Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee.
For Nrhrafka rtottlL
For Iowa- Showers.
VOL. XL XO. 27!.
French Aviator Makei Daring Flight
Over Part of Residence District
Tuesday Afternoon.
Part of Trip it Made at Rate of Eighty
Miles an Hour.
On One Turn it Carries Him Mile and
Half South.
There Will Be 'Rare Brtwrrn Simon
and Barrier and Altltarie Flights
by Simon, Barrier aad Seymour
ltdnp la Small.
Although there was a ridiculously small
crowd present and the wind wan blowing
In maty whlrla. too feet above the ground.
Rene Farrier fearlessly entered his "ma
chine and flew In a pretty trip far to the
south, east and north sides of the Speed
way grounds. In Ms trip he went over
pan or the residence district of the i
city, hetween Fortieth and Forty-elehth
street, passing by at a rate of more than
eighty miles an hour. Barrier end Simon
were both more than .disgusted at the
crowd and only long pleadings by Manager
Young persuaded the Frenchman to make
any night at all. He finally did so, Just
to show the newspaper men present and
President J. J. Dorlght, of the Nebraska
Aero oluba.
The flight, made starting against the
fairly strong wind waa most dangerous, for
the aviator attempting It. He made a neat
ascension, rialng after the machine had
gone along the ground a little w.ays and
heading directly , south into the wind.
Bcarcely had he gotten 100 feet in the air
when It was evident from the manner In
which the rudder of his machine "Jock
eyed" that the gusts of wind were hitting
the frail machine heavy blows.
nanaerous Tara tei East.
The first turn made,' the one to the
east, wss the' hardest of the flight. Sev
eral times Barrier could plainly be seen
attempting to turn the light machine
against the wind, but each time he was
evidently warned nl time that It would
mean grave danger to do so. At last,
nearly a mile and a half aouth, he swerved
to the east and went at a fast- clip for
Ha went further toward Omaha on the
flight of today than either he or Simon
had done on Monday's flights. The curve
made to the north and the return to the
grounds was a wide one for he had learned
of the wind's atength by that time. He
landed by coming directly over the grand
stand and swooping straight Into the teeth
of the wind onto the grass of the center of
the race track.
Bacea d Altitude Flights.
Today's program at the speedway will In
. clud both the big race between 6lmoiy Mtd
' Barrier, that was planned far Tuesday, and
the altitude flights by the two men and by
Joe Seymour In his biplane. The first race
will be held at 4 p. m. and from this time
until evening the bird-men will perform.
"We will perform regardless of the
weather conditions," declared Manager P.
U Young, Tuesday. "There seemed to be a
belief Tueaday that the wind would pre
vent our flying, but we will assuredly
have our machines In the air."
Barrier was importuned by a little girl
to be taken on a flight after his exhibition
of yesterday. Rowena Flxley, daughter of
T. A.- Plxley of Dundee, was at the meet
wth her mother and father and Mr. and
Mrs. Derlght.
"Ask hlra If he won't take ma with him
to fly?" begged the little girl Barrier saw
her and asked her if she wouldn't go with
him. y
'Yes, I'll go," she said, and placed her
hand in that of the aviator to go for a
ride. The aviator was pleased at the Uttle
girl s pluck In wlHhlng to go and Insisted
on having a picture of her in the machine
and atandlnr with him.
Owlaug ia Severity of Past Wlater
Tssossaai Are ta Need of
NEW YORK, May . Between 5.000 and
.00 settlers on the Iabrador ooaet are
suffering from food shortage and the ef
fects Of a severe winter, according to ad
vlcee received today by the Orenfell As
sociation of America here.
For Nebraska I Tneettled,
For Iowa tihowera.
Tenaaevataure at Omaha, TeatarrsV
axwanae est
C'ataratlT a.acal Reor4.
ISOX WO. UOs. no.
HlKbest taday MS TS fa 71
lowest to.l.y 4 M 40 46
Mean tetnporature 77 64 '48 lie
precipitation T .00 .00 .(
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal: .
Normal teinriature
2iorae for the day
Total excess urce March 1...
Normal preol iii alien
IWlciency for the day
'Total rainfall stnee March 1.
