he Omaha Daily Bee A Homo Newspaper The paper that goes to the home brings advertisers the beit returns WHAT H EH FORECAST. For Nebraska--Fair. For Iowa Fair. VOL. XL-NO. 278. OMAHA, TUESDAY 'MORNING, MAY 9, 1911 -TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO GENTS. rTTV MOISANT FLYERS DEFY CDKUEiNTS Simon and Barrier Give Thrilling Exhibitions in Air at Omaha Speedway. THEY MAKE DANGEROUS CURVES . , Exhibition Exceeds Expectations OI the Ci'OWd Present. i i nSTJUTTTJ vitrrc A TtW T TWT 1 iJAHilU JttAKLb A BLh 1 " " I After Going a Mile lie Ma1'' . aceful ; ' Curve in Air' . " j ' SIMON EXECUTES Q.VIC INS Aviators Enjoy Their Work is e a Mnch Pan Palling; Thr H. Spare as Spectators on ' Solid Tera Kirma ',".. Fisher determined to sit at the hearing, Flying, sailing up and down, around '; I however, so that In case an appeal Is made across the Omaha Speedway track, Rene ! ;0 him time and expense may be saved for Simon and Uene Uarrier gave a wonderful j all parties concerned. exhibition of aviatory skill at the opening The Cunningham coal land claims, thirty of the second annual Omaha Aero meet three In number, are so called because it Monday afternoon. They were the only ( was Clarence Cunningham of the state of ones to fly en the first day. but each, on Washington, who. while In Alaska In lt)2. his trip In tlie Moiesant monoplane, per- j discovered the ccul which led to the filing formed a scries of thrilling curves, turns. 0f claims by himself and by thirty-two and glides that were far beyond that which any of the sniaU audience assembled had expeoted. Carrier inado the first rise Into the air, eoartng straight away Into the wind to the south and continuing on a bee line, until, a, good mile away, he waa nearly j above the Lane cutoff, when he turned In beautiful wide ewlngto the eat and j soon waa making rings uround the big mile race track. Simon, not content with mak ing fuly as pretty a start to the south as Barrier, amused 'himself and thrilled the crowd by cutting In and around the grand stand, running down with terrlfio speed to within a few feet of the ground, when, wtlh a sudden start of his motor, he soared away Ilk a huge bird, curving, dipping and swinging In dangerous angles. A very small crowd witnessed the opening flights, but the expectations of all were ! exceeded by far. Barrier, from the second he left the giound, until the wheels of tbe machine touched In a most graceful drop to the earth again, was gone eighteen and one-half minutes. He bid In that time gone a little more than twenty-two miles reckon Ing on the speed that his machine would travel In that time, an dSlroon waa In the air fifteen minutes. Cojistitutional Cabinet for China! Responsible Ministry of Ten Members Succeeds the Ground Council at Peking. " PEKING, May 8. Ths long awaited edJct abolishing. the grand, oauacft and substitut ing a constitutional cabinet of ten members was Issued today. The cabinet as announced, however, is mad up of the present grand councillors with ths addition of Liang Tun Ten, the former president of the foreign board. Prince Chlng becomes premier and minister of foreign affairs and N a-Tung and Hlsu-Cbang axe made vice prime minister. Liang Tun Ten Is named second foreign minister. Otherwise the presidents of tho various boards become the ministers respectively of their departments. The change la in Una with the demands of tbe national assembly for a constitutional ' cabinet responsible to that body instead of to the throne. WILL OF .NIELS POULSON JLanarlomn Scandinavian Foundation Is Reeldaery legatee af Iron Mag-mate. ' NEW TORK. May 8. The American Scandinavian foundation la made the resi duary legatee of Niels Poulson, president of the Hecla Iron works and reputed multi millionaire, In fits will, filed, for probate In Brooklyn today. The will carries Indi vidual bequests, aggregating several hun dred dollars. Mr. Poulson's housekeeper, Nlcolene Christen sen, was left ttt.OOO, and stenographer-secretary, Annie Brush, $20,800. His $300,000 manslwn in Brooklyn is beqtieated to William M. Dtckmon. aa executor of the will. THE V(EATHEE. FOR NEBRASKA Generally fair, tX)R LOWA Generally fair. Tesnaeratare at atha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. I 6 a. m cj ( a. m b 7 a- m 6 S 5 aw ui w a. m ? 