- - - --- r 1 -- --- - - - . . n 8 WOULD YOU LIYE 100 YEARS? i II -re it the Royal Road Marked with 1 Guideposts. j F:3tPLE RULES OF ACTION Voi Mar IxiBHonf na the Home- j stretch, feat the rfnfrr la Mor Inspiring Than a C m-etery. Pure Worsted yets A Very Special Sale of Men's Fine Suits N T"ork "II. fat well, sleep well, think we'l, play well. Ftvs guidepost on the rosrt of life ron- I stltnte the essentials for health and a cen tu!T of fears If rightly observed. The government's pure food exponent. Dr Harvey V. Wiley, pun oh them the lab of genuineness, and they look It. Oolng Into details regarding the doses, the do. tor sern-onlzes In the New Tork Sunday W. rid : F fty years ago the average length of life was thirty-three year. Now It la be tween thirty-five and forty and nearer forty yeara. In a couple of centuries mora we ought to Increase It to fifty yeara. Whwi mother come to understand the elm pie rulea of living, a child will have two chaicea of surviving wture It hn Vmly one now. fiven now a baby under 8 yeara of aire has twice the chancea of growing up that It had twenty-five yeara ago. Perns ps It la becauae It haa grown faaldonable for mothers to nurse their own table. And that meana to work wall. To fat well la Just aa Important. Proper nutrition la everything. It la bet ter to eat more than one needs than to eat less-let them say what they will that Americans eat too much. The proper gen eral diet should be one that la capable of Naffordlng heat and energy for the daily occupation, with a reserve for any emer- t.any that may arise. If one eats lesa than ha needs he draws on hla tissues, j and thus he haa less power to resist dls- rasa. Ha la mora subject to iniecuon. The wall-nourished man or woman has a far better chance of warding off disease than the one who Is poorly nourished. Eat too much rather than too little. Well Balanced Klemente. ' If I may get technical for a moment there are four elements that go to make s, " tip the well balanced human diet proteins. carbohydrates, fata and olla and mineral substances. The greatest mlstske a man Ian make Is to change hla diet artificially. All over the world where men have the freedom of choice you will find that they aalect a diet made up of about the sume I proportions. . Tou mill find In the normal diet that a man eaia every day about 100 grama of nitrogenous elemental three or four times that amount of atarch, aupar and olla and perhaps from two to five gram of mineral substancea. To Increase or lesson artificially anyone of thaee food elemente la a very dangeroua thins. For Instance. I believe that to cut the nitrogenous element auch as butter flO per cent, and to Increase anyone of the other elements a similar amount, would b calculated to work damage to the race. I don't believe that a man should limit himself to a vegetable diet or to a meat diet, I think that Americana eat too much neat I think we ahould eat better If wa sut down fat meat and lean meat, too, and substitute for them peaa, beans, cereals and nuts to a certain extent. I ' Mind. I have no use for th food crank i the man who believes In vegetables only, for example. He generally thinks In vege tables;, too. -The fruit and nut enthusiast Is just aa bad. But the one who believes only In no cooked food at all Is the worat of aH. All these poor people always look hungry. I guess they dream of real food at night. I never sea ona that I don't feel .Ilka Inviting him to go with me to .' the nearest restaurant and share a Juicy, tender steak. ( hole of Pood. The choice of food la a seriona thing. I don't think American pay enough at tention to the choosing of fresh food, not old and not debased. That la only true, of courae, of foods that are to ba eaten In aJ fresh state. It doea not pertain to cured meats, cheese, fermented baveragea those are Improved to a certain point by axe. Eat meata In moderation, and select th lighter onea. Never touch alcohol. The mora, cooked fruits and vegetables you eat. combined, with meat, the better you will ba Drink sparingly, and never anything below 80 degrees. Iced drinks are a curse. The water-cooler kills more people than tha champagne bottle. Eat and drink slowly. Beware of alcohol In winter and soda water and Ice cream In summer. Boef, graham bread and potatoea are a diet which Is aa good for tha millionaire aa tha pauper. Such simple food la good for any , man, whether ha ba J. Plarpont Moivan ' or Dusty Rhodes. This la a comparatively cheap and well-balanced ration containing all the nutrition that la necessary to sustain life. I don't recom mend It because It la cheap, but becauae It ma lea a good, wholesome diet It la necessary for all auch persons to return to a simple diet. I have no faith in tha fada of eating. Tha formulae that su h faddists present are founded on no scientific principle. A roan can eat almost anthing, wear almost anything and do a! moat anything ao long aa ha Keeps within tha bounds of moderation. Ideal Hfis, There la an Ideal menu for tha average American family., Perhaps It would not b proper for everybody, but It ought to fit the average man and wife and children. Tlda la what I would make It: BREAKFAST. Cereal (made from natural grains). Eggs, or chop, or small steak. Toast . Coffee. 1 LVNCHEON. Thick soup Threat vegetables. ftinall piece of meat. DINNER. Soup, rare vegetables. Homemade Pastry. Plenty of Meat. Coffee Cheese. At Less Than the High RENTERS Can Buy Them For g; Smart Style Suits made of Plain -Blue Serges, plain and fancy mixtures, gray and brown, long lapel coats, lined, with high grade fabrics, sizes 33 to ,42. They are sample garments, worth f 16 and $18, on sale tomorrow and $20 In Green Trading Stamps Free. More Saving Furnishing Specials $1 Poros Knit Union Suits, short sleeves, at 69c Men's $3.00 Oxfords uu auu uiaik for $21s Men's 75c Silk bosom Negligee Shirts, all sizes, at Men's 10c Cotton Sox In 5 different colors, at 5c Men's 60c Poros Knit 2-piece Underwear at Latest Market Prices THE BEE M RKET SHOPPER Money Saving Effected OMAHA, SATURDAY. MAY 13. 1911. WITI SHOPPING CONTINGENT What Hai Been Doing: on Omaha Market This Week. WARM WEATHER AIDS TRADING Kree-a Vegetables Feel Stlmalaa aa Bayers Are More Nnseersiaa Be risH of Desire for Light Food frodaete. Men's 39c Balbriggan Underwear, Blue, Ecru, Pink, at . . . 25c "High Art" Clothing V J Jr 1 PI a .77 jf at jr - m m m jr -w CLOTHING COMPACT DOUGLAS Carhari! Work Clothes Manhattan Shirts Holeproof Hosiery STETSON HATS DUTCHESS TROUSERS KIKQ QUALITY SHOES Shoppers who were on the market fre quently this week found that prices had changed little from the points at which they were located during the previous si days. ' Eggs were not advanced, though tha storage product was taken up. In large quantities by speculators. The ofln dltlon In the butter market was unsatis factory, though tha funeral condition was little changed from tha prertoua week. Potato receipts fell far hart of the e-xpeetatlons. and there was a change for the niftier In aome of tha prteea on the retail market. Chlckena met with a slight Inorease. and tha movement of cheese, vegetables and fresh frulte was mors satisfactory than in tha preceding week; with low prioea and favorable weather contributes to stimulate buying Fresh Vegetables Come la. Lower values In some cases were Quoted on fresh vegetables and fruits Tha supply on the local market war larger thsn In previous weeks, and this had a tendency to cut down the prices. Shoppers took hold of the situation with avidity and brought freely. ' The weather, which, on few days was the warmest of the year, was favorable to a broad berry trade. Strawberries were sold In the largest amounts of the sea son, and most of the -women shoppers bought freely all during the week. 1 Tomatoes, of a finer grade than of the previous week, went out of the market In large quantities. The hot weather sttmulsted the trade In this vegetable line, and dealers all reported a large business. Women Manr on Market. The hot' weather also increased ths number of shoppers on the market. Yomen were led to leave their homes for the downtown district, and once being there, they naturally strolled around to the various stores and shops. Seeing things they liked, they bought, ao the ' general trade of the week, especially In the green vegetables, was Increased greatly. i 3. EUayden's eat Hep!. Terrible Fall in Meat Prices This slump came unexpectedly to the Omaha meat buyers. We took advantage of this and bought heavy 'for Saturday's sale. No. 1 quality, and 1G ounces to the pound is what you get here. Boneless Rib Koast, A 12 ViC and lWt Pot Roast fl0 8c, 7C and Ot Rib Boiling Beef," t)r 5 lbs. -wt Pork Roast, lb Bulk Sausage, lb : Hindquarter Lamb, lb 6!c 5c 9c Lamb Roast, lb Lamb Stevr, 6 lbs No. 1 Hams, lb Bacon Backs, lb Ground Bone for chicken feed, 10 lbs . 