Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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5 J Trimmed Mats 1
Read the Following Telegram
About 100 Trimmed Hats
I $7.50. $10. $12, $15
Friday and Saturday
These hats come in green, navy, brown,
gray, red, purple and a few black; also a
few champagne and burnt none arc less
than $7.50 and many are $15.00
Friday and Saturday only . r' . .
25 Trimmed Mats nly
Any hat in 'our store $18. 00, $20 00 and
$25.00, at only . i: :::
Millinery Department Second Floor
1 a I
State Inspector Examine! Structure!
at Kearney and Norfolk.
Frees Lack of Sasvrlsla er Blearier
f Speplflrntteas Vital De frets
Eitst, ka Hatal Mar
. Be Habitable.
03,000 OmCtS tfl stERIOA
ksaa liajriilk IMi aae at
I ti ll.l 1 1, W
iipnelui r
L WMl kOMSM W4I I M bnM Uatf MsM (
Has. ni
Nebraska Nasbys
; WiU.M6etinYork"
Pottmaaters Do Not Care to Hold Con
vention in Omaha While Charges ,
Against President Pending.
RIJUR: Neb.. May - 11. (Special Tele
gram.) It has been announced here that
the arfnukl "convention of the postmasters
of Nebraska will be held at York June 13.
14 and IS lnatead of at Omaha as at first
. arranged. , Otijacyons. .jsere nyide by a
number of the' tnerrlbers of the association
to balding-, thii mo(lfi', iu rOniah , .white
chargea'AKatoet ToMmanoer Thomas, -who
,la piijelent ot ui association, are . under
. investigation. The membara of the execu
tive committee talked the matter over at
a meeting a few days ago and decided to
make the change.
State Board jVisits-
Alma; and Mascot
Party Examines Siti Proposed .' for
School of AgTiculture--Banqnet
at Home of J, M. Grace.!
ALMA. Neb., Vy lWSpiraW.r
Wednesdar morning the state board ar1
rived In Alma and was met at' the' depot
by a committee of the , Commercial club
.and given an auto tide over the city, tln
out to the proposed sites for the State Ag-
have the rulea In the matter and all are
named Jo the complaint which requests an
order requiring the ehange.
Bate, Sella Ilia Baataeaa.
SPRINGFIELD, Neb.. May ll.Speolal
Telegram. V-U A. Bates aold hla drug atore
building and stock to Peter Mangold of
Bennington. Mr. Mangold wlU start a
bank In -the building bought of Mr. Bates.
A 'son of Mr. Mangold will continue the
drug business In the Pflug building. I A.
Bates has been In th drug business con
tinually since the town started over twenty-nine
years ago.
, rloultural school.,. After viewing the land
her Jack Grace of Mascot Invited tha
i Alma,' CommreJa.I club and the atate of-
fleers it Mascot., where land was ihown
for the approval of the. state officials Tha
party went by auto by way of Orleans and
Carter to Mascot, where a banquet waa
served at the home of J. M. Grace. Among
i the members of the party were ex-Qov-j
emor ShaUenberger, termer Representative
Joseph Snyder, Representative D. 8. Har
I din, former State Deputy Game "tVsrdeo
Joseph Boehler and Mayor C. E. Alter of
i Alma. ,'
Waal rsaswdtu Time Limit te Be
st Aft Orala ta laaitewtea, la.
ta f Plalaar Care.
1JNCOLN, May U. (Kpeclal Telegram.)
The Omaha Oratn. exebange this morning
filed a complaint Before the Stat Railway
' commission asking that the time for un
, loading grain at Omaha and Couth Omaha
mark be extended to. forty-eight hours
after the ffrst T a. m. following Its In
spMtloa instead of forty-eight hours after
the first S a. m. following- the placing of
the cars. The oomplatnt against tb pr
nt system. Is that from eight to ten hour
is taken np by the Inspect Uma, which
causes great delays. AU of the railroads
Nebraska IS'ewa Kotee.