10 a. m 71 11 a. m 74 12 m 77 1 p. ra 77 I p. m 7:t 3 p. m 79 4 p. m f ' 6 p. m M ( p. m M 7 p. m M I 5 p. m , 7 Mtn M Sdl rci xaa. A I . I . Laeal Record. Official record of temperature end pre cipitation, compared with the correspond ing period of the last thre yearf: 1311. 11 A 1W. 1908. Highest today s2 70 lit W Lowest tcday fS 4:1 63 40 Mesn temperature "0 M M 51 preclpltatl-m .4 .00 T .) Temperature and precipitation departures rrom the noruwu: Normal temperaT-rro Excess for the day , Total excess tnce March 1.... Normal precipitation Excess for the day Total rainfall since March 1.. If irtenoy since March 1 Ieflcitncy for cor. period. 1!10. deficiency for cor. period. 1VD Reports from Statlea at 0 , 1 211 . .14 inch . .40 Inch .4 SI Inches .) ID inches ,.VM Inches .1.45 inches T P. M. Btatton and Ftale of eather. Temp. High. Raln- d y. fall. 74 .tut W .01 yl .01 tl .00 M .00 78 .no M .00 SI M M .W $ oo 75 .00 74 .eo S3 .00 ? .) Cheyenne, clrar 71 Iavenpvrt, clar 7 Ienver, cloudy 7 Ies Moines, pt. cloudy ... 7H Xjodge City, clear .... fc) Lender pt. cloudy 73 North Platte, cloudy M Omaha, tt cloudy 83 Pueblo, clear , W Ra4d City, cloudy 7t Salt Lake City, cloudy .... 7 facta Ke, pt. cloudy 70 fehertdan. cloudy W fcto.is tttv rioudv SO "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WK.I.SH. Leuai Forecaster. Final Argument in the Cunningham Coal Land Claims i I Attorneys for Claimants Appear Be fore Secretary Fisher and Board of Land Keview. "Til"" ! WASHINGTON, .vu. 8.-After hating l?een out of the public eye for ome time. the Cunningham Alaskan coal land claim. which bi ought about the Ballinger-Plnehot congressional Investteatlon hei ause of cha! 808 bv o"'" Clavis. a former field arnt of the land office, today approached their determination. Attorneys for the Cunningham claimants appeared to argue their case before Secretary of the Interior F.sher. Ijvnd Commissioner Ilennett and membera of the board of law review of the reraj lnnd office. It wn expected the hearing would be concluded tomorrow. E. C. Hughea of Seattle and John P. Gray of Wallace. Idaho, are representing the claimants. Commissioner rennett Is charged with l handing down the decision. Secretary others. Opposition to tho final granting of the claims was due to tho charge that there was a conspiracy to defraud the govern ment. G'.avls who wrote to President Taft. charging former Pecretrary Ralllnger with maladministration of the public land law?, started hie fight against the Cunningham claims early In 1!0S. He asserted that through an asignment of the Cunningham claims "the Uuggenhetms" were about to be given a monopoly of Alaskan coal. The Balllnger-Pinchot committee filed two reports, the majority cxonerating.Sec retary Hallinger and the minority sustain ing to a large degree the allegations made j by Glavls. The majority did not pass on the merits of the claims. The hearing starting today before Com missioner Dennett will probably decide whether the Cunningham claimants shall be granted patenta to their coal lands or whether these lands shall revert to the public domain for future entry. Mr. Hughes, arguing for the claimants, asserted that as they had paid the pur chase price of the land and held receipts from the government for the money, tU waa equivalent to the actual delivery of patent rights. According to the Alaskan coal land law of 1904, which he declared was complete In Itself, as soon as a claimant had staked off his land and had entered' it in. the register's office he had a right to make contracts to. sell such land, provided the claimant waa not legally disqualified. , Asked by Secretary Fisher whether he bad read the brief presented In behalf of Gifford Plnchot In connection with, the charges In the case, Mr. Hughe declared that this brief was only partly correct- He did not .believe there bad been Intentional deceit, but asserted that the farts had been shuffled. He did not explain in what particular the brief was only partly correct. Germany Sends Warning to France Occnpation of Fez Likely to Lead to Trouble Belief Expedition Mak ing Slow Progress. BERLIN, May 8. Germany has warned Fran e of the dangerous consequence likely to follow the occupation of Fes by Fienc't troop V Further than this the government has tnken no step, though watching develop ments In Morocco cicely. . There Is nj truth In 'the rumor published today that Germany hurt d cldrd to send thiee crnt'eis to Moio-cnn wa:c! In o dec to display the flac at Casablanca. Rabat, Mogador