8 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 15. 1011. i i ; REAL ESTATE 'ARM AMD HAMClt I. A Mil POR a ALB Nebraska -Ceatlaaed. EXrtCPTIONAt, BARGAIN -J40 acres n-r Seasrd. Howard 'o. Nb ; ool si room houso, bsra sheila, and mill f ne orchard. 11 scrag alfalfa. 100 arret cultivated, 75 acrs good hay land, balance tenure: price. pr acre; larrpa. hall cash. Fetterman Bros., Lincoln, Neb. Marlk Dakala. FOR SALE Renters an1 Investors. If yen tint to own on of our fin Improved (rain farm with every modern conveni ence and be Independent, write ma at ones. little money nreded. Wauduli Huatoo. I arringtoq.. N. U. 6ICVfc:RAL, improved farms In McHenry county, N. Dak., for aaie on eaay terms, .ood soil; IX, to IdU per acre. C A. btuo bins, Granville. N. L) WANTED Hae good list of lands In Jimn River Valley, titutaman county, N. I . Correspondence with real estate agents solicited. Itirmrri btaie task, Vpsilauti. N. U.- ' Orecoa. FOR ?ALaV ISO acres choicest apple, pear, cherry- .srsri land In the went, six miles lrcm town, one mile trum raj i road, aoil deep volcanic ash. .The Jjallea, Ure , prtu winning fruit. 1H0 acres, 3V, miles from town, new, mod ern huuse. barn, tenement; &0 pear prune, brarliig, 1.500 young trees, l,0uu grape vines, good: water, wood. Or will sell 80 acres with, all Improvements Investigation solicited. C. H. We outer. The Dallea. Ore REAL ESTATE LOANS Continued ) 5 money on rhnlre luimnon ami residence properly. Loans cloned promtply. l.th and Kernam. WANTED City loana Feters Trust Co. CHEAP MONET. P.epreeentlng the Penn Mutual fjf Ina Co.. with assets ot over 117.i0,0no. I am prepared to accept all the good loans of fered on Improved Omaha real estate. Huainesa and realdencs loans made with out Uelay. THOIvfAS BRENNAN. City National Hank Bldg. " 5 & 5y2" ayggny- WANTED City loans an1 warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1320 Farnam 8t- LOW RATES. BEMI3-CAKLBERO CO. tlv-112 Brandeis Theater Bldg. "WANTED, FARM-LOANS. KlokV Itiv. Co., Omaha. 1100 to 110.000 - made promptly. F. D. Read. Wead Bldg., lSth and Farnam. ncrl 10 Net to the Investor on our care fully selected farm mortgages on Improved Nebraska fa ruin. Klnke Investment Co., Omaha. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Closing in About Last Week'i Notches. HOGS LITTLE HIGHER FOR WEEK ftheep Qamrter Higher and Fat I a en fee Thirty to Thirty-Five ( Higher Thaa at the C lose li at Week. POUTH OMAHA. May IS. 1911. Receipt were: official Monday Official Tuesday.... uiiii iHl i miifMHy Official Thm fua.y . .'mciai Friday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. II. 970 .. .3"7 .. i.1.4 .. 3.5M 67 U lO.ftoi lu.a.o 7.f.0 4.JO0 714 7.529 6.1-V 4.032 WE HAVE money to loan on Improved real estate In Omaha and suburbs. NEBRASKA SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. 1606 Farnam Bt. Board of Trade Bldg. VISIT .OREOON AT OfR EXPENSE. Ion t forget our private car leaves Omaha ;June S direct to our fruit lands. Free roiind trip to our prospective buyers. Only -a -'few reservations left Call for de tails at once. Sanuam Fruit Colony, LX lies Bldg. .. , Boath Carolina. LA V m lf)00 per acre made growing figk for peserves on the Islands. Orchards oo easy monthly payments. Sea Island Orchard Company; Charleston, S. C South Dakota. 400-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux Falls; excellent Improvement, large grove and fruits all In cultivation; price for quick sale kftu, C4qy terms; alao iitu well improved, eaay terms', and 1MI acres unimproved. These are bargains for quirk sale. K. A. SUvlua, owner. Slous Falls. 4. U. FOR . SALE Section good, raw land: all fenced; good flowing well; miles from 1'lankUigton, S. l For particulars, write J. E. o Malley,' Philip. S. D. ALFALFA THB KINO OF ALA. FARM PRODUCT! This Is the land we have. Free home stead, relinquishments and deeded lands. For particulars write IS. O. Wonder at Co., Buffalo Gap. & . SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE. We have a list of Edmunds county land for sale at from 1 and up per acre. If Interested write us for particulars and we wll laend our prices and pocket map. If you own land In South Dakota list It with us. Our roouo Is "A Square Deal to Buyer and Seller." Give us a chance to prove our statement. Hasvold Land Co., allna. Ed munds county, South Dakota. WILL exchange choice farm land near Pierre, the cap.tal of South Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land; what have you to offer? West Land Co.. Pierre, 8. D. ONE-FOCRTH SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair Improvements. Price tS.COO. Equity. Jj.400.: Akaak iteai Estate Co.. Akaska, & 1S ACRES IN DEUEL CO., 8. D. Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black oil; clay subsoil; lie very level and all under cultivation. Musi be sold within 80 days to close an estate. Half of this year' crop goes - with the price. S36 per acre; easy terms; W.000 will handle It and It ie ;nap. No gravel, no stones, no foul, weeds. Addraee W. JT. JtfoOee. Lake Preston, & D. Texas. -THE NILE OF AMERICA. 20 cash and I per cent interest, payable semi-annually, will secure you a home In Gulf Coast Orange and Fig lands within ten miles, or Houston, Tex., on terms of Kn. sul.K.lam Bldg.. Houston Tex , TEXAS. INVESTMENTS. Buy . orchard and garden lands near Houston, the greatest and most prosper ous city In the southwest, where values are going up all the Unit and fortunes made In real estate In short while. Easy terms If desired. Address E. C. Robert Vela, lex., and a lu-aore farm in tne Kio Grande vajley, where the farmer's cash In come is as perpetual as the days that ooms and go. 8. H. Jackson, Jo First National Bank Bldg Houston, Tex. BAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We can buy land for you or Invest money, t per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these ' lands. Correspondence solicited. Refer to First Nat' I bank, San Saba Nat' I bank. .Ward. Murray 4k Co., and the mem bere In congress from Texas. Kelley Burleson l"c baa Saba, Tex. BAN. SABA VALLET. the garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We can buy - land for you or Invest money, per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. .Correspondence solicited. Refer to First Nat I bank, San Saba Nat l bank.. Ward.-Murray 4s Co. and ths mem bers In congress from Texas. Kelley Burleson Co.. ban Saba, Tex. WB kre Subdividing 1.300 acres of ferule rum Jan) In Jackson county. Splendid crops every year. Rainfall about right. 44 write ' de,crllUon' P1 n prloes ... i JJHN RICHET CO.. I1J E.. Houston Ht.. San Antonio. Tax.- 640 acres choloe Texas Panhandle land; will trade for smaller eastern Neb., farm. m Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Wyoming. ' FOR PALK U0O0 acres In Laramie county. Wyoming. In Golden Prairie dis trict," suitable for farming; now stocked with ettle and sheep; will eell with ranch; win -exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa farms. J. T. Bell, owner. Cheyenne. VyOe"" FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE W exchange -properties of merit. H. H. Culver. eU-Ji. O, N. B. Bldg.. D. 7886. FOR teflsWe " sales aid exchanges, see D. M. Lij-AMl.VG. &vi Brandeis Bldg. MONET TO LOAN Payne Inveatmsnt Co REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Havs you anything to offer the farmer ot lowaT Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise stors for hind or any kind of an exchanger Or have you some land you wsnt to sell for cashT Ths one paper that reaches the Iowa farmer Is the Des Moines Capital; 42,000 circulation dally; rate single Insertion. 1 cent a word, six Insertions, i cents a word. Des Moines Daily Capital. Des Moines la. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Picturenque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON. Havre. Francs Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent or ALLAN CO.. General Agents, 137 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YOFK AND NAPLES DIRECT. 6ingle or Round Trip Tickets between New York snd 6cotch. English. Irish and all principal Continental points at attractlvs rates. Send for book of Information. Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cul Ine. Apply promptly for Reservation to local agents of Anchor Line or HENDEH BON BROS.. General Agents. Chicago. 111. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for Id band furniture, carpets, clothing and Shoes. TeL D. W7L GOOD MONEY for your broken move menu and old gold. M. Nathan. 100 8. 