ALMA At the olty council meeting last
night several new cement crossings were
ordered built and two aaloon licenses we're
granted. The places opened for business
Wednesday morning. ; '
HARVA,RD-.A MtUe tffore S o'clock this
morning,. Mrs.- RotwrtI. Bcottj residing on
a farm -aouie 'seved miles south s( his
city, with her Sxisband, by isiauOi' e witn
lnCeht, the marur ot being well, knawn,
took a dos of cai-bollo acid. 1 1-. Howard
and Butler were 'called from this lty.' but
nothing could be done in sav her life and
she : soon passed away in maoh' Battering.-She-
leaves two; daughters and ' her bux
bajid, the daughters both being married,
one living In Canada West and the other
In Hastings. ,
PESHIJCR At a meeting of citlsens last
evening it was decided to have a bail team
this season. Kred Buntenmeysr was elected
manager. A new diamond will be made
on high ground south of town. .
DESHLER Prof. Wllklns, superintendent-elect
of the Deshler schools, delivered
sn address. on "Discipline" at the teachers'
meeting in Hebron Saturday. Teachers
present from Deshler were: Prof. li. R.
S-Ureen, Miss Minnie Halfman, Mies Jose-
pmne nerney ana m Misses man ana
Carrl Clark.
SKWAR1 Edward C. Hermann of Den
ver and Miss Anna Schulta of Htaplehurst
were married In thai village yesterday.
SEWARD The Seward Commercial club
has sent a committee to meet with the
members of the county beard, now tn ses
sion, to consider the building of a state
road running throughrjtheveounty to tork
county. .
SICWARD John Schoepf, residing near"
Marysvllle, had tb misfortune to get his
right hand caught in a corn, s heller last
Saturday, and the member was so badly
mansrled that three fingers were tmpu.
tated. . 1
BEATRICE The members of tb First
machine run company, which was recently
ordered mustered out by. AdJatant General
Phelps, met at ths armory last night and
turned over all the property belonging to
tTncle 8am. An officer will be here In a few
days to master out tb company. -
SEWARD A committee from the Seward
Commercial club met with . the county
board yesterday and talked over the mat
ter of building a road through the county
qknojui dsui dcoJ v lata oi um mr,n
the state la going t be built and. If pos
sible, this thoreugrhfar should run
inrougn reward county. ,
ALMA The horse that waa stolen, the
nltrht of the attempted bank robbery at
Kagan - waa found In a livery . barn at
HoLdresre tnia work, and from all evideno
it appears that tb gang that robbed the
Otltner bank were the same parties tha
were em in the Ttdalty of Racan tha day
before tha attempt on the Ragan bank.
8CTTON A aailooa Ucense was rranted
to aarh of the fuilowteaT apjrWnts for the
ensuing; year: Tint Hartnett Klundt A Co
Klakup V Backer aad WlUiam Brebm. The
tnayor appouttssl Dr. Getxlaff and Dr.
lomtiMer dty piirmirimam; , W. H. Clana.
water commleA-MT; W. J. Pasa. chief ml
polices Robert Beattm. street eemmiasloner.
MADISOX-Tbe Wartntr o Mrs. Danley
et Ohadren, comnkud te tas) aserpltaj fnr
tha tnaan at Norfolk, sm a wnt ef habeas
corpus was had before J ad re Bates en
W ednesday arm-neon. The eeurt formd In
favor of Mrs. Danirr and teles sad her
Detailed Census of Nebraska Counties
Cas vcuniy..... ,
Avos previiu i. Including Aoca village
. Avoqa villas ,
Center precinct.
Klght Mil Orov preclncu
Eluiwood preUnct, Including Murdock town
Murdock town , ,
Greenwood pratluut...
liberty precinct. Including Cnion village
l.'nlon villages... ,
Loulsvtlls precinct, tncludlng Ioulsvllle village.
LoulevlUe villa re
Mt. Pleaamot. prrlact
Kehawka prminci
Platlamouth .il ,
Ward S
Xard S
Ward ....
Ward ! .....
Platlamouth rreclnct.....
Rock Bluff Drevtnct
fcaJt Oreeh peectnef taiduduvg Greenwood vlllag ....... J
urfrnrair village
South Bend preainct. Including South Bend vlllag...-...
cVmth HeaeVillare.. .......
Rrt Creek precinct. Including Elm stood vtliage. ........
Ttptoa pracinot, including Eagle
rW vtikMre
Weeping Wsaw city
war. ...... i.
