The unday Bee. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska--Generally fair. For to a Show or. VOL. XL-NO. 47. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1911-SEVEN SECTIONS-FORTY: FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. DIETZ GETS LIFE TEEM FOR MURDER Coming and Going in Omaha MADERO'S MEN DEMAND FOOD AND MONEY Defender of Cameron Dam it Found Guilty in First Degree of Killing 4 Deputy Oscar Harp. ) WIFE AND SON ARE ACQUITTED Division of Army Under Command of General Orozco is at Point of Mutiny. Mrs. Dieta Glare at Jury When the Verdict is Read. PRISONER FLAYS LUMBER TRUST Omaha SITUATION SERIOUS FOR A TIME j Madero Ordered Under Arrest by.Aie I Belligerent Leader. MEN FINALLY ARE APPEASED i Liberal Treatment of Prisoners is Ona Cause of Dissatisfaction. 1 1! ii 1 i; ; Y 1 h 1 i 5 Sayi Always Knows it Will Put Him Out of the Way. ASSERTS STATE COMMITS WRONG Prisoner Makes Molloa for Xm Trial After ftpeerh la Wblch He De nounced Linbtr Trnst ' null the Mate, HATWARD. 'Win., May 12.-John'F. Diets will spend the rest of his natural life at hard labor In the state prison at Waupun. by the verdict of the Jury today, for the murder of Deputy Oscar Ilftrp In the bat tle of Cameron Darn on October 2 last. The Jury brought In the following verdict: "John F Diets, guilty of murder In the first degree. Hattle K. Diets, his wife, not guilty of murder In the first degree. Leslie Diet, his son, not polity of murder in the first dejrree." The smile with which the "old man" has alway fai ed the Jurors did not desert him. Ije Smiled as the lurtcp , reud the vertdct. handrd up by the foremen of the Jury. He made no demonstration. The verdict In John Dlets's case was the first rend. As the verdict rams out, a frown came over the lace of Mrs. Diets nd she rlared nt the J'iry. I,eslle smiled faintly and the color came and went in his face. The announcement that the Jury had ar rived at a verdict was made at :45 o'clock. Judge Held was Immediately notified and Pherlft Fred Clark received a telephone message from the clerk of the court to bring John Diets Into the court room. Mrs, Diets had been with her husband throughout the night and Leslie called thla morning. The three defendants came to the court house, walking side by side, ao compunied by three npecal deputies, i Despite the unexpectedly early .verdict the court room wa occupied only by those who have followed every nova In the trial from the beginning. Speech by Defendant. There was a moment's silence following the reading of the verdict Tha court then asked John Diets to atand up. "Mr. . Diets," said tha judge, "have you anything to say before sentence la passed. Diets calmly faced Judge Re Id. "Do you suppose," ha asked, looking; straight at tha Judge. "I haven't known that aooner or later the lumber trust, be cause it la big and I am little, would kill me or put me out of tha wayT I have fought my fight and defended my home nd family. 1 have dope nothing wrong and thla conviction does not alter the feat.. Tha truttt haa ors creed, on a lew, one purpose ; that la "rule or ruin.' They could nut rule John Diets; ao they tried for six years tu ruin him. Thla morning It looks as if they hava got what they were after. "I hava done nothing wrong, and ,te slate has. And yet it la the slate that sends me to Jail; It la tha state that haa come In here, in a court of law and told tha Jury I waa a bad man. when I was not allowed, and hava never been allowed to ' tell what started thla whole trouble. 'It la tha Flats that waylaid my children and took one away to Jail and put a bullet through the other a young girl." "I cannot see that that has anything to do with the killing of Oscar Harp." said Judge Reid. He then sentenced Diets to prison for Ufa. John Diets made 'the usual motion for a new trial, aJ though tha motion probably has never been followed by aa argument like tha one heard thla morning In the Little county court V. W. James of Rau Claire, special at torney for the state, suggested to tha con victed man that ha get an attorney, draw up the motion in proper legal form and ask the court for a ten days' stay. In which to file the exception. Diets Ignored the suggestion and plunged 1 headlong into his denunciation of the "lumber trust" The court also advised Dlctx to get an attorney. Judge Reid overruled the motion for a new trial, but gave Diets ten daya In which to file ex cept ions. History of Cronble. Tha trouble between John F. Diets and the lumber companies operating In Sawyer county waa begun In February 1904, through Pints refusal to allow tha companies to float liu ever tha Cameron Dam on a quarter m j.ioa bought by Mrs. Diets with out paytu' ijm the toll ha demanded. In ten t'Tiuotpal attempts to capture him on vsjioMM charges and legal processes. Oscar IlarV. a deputy sheriff, was killed OctoN.' 