Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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: Boot mat ft.
Gaa, Bloctrla rtxturss. Barf saa-araade.
dsn, Frlatlivf ,
rnraaees uH riovov Tss- Omaha
Btova Repair Worka.
Fionas r ta Nsst The Douf la eounty
plnnsws will mwl at ths city hall Thuj.
day aftamoon at t o'clock.
Wa bars aanind th accouta of s.
Archl Dutchsr, a former employe of oura.
and en a final Inveatlratlon find no ahort
fs In hla account. Bryon R. Hastings.
Any Wsma' BU Brass in our atora
Saturday at 110 00, regardless of former
prioea. Sea oar window. Nebraska Cloth
In Co.
ays M Banaoo The Wells-rart-o
Kxpreae company hs establish
an offlo at Benson, although that villa-
ha no railroad. Tha offloa ta with tha
Morton Expreee company.
Casts Oalaa Sal Arthur B. barter
earn up for trial In dletrlct court Wednee
day on tha char of shootlns; Bd Brink
man, polio offloar, but' on motion of
eounaet, wa (ranted a continuance until
May 17.
tin. stulUraa Chose Paler Mr a.
Fred Sullivan was elected delegate to tha
mcatlnf of tha International Woman's
Auxiliary o( the Typographical Union at
the election held Tuesday. Tha meeting
wlU be held In 8an rranciaoo fat August.
WvpOm beuiabeon Member of tha
Board e Eduoatlon and William M. David
on, aupeYlnteiMUnt of schools, ware guest
of the Domeatia Bcisnc department at
htneheon Wednesday noon. An elegant
luncheon wa served in tha high school
atar Satraae Bfrerrlew Bart Con.
traotora bag an grading on tha south t
boulevard between Bancroft (treat and
KiTsrrWw park Wedneeday morning.
Whan tha street is' graded a new entrance
t Rtvarriew park on the -north will b
y Ooe to JU William Rapp of
1030 South Twentieth street, wa sentenced
te jail for thirty days by Judge Crawford
on Wedneeday morning. The charge
glnt Rapp ta desertion and failure to
provide for bis family.' Rapp ha been on
a prolonged spre. His ease ha been be
fore the polio court three time.
Prist Bos In Oonteaut . William D.
Foley, formerly foreman of tha' preaa room
of the Omaha iPrinUng eompany, brought
suit against hi entwhile employer In
district oourt Wednesday for $3,640, as
sarting that they had damaged him in that
aura by discharging him in 1010 after only
three years of an alleged five-year con
tract had been consummated.
BtosaM IPure rood Law A party of
foremost Nebraska wholesale grocers of
Omaha and other part of th state as
sembled Wedneeday at tha Hotel Paxton to
discuss par food regulation as It relates
to th nation) convention to be held In
Indianapolis th latter part of this month.
Bsveral western states have recently
adopted stringent regulation concerning
food products, and It la ths deelre of the
Nebraska, wholesaler to meet all require
ment. Te Oat th Comer Pu rsuan t to a re
quest of th Board of Park commissioners
th ooromltte on parks and parkways of
th city ooumill 1 considering the advis
ability el condemning two lota for boule
vard; purposes, A petition trom th park
board ask that th lot on th northeast
, corner of Twentieth and Ohio and another
on tha southwest corner of Nineteenth and
Ohio street ba acquired so th dangerous
turn oan be eliminated in Florence boule
vard at Nineteenth and Twentieth streets,
whar tr JatarssotOhla- street. - 4
Bynv ftr srootat Oar Th street rail
way' eompany have begun work laying a
spur Ut tha Union, depot postal station for
th UM el th earn used by th Postofflcs
dopBrtniant la carrying malls to and from
th pot. At th present time th postal
oar) hava troubl in unloading malls onto
wagon at th station, for tha reason that
th passenger ear are tied up In trafflo,
a4 th) postal ar axe ootnpolled to go
down to th T' until th passenger ears
: bar pacsel and than return and oompiat
the) task of unloading. With th spur in.
j th postal ear will he able to run up
' to th station door and thug avoid tha
1 delay -ends th old system. .
Three Days Dedicated
to Honor of Mothers
Official Disagree m to 8eMoa for
Wearing l the WMto
Mothers can hardly fssl neglected n
Omaha now. They are to ba given three
mother days, one by order of th mayor,
ea br order of th governor, and one that
they via observe on their own account.