Iwftrtency since March 1
.14 Inch
.14 Inch
4 II Inebes
l.a mches
rncnnic tor cor period in 118. IT Inches
IwQclency for eor. period In UJ. S.&8 tnonee
HeaMtrts trmm Btavtleaa at T P. H.
BtatUia and - Temp. High. Raln-
FtMie of W eather. T p m, Td r. ta.ll.
reymne. part cloudy...
I-venportT cloudy
Ix-nvrr. part cloudy
Ties atclnaa, cloudy
Iodire City, nert cloudy.
-nd nr. cloudy
North flat i e clear
Omaha, cloudy
Puehlo, part cloudy
Rapid City, cloudy
Salt Lak. cloudy
f-nt Fa, part cloudy...
Hhertdan. cloudy
Biou City, clear
141 i a. m..... ........ 7 I
4 la. m .,. n I
li ii a. m.MMMMM 88
V a. m 7
S 11 m u
rQrO'W 1 m 84
2y$tef t p. m r?
iifiriu- m-
-- - fc. t p. m. V
xj Jt 8 p. m fti
S. m w
74 W .no
KJ R .00
M Jt
M JS - .o
M st .ft.
i . ..
S ! .!
M fS T
w w
7S .rti
44 Ei .ii?
70 71 .08
(0 M A
r iDdtoates trace of prooipltation.
U A. WtUIl, Local Forecaster
U bAJ WUN v (across my property I ill -7
From the Chicago Post. '
Shot and Shell is Federal
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
EL. PASO. Tex.. May . (Special Tele
gram.) Madero's army of 2,600 patriots to
day became a bloodthirsty mob." un
controlled" and unoontrollable; it started
firing about 10 o'olock today with neither
officers nor orders, and after practically
forcing the battle which It marched 230
mi Us over arid sands to fight, is swarm
ing tonight Into Juares ready to renew
the fight on the morrow. The 'little re
deemer" la not entitled to any medals for
bravery, by reason of the action. Even
Garibaldi will have difficulty In rescuing
many laurels.
The federal troors , under Navarro have
proven tnal they know something of fight
ing. They fired upon Madero's flags of truce
and knocked one of the truce bearers from
his horse and later themselves showed
a flag of truce to rebels In the town and
then opened fixe with disastrous effect;
The rebels are making great use of dum
dum bullets.' Many of the men tonight
have little ammunition remaining. There
is no more to' be had In camp.
Only providence saved dosens ' and per
haps more from being either killed or
wounded here today. No one profited by
the lesson at Douglas, Aria. Had not Gen
eral Navarro exercised unusual care, un
doubtedly there would have been many
No half accurate estimate of the namber
kUled and wounded on either side "-n be
made tonight. Figures given out by any
one are merely guesses. It Is very probable
that a large number have been struck by
the steady stream of bullets and shells
that have been flying since morning.
Oa Nebraska Woaae.
Edwin Q. Heaton of Hay Bprlnga, Neb..
In Sheridan county, aged 23 years, who sua
talneJ a severe wound in the fleshy part of
the right leg, while going about his busi
ness on this side of the river, was able to
shake hands when I called at the hospital
"I knew It waa foolish for peapla to go
down along the river bank." he said, "and
so expressed myself during the forenoon.
I waa looking for a stack man on a busi
ness matter and waa told that he waa
about the stock yards. I started down aad
was wounded while ea genera street. The
bullet went through nearly sight Inehea
of flesh."
Mr. Heaton is unmarried.
aelU lata TeeJfcUla,
At l:4S o'olock the federals started firing
shrapnel sheila with murderous effect over
the bills west of Cludad Juares, and a
short tune later began the first volley fir
ing of the day.
The general troop movement ordered by
Madero had proceeded as tar aa the recent
peace conference grove, where the two
home-made cannons had been dragged,
when it waa decided, because of the burst
ing shrapnel, to delay the advance. Con
sequently at dark the Insurrecto artillery
had not gotten Into action. The men
awarmlbg over the streets of Juares, In the
bull pen and in adobe houses tar Into the
city, fought like the dlsorganlseda mob It
waa Not a single ranking orcicer was with
his men.
Hears stadero tlve Order.