and fc'-l Araiah. In vW of tho hint f-om Berlin It Is bel eved h re thit tbe French flying column from the southwest Vst I1" ben hurrying to the re' let of Fes will be halted outside the capital. .. TANGIER, Morocco, Mn' S The French, Bri'lsh and Austrian consuls; received ad vices irom Fes today. The messages a'e of a pesstmistte character. Other official couriers and those of news agencies which are expected did not arrive during the day. Tbe dispatches received state that Colonel Brunard's r.llef expedition Is still close to El Kniin, t ie French advance being barely thirty miles beyond Rabat. This column waa expeeied to reach El Knitra in Mav 1 and to make th Interven ing 114 m Irs to Fez by forced marches aot later than last Sunday. CHAPLAIN BREWER IS BEFORE COURT-MARTIAL Officer of Sixth Artillery Mast Answer Charge of Csadset fabe comtna" aa Officer. FORT RIIT, Kan., May $. A eourt r.artial met here today to try Chaplain cer and a gentleman. The specifications of the charges have not been given out. The court Is presided over by Lieutenant Colonel Walter L. Flnley, Thirteenth ' cavalry. It waa learned today that Chaplain Brrwer ! .d been under arrest six weeks. : CI. a, lain lirewer is 33 years old and holds the rank of first lieutenant, appointed from Alabama In IjCH. He w as RIOT . IN OKLAHOMA CITY One Man ghat aad Foar Slightly Hart When Mob Attacks a Street Car. j OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl., May 8One man waa shot and four others were slightly Injured here last night during a fight be tween special police employed by the Okla homa Street Railway company and union men. Tom Davis, a spectator, was shot through the hand. Two special policemen, a union man and a street car conductor re oatved minor Injuries. , The trouble followed the refusal of the street car company to meat the demands of the Car Mao's Union for aa uoreaae in wage. Aa attempt waa made by union men and their sympathisers to pre van t the running af ears and when tha polios triad to make arrests tha union mu resisted. Tbe disorder waa soon quailed. CREIGHTON LOSS IS ABOUT 75,000 Liberal Arts Building of Creighton University is Gutted by Early Morning Fire. IT ORIGINATES IN THE ATTIC Old Church Chairs and Pews Burn in Short Time. PROBABLY HIT BY LIGHTNING Father Rigge Thinks This the Cause of the Fire. FACULTY IS DRIVEN FROM BEDS Vice President Places Total Loss at Seventy-Fire) Tbnnaand Classes Will Be Ttraamed This Morning. Loss from fire at Creighton university Monday morning Is placed at close to S7B,0iO by Rev. W. F. Dooley, vice preeldent of the Institution. The damage to the building la placed at $51,000. while the loss Incurred . from the effects of the wster and flra on the con tents of the building will approximate $2.i,000. Classes were abandoned for - Monday, but beginning Tuesday morning they will be resumed at, usual, as the first and sea ond floors, it Is thought, will then bs dry and safe enough to permit recitations In them. The third floor will be untenable for some time. The cause of the fire la yet undetermined. Father William F. Rigge, head of the natural science department, advances tbe theory that the flames may have been started by a stroke of lightning entering the building through an electric lighting transformer.' The loss Incurred by the fire Is fully cov ered by Insurance. Loss In the physics laboratory will amount to SlS.On. Water soak In a? through from the third floor where the fire damage Has confined is ruining the ceilings of the two floors below. The flames started In the tower and worked downward. The fire invaded the lower floors only in the region of the elevator shafts. The fire damage below Is trifling. Twenty-seven members of ths fsculty, who reside In the building, were driven from their beds In their nightclothes. Methodist Envoys Meet at Chattanooga i Agents 'from Three Great Branches of Denomination Working on Scheme for Unity. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. May S.