12 THE hFAU OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAT 13. 1911. )' - " 'II II I 1 1 I I D KYAlNEJJIj m l '. Strn 1-47 Ont , Oreat Sals of Jtose Bnsbos, 10c Uh. SPECIAL BARGAINS REMNANT DAY FRIDAY IN OUR BASEMENT The special bargain that we are enabled to offer for Fri day surpass any previous Fridays' offers. We will sell 3r!-ineh wide dotted and barred, also pretty fl figured wbite drapery swiss, in lonfc mill lenjfrths. A quality which usually sells for & j) vL 25c a. yard, at yard Fins mud ran and etamine In all tbe new patterns, in sash curtain and portiere lengths, worth r up to 20c a yard, at wC New chainea, from the bolt, ) i . at yard 2C Plain and barred fancy printed lawns and batistes, in lengths suitable for waists, etc., worth r up to 30c yard, at yard . 5c Beautiful shar lisle tissues, in .pretty blue, pink and lavender checks and stripes, worth up to 30c yard, at 15c Remnants of Linens in Basement 100 dozen bleached Turkish towels . fringed ends, 10c values, at ach 7H -All pure linen crash towels, reO. borders, worth 15c, at each 10 Remnants of mercerized table da mask, worth up to 60c a vard, .25 Remnant of heavy fleeced table padding, worth 40c yard, at ywd 19 REMNANTS OF SILKS FROM THE PHOENIX MILLS AUCTION SALE ; - At Prices that Are Greatly. Reduced. Hundreds of pieces of this season's best silks to go at unh:ard of prices All displayed oa b.ir rain squares, at Regular Prices, Yar J 25c J9c and 49c Women's Tailored Skirts Made to Measure Man tailored skirts frorri any material elected, from our im mense stock of dress goods, larger selection ,t linn any other store west oi iiucago. renect money refunded, nt each . .'" Sim pi s Piec93 and Re mm Us bl r ALLOVER LACES and NETTINGS Lace bunds, medallions, motifs, edges,' flouncing, garni tures, etc. 'Fliousaiids of pieces of all f Ar," 9 Cfl kinds in three big bargain lots, at each lvL45wL"3ul Fancy wash and trimming laces I and insertions. Point Par a, 'plat vals, fanry filet and guipulre j baaids, linen torchons, etc., m all Wads, worth up to ili 12 hie a yard, at w" ', Saturday is Our Great Sale of ROSE BUSHES Thousands of well advanced rose bushes, full of leaves and ready tq bloom this' season.' The varieties are American Beauty, Tea Koses, Uride Hoses and Bridesmaid A fk Hoses. Nurserymen would sell these bushes at g llS from 50c to 7o oacli Saturday, at, each ....... r I WE Wk WW Iff? SEWING ' SELL M6 RMii rIACHINE "The Only Insured "FITZGERALD AT THE FACTORY" will demonstrate ( It Friday and Saturday. -v " The "Free" is apart and away from all other makes. It's the swiftest, surest, llghtect running, simplest and makes the most perfect stitch' with the greatest ease, lt'a a marvel a revelation In make vip. The. Club Now Forming fij'j n Jhf ' 1 Brings You a "Free" at 3, W C6K And remember the "Free" Is ball bearing throughout, and pos sesses that wonderful Rotoscillo movement. 1-C EACH FOR SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES TO FIT ANY MAKE. Special for Friday and Saturday. . Sewing Machine Department Pompeian Room. Next Saturday is Our Greatest Sale Sum irn or Wash Dresses For Women, for Juniors, for Children. " There were 50,tW) wa.-h dresses in this great purcha from an Kastein maker. , ... Y o m e n ' s nnl Misses . Summer l)resses."VvorWi ujt U $7, Sat- $98 -urdav.at ... -- lmc&' Dresses, worth u to , Sat- .5-198 nrdav, at . 