad wUI be Inserted Just a promptly ana on tho same rate a at the main office la The Bee building. Heventeenth and Farnam street. Albarh, W. C, eOth and Farnaru. Ktuu Drug Co., SMI N. 16th St. peranek, 8. A., 1402 B. lath St. Itenson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. mu Park Pharmacy, tad and Cumin. p.laka-B-adlh, 2Hu2 Sherman Are. Clliton Hill Pharmacy, 2216 Military Caughiln, C K., 4726 Leavenworth 8W Cries y Pharmacy, Kth aoil Lake 81a. Cooney Pharmacy. 1221 South 16th SU Cermek, Emli. D04-6 South 13th St. fchler Co., ttOI Leavenworth Bt- roster Arnold), SI North 26th St, Freylag, J. J., 114 N. 4th St. Fregger Dm Co., 101 North 16th Bt. Florence Dru Co., Florence, Neb. Green s Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific, Oreenough aV Co., 1026 bouth lOth Ht. Greenough ft Co . 10th and Hickory Ht. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven woith 8te. Johniion Pharmacy, W20 Farnam 8t Henarom I ark pharmacy, 1601 S. 28tri A Hlntrrlong Drug Co., list Ave. and Far--nam bt. Hoist, John. 62 North 16th t Huft. A. L.. mi Leavenworth Bt. lohanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. Kins'. H. S.. itfS Farnam (it. ivountze Place Pharmacy, N. 14th St. Lathrop Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. Mares, Fred L., Jul Central Wvd. Patrick Dru Co., io02 N. I'-lth St. Saratoga Drug Co., V4th and Ames Ave Bcbaeier s Cut Price Drug biore. Kits and Chicago Sto. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4Mh and Cumin. DEATH AM) FlNF.lt AL, OTKES COKGROVE John, aged 73 year, May 13. Funeral-Tuesdny morning trom residence of niece, Mrs. McAndiewn, Ml North beven-tw-nth afreet, to Holy Family church at t o clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre ceine t -ry. IIURD Mrs Agnes A., died Saturday morning at " 3o orlork, aged 71 year, 6 months and Ul days, at residence of her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Bexten. io9 Man derson street. Funeral Monday, May IS, at 3 p. m. BICHARDSON-Vliglnla Harrison, wife of the late 1.) man it. Born September 6, IMi; died May 14, 1911. interment private; kindly omit flowers. CAHD OK THA.MKt, We wish to thank our kind friends and n;lghbois, the local camp No. 120, Modern Woodmen ol' America, local union No. 100, aimers, Paper Hanger and Decoratora Oil America; the Norwegian Social Inion, teachers and cnlldren ot Franklin school v ti.ank each and every one lor their as sistance and kli.uncid during the long 111 t.esn and for their klnl and condoling words and tne hiautitul floral trlbutea at lite death and huiiai of our beloved wife a iid mother, Nettle Camper. K. C. Casper a.id laugnteis, Ss' Decatur street. We profoundly thank the boys end other friends for kinanesaea shown and for sym pathy extended during our bereavement, aad for the wealth ot floral offerings. W. 8. BATKS AND FAMiLiY. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN CO., fV t mbelmer. lt14 CuKagu Hi. D. lteK; B loot. DUFFY & BOUAND, undertaksra. T. U71 ' Iron and Wtr. Cbampioa Pflfp Fence Co., 16m and jacusoa v"vu Bin. ii. bouglaa 1UU. MONEY TO LOAN LOW iCATK, :n sums to suit, m tie mag. Phona Uoutf. 'out. LiMO.'. LOAN CO. jewelry i W e keep the late things In auiu ana uvi in yuiuy lo meet tiitt purnj. Xoul narney bt, OK1M1EUM JEWEUIY CO. SCHLl'l tamous ATLAS beer oa draught at Ed Kothery'a, 111 ti. 14lu lit Vacuum Cleaners -M.r . ,.i. t. . i, one iMuainr 34Uu. Mi.aoLltl IHtei i and (liter repairs; new location jit, a. autu bt., Bouth of Furnam. 'fWLNTi' per cent less than "jmalia pnco. riuidt FUH.N1 i Ulth; iu,, Twenty-tout in ana L. bt.. bouiu Omaha PATTON 3 SUN PKOOF paint card frea Saratoga Drug Co., .ua and Amea. VIRGINIA DARE WINE-TBo a large bottle. Klein Liquor Houae, 6Ji N. 16th bt. WE LIKK Li TT LE R E P Al II J OBflT" FHKL1NO & BTE1NLK. Trunk Factory, Itui Farnam. WHEN answering adverllsenienta found In the Waiii 4 columns, pieaae mention The Bee. DOUOLA8 PnnUng Co. Tel. Dougiaa 611. alias U Will, piano Instruction, tied Mi ICE CltE M Harding Hygiea brand AV.XJ V-iiXAxU A i,dlUM oiUfcglaia. Harding Ice Cream Co. DRUGS at cut prices; freignt paid i d ail IU ordeia Catalog uea five. Sherman AlcConneil L'rug u, uiua .a. Neu. The New Elk Hotel. Now opm; all outtude ioonib w and &0c by day: week, u uj. mi n. loth. i. list. BEE HIVE CLEANING . DIE WOKKi. Vinton 8t. W agoiia :U aud un.r. Phone louglas 3oi. MRS. C11AKL13 C. KUNGAilv clsio filing. u urandau Will. IVi. Web. ui .V CAliL J VliL touksmnh. Ud mowinn ei m.i eu iw aM,u , Lau en or tit. 