I H 7 4 OFFERED FOR Rem Feralahed R . eatlaaed. OIiERN front room In new knm. tin IMh Avi I. Mki. 1 ' i ' - - ii -, 111 VERT lerg. -H-furnlhe4 wH. epered routhea.-t nrlor, with bay win- n ; wnn fr without piano: nlre bath, lenty of hot water; Both telephone; car i bir-n. f,iM m. iary a avi FURNISHED front room nn boulevard; nlc cool flt! close In: everything modern; rent resnable. 411 North 19th. Ft:RNIHED front room lor rrt on ee? ' FOR RENT-Furnlshed house for sum llne; walking distance; everything mod' I mor- Ml Fsrnam district. Tel. Harney ern; 130 North Twenty-fifth street. SOt'TH front large room tn cool flat; everv thing modern: on car line; walking distance; large (had tree; Uit Cess Fl'RNISHED rooms In private family, alklng dlaunce. &02 S. ath fit. FOK RKX1V-Strict IV tnna,n rnnm tn unto, gentlemen. 21 p Join tit.- ONE large 'furnished room downstair. uitable for lad lea or gentlemen. Also one large room npatalrt. close In, walking dlstanre. cool plamt for aammer. J216 Dodge. iciepnone iotigias TWO strictly modern room, alngle or ensulte, euliehle - for two or three. 2oo7 Far nam. Dourta &. FINE large rocm at 2130 Douglas, near two car lines; Vs ihart six blocks to Six teenth street: targe lawn : with awing; everything modern, with hot and coid v. ater. FOR RENT l-arge front room to two gentlemen, private family. 212 N. 124 at KI RNI8HED - room and breakfast, 11 S. Slat St. Phone Dotiglaa 4140. PLEASANT room, only 17. Ileferencea. 140 Cass. X)OK, In private home two unfurnished rooma, two closets, electric! light, lllumanat ing gaa furnlahed, fine tanitary bath, can do light housekeeping. 2701 Dodge. A PRIVATB famH tcctipy'ng a targe flat, with lawn, can accommodate refined couple or several gentlemen with rooma and excellent home comfort provided. 2&2 Harney, WELL furnlahed south room for ladv: only two block from Farnam car; tent reaaonahle; references required. Milt Dewey Ave. Harney i43. US-VERY large, well-f urnlahed, newly papered southeast parlor, with bay win dow; with or without piano; nice bath, plenty of hot water; both -telephones; car one block. 253 St. Mary a Ave. Hotel emeV Apartmenta. NICELT FURNISH KD ROOMS for en- tlpmsn. THE CHATHAM. 110 a 13th St. Dpi i l'gden Hotel S?ru, ff. Room, 13 week. DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all cool outalde rooms., special week. rate... Apartments and Flata. 4-rcom apt., strictly ajxxlem. 174t tub fit.; I car Unea; ill Harney m. ELEGANT . and- 4-rooro - apartmenta, Btrehlow Terrace. Phone Wefbater 41a. SIX-ROOM apajrtmont . BrtnylUier; OakbrlUe In v.. Co. U.U1. I CR RENT Five-room apartment In Tha 'ntah. Apply 41a Omaha-National Bank Aug.. or call loufllaa lW. o' . FOR RENT Flva rooma. all modern flat, newly decorated, walking - dlatanc. 'Phone Harney IMa. -- i .21 r. r 4-ROOM corner (Ukt; nethlng like It. t9) Wl N. 17th 8t.,'herwr -r.i lrto4.,:30, J. W. RAP CO. Doug. 166J. NEW APARTMENTS. B-room, walking distance, heat arid water paid. Oaa stovw and water healers. Decorau. to auij, 36A atiramcr; ' 6 eira O'KEEFB REAL 'ESTATES CO.? 101 Omaha Natl. Bank. . Doug, or A-2U2 corner T-room, modern houae, pleaaant -room iiai; snaae. rirteentn ana Vinton. uaknoge inv. Co...). ju&M FIVE-room apartment, modern; Haxnay MS. . - Furnished Hwekeplaa? Hmdu, DESIRABLB sfeaun , haated rooms pr FOR RENT Two nlcly furnished rooma, good houseKeeping roouta,, M 1. iitl at FOR RENT Three rronw rooms; destra bU (or light bouavelieopliig., tuig iavaaport FOR RENT Two tarnished . rooms; de sirable for tight bouaeaeeplsg. aVsJ Norta Mth bt. ...... FOR RENT Twq un furnlahed . houaa keepiuc tooiua, li NortA hd bu FOR RUNT Nicely furnished room, de sirable (or light itouaaaeepluaV . feJ4 Call lornla. FOR RENT Threo rooms desirable for housekeeping, good location. U4 a. luia l-t r . - , - l-ti'ELT furnished light housekeeping r I nn. 171 Cuming street. A.'RN18HED housekeeping rooms, nice and cool, everything modern, close In, rent reaaonabla, walking distance,' tXl Dodge. Telephone Douglas 6660, . ' FOR RUNT Two rooms for housekeep ing. :U Chicago St. FOK KENT Nice rooma for light house keeping. U14 Chicago t)t DININO room, bedroom and pantry for light housekeeping; elegantly' furnished yiid decorated, with lavatory; running ifot and cold water. 1034 Douglas. 'TUB WiNlirl. Lmn n. hot water; Janlr. I blocks from elty library, list and Howard. ' - FOR RENT Two front togms, first floor, privais family. S14 K. Mth fet- VijH KENT Two nleely furnlsbed rooaua housekeeping, aw N. atd Bu UAKUB, beautiful lawn tor summer: one houirkHplim room with alcove and one furnished room; ail modern, loot Ames Av THREE rooms, modern, except heat' Kot Bo. liltt. - . ONE large front roonarfor housekeeping. Met and cool;- walking- distance; on car 1 1 ... . -v a -v Ihin, n,Ml.rn V. . lw. kuums tor ugnt nouseaeeping, every Ihing modern. One kitchen and one room bpatairs. Walking dtatanae. Basemeat for ont also, ma Capitol Ave. Two rooma for light housekeeping, xat Douglas. 