1 BRANDEIS 't a a n ?! i i a Apron and shirting Scotch ging loiiiK. an ,., v, niiu jiiu a I lengths. 8 He quaitty, at yd . . 41 f Yard wide percales new black and white stripes and figures; also colors. (5ood lengths for children's dresses and . waists, at yard Standard American Prints, fast colors, from the bolt, tit J yard ..4zC Fancy white walstings, nainsooks. madras ' and Swisses many pieces worth up to 30c f A jard, at yard lUL i i i Fine -bleached cotton crash, off the bolt, at yard 6 Slightly Boiled crochet bed spreads, .full size, at each -7o? Fine Turkish bath rugs, in floral 'and conventional designs,- all colors, at each 19 Thousands of remnants-of all grades of table damasks and crashes at less than cost to im port. .': i i I I' ll n lit or ar ' . M Si 55 I i $ v I ' ? i : 9 Corset cover embroideries;.1 also wide edge9, insertions, headings and galloons, etc. Big bargain iiuar piled high with short length and cnld lots, worth up to -10c a yard; aU yard 15c Sewing Machine 9 in o in en's and Children's V a s h Sunuuii lres'h, worth ui) .tv. $.1, on Kile Saturday t 98c I SCORES b d i dh ai a wb'i i; ' D II I J LUL TBIB Oma X.41' limit Journal rHra wltA I ok copy f the irw Itaan Style Book at too. I Friday Will be the Second day of Bennett's Big B. 8c XI. Skirt Sale 2,000 E. & W. SKIRTS AT LESS THAN HALF Beyer Sc Williams are the largest exclusive skirt makers in the world, making only the finest hand tailored garments, the cheapest of which sell for $5.00. We purchased the entire Beyer & "Williams surplus stock last week at a figure which permits us to sell them far below half their regular priet-s: i Skirts woVth $and $6, Friday for. -k ....... . 91.08 Skirts worth up to $10, Friday for $3.49 Skirta worth up to $12, Friday for. 94.40 Included in this lot of skirts are all wool serges, shepherd checks, wide wale diagonals, panamas, black voiles and light novelty mixtures of many other weava;" tailored Into all the beautiful styles for spring and summer wear. Never have sflch bargains been seen before west of Chicago. Many Omaha women bought more than one of these skirts Thurs day. Come Friday and make your selections; about 1,200 eklrts altogether remain. ' $3 House Dresses at $1.69. Tliese are llirht and fool, with low neck nrl short sleeve: for Frlduy only. This lot of house dreKses, worth to $;t.0O, (.olce. ti.es Mussed Waist Sale fT On bl lot' of women's lawn ind lingerie waists, tn many bcau "tlful design, that for merly have old up to $2.00: Friday at, your choirs . . i ; ) .89o Big Glove Sale Btgain Friday Ladies' Short and Ixinr Lisle Ulovea. In all colors and sizes, our regular &0c values, Friday, at, per pair 8o Ladles' Pure MiUnaise Silk Ulovea I (-bin ion lengths double Hp', In white, tans, ijrowvi and block, nil xlzes from 6 to 74 Our reg ular t 00 values fo.' 480 Just In-New Wash Goods Ginghams in every conceivable new pattern and shade, Including stripeB, checks, plaids and plain colors: guaranteed absolutely fast shades, worth regularly lSc bargain, your choice at. . . . . -lSH Continuation Sale Bargain Friday $3.50 and $400 Ladies' Pumps and Ox- CI QO fords, broken lines, at, pair V '...