7c ..25c 12 10c 25c Hayden's Meat Dept. R II A Good Guesser? Here is an easy oii VAhst I the most ImportHnl pint r a Meal? Answer: tlond t offee. What Is the best coff'e? Another fHsy ,,ne. our '.steel cut on.l rlfie.t g1". No dust, no chaff. The most hcltl.tul and n"t satisfactory rol'fee in the market. v iMochu Mixture 36c A lbs- tl-00. Kxeelslor Blend 30c j 3 4 l.s. fl.00 W. t. MATT!KMAlf k CO. "THE COiTBB MEN." Branch at i'almo market, 1610 itaruar. Sunkist California Wines "Tbe wine for th home. Whpn you buy the first bottle your home will never be without a bottle of this celebrated wine. "SUNKIST" Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscatel, and Catawba Wines, full qt. .. "UK-Home-made Grape Wine, white or red, gallon $1.0 Jackdaw Whiskey Its reputation was gained by its quality, bottled in bond, full qt Ir .12 Maryland Rye, 6 years old. .". . T5c C.ickley Bros. Wine Men-hints. Prompt Delivery. Both f'hnnea. 121 North lth St. Opp. P. O. vice more than compensate me for all the calumny rhtch--haa come upon me in the paat and for all that may come hereafter. I pronounce eulogy upon myself I elmply did my duty as I saw It, and I shall abide In the faith that the truth will triumph. Senator T. P. Gore In National Monthly. death rata in consumption. Tuberculosis la an Infectloua disease. If tha germs can be kept from entering tha lunga,-tubercu-llsla will ba destroyed, stamped out. The segregation of oomaumptlvea and open-air sleeping haa saved many a man and woman and child. The beet way to fight off all theaa germs la to sleep In tha open air pneumonia and tuberculoeia germa hate fresh air and sunlight . . Sleep the aleep of Innocence eight houra Id every twenty-four. Don't worry before you go to bed. It can't do you any good anyhow, and It may do you a lot of harm. The Upper Siorr. Think well. Unless wo think well the country will go to tha bowwqwe. Right thinking ought to be a aerloua public ques tion. Ha who thinks right la bound to live right. ' Children ' ought to be taught In school, about matters of public welfare- right thinking, In a word. Instead, I am afraid, our ohlldren are taught to think mora of private gain than public weal. Qood thinking makes good citizens. If people do not take to heart the affairs of public life of their own will, they ought to be compelled to do so by law. All good men ought to be compelled to vote. They will vote ail right If they think properly, but aome of ua do not think properly. . Tha suffrage should be carefully re stricted to thoaa who are qualified to exer cise It. But tha lawbreaker, the degenerate, the criminal,' the dissipated and the Igno rant of all colora, natlona and aexea ahould ba denied tha right to vote, becauae they have not exercised the power to think. - Our public health la our greatest national asset. ., So, I say, our medical men and others In tha professions should not avoid holding office. Especially they ahould not refuse to alt In municipal, atata and national leg islatures. Tha reason la simple these bodies are always taking up tha problem of public health and could any aet of men be more fitted, for tola than physicians? Today It la hard to find a physician, a physiologist, a collage professor in the national congress. Why? Because public taxation, annexation, reciprocity, conserva tion and other auch questions take up everybody's time. Why not the publio health T Taking; Kxerplse. Recreation Is Just aa necessary as work. Play la Just as much a part of every body's duty aa la labor. It ought to ba looked upon as a duty Just as much as a pleasure. Recreation la essential to a vigorous old age. After working hard for a lifetime tha man of activity. If he would atlain longevity, must play. It does and then you beat up a oaks. Nazi you are mashing potatoes and then you are knead ing dough or hanging olothea on tha Una. Ia not that real recreation? Wa are all going to live to ba better spec imens of the human race. A man ought to ba able to work until he ia SO. 1 myself ex pect to live until I am 100 yeara old. BIG OPENING FOR LAWYERS How V oal . Solas Last at the Bar May B Tamed to Gaa - Aecoaat. Tha bread and butter habit should ba not matter what hla play be walking. encouraged. Good bread ahould be tha f.aindatlon for every meal. Thia. with good I otter and an agreeable drink, will make a meal enough for anybody boating, golfing, riding It must be taken out of doors. I