Weeping Water prcmt...
..... m
ton. ' van
. ..
' 7M
...w. U7
...... L4
a JsW
....... M
.. ty
f . il
. a.
from the custody of ths hospital. Mrs.
Danley Is ths wife of the postmaster of
FA1RBURT Arrangements are being
made for the annual alumni banquet anu
reception to the class of 1911 to be given
In the Mary-Ktta hotel May 22. A good
program Is being prepared and Bacho.
trlch'a orchestra will furnish music for
the occasion. J. W. McDonnell, a Kalr
bury buslnees man. Is president of this or
ganization. :
VALENTINE The high school orchestra
gave a very pleasant concert tp a large
audience here Wednesday evening, the
program consisting of solos by very, near
all the members of the orchestra, as well
as many duets and trios. Taken alto
gether the concert was. a success. This Is
the young people's first concert. They gave
another at Cody, Neb., r rlday night.
BEATRICE A Sl.000.000 corporation has
been organized in this city and stock la
now being sold to investors. Ths nam of
the new concern Is the American Barbers
Chemical company. The officers are:
President and manager. Dr. John B
Crutcher: vice-president and chemist. Dr.
W. H.. Crutcher; secretary and treasurer,
J-T. .Hsrdln. The main' offices of the com-
.pitfiy'wtll be located tn this city.
. MADISON David B. Hodson and Mrs.
Ada B. Buckingham were married Wednes
day afternoon. The bride Is well and favor
ably known In Norfolk, where she has re
sided for several years and during which
time she has held a responsible position
with A. L. KlUlan t Co. The groom Is
the popular and jolly ooplest at the county
clerk's office and well and favorably
known in this city as well as Norfolk.
SUTTON A committee oomposed of H.
Heins. K. Boush, C. H. Stocker, members
of the Board of Education, and superln
tendent E. Cllpplnger, went to Fairmont
Wednesday to Inspect their new modern
school building. Ths proposition of a new
hlsh school building will be submitted to
the people after sufficient advertising. Ths
capacity of the' present building Is far too
small for the number of pupils, but will be
retained as ths building for , ths grades
alone. t
YORK Chief of Police Illgenfrits discov
ered a first class, genuine up-to-date hobo
hotel underneath the Burlington railroad
bridii about one-quarter of a mile west
of York. The new hostelry has a sign
oarved in timber reading "Hoboes' Rest
Hotel." Thia alODDlnaT - Place Is equipped
with table, seats, vegetable cans, stew and
frvlnjr nana and oamuliut utensils such a
many tenters might envy. At the tint of
the visit six guests of ta Hoboes' Rest
war taken in.
HOLDRSOBl As the result of sn en-
counter yesterday afternoon on the prln
otial street of the oily. City Marslial John
Porter Is now (acting a S?.W0 damage suit
started against him by James Klngaley, s :
real estate dealer. The papers drawn by
Kingsier's attorneys allege that without
provweatioa other than the Idea mat tn.
Injured man bad started a rumor detri
mental to his charaster, Officer Porter at
tacked with hla flats and did great bodily
danuur to Mr, Kinrly.
HOIJDRKOB Wednesday morning at t
o'clock took place the wedding of Miss
Catherine H. Hammond of this olty and
I -lord K. Miller of Unxln. the wedding
solemnisvd In the tatholie church.
Rev. Father Hmm of Mtmlen officiating
A wedding breakfast wa served at I
o'clock at Ui home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
W. Smith. The younsr people diarted at
one for Linoola. where the groom la fore
man la the Jueen Inoubator factory and
her thy will mak their home.
FA1RRURT A new time table wlU s
Into effect on tha Nebraaka division rHln.
day. May 14. A. number t Important
changes wlU ooour la the arrival and de
parture of passenger and freight trains on
hla oard. Train No. IS arrives from
Belleville aad the southwest et T:h) a. m
Instead of ; The local passenger train.