'lei, Uou. f.-.:; or A'iJ. ed lioiTiEiii' Sk iiiu.;"Aa; kJu All.c W UMUOS U.lU dgara. Cat to councuuoii. Hi i. J HO sl LOANi -i-aury or luin.nue; J 10 up. j. ii. aeiuurgtr, 180J FARN Al e1. Room 21i. Douklj Ind. a-1I Casauy Co.. 8. W. Cor. lttn and Doulaa U U 1 AND SELL"0' u a ,t- vrL iu insuianoe. ;U-:U UliAND HOTEL lurkisU iiath , 1!n"l"1.l-,w loth and lioMard Sia DAVll' I'ol.E CREAMER V t UMi'.V.N V , PICTURE framing. H cheaper than do- ?rtmeni atorta. uioi aeleci slock ot ramed pictuie at iruuced prices, unnhi Art rmnio to.. b. loth. Doglaa iuoi. ind. A-1L HORN Li. Uiue Print Co. ol Lee Bii PAPER HANGERS, use SnowfbUe rsas. Omaha Pa., Co.. Us s. I3u. bjtu ;h .nea. MAUiiARD Van A Storage, i'ack. move, at ox Sv.u bip r. ii. goon. I J ui is ja TUB SPHTNa HAs aPOKENI fcaid: "Have Ruttera Ca I and Take That Post id 1 ictoi - Nun ' 'ltV THE aPHYNX. Low Fi.n-him s)Jlit- Addreaa. IDU Half Cee at. Pnoue Haruev tM. - j. , . ' aV at. Cy.e taiga C.. U a:sa 11U t axaam BAilKEK BUOS. PAINT CO. IM'i Farnam, Ind. A-iCl, Doug. 4:60. Wholesale and retail agenus (or rtherwin A.l.iatu. painta, vaxnisiiee, carter lead and hestona- Open Saturday evenings. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75c by tbe lateat patented machine. W'EHi EK. LOCK. Ac lit N KEt-AlKINO CO Z4JUH Cuming 8t. Open Eyenlngs. Phonos: Dougiaa 1711 or Ind. B-Iiea. Cement Blocks "tfiV1 OMAHA CONCRiCAkl 8TONB CO. nh Ave and Babiec Web. ss. B MUa ANCHOli PENCE CO, Iron arid wire fences cneoper n.in wood, last a lifetime. Hul N. llb. 'Phone KedMA. KAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. AKAlAs, Hit 8. Ulh, CPU 1 AIRS. FRENKLE preaaee and cleans men's or ladieo suns, aiao repairing. u 8. 24th. MONEY saved on painting, paper hang. Irg, decorating paper; wholesale; quick work. Call A. C. Mctiuigan Co., Crouns Block, opp. P. O. Doug. A-DMii. TOU'LL always be happy If your wedding ring cornea from Brodeaaard a. 115 S. 16th be At the sign ot the crown. LYNCH BROS. PLVtTN;2aAXD REPAIR WORK. 17W Jacksoa B. IX M77. 8UPURFLUOUB hair mnuiuntli r moved without oieotrlo nMdlo or Injury to too akin; lad attendant. ol afoCaguo Bldg W. a H EATON. Ainerloan rurnaoea. H.3M4. ROirHPH A NTH ornDi'na c-r tt a a AND RATS exterminated fiom your prem iums 1 1 n H r VtlAran.a . I . . tree. Bugdead insectldo. 40o; 'large can v.ji r wriest xviiry cnemicsi Worka d floor, Crounsa block, oppo. post- w"iw AS OUU. A-LDOA. HAVE your work correctly done by a puuiiu sienoKraprier; aiucount to regular pations. M0 bee Bldg. Doug. 207. 8CHL1TZ famous ATLAS beer on diatiKht at Ed Kothery a, in 8. 14th St The Bee Want Tad Is a lively lad, When poultry Is to bo sold, He'll sell It quick, And do it slick. Be It either young or old. H. C. STAFFORD, 1711 Lincoln Blvd., Omaha, Neb. This verse Is very good ana receives hon orable mention. . PLUMBING New location. Huba 4 Fore man. Tel. D. 4714. 31s 8. 20th St. BJIOKED wall paper cleaned $1 room, M. Howard. A-4167, Dougiaa 4J. FILMS developed free. 610 8. lth. W A I.I .PA U rl..n.H Ilk rr. able. Phono Doug. 3106. OMAHA furniture repair wka Doug. MsX J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photograph?; plcturea enlarged. Studio, 214 8. ltu St. OUR letter duplicating work Is unem celleu. A trial will convlnca you. Both plumes. Western Duplicating Co.. 404 Bee Bidg. THE best candy made can be bought moot any place where candy la sold. Re member the name O'Brien's candy. If Mr. M. MoClure, 1913 Douglas St., will bring tnls ad to 'the Bee ottlce within Unto days we will give her a no-cent box ct this tine candy free. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID Into a post. "Tear your top." And bring it to the beat place In Omaha tor all klnda of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner Ibth auu narney Sis. U10 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland, .tl.ts beven-paasenger, io-h. p. Stearns 2,M WALLACE AUTO CO. 32os FARNAM Si'. BARGAINS IN USE CAJCS. 1 Westcott "on." 1 Cole "DO" roadster. ! 