12 WANT ADS Tit afts received at any tint bat jt Insure proper classification must ) presented before 13 o'clock m. for Jlie evrning edlOoa aad before 7:80 for morning aad Sunday editloa. U'u ada received after each boar will .have their first Insertion under the beadlnc. "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT AD9. REUl'ItAJl CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 14 renta per word and 1 cent per ward for each subsequent in sertion. Each lnsertioa made on odd dara, 14 cents per word. fl.&O per line per month. Rates apply to either The Pally or Sunday Bee. Always count U words to a llna. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drag stores -one la yoar "comer drujrjlst" bey are all branch office for The Bee and your ad will be inserted Jast as promptly ana on the same rates aa at the main office in The Bee building, -erenteenth aad Farnans streets. Albech. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Baura Drug- Co-. n N. lata St Beranek, S. A., 1449 B. Mta St Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nee. Senile Park Pharmacy, HA and Canag biake-B'adieh, Irnt Sherman Ava Clifton Hill Pherrnacy, S2IJ Military Ata Caughlln, C. R . i'.A I.eavenworth St. Crtssey Pharmacy. 84th and Lake Bts. Cooney Pharmacy, 1228 South 1lb St Cermak. EmU, l?04-t South 13th ft. Filler at Co. 102 Leavenworth Bt. Poster at Arnoidi, HI North 26th St Freytag, J. J., V14 N. I4th Bt Fregger Drug Co., 10! North lth Bt Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Greet, a Pbarmacy. Park Ave. and Paclflo. Greenough St Co.. 1028 South 10th Bt Greenough Co.. 10th and Hickory fUa. Goldman Pharmacy, Mth and Leavea woith Sts. Johnson Pharmacy, tm Farnara Bt Hanscom Park Pharmapy, 1601 8. th Ay H Inter long Drug Co., list Ave. and Far Bam Bt Hoist John. 924 North 16th Bt Huff, A. L.. 2824 Leavenworth Bt Johanaon Drug Co.. 24tb and Spalding. Km. H. 8 . 2238 Farnam 8t. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 8301 N. Mth Bt, I athrop Pharmacy. Mth and Hamilton. Hares. Frad L.. 2018 Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1MB N. Mth Bt Saraiosa Drug Co., Mth and Ames At Schaeferg Cut Prtoa Drue Store, Uta and Chicago Pts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. woiia uoia Heaaing i xVcrrtn Vm ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN CO., embelmers. 1614 Chicago St D. 1460; B 186' DUFFY as BOLAND. undertakers. T. 1871 IjLAlJiLj BLADES of all makes ""sharpened; better than new; 240 each. 260 per dosen. Tni HWUM HUNK. 6263 Congraaa x , Chicago. T7 Iron and Wlra. Champioa PPTlff Fence Co.. Uth and Jaokaoa X VllWb Btg bouglas U90. MONEY TO LOAN l-OW KATB, in sums te suit. (10 Bsa Bldg. Phnn. I W.I I m tu,U UNION LOAN CO. T 1Wskesp the lata things la J6WClrV0ld nd sliver in quality " w f 7 to meM the purse. IM Harner Bt ORPHEUM JEWELRY CO. ' BCHLITZ famoua ATLAS bear en draught at Ed Rothery'a. Ill & 14th Bt Vacuum Cleaners For rent Phone Wsbster M0. THE candy that brings the smile of sstiafactlon Is O'Brien s. If Miss Bessie Janes, IVX Farnam street, will bring this ad to Ths Bee office within three days ws will glvs her a ao-cent box of this fine candy free. REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson 6t JX I47T. TUB SPHINX HAS SPOKEN I . Said: "Hava Butters Call and Take That Past Csrd Picture Now." OBEY THE BPHTNX Lew Prlces-Hlgb Quality. Add rase, BMI Half Case 6t Phone Harnsy Mi. DOUQLA8 Printing Co. TaL Douglas ML Miss Da Witt plane tnatructton. Had UUL ICE CREAM "f,"1'."'"'1?, brand 7 t All laading drugglste. Harding Ice Cream Co. C DRUGS at aut prices; freight psld on all 0 orders CaUlogues free. Shermaa cConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb, r VIRflTMTi rilDn njlww rrr bottle. Klein Liquor House, e23 N. 14th lit r Wa Uka little tuI. 4nk. . , FREUNQ BTEINTJS, Trunk Factory. !Su3 Farnam. Damon Eleo. Co- ,th Co- Blnff ww both phone, las. 117 Cement Blocks best quality. IrnrutT n - . ladles suits; also repairing. IUJ B. Mth. BEB HIVE CLEANINO DYE WORKS. Vinton Bt Wag oca sail aad deliver. Phone Douglas 4M7. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNOATE. shine firing. (70 Brandsls Bldg. Tel. Web. K7L CARL JARL Lock,mUl1-1 mowsrs . Paired and eharpened. 1701 Leavenworth. Tel. Doug. 4377 or A-4J6 ED ROTHERY Soh.ut-. ; J . - line or nquors and UIS SJgllltl 14th Bt " vers in eoaneeuen. ill a. TWENTY per cent lens than Omaha prices. . HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sta, South Omaha. DONE by J. R. Lee, painting and paper. hanging; reasonable prices; work guaran teed. Res. 14X4 8. 