Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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bearish Tone of Government Report
Sends Wheat Down. '
Advance, to He Espertcd t.lee.
Adverse tiroTtlaa Condltlna De
1P as the Beaeo
OMAHA. M. a ian
haJnM;,urti"n ot government
?Vh. " on tli. decline. '
' neili.Vtrnment r'r'"n ';Rrg the winter
Im.TS1 ,rop Bt .t0) bn., which 1.
: " ""J lhre ' nothing bullish In
riWnS on','V0,? "1 '"" mill have to
now nn r"tir"ly T weather from
now on for any ndvan. -e In price.
v,o,n pV!r" "er lined notarially under
heavy selling by longs. The reaction so
Mr appenrs to be a natural one "from the
i'U'.r.""0". "I,v""''' Weather condltlona
for putt in In th new crop are very favor
aiie and better recetpla are exnerted from
now on.
Wheat ruled sharply lower on selling due
to better weather and ram In the north
west. ( ash wheat vai easier, prices being
c lower.
Better receipt and a slack cash demand,
coupled with good weather over the belt
eased corn prlcea. Sample market iu V
Vr lower.
Primary wheat receipt were 421. (Ho bu.
and shipment were !,uno bu., against re
clpts la?t year of 236,fl0 bu. and shipments
of bu.
Primary corn receipt were 7SI.0OO bu.
nd shlpmenta were 4SJ.000 bu.. against re--
colpta last year of 257,000 bu. and ahlpmenta
of 31.fn bu.
Clearances were 14.000 bu. of com, 1,000
bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to
ltii.OiO bu.
Uverxol closed v4d to lower on
wheat and ld to Vid lower on corn.
The following cash sale were reported:
WH EAT No. I hard. 1 car. 87V4c; i cars,
87c; No. 3 hard, 1 car, MVi No. 4 hard,
1 car. 8Hc: 1 car. Mo: 1 cur. .
CORN No. 2 white, 1 car, 49c; No. t
wniwi, t cars, 9c Ko. I color, 1
car, 48Vc; No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 49c; No. I
yellow, 4 cara, 49c; No. t mixed, I cars,
4S4c; No. 8 mixed. 12 cara, 4ftc; i car.
4V; No. 4 mixed, 2 car, 4S4c; 2 cara,
4Rc; no grade. 1 car. 47c: 1 car 4Scv
OATS No. 3 white, 4 cara, '$0c: No. 4
-inns, i car, auyfcc; no graae. 3 care, soc.
Omaha, Cash Prleee.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 6433ei No. t
iau, ooojuc; in o, 4 naro, szwsrsie; re
lated hard, 77!U.2vc; No. t aprlng, 88!?94,o;
No. 4 spring, K2c; No. 2 durum, 84'J87c;
No. 8 durum, SStfvftc.
CORN No. 2 white, 4lV&M9c; No. 2
White, 4Kli43c; No. 4 white, 48 048He; No.
I color, ifW4Zc; No. 2 yellow, 4Sflflo;
No. 2 yellow, 4f!4tc; No. 4 yellow. WAH
KV40J No. 2, 48Vj4Mtic; No. 2, 4814(94814c;
No. 4, 4S'548Hc; no grade. 46470.
OATS No. 2 white. aiHSlUe- standard
BOMfSlc; No. 2 white, 303Oc; No. 4
wnite, ; No. I yellow, 80H3304e;
No. 4 yellow, SOffSPHc.
BARLEY No. 3, 7gMc; No. 4, 79S8c; No.
1 feed, 74387c; rejected, 59ffS4c.
RYE No. 2, 9436c; No. 3, 9840.
Cavrlot Iterelpta.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 130 874 219
Vllnneapolla 158
Omaha , 19 60 11
Duluth W
Kratare of (he Trading and Clostn
Prlcea on Board of Trade.
THICAOO, May 9,-RaJn northwet,
Where drought damage had been reported
was the main cause of a sharp decline here
today In the price of wheat. Suspicion
that the holders of the May option quietly
were getting rid of their burden, gave an
added reason for the downturn. Latest
figures were to le lower than 24 hour
before. Other leading staples, too, all
cloted at a losa. Com off Vk'tfUie to H6C
oats WtfhtC to 14c and. provisions 6c to 10fi
Throughout the aesslon support for wheat
proved altogether inadequate, being of the
scattered commission aort, and resting
lurgely on scaled orders. If It had not
been for a huge decrease appearing In the
world a available supply total, the collapse
of the market would no doubt have been
more complete. The fac.4 that the govern
ment report received a decidedly bearish
Interpretation In foreign renters had com.
paratlvely small Influence. There waa no
sign of reaction at the close. July ranged
from 8iii;T,c to 8fic with last sales lc
net lower at 8Kc.
Although shorts were moderate buyers of
corn, that cereal eased off on account of
the fine weather. July fluctuated between
IV and Sl'sa:. closing weak, ,c down at
SlVaolWc-. Cash grades were offered a
little more freely. No. 2 yellow finished at
Oats developed a heavy tone In avmpathy
with corn and wheat. High and low points
for July turned out to be 32'c and ilt3
81?c, with final transactions, 317c, at net
lon of c. 1 1
With hog receipts heavy and a further
increase looked for next week, provision
dropped. In th end pork had lost a
nickel to a dime, and there was a cheapen
ing of 10c to lulWc In both lard and ribs.
Iricts tn Chicago, furnished by th Up
dike 'iratn company. Telephone lougla
UVi, 7us Urandels building, Omaha:
Article.! Opn. Hlga.l Low. Close. Tes y.
May.. July..
80 Pt.
May.. July..
May.. July..
May.. July..
May.. July..
Vlay.. Juiy..
S tWi
I 32'
. 1& 06
.1 14 60
1 30
16 10
14 60
16 TO
14 S2S
14 66 I
7 96 'j
8 06
1 SO I M 40
16 02V 16 07 Si
14 66 I 14 66
. 7'
. 26
S 00
( 16
I 10
T 7H
t 10 I
8 U&
T 7V
3 06
7 WV,
10 '
7 H6
7 87Vi
,8 oi-yo
. l7 lH7
Cash quotation were as follow:
FLOUK Steady ; winter patents, IS.WVQi
4.40; straJghta, i.60-u4 K6; spring straUhU,
U 26; bakers. U303-1.6S.
BAKLEY-Kced or mixing, 66S&c; fair
to choice malting, 91c!ti81.06.
8 KKDS Timothy, I12.W). Clover. 216.78.
PHOVI3IONS Mess pork. 16.2t4'i6 S7S4
Lard. Su0. Ehort ribs, sides, loose. 17.
Kjf M; short clears sides, boxed, 28.0U.2a.
Total clearance of wheat and flour were
equal to lug.uuO bushels. Primary receipts
were i.'l.OOo bushels compared with 2&,0u0
bushels the corresponding day a year ago.
The world s visible supply as shown by
liradstreet's December 12. 19o8 was 404.000
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
Its cars; corn. cars; oats 148 cars; hogs,
30.000 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red,
94"6o: No. 2 red, 92'aMc: No. I hard.
W-.itr.sic; No 3 hard. 92atc; No. 1 northern
spring, il. 0231.04; No. 2 northern spring.
If .uOyl.OSW; No. 3 spring, 66e. Corn;
No. i cash, U'jn3c; No. 3 cash, iJyuje;
No. 2 white, &JhV'4c; No. 3 white,
6 Jo; No. 3 yellow. 63Vi634o; No. 3 yellow,
UUo. Oats: No. 2 cash, 3ls2c; No.
3 white. SSHv40'- iNo white, K'q i-i'c; No.
4 white. 82Jilc: standard. 82Utf1aC.
BUTTER-JSteady; creameries. UWno;
dairies. lW)l!io.
EGOS Steady ; receipts. 19.460 cases; at
mark, cases included, l.tWoUe; firsts. Mo;
prime f lists, ItiWc. rHKKSU Steady; dai
sies, 12'14c; twine, llUa; young Amer
ica. U'-njUo; long horns. 120UIWC.
POTATOES F.asj'; choice to fancy, 689
Oc: fair to good, Jifloic.