-En-voys fi-om the three great branches of Methodlam met here today to lay a foun dationer the unification of the divisions. Dans for the federation begun aeventeen years ago are shaping Into complete form. The three branches are the Methodist Protestant, the Methodist Episcopal and the Methodist Episcopal church south. The Joint comlsslon consists of twenty seven members, each church being repre sented by nine commissioners and Its first session will be held Wednesday to re ceive and act on the report of a sub-cora-mlsslon whlrh met here today. The federation movement was begun at the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church south, at Memphis, Tenn., In ISM, when the commission rep resenting that denomination was created. Iater similar commissions were appointed by the two other churches and the three heid a meeting at Baltimore in December 1910. At that time a subicommlttee of three frgm each commission waa appointed to inquire Into the causes of the alienation of three branches of Methodism and to formulate and present a plan for unifica tion. Attempt to Identify ..Dead Safe Blower - i : l. m i Coroner Finds that Man Who Killed Marshal Busby at Paton, la., Committed Suicide. PFS MOINKS, Is., May $. Chief of De tectives Johnson left today for Jefferson where he hopes to Identify the safe blowers who shot and killed Marshal J. W. Busby of Paton, while -barricaded in a school house, following the robbery of Paton poetofflee. Johnson hopes to Identify also the companion of the captured safe blower, who waa killed. FORT DODGE. Ia., May 8. The coron er's Inquest over the body of ths postofflce robber killed at Paton yesterday during a battle between two safe blowers and a posse developed today that the man shot himself and waa not shot by Sheriff Wil son ss had been supposed. Omaha Educator Who Has Dr William M. Davidson would be lef a better known as superintendent of the Omaha public schools If he were not so many other things be sides. Born in Jamestown, Pa., just forty-eight years ago Monday, he was educated In Kansas and entered newspaper work. He was once city editor on an opposition paper to William Allen White's Emporia Ga leae and from the lucrative news paper profession turned his atten tion to philanthropic tchool teach ing. Ha became superintendent of the schools In Omaha tn 1904 and has remained since in that position. He ia known not only in Omaha, but all over the country as a publlo speaker and his appearances on the lecture platform snd at occasional gatherings have been many In the last few years. Hs receives invita tions from far distsnt point for lec- -tures and addresses and It Is only because be makes hla home here that Omahar.a receive greatest bene fit from bis eloquence. He Is an en thusiastic and active member of na tional and state educational societies. til A M f i '.vv fi ''L 5s : A'vk'JH Vo From the JTew Tork World, COAL MINERS TO DES MOINES Unofficial Announcement that Capital Gets State Headquarters. EXPRESS RATE CASE UP TODAY Salt Involving; the Rednrtlon of Charges Will Be Tried He fore Jadge Smith Me. riierson. ("From s Btaf ' Correspondent .1 DBS MOINES. Vay 8 ixclal Tele-grsm.)-Local rerres -ntatlves of the Mners" union sre confident that Des Moines will be made the location of the district 'headquarters for District No. 13 rnl thaf the peneral officers of the dis trict will be moved hre from Oskaloosa. A vote has been taken In the local unions j during the last two. weeks, but -the re capitulation has not yet heeivtxr-ulaud. It Is learned unoM lally . t iWOtw votfnf Des Moirea Is In the ViSif.wth AlbU second and Oskalonsa ;K'rd. The result wl'l som be announced. ' . ' , F.x press Rate' Case Today. In endeavoring to" win Its case .reduc'jig express rates the state will bump snuarely Into the decision of Judge Sanborn, handed down In St. Paul, by which decision mariv good lawjers declare the field of power of a ttvlway commission Is limited to al most nothing. In this opln on Judge Ban born hold that a slate rsllway commls-ltm cannot reduce a rate when such reduc ion will rp ra'e to chaigt an Interstate rite. Jud re M Pherson will tnke up the case In ihe fed ril court tomorrow. Stone to Be Tried for M order. Jrhn W. Stone, who walked Into a st'rel during the suTimer of IK and shot d'wi Frank L Kahler. end was la'er sent to the Insane hospital, will be brought back to Des Moines and tried for murder. FTIs trial will be brought about by repeated efforts of relatives and friends who live In Pennsylvania to secure his release from the asylum on the grounds that he is not Insane. At the time of the crime no motive was assigned. California Exposition Commission. Governor Carroll has appointed aa mem bers of the commission provided for by the legslature to report on the San Francisco exposition Charles Eschar, Jr., of Shelby counly, M. A. Ranev of Iowa county, H nr L. Adams of Fa et e county. J. L. Wtlfo of Clinton and Georce A. Wilson of Dei Moln s. The committee will report on th j advisability of Iowa mnklng a sh w there. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Contract for Postofflce Betiding at Aaiea, Iau Examination for Rnral Carriers. (From a Btaff Corrtsp nd nt) WASHINGTON. May 8 tSp-clal Tele gram.) ';e:rs;5 w. Btlles of Chicago las ben swarded the contract for the con struction of the public build ng at Am1, Ia . at $44 738. Civil fervlce examination will be hld on June 3 f ir rural carriers at Comatock arid Lynch, Neb. a National Reputation swajajSP1 1 . sjsssapysBrsi I ' ' ' 1 Vv ' ' - t f X' y DR. WILLIAM U. DAVIDSON. -J Still on the Anxious Seat Dietz Arsenal is Brought Into Court Former Sheriff Giblin and Fred Thor bahn Testify as to Shots Fired at Them During the Siege. MATWARD. Wis., May g. When the Diets murder trial was resumed this morn Ir.g former Sheriff William Oiblln was re called to the stand by the prosecution to testify to having ben sht af in May 8, KOi. while hpp O! chlng the Diets cabin at Cameron dam with other de utles. Pat McOlnn. one of the men with Oiblln. was Injured, and Valentine Welsenbach, who was w.th Dl t x, was sent to Waupan for twelve years for his part In the affair. The state gathered up a few loose threads of evidence this morning before calling Fred Tbrbahn. one of its mist Important witnesses, to the stand. Thorbahn led the deputes against Diets in October 8 laat. TheTJleta na." waa brought tnte ti court room for1 the first time today. Diets waa blocked by former Attorney Genet al L. M. Sturdevant from cross-exam nation of Giblin beyond the facts biought out by ths prosecution. Diets took exceptions to the court's rulings. Fred Thorbahn. In testifying, reviewed tho material events of the dey of the fight. He said: "I waa walking a good distance from the cibln when I siw a man at the corner of the house. I thought I waa too far away for him to get me. but I kept my eyes on him sideways. I heard a report and saw the shot strike In the ground abottt fifty feet in front of me. It was a rice thot. but a little too low." Thornt-ahn smiled all htly at Diet aa he ild this, but Diets k. pt on tak ng notes. "I went down on oie knee as I hi a d another report," the witness went on. "This one struck the grass two feet from my knee. I swung loose with a couple of automatic charges and the man got out of sight pretty quick." With the testimony of Therbahn the prosecution brought Its case to an end. Lansdowne's Bill For Reform of Lords Bill Favored by the Peers Provides for Smaller Chamber Divided Into Three Classes. LONDON, May 8. -Lord Lansdowtie, leader of the opposition of the House of Lords, today Introduced his bill for tbe reform of the upper house. The unionists, he said, proposed a house to consist of SuO lords of Parliament. No peer should hold his seat for more than twelve years, but they would "be eligible for re-election. The peers them selves would elect 109 membera of the peer age possessing the statutory qualifications. A second contingent would consist of 130 members to be elected from outside the House of Lords. The third section of the house numbering 100, would be appointed by the crown on the recommendation of the cabinet. Prlncea of the royal blood would retain their seats, as also would two archbishops while five bishops would be elected. Viscount Morley, who Immedlstely fol lowed Lansdowne, threw cold water on the plan. He said the government could not accept the proposals as a solution of the difficulty. Tbe bill passed Ita first reading. MILLION IN MEXICAN GOLD COIN MELTED INTO BULLION Heavy Shipments to Assay Office ta New York Are All af Re cast Coinage. NEW TORK. May Mexican gold coin to the amount of nearly $1.0no.n00 haa been received at the federal subtreasury and assay offtcs here within a short time past, it was learned today. Substantially half the amount haa been melted Into bullion at the assay office. The remainder was deposited at the subtreasury. The gold was all of recent coinage. It was reported thst some one, possible a high official of the Mexican government, anticipating a crisis In Mexican affairs, had shlppsd the gold here as a precaution ary measure. It waa said later by the bankers through whom the shipment wss made that it