Though at 4:40 o'clock t heard Madero
order a general advance, and bring the ar
tillery into action, at which the rank and
file threw their hats Into the air and
shouted "Viva Madero," and Orosco and
Raoul Madero. spurred their horses and
e-alloped toward the front, Madero denies
tonight that he ordered such aa advance,
prcbably because he Is not on the firing
1mm. The Insurrectcs are still holding their
positions, but must be short of ammuni
tion after the almost constant firing for
nearly eight hours. American army of
fleers predict that the msurrectoa will be
unable to take the city.
The Federal troops held their fire under
Mexican Border Not the O1'
to Challenge of Madero's Army
i t,
v J
the greatest provocation. They allowed
i he lnsurrectos to swarm, bushwhacker
fashion, into the streets of the city and did
not begin, firing from the breastworks of
rallrdad ties and sand bags, until nearly
S o'clock in the evening. 1
Two Killed la El Paso.
Because of th position, taken by the
rebels It was inevitable that some bul
lets should' tall in El Paso and a short
time later two men were killed near the
Santa Fe bridge.
An Insurrecto, wearing a pink shirt
Is ' called the hero of the day by
American officers, who watohed the fight
through glasses. With four companions
he worked his way down ths river towsrd
the town. He . was evidently a sharp
shooter. Dodging behind stones and
natural formations, he dismantled a ma
chine gun and finally drove fifteen fed
erals from their trenches. Under the very
eyes of the American offloers standing on
the Santa Fo bridge he ploked off three
federals In succession, then with a single
oompanton he walked to a little frame
yy. . , p
building on the Mexican end of the bridge
and thrsw a bomb through the window,
killing two men.
Firing Starts Early.
Intermittent firing started about 10
o'clock in the morning. With James Hare,
Collier's Weekly photographer, I was on
a car bound for the camp, when crowds
attracted our attention and we left the
car and heard ragged firing.' By this
time every building In El Paso was black
with people, and crowds lined the railroad
tracks along the river. Finding It impos
sible to get across the river by boat we
proceeded to the foot bridge three miles
dowHtfe river and vossed to the .Mexican
side. ; ' ' ' '
About Madsro's headquarters all , was
quiet. Only a few men were about. As we
continued up the river we found the men
everywhere hastening toward the front Up
about two miles, Jn Peace grove, we met
Madero and his staff snd learned that the
firing had been ordered to ceaee. Perhaps
top men, were waiting here... We proceeded
further and met two mounted men being
taken to the rear. A short distance on we
came upon fifteen. American insitrreetos,
under Captain Lin field, who said they had
bn ordered to stop firing and go to the
rear. They said they were obeying, be
cause they would be charged with starting
ths battle, but had had nothing to do with
starting It When we had topped several
rises and found anxious groups of rebels
on each mound we were able to see two
horsemen riding frantically among the men
waving white flags.
Shells Drive to Cover.
To these the men paid no attention, and
even those behind, though out of range,
tired several shots. Already shells that
burst when they struck began to faU about
and the men aa well as "Chief' Hare and
i sought shelter on the lee sides of the
foothills at the bottom of the mesa.
More wounded came from the front and
the rumor ran among the men that the
rebels In front had taken the bull pen.
I hastnad back to Madero's headquar
ters and was Just In time to hear the order
for ths general advanos and see the men
swarm by ths hundreds over the hills
toward Juares. I earns baek to town and
went to the "anta Fs street bridge, where
(Continued en Second Page-)
Old Mission Church Now a Fort
' J -x , J i 1
ft VjiU "'
If ' I
Inusrrectoi Attack the Mexican Town,
General Madero Giving Consent
to Beg-in the Fight.
Entire Rebel Army Joins in Aiault
that Still Continues.
General Navarro Commands Federals '
and Directs Movements.
Perfect Hail of Bullets with Rising
of the Sun.
Fartr-lrvra Bodies Counted In One
Trench and Thlrty-F.l;ht In An
other, Most of the Bodies
Stripped of Clothing.
EL PASO. Tex.. May 9 A general en
gagement between the revolutionary forces j
of General Madero and the federals under
command of General Navarro at Juares Is
raging today under a burning sun and a
heavy fusillade of musketry and cannon.