am not quate certain whether competing In publio games Is good for everybody, but the spectacle of a People who are nourished on cereals are trenuous struggle between able-bodied capable of doing the hardeat kind of manual labor. Look at tha hardy Scot, wita hla oatmeal, or the huaky Italian with his macaroni, 'or ths New Knglander i the olden da s with his pie and dough nuts for breakfast. "nw 1 lay Me." Real, aleep Is a blessing. And It ought to ba In tha freeh air. We have too much artificial heat In this country altogether. Wa ahould sleep In rooms that have no heat at ail people don't catch cold In bed. Windows should be wide open even in bad weather In the rooms where wa take our rest Tou ran cover up warm and aleep with tha thermometer well below tha frees big point. Next day you will feel better, too. . Children ahould be especially guarded. They ought to be kept in the fresh air every moment possible. It not only pro motes their health, hut It aarda off dls isase like, tulerculois and pneumonia. Don't fret.) don't worry, heek the society of cheerful frMnda. Then you will aloap all for eight long houra and waka up In tha morning fit for another day'a real surk men cannot help but Impraaa our children and make them hunger for exerclss. too. Play can ba combined with useful em ployment. As a matter of fact, a man can get more recreation by eight houra' work In 'his garden than he can by fre quenting saloons or Indulging In alcohol, tobHcto, morplUne, cocaine or caffeine. Children ahould ba taught to foreswear thee awful habits to go without, will make them better men and women. Such a homely art aa cooking can be mada a real recreation. It la a real art as much aa painting or poetry or musio. And It Is tar more Important. It la better to kntad dough for recreation than It ia to play golf. To mix a pudding well la Just aa good exercise aa rowing a boat. Even tha heat In tbe kitchen la a p re moter of health. Free perspiration la hy gienic. It ride tho blood of Impurities. It cleanes the pores of the skin and It makee the akin roay and soft. Tha pink In tha checks of a girl over tha stove Is a far mora beautiful color than the kind tha drug clerk hands her from tha ahelf. If you play tennis or gelf you exercise 'only one set of muaclva In ths kitchen At last there la hope for the atruggllng members of tha legal profession In New York. ' Those who have found It none too nourishing to pursue their vocation as ex pounders of the theories of Blackatone, Chltty, Story at ai. have had hope thrust in their very face. A stove concern has advertised for law yers to act as agents and sell their stoves. The motives of the stove company may not ba above suspicion. It is barely pos sible that in some entangled local proceed ing they have been so soundly licked by lawyers that they have a most wholesome respect for their ability to do anything, even to sell stovea Or It may ba that the fact that In ten yeara 6,000 odd lawyers j out of 11.OU0 have found It desirable to sever their connection with the Bar asso-1 elation owing' to a small matter of (10 per year haa led the philanthropic atove con-1 earn to come to their rescue. I That either way the atova concern will get the best of It providing, of course. they get any lawyers goes without saying. Who, for Instance, could resist buying a stove once Attorney General Wlckersham, Ellhu Root, Samuel Untermyer or even Aba Lvy was there to present Its ciaims? "Madam," our lawyer agent will say, "have you ever seen In all your life so beautiful a stove? Picture It, madam, rest ing upon Its slender legs within your i kitchen. Picture, If you can, the dainties that will come from its Inner caverns, brown and ready to eat. .Look, madam, at thia magnificent stove. Are you going to take It away from Its mother ah, I beg pardon are you going to let It remain here In this store? "Madam, 1 beg that you will think well before bringing In your verdict. Remem ber that tha Uvea of your little children depend upon your aye or nay. Think of tbe Buffering they must endure If they are deprived of the warmth that this m&- nlfivent atova can give them. Think. madam, of the Buffering your husband will have to endure it he la compelled to cat lunger of the cooklea that coma from out the rusty oven of. your old atova. "Look well, madam, on the defendant ! 