No. 17. arrives from Omaha flfiv mlnult
later than at present. The local freight
trains, N es. - SI and W, leavs for Nelson
and Belleville considerably later than
TORIC An enthualaatla a-ood roads rn.
tng was hld in ths Commercial clu,b rooms
wviiifiM, urwuiiu . lugeiiier .py reason
of the agitation of an 'aorosa-the-state"
road from uniaha to Lincoln, thenoe west
through Mllford. Seward, York, Aurora
and Grand island. The secretary reported
moat lively Imerest In the prelected road
all along tlte Burlington line from Un
ovln te Orand Island and that on Friday
afternoon a convention- of commercial
olubs. automobile clubs and good road ad
vocates will be held In York for the pur
pose of arranging tor and building the
road through York.
PLATTK MOUTH Mrs. Mrasrva A. Flo-
rum, residing two ml lea north of Mum.
died yesterday of heart trouble and a com-
piiaauon or aiaeasee. Mr. Klocum was a
pioneer in i ass county, baring come to I
inis miuin; wnen sne was a little girl, and
had resided here during moat of the years
since. Menerva Amlck was horn in No
bl county, Ohio. In IMS. and when but
years of ags removed with her parents to
lowa. and In 16 came with them te Cas
-uiii. settling i ti a farm In Kitfht Mil
Oreve precinct, where she grew to woman,
hood. When a young woman she wa
married to Norman locum, of this union
. r r locum, with
whom Mrs. Rlocum had reatded since he.
husbands death two years ago. and one
daughter. Mre. Farrts. who makes her
home with her brother also Ths deceases
also leaves two brothers. D. L. Amlck of
this cltv and J. W. Amlck of Weeping
Nater. and two half brothers. Judge M
Arvher of this city and Charles Archer of
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., May ll.-SpclaJ.)
Lend Commissioner Cowles today gavs out
substantially the purport of Investigations
mad by Burd F. Miller of Omaha, recently
appointed Inspector of public buildings, at
different state Institutions. The statement
given out by the. Board of Publio Lands
and Buildings, of which, E. B. Cowles Is
chairman, follows: '
Burd F.. Miller, supervisor of construc
tion of state buildings, has reported to the
governor and oBard or Public Lands and
Buildings that the Kearney Industrial
tchool Is In bad sanitary condition, that It
is Infested with rstea and that repairs
must be mads. Hs bss reported the Norfolk
asylum In good sanitary condition, but he
finds much fault with the planning of the
hospital building which remains unfinished
and complains that the contractor was
either grossly Incompetent or wilfully negli
gent. Of the Kearney Institution he says: "I
find the premises are infested with rats
te such an eitent that I would consider
It dangerous for the health of the Inmates.
However, this I think, can be easily and
speedily remedied If th board will allow
me to secure the services of some person
who has some ferrets to go with me to
this Institution and rid It of these pests.
1 think this can bs done at very small ex
pense." PlamblagT Is Vaaanltary.
The reports further state thst the base
ments of nearly all of the .buildings are
not properly ventilated and th msjortty of
the plumbing it unfit for Use, and If not
Immediately remedied nai$ be a source ot
aisease. jvew concrete floors in some
basement rooms are recommended. These
Include ths dairy room.1 kitchen and that
portion used by the cooling room. The
cooling room. is unfit for us and will have
to be replaced.
The laundry building is-reported in ban
condition, and ths boys' kitchen, which is
In the building, is tn the same hnd condi
tion. Mr. Miller believes that most of tho
work he recommend to be done ran be
done by the Inmates if the hoard will
secure some one who Is competent to show
them how. He recommends that the
buildings be painted by Inmates, under tht.
direction of Mr. Ashonfelter. who Is an ex
pert painter by trade. A small hospital Is
needed and one of th dormitories can be
converted to that use. lie recommends
that the board buy plumbing material and
secure a nrst-class master p lumber and
one helper to do th work. Ike inmates to
furnish the common labor.
Mr. Miller finds the entire Norfolk asv.
turn In good sanitary condition. He also
rinds that th buildings are neat and
clean. Including kitchens and all other
SrOBBSTT O-XlXrerWY, Pr rtnt and Qiwei Manager.
New York, May P, 1911.
Orkins' Douglas St. Store, ' T
Omaha, Nebraska.
Purchased from B. Marko-vritz, Receiver for Freeman Cloak Co.. Six Hundred
Ladies' and Misses Coats at 50o on the dollar the purchase includes Serpe Coats
in tan, navy, black, gray and white Satin, Pongee, Taffeta, Novelty Mixtures
all new up to date styles.