13 th bt. Douglas last. LOANS Salary or furniture; lit up. J. H. Waasarbuxger, lflOt FARNAM BT. Room til. Douglas Ids. Ind. A-1WL MAOOARD Van 6toraga Pack, mere, at ore and ahip U. H. geoda. D. leva, B Mia STENOGRAPHER, tet Bee Bldg. O. MOT. Caaadr Co.. B. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, ItnV A f n RTTT T HorUUN Bonds: Write fire inauraae PATTON B BUN PROOF paint card tree, Saratoga Drug Co.. Mth and Ames. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 10ii Feroam. Ind. A -ten. Doug. rtd. Wllllema paints, varnishes, Carter lead ana aeystons. open B&turaey OTenlag Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75o by the latest Datentad machine. WESTERN LOCK A GUN REPAIRING CO I4Z0H Cuming Bt.. Phones: Douglas 1711 or Ind. B-IIOL OMAHA furniture repair wka. Deug. Met J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photography! pictures enlarged, tftudio. 111 g. luh St 8. H. Cols Sign Co., D. 174. Ull Farnam. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. ARKINd. tit aV UTH. UPHTAiRa. AMU lattae i.e.ll.allna ..! i. w a avails uiiKBtutigj wwaa gap unfa 1 1 X a et.l ill . .a - . .. a; wiisysA. Sk. V lew WIU tTUSJ las.ay rvtj. ZXPlal DhonM. WMtra luplaC4Uti45 Cis X Plug. Cement Blocks iVht114 nbt- OMAHA CONCRETE BTONB CO. th Ave and Sahlsr Web. tat; B MH ANCHOR PENCE CO, , Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last a ilteUnt ail N. 17 1A. 'PbeasRsdlil ANNOUNCEMENTS , (Continued.) 1LER GRAND HOTEL Tlirk-Uh Ruth Finest In the went. AUrKlSn DaUl m ,n Howard 8t Filter, filter repairs, m 8. loth. D. 4714 DAVID COLK CREAMERY COMPANY PICTURE framing. H cheaper than de partment stores; ronut select stock of framed picture at reduced prices. Omaha Art at Frams Co.. 707 8. 14th. Douglas 1084, lad. A WL HORNBY. Blue Print Co. Ill Bee Blflg. juu Jul. always r nappy 11 your wcaomg rmg somes from Brodegaard'g, ill 8. Mth Bt. At tbs sign of tbs crown. PAPERHANQERS use Fnowflske pssta, Omaha Pasts Co. Tit S. 13th. Both 'phones. BIDS wanted on 700-yard Job of grading. Offerman Co., 211 N. 2Eth St., South Oman, or call South 862. SPECIAL, lady's prlss of one-half dossn photographs of herself from the Heyn studio, lftth and Howard street, for the beat verse written by a lady this week about Be Want Tad aelllng poultry. Try and see how good a rene you can writs. TAKE horns a brick of Dslsell's lea cream. If Thomas Davis. 2738 Crown Point avenue, will bring this ad to The Pea of fice within three days we will give him a quart brick of this fins ice cream. BAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKJNg, ll 8. UTH UPSTAIRS. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID Into a post "Tear your top." And bring it to the best pises In Omaha tor all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner Uth and Harney Bts. 1910 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland.. tl. 44 Peven-pessenger, 70-h. p. Btearns 13t WALLACB AUTO CO- P0 FARNAM T. 11 r,,a ..floes auto and carriage painting; JYLUriUJ gu,j.inteed. M24 Sherman Ava. NEW and M-hand autes. Deri gat, Omana, Metereyelea. THE FLYING MEEKEL Is ths simplest essleit riding MOTOR CYCLE! in tbs world. Douls t lesoher. Btais Agent BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of buslneea, call oe OANQtBTAD. 404 Baa Bldg. Tsl. D. S3SI PUBLIC sale of stock bf merchandise at Clearwater, Neb. Notice Is hereby given that on the Uth day of May, 19U, at It o'clock a. m. at the store of I. M. Snider In Clearwater, Antelope county, Nebraska, I will offer the entire stock of general merchandise and fixtures of the said store of L M. Snider for aala to the highest bid der for cash. This sale Is made by ins as trustss and a proper deed or conveyance will be made. Vhli stock of goods is o'ean. It consists of groceries, shoes, dry goods, notions, etc, and the fixtures are every thing necessary for ths conduct of a going business, whlon this is, and Is located In a live town with a rood farming commun ity surrounding it and Is doing a good business. There Is no old stock. A sura niary of the lovolo and all particulars In connection iwta this utock and sale can ha had by acnlvlns to the underlined Jamee C. Ferguson. Trustee. FOR SALE At bargain, two-chair bar. ber shop, with pool hall, cigars and to bacco, aooa location, cneap rent, years lease. O. D. Harms, Fremont Neb. FOR SALE Hotsl fixtures In Nebraska town doing good business, best of reasons for selling. Addreee Y It, care Bee. a gold drudge and get your money back . 