13th. WANTEDiecond-hand bowling alley; state prices wanted by first of June. J. W Marshall, Lusk, Wyo. SELNER pays good prices for furniture, carpets, clothes and shoes. D. 6401. WANTED TO BUY Meat market doing good business. Answer with full particulars first letter. Address Y-Z3. care Bee. US-note player piano. Must be cheap for l- .Dll. AUUTW11 A .4, )e. rAT.7.P!T.T.'l li frma m .,. tl 1. . If M. Sal re, 412 N. ZTth Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three dava we will rlv him nmrf " t v. - Ice cream free. - WANTED TO RENT WANTED For t months, beginning June 1, small furnished house; Dundee or Hans corn Park district preferred; three bed rooms essential. Address H 1611. Omaha Bee. TWO connecting rooms, convenient to bath; hot water; state location; kind of heat and price. K 262. SIX room modern apartment or house, Bemls Park district preferred, but not essential. Phone Harney 8118 YOUR dinner tastes better finished off with Dalxell's Ice cream. We will give Mrs. M. Boesen, 1738 S. 17th St., a quart hrlck of this fine Ice cream If she will bring; this ad to The Bee office within three days. WANTED SITUATIONS PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney 4S9A A BOY of 1J would like work where mother can cook, country preferred. Ad dress Y-2&. care Bee, . ICE CRRAM KinbH an .ll.n J . If F. F. Odell. 1S25 Locuat Rt will this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a quart brick ot Dalzell s fine ice cream. N LEGAL NOTICES FOR 8Ai0S .OR EXCHANGE We have at Saratoga, Wyo.. 1 mile from town, 1.6U0 acres in a body, with three aets of build ings, horses, cattle and farm tools; 1,500 aires of It Irrigated with an abundant sup ply of water; very rich, productive sol), which can be had now at $75 per acre In exchange for -merchandise or clear income properly or cajih. Address Box R. Frederick.- B. D. t FOR SALE or trade for general stock of dry goods, rt acres Improved land near David. City. Price tlOO per acre. Box 144. David City. Neb. 800 ACRES clear Kansas land for good stock .of general merchandise, will trade sll or lart; price 115.00 per acre. J. J. Barbour, owner. Chester, 8. D. WILL exchange Interest In Income pror arty, clear. -va ued 6.ut. for Omaha vacant or rsd noa. Auaresa T 161. Bee. U-ROOM hotel, with three lots; well lo-tated.-lh w-estem Nebraska town; alio one story frame store building. Wx&O; will sell cheap or exchange for small e'ear prop t'rtv. Roach M;. Paxton. .Douglas 1H07. i:lEALSTATELOANS JAIU propertv and Nebraska lend O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Wit New Omaha National Bank Building. GARVIN BROS, "id floor N. T. Ufa. SoOt to 10.0m on impioved property. No delay. ' Good 6 r arm mortgages Always on hand and for tale in .amounts from $300 to $3 000 BEXSQX &-MEYERS, ' 412 New York Ufa Bldg. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, evlth-privilege of making partiial Day menu Saml-aanually. W. H. THnu a a ua Flrt Nauena) bank huUding. CITT end F4roa. JOHN M. fRaNUM. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, LIN COLN. Feb. 1, 1911. It Is hereby certified that the State Mutual Life Assurance com pany of Worcester, In the state of Massa chusetts, has complied with the Insurance law of this state, applicable to such com panies, and Is therefore authorized to con tlrue the business of life Insurance In this 3iatl9Pr th current yer en("n January 'Summary o freport filed for the year ending December SI, 1910; INCOME. Premiums 6,oM,7fi.lri All other source.... 1.767,794 Total...... ,(m,661.S0 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders $ 1,707.345 71o Paid nollcv hM... n.' '" ----- r- ............ .w , .v., , t All other payments.. l.UI.Ofi?.?! ' A DM ITTED ASSETS 41142 TtXn t36.414.27S 7 LIABILITIES. 00-"-'0 Net reserve 132.197. W OO Net policy claims... 1KS.7M f AH other llabilltlee.. 978.100 -33.m.841 29 Sun'lus beyond capital stock and other liabilities 1042.494 54 ...J,0'-1 r.414.n5 7 w itness my hand and the seal of the Insurance department the day and year first above written , . . SILAS R. TtARTDN, if,,) .rAudl,or of P"ho Accounts. W H. INDOE. General Agent for No-nraftka. GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Office of Indian Affairs. Washington D. L. Sealed proposals for letting grasl lng District No. 1. Crow Reservation. Montana, for the 1 raxing of sheep, either under a lease or by permit, will be re ceived at the office of the commissioner of Indian affairs. Wsehlngton, D. C. untU I o clock p. m . on Monday. June t. 1911 and will be Immediately thereafter opened In the presence of such bidders as may at tend. All necessary Information may be obtained on application to the superin tendent of the Crow Indian achook Crow Agency. Montana. C. F. Hauke. Second Assistant Commissioner. M4dlst A BBS WANT All 1 vn rata the woeA( heesse, an H B eur4ta) oet short mmVm, e4 ery I sswsJl set to ywe. Bo MrUee. I Estimate Saturday Six days this week....l.71.1 47.2 8o,21 Same days Isat week 17.25" 51.190 Vl.bM Same days 2 weeks ago..l4.STO 72.775 37.1' Same days 3 weeks ago.. 20.977 re 7"0 32.11S Same days 4 weeks ago..l7,M2 W..0OS 31.1' Same days last week.... 17,250 57,190 29.558 i he following table snow s ne receipts of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with lt year: inn. 1910. Inc. Cattle .377.5" 87,95 9.54R Hogs 965.065 78.55 178,497 Sheep 645,171 561,264 93,907 The following table shows the receipts of prices on hogs at South Omaha for the Ian several days, with comparisons: Dates. 