-..yliJu Thiiiday n place on dale all the broken lines of our 13 (0 and J4.no ladles' pumps and oxfords. Over 500 pairs In all. ' Every one Is s big shoe value at their regular prices, but w must close thee out that our stocks may be kept In perlec condition, yherefore. for a quick selling sale all thena shoes have teen placed on the bargain squares to hurry them away; jour choice Bargain Friday1 at, per pair 91.98 Theae are all sijes, all leather and all styles of ladles' summer footwear, and we will guarantee jou a perfect fit In most any style and leather1. .'Kememher these are our regular selling fS.60 and 4 V0 lines ami thai Friday they're special at, per pair 91.98 i Summer Net Corsets These are made of strong open mesh an .have .the famous non-fust-able boning and are equipped with -Howele- hose supporlers. Noth ing better for 'summer wear, 11 values VHd&y for. 50f fl.25 values FHday for . 75 No phone orders taken on these spwdlWa Friday. . ZiAST TJ1IX1 STXAW Xa.TS.TQB MSI, I' '. 00 values, choice at lo I 1 Thee are slightly nolle.! but big alies;Wr1day jitthli ridiculous low I ' price, your choice, at .,........'...' v. , : . . .15a I 27-inch White Goods Friday at 9c Come, in ' checks, stripes and dots, all new fine materials, worth regularly 12Vc, Bar gain Friday, at 'Ott Full sized hemmed Bed Spreads . In assorted pntto.'ns, good weigut, 1 1 .1 6 vulues go Friday, at. . .890 : argiia Friday in China 100 pairs of Handpalnted China Salt and Pepper shakers, heavy gold top. 12.60 values, Friday, at, per pair........ 91 7-plece Oless Water Sets, Colonial style, 11.00 values, complete set lor 48o 500 Jardinieres In fancy blending. 7 to lo-lnch sles, worth to 11.60. lust the thing for porrh use. Friday for 490 6 HO Louelsa Jardinieres, rich dark brown coloring, . worth up to $2.60. choice, at 980 Decorated China Tea Pot Tl!es for . .aeo 1,000 Plates and cupa and saucers as long as they last, each 60 $1.75 IRONING STANDS These are folding stands with oak base, and poplar top, marked down for Bar gain Friday, only... $1.10"- And 26 Extra Stamps Double sleeve boards, covered, haa a firm metal clamp, special Friday. . . . . ', And IE Kxtra Stamps THE. QUALITY OF BENNET'S GROCERIES Wt -t that the only inducement, would be enough for people who-love good looiis but, together with quality, we've combined the prices which save vou one-fourth the usual grocery cost. Then, too, the Trading Stamps are am.tl.tr advantage at Bennett's, fall Douglas 1S7 iriue or Bennett s nour. per sack 91.80 Bennett's Hest Coffee, lb.. 360 And ?0 stamps Bennett's Het Coffee, three pounds for . ...91.00 And 6U nuimus Teas, assorted, lh And tiO stamps ' Tea SiftliigH, lh. pkg And 10 stamps B. C. H-iklnt; i-"o Jei, 6-.lv And 100 stumps . .680 ISo can 91.00 Bennett's Capitol lOxtract, bottle ISO And -0 stamps H. C. Pure Pepper. ' -lb. can. . ,10c And 6 MiiuiipM iMiiihle Stdinps on (iraunlatej Suirar 10 bars lieat-'Kni-All Soan . . . . 8So Bennett's ''uplto jlaple Syrup. '4- Kdllon can . . .' 60o Cheese, full cream, lb. 80o And 10 stamps. Cheee. VlrKinla Swiss; lh .830 And 10 stamps . Peanut Butter. Inr .180 And IS stamps Gulllard's Olive Oil Special Offer (Gallon ran .S8-A Half-callon can SI 35 Ouart ran See Pint con - 400 Double stamps on alt sixes. a m a m a m m a n n is WnV.lj COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Bee against other local pavers in respect of quality as we)) as quantity of timely .news and interesting articles from day to dmy ! and TheBee's superiority wi)) he demonstrated i nTr B itrrv fl i or ET71 h: o ! : u M I Si 2 (US; Li ii M i B a a D Watural Pour Clip Ilitir .Prloea Friday Thee T' iRees m e Jiint the proper welht for wlst.