4 last, several men were wounded, Myra Dltx. waa shot through the body. Clarence Diets was woinded la tha fore head and John Diets was shot through the tuund. Tha shooting of Bert BoreU at Winter. WU by Diets. September 4, last. (Continued on Becond Page.) THE WEATHER. For Nebraska Generally fair. Kor Iowa Showers. Temprratnrc at Usiaka Yeatrrdar. letMparallte Local Keeord. 1911. 1910. 1ML IliKhrat today , liwtHt today Mvan temperature.. .. 77 65 7 5 7 .. t u to .. es m r'recipnation .. .1 .V .01 .10 l vinprature and precipitation departures irom me norutai: Normal temperature u. , gj 1:xcim for the day i Total eaieaa aime Maxch t., 2U Normal piw-lpitatiin 1 Ini ft 1 efi-'lvnry for the day r nuh Tnil rainfall since March 1 4.J7 Inoh Drue. enuy ainte Marv h 1 1 78 inchee Iieficieix-y for cor. period, 1S10...4 IS luches Deficiency for cor. period, 1 ..1.8 Inches U. a. tl-blt. local rerecaater. tWUw w X Hour. , Deg. T,v a. m 6i w ev e i 4 I v a. m. M. .. u V in S i 7 a. m. ....... gi Jf 9 a. in 5 v t-, i T a m. .............. gt j? A) W a,.ru (3 Ml& :eS:::::::::E:S Jv 8 p Ta p. ra n f-3"W. J p. m 74 WELL ! WELL I WELL ! CLEAN BILL GIYEN THE POLICE Commission Probe Fails to Find Offi cers Permitted Gambling; Game. END OF A LONG INVESTIGATION Federal Grand Jury Makes Its Re port Finding; Five Indictments -One Against fr. 0cr H. Yonnsr. (from a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINES. May 13.-(Bpeclal Tele grnm. The bottom fell frotri tinder the charges made by Y. C. Lawyer, that Police Officers McMlckls and Kuehner had al lowed gambling games to run In the city, when the Civil Service commission filed Its report this morning with City Clerk Horace Busong. A complete probe was made Into the alleged crookedness. The police department and the accused officers were cleared by the board members. The investigation by the commission had boon In progress for several weeks. It was originally charged that politics stood back of the allegation against the police. No notloe was taken of this phase of the case by the rommtsstoneis. Five indictments were returned by the federal grand Jury In a final report triade to Judge McPherson. Among them was one against Dr. Oscar A. Toung, a local specialist, which makes the third brought against him during the last six months. Each indictment accuses hrm of using the malls to defraud. Eegulars4n Senate WiU Keep Up Fight Ho Other Buinens Will Be Transacted Until President Pro Tempore is Elected. WASHINC1TON. D. C May IS. Chang ing their attitude over night senatorial leaders today announced that balloting for president pro tempore of the senate will be resumed when the senate meets Monday. In tha absence of the vice president It would be Impossible to proceed with the consideration of the resolution for the lection of senators by direct Tote and It la possible to tie up that matter until the election Is disposed of. The progressive senators were favor able to the popular election measure and It is argued that they may be somewhat embarrassed by this program. They evince no disposition, however, to with draw their objections to Senator Galllnger. Miss Marhovka Tries to Kill Herself NEW YORK, May 13. As a sequel to the suicide two days ago of Dr. W. R. c. Latson, physician and magazine writer, Miss Alta Marhovka, his student and aide, attempted to kill herself In her apartments early today. Bha was taken unconscious froxn a gas-fUled room to a nearby hos pital, where It waa said that her recovery Is unlikely. Tha police declare that the young woman's act was undoubtedly part of a suicide pact with iher friend and teacher. The girl told the police yesterday of tha studies which she and the doctor had pur sued In Indian mysticism, eastern tbe- osophy and myatlo psychology, declaring hysterically that to neither of them did suicide seem a crime. Only his body is dead," she said. TCls astral body stjll Uvea and my soul beats in unison with his. We shall meet again 'ere long.