1 beg pardon on tbe atova before you pas ' Judgment. View it from the front, flout i the rear from all sides. Look at it and j then tell ma, gentlemen of the Jury beg 1 pardon madam, tell me If you are go.ng away without purchasing thia atova?" Now, if ' soma manufacturer of carpet sweepers or patent wringers will only take Into consideration the commercial value of our disengaged members of ths medical fraternity, our unoccupied actors and the members of ths Idle Hour club. In a few other linea, we'll ba quite happy, thauk you. New York World. But let iu eiuphaiue the outdoor slp-iall im of tha body are balled upon to tag. This very tklug bs cut down the txercUe. You chop hash for ten minutes Potato Hill Philosophy. Why are women a stocking o .ong and mens socks so snort? It ou are undur discipline you are not amounting to much. I ilIms a man amounts to a good deal he should not say ha baa dona his best. H I disappeared long ago, except as members of tha human family raise It. People dislike advice, which la a pity, for they will aJways get lota of It. W hen a man can't afford to build a two story house hla wife calls It a bungalow. A real soldier has tha aaroe acorn for a militiaman that a society leader has lor a hired girl. No doctor can take care of you as wail aa you can take care of yourself. Tha trouble with modesty la that half tha time If you don't butt In you don't get In. Too many people believe they can do as Ihev please all day and get forgiveness at night when they say their prayers. Ed Howes alonttuy. SERPENTS TURN ON KNOCKERS Mine haa been the common fate of every one who makes such a disclosure. Hethat digs up a nest of serpents need not be surprised If he hears the serpent's hiss, br If he feels the serpent's sting. Other Instances are not wanting in our history. Theirs has been the common refuge of all .those against whom such disclosures are made. They answer with charges and counter charges and like tha cuttlefish darken the water and seek to escape in the darkness of their own making. V I knew that those who would under take to debauch would not hesitate' to de fame. I knew that all that malice and all that money xould do would be done to discredit me. Senator La Follette and I foresaw those consequences and discussed .the. eventuality. It was an ordeal of fire which any, man would prefer to escape. Any one would ek to shun such a sensation and to avoid the notoriety entailed, I therefore, exhausted every resource-I tried arery expedient there was no alternative left. . I had no choice. I went to the last ditch. I placed my back to the wall. It came to my silence even then, would have been golden, but it would have cost the Indians pasa tha,t alienee would bo criminal. Tbore may be those who still think that millions of dollars. While I knew that the vials of wrath and resentment would be poured out upon mo, there has been a measure of malig nity that I dreamed not of, but If I had known in advance that the assaults would have been a thousand times worse than they have been. I still should not have been deterred from the discharge of my duty as I saw it. I had no right to cal culate upon consequences either personal or political to myself. . My experience in this affair has demon strated how much easier It is to remain silent and secure, rather than to wage war upon wrongdoing and wrondoera of a certain description, especially If they chance to be both powerful and venal. My experience in this affair has been a terrible example, and a terrible warning . to others to purchase security at the price of silence and neglect of duty. There are those, it seems, who would have had the Investigating committee, add to the terrors of that example, and to the terrors of that warning who would have had this committee place the finger of silence upon Its lips and algnify to vall othera tfiat they would would be safe must be still, and speak not lest the ac cused ahould have the power, as hs will have the disposition to reap ruinous ven geance upon his accuser. While this bitter cup has been pressed to my lips I have not murmured. I still believe that I rendered aome service to the Indians, and that service compensates me for all the sacrifices which I have in curred. I atlll believe that I may have helped to save the Indiana from 13,000,000 to 16.000,000, and that saving and that ser-, Slngnlarly Flttlag. ; They were discussing Brown. his charming mannera, and his lack of moral responsibility In all matters connected with money. "He means