POl.'LTRY-hlrm; turkeys, 14c; chickens,
YKAL-Steady; 60 to SO-lb. .wts, c;
60 to )6-lh. wts., Vtf7c; 85 to 110-10. wts..
Hecelpts Tomorrow Wheat. 130 ears:
coin. 374 cars: oat, ll cars. Estimated
t. .11101 row Wheat, 14axs, corn, 243 cara;
oats, 146 cara
LI rr pool Grata Market.
dull, No. 3 red wrstern winter, no stock;
No. I Mcnltoba. No. 3. 7s d, No. 8 Mani
toba. 7a 41. futures, easv; May, 8s lid;
Jolv. f, 11 j; ctctober. 6s Sd.
CORN bpot, new American mixed, firm,
4s 4d; old American mixed, steadv, 6 3V1;
nw American, kiln dried, firm. 6a 3d; fu
tures, quiet; July, 4s 7d. September, 4s M.
Visible tapply o( Grala.
NEW TORK. Mav .-SpecUl cable and
telegraphic rominunlcatlnn received bv
br-ltiei a bi'ow ih ol'o--n t
In available supply as compared with prs
vlous account:
Avallai)- .upliee- best In hi . e'i
filaies east of the Rockies d"cr.s-d i.
lhiVO bu.; Canada decreased Sti") bu
total VnlUd etatea aad Caaada decreased
4 fell ifWl tnm - - 4 1 .
rr.n..H VaneA T... V". .,n r.umpej oe.
vYirV;- . Du lol' American and
turopean supplies decreaaed 12 4H0 bu t.h1,l n,,M " Canada de
creaaed 1 mnki K,, r-. . .
rl . n -nada, decreased 4t,n"Jrt bu.
rvV. . J "creasee and Increaae re
ported this wotH follow:
11J ''-Mnltoba. SlO.ifrt bu ; Omaha,
bu ; Chattanooga. Vnto bu.
Increases Uoderlch. 1(.tio bu.; Chicago
private elevators, M.OnO bu.
Qaotatleas f th Day oa Varloas
NKW YORK. Mar 9 -FLOPR-Market
quiet, spring patenta, 4.8Ca6.10; winter
straights, 8J.i4.(iO; winter patent, 34 flof
4.4; spring clear. 83.7tyS4.10; winter ex
tras. No. 1. 33 30?! 3.60; winter extras, Si.
i. IS.IVuai,; Kansas straight. 84 15'54 0.
Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 34.o1.16;
cholo to fancy. 84(m5.2o.
XRNMEAli Market firm; fine, white
and yellow, 11.15'al.SO; coarse, $1.1091.15;'
kiln dried. 82 !V
WHKAT Hpol market easv; No. 2 red, 1
4vtc elevator and Ri4c f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 northern Puluth 31 fst'i f. o. b. afloat,
future market waa weak and lower under
liquidation on the rain In the northwest,
weak northwestern market and yester
day's government report, closing net
lower. Export sales amounted to 16 loads.
May closed. c; July, M?c; September,
CORN Fpot market easy; export No. 2.
6c f. o. b. afloat. Futures market
was without transaction, closing at 'y&lc
net decline. May closed WHc; July 6!c.
OATH Spot market easy; standard white,
8!Hc; No. 3. 3!e; No. 3, 39ic; No. 4.
3!c. Future market was without trans
actions, cloalng nominal.
HAY Market firm; prime, $1.8691.40; No.
L $1 25; No. 3. tl.Utgl.20; No. 8, $1.3591.40.
HIDES-Mafket, dull; Central America,
20c; Kogota, i2c.
LKA1 HER Market steady; seconds,
HMr234c; thirds. llS20c; rejects, 1416c.
PHOViaioNSPork. market steady;
mess, $1.00B 18.50; family, $14.00(g.l4 50;
short cl-ar. $16 00j18.00. Beef, steady;
mess, $l3.ftKhl3.50; family, $l4.0a 15.00; beef
ham,. $.0oir-2.0u. Cut meau. steady;
pickled belllea. 10 to 14 pounds, $U.0tv 12 SO;
flckled hams, 10 to 14 pound. $11.76$ 12.60.
rd. easv; middle west prime, $A.10
$20; refined, steady; continent. $8.56; South
America. $9.40, compound, 37.07S4.
TALLOW Market quiet; prime city,
15-lKc; country, ri1c.
BUTTER Steadv; creamery specials,
23c asked, extras 22c; firsta, 20M,fl5!lc;
state dairy, finest, 21122c; good to
prime, 19-JJOc; oommon to fair, 16
ilc; process specials, IVvUl&c; extras, J7c;
firsts,- lti'4,c; second, lfca-lAVac; Imitation
creamtry. flrt, 17&17HC; factory current
make, flrRla, lfl'4o; seconds, 10c asked.
CH EE3SE Firm; skims, 2&Hic.
EOOB Steady; fresh gathered selected
extras, 19'i20o; fresh gathered firsts. 174
JllSo; fresh gathered, seconds, 15 17c;
fresh gathered, storage pscked, firsts, 18
aitfc; fresh lathered, dirties. No. 1, lnVf
16c; fresh gathered, dirties. No. $ 14V
16c; fresh gathered, cheoks. good to prime,
lStiivl4c; fresh gathered, dirties, poor to
fair, llfc13c; western gathered, whites. 17H
T19c; southern duck eggs, 114 22c; western
duck eggs, 17'Aic.
Corn and Wheat Regis Bulletin.
Record for the twenty-four hours ending
at 8 a. m. Tuesday, May 9. 1911:
Temp.- Itatn
ta'lona Max. Mln. full ejkv.
Asniand, Neb 81 .00
Pt. cloudy
Pt. oloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Auburn. Neb 67
Columbus. Neb... 84
Culbertson, Neb.. 90
Falrbury, Neb... 87
Fairmont, Neb... 84
Or. Island. Neb.. 86
Hartlngton, Neb. 89
Hastings, Neb.... 89
Holdrege. Neb... 89
No. Platte, Neb. 88
Oakdale, Neb 8
Omaha, Neb 82
Tekamah, Neb... 85
Valentine, Neb.. 84
Alta, la. M
Carroll, la 84
Clarlnda. Ia....
Sibley, la
Sioux City, la.
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Tsrap Rain
Station Mas. Mln. tall.
DIstHct. Station. Ma;
Coiumbus. 0 17 80
Louisville. Ky 20 62
Indianapolis. 2nd.. 11 80
Chicago, 111 26 73
Bt. Ioula. Mo..... 3 84
lie Moines, la ... 17 82
Minneapolis, Minn. 80 82
Kama City, Mo.. 24 88
Omaha, Neb 21 86
The weather Is very much warmer In th
western portion of the corn and wheat
region, and Is growing warmer In th
eastern portion. Showers were scattered
over the northern and western portions.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
St. I.aals General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 9. WHEAT Weak;
track. No. 2 red, 92Mi93c: No. I hard. 9lAe
CORN-Lover: track. No. 2. Mifi54c: No.
3 white. &4V-&6&C.
OATS Lower; track, No. 2. JlVt8,S3c; No.
2 white, 34c.
KVK Higher; $1.10.
FLOUR Firm; red winter patent. $4 20
(ff4.70; extra fancy and straight, $3.60134.10;
hard winter clears, 83.60ft3.16.
bfclKliB I itnothv, $6.0ut9.60.
CORN MEAL $2 60.
BRAN Quiet; sacked east
HAY Bteady; Umothy,
prairie, $12.5al6.60.
track, $1.13
PROVI8IONi-'ork, lower; Jobbing.
$1600. Lard, lower; prime steam, V.TiW
j7.824. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed ex
tra shorts 8c; clear ribs, 8 He; short clears,
SliiO. Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts,
9Hc; clear ribs, BVo; short clears. o.
POULTHI Weak ; chickens, mfco;
springs, 1924o; turkeys, ISlAc; ducks,
12Hc; geese, 8a.
BCTTER Ptsady; creamery. 1521o.