(, drensen and light skirts; t liev wash and wear perfectly. H lnrh, B": quality; Fri day per yard 49o J-lrich plark I'eu de I'ygne. $1.25 . quality per vttd 89ci it Hosiery Specials for Friday i Children's Fast Black, medium weight ribbed hose, 15c qual ity, Friday, choice, pair. . Ladies' Black and Fancy Hose, big values, Friday, pair.. P.; 0i . S! if Worth $1 for 50c BIG REMNANT SALE FRIDAY Remnants of- Sheeting and Pil low . Casings, all our best brands -worth up to 35c per yard, Friday, at 17 H 72x90 Seamed Bed Sheets, ex tra good quality, 69c grades for, each .54 y- Hardware Lawn mowers, perfectly made, absolutely guaranteed. $2.75 10c Garden .Trowels, at ..5 25c Dandelllon Weeders. 11.50- Bake Ovens, good qual- :tty;- at. $1.10 25c Steel Frying Pans IOC Well made Grass Hooks. . 2J)tf 60c Spray Hose Nozzle, Friday, at .28 Brass Lawn Spray 41) Aluminum Drinking Cups 10 18-Inch Glass Towel Bars, nickel plated fixtures, 50c quality. 880 FRIDAY FOR $1.19. pocoas sr a. c rsaKtng I'owder, lb., can for .840 And 20 stftmim flold Melal Corn, 3 CHns....8So And 10 stamps Cleaned Currants. 3 lbs. ..35c And ID stamps lbs. Say in for 85c 6 lbs. 7c Jap itU 350 30fl Jar Tea Harden Preserved Kiifs fr 80o Columbian Milk, 3 largd cans... 260 13. C. Mince Meat. 3 km. a So And HO stamps 6oc can Old Mission Klpe Olives 8S3 S. V. C. Table Syrup, gt can. . . .100 Candle 1 Citron, Lemon. OraiiKe. per puunu . 5o Yuik Kose Tohel Soup, 3 cakes 850 A nd lit (amps lien's splendid liesh bdked Tourist . and (iiahant Crackera, per pkg. 10c And 10 slump Fresh. rl'. fine flavored Unmn Cookies, lb no SOU aad BUTTEB BPSCIAI. B. 1". Cieumery Butu-r. full weight pound bricks. ery finest butler made' spetial I' lday. lb 8So Fresh Country KkB", each lesied. dozen i8o i m a n ra n a b b u 9. a House Cleaning MADE EASY If we clean jour Carpets. Rugs, Portieres, Draperies. Pillow and Stand Covers, Comforts and Blan kets the work will be perfectly done. We ll return them promptly as bright, clean and freeh as tiew. Our processes are far the best for cleaning such articles of value and you may depend on satisfac tory work. Phono Us Today For a Wagon, Carpets dusted, sterilised ami dry cleaned 20c per. running yard; Rogs ISe per square yard; Tort ieres $1.60 a pair; Blankets $1.00 to $1.26 a pair; Comforts $1.00 to $1.25 each. Other 'articles in proportion. Phone us now. The Pantorium Ood Cleaners and Dyere 1515-17 Jones St. riiones Doug. WW; Ind. A-S1B8. The Lutheran Colony - This Colony is located in the Sacramento Valley, and the Sacramento Is as fertile as the Nile. The climate is unsur passable the opportunities are unlimited. You can have a home and a fortune on ten acres. Land sold on easy terms. - Excursion leaves May. 14th. 