Advertise the greatest sale Omaha ever knew.
The above telegram fully explains itself the entire
stock of 600 coati will be placed on sale Saturday the same
as bought at 50c on the dollar.
Watch Friday night's papers for the areatest sale of
High Class, New Spring Coats Omaha has ever known.
1 fflkl IT liuglas li Stort
If"""1 " 1 ' .i wii MM..OT ''iapTiiei
, ,.-.....,-..,....
I 3
Portions of the premises used by Inmstes
In fact, he believes the entire Institution Is
well managed. Minor repairs needed about
the old buildings can be done by- the car
penter there and by ethers.
Kegargjng th new hospital building at
Norfolk, Mr. Miller finds that the unfin
ished building Is poorly planned, that the
contractor was either grossly Incompetent
or wilfully negligent In his construction
and that th most practical thing to do Is
immediately to set to work to remedy these
defects as best the state can under the
conditions. In proof of what he says he
alleges that th marble work is not com
plete. The cap mouldingof -marble In the
halls runs uneven, not having been laid to
line. This to a certain extent Is due to
the unevenness ot the floor. In some of
the bath rooms th marble joints are not
properly cemented. The floors lie very
uneven, apparently thrsnen weak con
struction of the reinforcements, necessi
tating a- great amount of fci asiefr., on the
ceilings, some places two tir threw inches,
tomak tbeaeeUlnga stralgprt-t 3'hs4s-duS
t sagging of ooncret fleors above. The
finish of marble about the stairs Is not
oomplet, but Mr. Miller, say he Is unable
to place the blame because ha has not
been able to secure the plana and specifica
tions and details of the work. This, he
says, may have been the fault of the gen
eral contractor or architect. '
Toe Haif Wlndcw.
Mr. Miller saya the Interior doors are too
large and the windows too large and too
numerous and he fears even with storm
windows It will be difficult to keep the
hospital building warm . Hs found bath
rooms on th north side with windows
covering over half the Interior wall and
notwithstanding all of thia glass surface
no provision for heat bad been made In
these rooms. A defect In the building Is
Its location with reference to grade lines.
Tha concrete work In the basement Is In
bad condition, being checked and heaving.
Mr. Miller says: "It would seem to me
as If this work had lacked proper super
vision during construction, as there are
many other parts of the building that show
poor workmanship, with apparently an at
tempt to evade specifications and details.
I am not familiar enough with the circum
stances surrounding the construction of
this building to give any further opinion."
He recommends methods by which the
building- can be completed and says with
the co-operation of the board the building
can be made habitable In a very short time.
Secretary Henry Seymour of the State
Board of Equalisation has returned from
Fremont, where he Investigated the as
sessment of th Western Union Telegrsph
company and Inquired Into litigation
Started by Dodge county against that con
cern. Tha company has' refused to list
its gross receipts In the state this' year,
clalrrtng that a supreme 'court decision
doss not exempt th gross receipts from
being listed by precinct assessors. The
visit to Fremont was lo ascertain the as
sessed value placed upon the' wire lines
of the company. Mr. Seymour found that
in JSKti th county assessor valued the
company's wire In Dodge county at three
times the value reported by the company,
or an average value of SM per wire mile
and that thia value has been approved by
th district court In a case appealed by
th company. The county board sustained
th value placed upon the property by the
assessor and the district court sustained
both. ' George L. Loomls of Fremont was
referee of the district court and filed the
report that was approved by the court. The
company has 830 wire miles In Dodge
county. The company valued Its wires at
$17 a wire mile. The company's value
wruld make1 ' tYle property assessable at
$15,000, actual value, while the county's as
sessment Is $60.000. . ' it Is . reported the
Western Union will not appeal from the
Jvdgment of the dlstriot court .The Dodge
county assessment will probably be used
by other county assessors a a guide In
fixing values of the company's property
this year.
The Nebraska State Electlc Medical so
ciety today went on record as opposing
the Grossman bill which passed the late
session of ths legislature and which car
ried an appropriation of $100,000 for the
construct! dn of a new building at the
Omaha Medical ootlesre. The resolution
which carried tha condemnatory provisions
was adopted after the physicians had de
bated ths mattsr at length and had ex
pressed many opinions as to ths way
action should be taken In the matter.