47e N. 44-h cH.. I and a-roora (urnlahed snd unfurnished suites for light house keeping In beautiful summer home. TWO nicely furnished rodms, aompleta, tor housekeeping. Room. aXill Daven port St. PE8!RAfU,E rooms for housekeeping; II North Ulh. street. .. SUMMER rates for a short time; rooms tor housekeeping, single or on suits; ami able for married couple or young laJies; -tingle ruome for ladiea or gentlemen; light, rooting gas-aad laundry privileges. W27 Harney bt. 4234 HARNEY Three furnlehed rooms for ouatfkeeping; moo ern; porch and lawn; lBfaralske Rextaaa. THREE desirable rooma, prlvats family south tUateenth, Si . . TV0 or four rooms, ensulle; alee summer ome for two people; plsasaat location. Irar car line; no ahiMren, very reaonabla Phone Hsrney 42S. U2 Harney St. LOOK, in private home, two unfurnished looms. to closets, electric light, illunuuat lig gaa furnished; fine aanitary bath; can iu light housekeeping, ttig Dodge. CX::aP- rooms, modern except furnace; vjf block souta pf Vyiion scnool. . Call 9 IU, TWO and three-rowm. arartmenta -u.. iw!irn; ti rur.. aUo aipgla rovm torn- Ft'It RKNT Three riwmi modern ; on :i n,r. irlieaca k.14 C'aaa. OFFERED FOR RENT t nfuralshed Hsroma -( oattaaed. . ' TURKIC unfurnished roomt bath room,! tornom. outside porch; nice garden and iruus mnnprn except aeai; no cruiaren N. ith st. raral.be rieueee. . COMPLETELY furniehed S-room apart- j ment. first floor, for dimmer, colonial ; porch, opposite Bemls Park. KI1S Cuming t. Phone Harney BuT7. lloaeee aad CatttiN, ElOHT rooma. modern, good fepalr. with barn. T Jo. iliij lxcut P. W. Blerbower. Phone ro')aa H.'jO. 601 Omaha National Bank Blilg. ... , MODERN -roorn cottage, beautiful lawn and shade. 1124 Miami $t. ' ' OM EXFKEF8 CO; careful men. well padded vana. -41 N. if. V. 14. Ind. B 1834. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded"; cheap freight rafea; moving and- atortmi. Espressman's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 194. City office, at S. 17th St., Be Bldg. ' CKeqi.'ALLED, central. 7-roora houa. 9) Ki 23d. 74 So. 29th St., eight rooma, completely modern, 10. Hi to. bth St., eight rooma, . completely modern. (47.10. Ki0 Maple 8t": five roomsv Modern' as cept furnace, 22. W. - - r. : ... - THOS. F. HALL, 423 Ramg Bldg. Doug. 740 ; A-44K MODERN e-room brick house, ling N. 13d St. per month. Phone Harney teU TH elegant ten-ruom modern house on eoiiiurast coiner .ud and Haver pan 8i will be tor rent May 1; neghborhood most desirable. Price tX per month. CONRAD YOUNG, l?l Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1&71. t-ftoi)M steam heated flat. Dunaany, 10th and Iteree. Douglas 1671. Conrad Toxng. 6-ROOM cottage, partly modern, flrt clasa condition, fine location, walking distance.- 21i S. Hh St. Om. Van A Storage Co. paoks,movea,stores household good. Fireproof storage; 104 9. lth. Branch. 30 8. 17th. Tel. D. 4143. A IM. UP-TO-DATE 7-room, opposite Jianeoem park. U17 b. 2vth Ave. 40. Phen. Harney 165. FOR RENT Oood and cheap, T rooma all modern, I 'bedrooms, newly papered, 4 block to Famam gtreei school, J6- TeL owner. Red 524. T-ROOM. modern, house, large yard, fin location, corner lot. Pbons Webater $01 Charlea St., I room, $18. 1615 N. 20th St., room. $9). ' JOHN N. FRENZER, BOTH PHONES. House a. In. Rlngwalt, Brandels Th. Bldg. Modern, 7-r. house; near park. 1U1 S. 21 IF Charles Peterson, 511 S. th St., will bring this ad to .The. Bee .office within three days we will give him a 6icent box ot jO'Brlejt s fins .candy. . . That Bee Want Tad Is a shrewd a lad At a trade as iiavld Harum; That horse, he U sell, For good points tell, ' '. And he knows Juhv how to air 'em. Isabella Graham. 4240 Burdetta St. This verse la very good and receives .honorable mention. . ...... . KIS California St., 10 rooms-modern; good condition; newly papered. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. FOR RENT Eight-rooms la the Kannard book, southwest aoiaer 14th and Douglaj bHSm slnnly oi in suite; newly tlmsneu and very Attractive. F. B. -Kunnaid. 114 bodge . FOR . RKNT. , ...... ,. K43 Capital Ave., t-r.,..alese in. I17.S0, , Seward, s-r., city water, 13. ' ( 8. 11th, b-r., close In. Ill - . . 647 S. 2Ath Ave., T-t., viod. sx, heat. . 260 Bristol. -r., mod. ex. heat. (JO. 112 6. -4t &,. -, modern,- 44 r., r. ' ibH Cass., 7-r., largs yard, 2u. ; r THE BYRON RBUD CO.. Phones. Doug, or., a-snm. til S. nth. . 4t4 Bristol, r.. all mod.,' bam, '121. ftlt Burdette, r., mod., bsrn, 121. iM N. auth St., new, I r , mod., fil. - J. M. RABP CO., tt Brandels Bldg. Up uses :,bp"L" WE HAVE the largest list of houses for rent in Omaha. - We can show von the house that will suit you. Call A. R. Wad lelgh.. rental manager. Douglas 16U1. Keel aence, Harney iws. . HASTINGS HEYDEN, 14 Harney $L MR. MAN-lt Landaryou Taflorlng Co. maks a pair of trousers (or you or if you write the best verse aoout Bee V ant J so selling poultry this week we will give you a lift pair ot trousers, mads la your meas ure ss a prise, .... HOUSE No M6 So. 2Sth Ave. will be for tent June 1, 1911; eleven room i. mdm very close to business center, rent $36 and wacar rent. Inquire at house or 111 si. 26m EIOHT-ROOM modern hotiaa. 