1 Cola "3" touring ear. 1 nign-wheeled auto buggy. 40-hoise power Wayne, tuny equipped, can and see us at once. JACOBS at ANDERSON. UU Harney. Douglas VEL1E. tins condition, all complete, top, etc., only run about l.aOu miles, owner leaving city; SLaju. Aadress No. P 'On, Bee. urravdes auto and carriage painting """'"J guaranteed. 2424 Sherman Ave. New and jd-nand au Oj. Dcrign., uniaoa. "eLECTrSg runabout, yJo. Call Davis, Duugias SMI. Slotorcycles. TILE FLYLNU MEKKEL U tt.fS ..atysSl smUCl ..kaaaoaa .UiUH' CVClie ittfj WOl IU. UfUl aV.CCU.. Aisftl) BUSINESS CHANCES TO UET in or out of business, call on OANOESTAD. 404 Bea Bldg. lei. D. 33e). FOR SALE Hotel tixtuies In Nebra.ua town doing good business, oesi ol i canons tor senilis. Auaresa l lno, care Bee. WE PAY 7 PER CENT ON YOUR SAVINGS. JUUI mjj vum VI ens laigest iiiHtltutions in tne world. For par- w ijianueis lilug., Omaha, Neb. ' GOOD BUSINESS for sale; must leave iiy at once; havo goou reasons tor selling. .Iiu Cati Od oma..a .xaaonai bunt. lU'b GUARANTEED DIVIDENDS Omuha manufacvunng company, has paid 20 pr cent for six ej.is. By increasing lac.ii ties and broa.oen.ng the buainess can easily make 4o per cent. Limited amount lo per cent prelerred stong ottered for siioi t lime. Act quick. Audi ess K 2o, Bes. SCALES, SCALES inuepenuent Scale Repair Co.. Uu so. lllh St. lad. A-iSit FOR BALE A sanitarium, near Denver; pi ice, l.u,0iv; terms eut.y and long ume. Audress uox u, Edgewater, com., via Denver. MONUMENT works, good trade, only hop in cuuiuy. A bargain. Adores y ias, tai e uf Beo. Foil aALE A bargain in a restaurant, lU guu lo.. ii, luou loasulis tor Selling, uui much niuaey to iiandie it. Write iur puiticulaia. rit J. Mjers, Riverion, .tu. FOR SALE Newcastle House, ainaii hotel; bcal locatlun, terms easy. Mrs. a. l. ClollulU, .Nemaal.e. Wyu. FIRS 1 -CLASS meat market, fully equit-peu, lor sale ai a bargain. Address & .j,, i are Bee. WANTED A doctor; location free; pli.,i oi' dumuis--., man of experience ana lelerence. Addiess Y 21, Bee. WANTED Splendid opportunity to buy an acute uiteieei lit a re.iuuie. well estabi IsUlu wlio.eale busiuebd, i.iaio to fo.uuo re paired. AuaietK 1'. o. iox s.'4, Omaha, Neb. HERE IS WHAT VOL' WANT. Mill manager or good miller or grain man lan t.. (. in on a good milling and giu.ii) ousuiess and propel ly in Neorasaa, eulier U. bu.ng tne nun and elevator or a conn oiling interest wuh manager s posi tion, or can buy stock lor au Investment. Not to be sold at a sacrifice but for a fair vaiue. Audress V m, cut Bee. FOR SALE New. residence, clean slock of drugs; In county aeai lown. It will pay to investigate, carter Land Co., Grant, .wbraska. FOR SALE Twenty shares Untied Wire less Teieaiaph Co., pieierred Slock for llj, aiso j.wu sliaies Uncle bain Oil atoca. Box b. Lime xtvock. Ark. kssialsf II. usee t us !. FURN1TURK of k rooms. atrlcUy mod era. A-fcaa et L. l;wll modem r.at. ruoiit.s. -o caa.i. jiu i ainain. full of Kt I'.ms. blui-l.s i-Nilu wf vwatyffica. I ji k.Ck. ..1- W.s ku 6watieo, j This Veek Bee Vant Tad is Selling Automobiles Winners of prizes last week, will be found somewhere in the want ad columns If rou did not win a prize last week try again, you are in competition with hundreds of others only two can win prizes. Put forth your belt efforts and send your verse in early. Follow the style of the verse accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only write about him sell ing AUTOMOBILES. For the best versa written by a lady we will give a special prize of a $10.00 pattern hat from the Pennell Millinery, 1511 Dougiaa St. For the next best verse written by either lady or gentleman this week we will give $5.00 worth of Soda Water Tickets good until used at Sherman & McConnell's new "Sodoasis," 16th and Dodge Streets. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and mem bers of their families. You must follow the style not over bLx lines and it must relate to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and 6ign your name and address. Address Bee Want Ad Editor, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in become the property of The Bee. Winners' names will be announced the following week, found somewhere in the want ads. You must find your name and identify yourself to claim It will be fun for everyone prizes for both men and women. Write your verse today and mail it to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember, contest closes Friday of each week. BUSINESS CHANCES Roonilaa; Hoases for Sale Continued. . .