Th chief observation of Mothers' day la
to wear whit flower, and by order of
Mayor Dahlmaa this ceremony ws to be
observed Wednesday. Th original Mothers'
day wag set for th second Sunday in May,
and the .governor ha Issued a proclama
tion ftrdarlng hla people to observe that
day. Now,' with some Independence ths
mothers are planning te aell flowera on
Saturday and that will make a third
mother's day. None of th executives seem
to have become aware that any day Is a
good Mothere' day.
WJae In rrenay et Homesick Mer.
htdaese Take De f
Mrs, Anna Lahood, 17 years old, at
tempted suicide at t o'clock Tuesday night
by drinking tournnum at her home, tiU
North teventeenih streets. George Lahood,
the woman's husband, aald that she had
been wanting to go home te her mother lu
Oabrlel, la., and had grown despondent be
cause he did not want her to go.
A police eurgeoa was called and worked
with her for more than an hour before
aha was revived. The wotnaa and her
husband and Harry Doan, a roomer In th
house, had been drinking. Thsy were sit
ting on a back stoop when Mrs. Lahood
cam out of the house and aald she was
going to die . Thsy laughed at her and
the woman ran baek into her hum end,
drank the poison, falling on th iair.
Therauemeter II score's Klshtr-Mae
Urrre at Three O'elejck. aa
Hen are la the San.
At W dftfToei? at j u clock, the tempera
ture reailtcd th highest point ut t year
Wetlnrutsy siteniuoii.
Ttiermomstcia nfuiuling In.thu clear sun
light r-gi;l.rd 100 drgrct. ConsLUrnble
humidity t,i,,l,d to auginvnt the heat.
Braaaets Stores Uutian Bl Bar
aala Kveat fur atarda.
We mede very fortunat purrhaee of
hundreds of pretty, practical wash dreeees
for onm end ni !.. Three drefers ar
mad of rtnc washable fabrics and ar all
this aon s rlfrst styles. Thry will
e priced l gnt bargains Satuidny.
Political Megaphone Man
is Visiting Students Here
t. Henry Bmythe, Jr., of Phila
delphia, known politically as "The
Old Part Megaphone Man." through
oheer leading at two republican na
tional conventions, and by many
campaign speeches, Is In Omaha for
n few days talking over politics
with ths university students of this
city. "Th boy orator ' formerly was
president of ths University of Penn
sylvania Republican club. He Is a
19CI graduate from "Old Fenn."
Mr. Smyth I connected with the
National Republican league, with
which th Grand Old Party cluba of
Minnesota, Wisconsin and Nebraska
era affiliated. Alfred E. Hunt of
Boston, is prsaldsnt ef the organisa-,
Uon, which Includes luO.000 members
In over SOO clubs.
"Proud of their record In cam
paigning and In work In the polls,
college men know that their ef
forts have raised polltUel standards
and Ideals," says Mr. Bmythe.
In 1904. at ths Chicago national con
vention. Bmythe with a megaphone
end star and atrtpea created th
record-breaking "Roosevelt' ova
tion. In 190, he led the "Three
cheers for Taft and Bherryan." He
participated last June In the greet
ing of Colonel KoosuvUt by Invita
tion of th New Yoil Oty Itapub
lloan club. He led thu members
on their boat down the harbor, In
"Three cheers for America's fore
most cltisen, Theodore Roosevelt, ths
, . , it
.. .. i i v
-. "OA""-
Aisistant to Dead Superintendent it
Given Promotion.
esBsnessBBsan r
Br fore ' Botninv AMlMHfit rVaperln
teti(ent Mr. (rnan Was ta
CM. .. C,rer. the
f ' Ames Avenue Station.
' SI
H. S. Groftan was appointed to succeed
the late A. J. Letey as superlntondent of
malla at tha Omaha postofflcs Wednesday
morning by I'omester B. F. Thomas. For
one year prior to his appointment as super
tendent Mr. Grogan srvrd under Mr.
Latey aa asaUiant to that offic.
Mr. Grosan 1 a native of Wisconsin snd
I it years c'. He entered the service
In 1S94. For eleven years he served as a
letter carrier In Minneapolis. In he was
mads postofflcs Inspector and transferred
to the Cincinnati division and was later
transferred to the Kansas city division
with headquarters at Llncon. Neb.