- New President of Liberia. PARIS, May 1J The governor general ef French F.ast Africa, advises that B. H. Howard, formerly secretary of the treas ury of Liberia, has been eieoted presi dent of the republic, succeeding President Arthur Barclay, whoa terra expires soon. Colonel Killed at Juarez Secretary Dickinson . Preparing to Turn Over His Office Resignation Said to Be Due to Desire to Retire from Active Participa tion in Public Affairs. WASHINGTON. May lS.-Secretary Dick inson was engaged today In closing out his administration of the ' War department, prior to his relinquishing the- office to Henry L. Stlmson, defeated candidate for governor of New York m the recent cam paign. Mr. Dickinson said he did not know when his successor would qualify, but It Is gen erally accepted that th change will occur during early next week. . The retiring secretary was besieged today by army officers and officials of the War department who expressed regret at his departure. The secretary replied to all that he would carry through life the pleas ant memory of his associations with army men. NASHVILLE, fenn.. May lS.-Determl-natlon to quit public Ufa when he reached three score years and to spend the re mainder of his days with his family and In quiet business pursuits was responsible for the resignation of J. M. Dickinson as secretary of war. This statement was made here today by one of the secretary's close kinsmen. Judge Dickinson was (0 years of age last January and his retirement from the Taft cabinet yesterday, relatives declared, Is simply In line with a promise to spend his declining years with his family. The Dickinson are planning to build a new country home here. ' . ' The relatives declared the secretary and President Taft thoroughly understand each ether and that Tld break In their relations had Inspired the resignation. NEW YORK. May 13. -The new secre tary - 6f war, Henry L. Stlmson, was formerly- a ; law, partner : pf Senator Ellhu Root, himself at one time secretary of war, and It was Senator Root who first asked Mr. Stlmson informally If the ' portfolio would be acceptable to him. That was last Thursday,, and a few days la.ter there followed an appointment with Mr. Hlllea, secretary to the president when the for mal offer was made and accepted. West Point Lawyer Drowns in Pool Thomas M. Franz, Oldest Member of Cuming' County Bar, Falls Into Water While Fishing;. .WEST POINT, Neb.. May 18-(Speclal Telegram.) Thomas M. Frans, the oldest practicing member of the Cuming county bar, and former member of the legislature, was accidentally' drowned laat night, while fishing at the mill race. It is supposed that he suffered a paralytic stroke, caus ing him to fall Into the pool. Mr. Frans waa 67 years of age, and leaves a widow. The body was recovered during the night. CENSUS PADDERS WILL BE PROSECUTED Government .Will Proceed Against Enumerators Who Made False Re tara In Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash., May 18. The United States government has announced Ita in tention of prosecuting Seattle and Tacoma census enumerators who are alleged to have mad fraudulent returns. C A. Newton, special assistant to the attorney general, appeared .today in . the federal court to resist the demurrer In tespoaed in behalf of Dr. Fur man J. 8 h add. a Seattle enumerator lndloted for alleged "padding." United States Judge George Donworth took tha case under advisement GEN. NAYARROQUITS JUAREZ Madero Escorts Humiliated Leader of Federals to River Brink. INSURRECTOS DEMAND HIS LIFE Provisional President Comes to the Rearae and Lands Defeated Gen eral Safely Ont of .Harm's Way Fails to Get Across River. JUAREZ. Mexico, May IS. General Navarro,- leader of the defeated federal forces at Juares against whose life threats were made by angry Insurrectos, was personally escorted to the river shortly before 12 o'clock by Provisional President Madero and forded the river on a horse. Navarro was followed into the river at a point above Washington Park by a mounted ranchman as his only escort and they disappeared from sight. Threats against the life of Navarro had been made all morning by angry Insur rectos, who had gathered In the 'streets in hundreds. When Madero heard the re ports be called for his automobile and he and Navarro went toward the river at top speed. Navarro failed to get across the river. It being too high to ford. He continued east, hunting for a crossing. Van Horn Day is Celebrated in Kansas City Historical Society Honors Founder of First Newspaper Printed in West -v Missouri