'WTite for information. LUTHERAN COLONIZATION CO.' 40410 City Nat l Rank Bldg. Omaha, neb. AN UP-TO-DATE DRUGGGIST says It la surprising how many old fashloued remedies are being used, which goes to show that it Is hard to Improve some of our grand-, mothers' old, time-tried remedies. , For instance, for keeping the hair -dark, soft and glossy, nothing equal-,; lng our grandmothers' "sage tea" has ever been discovered.' Although, by the addition of sulphur and other In gredients, this old-fashioned brew has been made more effective as a calp tonic and color restorer. Nowadays when our hair comes out " or gets faded or gray Instead of going ' to the garden or garret fer.herbs and making the "tea" ourselves, we simp ly go to the nearest drug stored and ask for a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. " Druggists are authorized to sell it under guarantee that the money will be refunded If It falls to do exactly as , represented. 4 This preparation Is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and la recommended and eoll by bueruia.il & McConnell Drug Co, eoii Owl Drug C. ' a i Hotel Loyal Opposita the Post Offlcs OMAHA Fireproof Lu ropes n GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTHUCTlNO Quartermaster, Fort L. A. Russell, Wyoming. April 16, 191 1. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until 9:3i o'clock a m. Mondav, May loth. 1H11, at which time they will be opennd In public, for constructing one Horpital Corps Barrack, Plan No. 276. The follow ing quotations from letter of instructions ?tt!ou2. dated January 11. J911. Quartermaster General of the Army. Is Inserted for the Information of Intending bidders: "In in viting proposals for this work It la desired ! that bids be obtained for the building rom I r lete, to Include construction propei, heaf ! lng, plumbing, electric wiring and electric ; fixtures. Separata bids for the minor : Items mentioned will not be considered. but bidders should be required tn state names of suh-inntrartors for mechanical equipment. If any, and make of plumbing fixtures which It Is proposed to Install. Plans and specifications and general In 'structlons to bidders are on file in this 'office and also In the office of the Chief Quartermaster. .Department of Missouri, Omaha. Nebraska; Chief Quartermaster. I Department of Colorado, Denver, Coloraiioj and In the office of the Sec retary of the ! Builders' Kxchanae. St. Paul, Minnesota, i Blank forms of proposal may bs obtained I upon application to this office. The govern ment reserves tlis right to reject or accept 'any or all bids or any part thereof Ko velopea containing proposals should be in ' dorsed "Proposals for constructing public i buildings at Fort P. A. Russell, Wyoming " J Bids to be opened Mav 15th, 1911. and ad ,ilinmil to F. 8. Armstrong, Captain and 1 Quartermaster, fhh Cavalry. Constructing j Quartermaster, Fort D. A. Russell. Wvo i ming. . AK-18-ls-M M1J-13 ipEPARTMRNT OF THE INTERIOR .Office of Indian Affairs. Washington T t l ' UabIuH 1 - lu,,in . ing DUtrlct No. 3. Crow Reservation. i aiontuna. to.- ma grazing or aneep, either ; 'under a lease or by permit, will be re- i . c eived at the offic e of the commissioner of Indian affairs, W'sphltigtcn. D. (.'.. until i : o cloc k p. ni . on Monday. June 6. 1911. and ' will be immediately thereafter opened In , the presence of such bidders aa may at- lend All nec es.