was In the regular course of their business as correspondents of a financial Institution of Mexico City. It was possible, they said, thst It reflected the alarm of some private individual over the Mexican situation. PROTEST OYER RECIPROCITY Book Paper Makers and Farmers Are Before Finance Committee. BACHELDER TALKS FOR GRANGERS Ex-Governor of New Hampshire Saya American Farmers Are Taxed Mach Higher Than the Canadians. WASHINGTON, May 1-Protests of book paper manufacturers against Ca nadian reciprocity were made to the sen ate finance ' committee which resumed hearings on the agreement today. George Sullivan, representing a Phila delphia company, asserted that because of the vast wood supply and cheap water power in Canada, coupled with advan tages In the duty on raw material, Ca nadian book paper manufacturers could make their product at ST a ton less than 1 Americans. He declared the agreement would put. the American book" paper manu facturers out of business. , Mr. ' Pullivan said there were forty-six book .paper mills in tbe United States with 30,000 employes. The only book paper Amer icans export Is Bible paper: Representatives of the farmers of thir teen or fourteen states followed the book paper manufacturers In protest against the bill. Ex-Governor N. J. Bachelder, of New Hampshire, master of the Na tional grange, denounced the bill as a violation of the pledge of the republican platform of 1908 to maintain protection to the country's Industries equal to the difference In the cost of production at home and abroad. Ex-Governor Bachelder presented tables to show that articles used by the Ameri can farmer bore an average tariff tax of from 20 to 33 per cent more than that paid by the Canadian farmer. He con cluded from thla that the American farmer could not compete with tbe Ca nadian on an equal-' basts. Illinois Graaarer Talks. Robert Eaton, master of the Illinois state grange, and W. N. Giles, secretary of the New York state grange, both warned congresa against discriminating against the farmers. "Lower the tariff -equally if too high." said Mr. Gilea, "but don't discriminate against the farmer. We are going to hold somebody responsible If this bill passes." "That will be the president for he ne gotiated the treaty," suggested Senator Bailey. "How about senators who voted for it?" interjected Senator Gallinger. "I would not like to be president I don't expect to be" retorted Mr. Giles, "and I would not like to be a senator who had to go to the farmers and say he had been willing to sacrifice the farmers in this matter." Al Ralne. master of the Missouri state grange, and Prof. T. C. Atkinson, of Morgantown, W. Vs., also spoke In oppo sition to the measure Now that the I'nlted States promises to; become an Importer of farm products. Prof. Atkinson said, the farmer should be permitted to retain a protection on his products. In closing Prof. Atkinson arraigned the fertiliser "trust" The hearing will ba continued tomorrow. Will Put Raw Wool on the Free List WASHINGTON. May S.-That the ways snd mesne committee will put raw wool on tbe free list In revising schedule K, waa declared to be practically centaln today and resulted In a caucus of ths democratic delegation from New York at which eigh teen members declared themselves In favor of free wool and four argued against It. All pledged themselves to ablds by tha deci sion of ths full democrstlc caucus. The four New Tork democratic congress men who expressed vigorous opposition to free raw wool were Fornes. Ayera, Connell and Underhlll. The caucus was called at the Instance of Representative Harrison of the ways and means committee, who will fight for free raw wool before the com mittee and wanted tha support of his state delegation. Representative Sutter aa chairman of ths caucus declared the revision of sched ule K undoubtedly would put raw wool on the free list. Representative Harrison said the ways and means committee had not voted yet on the wool bill, but that con sideration of the schedule would begin tomorrow. JUAREZ ATTACK BEGINS IN SPITE OF GEN, MADERO Rebel Troops Move Against City and Bullets Fly Thick Across American Line. FOUR KILLED ON AMERICAN SIDE Insurrectos Have Control of Both Bridges Leading from Town. LEADER CHANGES MIND OFTEN Says He Will Fight and Then Says Positively Will Not. ( DIAZ TO QUIT IF PEACE COMES Manifesto Addressed to the People of Mexico. aaasaaaana-Ba MADERO FORBIDS MOVE ON CITY Abandonment , of Border Warfare ia Llae with Poller at I nsor rectos ta Meek Harly Recognition hj America. KL PASO. Tex.. May B.