Metropolis..";"! , " KANSAS Crrt. May U-Ia Honor of Colonel R. T. Van Horn, who In 16S began tha publication of Kansas City's first news paper, the Journal of Commerce, - which later became the Kansas City Journal, the Kansas City Historical society today ob served "Van Horn day.'' A feature of the meeting was the pre sentation to the organisation, of a large photograph of Colonel Van' Horn, taken while he was (seated In tha chair which Daniel Webster occupied while a member of the United States senate. This chair Is owned by Colonel Van Horn. Colonel Van Horn will be 87 years old on May IS. He has been active In public life. In ISO and again In IMS. he waa elected mayor of Kansas City. While In the field during the civil ,war he waa elected a member of the "Sllssourl state senate. He was elected to congress In 1864, 1868, 1880 and 1894. He retired In 1S94. French Start Second Column Toward Fez Another Attempt Will Be Made to Raise Siege of the Capital oil Morocco. PARIS, May IS. Jean Cruppl. minister of foreign affairs, laid before tha cabinet council today dispatches from Henri Gaillard. the French consul at Fes. Mo rocco, which undsr date of May 6, de scribed tha situation at the Moroccan capital as mora critical than before. Ten thousand rebels attacked the city on May 4. but were repulsed. The sultan haa insisted strongly upon the Immediate assistance of France. After hearing these advices the cabinet confirmed Instructions to General Mao tnler at Casa Blanea, to push forward a column without delay, to raise tha siege of Fes. EL KNITRA, Morocco. May 1L Colonel Brulard's column of 8,000 men marching to the relief of Fes encountered rebel horsemen when a few miles out of this place. The French artillery threw shells among a body of 600 rebels, causing them to disappear, leaving several dead. Shipwreck Costs Two Million Dollars General Agent of Ward Line Makes Estimate of Damage of Sinking of the Merida. NORFOLK. Va., May IS. Te sinking f the Ward liner Merida by the steamer Admiral Farragut will cause a loss of 13.000,000, according to an estimate made today by H. E. Cabaud. general agent of the owning company. Mr. Cabaud said that the Merida. valued at aboat 11.260, 000, waa Inaured and that the cargo and erects of passengers, valued at probably 879,000 were "presumably' Insured." Bale on S Ma meat of Arms. WASHINGTON. D. C May 18 To clear up doubt as to the extent to which munitions of war can pass Into Mexican ports controlled by the Insurrectos, offi cials of the administration today stated positively that arms and ammunition and all other supplies which are commer cial shipments will be gUen freedom of transit provided there Is no indication that they are part of an enterprise fos tered oq United States soil against the government of Mexico. Mrs. Dodge Guilty of Murder in the Second Degree Widow of Sheriff at Guild Hall, Vt., Convicted of Killing Painter at Work in Her Home. GUILD HALL, t., May IS -Guilty of manslaughter was the verdict returned to day in the case of Mrs. Florence M. Dodge of Lunenburg, who has been on trial for the last two weeks for the mur der of William Heath of Dalton. N. H., at Mrs. Dodge's home on September' 17 last. Mrs. Dodge stood Impassive as the ver dict was returned. Then she sank back In her seat between .her daughter, Mrs. Ida Bell, who has been her constant companion during the trial, and one of her attorneys, Harry Rlodgett. The Imposing of sentence In the case was deferred until next Monday In order to allow, Mrs. Dodge's counsel to take an appeal if they so desire. In the meantime Mrs. Dodge, waa remanded in the custody of the sheriff. Mrs. Dodge, who is the widow of J. Mar shall Dodge of Lunenburg, late high sher iff of Essex county, was put on trial Mon day, May 1, charged with the murder of William Heath, a painter of Dalton, N. H., who waa shot and killed while working In a bed. room at Mrs. Dodge's home In Lun enburg on September 17. 