While holding the office of postofflcs In
spector Mr. Grogsn specialized In the fres
delivery aervlce. He was sent to different
parts of th division and most of his time
was occupied In figuring out where the
servlo was weak in ths carrier depart
ment. Hs proved to be of valuable as
slstance to tha government In this line and
on December 1, 1909, was made superln
tsndsnt of malls at tha Ames street post
office in Omaha. For one year and three
months hs held that position and on March
1. 1910. waa mads ansistant superintendent
of malls at Oniyia main tottffie
Mr. Grogan was the next man In line for
th position to which he has bien appolntsd.
It is ths custom of ths government'to ap
point ths men who sre in line, when they
are efficient.
The appointment of Mr. Grogan was made
public Wednesday morning by James
Woodard. assistant postmaatar, in the ab
sencs of Mr. Thomaa. who left Tuesday
night to attend the funeral of his alster-ln-Isw,
Mrs. W. G. Thomas, at Cedar Rapids.
Board and MoBride
Split on Appointment
County Commiisioneri Make Surveyor
Irate by Ignoring- Recommenda
tion for Road Foreman.
Breach between the Board of County
Commissioners and George Mf Bride, county
surveyor and highway commissioner, Is
widening. The board Wednesday ap
pointed John C. Holt road foreman, to Uks
the place of Godfrey Westphalan, recently
named, who resigned when he saw hlm
aelf becoming the bone of contention.
The appointment is taken ss a direct
refusal to recognise the recommendations
of MrBrlde.
In a communication to the board, Mc
Brids proposed the name of Jake Lewis,
democrat, of 8outb Omaha. John (.
Lynch, commissioner, who sides with ths
new highway commissioner in his conten
tion that he ehould have aomething to say
roncerning tha appointment of the men
whose work he la to be for.
moved that the board appoint Lewis, but
fsiled to get a second to his motion. The
other members of the board promptly pro
ceeded to appoint llolt, placing Mcllrlde'a
communication on file.
Mc Bride refuses to give the order thst
will permit the men to gu to work, until,
ss he says, the buajd revogmzee his rights
In ths mstter.
Law Delays License
of Society Marriage
Franklin Van Rensselaer Must Gelt
Father's Content Before Docu
ment Will Be Issued.
Franklin R. Van Rensselaer must have
the consent of his paternal parent before
he ess secure a license to nurry M.ts Kuth
M. Lord, daughter of Major and Mr, it.
M Lord. "
So as 1 Cupid" Furay, and as the inar-ri&c-e
ltcenee clerks ultimatum is backed
by a sutul wlUch that all inals'ap
piiranta fur a license under tho age of l
years must have the wnttei consent of
ll.elr fathers, Mr. Franklin 11. Van ileusse
laa has gone te gel his parent'a signature,
the only thing that now stands between and trie precious license.
As the Wfddmg is nut to uccur until the
latter part of the niontb the delay la in
howls serious.
'.' I
Stock Yards May
Issue Its Bojids
Money to Be Used to Construct Water
Plant f-d Pay Off In.
The Btats Railway commission this morn
Inn granted permission to th Union Stock
Yards company of couth Omaha to iaaus
1700,000 worth of bonds. Four hundred
thousand dollars of that amount la ta pay
floating Indebtedness and about 1300,000 for I
the construction of a water plant. Should
any of this amount be left. It Is to go for
extension and permanent Improvements.
According to the reports of the company
Birbmitted in connection -with the request
for a permit to lsnue the bonds, the Stock
Yerds company has a total valuation of
Is, 0J6, tiiifi.iil and common stock to th
amount of $7,496,100.
City Propose! to Get Rent for All
It Land.
Comptroller Proposes to Here m Sys
tem Whereby tke City Mer
Kioir What Preperly
It Owwe.