1. 1 s-.l .. .i J I .. 1.1 ... Til - nils tsu mtiu ujviucuu. ,uncMHii ruvui B-&164. WE PAT T PER CENT ON TOUR SAVINGS. Tour money guaranteed by one of the largeat Inatltutlona In the world. For par ticulars call or write. George H. Spelker, m Brandeia Bldg., Omaha. Nab. GOOD BUSINESS for sals: must leava city at once; have good reasons for aelllng. Call 4ut Omaha National Bank. WANTED To sell a first clans confec tionery store In a town of 1.000. Party must buy whole stock and fixtures. Are leaving town lor otnor puamesa. uooa Io cs Uob ana live raws, r sis, e MONUMENT works, good trade, only shop in county. A bar gal a. Address T Us, care of Bee. SCALES. SCALES Indaoendlnt Scaia Repair Co., 110 So. Uth St lad. A-WH WANTED W, WO on residence property. P MS Bs FOR SALS The only meat market In eastern Colorado town of 1,200 inhabitants, doing splsndid business: equipped with strictly up-io-aaie macninery; musi sen auloki other interests demand my atten on. Address Y 19s, care Bee. FARRELX8 syrup eannot be beaten. We will give a 60-cant can of this syrup tree to H. o. ttann, jyu amornia Bt., ir he will bring this ad to The Bee effioe within three days. First olass retail hat and furnlahlna goods business on second best retail t treat in Seattle, Wash. This Is a good usinsss proposition aad the closest In vestigation is mvtteo. poor health ef owner makes change compulsory. Ad- dross 171 First Avsnue North, Seattle, waan. ... SM.0M will buy a half interest in a wall organised business. Present Investments in land selling at prices that will produos tauo.000. Bales already exceed tltv.000. Profits from present Investment will pay to per cant per annum for five years. Osly l0,oo required at present For particulars ad dress D. K Pratt alJ American Bank Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE Only 'garage In rood town In central Nebraska. Oood reason for selling. Address Bog H Kim Creek. Nab. A BOX of O'Brien's fine candy makea a good impression with your girl. If Fred Smith, 614 North feventeenth street, will bring thle ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a OMent box ef this fine candy tree. 10f GUARANTEED DIVIDENDS Omaha manufacturing eompany. has paid W per eant for els yeara By Increasing faclimee and broadening the buslneaa can easily make 40 per cant Limited amount 10 par cent preferred, stock offered for short time. Aot quick. Address R let. Bee. Bteaaalagt Heesea raw Sale. FURNITURE at rooms. Strictly mod ern. A-tJte. Oeed paying rooming house. CI N. tsd. MODERN rooming house full ef roomer Douglas ftiM. 1 CALL Tyler 17M for Quick sale rooming house. BARGAIN! Look this up. Evsrytbtng new and modern; I-room rooming houae at 117 U. toth St. Party must sail en ac count ef other bualnasa. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. UOt Famaaa at Douglas 40L M ON HE IT. chiropodist nsanlourtng, hair dresalng. hatrgooda. City Nat l Bk. D. tut, DENTISTS BA.ILBY as MACH. Id floor Paxtna. p. last. DETECTIVES OMAHA Beer at terries Detective Agency, sc., banded. -fc- Pax tun Blk. D. tilt; A-Uls. CAFT. T. COKMACK. Ill KARBACH Blk. JABL ALLAN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. fUl. DRESSMAKERS DM ESS MA KING and plain eewlng. TU S. 17th Bt Douglas 64TL Mlaa tUOOXN, oreras ktog. Seat Fer&eaa. ISKRrt Drassm'k'a CUega,awaa:Faraaat l.iBiLJiJJ Thousands got acquainted with Dee Want Tad last week. Two got big prizes. Look for the winners names among the want ads today. You must find your name to claim the prize This Week Bee Want Tad is Selling Poultry Write a verse following the style of the accompanying Bee Want Tad today, ONLY WRITE ABOUT HIM SELLING POULTRY DRESSMAKING (Continued.) BOOST Omaha made candy Insist on having O'Brien's fins candy. Ws will glvs a tO-rent box of this fine candy to Mrs. K. Morrlteey, 21 Douglas St., If she will bring this ad te The Bee office within three days. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE commercial achool. Day and night sessions. Oiuaems umuira .nj uuie. nuoumw, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil bervlce and Salesmanship. The cata logue la free. Address ,11. B. Boy lea, Frasi, dent Omaha. Neb. y. w. c. a. SHORT TERM CLASSES IN . BBWINO, COOKINO, 8IX' WEEKS BEGINNING MAT 1. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CUSTOM MADID corsets, tC.Ot; front and back laced: residence fitting if desired. La Brock Corset shop, 628 Bee Bldg. THOSB who have used Farrell's syrup will have no other. If A. F. Koope, li) 8. 18th St, will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a 60-oent can of Farrell's syrup free. L. Lieff, Ladies' Tailor. Fbone Harney Mia. SWITCHES from combings, 11.60: set puffs free. Mrs. Eck, 1760 Leavenworth ttt MADE hats in the ts and 110 elaes for 2.60 to (6.00. We sand hats out of town on approval. Keep the hat twenty-four hours if satisfied, send check, describe what you want and send bsnk or business. Refer ences. Crosstown Millinery, (420 Cuming Bt IF Mrs. M. V. Warner 411 N. lKh St, Will Drillg una w . iiw w wtiuia three days we will give her a 80-cent box t rfTm.n,m fin. eanriv. FTNK early Aster planta. mixed colors. lOo per dossn; Margaret Carnations, mixed, too per dosen. Phone Benson tZL Ferguson Bros., Bta. v.. umua FLORISTS A. DON A OH U 13, MOT Farnam. D. Km;A-190t HESS 4k SWOBODA. 14U Farnam St BRAND Eld out flows Dapt New atore. Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. L. Bendsrsoa. Ul Farnam. Douglas lilt. J. H. BATH. U Harney. Douglas tooa. Warserte IAROa transplanted tomato plants. i .. i.u. r. . . An.n Xa Uf 1M price' per l.oou, Phone Benson SSL Fergu son Bros.. Bta. D., Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agsats and Salesladies. WANTED At ence, leather goods sales. ladles. Apply at The Bennett Co. good wages. Clerical aad Of flee. ATTENTION We have an exceptionally good position to offer for lady stenog rapher to aot aa private secretary 176. etenographer, publishing house 460. Stenographer, retail firm t&O. DON'T DELAY if you want to consider any of the abova CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE- CO-1016-14 City Nat l Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER to aot as private sec retary. This is aa unusually good position and will pay t't per month. CO-OPKRATIVE REFERENCE- (XX, 1016-lt City NaUonal Bank Bldg. Faetetr and Trades. GIRLS to leara balrdreaslng. Oppen balm parlors. City Nat Bank Bldg. D tsrs. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION HULP; BEST WAGES. A.FPLT ORhUN bKOsV. lis a. liTH ST. Mease ate eg ese aad Daaaeetlea. WANTED A eompeunt girl for first work; go to Sioux city; must be a good cook; bast of wegSh Mrs. O. J. Moore l Nebraska St WANTED A girt for general housework; t in family. S07 A. tSth Ava TaL Harney 4066. WANTED A housekeeper for a country noma near Benaon, by a wiaowar with no children. Middle-aged wenaa preferred. Telephone Uaisey eViO. WANTK1IOob4 girl te de aaetalra work and aaaiat la taking care of child. 42 N. ttth St W WANTED An expertenoed nurae girl; ireaosa rsMulred. ) N. talk bt rafari JUX ! HELP WANTED FEMALE Honsekeepers aad Domestics Cont'd. WANTED An experienced downstairs girl. fO per month; references required. m N. 3Jth. WANTED A competent cook. Tel. Har ney bi. EXPERIENCED assistant housekeeper, bast of references required. Apply to housekeeper. Hotel Rome. OIRL to work for board and room; I In family. 26M Douglas. Phone H. MM. WANTED Olrl to assist with housework. Phone Co. IM0. A COMPETENT cook at Kit Douglas. WANTED A girl to aaslst with house work; five In family, tot B. tth Bt IF A. W. Parker, 2S17 Caldwell street, will bring this ad to Ths Bee office within three days we will give hlra a tO-cent box of O'Brien fine candy. WANTED A girl for general housework; no waehlng. Apply Mrs. Samuel Burns, jr., 430 8. 0th 8t Phone Harney 46. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; house cleaning done: must be good rook; two In family; good wages. Call rtaroey tie. WANTED Girl for general housework, where second girl Is kept; small family) good wages. Harney 4012, 908 Park Ava WANTED Olrl for general housework. Mrs. C. MeConnell, 1641 Georgia Ava Tel. Harney Id OIRL for general housework; no wash ing. H10 Chicago at WANTED Experienced girl for general houaswork; no washing. Tel. Harney 753. 1316 N. S8th St COMPETENT girl for general house work; family of three; wages 17. Mrs. R. J. Claney, 1301 8. Ed St Tel. Ind. A-241. WANTED Girl for general housework. lit No. toth' Bt Mlsoellaaeeaa, TO UNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian aaeoolatloa building at St. Mary's Avs. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aesisted. Look for our tray elers' aid at the Union station. LADIES WANTED Fire or Six ladles Of good appearance for demonstrators. Good ralary and commissions. Call 623 Bee Bldg. WANTED Aa experienced caretaker at The Creche, 1824 Harney Bt WANTED A Umitsd number of girls for telephone work. Apply operating depart ment Nebraska Telephone Co., Uth and Douglas. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad aleesaext, AQENT 8 Wanted at once, first elaas proposition 1 big commission. Write today, liartlstt Supply Co., Browa Blk., Omaha Nab. WANTED Two men that can apeak Bo hemian and German, to travel for dally paper. WIU pay salary and expenses. W kd. Bee. OCR NEW CENSUS BUSINESS GUIDE READY World's fasteat aelllng book; big tent commissions; outfit frsa Nichols Co., WANTED High-grade man accustomed tin n in urrn te solldtlng and to making good money. HcLr WAN I ED Must be able to approach men of affairs atALtt Oft FKMALD. and capable of presenting high-class mat- tar. Not Insurance nor booka Address WANTED Man and wife for small hotel; U 16S. care V. Cook and all around work. West Hotsl, WANTED A collector for city collection; Hrinan Nob- , good futurs for right party; caU at onca WANTED Six men and their wlvee to tut Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. travel aa organisera and demonstrate; , 7 " . , "7 . , must be capable of producing reaults: WANTED Agents for an artlcls that is wouid pronlot. w ,ut; msigsra a good for a aale at every call; sells itself; tf u Ra you collect the cash. Write quick. Murphy ' Supply Co., Omaba. 1 LADIES or gentlemen to solicit portrait LIVE STOCK FOR SALE orders In or out of city; oommislons paid . . weekly; good proposition. Omaha Art A Horses eat Veaiclce. Frame Co.. TOT S. 14th Bt HORSES and MULES for aala ITU Burt. Cterteat aad Off.... A fin. bay mare. Or a coach and pair. OFFICE manager and correspondent. Or a Shetland pony fine lav tlOO if y0ud b(1y or tell. Ledger Clerk 6 And do It well. Traveling salesman 100 Drop Bee Want Tad a llna Collector 46 Collector and solicitor 46 This verse wins 16 worth of soda water and rommlaston tickets from Bherman-McConnell's "Sodoa- WKrTT N REFERENCE A BOND ASS N., 1( .- If Pearl E. Roberta. 2it Elliaon Ave., Omaha Est. I Years Kansas City. will bring this ad to Ths Bee office and TSS-s-4-e N. Y. Life Bldg. identify herself she will receive aa order for ths tickets. WB CAN USE several first -clsss salea- . . men. office men. stenographers and retail ALFALFA HAY, Wagner, SOI N. Uth. tla clerks. Call at onre or write. . , WESTERN REF A BOND ASS'N, HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. Ma!. 761--4- N. Y. Ufa Bldg. . HAY. Id per ton. (01 North ltta 8t FARRELL'S syrup spread ea bread will please the children. If Mrs. C. Whalen. ONE Shetland pony, 6-year-old, broke for &'10 Davenport street will bring this ad to children. Horses and mules, ton Call- Ths Bee office within three days we will forala. give bar a 60-cent oaa ef Farrail's ayrup . . , , tree. - 1 FHAJLTON. I A. Pbone li-r-ey 4i, H Tot the best verse written by a lady this week, we will give an order for Va dozen photographs, from Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard Sts. These photos are valued at $15 per dozen. For the best verse written by a gentleman, we will give an ' order for a pair of made-to-your-measure trousers, valued at $10, from Landeryou Tailoring Co., City National Bank Bldg. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses pubmitted. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody la Omaha, South Omaba, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Florence are .eligible, except employes of Tne Bee and mem bers of their families. You must follow the style not over six lines and It must re late to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign yonr name and address. Address Bee Want AdvEdltor, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will be ths Judge. All verses sent In become the property of The Bee. Winners' names will be announced the following week, and will be found somewhere in the want ads. FOLLOW THIS STYLE The Bee Want Tad Has another Fad; He'll sell your horaes now. Whether prancing bay Or dappled gray; For carriage or for plow. This verso receive honorable men tion, and was submitted by Ena Travis, ( 2673 Dodge St HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office Contlaaed. Competent help is ALWAYS In demand. OET BUSY. If you want to consider any of the following: Credit man, who Is thoroughly familiar with credits and correspondence 110. Book keeprr this Is an exceptionally good position 175. Office clerk, quick at figures 150. Stenographer, large mfg. firm 1 55. Rate clerk, experienced (75. Office clerk MS-t&O. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. ACCOUNTANT, for large construction firm, 1100. Credit man, experienced in correspond ence, $150. Ledges clerk, good penman, 176. Ledge; clerk, 106. Rate clerk, ITS. GET BUSY If you want to consider any of the above, for they are all exceptionally good positions and iiUHT be filled with out delay. ' CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE) CO., 1016-lt City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trade. Drug Stores (snaps). Joba Knlest, Bee Bldg MEN Learn to run and repair automo biles. Earn $26 to B0 per wsek. Posi tions seoured. Auto School of St. Louis (Inc.), 1106 Pine St, Bt Louis, Mo. WANTED Two first-olasa plumbers to work in open shop, 4 per day, 8 hours: ateady work; none but first-class men need apply. Garvey A Mulgrew, Mason City, la. WANTED A bushelman. Inquire 60S N. nth et. DALZ ELL'S Ice cream bricks will keep for quite a while. If Mrs. W. J. Keeahen. 1708 South Seventeenth street, will bring this sd to The Bee office within three day i we will give her a quart of this Ice cream free. Mlaoellaaeaaa, WANTED Two sewing machine sales men In ths largest city In the state by the largest company In existence; very little competition; only first-class salesmen and hustlers need apply. Lawrenoe Parker, UT W. Park St., Butte, Mont TOU ARE WANTED tor government po sition; 10 a month. Write for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute. Dept 173-F, Rochester, N. X. I.COO government positions open. Write for list Franklin Institute, Dept. las F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man for repair work; one who has bad experience in selling shoes. Give references and stats salary In first lettsr. F. W. Hill, Corning, la T T O tlOO MONTHLY AUTQINO. U. J. AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha. Neb. ' - w I .A WI11TUT A. TaiTflrr TITO TTTfl fc BJBl eVM A TV AVA A tU , MEN Our Illustrated catalogue or per sonal Interview will explain bow we teach bHi-l'er trads In few weeks. Hundreds of graduates tunning shops depending upon us for barbers. We want more men to learn at once. Rut.li for help. Jobs wait ing. Top wages. We give life scholarship, complete outfit of tools and diplomas. In vestigate now. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14lh Su BOOST Omaha made candy insist on having O'Brien's fins candy. We will give a tO-cent box of this fine candy to Mrs. C Sunshine. 2t North Seventeenth street .if she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three day a SOUND MEhMl to 40 years old. wanted at once for electrio railway motormen and conductor; 6oO to lloO a month; fine opportunity; no striken write Immediately for application blank. Address Y-149, Be. Von mast find yonr name and Identify yourself to claim the prize. It will be fun for everyone. Spe cial prizes for both men and women. Write your verse today and mall It to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember contest closes Friday of each week. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE (Continued.) SURREY, rubber-tired, single; also horse and harness. Windsor Stables. LOST AND FOUND $10 Eeward .t0 an7 oa "nd-ng a bet rugs, mattreeaee. upfiolaterlng, etc.. cleaned by vacuum system. MYERS, Wabstsr tu LOST Mesh purss conulnlng money, key and handkerchief; Brandels Pompelaa Dressing Room. Reward. Harney XfiSl WHEN you buy Farrell'g syrup you get f,? fef your monV- " R. Strlbllng, f6-.J1Xornl Mtt, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he wili be given a 60-cent can of this syrup free. -pR8hON8 hav4nV ,o,t m would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In ths street can. Many articles each day are tamed In and the eompany Is anxious to reatore thstn te the rightful owner. Call Doug- OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Gold watch: finder return to Wise Memorial hospital., D. M7. LOST Saturday niaht. a nearl hnui Finder pleaae return to 411 Ware block and receive reward. Tel. Harney ibM. FOUND In the American theatre one pair of nose glasses and one pair of spec tacles, ownsr may have same by csJling at Bee offloe and paying for this ad. ASK your grocer for the best table syrup and he will hand you Farrall'a. if F. Rob inson, 1828 Cass St., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will free! 60-cent can of Farrell's syrup t-SiUNP""A sjay horse, weight about K. Inquire for Andy Bresaman, at Ralston. BOSTON bull terrier, dark brlndle. screw tall, answers to name of Duke He- wara. or ca ' .otlf)r R U2 Mandereon, .11 Webster 2471 or Douglas tm FOUND,IDBAL CLEANING WORKS. Lace curtains el'ned. t&o. W. 8M0 FOUND TB Tdr Bu' Prt clean. ra and dvera A-iiS. D. t MEDICAL HAZEL LKAF PILE CONES-nest rem ery for Itohlng, bleeding or protruding man A MoConnell Drug Co. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. ould you use t26 or H to i mivi ad vantage! If so, corns to us; don't co to a tcieuu. y e iufta muoey on furniture pianos or teams without removal, smali and sasy payments; too Is ths weekly pay. ment on a fX loan and $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a 160 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In ths sams proportion. Write or 'phone us and we will call en you at enoa. All business confidential. STATU MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 11, Arlington Blk., tfllft Dodge Bt Phones: Douglas 2461 Independent A-l4iA. MONEY TO LOAN. Come in and let us explain eur low rates. Re liable Crdl rn tot Paxton block. TsL Douglas lilt A-ltiL CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly privasa NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. fcx Baa Bldg. Doug. 14L A-IXA DIAMOND LOANS AT V2f0 en lsrgs losns; smaller loans at 1H and 4 w. c. FLATAi), rs Kl 14 DoSgs btreec. MONEY loaned salartad people, women keeping bouse and others, without security -easy payments. Office la f? principal oitlea' Tolman. w Omaha Nat Bank bids for merly N. Y. L, Bidg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING aji A BTORAGE CO. Cleans your carpets on your floors; electrio vacuum cisanera Sot a Uth; as) a. nut Doug. iXU PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press, lais Capitol Ava D. 70. A-IM7. EAPREritl MAN'S DEUVliRY CO.-Mov-logo furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office, 214 S. lHb. Doug 8M; lad. B-Jj MUSIC, ART. LANGUAGES BLACK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; musle fura. for ail occasions. J1 Ohio. Web. Mil OFFERED FOR RENT ST. JAMES, 418 So. 13th; steam heat, free bath. Am. ti.lt uti wkly. la up; meals ic FOR RENT Neatly furnished south room: durabla fur two. eta auth fei OFFERED FOR RENT Honrel mill Hitoute Omtlnnrtl. - FOR h KNT Modern ro.m, board l it Cumiig r;;. - FOR RKNT -T rValrMe"Y"".: -"c.nf nected, good lra.-(l. til iuth 2iiii m I FO "ll REN 1-ir! tly hlhIc. n r..ornaJ tl f urnir.iif.1 : o sci. ii-iiien nn? ' nee i block fiutn ig ,a.i 2-l Caiilorr.ia 81 FOR HKNT-Two ulnle rooms for twa gentlemen; board. 19li Cl. St. I FOR RENT-Two ilewlrit hie rooms fTTs , two; labia board. lloaard St. t ..... . VFRY coinfortable roon.s; ; I svenpnrt 8t. board. tug FOR RICNT-Desliable loom and board. a. ley uunniu u. u. . nauis trunks. D. mi, A-Jfcu. with or wltnout boaid. 1017 Manuerson tt. f FOR RENT Large mom; suitable tor two. 1104 South l.llh St. FOR RENT -.Desirable rooms, neatly fJr aishsil; home cooking. 710 i-outh istii 9t THE BACHKIiORS. 20th sndF7tiamr Rates: Single, $& to $40, double, tl to Ju NICELY furnlslieil room with boardl good location. M North M. onmaj TWO nicely furnished modern rooms, one south room and one north front mom, also table boarders wanted. Zml Harney St. FLEASANT eart frtnt room, nlrelv fur nished, with li.rtl; niuileru bnmc; Koim ie Place; no children; young married couple J 'referred: tenne lessonable. tMM North 4th. Phone Webster ViL LARGE alcove room with board for twe gentlemen; walking dii-tance; 6 a weeg each; private family. Telephone Douglas VERY desirable rooms with board, a !oth Ava DAI:ELL'S Ice cream tastes Ilka mora If Mr. M. Dermody, MM I avenport street will bring this ad to The Hee office within three days we will give her a quart ef this fine ice cream free. TWO large cool rooms, ensulta: with exerything modern: ons block to ear large closet; beautifully finished; line, or walking distance; also room large enough for two; board If delred strictly home cooking. 117 N. Uth St DESIRABLH summer home, fine 'lawn, two front southeast rooms and board; ref erences. 123 So. Suth Ava Strictly modern room with board i suit able for two gentlemen. fl0 California Bt WANTED Two refined roomera for a large eaat front room for North Sevan teenth St, In new modern flat; break fu J tsl l!X' and supper; walking distance on car lis, 1448 N. 17th St, phone Webster 6360. 