to be honest as tha sun," said one of his friends, "but he doesn't get around to paying his debts." "He ought not to have any debts." said another man. "He ought to have what my boy In college wrote me for the other day -Kathleen Mavourneen' loans." "What are they?" asked one of the party. "A 'Kathleen Mavourneen' loan 'may be for yeara and It may be forever,' " said the father. Youth's Companion. Kills Dandelions! KN OX WE ED Easily applied and much quicker than pulling up no injury ' to lawn. Lawn Size 50c Can At All Druggists Manufactured by KNOXWEED CO. I'hone Doug. 8641. . Omaha. FRESH DRESSED 1911 T.lilk Fed Broilers 50c Eac! i 2 3 M i Pig Pork Roast, lb. . J . . . . At The Public IVIarKet 6c Pig Pork Loins, ib. Leaf Lard, 13 V4 lbs. for I SODA I iiiiIGEmiI CREAM SODA The best made Ioe Cold Buttermilk, Lemonades, Phosphates, Root Beer. The Reason Why Psth . saves yea mono on meats and groceries is that be sells for strictly cash and no sapense. for delivery. Pork Loins lOWe Pork Shoulders TWO Spare Ribs U Lamb "tew m Rib Roast Prima Beef ...11 Wo Ha ma. regular No. 1 1)1 Wo Bacon, choice len SOo Pot Roast 100, ge, To Rlba of Beef, boll ... .To aJ SW Fresh Country Eggs Ia Home Dreaead Chickens . ...JWe Weber Paara. can lOo Extra Standard Peaches ...lOo floverdale Corn. I cans ....M Pioneer Rice. I lbs too No. 1 Creamery Butter Mo Jos. Bath's Gash Market 1MI Ti The Bell Drug Go. Ht 9 ere 5 8teer(Pot Roast, 0 H c, T5c and . '. Steer Boiling Beef, lb. Corn ' Fed Steak, per lb. Young Veal Roast, . per lb.-'. Young Veal Chops, per lb. Veal Stew, per t lb Lamb Legs. 1ft'f per lb Lamb Chaps. ....Mlc ...$1.00 6!c ...... 4!c 10c .....10c .....13c ...5c 8!c Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. for . . No. 1 Small Hams, per lb No. 1 Skinned Hams, per lb Diamond C. Armpur's Star 4S0 or Swift s Premium HanislC Sugar Cured Bacon, per id No. 1 Extra Lean Bacon, per lb Silver Leaf or Rex Pure Lard, 3-1 b. pail 25c Sic 121c ...12!c ...17!c ....32c . KPEC'IA I.S, From 7 r. M. to 0 i, Steer Steak, 2 lbs., for Spring Lamb Chops, per lb From 9 p. in. to JO p. ni. Pork Chops, per lb M No. 1 ."He ..-.5c ..9c per lb. ..'!' Special Attention CJIven to Mail Orders. 1610 Harney St. Phones, . Doug. 2144 and Ini A2147. DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT fO:AO A. AND 8 P. Wa tac CawC CSWS CC0 ORSrwgk (wjvf Qpsxafp MM MHaiiaBMSjasMssssBSSBn f rV 1 I 1 w J Omaha'i Pur 1 j Omaha'i Pur Food CenUr SATURDAY SPECIALS Special sale on 'Califo" Canned Goods, to close out. Tour choice, per tin floo Reached, t ears. Apricots, Plums. dim tJnerries. Brands "i:iuo," Stats, Town and House. Ail panned lor tbe Coaat Producte Company, "bolus'' Table Vinegar, per qt. hoit e oo Individual cans tUi Syrup 100 ..lc wasner teouD. Der cake so Greatest ot All LIQUID JOY mCEECRYDUUKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOKr , onauajgag" MSTwiauTga JOHN NITTLEIt 3224 So. 244k Sttt oou. toe go saa ! aVMSO 1-lh nli ii. Keliova a Wheat Qlutrn Bran Biscuit 898 4-lbs. 10c Jap Kioe &o 25c cake Imported C'sstile Hoap ISO large cans xun-Het Milk ..880 Grape .Nuts, per pkg loo 24-1U. sark "Excellence" nour 60o 20r Imported Maisronl, assorted. at 1X 16u can Imported Sardines ..90 White Closer Honey, per frame lBo utter, Eggs and Chases Sept. "Lotua" Creamery Butter (In car tons per lb .87e Our best Country Butter (in sani tary Jarst per lb too Strictly Fresh Fag I from the Brandela Model Farm pr do ten 860 Fancy Jar Cheese, each lOo, 19o and 85o Large Ripe Edam Cheese, each at 81-00 600 lba Roquefurt. 60c qualltv, per lb 400 Full Cream Brick Cheese, per lb SOo New York Cres'n ' Cheese, pr lb aoo Celery Relish, in bulk per qt. "no Chow Choa and Mixed rwe't Pickles, per qt 30o rml and Vegetable tienartment. &0 crates nice npr Plneniioies, each lOo, 18' io aud 16o Per 1 ien ei.10, $1.60 Radishes, per doz. hunehr-s .10o New Unions, per d r. I'liui-iiex ICo 60 lbs. (7-CroHii TuiliKh -'iri per Ib 18'4o Btrawberries, ,ier I on 10-5 aad l5o Celery. Head l.etlu:s. Mint, r-:,.a Imported Krvll e, I.jj; I'. ti, Limes und Km v Annies. Oof fas Departme it. "Lotus-Ankola" Coffee, the bi-r 8-lbs. fr $1.00 O'lfee sultl in the world. "Lotua" Peanut ll-i'liu- ,ta1 fresh daily, ner l VCo V-lb. Huyltr's I'nf u SOo 1-lb. Hunters 'hi -..(. to ... . .35c fcSKREgk C3W CufQ (JWIaTgfXKr KLKrj CvWJ gsjCAtrg P 4 That's what you gef'when you eat SUNDGREN'S Malted Milk Bread Ask your frofer. f r& ft- 4y