Several of the members of th society
fought th resolution with rigor, asserting
U at It would be far better for. practition
ers of th ecletio school to make attempts
to get on the faculty of he lnaluion be-
AGAIN proved its business worth
when Hayden Brothers' buyer se
cured 257 Pianos from the Fifth
Third National Bank of Cincin
nati, Ohio, in competition with
many other bidders. These Pi
anos were secured for about 33c
on the dollar and the entire 257.
will be placed, on sale Saturday
'mprnihg,.lVlay 13th. ::
4,L. 1
saw-J' -r , i j- -fcujr'
r r.f w.jsn.7 i
(Continued on Fourtii Pag.)
Summer Tourist Round - Trip
Fares to the Pacific Coast
TWCWifori-U an4 Nertis PmOn Point
eaU Tiuts, a.i M Tea, . . a .. s a.u.l4 A S m a.
await,gf m am iMsw f PSiVI Wt f wosfj 1 W 1I1WJJ aal ' SB, s,JlU f U nJ ft OT
uljr 1 lcTuajr, Final return Um't B;-,v ,
tS Tb OfcJlfortii OaTfay ri North Pacifio Obast '
ww Point.
avts as )
QQ To OCiforma and North Pacifio CW Point.
Te Nerta mf Coast
xalr IL.
r tetk Oallforwi aad Mart Feesrte C4 t easts. J sat 1 sWptsrase
sv. ummmmv. e-rasi reeura usut ueiem l
To California Ona-Way ria North Pacifio Coat-t
Ti skats tm sal saxa sates aad Masata as lit. tar.
x The) ta4ar4 Ro4 f U WL
Noir and Dixeet Boni to YcUowatona National 'Park.
tsifsisssslssv, aad tSlassiXat CsaHinils aasC ractflg
all a er sill iss
1S24 Ymmtdn St Ociaha, Nebraska
rbsssM XBaM Hit; IH4s dsat sVllll
Ttckrt fato t CaUlSsrnsa Mar It. U aad, M. rsast iwtsra ttsast ary II,
rsssrs uas pesate. uw , st aad II. rtaal recsra Bmlf
arOtss WSaf tetseVask,)
The season is on. Ton possibly need Hose, Lawn
Mowers, Grass or Hedge Shears, Sprinklers.
Fly time is also here. We have all widths of Bronze,'
Pearl, Alumina and Black Wire Netting, also Screen
Frames and Doors.
See oar prices on Cadet Lawn Mowers, the best low
priced mower cm tie market. 12-inch, $3.00; 14rinch, $3-25;
16-inch, $3-50. Then we bare specal prices on Regal Lake
wood and Continental Lawn Mowers
1511-1513 DODGE STREET.
Ta Have the BUgrkt Kraal mt Stalwt
Foley KtdMT FfUs rarsssa yea tk
rlgbt ktnd ej lt te aMtrmJts gag r
mov ths Doisons that caaao K.-wnhv
beadacn. nervousness and othsr kUnsy
and. bladdar ailments." far aeus ail
Coat and Pants to Order $20
Special Sale Saturday, Hay 13
One hundred uitiogi are offered for gale at this tries.
Included In thia lot are some fin Saxonle. Crashes, Hometpona
ul Sergea, In th newest shades of Una and grayi.
Every coat lined with good Alpaca; every garment guaranteed
pen ecx m m ana style.
Note the display of f 10.00 goods In oar north show window.
MacCarthy-Wiloon Tailoring Co.
aft8O0 Sosith tUitMnth 8tret.
Frew Step South of Farnarn..
Be Prepared-
Nobody wants to toil ovor or around a hot fire in hot
weather. Most people use lots of hot water in Summer.
You can have lots of hot water and an entire absence of
the heat and discomfort of a fire if you use an.
automatic Gas Water Heater
It is always ready.. Turn on the hot water faucet any
where in the loue and hot water runs at onoe; just the tim
it requires to travel from the Gas Water Heater to the tap.
It is a money saer because when you don't want hot
water there is no fire going, eating fuel.