-ary Information may be 1 (-brained on application lo the superin i teudent of the Crow Indian school. Crow ' Agency. Montana. C. F. Hauka. Second AsMlstint Commissioner. M4dlt. feCttOOLS. Hock ford College lMMMli For Women IsralsrsTui. lb.. . ..co.s.O lb. rir.t r..k I. .rk.l.rakls by tbe (lMlfur.1 Kd.call.a. ftra far atcsl.a Jll.U tnilVft. fS. t . It. 9 PreatOVat jj Roosu without Bath. 91.00 and ll.JS I D . With Bath K and up. B Hi !3BKB3BRBBBBBB8BbSBE1B Bargains, Friday Both Saving inrj Satisfac tion in Fri day's Sales Remnant Day in ..ra. ll ill! f .ff a 1 1 .1 I w i n mm satiJas iii ill iiiiiffliiini Ginghams, Apron Checks, 7 He values, at a yard Dress Print, good long lengths.' at - 5 Remnanta of 36-Inch Percale, good Jong lengths 12 Vr values, Fri day, at -a yard 7s Remnanta of Lawns, Batiste, good loug lengths. 15c tallies, at yd. 7 Vis Remnanta of Table Linen, Irish, Scotch, lu blearhud and unbleached, worth up to 76c, at a yard '...... v .39 and 25 Remnanta of Toweling, extra good values at Just about Half Prir. Hunters choice bleached Muslin, good tjuallfy, always-sells at 10c, Friday, at a yard ) . . . . . .... . A good unbleached Muslin, 36-inchea wide, always sells Tc, at a yard : : ......... . . . . . 5 One large table of white goods, Including lawns, batiste, long cloth, nainsooks, Swisses, etc., worth up to 26c, all at one price . . . . lOtf Remnants of Serpentine Crepe good colors and patterns, at J 2 W Barnby, A. F. C. and Toile du Nord Ginghams, I2in values, at yard , 7 'is Huck and bath Towels, 7 He values 5 At a. m. A lot of remnants Including lawns, batiste, glnghnms, madras, etc., good, worth up to 16c a'ysrd, all go at one price . 5 Special Sale In Cloak Dept. 2d Floor . Friday, May 12 Women'sWash Dresses From thw New Haven Stock, and two big manufacturer's stocks, values up to $10.00, choice $2.00 Undoubtedly the best bargains of the season. All crisp new garments, in white and pretty colors, all nobby 1911 Summer soles. Lingerie, Batistes, Ginghams, Percales, Lawns, etc., regular selling prlre3 to 110.00, choice .g2.t)0 In Domestic Room, Suit Section, Friday. , $5.00 Dress Skirts in browns, greys and black $3.08 Women's $1.25 Wrappers in all colors and sizes, choice . . . .05 Children's Summer Dresses, sizes 1 to 14 years, 39c values . , .35 50c Jap Wash Silks and Pongees at 25c Hundreds of yards of pretty Jap Wash Silks, in stripes ani checks, all silk; landers perfectly. , Also 24-iuch Kough SUk Pongees, in light and dark shades; at, yard .. .25c All Silk Foulards, Novelty .Taf fetas, Plain Messaline, Printed Pbngees and other pretty Sum mer silks, on sale Friday at md . i. ,.-.38 1 i ' 1 1 . Dress (ioods Remnants Less Than Half 300 In the lot, plain and fancy weaves, mohair, serges, henrlettae, etc. Big assortment, on sale Friday, while they last, at yard 35 Summer Underwear at Jlalf thrice . - .. . . .. ; Sample Jines and surplus of two big millsr "Perfect goods, clean stock, at greatly under worth Indies' I'niori Suite in fine lisle and Sea Island cotton, all styles, values to $1.26, In three big lots, t 25 30 40 Ladles' 25c gauze Vests . .12 Vie Ladles 16c gauze Vests . . . - 7H Children's 19c Muslin Drawers, all sizes, on sale, pair 7Vfce Children'a 60c Union Suits, Boys' or Girls', at garmeit ....25 Boys' Blouse Waists or ShirtsMade in all colors and styles, values to $1.25 . , ......... .......... ... . . , . .25 and 4 Children's Rompers Made