-. . . ... . t. hl. . . n tVMi,klH. new and modern: B room rooming house at 117 N. 20th St. r'arty must sell on account ot otr.fr bualncoa. IF E. A. Seaman. 1917 Cass St., will brine this ad to The Bee ofiice within three das wo will give him a eft-cent box of O tirlen s fine candy. ; CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1606 Farnam 8C Douglas MOT. MONHE1T, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, halrgooda City Nat I Bk. U. 3231 A BOX of O'Brien's fine candy makes a good Impression with your girl, if P. J. Drewbue, 1U32 S 22d St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days wo will give him a 60-cent box of this fine candy free. DENTISTS BAILEY MACU. d floor Paztoa. D. 100. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret (Service Detective Agency, inc.. bonded. Paxton Blk. D. U19; A-ljl. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 611 K-ARBACH Blk. J A 8. ALLAN. KARBACH Blk. Doug, t&it DRAINAGE J. J. STUBBS. R. 41i. r Irst Nat l Bank DRESSMAKERS Mies DUGGAN, dressinakinti. 2864 Farnam. TERRY'8 Dreasm'k'g College.aothAFarnam EDUCATIONAL B0YLES COLLEGE -i T . u u . anA annul am.najiflll I ' II a ' commercial school. Day and night sessions. Students aamitieo any umi. ououooa, .... I.n.r.nhl Tal.Kr. n h V Civil bervice and dalesmanahip. Tne cata logue la free. Address H. B. Boy lea, Presl. oent, Omaha. Neb. Y. W. C. A. BHORT TER6I CLASHES IN SEWING. COOKING. 6 IX WEEKb BEGINNING MAT U. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA LESSONS. P1R1N. ORDERS Leave china tor firing at corset anup, Brandeis i neater Blag. Mrs. b. H. tirniin. iuuglas Xi'ii. CUSTOM MADE corsets. 66.00. front aad back iau"d; residence titling It uoaucd. La Brock Corset saoy, 6i lies Bldg. L. Lxeif, Ladies' Tailor. s-boae Harney Wo. BrtiitHta lrum comoings, si ; sel pufte free. Mrs. fc.cn. l.ou Lea.tnnoau oi. VELVET1NA SllUP Largest and best equipped beauty parlors In the middle west. Facial massage, ooc. Aitlstio mami-uring, 60c. . ' Expert anainpooing and hair dressing, 60c. Present thig ad and get coupon worth iiUe and 2 6c Dottle of cream tiecond floor, City Nat 1. Bank Bldg. Fhon Doug. 19.6. CURTAINS laundered, 2816 Dewey Ave. Har. Uk. FINE early Aster planta, mixed colors, 10c per dusen; Margaret Carnations, mixed, 2uc per dozen. Phoue bei.son All, Ferguson Bros., Sta. D., Omana. A BEAUTIFUL turbsn style pattern hat tnmmed with willow plumes, all! be the ... I " I III. ..... n v. w. . - ' - about Bee Want Tad selling automobiles this week, llat can be aeen at tne Pennell Millinery, Ell Uougias. ui t O dil.CTltia vrtv smlf(.h: n(-iillar shade, fine human hair; cheap If taken at Otice. E -33. tee. WILL give embroidery lessons and also do Dlaln sowing. J7 Cbar.ee Web. I6. lst-c'.asa embroidorr of all k lnda. D. oMB. FLORISTS A. DONAQHUB. 1107 Farnam. D 10Ol;A-100t Bennett's Flower Dope East eacreaoe. L. Headaraoak 161 rtrnan. Douglas) Uik J. U- BATH. UJI Harney. Dougiaa uua I HESS i8WOBODA. MU Fsrnara at. '- ' - blUk2iu)idM eu cwftf M,m Special r FOLLOW THIS The Boo Want Tad Win make you glvl; I know this to bo true. Your chickens all, Hatched spring or fall. Hell always sell for you. Mrs. O. T. Morla, 736 N 17lh St South Omaha This verso receives honorable mention FLORISTS (Continued.) Wmreerlea. LARGE! transplanted tomato plants, early. 10c per dozen. Ac per 100, special price per l.uoo. Phone Benson Z&L Fergu son Bros., tilt.. D., Omaha HELP WANTED FEMALE Agveats aad Kaleawoaaeu. AT ONCE 8 bright, capable ladles over 21 to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers in Kan. and Ikio. ; Ui to M per week; R. K. tare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. UUe-10 Harney bt., Omaha, Neb. FIVE school teachers for traveling work during vacation. Uoodrlch Drug Ca, 1js-1u Harney tit.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Competent lady eollcltora Every housewife a prospective customer. Liberal commisslona Room 607, Brandeis Bldg. !