1401 Evans St. t-hons Webster 1464. . . HOUSE FOR RENT. 1MI South 26th Ave . new, 7-room bunga low, modern, full basement, oak floors, furnace beat. Rent reasonable to desirable tenants. Phone Web. 4090. FOR RENT Seven-room, ' strictly mod srn home; new paper and paint, beautiful lawn; shade trees and fruit trees. Corner lot, 430S breklne. ldt par month. . Phone Owper, Benson 254. i e ' FINE l-room modern reeldenoe, 1224 Lart more Ave.. Tel. Webater 1N. )- - ALL modern 7-rootn, 1 blocks from car Una. Call Benson fcU. EIOHT-ROOM modern bousai 101 Evans t Phona Webster 14j. . MODERN house, flna lof Inquire sa So. aVtn 6L ' . ' . 1 1 '. FIVE-room cottage, flrstlaaa -condition, good neighborhood, welkin distance, 114.10. flaraey la. Hi South' Suth. Btwreta aad Offloeta. . . TWO offices. Id floor Crelghten block; slso store at U4 N. Uth St. Alfred Thomas. Agent, J Fh-st Nat l" Bank Bldg. DESIRABLE offices In th ConUnental Block; either In suite or single. Alfred Kennedy, Jus First Nat l .Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Oood 1 story and basement store building at 10u4 Farnam flu; strong floors, cemented basement, inquire Room 114. First Net 1 Bank Bldg. Telepaeoe Douglas U4X . . FOR RENT Deelrgblg desk room; terms reasonable. Tel. B lo'Ti. . , FOR RENT One fin brick stor. 25.80 nice, large rooms for back; fcuildmg with large room below and sleeping room above would make good restaurant. Adilrasa Lock Box 7. Gibbon. Nea, FOR best grocery and asm- market la diy, with fixturas; a snan. , ix N. 21- - OFFICE, 4 months or longer, furnisneu or unfurnished, in City National stank Bldg. 'Phon Doug. 466. AT 706 ft. Uth St.. room 20x40. supplied with steam heat; now being put In fine condition. Price reasonable. PETERS TRUbT Co.; 17th and Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE Fa rait are. "FUR rooms. nw furniture fog sals Leaving city. 64 S. list St. Harney aOoa. FURNITURE sultsble for hotel or room ing house. B 4l after 4 4, . WfJEELER-WH-SON aewlng machine Chiffonier Mux! sell at. On ft. Douarlaa toJ). Ill South JotA St- . Maalcal lastraaas)a.. NEW model Cdlaen phonograph and ean (net. 160 reourda throwa la. Addwea O . Bee. . . , ' ,FO,R JA,rB ' ' n standard electne piano la fine coaditioa. Addrea H. H. King, ivnoxvilie, la. Other papers may bring replies, but The Bee Brings Results 1 advertised a one-line ad for a week in The Bee and received resuh", far byond my expectations. Truft wo to recommend Bee. "Want Ads when it comes to eelliug horses. ' L. B. DOTS0N", 2018 California Street. Lot a Bee Want Ad do it i OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued ) Typewriters. BUY aa L. C. Smith Bros, typewriter. 8. Kwaauton Co., Lnatributers. llf Far- Dam Bt. 1 RENT an Oliver tyreriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2319. TYPEWRITEhJ-ALL MAKES. Tou can own a typewriter by paying us lOe a day, payable I: .VI to 13 00 a month. All the standard machines; visible writers snd others sold and rented anywhere at V, to Ji manufacturer's prices, allowing rental to apply on price. Call or write tor bargain list. B. F. SWAXSON CO., 1314 Fa: nam L Omaha. MiMtllSStSSI, flAJTEROverstocked with second-hand safes, all slxee and makes: bargains. Amer ican Supply Co , 1110 Karnam at. SECONDHAND dresses, good condition; nth and Farnam. Mandoll Orelbelbls. Mechanics' Tools. Slightly used. 41 N. 11 New and second-hand sates. 1U Karnam. 120 LINEAL, feet 01 ornamental castlroa tears with gatee. posts, etc - HALL. DISTRIBUTOR CO.. Phones louglas 7404, Independent A -440. elry and clothing. Jul 8. Uth. Doug. tm. FOR SALS! 4-hole, quick meal range, nearly now; "Charm" base burner; party leaving city. 1417 Vinton St.. DA LZ ELL'S Ice cream tastes like more. If Mrs. A. E. Stephens, 1M1 S. 9th St., .will bring this ad to Ths Bee office within three daks we will give fter a quart' of this fins Ice cream free. GORDON printing press for sale. 1135 W B'way, Council Bluffs. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 206-1 Brandels Theater Bldg Katheryn Nikolas, 624-6 Brandels Theater. PATENTS WILLARD KDDT, registered practitioner tn U. 8. Pat Office, eia Paxtoa Blk. R. 2001. D. O. BARN ELL, Pax ton Blk. Tel. Red 7111 HIRAM A. BTLRQE8. reg. atturney. 446 Branaeis Theater Bldg. Dougla,a mod. PERSON MECHANO TUaotAS-t Massage treatment tor maun trouble. Muia. ualloran, u Neville Bik. D. i.tu. ' STAUMERiNti ' AND biUTTKRINO eureo. i una Vaugun, ' Ramge Blag. swlTCHk-el maae from wumuiuss, tl.M Kafhertne uiblin. M i4ty (. aaa. ICE CREAM rn.ake4.an excellent dessert. IT O. b. neiwig, liia isonn inuiy-kecund "Street, will bring Uiia.su in The oee oiiils within three uas we will give uim a uoaat prica.oi Dalzcu line ice 4run, ' MiiLlLiAN, John O.lpen, loimerly ol Toionio, canaua, un cuuununtcauiig wiiu tne unaersignea, or PU liiuUitfB or lamny, will near o somsiniiig iq jus advantage, persons having miut ma.tlun to ma wnereaDouls aiii be suita'uiy rewaraed on comuiunicaling witn Messrs. aicrnxraou Co., ouiiciiors, a p. lo vyeat swing fit., lorontQ, Canada.,.. HATHS alt glow and maaaag. Room 1, tunc (lour, lu a. lith nv Mm. Allen of citivasu- Doug. 7v. . . MRS. bNCDiOt, siwedisb maasage. paths, rauiator aU vibrator treatsueuL '1 be punaauy, (Mil, lutn and Pierce, i-ioug. asM. MAGNETIC "Aimont. E. Brott. 