The entire rebel army had broken camp
during the night and up to noon today was
rapidly swarming Into town. The. pros
pects of a rebel success are dependent on
the ability of the federals to use their
twelve machine guns within the town. The
lnsurrectos. it was reported, had Bilenccd
some of them, but this report has verifica
tion only in the fact that the federals were
not shelling the lnsurrectos as extensively
in the laaf few hours as they did earlier In
the morning.
General Madoro admitted today that he
had given his consent to a general attack
on Juares, but explained that various cir
cumstances had precipitated it. He de
clared that reports which had reached him
were that the federals had opened fire
and that the men who had been reported
as revolting against his lead had pursued
them of their own accord and could not re
linquish their position. He listened to the
counsel of his chiefs who advised a general
attack and though he made an effort to
arrange an armistice last night It failed be
cause of the progress the attack already
had made. All the leaders hsve been acting
under General Madero's orders. They have
surrounded Juares with their men and
prospects are that the battle will continue
throughout the day without any decisive
turn. .
Madero Receives Reports.
General Madero was at his headquarters
recotvuig the reports from the front and
with him were the' various political chiefs
confident of an insurrecto victory.
Efforts of go-betweens to stop the fight
ing have failed because of the difficulty of
handling the lnsurrectos who already had
entered Juarez.
General Navarro would have consented
to an armistice If the lnsurrectos had
evacuated the town and he told this to
General' Madero over the telephone early
today, but the rebel chief by that time had
given orders for a general attack, prin
cipally to reinforce the 209 brave men who
had forced their way, Uuto Juares despite
the federal trenches, barricades and out
Bullets have been pouring Into EJ Paso,
since the attack began at 4:30 a.' m., but
the American troops have been keeping
sign t seers tnree blocks away from the
river front
Privates Emtio Garola and Cassldy of
the American . legion with the lnsurrectos
came to El Paso this morning to get food
They stated that fifteen Americans already
had been killed and wounded and that thj
insurrecto losses would probably reach laO
killed and wounded.
The federal lotts was more than dout'.e
that number,
Connie Eta-h ty-Flve Dead.
"In one trench I counted forty-seven dead
federals and In another thirty-eight They
were stripped of most of their clothing,'
said. Cassldy,
Cassldy stated that when the attack
started yesterday there were perhaps 150
Insurreotoe and that no reinforcement
came until last evening. He also added
that Vlllareal . had arrived from OJtnaga
with reinforcements and two pieces of ar
tlllery. One he said was the famous "Mc
Olnty" stolen from EH Paso, .
Colonel Garibaldi la In command of the
so-called "Amerioan legion" of lnsurrectos
and they are fighting their way to the
bull ring. The lnsurrectos ha Va nniiraA a.
I stream of shrapnsl and solid shot into the
: t .
w a it - i i .
Insurrecto cemmtndorg lose con
trol of men nd thpy attack city
they have been watching for weeks.
Butle rages from 10 o'clock to
nightfall and will be renewed In
Bee correspondent, late In aft
ernoon, hears Madero give order
for general advance after he had
vainly tried to stop assault.
Jo .Carroll, former Omaha news
boy, who has been fighting with ln
surrecios, kivcs up strunftlu In dis
gust and returns to American side.
Hundreds of Americans see fight
from housetops and river bank and
number are killed a"'l wounded.
Edwin O. Henton of Hay Springs,
Neb., was shot throuKu uie leK und
seriously wounded while walking
down Sonora street.
Federal troops under Navarro
fire on flags of truce and wound
man carrying one of them.
city. One of the gtihs Is manned by Ameri
can and French artillerymen.
An American Insurrecto, Anderson, at
as v -
tempted to cross the Santa Ke bridge
El Paso, but wss driven back by th
American troops.
At 7:30 this morning Colonel Pteever, In
charge of the American troops, tttsued or
ders not to permit any provisions to go
across to the lnsurrectos. A wajjonload
of food was at the bridge for the lnsurrec
tos and It whs not permitted to cross.
The insurrecto offloers stated they held
tho port of entry and that they had a
right to bring food supplies to their men.
amrro la Confident.