-Tho Insurrectoe early tonight entered Juares as far as the bull ring. The main column of the rebels advanced toward the city. The artillery of both sides waa brought Into action, and the reports of the cannon were Incessant. The Insurrectos were swarming Into the town. The Insurrectos had control of both brides leading from Juares to the United Statea. The federal artillery .fired several ex plosive shells Into ths foothills lurrnnnillMs Jusres. Tho insurreoto detachment which came up along the river bank fired on)v Intermittently. Fierce fighting was In rrog. ress In ths town. . , At 7:10 o'clock General Msdero returned to his headquarters and denied that the attack was general. He said he wss making every effort to stop the battle. He. declares that those fighting had disobeyed orders, The remainder of the Insurreetn armv. hnu.. ever, was holding Itself In readiness to give suncor to tneir comrades. The Jnsurrectos had taken all the custom holses but one. all bridges and the build ings.. Th estreats of Jusres were said to be covered with dead and wounded. The United States custom ' house was hit by bullets several times. The casualties on the American side of the line thus far were reported to be four killed and nine wounded. At 4 o'clock General Madero announced he would begin at sunset on Juarea. Ha gave no explanation, but ia Deiiavao tnai tna aet,w,vflin of i-hs Diss manifesto reached hereoday and proved highly unsatisfactory to 'the rebels. Tha small detachment whloh broke away fro mthe main command wss in nnuainn of the outlying portion of Juares. Colonel m sever ordered all United States troopg to tha scene of the fighting. He made a report to the War department of the futil ity of his protests against shooting Into America nterrltory. Bullets were coming Into El Paso thick and fast near the Banta Fe bridge, whloh Joins the two towns. eral Madero's headquarters, the Insurrectos replied that they would stop fighting only wnen they took Juares. General Madero's military chiefs were supposed to have pre vailed on him that he must take Juares to make the government recede from the al leged haughty position It took on the Dlog manifesto. Madero Changes Mind. General Madero at 4:20 o'clock changed his mind and said hs would not , attack, Juares. The rebels were reportd to have stopped firing. It ws rported that the feder als had shot the lnsurrecto truce bearer, but It could not be confirmed. Many of the federal dead can be seen lying In the streets. General Madero's announcement at the conclusion of a conference with his chiefs was, "I will not attack Juares," A message received at the Madero camp from Bl Pals, a newspaper In Mexico City, declaring that President Dial had not flatly announced hla Intention to' resign added to the argument which Madero's military chiefs made to him to attack tha town. y Colonel Steever, In command of tha Fourth United States cavalry, sent two messengers to General Navarro protesting against the federal fire into American ter ritory. One man bore a flag of truce and another an American Tag. Colonel Steever sent a similar request to General Madero. It read: "In the name of tho preeldent of tha United States I hereby protest against men under your command handling their arms In such a way that bullets fall Into United States territory, as is happening today." Secret Attack Averted. Residents of Cludad Juares awoke today to find that they had been spared a battle Which mjght have resulted In one of the deadllt conflicts of the revolution. Creep ing along In the thick night, the insur- EL PASO, May 8 Residents of Cludad Juares. the Mexican city across the Rio Grande, awoke today to find that they had been spared a real battle which might resulted In one of the deadliest conflicts of the Mexlcsn revolution. Creeping along In the thick of the night, the lnsur recto army, supposedly on Its way soulh because It feared American intervention It Quart bricks of Dalzcll's ice cream. Boxes of O'Brien's Candy. AH riven away free to those who find their names In the want adg. Read the want ads ever day, your name will apiwar sometime, may be more than once. ISo puzzles to solve nor subscrip tions to get Just read the want ads. Turn to the want ad paes now.