1U iUAumuaiu cuinlng et. Ind. ii-libs. DR. BCRKBJ diseases of. women. Omaha. Vj.(jS ad tyupes lor men. Grlffita. THOSE who have used Farrcll'a ivr.n. will have ho other. :' U C Larsen. Jim sioutu r'ifteento eireei, will bring uus ad to '4 he iee ottice wnfiin three days we wUI give him g eu-cent can of arrUs F-ruVAla. HOME during Cuplinemmi. babies tor adupnoa. Quod Banianian mju lar.uni. lei av-. cuunc.i uiui.a. la. MASSAGE l"-"- 6lee!'- raw wmt fVMl, sm. 4a IUV(U JvU. My klngdotn for a horse," he cried, No baieain was unwise, But rucnaru tougbt anu bled and died, Jsecause ha couia not aavsitise If you would trails or sen or buy, Ihe BEn! yCAA'i TADa are on ins fly. Mna. U. o. DAvio. . This verse Is good, but does nut follow the style of th sample. . OUNO Wolh.. coming u Ulrutua as ....u,. vra iiivuca to visit tne i oung W omens Cnrlstisn assoclatiuu bunding at keveoteentn street and tl- Alaiy a Ave. where tney will be alrected lu unliable boaralag places or umerwuie aaalatad. Louk lor war traveler s ma at the Union taUon. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoe. strengthen. 60c BELL DRUU CO. DA LZ ELL' 8 ice cream bricks will keen for Quite a while. II Mrs. W. W. Loten, 2711 n th St. will bring this ad to i lie Be office wlthlu three uays we wUl give her a quart of this Ice cream free. DR. EGGER8, privet confinement home. U14 Martha St. Omaha, lei. Douglas a-XI. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved lit Ks) 8. lllh St. Douglas 12U. SUPURFLUOUS hair permanently re maved without electrlo needle or Injury to th skin; lady attendant. vj McCague Bidg DRESS pleaiiags, button covered, ail aisea aad styles, lib Ideal Pleating L. AW Douglas biock. Both phones. BEST nsrve braoar for men. Gray's Nsrve Food Pills. 11 box, ooaaid. Bher tnan McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. STRICTLY private home for confine ment; eaoellent car; babies fur adoption, lulu Davenport. A HOME for women during confinement; babies adapted and boarded; builrtlng mod ern. . For terms address Matron limey Horns, 401 Bancroft St. Tel Doug. Uui ADBLIGHT hair food grows hair,' see Mme. Frayer, Megeaih anai y u., lain and Farnam. MANlCURfNO. facial massage, . sham polng and hairdreesing done in your horn. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith. Tel.-Harney 4V72, MA68AOE Swedish movement; nothing better fur rheumatism. Ladies. l: gentle men, 11 60. Aparuuant t, - lavt FarnaiU. Hours. I 10 6 - MOR AN A NELSON, hair dressers. 144 rarnam. For appulainaenu pbun Dougia 4y.il aVDAY BLOOD REMEDY ' OladdlaQ pharmacy, LJlh and Dodge, THE beet candy made .can be bought snoat any place where candy la sold. Re niember tne name O Bnen s candy. It W infred Farmer.- beward tit., will brlsg this ad to Tna He fflc within three days me all give him a ue box ot this fine candy tree. PERSONAL (Continued. ) Massage. Mrs. Rittenhouse, 20S O Boston Bg ONE-HALF doxen photographs of your self from the Heyn 'studio. lSth and Howard will be given the lady writing the best terse about Be Want Tad selling poultry this wart.. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs Dr King. 14 N. 24th. Web. aboil. Ind. D IM THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, In fact, snything ou do not need. Wo collect, repair gad sell st 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagons will call. - WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A lb; DAuglas ItW. NEBRASKA CTCl.E CO., .. ' lath and Harney tits. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGGS for hatching from the BranOels Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. White .Leg- nurii.f. i limy eioca. ai.su a eviiuisjr ut per 10i. Exhibitions or show stock. 4.1 to. 46 a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. mj. uiiuiuiiii, viiiana. SAVE THE CHICKS JV.'rT'ye'ar of white diarrhoea. OW Is. the lma to tave them; give them BOB WHITE'S) White Diarrhoea remedy and avoid lossea Send 6(c today for a large box postpaid. Bob Whit Co., 4704 Ames, AT Phon web. va. CHEAP Two bull terrier pups, 10u6 N. 2th St. Harney 74s. SILKO CHICIv FOOD la the best in the market for young chick ens. Msds from pure grain. For sale by all dealers. , A W. WAGNKR, AOENT, 801 N. 16th St. Tels. Doug. 1142, Ind. A-845. EGOS FREE One setting with 100-egg orders. Rose Comb White Rhode Islands, Silver Laced Wyandottes. White Wvan- dottes. White Faoed Black Spanish. 8. 8. tiamDurgs, v hue Leghorns, Buff cochins, White Orpingtons. Mrs. J. W. Lowe, Clarks ville, la. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-2C20 for good printing. Lyngatau Printing Co.. lath and Capitol Ava. R1E4 HALL Pt Co.. 10B 8. Uth. lod. A I6J4. Lew W. Raber, Printer ngfg BE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT- REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TiTLK, PETER JgBSRN. Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 1282. THE Midland GAT- Co. 1714 Farnam, . REAL IiTAT DEALERS. - ' ,1 REED ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract office in Nebraska. 