EGOS Steady; 16c
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour . 7.200 8.90O
Wheat 32.000 19.000
Corn 76.000 48.000
Oats 66.000 62,000
Kansas Cltr Grain and FroTtstons.
Unchanged to lo lower; No. 3 hard, 8&atf7e:
No. 8 bard, 86fi4; No. t red. 0&91c; No.
t red, S7Wc. .
CORN H lo lower; No. I mixed, 63V f
oIHc; No. 3 mixed, 62553i4o; No. while
263lic; NO. $ white, 63c.
OATS Unchanged to Ho lower; No. 2
white, 32W4ic; No. 3 mixed, 314M2C
RYE No 2. trV-31 OS.
HAY L'nchangea to $3.00 lower; choics
timothy, 316.OOW16.SO; choice prairie, $12.60(9
BUTT BR Creamery, lie; firsts, Uo: seo-
onds. 16c: packing stocks, 13Hc.
EGG-Extras. Ve; firsts, 16c; seconds.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 32,OiO 88.000
Com, bu 29.0OJ SS.ono
Oats, bu 8,000 9,000
Minneapolis Grala Market.
9oSc; July, frrtfgTsC ; Beptember, -Sc;
No. I hard, 9Wc; No. 1 northern, 97S3
9'ic: No. 3 northern, $4i87Hc; No. $
wheat, 9rk696Ac.
SEKD-Flax closed at $2.64.
BA RLEY-8c(S4)1.08.
CORN Nc.I yellow, Blv,ifT2e.
OATS No. t white, 2Uff32c.
RYE No. 2. $1 flf-Sl.06'4.
PRAN-$21 622 00.
FLOUR First patents. $4 exVT4.Sk: second
patent. $4.50t4 80; first dears, $3.10(23.56.
second clears. $2.101. S3.
reerla Market.
PEORIA. III.. May 9.-CORN-Lowr: No.
2 white, 52c; No. 3 yellow, 6:c; No. 2
yellow, 62Vc; N 4 yellow, 61c; No 2
mixed, 62Hc; No. 4 mixed, lie; sample. 4&j)
OATB Lower; No. 2 white, 32c; stan
dard. S2MK-; No. $ Whit. 82V,c.
Mllwnakea nrata Market.
MILWAl'KtR. April T9.-WHEAT-No
1 northern, 81 0ft(JVUD': No. 3 northern
$ tHS. May. 83c: July. StVa. '
OATS Standard. SS,e.
BARLEY Malting. $1.02111.
Ralath Grain Market.
DULVTH. May 9 WHEAT No. 1 north
ern. 9f4jC: No. 2 northern, 9V$7Vc; May
nominal; July. 8Mc; September. 91Vc
Coffe Market.
NEW YORK. May 9 -CO F FTC E FMtures
closed steady; net unchanged to I points
lower. Sale. 21.9W bags. Closing bids
May. 10 22c; October, tflftic; November. 9 96c
Pecember. 9SJc: January. 998c: February'
March and April. 9 94c. Rpot coffee, quiet';
1U No. 7. llTc: No. 4 Santos. Ke.. Mild
Jull; Cordova, U31ic, nominal.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Msv 9 HAT No 1. 8:3 00 Si
! t'2 00: pecklrr. $il 00; s'falfa, $i no'
Sua; Wheat. $5. 69. rye. M.60; oats. $7.00.
Price Levels Barely Disturbed in
Securities Market
Uaylag Moveateat In America a tan
Issaes of I'revloaa Day lea
tinned with Farther Galas
Harrlman tork Steady.
NKW TORK. May 9.-Wlth little demand
for stock, except by professional trder,
price level were barely disturbed todav in
the securities market. The market closed
under pressure,, with a mixture of small
gains and losses.
I'nlted Rtstes steel led the market, In
teret In thl Issue being kept alive by
speculation as to tomorrow monthly
statement of unfilled order. There waa
some evidence of hort selling in this
stock early In the day, in anticipation of
the decrease In unfilled tonnage which the
report I expected to disclose, but offerings
wers taken readily and the stock held
There was some activity at higher prices
In such Morgan issues as Southern rail
way preferred and Erie, the movement In
the latter being attended by rumors of a
supposedly favorable character. Inter-boi-ough
Metropolitan securities were prom
inent as a result of the latest subway pro
posal of the company.
The buying movement in American Can
Issue, which began yesterday, was con
tinued today and both the common and
preferred made further gains during th
day. The Harrlman stocks were stesdy,
although the widely circulated report that
L'nlon Pacific directors were to recommend
an Issue of $V).000.0i0 common stock waa
denied, with the statement that no definite
decision had been reached as to what
step would be taken to meet the road's
financial requirements.
Bonds were steady. Total sales, par
value, $3,001,000. In I ted States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Number of salea and leading quotations
on stocks were as follow:
Sales. Kl(h. Low. Clns.
Alll-ris)mer pf4 ...
Amsleamate! Cnprsr
American Asrteultural
Amsrtcsn B4 8ufr. .
Atnsrtmn Can
Ameiiraii C. A F
44'4 4i
114a H
86H UVi
it n
tr stv4
t4V4 74
14 14114
uvj " m
no n
10M 1M
14. M0
' "i'soi
! ''"m
Amertua Cotton Oil
American H. s Li pfd
Am. Ire Beeuritlss
American linseed
American. LAcomotlr
American 8. A R
Am. R. rM
Am. Stael Foundries
Am. Sugar Refining
American T. A T
American Tobacco pfd.
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining Ca
Atchison PM
Atlantic Coast Lin
Baltimore A Ohio
Bet Hicham Itael
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pactfto
Central Lni hor
Caatral Isathar pM
Central of New Jaraer
CtisaapealM A Ohio
Chlcaco A Alton
Cnloaco O. W
C. O. W. pfd
Chloato A N. W
C. , M- A 8t. P
c , a, c. t. it
Olorada F. A I
Colorado A Sontbora
Oonaolldaled Uaa
Oorn Products
Delawara A Hudson
Denvar A Kle Oraada. .....
D. A R. O ptd
piatlllers' Baouiitlss
Erie lrt pfd
Rrt M pM
Oaneeal Slaotrls
100 14
wo 'i
S.tno 110H
to 10414
no 7 1 n
t.100 M44 Ut
Kik trsi ti
too n tv
11 Vf
14 4
144 VI
1,100 uo ins
2.400 144H
1,MM 14H
too m is
. I,n0 IIS
600 4(4j 4RH
100 i4
. - mo us u44
Great Northern pfd
Great Northara Ore ctfa.,
. 1,700 1S744 12414 117
. '. MJ
10 1WH lMtt 1M
. t.soa i 114
IlllnoU Central
IntarborouaH Mat-
Int. Met. pfd
International Harrsster ...
Int. Marin pfd
Intern at tonal Paper
International Famp .
low central
Kansas dty
K. C. Is. pfd
Laelsd Oaa
tMtsrUI A NaahTtll.....
Minn. A Bt. Ltfuls
M.. Bt. P. A A 8. at
M., K. A T
M., K. A T. pfd....-
Mlaaowi PsotAe
National Btsrult
National Lead
N. R. R. ef K. 3d pfd ...
New York Central
N. Y., O. A W
Norfolk A Wastara
North Amartcan
Nortnarn Psalli
Pacific Mall
People's Oa
P., C,. C. A 8t L.
Pittsburg CM1
Preens t Car
Pullman Palace Car
iRallwar Steal aprtng .'.
Republic Steal
RanuBlIc S(1 pfd
Rock Island Oa
Rork Jatand Co. pfd........
it. L. A 0. F M pfd
St. Lauis B. W
it. u s. w pfd
8laa-8sfn)d B. A I
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
southern Railway pfd
Tennessee Copper
Texas A Pad f 10
T , St. U A W
T., It. L. A W. pfd
l'nlon Paotftc
t'nton Pactfle pfd
t'nltad States Raaltr
t'nltad gtataa Rubber
United Stale Steal
. 1.10 m
100 14
44 Vt
00 144a
00 81
809 1MV4 lWVk
00 1T
loo nvs
114 Vl
(M lOtM 1044 104
" j AO IX
e est T3
8.9M Uf 1S
8,704 lttH 188 111
. 84
9M 19 19 1H
1 V4
' 104
N.SftO IMS 184 1MV
inti invt ton tnvt
400 tl . 94
900 11 SH4 MS
v. 4444
"3110 '04t 0
3.400 11444 114V4 H4VI
17 "4i
0 4414
. 88.IOS
.' " ioo
. S2.M4
'. i.n
V. A Steel pfd
Vtali CotPr
Va--Cxroltn Chamical
Wabash pfd
Western Maryland ...