to sell to $1.25, on sale, choice 25 35c and 40 High Grade Wash All the Remnants that accumulated during tbe week, including Voiles. Batiste, Silk Fancies, Madras, Ginghams, etc, sorted according to value, at yard 15 12 Vs and 10 1 1 i 1 1 i I. High Grade White Remnants of Lawns, India Linons, Lawns, Fancies, SwisB, etc., worth up to 50c a yard, at a yard . . . .' ; -18 15 12 V and 10 Friday L Drapery Department E Colored Mci'iin Curtains $2.50 values, Oriental designs, on "sale, . pair $1.75 15c quality Figured Scrim for curtains, at yard 10 12 4c Curtain Swiss, in stripes or barred, on sale, yard O Remnants of Madras, Nets, Scrims, regular values to $1.25 a yaru, on sale at yard...'........ -IOC Read the Big Special Grocery Sale y tor Friday, Its Interesting 4S-lb. sark Flest Patera flour, KUur- anlsed. tier ssck II. IS CO lbs. tx.st Granulated ttugar. .H.Ofl 10 bars Jiismond C ur HeMt-'Kni-AII Knsp for 25c d lbs. anotl Jap&n Hice 25c 4 lbs. extra fancy Head Rlre. jde nuallty, for for Mmmsnaelon .Jellycon or JeII-0. 1-lb. can Assnrte.1 Unttfi .-. i7 4e Corn Kisses, pkg. ... 4 4c Uiiaksr oats, pk. ...7'c i;rupe-Nuts. pks ...10c 15c pkg. tiol'len RoA Vlararnnl . . . . 1 Oc LarKS Imltles of . Wonfi.lir. Kauca, J'Uklss ttv 1'ura Toniatm "atsup bottle . .j . . . .He OH or Mustard Sardines, can. . y . . IC (-ondens(l Milk .per ran ..'... 7 Sit . McLaren's best Bulk Peanut Butter, per lb . . iSe. The best hoda Cra'kars, llv . .,.... d.4 arxciAi, soTica aaru execea The flnt-st Cfftunfjiy butter made. DON'T' TRY IIAYDEUS' FIRST -ORCEr Every Item a Rousing Bar gain. Como early the Domestic Room J ! Friday, May 12 Women's Heatherblooni Petticoats " values to $2.00, uu. salo . 08c Women's and Mistses' Stilts New ' styles, to $18 values . .810.01) 83c Pongees at B5c 27-in. wide, all. silk delightful bargain for Friday.'s sale. . $1.00 Black Dress , Silks. 27 tn. wide Meaaalines and Chiffon taffeta, on aale at' yard . .59 Men's fl.BO Union Snita 60o Poros Knit, Lisle and-fine Egyp tian cotton, In white, pink, blue, ecru, short or long sleeve, all "sizes, $1.60 values, at choice ....QO Men's 7ttc Underwear 85c Shirts or Drawers, all sites and colors, guaranteed perfect, 76c, $1 and $1.26 garment values 25 35 and 45 Men's ftjl.SO Shirts In aU colore ana Kinas, new wii spring goods, on sale 40' Goods Department Goods Department ly Tambour jUiwlin Curtain $3.00 values, very 'Beat designs' on sale, pair . . . . ..... T. . $1.25 $1.26 Rope Portlerea for slnglo doors, at each 05 15c quality Silk Fringe, slightly soiled, at yard nothtna finer at iOi- lb., mir in-ic. per pound 050 Good Country -Table Mutter. b ... 18c Full C'reuni Hrl k Cheese. Id live Fancy Full Cream 1. A. ChMla..iSr. nn obxaxest rszsK tsoz- T1BL1 HABIZT lit OMASA V'resh Hplnauli, r nei k 7 So 3 larae bum lies fie riant h lare , bumbes ;i eon , unions. ... ie H bundles .JSadlhhci. . . . ; r,r. 3 laras' Wni'i)e Fresh t;wra. (Vrrr.li or Turnips I-arife ucbmbeif. ca h , Funcy Ripe Toinaicies, Hi FaiU"- Vs or iSreen r.caiik. lb. Vancy New' fev ou.11 1 . . . . .6c .7 Mm . .10c .7'4c 3 bum net Krssli ilsrarsaus f I bunch i Krrsli I'.'rsley. ov; New Hoiatoe, U. ...in. Naw CiLblikae, j.r !o 1 1.,,- rirst aaiymsat of riasapplas la These lire fancy, sneel and uu:nl lOach . . 7 jc. '.; ;.r tl'i-eu &. :. IT . J "iT I