1811. 1910. 19O9.1908. 11907. 190.1S05. while sheep are quotable about a quarter hisher. Receipts have been well tip to a season able average and Included a liberal run of wooled Mexican lamha. This cIhss of stock wss prsctlcally alone In the wooled dlKplay. as the bulk of old sheep lately arrived without fleece. Shorn lambs were In good supply on most dss and generally sold at rstnei broad discounts under choice wooled Mexican. A $6 50 top s made on beet Mexicans yesterday, while the best sh rn lamhs stopped st $5 40. The former price Is the highest re'fl locally In over five months. Good spring lambs have been selling around $7."0. Mexican yearlings broiiKht as much as $5.J) this week, but arrivals have been few. Wethers, also wooled. are ouotable up to $4.75. while tt.li would buv something toppy In the shorn line. Good shorn ewes have been selling around $4 00. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Spring lamhs. ...ia900; Mexican lambs. $6.15i50: western lambs. $5.nivi6 00; yearlings. $4.5)Mf 5 W; wethers. $4 15114 75; ewes. $3 651(4 50; shorn Mexican lamhs. $5.0CVj.i 50: shorn western lamtis, $6.005.40; common shorn lambs. 4.564i& .00;: yearlings, shorn. $4 OTV.j 465;; wethers, shorn, $3.90 4.35; ewes, $3.65 4.HICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET May a.. May 4.. May 6. May o. May 7.. Mav 8.. May .. May 10., May 11. May 12., May 13. i em 5 76W 77 6 . I 6 94 I 94 9 00 9 19, 9 27 9 18 7 01 7 04 7 00 9-1 85 9 9 18 9 2 99 9 28 6 97 9 23 7 01 9 301 7 04 f 271 6 21 I 161 6 24 t 27, 15 6 25 ( 21 I 39 ( 261 6 211 j 33i 24 6 411 381 S 2U 6 42 I 301 5 2 6 35 36 i 20 I f 28 S 261 I 26 t 88 6 87 ( 84 6 34 I 19 I 5 30 f 28 I 17 t 1 t 19 t 27 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb , for the twenty-four hours ending at 2 p. m., yesterday: . RECEIPTS. w . Cattle. Hogs.HT's. C M A St P. Ry i a Mo. Pac Ry ' , . Union Pacific ...2 9 1 C. & N. w.. east 1 3 C. & N. W west 32 C. 8L P. M. & O. C B. & Q., eaat... 1 C. B. & west 12 C. R. 1 & P., east 4 C. G. W. Ry i Total receipts 4 DISPOSITION. 72 Omaha Packing- Co. . Swift 4 Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour A Co Murphy Hoffman Cattle. Hogs. .... 810 .... 1.119 .... 1,607 .... 1,033 .... 189 7 To'1 7 4,768 CATTLE There were only about four cars of cattle In th eyards this morning, which was not enough to make a market. For the week receipts have been quite lib eral, showing a gain of over 1,000 head over last week and being the heaviest of any time since three weeks ago, also fully as large as one year ago. During the early part of the week re ceipts were large, both here and at other market points and packers were able to force prices down to some extent, heavy beef steers being In some cases fully 10 15c lower than the previous week. During the latter half of the week they put on about what hey took off. so that at the close the market Is not very different from what It was one week ago. Handy light cattle of good quality are fully as high as they were last week; If anything a little stronger, while rough, heavy cattle might poslble be a little easier. The market on cows and heifers has been In fair shape all week, the demand having been good, while receipts have been by no means burdensome. The demand, however, has been the most active for heif ers and light cows on the heifer order. Heavy and rough cows, on the other hand, have been more or less neglected, and they are hardly as good sellers as one week ago. Veal calves have been In very active de mand throughout the week and are 2550c higher than last week; bulls and stags have also shown a little) Improvement. Hardly enough stock cattle or feeders have been received any day this week to make a market, but at the same time the demand has been very slack, so that prices have not shown any Improvement. On the contrary the feeling was weak and anything like liberal receipts would un doubtedly have brought about a lower range of prices. Quotations on Cattle Good to choloe beef steers, $5.9054U0; fair to good beef steers, ta.0056.60; good