Weatlnflioua Blaotrla
Wealaro l'nlon
Wheeling A L. B......
Lehl.h VaJler
8. W0
809 171 119 114V4
Total sale lor th day. 111. 400 abaraa.
Boston Stocks svad Blonds.
BOSTON, May 9. Closing; quotations on
stocks were- as follows:
Allouai II Mobawk 81
Amal. Opper 11 Nevada Con 1
A, I. U A 1 14 Ntplaalng Mines .... 10
Artaona Com 14 North Butt 84
Atlantis North Lsk
B. A C. C. A A M. 11 Old Dominion t
Butt Coalition It Ososola ... 94
Cal. A Artaona M Superior A P. C 4
Cal. A Hcl 444 Qulacr 44
Centennial U Shannon 10
Copor Range C. O.. 4 Superior M
East Butt C M 11 Berlr A 9X M... 9
Franklin 9 9uprtor A P. C 14
Olroux Con I 11-14 Tamarack 44
Or an 67 Con 44 1 V. B. B. R. A M.... 84
Orn Cananaa ... 8 1-11 do pfd 44
lti Roralle Ckippsr.. 11 rh on 14
Xrr Lak 4 t'tah Copper Co 44
Lake Copper 81 Winona 4
La Ball Coppw 1 WolTarin IOIUj
Miami Ooofer 11 '
Bid. OAakA
London Stock Market.
LONDON. May $. American securities
were quiet and steady during the forenoon.
Prices opened about unchanged and later
advanced on light covering. At noon, the
market waa steady and from unobaagati
to 88 above parity.
London eloatng stock quotations:
Cbassla aieesr ...81 t-ll Ualsrllls A Nak...U0
d aocouat 41 l-i Mo , Kan. A Taaa. U
Amal. Copper 44 74. Y. Central tm
Anaconda ' Norfolk A Wtra..lott4
Atcbtaos 111 d pld 40
do pfd 10 On tart WaeMra.. 41
Baltimore A Okie... 101 PoanarlTaala 64 j
Canadtaa Paeltlo ....84IUad Mia ft
ChapMk A Oht.. a Pleading T
Chi. Ureal Waaler . 114 BovMSara BUIIwap .. n
Oil.. Mil. A St. P.. Ill d pfd 44
D Bam 14 Souther Paeltt .'..117
DaoTr A Rl O.... tVi Vntsa Paattt iti
do pfd 7 de (M M Mw
Erie L. B. Steal Tl
d 1st pfd 4 s pfd mu
d 9d pfd II wsbssh 14
Orand Trunk 84 do pel 87
Illinois Central 141
RI L VE R Bar, tady at ti 9-ld per
MONEY l,Jrm per cent.
The rate of discount In th open market
for short and three months' bills Is 2V$
2 3-1 per cent
Now York hllnlnn- Stocks.
NEW YORK. May 8 Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Alias in oLittle Chlet 8
Cam Taaael stock., at Maaloaa .84
d bond 14 Ontario la
On. C.I. A Ya 14 Opktr .li
Horn 8llTr II ndar8 to
Iron invar 14 Tallow Jacket ....... at
LaadTlll Coa I
Xew York Cork Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, rr embers New York
f-tock exchange. 31 Routb blxteonth street.
Am. Tohsec ill Nrs Osas 14
tar Stat G 14 Kwttes Tt
Butt (olltia Na.ada t'tah $4
Cactus 11 Ohio Oppwr in.
Chief Cons 1 Rwkid Ooalttloa .. 1
nTi-rir 1 97 cntri 1
g!7 Oaatral I Swift Pkf Co IM
KIT Cons II Basra-Roebuck C 141 V
fiejuVUa 9 Kertaf e ittisserg
Greens 1'lnuH
lnptrttoa ,
6 Tnnneah Mlntag
4 1-14 Trtnllr t ..
.. 4'4 t'nned fotpsr ...
.. T Kens Laks
.. 4SOJiby ,
.... 44
ew York Mn,y Market.
NKW YORK. May 9 MONEY On call,
atearly 2l,3i per tent; ruling rate. 2't
per cent; closing bid. 2H per cent; offered.
2 per cent. Time losns a little more ac
tive; slxtv dsys, 2H per cent; ninety days,
J per cent; six month. 3 per rent.
per cent.
arttiif) business In bankers' bills at $4 84.V)
for 00-day bills and at $4 8040 for demand.
Commercial bills. 34 S"V
SILVER Bar. fdvr; Mexican dollar. 4!V.
BONDS teovernment, steady) railroad
bonds, steady.
C losing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
V. 8. rf. 9a, rag.... 11 Int. M. tt. 4H 4
do coupon lot Japan 4s M
V. 8. . reg 11 V d 4W 4
40 eoupoa 10144 K. C. So 1st la .... 71V4
V. 8. 4a. reg 1H U 8 deb 4s 14S1...
to cotipon lit L. A N unl. 4a tt
Allls-Chal. IK is.... T4Uj M.. K. A T. let 4a.. 47
Am. Ag. s jot 4, .n. 4Hi i
Am. T. A T. c. 4S..110V4 Mo. Pacific 4a T74
Am. Tobscee s 4S N. R. R. o M. 1
do 4a tort N. y. C. I l4a....
Armour Ce. 4H. . M dn deb 4a SH
Atchison sea. 4a t N. T.. N. H. A M.
do cr. 4 Iltt c. 4a U".
do sr. I Ill N. A W. 1st S. 4s.. MS
A. C. L. 1st 4 SM4 da c. 4a nit
Bal A Oht 4 t' No Ptclflc 4s IMVi
4n IH S do Is Tl
d B. W. It S1V O 8. U rfd. 4s 88
Brook. Tr. rr. 4a.... It pnn. cv. ! nil... ?
cn. of Oa. I 10H in cnn. 4 inti
On. I eat her 4 . Reading sen. 4s n
C. of N. i. I 8...1H St. U A 8 W. fg. 4t l4
ftiaa A Ohio 4Vt...intV4 do sen. t lit
do fwf. I H Bt. L. B. W. . .. tH
st'hloaf A A. lvs. HS 4 1st (old 4a i4
C B. 4 0 i. 4s.... IX 9. A. U 4a T
do sen. 4 174 St. Pan. col. 4 tt
C. M. A 8. P. g Its t?S do sr. 4 !
C. R. I. A P. e. 4s. 7S do lit raf. 4
do rff. 4 8444 Be. Railway Is 104
Colo. nd. Is 44V dn gn. 4 10
Colo. Mid. 4s ! Vnlos Pacific 4a. infu,
n. A 8. r. A e. 4Vti do ct. 4 tot
D. A H. or. 4s 101) do 1st A ref . . to.. 44
D. A R- o. 4s 14i C. B. Rubber 4s 14H
do ref. Is It4 V. B tel Id ....104uj
DIMIllars Is T7H Va. -cjo. Chcm. M..10H,
Brie p. I. 4a Wnah 1st t 1014
do aa. 4 TI44 do 1st A ex. 4i.... lo
do ct. 4a. ear. A.. 7vt Watrn Md. 4s I78
do series B TIV4 wm. Else. cr. ta... M
Gen. Rise. ot. IS...1M Wla (antral 4s 4H
III. Can. 1st iwt. 4s.. ?H Mo, Psa sr. I...... lav
Int. Mat. 4vi 7'4
Bid. Jftsrsd.
Local ecarttles.
Quotations furnished by Furn. Rrlnker
A Co.. 449 New Omaha National bank
Bid. Ad.