1!U0. No one ex cept Mrs. Dodge and Heath were In the house when the shooting occurred and no motive for the tragedy was set forth by the state. Informer Indicted as an Accomplice Statement Made' by Abattemaggio on JStaniVCauses Making of Another v v Charge 'Against Him. VITERBO, Italy, May 18,-The crown proeecutor today 'asked that Gennsro Ab bateroaggio be Indicted as an accomplice la the murder of Gennaro Cuoccolo and his wife. The request was founded on ad missions made by Abbatemagglo during the session today of the Cammorlst trial when he waa again confronted by Enrico Alfano, charged with being the actual, head of the Camorra. President Blanchi declined to make the order. Today's exchange between Abbatemagglo and Alfano had to do chiefly with the actual murder of the Cuoccolos. The informer repeated the circumstances already known. Alfano replied that, wishing to be indul gent he could only imagine that his ac cuser had had bad dream. Abbatemagglo explained that his share of the reward for the crime was $80, while the actual murderers received only ' each, by saying: "Either the Camorrlsts feared me or thought me useful." It was this statement that led the crown prosecutor to ask for his Indictment. YOUNG CONFESSES MURDER Mao Who Killed Tom MeGrah at Ot tnmwm Telle Story of the Crime. OTTUMWA. la.. Ma 11 In a written statement to the police today Charles Young confessed to murdering Tom Mo Qrah laat week and attempting to murder John Allen, throwing both bodies In the Dea Moines river here. Allen recovered in the water and was able to swim ashore. Robbery waa the motive. Young also ad mits robberies In Davenport and St. Louis. Lion of Juarez VfcDliiDNFEilL!t0 ASiU HXS "TA' linawJ r 2,9 TZAJ?S YOUTfG- HEROES ENJOYING A HOLIDAY Ciudad Juarez Scene of General Jolli fication by Maderista. ALL LOAF WITH GREAT GUSTO Preparations for the Katnre Go on Manana Rasls Goods Crossing Rrldare and Rebels Get Big Supply of Explosives. (From a Staff Correspondent.) BY GUY C. CORE. EL PAPO. May 12 -Speclal Telegrams Less than one hour after the news came from Washington today that goods of all kinds could be shipped into Ciudad Juarez, 1.000 cases of dvnsmtte were taken into the rebel capital. The explosive had been under surveillance ny United States secret service men for months. It was taken out of a storehouse where it has lain and taken across the Rio Grande with much Jubila tion. There la much rejoicing In the lnsurrecto headquarters and the future la considered very bright by the chiefs of the new cause. They feel that now they will be recognised by many of the foreign powers and that they will gain much prestige thereby. The order of the War department simply is that goods may be shipped Into Juarez by the manifest of the rebels, it says nothing about what la to become of It later. Of course duty will be collected by the rebels on everything that Is brought Into h. country through Jus res. What will hap pen then If some time later the town falls Into the hands of Dlas? It is predicted that, the "Iron man" will simply confiscate whatever is found. Pleaaare flat the Hnnr. A continual fiesta Is being held In the captured city. Bands play, flags flutter and all Is gayety. Not one stroke of work has been done towards fortifying the city against attack. Everyone loafs. All are heroes. However, today preliminary steps were taken to guard against the loss of the city In case of the appearance of - the "pelonles." A consultation of .war chiefs, of which General B. J. Viljoen. late of the Boer war, la the chief adviser, was held today and work on fortifications will begin at once. It is considered folly to try to defend the town without fortifications outside. Na varro is criticised for not meeting the enemy outside and prevent their swarming all over the city. Just when the work will start has not been announced. Prob ably it will be manana. General Reles la believed to be in Mexico now. All border towns havi evacuated and some say a big federal troop movement is on. However, jiow all Is serene and musio Is heard continually in the plaza and the senorltas have many amilea for the brave flghtera for liberty. THIRD DEGREE METHODS Attorneys for Rudolph Brandenbora Start to Show He Was Tort Bred by the Police. DAVENPORT, la.. May 11-An attempt was made by the defendant's attorneys in thelr cross-examination today in the trial of Rudolph Brandenburg, on a charge of murdering his stepfather, Claus Muenter, to show that the police were cruel In their "third degree" methods when they secured an alleged confession from Brandenburg. Tha attorneys tried to bring out that Brandenburg was kept In a cold cell for several hours on the night of the murder and then submitted to questioning When his body was numb and his mind clouded. in Captivity i 1 C-L'K WHEN CiT iiU DE- essmmnassaat V CABINET IS FORCED TO QUIT i sssnsammawn Iresident Promises to Pay Attention to Needs of Army Hereafter. SOME PliOSPECT FOR PEACE Dispatch Withheld by Carbajal Puts New Face on Matters. MORE CONCESSIONS ARE MADE rinvrrnment la Willing for lsorre tns to nme Governors for f our teen of the Twenty Seven States. JUAREZ. May l.