to choice heifers, $6.00165.76; good to choice cows, $4.76&6.25; fair 4o good cows and heifers, $4.2004.76; common to fair cows and heifers, $2,750 4.75; good to choice stocksrs and feeders, $5.255.50; fair to good stocksrs and feed ers, $6.00a.2o; common to fair mockers and feeders, $4.0U&6.26; stock heifers, $4.25 (UO.UO; veal calves, $4.257.00; bulls, stags, etc., $3,7546 00. HOOS-No very startling changes were made In the scale of hog prices this morn ing. The market opened strong , on a seventy-car supply and closed weak, bulk selling on a generally steady basis. De mand was at no time active and it' re quired work on the part of sellers to place of feringa. Weights held at usual spreads and butchers made up bulk. Rough and un even grades proved especially slow, but lard otieiings were not avoided whare good quality existed. Shippers operated cau tiously, leas than ten loads being sold to speculative Buyers. Long strings ranged from $5.9034.90 and choice bacon animals reached $6.10. This figure Is a split nickel higher than yester day's top, as well as 86c above the ex treme price of a week ago. On all days this week the hog trade has been either steady or hiffher than the previous day. Receipts of smaller rolnn but still seauionatoly large, have h4 a lumaiatmi iniiuence upon demand, so that it has not required very much effort to make clearances. Current prices show net ku v tnr tn aoout owe I or uu wees. Representative sales: Ke. At. Sa. rr. M 441 - lit Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Strong;. CHICAGO. May 13. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 2O0 head; market steady: beeves, $4.95tf45; Texas steers. $4.60-05.60; western steers, $4 8(-a5.60; stockers and feeders, $40C&55; cows and heifers, $2.40 HOGS Receipts t1mat l nco Tj1"1 t hd higher; light $605 in. 42'; mixed iR nrvfiii ?ru. .... ks 26; rough. $5 XMM 00; good 'to choice. $0!it Pigs. $5.906.35; bulk of sales. $6.10 SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts. 500 nead; market steady; native, $3.0OW4.Sn; western. $3.504.80; yearlings. 4.6O4f5.60; lambs, native. $4.50.66; western, $5.256.70. Kansas City I.lve Stork Mk. KANSAS CITY. Mo., May 13. CATTLE Receipts. 200 head; no southerns; market steady; native steers. $5.254i.16; southern Rt .ru t J i . v:t ci . . . i . . ti iY,S: uun.fiu cows ana neirers, I rir 75V ntlv cows and heifers, $3.M? .'riA, " "a '"OPrs, e4.iorao.7i; bulls, : ??J?f calves. $4 5Kf7.00; western steers, I4..5Q5.&6: UMt.rn u. it m ' HOGS Receipts. 3,0u0 head; market utronsr S:e5L,,.,,6l0;rack''rs and butchers. $6 0.yii6n: lights. $6.10fj6 15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market lt..Hv n. , , . . I r . - . , . ., -.y n- . . o.wti.rn.; tamps, M..5W35; fed .wethers and yearlings, $4.00 ' Lvrt 1 1 c n rn. eo.isrrjn.D. St. Loots Live Stock Market. r. ?T.' Lyi.!i- J0" Mav 13 -rrCATTLE Re ceipts, 300 head. Including 100-Texans; mar ket steady; native steers, $5.006.60; cows snn li.fr.r. ii Eiw . i ... i - etocaers ana teeners, M.00fc.r0: Texas and Indian steers, $4.50 rar nkri Int. buu HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market 5c higher: Dlrs tnd iiiyh.a t izajs kn. . K ama C . L v.wuu.aii, pacitere. g 2 ' .. .... mlt iicMivy, r.uDrtf ( 4-4 HI I at Ml M IS 4 tlf ... (7 u mt ... i ts is. m 4S i te u too ... $ so M lit M I to t lei ... 2Uj U 141 - SO IN l& 17 44 I at 14 1J ... I St 41 ... I M M H SO I M M t SO I 06 47 Ml SO I K 44 161 SO I St 10 4 10 I M U 4 ... I M IT W4 H IK TO 10 1M IN M 14 ... I M U 11 ... IN t Ml M IN u ta s in U M4 4S I N 14 ta ... I N U 1)1 ... I N M ia ... I M Tl . la. rr. ..Ul ... IN - HI N I N 71 Ct IN n. l a t i w Tl St N IN 1" ... I N ' 14 ... 1 t 14 ... IN " Ill M I OS 4T ... IN ... IN " 1 ... IN t ... ISO " tSI ... IN J ... IN ... IN t ... I 0 77 It ...IN' I ... IN B ... IN SN N I MM T. HI M I 4 m ... I N n.-.....xi ... i at W 1 ... I N TT NO ... " 1T ... IN 4 ... iera ..twm ... I is SHEEP The sheep and lamb markets were compleetly bare ot supplies this morning and the situation remained nom inal. During the week demand for all kinds of offerings has been active and ample, each day s clearance being easy and early On Monday buyers acted conservatively! but their attitude changed at Tueeday'a opening and orders were filled with some show of urgency throughout the rest of Uie week. Prices Improved under the influence of better competition and both aheep and lambs are closing on a higher basis than prevailed at last week's finish Lsunbs. with and without fleece, ciaim margins 80a35o above quotations last Saturday OCEAN STEAMSHIPS J3AMBURG-AMEEICAN London Paris Hamburg Kals's. Au. Vic, lfa M. 9 A sL ! nrl vaaia. star tl. CUtI"j-4. June L LrlH. Juae t, RniOaritoa s la Cane fUstasrant. Will eaJI at ouloan. SaooeS Cebla Oaly. Cruising THE- PRID o crmtruBa Br tbe li. ae n aleemaSIs Tk tlr-st at save New Terk OctotMf U. 1SU. Tbe sereal te Bs iav etsre re. 4. tin. a m urns illll lOAsl USTB IN Wat Rnlo:pk lu. Cklsaso. Ul., r DuttlN M0DATS COtTf $650 Ieolels spei Aboatnl St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, May 13. CATTLE Re- M00 h"d; rT'ark't steady; steers. clheV-$4:.0wSW7B. " heitm- 3'25'9; HOGS - Receipts. 