Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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BTX: mimK. MONTUY. MAY 8, 191f.
AfkrMka ' tlaaed.
80-ACRB farm. 28 mile from Omaha,
mil' to town, upland, good aoll. in
good condition; must sail; good term
Ownrr, Bos 262, Orna. Neb.
IM-ACRB ranch ftr saia, tW per acre,
two-thtrda cash, rcmam1tT flva years,
per cent Interest; all fenced; food lm pro va
riants. For particulars writ Frank Sehula,
Norfolk. Neb.
FOR 8ALB 800 acre hay land, 1 roll
Newport. S17.M; MO miles, all ntw build
ing, spring water. H.Vk Others. L. V
Grene. Newport. Neb.
640 ACRM8 of deeded land, 6 mile from
town; nearly all level. Prtre, 212 uO per
acre. Address J. C. Benin. Whitman,
V - North Dakota.
SEVERAL Improved farm In MeHenry
county, N. Dak., for sals on cur terma;
(ood aoll; Via to 130 per acre. C. A. Stub
bins. Granville. N. D
FOR SALE Renter and Investors. If you
want to own one of our flna Improved
grain farma with every modern conveni
ence and ba Independent, write me at onca,
Llttla money needed. Wendell Hustua.
Carrlngton, N. .
WANTED Hava rood Itat of landa Id
James River Valley, btutsman county, N.
1. Correspondents with real estate agents
solicited, k uuin btaie tank, YpUantl,
N. V.- "
FUR SALE KA acrea choleeat apple, pear,
chair, grape land In the west, six miles
from town, one mile from railroad; soil
deep volcanio aari. The lallee. Ore., prize
wuinlng fruit.
lv acres. i'i mllea from town, new, mod
em house, barn, tenement; t0 pear prune,
bearing; 1.64 young treea, 1,000 grape vlnea,
good water; wood. Or will aell M acres
with all Improvements. Investigation
solicited. C. H. Webster. The Dalles, Ore
Our private car leavs Omaha June E,
direct to our fruit Land! In the Willamette
valley. Free round trip to our prospective
buyers. A few reservations left. For In
formation tee Santlam fruit Colony, &20
Bee Bldg.
Seath Cajrollaa.
LANDS-3E00 pf-r acre made growing figs
for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on
easy monthly payments. Sea Island Orchard
Company. Charleston, 8. C
ath Dakota.
Close to the Minnesota Una; heavy black
soil; clay subsoil; Ilea very level and all
under cultivation. Must be sold within SO
days to olose an estate. Half of this year's
crop goes with the price. 126 per acre;
easy terma; 33.000 will handle It and It Is
a snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weeds.
Address W. F. MoOee. Lake Preston. 8. D.
400-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux Falls;
excellent Improvements, large grave and
fruit; all In cultivation; price far quick sale
, easy terms; also 240 well improved, easy
terma, and 100 acres unimproved. These are
bargains tor quick sale. H. A. Stlvlus,
owner. Sioux Falls, . D.
This la the land ws have. Free home
steads; relinquishments and deeded lands.
For particulars writs K. O. Wonder 4k Co
Buffalo Gap, S, D.-
FOR BALE Section good, raw land: all
fenced; good flowing wall; mllea from
Plankington, 8. D. For particulars, writs
J. B. O Malley. Philip, 8. D.
WILL, exchange choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for
good Iowa or Nebraska land; what have
you to offer? West Land, Co.. Pierre, 8. D.
Ws have- a list of Edmunds county land
for sale at from SI and up per acre. If
Interested write us for particulars and ws
wli laaad our prices and pocket map. If
you own land In South Dakota list It with
us. Our motto Is "A Square Deal to Buyer
and Seller." Olvs us a chance to prove our
statement. Hasvold Land Co., 141ns, Ed
munds county. South Dakota.
Fair Improvements. Pries $5,800. Equity.
11400. Akaaka Real Bstats Co., Alaska, a.
D. - .
Buy Gulf Coast Fruit Landa
on Easy Payments
Where 10 acres will produce as much
each season as 100 acres farther north.
Watch for our ad next week offering
Gulf Coast Orange and Fig lands within
tan miles of Houston, Tex., on terms of
Otie Dollar an acre cash and One Dollar an
acre per month.