-Rehet!!on within tho ranks of the Maderista army this morning resulted In the declaring under arrest of Francisco I. Madero. Jr.. provisional pres. Idcnt. the demand and acceptance of tha demand that Madern's cahlnet resign, and lor two hours threatening destruction of the Juares army as a concrete fighting force. The Incipient rebellion arose In the ranks of the forces under General Psscual Oroseo, one of the fighting leaders of the Madero army, and was headed by Orozco himself. A demand was made upon Provisional Tresldent Madero for food and money for his ragged, hungry soldiers. Madero wag unable to satisfy these demands at tho time, but his explanations were peremptor ily thrown aside by the belligerent leader (Orozco) and his soldiers and Madero was declared under arrest. Finally the matter was settled by Madero promising that tho Immediate needs of the soldiers would bo ' sttended to, and the insurrectos who had gathered in hundreds around headquarters dispersed. Trouble haa been brewing ever since it became known yesterday that a number of officers in the federal forces captured at Juares had violated their paroles and crossed to the American side. Without funds, practically, without food supplies, this was tha last straw with Orozco and his followers, who had been' much dissatisfied over the manner la which Provisional President , Madero. had followed up the hard-fought . victory of Juares, in appointing cabinet officers with whom they asserted he 'consulted over state matters In preference to his army officers and his apparent neglect of the actual needs of hla follower. Oroseo Arrests Madero. About 9:30 this morning. Oroseo gathered about 100 of his followers, all heavily armed and most of them mounted and marched to the headquarters of Provis ional President Madero. There Oroseo do manded of Madero money for his unpaid men, and food for their unfed stomachs. Madero could not .comply. He explain od that It waa impossible to grant tho de mands at the moment, but that arrange ments would be made immediately to pro vide for their necessities. Oroseo heatedly replied that this neglect had been borne 'too long; that lncompetenco had been ahown by Madero and his newly appointed advisers. He then placed Madero under arrest j Outside the door were lined tho followers of Oroseo, watching eagerly tho animated argument between their general and tho provisional president. Madero came to the. doorway and mad an appeal to the soldiers to support hint in the crUls. explaining as be had done unsuccessfully with Oroseo, that there needs would be attended to within a brief time. But thla .appeal fell D deaf ears. Cabinet Forced to Realara. "Viva Oroxoo" went up from tho ranks of tho men, and Madero, disheartened, turned back to hla office, followed by Orozco. Further discussion ensued, Oroseo finally demanding the Immediate resigna tion of the Madero cabinet saying scorn fully that they were Incompetent and that Madero hereafter pay more attention to the needs of his soldiers. To this demand Madero acquiesced, and finally the provi sional president and hla general embraced In true Latin fashion, and tho incipient rebellion came to an end with tho under standing that tho cabinet would cease to exist and that the troops would be looked after. , How deeply the rebellion permeated tho ranks of the insurreotoa outside of Orozoo's command la not known. But from talk with the soldiers themselves It would ap pear that the dissatisfaction over tho con duct of affairs during the last few days had become so widespread as to affect nearly the entire Juarez Insurrecto fighting: forces. Seme Prospect for Peace. Prospects for restoring peace In Mexico) became noticeably bright hero today when the explanation given by Minister Liman tour In an Associated Press dispatch front Mexico City last night concerning Presi dent Dlas' real intention about continuing In power was read by the officials of tho Cans of Farrell's Syrup. Quart bricks of DalzelTa ice cream. Boxes of O'Brien candy, AH clvon awgy free to tho who find their names in tbo want ada. Read tbe want ads every day, your name will appear sometime, may be more than once. No puzzles to solve nor subscrip tions to get Just read the want adt. Turn to tbo want ad pac f I f