20 Brandels Theater. IL G. Westergaardtnrivl City Nat l Bank Bldg. W have customers for Omaha Income and residences.- List your property with u for aauaiaeiory re- REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fit teenth floor. City, Nat, Bank Bidg., - BUILDERS INFORMATION. CONTRACTING CARPENTER,' 'JOBBER, general repairing, screens; estimates free. A-2S06. FRANK G. SEWARD," D. 1441. TO PROPERTY OWNERS-Masonry Of all . kinds, brick laying, plaster ing, ooncrete and cement work.' EHli MATE CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. W. Raymond, Kill Capitol Ave, Doug. 77J4. ARCHITECT J. r. COTTRELL, Doug. 6707. SCREENS Let u l"ur wUh Vou on Djlmuno creeni. w. can 8AVK VOU MONEV. 1eL bu. X114 or F-1744. CITY FROrBRTV FOR I4LC, A Beautiful Home Of the roost up-to-date architectural de sign. Located in Omaha' best residence district, near 40th and Davenport. This house is exceptionally well built and has vestibule, reception hall, elaborate stair, way, large, beautiful living roqin, well ar ranged with handsome fireplace and seat on side, larg dining room with paneled walls, kitchen, butler a pantry and back en trance on the firat (loor, alao two clothes' closets. Baok stairway to upstairs from kttohen. Four larxe bedrooms and hall on second floor; southeast bedroom has 4 large windows, others hav two and three win. dows each; tile -bath room; best of plumb, Ing fixtures, large and roomy attic; can finish two rooms. F.ntire house finished in oak except casings and doors down stairs, which are birch finished mahogany. Basement all cemanlad; heat furnace on the market;" laundry . tubs; magnificent lighting fixtures throuKhout the house, flush switches In all rooms; hardware ot the very best; screens for all openings; cement walks and steps; yard sodded; paved street; lot 63x110. House is much too large for in; new house occupied three months. PRICE 14.6UO will mK ierras. 'Phone Harney oial. MUST HE SOLD TO SETTLE AN ESTATE A dandy (-room house located near 20th Ave. and Leavenworth Sta. ; strictly mod ern; birch finish throughout , paved street; one-hglf block from car;' on a street of nic homes. Sse us about this. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME A fins 6-room house with good well and S acres of ground; on and a half auras of oats and garden; all in. fruit trees of all kinds; apples, .plums, pears, peaches, cher ries; also gooaeberry and currant bushes; grape vines and asparagus beds; dandy chicken house and park; just a tew blocks from car line, price, 22,400. This 1 a snap, so get quick. Scott & Hill 207 McCague Bldg. Douglas 6316. BARGAIN CLOSE IN. , W00. Bun the well built l-room dwell ing at 406 South 2th atieet, now rented for 1640 par ear, with large lot s ft. In width by 13 feit Plenty of room for row of brick flats. An exceptionally good bar , gain, within walking distance. W. B. MKJKLE. 206 Ramge Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME Only 17,600 for l-room mod ern home, one block from car line;- a alklng distance from lib snd Farnam. If you mean . business, we will show thia to you. Reasonable terms to right party. GEOROE & COMPANY th Floor Cltv Natl Rank Bidg. 1460 CASH. Nearly new six-room house, bsth fu.l basement, attic, laundry, finished quarter saved oak and Georgia pine; excellent heating eetem; every feature of bst quality; faces Seminary campus; overlooks Florence boulevard, ths finest driveway in Nebraska; new garage, full cement walks screened porch. Price, M 4u0 cash required balance ISO monthly, Including Interest Choicest spot Ui Kountxe Piece. See it " Spencer St. Csll W ebster 2U2. TWO lots. Kenwood addition. t.JS each. I lis flown. WUiowa, at Jrandeia aldg. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALI (Continued.) Omaha's Most Beautiful Residence Suburb Fairacres No safer place to make a real estate investment. Buy an acre now by payhig only W cash, balance on easy payments Call us tomorrow or any day this week and let us take you out and show you Fairacres and its beautiful homes. George & Company 9th Floor City Nat'l Bank Bldg. DUNDEE Bargain In a good, l-room, all modem house nn Davenport St., near 49th; two big lots; only ti.tiiO. Tour choice of those north front lots on Chicago St.. between 5tith and 61st. Only Il.OtiO each on easy terms. Ono of the neatest and attractive homes in Dundee, on Duvenport St.. near 61st. Large living room with beamed ceilinR. fireplace, etc; den and lavatory and toilet on first floor. Three bedrooms and larg bath room on second fleor. Oak floors throughout; hot water heat Only $1,600. On 41st, near Davenrort, a new. very at tractive 7-room. thoroughly modern house; large living room, fireplace, etc.; four good bedrooms, attic. Onlv fH,5fli). 1'ios S. anh A vs.. a fine 10-room. all mod srn house; has six bedrooms, largs bam, lot l(Vxi40 feet, east front. A bargain for some one, E. W. STOLTENBERG, D. 1510. 