(, BOOST Omaha made candy insist on having O'Brien's fine candy. We will give a 60-cent box of this fine candy to Mrs. H. L. hughes, 2712 Cuming ot., If ahe will bring this ad to Tbe Boo office within three days. Clerical aad Office. TELEPHONE OPERATOR 3S STENOGRAPHER 76. STENOGRAPHER, fire Insurance experi ence 666. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-lti City Nat l Bank Bldg. Factors- aad Traelee. GIRL to learn halrdresslng. ' Oppen helm parlora City Nat. Bank Bldg. D 2266, WANTED EXPERIENCED AlTEKA TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY ORiviN BtlUB., JUtt S, 16TH ST. EVANS Laundry, Lincoln. Neb., wants 2 experienced markers. Good wagea WANTED Girls to learn halrdresslng; price leasonauie. Appiy J. i. uienueis bens riairui easing parlors. WANTED Waist drapers and finishers; also sieeve flnisners. Paxton Blk. Hoaaekeepere aad Domestics. GIRL for geneiai housework. Mrs. O. H. v Irth, Jibl ciiai lea Pnone Harney 1417. a COMri.':i.M girl to general house work in laniny of two, must be good cook, and neat, Mrs. B. S. Baaer, Xtt e. sath at-, pnotie Harney ill or A-lolb. A COMPETENT gtrl for general house work, tanuiy ol two, at 154 Georgia Ave. 'Phone Harney liu. EXPERIENCED girl; white or colored; must be a good too, two i.i family, gooa wsgea; call iilb Dewey or Tel. ii 6763. WANTED A couple to occupy 3 modern furnisnea ioouib in excnaiiae tor board of man and wife. 2J N. M bt. W ANTED A girl for second work. Apply 361K Farnam bt. WANTED A neat housemaid; also an experienced nurse. 46 .. join bl WANTED A girl for general housework; no cooking, ozl a. central civa. or can UOUg. till. GlttL fur general housework; family of Iwu; only una at uuun nieai; modem noose. t uuiie liarucy 1.61. kv AM LO A gil l to assist with house wcis. anu ism wi cnudien. pnono eouui moil, mi N. lolh St., bo. omana, GooD gin lur gtncial housework. Joli uii.aui. Pnotie Harney eute. WANTED GUI lor housework; no cook ing; two in lauiuy. 2.11 Cupiiol Ave. AN expblUnied girl lur geueial house no.m; iiw siiian .a.iin'; gouu wages. 'Phune riamey 63u. EXPERIENCED girl tor general house work. 4uut xiaiuey. pnoue riainey . EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, asiu Dewuy All. Iciepnoiie nar ney GIRL tor geneial housework. 1 S. 6uih ot. fnoue tiarney u.o. WANTED A kill tor ueneial housework two in ianiiiy. narury euu. uu. 6. miu Ave. WANTED A competent cook or kitchen helper. 3ul3 Dougiaa WANTED A girl for gtneral house wora, email tanuiy ; no cimaitn. Harney iMi. WANTED Girl for general housework, latf park Ave. Harney wu. A GIRL tor general housework; best of wagea. Apply al once. Lii pacific. GOOD middle-aged woman for general housework, ateaay place. Apply Mis. Dr. Hosteller, sob a. Mb tU Tel. Dougiaa 77k. WANTED A girl for gtneral housework; mail family; good wages. Phone Harney ttnU. 6u Park Ave. V ANTED Girl for general housework; Igooa aaea. tui Georgia Ave. ttarAey 2 and will be the prize. STYLE HELP WANTED FEMALE Ususekeepsrs aad Domestics Cont'd. W' AN TED A nurse girl. 2024 Paclflo St. Mlsccllaaeaaa. TOONO women eomlng to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at St. Mary's Ava and 17th St.. where may will be directed to sultabis boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Unloa station. WANTEDA lady partner with 1600 to assist in putting on the market a new and wonderfai electric devica A fortune for both and a splendid trip to the coast. O 266. Bee. WANTED 100 women not over 2526 bust Apply Brandeis Theater Thuraday morning at a. m. LADY of executive ability to take charge of an established custom corset business, exceptional opportunity. Investment, 2j0, fully secured. Address M-264. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Aajeats, solicitors ss6 kaleatueau AGENTS Wanted at once, first cleat proposition; big commission. Write today Bartlett Supply Co., Brows Blk.. Guana, Neb. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making goad money. Muat be able to approach men of aliairs and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not insurance nor books. Address U 168, care bee. WANTED A collector for city coliectioa. good future tor rigm party; call at oaue out Omaha Nat l stank Bldg. WANTED, SALESM EN To sell gaso line and oil storage system. Hign giauu line salesman furnished free sample. Men with experience handling this line pre ferred. Pump Department, Columbian bteei 'lank Co., Ium West 12th bt-, Kansas City, Mo. TWO men of energy, with or without ex perience, to work lite Insurance for an eastern company, upon the basis of a sal ary and commlBHlon. A beginner will be taught. L-263, Bea. WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A HELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A L1VK MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. T 271, BEE. W A N' T V. f I At AIIM n.al inn..rinff huat. ling solicitors, liberal commission. 'Room 607 Brandeis Bldg. LADIES or gentlemen to solicit portrait orders In or out of city; commissions paid weekly; good proportion. Omaha Art & Frame Co., 707 S. 16th St. WANTED Agents for an article that is good for a sale at every rail; sells it self, you collect the cash. Write quick. Murphy Supply Co, Omaha. Neb. Buys. WANTED Five reliable boys with bicy cles: first-class wages. Weetern Union 'leiegrapn Company, 212 S. Ulh street. Clerical and Office. Automobile Salesman $125. (M Bookkeeper 66. (JO Leuger Clerk 60. OJ Bibliographer 70. ou Dune clerk, good at figures 60() W EST N REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. OMAHA Es tab. 6 yre -KANSAS CITY. i62-o-4-& N. Y. Life bldg. BOOKKEEPER, construction-!", ledger clerk, mercantile line too ttoukueeper, wholesale--l75. Bookkeeper, manulacturlng flrm-70 Stenographer, railroad experience 60. These r iVK positions are with first-clays liriua in Omaha. GET BUSY or some one will beat you to it. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., lula-16 City Nat I Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drug 8tores (snai si. Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg MEN Learn automobile trade at school or home ietsons. Earn 6-s lo tM pt-r week. Positions. Auto bchool of bt. Louis, Unci, uuj pine St.. bt. Louis, Mo. BUTCHER WANTED - First-class butcher, principally sliop work. ai.ra aJ lo ss6 per month. Address Joe Ueuas a co., l-ocatel.o. luaho. N ANTEl-Competent Inside w lreman. Electrical Consiruclion Co., aloux Cllj, la, PAi'ERHANGER al once, who would like to exchange som lor uouse mil of small 2-r., nuuse and several lots tor gardening on Ins euge of luwr. or 2-r., nouse in South Omana Can be bought on easy payments. Address a :6s. Bee. inoaE who have u.-c.i i-'ajreil siup will nave no otner. It Mrs. a nrry. 2.. A. -ln M . will oring ilus ad lo Hie Br willun tin fa aays we will gns her a ao-cem can ol Parrell s syrup free. M lacellaneo ue. SOUND MEN-21 lu u eara old. w anted at ence tor electric railway motormeij and conduct. -ri. V' u 'J a rui.ni.i; u.i t,rti..t . . i.o uni... ...n.. i..., . HELP WANTED MALE Misccllaneoae Continued. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. We have hundreds of graduates run ning shops depending upon us for help. Positions now wailing. Great scarcity of barbers this season, lop wagea paid. Few weeks completes. Toola given. Wages Saturdays. Board If desired. Diplomas granted. Only place In the world that can save years of apprenticeship by Instruc tions with charts, diagrams and free prac tice. Get particulars today. Molar Barber College, 110 S. 14th fit. BOT over IX, fair education, to qualify for mail service. 8upt 124, Iowa Ava, Cedar Rapids, la UO 1100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. . V AUTO PCHOOL, Omaha. Neb. ' LvARGEST a BE8T. WRITE. w A VTcn inn a -0 . ...... ...... j .ii.... ii'j. u 0i o cnesc Aplly Brandeis Theater Thursday morning Maw 111 at A a nn A BOX of O'Brien's fine candy makes a good unpreHelon with your girl. If J. D Burnens, 2764 Davenport, will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a 60-oent box of this fine candy free. WANTED General furniture man upset ting and finishing; also young maa for wagon. State Furniture Co. HELP WANTED M ALU OK FKMALB. W A K'TTr.ri Man nn lanv - . few gotd towns in Nebraska; apply with reference, The Union Pacific Tea Co 70 N. 16Lb St.. Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uorees aael Vehicle. HORSES and MULJES for eala. 1711 Burt THE BEST of all klnda of wagons, bug gies and teaming gears. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO., LU7 Farnam The Beet, All kinds of wagona, buggies and team ing gears. Central Improvement Co., 1117 Farnam. ALFALFA HAT. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. 110. HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. 166J. NAVAJO Indian saddle pony, safe for children; 4 years old. 824 N. 21st. ONE bay mare, 3 years old; city broke, and one Wilkes colt for sale. Southern horses. Must Bell. Call Webster 6KM. iu Grant. A BOX of O'Brien's fine candy makes a good Impression with your girl, if Wm. Riddle. 2.34 Caldwell Bt., will bring this ad lo The Bee office within three days we will give him a 60-oent box of this fine candy frea PHAETON, 165. Phone Harney 496. HAY, a per ton. 601 North 16th St. GOOD reliable horse cheap; also wagon and harness. Phone Red 732. Doss, lata ud Other Pet Stork. FOR SALE FULL-BLOODED BULL PUP. APPLY 1715 LEAVEN FORTH ST.. OR PHONE DOUGLAS 6674. LOST AND FOUND $10 lie w aid to "Qd-C a bet. ur pUoe to have carpets. . ua, uiai.'uk. era, uiu.ut.crui, c.c, uoakueu oj vacuum sjsiaio. Ml'Juta. H easier l-CKfTMaeh parse con taming money, as and hendnerccu-f ; Brandeia Pompeiaa Uiesstng ilwwi. Itewaxd. Haxoey luos. PElUioNS having lost some artiole nuula da well is tail up the office e the Omana av Council Bluffs bcraai Railway company to asoertiua wneiher thajr iii ll in U1J street cars. lviany truces aca day are tamed la ana Lne uutipsay is aaxlous la resiyrs mem to the rigntful owner- Call Doug .a ta- ivAllA ex COUNCii, BLUFFS STRiUiX HAlLWAf COMPANY. ooi-Buiiaiy morning, ladles' gold waicu ana lob Liberal reward If returned to ihe Bee office. r-.ooBT Omaha made candy Insist on having O'Brien s fine cundy. We will give a ut-ieni box ot Inn line candy to sirs. M ri Marjii, 271 Seward, if sne win bring this au iu ihe ilea office within lures ca s FUUND Tb ,6dy Br clean. era anu dvsrs. A-mi. U. 4ja, THobE w ho have used Farrell s syrup will have no oihcr. lr Mrs Ai. O Rourk .bis lavtnpurt al., will bring this ad to i'utj Bee ultice w.mln three uays we wilt g. her a fv-ceni can of raris.ls syrup ii ee. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem--l lot nihil. g. LteediiiM ur piciruthng 1'ILEb. Ibc po.lpaid: Mlllplea iier. "Otr- u Asm, oiiiisti iJi ug Co, Kuism, IALAHY Aft D tllATTIlla NOTHINQBUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use 625 or 60 to a good ad vantage? If so. come to us; don't ge to a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, email and eaey payments, sue is the weekly pay ment on t U loan and 61. SO la the weekly payment on a 6o0 loan for wO meoks. Other amouma In the Mine proportion. Write or phone us and we will call on you at onca All business confidential. STATE MOliTU AGE IXAN CO Room 12, Arlington Blk.. lMlfe Dodge Bt Phones: Douglas 2466. Independent A-24'J. ilattelT loans- Lowent rates and strictly private. NEBR.VSKA LOAN CO, 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1266. A-13TA LOANS 10 00 UP LOANS On household goods, planoa horses, wagons, eic. Low rates; easy weekly or monthly payments. WO ADVANCE CHARGES. You get the full amount in cash. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 1003 FARNAM ST. ROOM SIB (Hoard of Trade Bldg.) Phonee Dougiaa 236; Ind., A-10TL DIAMOND LOANS AT iy2 on large loans; smaller loans at JV4 and 6 W C FIATAl Telephone Red 6616 ' 1614 Dodge tetreeu MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; eesy payments. Office lo 67 principal cities, lolman. 601 Omaha Nat. Bank' Bldg- tor marly N. Y. L. Bldg. MONEY ) Paxton block. Tel. TO LOAN. Come In nnd let ua explain our low ratea He liable Credit Co.. lHiugiae 141JL A-14U. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN at brOKAOE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleanera MU4 a. 16th; 2uy S. lit. Doug. 41 ai, EXPRESeiMAN'S DELIVERY CO.-Alov-tng; furniture packing, fireproof ftoraga City office, 216 S. l.th. Doug. SV4; ind. B-U41. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press. 11 Capuol Ava D. Si0, A-&SJ7. MUSIC. ART, LANGUAGES BLACK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; muslo furn. for all occasions. LU2 Ohio. Web. S41A. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Hoonu, BT. JAMFfl. 