Iwr A Co. stock 1
Bmr (municipal) M M 100
City ot Omaha 4 Six, 1431 1064 1WH
Cltr of Omaha 4Vaa, 1191, tchsol 10414 1044
Cudahy Packing Co. I. 1M4 M 19
Corn Kxchanae Nat l Bank stock 100
Denrr Vnloa Stock Yards stock ins
Bast St. L. A Sub. la. 14 MVi t
ralrmoat Crasmcry In g. 8 per cent., tS 109
Falnnont Creamerr pfd, 1 pr cent... tl 100
low Portland Oraaot 1st so. 6s 94
K. C, M. A O 4. lMl 14 Tl
Kansas City Block Yards N
Kanaas O. A B. 7 per cent pfd M IM
Omaha Water la. 1144 8Vi MVi
Omaha A C. B. St. Rr. ta. IUI 44 S4 47
Omaha 4 O. I. It Rr. pfd I per sent 81 . MVs
Omaha A C. B. Bt. 8.7 , com OTV
Omaha A C. B. Rr A B 4 44
Omaha Oss I. 1417 17 91
gwlft A Co Is, 1114 IMtx 101
South Omaha, city et, ! leiu.
Union Stock Yards stock M SSVI
Wise Memorial Hospital Is 100 101
Bank C'leartnaa.
OMAHA, Jtlay 9. Bank clearings for to
day were 3i.te3.oa5. 43 and for the corre
sponding data last year $2,349,208.62.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to
the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons. 24c; No.
3, la 80-1 b. tubs, 22o; No. 2. la 1-lb. oartona,
22c; packing itock. solid pack, 13c; dairy,
In 00-lb. tuba 144lc; market changes ovary
CHEKPB Twins, uUfUc; roans; Amert
can. 1717 Vo; daisies, 16c; triplets, Wc:
llmbergsr. Uo; No. 1 brick, Wik; Imported
wis, seat doneexle Mwlsa, e; block Mwlss,
POULTRY Dressed, broilers, under t lbs,
88.09 per dos.; bens. 160; cook. UHo; ducks,
30a; gvese, Ite; turkeys, ate; pigeons pee
dos,. $1.30; homer squabs, per dos.. $4.00;
fsncy squabs, per dos., 83.64V. No L per
dos.. $3.00. AUe broilers, 880, 1 to 1V8
lb., and lVi to 2 lba, 20o: smooth lags, 14o;
hens, 12o: stags, 10c; old roosters, bo; old
duck. ftlU feathered. UWc; seeee. full
feathered, so; turkeys. Uo; guinea fowl.
300 eaohj pigeons, per doa. 90o; homero,
per doa, ia.OO; squabs. No. I. per dos
il.t0 No 3, per dos.. oo; eapoaa. over $
lb., 14c: old turkeys 4a.
BEEV CUTS Ribs: No. L J3c; No. 2,
llc; No. A Uo. Loins: No. t 1490; No. 2.
12e No. $. X3a Chucks: No. x, 7He; No. 2,
1o; No. 8, To. Bound 1 No. L 9oj No. 9,
9c; No. 3, 9c Plato: No, 1. $Vo; No. 2.
8Vc; No. 3, c
FI8H (all frosen) Pickerel, 9e; white, 15c;
pike, 14c; trout, Uo; Urge crapples, sAaooi
ripanisb mtaltsnl, 19c; eel, 18c: bad dock.
13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, lee; roe
shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, 680; trog
legs, per dos,, 860; salmon. 10c; halibut. 7o;
herring, 7c
FRUITS Apples: Kansas Pippins and
Jonathans. 4 tier, per bos, 33.60: Kanaas
Oanos. per box, $2.80. Bananas: Fancy se
lect, per tunch, $2.2tV32.60; Jumbo, bunoh,
12 7683 75. Pates: Anchor brand, new, SO
1-lb. pkgs. in boxes, per box. $2.00; bulk tn
70-lb. box, per lb., 6Vje. Fig: Turkish,
7-crown, per ib., 16c; 6-crown. per lb.. 14c;
4-crown, per lb., 13c. Orapo Fruit: Florida,
M-84-80 sixes, per box, $Vu0; 86-46, per
box, $4 80. LemoDs: Llmonelra btand, ex
tra fancy. 800-380 sixes, per box, $5.50; 240
sis. 0O0 per box less. Oranges: Camells,
Rfdland Navel, all site, per box. $3.60n)
3.76; fancy navel. 80-96-126 sixes, $3 26; 160
andV smaller sixes, $8,6o03.76; California
Jatfa oranges. 150 and larger sites, per
box, $3.60; 176 and smaller sixes, por box,
3260. Pineapple: 24-30-98 aiscs, per crate.
$4.7. etrawberrlea: Arkansas, per 21-qt.
case, $'00. Tonnossos, pr 24-qt cars, $3.29
VEGETABLES Beans: String and wax,
rtr hamper, $3.60. Beets: Per bu.. 76c. Cab
age: California and Texas, new, per lb.,
2c. Carrot: Per lb., 2o. Cucumbers: Hot
house, Ui and 2 doxen In box, per dos.,
$1.80. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dos.,
$160, Garlic: Extra fanoy, white, per lb.,
16c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, por dos.,
46c. Onions: Texas Bermuda, white, per
crate, $3 26; yellow per crate, $2 00. Onion
sets: White, per bu., 22 lbs., $176; yellow,
per bu.. 82 lbs,, $1.00; rod, per bu., 32 lbs.,
$12G. Parsley! Fancy southern, per dot.
bunohes, tOc. Parsnips: per lb., 2c. Pota
toes: Iowa and Wisoonsln, white atock, par
bu., 6(e9oc; Colorado, per bu., $1.00; new
stock, per lb , 6c; per hamper, $2.76. Ruta
bagas: Per lb., lc. Tomatoes: Florlria
per tVbsk. erato. fanoy, $4.00; oooloe, $3 60.
Turnips: Per bu.. 76o.
MISCELLANEOUS AlmoBds: California
soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack Iota, lc lea.
Brasil Nuta Per lb.. 13c; In sack lots, lo
less. Cocosnuts: Per sack, $6.00: per do.
?6o. Filberts. Per lb.. 14o; In sack lota, lo
leas. Hlekorynuts: Large, per lb., 60; small,
per lb., 80. Peanut: Roaated. rr lb., c;
raw, per lb., 6Hc Pecans: Larts. per lb.,
16c; In sack lots, le less. Walnuts: Black:
per lb.. 2lc; California, per lb.. 19c;- In
sack lots, lc less. Cider: New York, Mott's,
per bbl.. $6-76. Honey: New. 24 frames.
Cotton Market.
elosed steady. Cloelng bids. May, 15.6io;
June, 16.68c; July, 16.63e; August, 16.08a;
September, 1344c: October, 12.93c; Novem
ber, 12 83c; December, 12.81c; January,
lfc; March. 12 88c.
ST. LeOUIS. May . -COTTON Higher;
middling. 16Vtc; aales, 30 balea; receipts,
843 bales; shipments, $43 bale; stock 16,
Oud bales.
New York cotton market, as furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members of New York
Cotton exchange, 31$ South Sixteenth street:
Month. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. cioeo.l Safy.
1$ 46 J 18 83
U $6 JS 87
II 97 li 11
U 91 II 97
15 47
16 60
14 9$
12 91
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. May 9 -METALS Standard
oop par, weak; spot and future, $11.60 to
111. 75. London market, quiet; spot, tbi 16a
3d; futures, 164 8a 9d. Lake copper, locally,
$13 UWil 60; electrolytic. $12 HViUtfc; cast
ing, $11 Sb 511.00. Tin. eaay; spot and fu
tures, 841 UVi to $4125. London market,
firm; spot, UM; futures. fl9S. Lead, eaay:
spot. $4-41i34.&0. New York, and I4&J4 30
East St- Ixiuia. London. 12 18a 9d Ppelter.
dull; $6 40fu46. New York, and $5 80, East
St. Louis. London. 24 7s 6d. Antimony,
dull; Cookson's $9.00a8.50. Iron, Cleveland
warrants. 43s 9d In London. Locally Iron
waa quiet; No. 1 foundry northern. No. 1
foundry southern and No. 1 southern soft,
$15 2515,75; No. $ foundry Northern, $15 00
913 60.