See .us for particulars. ,
W. J. Dermody T
Investment Company
1514 City National Bank Bldg, Omaha. Neb.
Buy orchard and garden landa near
Houston, the greatest and most prosper
ous city In the southwest, where values
are going .up all the time and fortunea
mad In real estate in short while. Easy
terms If desired. Address E. C. Robert
son. Ml Klan Bldg.. Houston Tex
TUB N1LK OF A Urmc a ,
130 cash and I per cent Interest, payable
eeml-aunueUly, will seours you a home In
Vela. Tex. and a 10-aore farm In the Rls
Grands valley, where the farmer's cash in.
came Is as perpetual as the days that corns
TV" " Jacason. 7t First National
oanx mag., Houston, Tex.
WB are subdividing 1.300 acre at r.rrn
farm land In Jackson sountjr. Splsndld
w r ' mm miniu sneui ngnt.
Inches. For description, plat and prloss
writs v
IIS E. Houston St.. San Antonio. Tex.-
RAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot o
i oi me paper shell pecan. We
ca-n buy land for you or Invest money, t
per oent net to you secured by mortgage on
these landa. Correepondenoe solicited
Refer to First Mil l huk Hn K-1. xi.-i
beak. Ward, Murray Co.. and the mem
bers in congress from Vwxaa. Ksliay-
uimwa v o.. hm can, iex.
SAN 8ABA. VALLKT, the gardsa spot of
'wm, uumv vi ioe paper sneu psnan w
can buv l&nd trv ,A. i n . .
WW V, t .1 - W- . ItlllUBJ,
er oent Bet to you eeoured by mortgage so
iwui. vorreeponaencs solicited.
Refer to First Net I bank. San Saba Nat I
hank. Ward. Murray A Co. end the mem
bera In oengrees from Texas. Kelley
Burleson Co.. fcaa Saba. Tax.
ACHES choice unimproved wheat land
(black sandy loam) In northern Utah, near
railroad. Price I par acre. Terms reason
able.. Address Dr. W. H. Petty, Ogden,
Utah. .
FOR BALE 10,00 acMis hi Laramie
county. Wyoming, la Golden Prairie dis
trict; suitable for farming; new stocked
wltb cattle and sheep; wUI sell with reach;
will exchange for eastern Nebraska or
lewa farcua. J. T. Bell. Owner. Cheyeaae.
WE exchange properties of merit. H. H.
Culver, mi-li O. N. B. Bldg.. D. 7806.
For sale or exchange: tins hardware and
furniture business In live town of about
; good farming country; Grant Co.. Min
nesota; large frame store building; on
choice corner lots, nloe living rooms up
stairs; alao good Improved 1st acres; land
$ miles from same town. 110 acres under
cultivation. can all be plowed; no waste;
will consider good Improved farm In corn
belt or good Income city property up to
$la.000. as part payment; balance cash.
Requires about tS.oO to handle this. For
ether Information and prion, writs owner,
Lock Box S4. Herman, Minn.
DENVER-U exchange for Omaha, new.
modem s-room residence, R. P. B , hard
wood, Millard room; choice location, be
tween Colfax Ave. and City park; U min
utes' car ride from center of Denver.
Prtoe. 1-i.AOOuO, rents Mj mo. E. Larson,
1610 Cook St.. Ienver. Colo.
44 acrea In tanioua Twin Falls coun
try; beet part of southern Idaho, where
they raise Cuo bu, spuds per acre; 2H miles
from R R elation For ssle or trade for
Nebraska land Good raaaon f"r selling E.
L. Ktunaey. Ui N. 12th bt., Boise, Idaho.
. "' ' '
FOR reliable sale sr d exchanges,
D. M. LLAMINU. ,W Brandels Bldg.
C. J. CAN AN. Room Jsl. Oma. Nat I Bank.
A lR-nwM hotel, completely furnished.
The only 12 a day house In town; ten nicely
furnished bedrooms, parlor, dining room,
kltih-n and office; baaement um!rr entire
building; brick walla, cement floora; all
clear; on main line of C, II. J. Ry., short
dlataarn from Omaha, bnlopglng to en
elderly woman who has run the hotel for
a term of yeers and wishes to retire; en-,
Joying a profitable business. Will oon: i
elder Omaha, 1 1 ouncll muffs, Lincoln or;
Kansas City property. Don't submit un-
reasonable offers as thin la not a trad Ins; i
rroposltloa: located in a live Iowa. town.