4M Bo. 13th; vteara heat frea bath. Am. 61.26 ua; wkly, $6 up; rneala 26o. TWO nicely furnished front rooms; ev erything modern; close In; walking dis tance; large shady lawn. Good home cook ing. 2112 Douglas St.. Douglas 4894. FOR RENT Neatly furnished south room; desirable for two. 646 bouth 2ttUt FOR RENT Modern rooms, board, ltd! Cuming Ht. lTllW Rlf MT Tw Ammi Kl. nested; good board. 6U South 24th St. WANTED Two refined roomers for a large east front room on North c.rn- teenth St., In new modern flat: hr.ulilu. and supper; welkins: distance; on car Una. AAi XI lT.K O ' ..1 1 ' , . U FOR RENT Strictly modern rooms neatly furnished: two gentlemen. One block from two ears. 2210 California St. VOR RIPVT Taa rin.l. M . gentlemen; board. 1618 Cass. 8t. went Brwr u i 1.1. - . w ....ii . ui. ruvnu mvr two; table board. 1221 Howard St. V TT R V PAmfArtahU V,nmai. .nmm4 ' - , wvau. Davenport St. M0 rftH R TT NT rV.H ra hi. .nm mrtM W a 1216 Howard St. O. M. E. hauls trunk. D. 411, A-26U. FOR RF.NT Nloely furnished rooms, with or without board. M17 Mender son St,-. FOR RENT Large room; a ul table fog two. U04 South lUth St. mn irxn ti-.ki. m .. " " h,i w.w .waian, u c 1 ' J ur- Bished; homo cooking. 710 South lath St. ROT ITHWFflT frnn mnm In tirivaia hnma: hot stiil MM ws- all . V. . iM. electrlo light, very desirable neighborhood! 627 & 22d St. Doug. 6901 ROOM and board for gentleman. Uxtu. com Park. O 247, Bee. THIS BACHELORS. 30th and Fernaun. Ratea: Single, (36 to $40; double, M to 666, VERT desirable rooms with board, so S. 26th Ava ELEGANT front parlor: modern In everv respect; suitable for two gentlemen or couple; Al table board; pleaaant neighbor hood. 2222 Howard. NICE, aulet homo with first class hum. cooking; cool rooms; everything moderns hot and cold weter all summer; references. . . vu. etva, mmi umiuiluii. OOOIi, clean, modem, close and deslr- hlA iwurph anil 1. a H . ' ..r.ll.nr winLlnd I'hnn. rmilarlAH S2fLt t armlahed Rooms, TWO furnished rooms. TaU WaVvata,. Ktr-t. 261B N. 0th St. BEAUTIFUL large room and one ama room; everything modern; rent reasonable, i none itaa oitt in. ua sl TWO strictly modern rooma single ot ensulte. suitable for two or three. &ul Farnam. Dougiaa 6266. I LARGE modern rooms, suitable for twoi $12 per month. Ug N. fcid. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnajn. F4HI RENT Comfortable rooma, walk igl distance 407 b. 26th Ave. Ing . w . . mis, niuuiB, oeauraoio 1 for two genilemen. 617 S. 2tith St. I FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. I private family. 2610 N. Ulh St. j FOR RENT Two neatly furnished looma, ' 2os Capitol Ave. ; rnu DVWT T ... 1 . m . FOR RENT Nice room sultabis fur two. tU S. 2bth St. NEAT rooma. all modern con invenlencasi I ii. sosa f walking distance. 2707 Dodga FOR RENT Nicely rurnished, modern, good location. 1U N. 20th St. I FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooius, , cloae In. loll Leeveuwurtn 61 ' Folt RENT Clean, neat furnished rooiua. U16 Douglas St TWO or three furnished rooms to adults; would be nice for two or three ladles for light housekeeping. Mi S. 24d. Douglas 6601. Ion P.iw. i .n:wiy luifiisocd igviu suitable tor two. i-li ioOn bt. NICELY furnished modern rooms, with breakiust if desired. 'J.ii Junes bt. phone Douglas 246. WANTED Young man to board and room wttn private fumtly; nice resluunce District; nest enu town, 10 minutes lioui loth and Howard. Moral character and sobriety must be assuied, otheivwse ueedieas lo apply. Phone Harney loll. NICELY furnished front room, modern throughout; five blocks wet of Sixteenth street; cool plaue. Dougiaa. STRICTLY modem rcom, comfortably furnished, nice cool place for summer; one-half block to car. Tclephoue W sutler 1,A TWO large rooma facing north and south in strictly modern fiat; walking distance; cool place fur summer, icli CUlcago bl. Telephone Douglas 0.S4. ATTENTION W Noith lad street, ex tremely laras. airy front room lor two; modei n; close In. Telephone itod UM. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; good home cooking; reasonable M- Jonea Doug. iuil. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen Telephone and bath.. Call 2o"6 Capitol Ae. CLOBH .V-Te nloely furnlslied front ana uses roniiiy, evwjruiuig aiasiai p.ea ftuasd If aiuaio. S-V ( j '1 f