Dry Goods Market.
There was active buying by large printers,
bleachers and converters. Sales have been
made In large quantities for the next ten
weeks' delivery. Kine combed yarn goods
are also being bought more freeiv for
printing and converting purposes. Men's
arean ruled quiet. Yarns r firm.
U ti 16 $2
1$ 62 15 63
14 90 15 08
13 89 12 $3
10, 1911.
Cattle Are Slow, Steady to a Little
Sheep aad Lamb Fairly Attire, Wktlo
Prices Range from Bteady to
Little atronsxer Tkan
POUTH OMAHA, May . 1911.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hoc Sheen.
Official Monday 8.970 3.W5 6.714
Ksiimate Tuesday $,fW0 10.300 7.100
Two days this week.... 9.670 14.2? 13,14
Pme dya 1 week ago.. 7.W7 13 678 11. 7M
fame days $ week ago.. 9.816 16 Ml 11. 066
Same day 3 week ago.. 9.216 16.612 11.
Hame days 4 weeka ago.. 11. 476 13 415 IS 399
Same days last yesr 8.SM 12.3.-2 17.386
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha
(or the year to date as compared with last
yesr: mi. 1910 Inc
Cattle 368.362 2S2.6T3 16.690
Hogs 932.148 74t.Jft 170.808
Sheep 628.769 631.300 97,469
The following table shows the rang of
prices on hogs st South Omaha for th
last several days, with comparisons:
Dates. I 1911. l0.19O.lO8. 11907. 11908.11906.
tO. A 1 I 141 $981
4)04l $9
...) t 74 tOll
$ 46;
t 281
9 71 $ U
8 871 $ 13
( s
$ :
I 941
6 28
$ mi
$ BOH1
$ 00
T 04
t 26
$ 88
$ 87
6 34
T 0
9 rr
t fti
f 27
$ 7Bti
8 $4
6 21
TT4 lsf
6 $9
6 26 M
RecelpU and disposition or live stock: st
th Union 8tock yards. South Omsha, for
twenty-four hours ending at $ p. m. yes
terday: RECEIPTS. 1
. . Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.Hrr.
C. M. A St. P 18 $ .. 1
Wabash a 1
Missouri Pacifle $ 2
Union Pacific 62 ' 36 15 $
C. A N.-W.. east 3 1..
C. A N.-W., west ... 69 46 $ $
St. P. M. A 0 16 12 4
C. B. A Q., east $ 6
C. B. & Q.. west 66 38 T
C. R. I. A p., east... U 1
C. R. I. A P., west... t I .. ..
Illinois Central 10 3 .,
g. o. w v .. ;;
Total receipt , 271 149' 21 $
Caul. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 468 X.J67 1,038
Swift and Company 1,646 2.681 1.464
Cudahy Packing Co 1.116 1222 2,153
Armour A CO 1.422 2.620 2,748
Murjahy 1023
K. P. Co 294
Morrell 70
Sinclair .r. 77
Hill A Son 40
F. B. Lewis 61
Huston it Co 34
J. B. Root A Co $
J. H. Bulla 35
U Wolf 134
McCreary as Carey 173
Leo Rothschild 1
Mo. A Kans. Calf Co..... 2
... .....
Cllne A Christy 21
Other buyers 3S6 139
Totals 6, SOS 10,010 7,532
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning
were very liberal. 269 ears being reported
In. This makes ths total for the two days
9.500 head, a gain of 9,200 head over last
week and the largeet of any similar period
since four weeks ago. 6ome other markets
wers also very well supplied with cattle, so
that .the feeling right at th outset was
weak and lower. Buyers seamed to have
made up their minds to get lower prlcea
and did not hesitate to say so. The result
was that th market was very slow and
late In getting started and the forenoon was
well advanced before vary much business
was tranaacted.
Buyers were anxious for handy light beeves
and anything ef that description sold very
readily this morning at prices that were
fully steady. Good baby beef sold up as
high as $6.00. The best grade of heavy
eattl were also about steady, but apery
thing also was Jlow to tfjlOe lower.
No material inange took place In th
market on cows and half era. prices being
Just about steady with yesterday.
Stockers and feeders were in light supply
and they sold In about ths same natohe as
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef
steers, $6.80g.10; fair to good beef steers.
35.606.80; common to fair bsef steers. 86.00
tl60; good to choics heifers 36.006.66;
good to choice cows. 34.77xB6.26; fair to good
cows and heifers, $4 a'-4.76; common to fair
cows and heifers. $2.7634.28; good to choice
siocaers ana teeners, xo.zoao.oo; ralr to good
stockers and feeders. $5.0og.26; common to
fair stockers and feeders, $4.2636.26; stock
heifers, $4.2606.00; veal calves, $09m60;
bulls, stags, etc., $3 756 00.
Representative sales:
Ne. At. Tr. Ns. At. P.
9 tr 3 11 . 1111 1 m
84 lint 3 9 81 10IT 3 48
87 1011 I 40 II 1041 6 44
97 1144 9 40 17 UN 1 a
18 1U4 6 40 U 1118 6 7
44 1113 3 4 9 111! 6 T9
11 1111 8 4 17 toil 6
84 Nt IH 88 1044 6 TO
II 101 I 14 10 1041 6 t
94.... 1014 6 44 84 M..lVt 3 78
17 W 18 9 JUT 3 71
14 .... 11M 6 9 94 1MT 8 71
41 11(6 3 4 9 t4 I 76
41 3 8 10 lilt I
11 not 1 so n 1111 1 is
1 UN 6 48 It lilt 3 98
39 1140 I 48 17 1M4 I H
Ml I II 98..
443 $ 4
84 3 M
8SI I 48
44 IT
1140 6 7
810 6 99
.... 18 3 89 II..
.... 441 6 44 11..
.... 141 I 10 10..
.... Ill I 4 II
.... 4l I 41 88
.... 48 3 94
.... ISO I 71 t
..,.101 4 14 U
....101 4 89 . 4
....1MI 4 71 9
....1071 4 Tl 9
.... 411 4 10 9
.... 843. 4 Tl 3
.... 414 4 90 3
.... Ill IU 1
...1141 4 99
...10M 4 89
...1UI 4 40
...1X14 3 00
...111 3 91
... 914 I 88
...104 I tt
... Ml 6 M
...114 8 4
...1448 4 94
...1400 4 44
...144 4 H
...1140 4 40
...8U4I 9 0
...UM 9 19
...UI0 3 81
118 4 I 3.
MM 4 88 8
list I 40 8 ,
m 4 4 8
971 4 48 3
U40 4 Tl 1
IM 4 71 I
104 4 Tl
.111 II
, sso 3 so
. 14 9 4
,31 8 0
10 4 04
.1)4 I 04
. 141 94
, 140 3 0
, 14 I M
111 I tt
......... 114 I 4
Ul 110
19 I 10
14 9 H
IT 8 40
11 8 Tl
11 I Tl
14 4 T
t 140 6 78
Iti I 98
39 TT3 6 18 8 IM I 99
HOGS Th general supply of bog this
morning was moderate and the general
feeling In trade circles wis mors or leas
encouraging. Locally, recoil's were rea
sonably large, a condition that failed to
depress ths demand until well along to
ward the close 01! the sslon. Regular
buyer operated freely trtiu ie atart, bay
ing figure about a nickel hlfn ir for laiger
droves From tnts advance ii marl et
gradually woakubed, closing oa a steaAy
Combined orders wore ampli and 11
o'clock clearance found most it the pns
empty In botu dvinions. t-ii?;;rs f Jmined
sa outlet for -.lmnt II per cent of a las
car run. DlscrlmlnAtlMa from this quarter
I not as sever as several weeks ago and
weighty animals as wll as lights are be
ing bought on outside account Present nar
row spresda are probably responsible, at
least In a measure, for th more friendly
attitude of speculative buyers toward offer
ings of Isrd character.
Long strings ranged from $5.70 to $185.
good butcher selling midway between
these figure. Beet bacon weights sold as
bJgh as $6.00, a price ldsnucal with top
a week ago.