General Navarro Is confident of holding
Juaret and military experts in town think
he can do It. He has his two field pieces
and cannon in an advantageous position
in the town. He has twelve guns In all,
three of which arc In action on the out
skirts of the town, shelling the hills from
whloh the main column of the insurrecto
army must pass to enter the city unless
they decide to follow th river bank. This
Is bound to draw heavy fire into American
Thousands of residents of El Paso for
hours have been watching from roof tops
and pointsof vantage. The United States
troops have ordered everybody on the.
American side of the lino to stay throe
blocks away from the river front.
Colonel Vlllareal. the Insurrecto chief, Is
advancing from Juarez this morning from
the east with 600 men fresh from the siege
of OJInaga, while General Rabajo ,1s ad
vancing to Juarez with 1,000 federals, but a
strong command has been asbltoied to op
pose him and Madero says he has no fear
from that source.
Mrs. Josefa Garcia and her young son
were shot early today, the former receiving
a wound In her neck.
bells Scatter Insurer to.
The range of the federal artillery was
remarkably acourate, their shells landing
close to the oncoming lnsurrectos and
forcing them to scatter In their advance.
It is obvious that the heavy artillery of
the federals have given them a tremendous
The cannonading continued slowly. The
rebels used 'their- machine guns sparingly,
while the federals poured their shells Into
the Insurrecto outposts.
Captain Underfelt, ths American who
commanded the small body of men who
first attacked Jaurex, was killed, together
with five others of his command. Captain
S&chlno of the federal forces Is reported
to be seriously wounded.
Fight In Streets of Jaarea.
Fighting In the streets of Juares la con
tinued. A rebel in Juares succeeded In
telephoning Madero's headquarters that
the revolutionists were In possession of
many streets.
Federals, as well as rebels, have taken
refuge In the residences of Juares and axe
firing from windows and doorways at
persons who are visible in the streets. '
Skulking behind dozens of low -adobe
houses are scores of lnsurrectos stealing
Into the main section of the city. General
Navarro has stationed his machine guns
at the crotelngs of the principal streets
and "hopes in this way to keep the rebels
at bay, while his cavalrymen and Infantry
men pursue tho attack from the rear.
Numerous skirmlahes at short distance
range are in progress along the outskirts
of the town. At 11 o clock. 600 rebels were
seen dashing up Commerce street, the main
thoroughfare of the town. The federals
Aiave retired somewhat to the hilly portion
of Juares, due aouth of the river front.
Madero Sanctlona Attack,
A. Anderson and E. Boughman of the
American itgfon in the Garabaldl command
have been wounded. The correspondent
(aw only six wounded In the insurrecto
The federals are gathered not only In the
church but alongside a huge gas tank.
Telegraph and telephone wires have been
severed and are lying across the streets.
Mexicans are in the front rank of the ln
surrectos, followed closely by the American
Evidence accumulated throughout the
morning that the attack on Juares was be
ing made by the entire Insurrecto army
with the sanction of Francisco I. Madero,
provisional, president. Madero did not
countenance the attack yesterday. Some of
Madero's leaders say today that drunken
Juares volunteers fired on the insurrecto
sentries first.
General Navarro declares the lnsurrectos
openea tire wniie lie ana Madero wero
negotiating an armistice. After the fight
lng opened, rebel recruits continued to Join
the fighters despite Madero's protests
Madero made efforts to stop the fighting
and the lnsurrectos, his own men, fired on a
messenger he sent with a white flag.
Madero ordered the attack at 4 o'clock.
At 4:20 o clock he recalled his order. At
o'clock he harangued his troops to quit
At o'clock last night be declared he was
attempting to stop the fighting. At mid
night he announced that he had given per
mission for the attack. At S o'clock this
morning hej demanded the surrender of
Juares. At 4:30 o:clock this morning the
general assault began, with his sanction.
There wss no armistice last evening.
It is generally considered here tl.t
Madero did not have the power to stop tho
fight and was forced to give It his up
provsl. He has not technically violated any
armistice, for none had been concluded.
Jnde-ea Cannot Agree on Whrthrr All
Mleeoorl Roads Shall Hit Pas. v
senaer Trains Dally.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., May .-The su
preme court was equally divided today on
the law which requires railroads to run
dally passenger trains on all lines In M:.i
sourl. A special Judge was ordered to try
the case.