704 NORTH 3d. New flat Private famll Three nicely furnished rooms with boar Good place for mnn and wife. Btxlctly first ciaaa jjougiaa Tvxc NICE, quiet home with first olass home cooking; cool rooms; everything modern; hot and cold water all summer! references. Wab. 8763. 2631 Hamilton. Farnlaked Reosns. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster ISla, tm N. toth St - i LAROR modern rMmi enltehlA fn 4 111 per month. tlS N. 23d. TWO strictly modern rooms, sngle or ensulta. suitable for two or three. 2601 samara. Douglas us.- DEWEY European Hotel. 13th A Farnam. wo strictly modern rooms, single of v-mbuii;, luiiftpiB lor ewe or inree. awf sernara. uougias asss. FOR RENT-Comfortable rooms, walk Ing distance. 407 6. t&th Ave FOR RENT Two largo rooms, desirable for two aentlemen. 817 8. 2th St. SRICTLT modern room, comfortably fur. nlhhel; nioe co.l jJai e for sutnmtr; one. half block to car. Telephone Webster 2704. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. private iuiii. mm jm. una oi. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room. a uapitoi Aft- run nun t xx ice room suitable for two. its o. mm oi. NRAT rooms. All mnAarn nnnvnfnn walking oiatance. 2707 Dodga 11. MM. BEAUTIFUL large room and one small room; everthing modern; rent reasonable. Phone Red 6-UL tit N. Cd St FURNISHED front room on boulevard; nice cool flat; close In; everything modern) rent reasonable. 411 north Uth. COOL, clean room. 808 N. toth. FOR RENT Nloely furnished, mod era, good location. 716 N. 20th St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, elose In. 1411 Leavenworth bt FOR RENT Clean, neat fumlsnad room 191t Douglas St. FOR R&NT Nioely furnlsned rooms suitable lor two. K-i JJooge ot MODERN front room and alcove, ts'll Dodge; 13.60 per week. Also small bedroonl U a week. Good board near. Walking dl4v ini Dincuy nioaern. res pnone ana bath. Phone Harney luO. NEWLY furnished front room with lr. alcove; everything modern; excellent m-ais next door. 117 s). toth Ava Douglas 7400. TWO and throe-room apartments, dean, modern ; gas tangs; also single room com plete. 800 N. 26Ui St LARGE front room for two and single r two and single . i, on car llneeV lent home boaid.1 Capitol Ave. I ruuui, everyming modern, c walking distance; excellent fbone Douglas t27. 2418 FURNISHED room for single gentlsmani private family. 103 & 16th Ava. TWO or four rooms, ensulta, nioe summer noma lor two people, pleasant location, near car llna, no children, very reaouabl uviug nruejr dJ. witf 1 1 1 Ily DU NICELY furnished modern rooms. wl? hone breakfast If desired. 2ti Jones St Phone Douglas 24M. TWO or three furnished rooms to adultai would be nice for two or three ladies for light housekeeping, sit B. 2Su. Douglas 6601. WANTED Young man to board and room wltn private family; nice lesldence dlatrloti west end of town; 10 minutes from ltth and Howard. Moral character and sobriety must bs assured, otherwise needless to apply. Phone Harney lilL NICELY furnished outslds rooms. 111 Capitol Ave. Douglas ONE nicely furnished front sleeping room for geiitlemnn. 2 J CaldwelL ROOM and board for gentleman. Han -com Park. O 247, Bee. Two large rooms facing north and south in strictly modern fiat; walking dlstsnce; cool place for summer. If 11 Chicago St. Telephone Douglas 7. ELEGANT furnished rooms and rooms for students; reasonable, strictly modern at 2o So- &th bu Walking dial nee. 60UTH FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATB) FAMILY, t BLOCKS WEST OF HIGH BCHOOL ON HARNEY AND CRudsV. TOWN CAR LINE. 8410 CHJCAOO ST. Dear little Ad, Seet Utile "Tad," You fill me with deepest remorse) I didn't believe, 1 couldn't conceive That you d sell that old plug horse. MUs D .E. Jennings, S316 Cuming St This verse receives honorable mentlun. MODERN front room la new hums, w) S. 26th Ave. D. bUH. LOOK A large parlor with large sitting room ansulte or can be rented separate; also smaller furnished room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car line; everything modern, 1427 N. 17th St Phone Webster 114. NICELY furnished room. Hanscom bart end Field club district, on car line. Phue uarney lit. U21 California, 8 ftirnlnhed loom, fine location: walking distance; gentleman pre ferred. Rod 7V27. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms single or ensulte on Farnam Bt ; rice cool place, anaay yard; everything tr Aara, t4 Farnam at J --w tt.