Representative sales
n $ 19
$ tl $ 28
6 ti $ 90
I I 2$
8 21 $ 11
I $ 1$
N. A. Bh. rr. No. At.
I ... 8 II 44 sat
II lit ... I TO 80. Ul
i t ... I to ii mi
II I I ... I TO 44 14
47 414 ... 3 74 II. a
mi ... 1 74 it in
It M H ill 4 Ml
14 101 140 I T Tl l
80 II WIT 44 Sat
1 104 ... I TO 3? 14
41 l 9 9 TlUj 81 11
44 i4 ... I ! I tr
14 101 90 8 Tt Tl 4a
41 14 ... I 71 94 !
44 94 ... I Tt 4 9a
4 i m 1 Ti r rr
41 84 80 6 Tl 81 IM
S4 In ... ITS H 941
14 M I Tl fft
'" I" 4) Iti TT. 4
9. ...... .31 ... I 98 89.
BL. Sr.
44 I M
.!? tm
... 6 10
... $ 90
9 I 4
40 I 40
... 9 44
... I 40
... I IS
I 40
14 3 9
... 8 40
9 3 94
in I s
... I an
9 9 H
I 40
198 3 40
48 Ml 80 I T 44 114 ... 3 4
) fl ... Ill 4A M 40 I 4?H
1 to I T4 II o ... 1
4 ... .. ... ITI 41 t n I 4ji
14 I I ... I T Tl Ml 40 I t3Uj
SS HI M I T It Ill . . I t
fl Tt 140 7I I 1)11 40 I 44
44 4 ... 4 T n t"4 ... I M
II TO ... 6 T 94 !SI ... I 44
10 ?e4 ... 71 71 HI ... I M
90 Ml ... 8 76 IM ... I Kit
70 Ml IS I 7 17 141 ... I IS
17 145 9l I 71 41 Ml ... I li
t 141 ... I Tl tl 14 ... I SI
IT 9M 10 4 71 I tt ... I II
II IM 10 I 71 71 Ml ... I it
71 Ml l I I! SS IM ... I at
4 4 in t ti 111 . . in
.r I'l 10 171 11 IM DIM
44 Ml 12 I Tl It j..... til ... I W
II MO ... 6 71 II fl no I st
44 9-14 . . I TTV II Ul ... s)
41 TT4 II 9 TTH 71 Ml ... I US
44 Ml 40 4 771 W IH 40 3 44
Tl 144 ... 4 T7V t Ill ... U
11 140 . . I 771 4 r M K
II lot 94 3 9 II lit ... I ITUJ
44 l ... 19 Tl M4 ... 4 lll
74 Ml 110 110 14 14 ... 1171
1 Ml ... in T4 11 IS I IS
41 144 ... II It 11 MIS
44 177 ... I 40 70 IT ... 3 W
14 MS M M W Ht ... I o
44 171 19 I IS 87 ? ... 3 90
81 MO ... I 10 80 IN ... I 99
II MO ... I so
SHEEP Yesterdays lamb trade, while
undeniably queer, become even more re
markable when contrasted with todays
market. Clearance of a moderate supply
yesterday wsa dreggy and Incomplete; this
morning all buyers aeemed to need material
despite the fact that offerings were rea
sonably large.
The run was featured by quality aa well
as quantity, and lambs predominated.
Shorn strings were the rule, but three or
four shipments of toppy Mexican, wooled,
were also Included In receipts. There were
no handy wooled westerns of conaoquence
on sale, and only one or two bunches of
spring lamba. Old sheep In the fleece were
seasonably scarce.
As far as prices were concerned, prac
tically all of the business transacted rested
on a Bteady to strong basis. Shorn lambs
that were "pretty good." moved readily,
but common grades were avoided. Seat
shorn westerns on sala brought $A 0G3.08.
Wooled Mexicans reached 36 Spring
lambs, the only offering that was available
earty, realized l.Zn.
Conditions In th mutton sheep market
were poorly defined because of limited
supply, A good demand existed for desir
able classes, however, snd stesdy price
were easily maintained. Shorn western
ewe brought as much as $4.00, and wooled
ewe of stmllsr origin went st $4 15. Weth
ers and vearllngs. shorn, were aood enough
to find an outlet at $4.15. Midday clearance
in an branches of ths tran was vary
quotations on sheep and lamb: Spring
lambs, $3.KVTJ9.00: Mexican lsmb, $5.90 8j
western lambs. $6 26'fft 80; yearllnga, $4.0O
4.90; wethers. $4 10TN 60; ewes. 33 504.86;
Mexican shorn lamhs. $490ff 15; western
shorn lambs, $4 65416.05; common shorn
lambs. $4 36.17 4 66. shorn yearlings. 33 8f-S4
wethers, shorn, $3.76(34.16; shorn awes, $340
Representative sales'.
No. Av. Price.
807 Mexican lambs 78 $6 20
185 Mexican lambs 78 6 20
I'd western shorn ewes 100 4 00
144 western shorn lsmb 66 4 66
$46 Mexican Ismbs 88 $16
667 Mexican lambs 80 6 It
438 Mexican lambs 78 6 25
68 western ewes, shorn 146 4 16
116 western ewes, shorn 148 4 15
18$ western ewes 100 4 85
189 western shorn lambs, fdrt... 7$ $86
514 western shorn lambs 72 $ 09
486 western shorn lsmbs 77 8 00
512 western shorn lambs $7 I 08
Dcraaad for All Classes ( Stock Is
CHICAGO. May 9. CATTLE Receipts.
80,000 head; market, steady; beeves, $6.00(ff
I 80; Texas steers, $4fVB6 60; western steer,
$4 80iS.6V; stockers and feeders, $4 ufte 50;
cows and heifers, $2.4005.66, calves, $4 763
HOG Receipts. 14.000 heed; market,
Bteady and active: light, $$.30fjAK; mixed,
$6.863.20; heavy. $6.7(136.05; rough. $V70ta)
6.86; good to choice heavy, $6 8Fg.00; pigs,
$5.75W 15: bulk of sales. t'.m.lS.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.000
head; market, steady; native, 88.00074 70;
westerns. 33. 264. 76; yearlings. U t"Uf;
native lambs, $4. 256. 40; western, $6.0086.50.
t. Loots Live ttoek Market.
ST. LOUIS, May 9. CATTLE Receipts,
4.300 head. Including 100 Texans; market,
steady; native shipping and export steers,
8S 7PW6.W; dressed Veef and butcher steers,
ru 40(8 95; steers under 1.000 pounds, $6.00$
26; stockers and feeders, $3.0tt 60; oows
and heifers, $160(94.66: cannera, $3.0077316;
bulls. 76e60; calves. $5 AuioO; Texas
and Indian steers, $4 603 6. 60; cows and
heifers. 33 6000.60.
HOGS Receipts. 12,900 head market, 6c
nigner; pigs ana ngnts, sn.&otg a; packers.
tOoe M butchers and beat heavy, $6,060
6 20.
18HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3 60"
head; market, steady; native muttons, 33.75
94 86: lambs. $6.7526; culls and bucks,
3J.0OiJ4.60; Btookers. 32.0ofj8.60.
Ksbm Cltr Live Stock Market.
ceipts, jo,uuu neaa, tnciuntng xuo sout items;
market, steady to 10o lower; dressed beef
and export steers, $A6tQ.20; fair to good,
eS.00S6.60; western steers. $4.7506 .86; stock
ers snd feeders, $6 0TXS.70; southern ateers,
$426(36.76; southern eows. $3269475: native
cows. $3.006 26; natlvs heifers. $4.$0.vo;
bulls. $4.255.26; calves. $4.0X36.76.
HOGS Receipts, 21,000 head.; market,
strong to 60 higher: bulk of sales, $6864f
6.974: heavy. 85 8&P.W; packers and
butchers. 36.87H.00; lights. 66.9OiW.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.000
head; market, steany to ioe higher; lamb.
$6V96.85; yearlings. $460i3.3R; wether,
$J.!X&4.9P: ewes. 33.60734.10; stockers and
feeders, $3 0078.60. (
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. May t. CATTLE Receipts.