The court for a second time upheld the
Bt Louis billboard ordinance, which give
the city the right to regulate billboards.
lnsurrectos, Under General Oroczo and
Colonel Garibaldi Surround
Smouldering Flames Only Visiblt
Above Housetops.
Leaders Making Every Effort to Cap
ture Navarro Alive,
Colonel Eteever Pennits Americans to
Make the Trip,
rrnpnier ( orrrMpondent Carries
Finn of Trnre. Itrarlntt Letter
Jndffn arliajal, federal
Fence) Knvoy,
ET, PASO, Tex., May .-:45 p. m. The
tenth wounded man, a Yaqul Indian, with
s manned arm, ns been brought across
the Kama Fe bililse. At this hour the
firing vtas. growing lefs frequent, -
The lnsurrectos believe the smske In
the burning district Will drive the federals
from the church,
Eli PASO, May 9 -At 6:80 o'cloek Gerald
Brandon of New York, eorrespondentf o
the El Dlai-le, Mexloo City, crossed into
Juares with a flag of truce, bearing a
letter from Judge Carbajal, the federal
peace envoy, and Imploring the command,
era of both factions to stop fighting for
a few hours, so that the dead and wounded
could be removed,
EL, PASO Tea., May 1 At :S0 o'clock
the fire had tfone down somewhat and
emeulderlns flames occasionally were vis
ible above heuse.tops, The tnsurreetos
under General Paauual Oresoo and Colenel
Garibaldi have surrounded the church,
Another American woman sitting In her
home In EJ Paso has been hot
Bt, PABO, May The Insurreetes have
Bet fire to the postoffloe in Juerei and the
blase has spread to the drug store and
t stationery store nearby,' The pheiofflce Is
only a few font from the churoh where the
federals are gathered.
At the Unie mat the fire broke out the
rebels had completed their sortie and were
firing at the ohurch from their trenches,
The rebels believe thst if they can capture
the church tliy will, be in complete posses,
slon of thetewn. Insurreoto leaders think
they know where General Navarro la and
are making every effort to take him, 'Or
drre hove been given not to shoot him, but
to capture him alive If possible,
The fire, It is believed, fanned by ' the
wind, may wipe out one section of Juares,
The harraoka is to be the neat objective
point "f the rebels,
At 4:40 o'clock Colonel Stee-er gave the
order permitting' some Americana to cross
the bridge and bring bark the wounded, for
soma have been lying near the bridge.
Nine insurgents "wounded have been
brought to El Taso hospitals. Two of
them are fatally hurt. The blase In
Juares hns been enveloped In clouds of
smoke. The lnsurrectos are twarmlng
over the foothills In the direction of the
church, the federals artillery keeping up
a constant shelling toward ths , hills.
Americana among the wounded are:
l-onarrt Borowskl, Chicago, who la shot
in the right eye and left hand; Edward
BnuKhman, Coldwater, Mich., and A. E.
Am'erson, resldenoe unknown, the latter
two being shot In the leg.
Docnment Signed ur Offleera of Fro
vfalonal Government.
EI. PASO, Tex., May . Tha last rebel
demand to the federals to surrender the
town of Juares was transmitted, to Judo)
Carbajal, tho federal peace envoy, this
afternoon, tt rtadi
"The undersigned, members of ths pro
visional government ef Mexloo, address,
ourselves to you In I ha character fit special
envoy of the government of General Plag
and beg yen to eonatder the erltlqal sltua
tlon In which Juares la at prsssnt, alsaest
rempletely occupied by the revolutionist
army, and thst ths whole fort there will he
powerless under the elrnumstanees te hold
it since extensive reinforcements will arrive
todav, Consequently also It will be useless
to shsd more bleed and Inse mora Uvea in
this combat,
''General Navarre expressed his resolution
absolutely te follow your orders In respaot
to surrender of the town, For these eon-
Mlderattons we beg of you that, Inspired by
the dictates of tha highest patriotism and
tha noble! eentlments of humanity at a
time wh&n the situation depends on you
thst you will rettolve to order In a satis
factory rrmnner General Navarre te (UP-.
render Oudad Juam in as brief a time as
"You will understand that In these things
you have at the present moment beeoina
Quart bricks of
Dalzcll's ice cream.
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