3.000 head; market ZtoJ'vUuttu1 top- ,617: bulk ' SHEEP AND LA MB S N one on sale; n26r nominally steady; lambs, $6,760 Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: n.v Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. south Omaha 50 4 700 St. Joseph 100 3 000 !'! Kansas City 2no 3 (KM St. Louis QTlrt E AnA U,""V Chicago 200 5.000 BOo Tottia 860 23,700 600 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BOTTER-reamery. No. 1 delivered te the retail trade in f-lb. cartons. 24c: No. I. In JO-lb. tubs. S2c; No. 1, In cartons. Uc; packing stock, solid pac v. 13c; dairy In uO-ib. tuoa. 14fl6c; market ooaiiges everV Tuesday. ' CHEESE Twins, 14Vig15c; young Ameri cas, 17Bnfee; daisies. I6ci triplets, I6ttc limberger, ISo; No. 1 brick. 16; Imported Swiss. Uui docceeUo bwlaa. Uo; block Mwlss. POUL.TKT Dressed broilers, under t lbs. $r.1 per dos.: bens. 16c; oocka. l2Vo; ducka tie; geese. 16c; turkeys, X60; pigeons pTj dos., $l.a; homer squabs, per dus.. U N fancy iQuabs, per aos.. $$.60; No 1 Del dos.. $1 Od AUve broilers, t&a, ly. lo il lbs., and 1 to I lbs.. c: smooth legs 14 hens. 12o, stags, loo; old roosters, so: old ducks, full feathered. 13Hc; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkeys lie; guinea fowls, too each; pigeons, per dos.. 90o: homers, per dos.. u.uO; squa.be. No. 1, pr Oor U-; No. $, per doa.. oOa; tatpons. over i ibe.. 14c; old turkeys . ' vr s FISH (all froienj-Plckerel, 9o; white 16c pike, 14c; trout, Uc; large crapples. .-joc: Spanish n.ackerel. 19c; eel. lo; haddook.' lto; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 16c: roe shad, U eacn; snad roe, per pair, 660: tree legs, per dos.. oc; salmon. 10c; hallbuL 7? herring, 7c. ' BEEF CUTS Ribs: No L Uc- No 1 U1ci No. 3. Uc. Loins: No. L lC,: (jj f 12c; No. I, Lia Chucks: No. L Z 7 7c; No. 1. 7Wc Round: No. C c ; No.' 1 Hc; No. X. c t nciii-A.pples. Kansas Pippins and Jonathans, 4-, tier, per box, Z0; Kansas Ganos. per box, $2.60; bananas, fancy se IS' pr buncn- e2.26tf2.6o; Jumbo, bunch, $2.7&B.75; dates, anchor brand, new, 30 l-lb Pkgs. in boxes, per box, iiUO, bulk In 70-lb' boxes, per lb., Hc: tigs. Turkish. 7-crown, per lb., lite; 6-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., lilc; grape fruit. Florida, 64-64-110 pwr iwi, a.w; o-i sixes, per box, $4.50; lemons, Llmonelra brand, extra fancy 900-360 sizes, per box, $6.60; fancy. 300-H) slsea, per box $6.00; 24v size. 60c per box leee; oranges, Camella Redlands navels, all sixes, per box. $3.50(83.76: fancy navels, 0-96-12 sizes. $3 26; 160 and smaller sizes, $3.50 61-76; California Jaffa oranges, 150 and larger sixes, per box, $3.50; 176 and smaller sixes, per box. $3.50; pineapples. 24-30-36 sizes, per crate, $4.75; strawberries. Arkan sas, per 24-quart case. $3.00; Tenneesee. per 24-quart rase. $1 2503.60. VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax Per hamper. $3.60; beets, per bu., 76c; cab bete, California and Texas, new, per lh., le: carrots, per lb.. 2c; cucumbers, hot house. IS and i doz. In box. per dot., $1 5ft; egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz. $1.50; garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15o; let tuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz., 46o; onions, Texas Bermuda, white, per orate, $'.26; yellow, per crate, $3.00; onion sets, white, per bu., 32 lbs.. SL76; yellow per bu., 32 lbs., $L00; red, per bu., S2 lbs., $1.26: parsley, fancy southern, per doz., bunches, 60c; parsnips, per lb., 2c.; potatoes. Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., umisV; Colorado, per bu., $1 00; new stock, per lb.. 6c; per hamper, $275; rutabagas, per lb.. I'ec; tomatoes, Florida, per 6-bk. crate, fancy, $4.00; choice, $3.60; turnips, per bu., 76a. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California ertft shell, per lb., 15c; tn sack lots, lo lens: Rraxil nuts, per lb., I3o; tn sack lots, le less; eoooanuts. per sack, $6.00; per dos., 75o; filberts, per lb., 14c; m sack lots, lc tens; hickory nuts, large, per lb.. 6c; srosll. per lb., 6c; peanuts, roasted, per lb., Ic; raw, per lb., Ho; pecans, large, per lb.. lcV In sack lots, 1c leas; walnuts, black, per lb.. 9Hc; California, pea- lb., lc; In sack lots, le less; cider. New Tork. Mott's per bbl., $6.76; honey, new, 24 frames, $3.75. Clemj-tMOT Howae Bank Statement. NEW TORK, May 13 The statement ot the clearing house banks for tbe week shews that the banks hold $43,884,026 more than, the requirements of the 26 per cent rule. This ts an Increase of $6,04.960 In the proportionate rash reeterve as com pared with last week. Tbe statement fol lows. DAILT AVERAGE. Increase. Loans $136673.700 M.Stf.)n Specie J1Ta4.Jl KB.9IJ0 Legal tenders 7f.iW.:i 351 4i Deposits LS0.7,5U0 16.674.i0 Circulation 4.0--5.1'O 97. 9o Reaervo n.4 40 im.D Reserve required 47. 674,375 3r3.4) Surplus 43.MM.U26 6.084.960 Iecrease. "United States deposits in cluded. 11.660.700, a decrease of $26.6uu ACTUAL CONDITION. Increase Loans $1331 917.100 $,076 Specie U7.S31.900 1.296.300 Legal tenders 73.70 4) n.hol Deposits LX6.7W.1 t.Wl 0iO Circulation 46.130 4H0 2M 7)0 Reawrve LU2. 764?i Reeerve required 946.446.775 3.76I.O00 Surplus 44.662,528 $.022.7u0 recreeae. Unlted Slates deposits in cluded. $1.64X4(10. an Increase of $U.6uU Summary of state bank a and trust com panies tn Oreater New Turk not reporting to the clearing house: Increase. Loans tt930.50.onft ti.6S.sn Specie 119.1L2 VO L47V5uO Legal tenders 19 111 7uu tn cue Total deposits l.H3.67$.6uO iQ,M,bw i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bulli Making Fight in Face of Heavy Liquidation. CORN VALUES ARE RELUCTANT Bulls Hare niflfeolfy In Advancing Prices 4 a ah Mtnatlon Strong, with Only Small Ktorks on Itfind. OMAHA. Mav 13. 1911. t ables were disappointing, coming lower, and Ftaited a inn of lirf.iida tlon at the opening. Hull leaders, however, are keep. ln up a possible enthusiasm, enlisting everything from blizznids and drouth In the horthuest to caterpillars and hot winds m the si uthwest to keep the market oln. I hes-e efforts are meeilnK with consider able success, although some conservative lenction is probable iroin this strong turn. Hulls In corn have found more difficulty in advancing values, as the belief exists amonK the trade that the country will have a large amount of corn to move as soon as tlx active planting season Is over, and because of this heavy selling has checked the aovance. At the same time cash corn is In a very stronir position, stocks are re duced and shipments are on s large scale compared with the current receipts. heat ruled steady rind hHri a firm tone, though the range was slightly under yes terday s close. Cash wheat was strong, with values V higher. 1 orr. was weak, with selling more gen eial owing to favmable weather conditions tor the new crop. Cash corn sold c lower. . r rlntary wheat lecipis were 4.n.u bu. and shipments were 62i.nO bu., against re ceipts last year of 478.0iO bu. and ship ments of 344. bu. Primary corn receipts wpre' 4'n.OOO bu. and shipments were 4J9.000 bu.. aga.nst re ceipts last yn.r of 320.000 bu. and ship ments of 728.000 bu. Clearances were 177.000 bu. of corn. 1,000 bu. of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 397,000 bu. Liverpool closed VijSd lower' on wheat and Sd lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported; WHEAT No. 2 hard. 2 cars, 90V CORN No. 2 yellow. S cars, 50c; No. 3 yellow, 5 cars, 49"4Ci No. 3 mixed, 2 cars, 49c. OATS No. 2 white. 1 car. 32Ho; No. 3 white, 1 car, 32c; No. 4 white, 2 cars, Sl'c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car. 3mc; no grade, 1 car, 31c. Omaha Cash Prtres. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 9ty9jc; No. 3 hard. S8's92c; No. 4 hard. WVg89V4c; re.lected hard. SOVuSSc; No. 3 spring. 91fiVc; No. 4 spring, 89fi94c; No. 2 durum, h789o; No. 3 durum. (tfiiSTc. CORN No. 2 white. 51W50UC ; No. 3 white. 494'&50c; No. 4 white. 49Vi491c: No. 2 yellow, 495(Ji)c; No. 3 vellow. 49H?49ic; No. 4 yellow, 49ii491c; No; 2, 49VS49c; No. 8, 49V949'i;c; No. 4, 4S$49c; no grade, 4Wj 4Se. OATS? No. 2 white. 32'4'r7'32,c; standard, 3r(i32'c; No. 3 white. 3132c; No. 4 white. 3m,fi'314c; No. 3 yellow. 3H31c; No. 4 yellow, 31fi-31''4C. BARLEY No. S. 87frMe; No. 4. TSfiSSc; No 1 feed, 745 87c; relected, 69-ff84o. RTB No. 2, 99c?$1.00; No. 3, 999c. Carlo t Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 121 208 1S3 Minneapolis 202 Omaha 25 47 14 Duluth 21 t. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. May 13. WHEAT Futures, lower: May, 934c; July, 8SV" ; Septem ber, SMW4C. Cajh: No. 2 hard, 94cg-fi.no. CORN Lower: July, nl,c; September. 62c. Cash: Strong; track. No. 2 white. E6Sr55Vie. OATS Weak; July. 33c; September. 32Hc. Cash: Higher; No. 2 white. 36c. KIX5UR Steady.; red winter patents. $4 20 64.70; extra fancy and straight, $3.fiO4.10; hard winter clears, f2.Aft0'3.tf. SEED Timothy. ffi.00(5.50. HAT Easier; timothy, $l&.00rff21.00; prml rie. fl3.0OSr'16 .50. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, fl00, lard, unrhanKed; rrme steam, f7 55 r(i7 9fi; dry snlt meats, unchanged, boxed xtra short". f62-; clear r.hs. $S.'is, short clearf. f87lj: baron, unchanse.1, boxed f Ttra short, f'l.fiS, clear ribs, fi"6J'; short clra' s. $'' 8:14,. COIINMKAWJ Ml IsRAN Steady; sacked east track, fjl.llfi ! 14. POULTRY-Flrmer: chh-kens, 12c; springs. 191i24c; turkeys, l.ltjloc; ducks, geese. 6c. HUTTKR tj'ilet ; creamery, 15S210. E(.iQ8 I'nrhanged. l.Sc. Receipts shipments. Klotir, Mils 7 wio $ OiX) Wheat, bu n.non 41 ni4 Corn, bu 97 Ono 5?i00 Oats, hu ?4.(il 43.000 Kansas City lira la and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mav 13 WH EAT-Cash, No 2. 90ti97c; No. 3. SMi95c; No. 2 red. 90M 9-'c, No 3. t'ivr. CORN enchanted to ve lower; No 2 mixed, 51V(r5-''jc; No. 3. .MgolUc; No 2 white. 62c; No. 3. 51V. OATS-l.'nchanged to V higher; No 2 white. 33'4'ft3.IV; No 3 mixed, 31yT0.,ic. RYE No. 2. 7'ri$IOO. HAY Steady to tl lower; choice timothy. $15 6OQ17.0O; choice prairie, tui.ixvria.00. Receipts, shipments Wheat, bu 3S.0i0 52.' Corn, bu- 3V001 75 ( Oats, bu...: 4.000 g.0011 nnlnth 4; rain Market. PULUTH. May 13 WHEAT -Xn. 1 northern, flOI; No. 2 northern. 9e'a$l.no; May. $1 nominal; July, fl.o bid; tem her. wSiC. OATH 34 V!. I. ore! Seoarttles. Quotations furnished by Fume. Br A Co.. 449 New Omaha National building: s'a. rr re itivl Itr ot Omh ',, l!i ""X l ll of Omaha 4H. '!. st hool Vuitt" P-mn . 1S4 Corn r.i.-hni Natis-il Bank ateck Itilraao Balls-ar .a. t:7 lnr Vnmn ?t-li Yar4a a lfer re. 4a. notes I"" r.asl II Loula A Suh ta. t'I "4 Fairmont Creamery 1st I 4 rt eent.. Hi Fnunont r reamer M. T per rent.... H losa rortlan1 1 emarl 1st mtg. Kanua.'Kr t"- Yarns aa. KallMa ()' Klectnc I p. t cM. Ktniu ntr R. I. 11 -. Omaha Water 4. 1941 Omaha A '. B ft Rv. 4s. 1M... Omaha C T. P'4. I B. Omaha r. B t. Rr . enio Omaha A C. B Kj. Omaha Oaa 4a, 1917 South Omaha CHr I'll t rilon Stoi Tarrta aiork Wlaa Memorial Hospital Is KIH 41 m" T 100 Peoria Market. TEORIA, May lS.-OORN-Flrm: Nt white. 53'ac: No. 2 yellow. 53hc; No. $ lr.nr ItLr' K'n 4 Vellow . 61Vc: No. I m RQL-r.- fl miiM M'.r: No. 4 m MH'ff'RIVc:' no grade. 48Vf49o. oats Hlcher: No - 2 white, stc; s dard. 34'c; No. 3 white. 34SC. Vacation Opportunities via Rock Island Lines l'ortUnct, Me Rancor, Mr. Boston, Mass Mackinac Island, Mich Oetrolt, Mich Itoskey, Mich . New York, X. V , Buffalo and Niagara Falls, X. V Alexandria Bay, X. V L.ke riacld, X. V , . . . . Saratoga Springs, X. V Atlantic City, X. J Asbury Park, X. J , St. John, N. B Kredericton, X. B St. John, X. F, Halifax, X. 8. Toronto, Ont. Ottawa, Ont Charlottetown, P. K. I Quebec, Oie. . ... . ... . Norfolk, Va Burlington, Vt, et m eg e i s es ' et f i $12.35 S46.80 831.80 9S5.00 $29.85 $42.00 $32.00 $34. OO $30.20 $38.80 $43.50 $42.00 .$44.50 $45.15 $67.00 $49.00 $29:60 $35.00 $48.05 - 930.00 $42.00 $39.10 ) 4 - 4 ' 4M eeks i The nbove round trip fares in effect daily after June 1st, and are only a partial list of vrhat we offer. Steamship tickets via all Trans-Atlantic Lines on sale at this office. Let us help you plan your vacation trip. I 0t i ii J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A 1322 Farnam Street ) -""""-SWB.BSSSBiaBBBBBBBBSWSS You Can Join The Bee's Free Booklo vers' Contest Now! Get the back pictures and coupons from the Bee's Business Office. This is the first prize in the Booklovers' Contest. APPERSON, Model Four-Thirty, Fully Equipped, $2,000 i w 4 -w w s m if- Old subscribers and non-subscribers are equally welccjie in this contest. It's a fair field and no favor. This is the Second Prize in the Booklover's Contest: KIMBALL, 88-Note, Player Piano, Mahogany Case No Strings No Catches No Subter fuges In the Bee's Book lovers' Contest. Get the Back Pic tures and Coupons. Start Now. -J s i t srTiisia--i-TO-rrTT--.il i r i iv u tf See complete list of prizes under today' Booklovers' Contest Picture. p m