$.600 head; market alow; steer. $4.6000:
cows and bsuers. 83.fsJtfe.76; calves, $3.
HOGS Receipt, $.500 bead; market
stkady to 6c higher; top, $6.00; bulk of aales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,509
bead; markst Bteady ; lambs, 84 50(04 00.
tex-k la llarht.
Receipts of 11 v stock at ths five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattl. Hogg. Sheep.
Boutn omana win io.vv
St. Joseph I.WO i.ryjO
Kaoaaa City 10.000 tl.ono
St. Louis U 900
Chicago ..; M.00O 14.000
.63 408 14,706 $4,100
Istsr Market.
wir TAoir a btta 1 o n- .
c . . ' , -, j m. 1 ' 1 . . n 1 w - a & w ,
firm- MilacovaclA SA .m T! t
trlfugal, 96 test. $.S33.86c; tnoiasses sugar,
en ... IfUfilU.i ... .4 . . J. ..
Groap Poor, Cosaprtstng Etgkt Coiia
tte. to Conveae at Ultchell
MITCHE1.L. 6. D., May t. (Epeelal.)
Group four of th South Dakota Banker'
association will meet tn this city Wednes
day afternoon and evening for tha annual
session. Th group comprise ths counties
ef Hanson, Aurora, Brule, Lyman, San
born, Buffalo, Jerauld and Davidson.
It I expected that about seventy-flv
or a hundred banker will be present.
Th address of welcome will be given by
0. L. Branson and the response by Arthur
Hill, of Chamberlain. Th election of of
ficers will occur late In ths afternoon, after
President 80 per and Secretary Con give
their reports. Addresses will be delivered
by J. W. Bryant, of Ethan, on "Side Lines
In a Commercial Bank;" by W. R. Hub
bard, of Farmer, on "Ar Tim Deposit
Worth What W Pay;" by Lud Loevlnger,
of White Lake, on "Banking In Dakota In
th Nineties." A banquet will be served
th visitor ta th ventng. at which John
1. Large, of Sioux City, and former na
tional bank examiner for north Iowa, will
speak' oa "Th Aldrich Currency Plan."
oath Dakota New Koto.
MITCHELL Crop report In this section
of the state are vary encouraging. Th
rain of a week ago Sunday reached down
to quite a depth, and with th cool
weather which ha followed during the
week, grain has mad quit a tirim"
growth. Whaat Is reported to be stooilng
well, and the cool weather has mads this
feature all the better, and with th Suc
ceeding rain th crop will make up for
lost time. The farmer are getting In
readlneaa for corn planting. A large acre
age of corn will be planted this season to
avoid th ahortag which has occurred
among feeders In the spring season and
which wa In evidence to 4 marked ex
Uiu this spring.
Dietz Conducts
His Defense at
the Murder Trial
Motion for Diichnrg-e of the Pri$
oner i$ Overruled by Judge
HATWARD. Wla. May $. John Diet
begn hi defense at th opening of court
today In the trial of himself, hi wife fend
ion Leslie for the murder of Deruty Sheriff
Oscar Harp.
The first move waa a request that th
court discharge all three defendants on
the ground that their guilt had not been
proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Judge
Reld asked If wer any argument.
Diets, addressln gth court, raid tt had
been admitted by two deputies that they
could have fired the fatal shot. II added on man's body would not har
stopped and battered a full metal cat
bullet. Th court denied thl motion and
tr.n Diets moved the discharge of lb
Jury, declaring that they might be perse
cuted by th lumber trust If they rendered
a favorable verdict. Th motion wa over
ruled. Th defense began Its showing with th
testimony of Michael Haverty, a settler
who lives near th Diets farm.
Abbatemaggio, the
Informer, is 111
Unable to Appear at Trial Wherein
He Charges Murder of Cuoocolo
and Wife.
VITERBO. May . Gennera Abbatemag.
gio, th Informer, who has experienced
trying ordeal In confronting for several
days those whom he accused as principal
In the" murder of Gennaro Cuoccolo and hi
wife, Is 111 and wa unable to appear whan
the trial of the Camorrlsts was resumed
today. In Ms absence th morning session
wa taken up with reading of th opinions
of medical expert who examined th bodies
ot th murdered one.
Th expert found forty-even wounds en
the body of Cuoccolo and thirteen on tha
of his wife. Death was due to dagger
thrusts delivered tn such a manner as t)
leave triangular scars.
Abbatemaggio has testified that th
greater number of th knife blows war in.
fllcted by Corrado Sortlno. Th physlolans
express th opinion that if thla were true,
Sortlno' clothing need not necessarily hav
been covered with blood, and that he might
hav gone from the scenes of the Assassina
tions by train without attracting particu
lar attention.
This testimony appeared to make a great
Impression on those in ths court room.
Court Refuses to
Allow McNamarato
Give a Bail Bond
Order ii Without Prejudice, However,
and May Be Renewed at
Any Time.
teOS ANGELES. Cal.. May l.-Th ap
plication of John J. MeNamara for th fix
ing of ball on th charg of dynamiting
was 'disallowed today by Superior Judge
Berdwall without prejudice and with lv
to renew It at any time.
WASHINGTON, Bay I. Tha American
Federation of Labor today issued an appeal
for funds for th defenae ot th MoNav
mara brothers, tn Jail tn Lo Angels for
dynamiting. Th executive council of th
federation will receive the funds and dis
burse them. If necessary. It is stated the,
case will b taken to th highest aourt of
th country.
Trial of Hoff stat
Before Haymaker
Mr. Tanney, Telephone Operator,
Telli of Money Vtti to Seour
Penniylvania Legislation.
PTTTSBURO, May .-Th trial of Ftank
N. Hoffstot of Nw fork, banksr an
car manufacturer, on charges growing out
of the councllmanfo graft BoandaL wa
resumed in criminal court before Judg
Haymaker today. Th first witness was
Mrs. Alice Tanney, who, a Mlat Alice
Mansfield, waa telephone operator la th
Second National bank.
The prouecutlon la outlining th
aid Mrs. Tanney, would glv th datalla
Of th tclpboa conversations held between
Mr. Hoffstot tn Nsw Tork and Jams
Toung, cashier of th bank, concerning aa
alleged proposition to secure from the
bank a contribution of $21,000 to b nt -to
New Tork and later to h used in Pitts
burg In connection with th desired pas
sag of th bank' depositories ordinance.
Demands Are Preseatad ta $M?itwF
Flake and th Land
WASHINGTON. May' .-Complatnt wat
mad today by attorney of th Cunning
ham Alaskan ooal land elalmants, argu
ing before Secretary Fisher and th land
offle tribunal, that they wer not being
given sufficient tlm to prent their A
Secretary Fisher rstorted that B. C.
Hughe had presented tn behalf of th
claimant a brief $tX page in length, and
that hi oral argument had been th earn
a thoss contained In th brief. Tt finally
wa agreed that the attorney ahould hav
been allowed to oonolud this afternoon.
Mr. Hughes announced informally that
if th decision ef ths commissioner and
th appeal to Secretary Fisher Is unfavor
able the case will be carried to th su
preme court of the United State, provided
th decision l open to any charg ef mis
interpretation of the law.
Thomas Jsai.
Thomas J an da, aged S years, father of
Frank Janda ef Omaha, died at Platte
mouth, Nsb., Tuesday morning after a
short illness with Bright disease. Th
funeral will be held at the Cathniia hn.h
at PlatUmouth Thureday morning. Inter
ment will be In th cemetery at that place.
Bteae gay It 1 Harder.
WASHINGTON, May 9. -Characterizing
th killing of American tn El Pa and
Douglas as "murders," Senator Ston of
Mlaeourl today made a aee.ond u.k
of Protest against ths Inactivity of th Uni
ted state In th protection of It cltlton
along th Mexican border. H appealed to
th committee on foreign relation to take
up hi resolution for th protection ot
In order that th advertiser may get th
best result for money invested, hs musl
reach th buyer by the most direct and
reliable channel. The Bee la that channel.