Bquattera. who have hern using city prop
erty for various purposes for the last ten
years, win have to pay en annual rental
or seek other places of abodes. An Investi
gation of city property Is being made by
the city comptroller, pursuant to a resolu
tion Introduced by Councilman McGovern
and passed by th city council Tuesday
Complaints thst parcels of ground be
longing" to the city have been appropriated
precipitated tha Investigation. Blue prints
of th city, showing property owned -other
than streets and alleys are being prepared
by ths city engineer. As soon as they are
completed the .comptroller wilt make a
personal Investigation of the property,
which will Include by whom It Is belnv
uted and for what purpose. Tsnants wll,
be forced to sign leases or move. An ap
praisement of tha property will also be
"At preaant no one knows juet how mue'i
property the city owns," said Comptroller
Cosgrove. "Parcels of land through
out the city have never been
given an accounting. Portions ars
kept track of by the city attorney and
other portions by ths city engineer's de
partment. But no systematic method haa
aver been adopted. It has been an easy
matter for squatters to move on and use
ths ground for various purpose.
"Other tenants whi hava signed leases
are behind In their rentala from on to
three years. We propose to round up ell
this property and keep a strict account of
It. As soon aa wa know whst ws have, an
appraisement will be made, aomething
which has not been done for ten years."
We will give several hundred .
Omaha Men the 4
Greatest Suit Values
that will be seen this season.
Don't buy your Spring Suit
until you read our Friday Ad.
"rue ffoosf or
ftfCJI mcmt.
The Nebraska State Board ri Nurse Ex
aminers will hold examinations for appli
cants for registration at the public library,
Omaha, May 1 and SO, MIL For further
information, address (Miss) N. L. Dorsey.
R. N., 2206 South Thirty-second street
(From the Household Friend)
Any woman not satisfied with her com
plexion can remove it and have a new one.
The thin veil of stifling half-dead cuticle
is an encumbrance and should be removed
to give the fresh, vigorous young skin
underneath a chance to show itself and to
Thsrs s a aimpls old-fashioned home rem
edy which will always do the work. Get
an ounce of pure mercollsed wax from your
druggist and apply it at night Uke cold
cream, washing It off In the morning. The
mercollde will gently absorb all the life
less skin and leave a healthy and beautiful
complexion, as fresh as a child's. Natur
ally It take with It all such facial blem
ishes as freckles, tan, moth patches, sal
lowness, liver spots, pimples, etc ' It Is
pleasant to use, effective and economloal.
The face so treated immediately look years
younger. Adv.
Confidence in a product is established only by its qnality,
iiot how it is made. Machines alone can not produce good cuts.
They are only a part of the manufacturing facilities. Halftones
and zinc etchings require the intimate touch of the artist and
engraver to give depth and color value. Progressive methods,
plus skilled workmanship is the service we offer to the cut users.
Sample folder 20 is proof of the quality. Call and get it or
send for it.
Baker Bros. Engraving Co.
1216 Howard Street, Omaha
P TafPs Dental Bauas
l?lrth-A J. and iiarton Alrotd.
r arnani. girl: i intsl snd Mary Melson
lot aontti Thirteenth, girl: Charles end
Ada Lindbers. iM r'reukl.n. boy- j.rMn
snd JUttle l.rund. 711 Hickory, twin guls;
U and Margaret Frtnth. lao North Six
teenth, girl.
Jucepk Mtnuci, l year, tbi Or
pnansite avenue Benson. Jennie A. I'rosuv
K C4 t'heries: M Nasser, 36. Uuuelas
county hospital; tdsrd Clark. ;i
North T!iirt -third: Jennie Walters"' Jl I
Ui. South Fifteenth: Josph iMigf.ioer;
. ia (amp avenue. Hru'ry Iwbvit- I
aV A iMMtgla oou&ty keepttaJr J
Household Goods Sale Coatlmaed.
Mrs. Gsosge B. Tsechuck snnounces that
the eala of the household effects belonging
to her lste husband, will continue by auc
tion at the warerooma of the Omaha Van
and storage company, at Sixteenth and
Douglas, until ail are sold.
This sale of ft is an unuaual opportunity
to gather tare trinkets.
The highest point of woman's hap
piness is reached only through moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child
within her arms. Yet the mther-to-be
ia often fearful of nature's ordeal
end shrinks from tlte suffering inci.
dent to its consummation. But for
najure's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and In Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
preat value to every expectant mother.
It is an oily emulsion for external
application, composed of ingredients
which act with beneficial and Booth
igg effect on those portions of the
eystem involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in-great part, the suffer
ing through which the motherusually
passes. The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother In the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength,
it brings about after baby cornea.
jucuaer s friend
is for sale at -Au A.
drug stores.