436 Board of Trad Bldg A REAL BARGAIN ; FCLL LOT. WITH' BEWER, WATER AVENUE CAR. SOUTH FRONT. WORTH ow CAtrl. FIRST BUYER WITH 13f0 CASH OETS IT. A9 I NEED- MONEV. ADDRESS K 241, OMAHA BEE. OWNER Leaving for Montana, must sell at sac rifice fine 7-roora, extra large house, nearly new, modern except heat, on hpaiuing st. ureat bargain at 13,200. May consider leas. 'Phone Douglas 3600, , A 8 ELECT BARGAIN LIST. 1J.826 for nearly new, all modern 6-r. home In easy walking dlstanee. 12,100 for nearly new s-r. horns near 82d and Clark Sts. . . 12.6W) for all mod. 7-r. nearly new, large corner lot, near 2Mh and apaldlng. 12,360 for 1-r. mod., near 22d and Laird Sts. 2,260 for nw s-r. mod., near Stith and Ames. ll.vwi for -r. mod. ex. heat, near th and Ames. 1700 for 1 rooms on two nics lots, near Wilti and Ames. A good vacant lot will be considered as part payment on any of ths above, or lluu to IfAi cash will maks tha first payment. J. .W. RASP CO,, tMh-Ul Brandels . Bldg. Owner needing money badly, offers 13 feet frontage on lutn Just south of Bancroit. The street Is paved snd all Im provements are In, making a fine location for some houses. The bust otter between now and ths first ot June gets it- F. U. BEST, 48 Omaha Nat'l Bnk Bidg. $10 Per Mouth, No More will get y.ou best site in north end for (0 feet, east front, perfect grade, 1 blocks to Ames Ave. nne at SMh Ave. O'Keefe .Keal Estate Co., 1011 Omaha Nat. Doug, or A-2UJ. Evenings, Harney 6U4. Th Bee Want Tad Is sn hunesi lad, His method tried and trus; Your horses all, I from field or stall, He'll Quickly sell for you. This verse won. the special ladles' prise of a lit hat from tne nicharda Millinery If Mrs. Letllla K. Burton, apartment No. Ill, btrehlew, will bring this ad to The Bee office and identity herself she will be given an order for the hat. A FINia pair, of 110 made to measurs troubcra, ol jour own tauten, from tne I.anderyoj Tailoring C o., City Nat 1 Bank bldg., will be given the gentlemen writing the beat verse- about Bee want ad selling poultry this week. 8-ROOM modern house, including turnl turs snd nearly new piano. Beautiful view. I.ocated in Omaha a best suburb Benson. 1 rice only 13,ksu if taken at once. Cgll Benson 237. . STRAIGHT FROM OWXKR. . Attractive 7-room house, hot water heat, all modern conveniences, built It months ago; will sell at a sacrifice if taken at onoe; beautiful lawn and fences; walking dis tance. 101 6. Kith tit. 1'hone Harney 1141 Poppleton Avenue Building Lot at IZd St. ) beautifully situated, terraced lot ITfexlGO. Can be had at a bargain. tARLE A. KAAKE. Ill UcCsgus Bldg. Tyler UaM. $5,250 For Sal A bargain In a seven-room aad etptiun hall, hardwood finish and' hot water heated houa, in West Farnam dis trict. Dr. U. Lariafeld, Ml Brandels The, tcr BiUg. Douglas Mis). BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE rooms, all modern, nearly new. every convenience, any reasonable offer will -fee considered.. a3 . Merediui Ave. Tel. B 11&4 siEVEN-room house In Walnut Hill, inn Charles strtet; part modern: full lot pries U.suu. Lewis Larsen. 436 Burdens REAL ESTATE CITV tirruui. oTirr.. (Continued.) TAKE YOUR RIDE TONIGHT . On the prettiest mil" and best Boulevard In Nebraska FLORENCE BOULEVARD- 20th and Amea Avenue to Miller Park. THE BEST VALUES IN niGH-CLASS RESIDENCE PROPERTY. POSITIVELY THE CHEAPEST PROPERTY ON THE ENTIRE BOULEVARD SYSTEM AND YKT IT 13 THE "PRETTIEST MILE" IN OMAHA Every prospective purchaser bo goes out to look at this (round pro nouncea it tha moat beautiful spot In Omaha, FEATURES AH Large Lett Very low Prltea Most Beautiful Surroundings Natural Advantages Grand Old Traea Beaatiful Boulevard 150 feet W'ld ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT $700 TO $875 For beautiful lots on the Boulevard and 24th Street. Compare theia lota and price with any lota offered you anywhere. $100 CASH Will buy any lot, and the balance can be paid In easy monthly payments. COME OUT TODAY Bend for our booklet of beautiful views In Norwood. NORRIS & MARTIN 4 00 Bee Building. $1,150 SNAP Owner leaving city offers his new 4-room cottage with good ham and large corner lot for only 11.150. fee this at once, as It must be sold by June 1. 6.133 X. 2th 6u F. C, BEST, D4S OMAHA NAT. BANK BL1XJ. FINE HOME, NEARLY NEW 1431 Pinkney Street, $3,900. Hss 1 room, reception hall and large basement and attio. This house Is located one-half black east of Sherman Ave., on 61x124 ft lot. Downstairs finished in best of oak. Three rooms and bath upstairs, finished In best of quarter-sawed yellow pine. This la th beat bargain left In Hul phur Springs addition. Anyone wanting this sized house should see this place at once. 1D00 to 11,000 cash, balance easy monthly payments. This place has Just been decorated. HASTINGS A HEY DEN, 1614 Harney St. 8-R., 14.000. 3220 Burt Tel. Harney, 24f. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargains. 91 Omaha Nat'l Bank. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANCH LAND FOR BALK Arkansas. 1. 600 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine timber yet en land; 1 to I ml. from Eureka 6prlngs; fine tor fruit: rsnch and general farming; (7.6& Special bargain in Improved farms. 110 to WM. JENKINS CO., . Eureka Spring Ark. OZARK LAND CO., Oravette. Art. Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry fields, small tracts, installment plan; town prop arty, business houses. Writ us. COTTON plantation) 460 acres; elegant 10-room dwelling; plenty tenant house; good barn and outbuildings; rich, black loam; will grow bale cotton or Ti bushels corn per acre; woven -wlr fence', MO acres eultlvstlon; mo merchantable timber, hard wood; healthful location; 4 miles from good town; good neighborhood! near school and church; prloa .iao.000; reasonable erma. Address Johnston Willis, car Bouthong Trust Co.. Little Rock, Ark. til A.. SMOOTH. 14 ml. 'railway tatlon, ICS) faneed. 40 cult., small house, two wells, two publio roads, 11,600. Union Bank at Trust Co.. Real JCst. DdL. Searey. Ark. 1,600 ACRES rich bottom land, six mile Newark, 110 per acre; terms. Fine orange grove, Florida Forty acres; 17.600. Other bargains., A. A. Henderson, Newark, Ar kansas, BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. All classes) of timber, farm and trult lands In Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, from 15 to 126 per acre. ' Write J. D. Rey nolds, Camden, Ark. BE8T fruit and gensral farming lands for price in U 8., In 8roy Co., Ark. Bend far booklet showing to 1)1 land near town. W. M. Hanson. Leslie. Ark. 11. 1 ml. out 10 In cult. 1 blaok alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood; 16, Mu, 1 ml. from town of l.ooo. near P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up land; 16 cult., bal. timber. 16 clover; al falfa, 1 bearing orchard. 136 fenoed hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bldg., new barn; dark red sandy loam; good community; delightful location; abundance good water; W.iuO, subject to 6-year loan 100; terms easy. WM. OILMORE, Marshall. Ark. 80 TRACTS of land In the corn and el falfa district of Delta land; black sail; good school; lands will double i vslus In three years; now rent from 16 to t? Pr a era Writ us what you want. F, C. HOLLAND. Pin Bluff, Ark Caaa. I WOULD be glad to correspond with a view of purchase, with any one owning land along the Soo lias In Saskatchewan, Canada, between the towns ot Yellow Grass and - Roleau. H, A. slmith. OaJes burg. 111. GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. Im proved and unimproved prairie far ma, any vise. Alberta, felaakatchewaa. Woodaead Coy, W aureus, Baok.. Can. FREE: information about CANADA. Let ters of Introduction given to our Canadian correSDondents. RECIPROCIT and good crops will double farm value. Mengeuoht at Co., o Bias-, umaiia. THOSE going to Canada for land can hav LETTER Or INTRODUCTION to my curieaouiidenis. It will surely helD and coats nothing. Frank Crawford, War Blk., Omaha. s Callferala. CAUFORNIA This wonderful state offers unlimited opportunities to botn the settler and In vestor, in raw and developed land. People are pouring Into Cslitornia each week. '1 heir surprise Is only equaled by their pleaaure at th possibilities and prospects tkey find. Yv have thousands of acres of the finest lend in California for sale at prices whion will move it fast. Tour opportunity la bw Write us for furthsr Information. an excursion Issves umaha May 14 Writ us for information. Trow bridge-Bolster Co., 404-10 City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Nab. Calarag. fobTsale. 10 acres of good farm land In El Paso county, Colorado. M miles east of Coloraoo Springs, with small house and other im provements; partly under cultivation, land all level, good aoll. 116 per acre. Would W, J, Dermody Investment Co., 1614 City Nat l Hank Bldg. Omaha, Neb NORTH BA8TKRN Colorado wheat lands. 11160 to 116 per acre. A few Improved fame !3u to M. Writ J. B. ReinhardL bterling. Colo Choice Farm Land Very Cheap Owner must sell at once lad acres of very choice farm land within five miles of Bur llugton. the county east of Kit Crsa county. Colorado. The soil is of the verr hestl land perfectly level with Just enougti for goad drainage; a eaouoai of the country that la Improving very fast. Price, 111 1 rr sere. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., REAL ESTATE CITY rRMPfc-RTY rOH SALE. (Continued I OF NORWOOD Building Reatrictlona Realdenr) Purpose Only 8-Foot Cement Walks Boulevard is Beautifully Parked. Water Mains to Every Lot All Improvements Paid. Douglas 4I70I A-4270. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAN CM LAND FOR SALB Colorado Contlnaea. ' I60-ACRE best irrigated farm, Colorado; finely improved, new ten-room dwelling, barn; potato cellar hold 10 carloads; W A. wheat; 60 A. alfalfa; no wast land; very foot under old water right; hav another farm, can't work both, eO miles north of Denver, ten south of Oreeley. C. A. Oregory. J Mack Bldg , Denver, Colo. 6.000 ACRES Irrigated land, eastern Colo, rarlo. on main line railroad, suitable tot colony, owner forced to sell, might accept some trade. Address F. E. Sutton, 1241 Marlon St, Denver, Colo. . . TWO choice well-Improved eastern Colo rado ranches near R. R. towns, Elbert county; bargains; M0 acres, I7.M acre; 1.044) acres, 49. M acre. R. M. Bettesworth, Cedar Rapids, la. Idaho. RIVER VIEW orchard treats In 1 to 11 acres; finest fruit country In th world. For terme address Boone Land and la vestment Co., Boone, la. lawn. SO ACRES Improved Clark county, Iowa, to trade tor clean (took general merchan dise; good house, barn, orchard, eto.i price' SM per acre. Address owner, D. R. Har riaon, Altoena. Ia. EXCHANGES mad everywhere. Farms, wild lands. Income property, stocks oi goods and other things desirable for ex change. Several large tracts of western lands for exchange. Write me full descrip tions of what you have. I, N. Mela lire. First Nat Bank Bldg., Sheldon, lav . TO LAND AGENTS For ft will send sddreasee of l.ooo parsons who have sold for !8,IU0 or more In southwestern Iowa since January 1, 1911. compiled from deed, record. M. W. Molr Co- Harlan, lev- IOWA FARMS FOR SALB. - Our 1111 list ot Jowa farm In Webster, Calhoun and Green counties Is lust eut lf Interested write for nur sw limt ? WOODARD LAND COMPANY, OOWJUal,' avwA. I AT'CrlPa mwA IT1 . .w Inv, Itnrf lmv,Auul 1 1 t . - oil, right price, for sal or trade; 17,000 equity in brick stor building; a first class Income property for sale or trsde, quick; on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad dress Boa a. Diagonal, la. FINEST colonisation tract tn tha United 8tatea; ,132.000 acres verr finely Heated at 13 an acre; make 1.000 per oent to sub divide; have plenty ol others. Bog Mti, Wlntersst, Is, . I WANTED A good stock of general mer chandise, is.ooo to 111,000, In xchange for good farm near Rolfe, la., and cash. Farm contains 164 acres, six-room bouse, barn, tax40, price, lioo an acre; aubjeot to 14.740; equity. IS.OtiO. F. R. Loomer, RoU. FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE-1 acre fin timber land In Lake county. Minne sota. Railroad being built not far from land. Th timber la vary large on, this land. Mostly whit pine, tamarack, bal sam ana sprue. 8ur to Inoreas iu value last. What have you to otter? . Writs U.ck Bog IU, Dickens, la. FOR SALB-Splendid farms, well Im proved, ranging In price from Iwi te Ml per acre. This Is choice Iowa land. In well improved comtn unities, near town and schools. There ia no mor tertll or bsau tlful part of tha state than Osceola county. Write for particulars. T. b. Madmond, BlMey, la. A FINK 160-acre farm In Buchanan ciaty, Iowa, about t mile from Aurora; good Improvements; encumbrance. i&.Ouu. .Price 1136 per acre. Owner will exchange lor South Dakota land. Prefer Improved. Her 1 a fine chance to eacnang your Dakota land for an Iowa farm. Addre Hollsbraads Land Agency, Pelia, la. FOR SALB Kxceilent 40-acre farm Is corn and blua-gras belt Adam county, Iowa. Farm all well fenced, eo aoree hog Ught, IM aoree Uled, and ail In exoetlsnl cultivation; u-rooro bouse, larg brick cellar with cement floor, cement walk, large new barn and srtill, with good Fair baua engine, new hog house, other out buildings, all la good repair; good etock and barnyard, larg grove and good orchard, four good wells, eaceJIent water, two windmills. For further particular adurese Mrs. Annah M. Maah. UM Hlgl St., Des Moines, la. . lis) ACHW, Casa county, Jowa, farm im proved and well located; price flA per acre; my equity la lU,ouu. Want southern Mlnueaota or Dakota laud, clear. No In flated prices considered. One KVhorsa power poruble gasoline rtglne for what have you? Address C. W. atoCauatlaod. Casa County. Loran. Ia, Km HO ACRES, I miles good town; fenoedi well improved: all smooth land; rick blaufc soli; good orchard; K. F. D.; phone: fiae urroundinga; let; good terms; will ex change for hardware. Implement r gen eral mereaaadis. W. U. Alotl. Her log ion, Kan M0 ACRES, gig mil rrora Mtnneola, fcs) ere In wheat, one-third Uv buyer; sew 4-room house, stable, wall, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rick black soil; has raised good crop vry year since broken out; great bargain. 136 per acre. Teraoa. Tn Roy & Beard Lend Co. Minn sola. JCaa.- 130 ACR, tulle out; me la wheat t to buyer; balance pasture. The late rea and enow aaaures bmnper crop; level as a tiuor; 131.60 per acre; terms. W. b, Cui bertson. aVcoti City, swan. WB hav some choice bargains In earn, wheat snd alfalfa lands for sale In Ben toe nd Rush counue; writ for list of farm bargains. American lovsatneanl Company, Hoiaiuglon, R.S41. 120 ACRES M In alfaifa; lo-rom house, large barn, granary, etc ; twe mllee te Lamed. Pawnee county; 64 aoree pasture, balance In cultivation; rich deep aoll, abuc. dance el water, wella and mills; tM.Ss); terras. Bunt Realty Co-. Huichuteea, "WAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 140 acrea, 3 in lie out; 130 acre In wheal, delivered to buyer; k vi. rich, deap oli; good well and wlnfgrilll; li,. 366; terme. Other wheal and allaita landa, all sise nd prices. L. F. kchubrnacner, ewuar. sleada. Wau.-. Loalalan. 1 VERNON parltb. La : ths land of sua ihlne ril. rllniaie. markets, water, health, good, prices theap; writ Leesville Real Knaie and Imp. ov enient Co.. C. M. kn. iariaad. bee y, LeeevlUe, Lev-