Write for our
free book for
expectant moth
ers which contains CUich valuable
information, and many suggestions
of a helpful nature. .
! r c- x
MJI Ml MI-..HI .11 I,!.,,..,.!,..- .in I, f' '
Once a House Is Vircd
for Electric Service the
Job Is Done for all Time
A proper wiring installation will laAt longer than the
building it is placed in and seldom or never requires at
tention or repairs.
" It will surprise you to know how little a complete in
stallation wiring, fixtures and accessories will cost.
Local contrsetors, for the present, are willing to make v
exceptionally low. prices for house wiring.
Families who have 011043 used ELECTRIC LIGHT will
part with many luxuries before they will do without it.
Ask questions of our Contract Department that is one
reason why we maintain it. Telephone Douglas 1062.
aha Electric Light
& Power Co.
Very Low Fares
UJliMJUSlLJOl.1 J 'g
De Luxe Trains
via Bock Island Lines
Provide every comfort you'll find nothing
lacking that tends to make your trip a
pleasant one.
Superb Dning CmrStrvice
Two choioe routes via El Paso and New
Mexico, via Colorado and Bait Lake.
Very low round trip fares will be in effect
April 18, 19, 20-May 12, 13, 14, affording an
unusual opportunity for a tour of the Gold
en West.
J. S. McNally, Div. Pass.' Agent
1322 Farnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
il Lawrence Root to EoropB
White Star-Dominion
Montreal (Quebec Liverpool
"Lswrentic" and "Mtgsutlc
lrst aa Most afodsr Btsamsrs is
Csnsdlsa bervto. lusurlous scrum
uioUiiiom fur rirst. Ssoond snd Tal4
Class, sisiliiis In cuujunctioa wlih th
ropulas Tvla Scrsw Ktssmsrs.
"Tsatuals "Csasd" "Daulontoa"
Cariylnf Ob brass Cabta psssenssrs
csilwt Scoud CUa. Coiulurt si uivftsrAls
rsi Ami ThlrS CIM trM(s'
Appiy unipsny s Offlcs SO. 2.
ora BU, CMcasto, as Xoai Arsat,
People are becoming more and more interested in the
development of the Great Northwest. And The Bee,
which has been untiring in creating this interest, is
read by a vast throng. Advertise your land in The Bee.
Looking for Safely Speed Comfort?
Sailvia FilEHCll LII1E to Paris in 6 Days
lompagme uenerale Transatlantique
Connsctt st Hsvrssrllh trslos to Psris sad cnnrlsmtsl cities. Pslsrlsl
rwin-scraw, ssprsss sissBisrs issvs New York svsry Thursdsy K) A. M.
wt somiort kdo wo ta mootrt civinsstloa provKJed root cslss.
ympfaony orchsstrs ooacsrts, daily Psper. slevslors, tsmptla cuiiios,
lassrtoas suites, slsa ar uodst naval dlsclnlina. Ksvsl nio-rs. Wir
loss and (ubmarln hU sarrlua aflafd snsaiiiiiua S titty. Kvsry sppeliU-
I.s Tnurslns. Msy II. l'hliso. Msy 7.
Niassra. May i'. I.a I.orrsl le. Jun 1.'
.--axoie, may z. ua I'mvcucn, Juns .
Ad'lU.wi! Mililnss at Ind rahiu iiii... m :-Ar Fat.
uidas by popular uns-rlass rahln steamers $t5 t'. ii 60.
Y- ock, 1634 rarasm Bt.; I.. Kssss, rirs Wstl Bank;!
sT. W(U, 1M. JTansoBi U. O. BUalds, ltfta A Tsraaiu
Number Six
at Six O'clock...
.Leaves Union Station, Omaha, at 6 P. M.
Arrives Union Station, Chicago, (in the
heart of the city) at 8 A. M , via
Milwaukee & St. Paul
A superbly appointed train at a convenient hour, car
ries standard sleepers with longer, higher and wider berths,
buffet library car, comfortable coaches and chair cars and
diner solid electric lighted
Two other trains leave Omalui daily fit 7.42 A. M. and
11:43 P. M.
TICKETS: 1524 Farnam St., Omaha