Investlenie. C. J. I'anan. Tfll Omaha Nat l
Bank Bldg.
FOR PAf.F or exchange, rooming house
for house and lot or lots; will pay differ
ence. Red Mr,.
FOR PA LK or Trade, soda fountain (vsl
uatlon 11..0) and cigar case. Address E. H.,
Box 112. Tltonka, Iowa.
OMAHA property and Nebraska landa.
Mil New Omaha National Bank Building.
GARVIN BROS.. 34 floor N. T. Ufa, 1600
to tiW.OOO on Impioved property. No delay.
"WANTED City loans. Peters Trust CoT"
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Always on hnnd and for rale In amounts
from X00 to J3,imo.
412 New York Life Bldg.
LOANS to home owners and horns build
era, with privilege of making partltal pay
ments semi-annually. W. IV THOMAS, Ml
First National Bank bulldlngv
Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina
Co.. with assets of over 1117,000,000, I am
prepared to accept all the good loans of
fered on Improved Omaha real estate.
Business and residence loans mad with
out delay.
City National Bank Bldg.
fi Sr fjVoon c,t "nd f"m property. W.
O S Or2OB. MEIKLE. Ms Ramge Bldg.
WANTED City loans and warranta. W.
Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Faxnam St
110-313 Brandels Theater Bldg.
MONET TO LOAN-Payne Investment Cs
Wanted, farm loans. Kloks Inv. Co., Omaha
$100 to $10,000 made nromDtlv. D.
Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam.
WE HAVE money to loan on lmon
real estate In Omaha and suburbs.
1606 Farnam St. Board of Trade Bldg.
We have cash buyers for modern houses
In the Dundee district or .northwest part
of Ihs city. FOR QUICK RETURNS list
your property with us.
AGENCY, luOS Farnam Street. '
Tel. Tyler 1024. Ind., A-ttli
Have you anything to offer the farmer
of Iowa? Any cheap land for higher priced;
a general merchandise atora for land or
any kind of an exchange? Or have you
some i land you want to sell for cash? The
one paper that reaches the Iowa farmer
la the Des jluines Capital; 42,000 clrculatioa
daily; rale single Insertion, 1 cent a word;
six Insertions, cents a word. Des Mouses
Dally Capital. Des Moines. Ia.
WANT to purchase direct from owner,
at actual cash value, a farm In eastern
Nebraska; stats price and terms In first
letter. Box 3iS. Fremont. Neb.
BEST pries paid for 2d hand furniture,
carpets, clothing and shoes. TeL D. U7L
Picturesque St. Lawrence Rout.
Weekly Sailings from
Fortnightly from
PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow.
Splsndld sceneiy, shortest passage, lew
Any local agent or
ALLAN a CO.. General Agents,
127 N. Desj-born St.. Chicago.
Single or Round Trip Tickets between New
fork and Scotch, English, Irtsn and all
prlnolpal Continental points at attractive
rates. Send for book of Information.
Superior Accommodations. Excellent Col
sine. Apply promptly for Reservation to
local agenta of Anchor Line or HENDER
SON BROS.. General Agenta. Chicago. 11L
YOUNG man wishes nicely furnished
room on ground floor, within walking dis
tance. State pries and location In letter
Address to K It. Carss Bee. .
MARRIED lady wlshea room and board
In strictly private family. Husband horns
part of time. Willing to pay according
to what we get. Grafters and cheap
boarding houses need not answer. Address
J 242 Bee.
BOeeT Omaha made candy Insist on
having O'Brien's candy fine oandy. We
will gtvs a hO-rent box of this fine candy to
Mra. J. C. Mahlln. V4 Caldwell street.
If shs will bring this ad to The Bee office
within three days.
MARRIED man. age $8, wants steady
worn In general store; stx years' experi
ence. J Za Bee.
WANTED At onoe, position as house
keeper by woman with little girl. Call
Park Wlids Uoiue, 1231 Park Wllda Ave.
WANTED A position by a young man
as automeblls driver. Address Y-184, cars
WORJC WANTEIJ I am In Jail and likely
to go to the penitentiary for the lack of
$10. I will work tor any oua, at any kind
of work, fur six months, who wtll advance
me that amount and board. I will work
faithfully. Address, Joe Lece. County
Jail, Omaha, Neb.
EXPERIENCED drug clerk, with best of
references, desires poaitton. G 240. Bee.
CARPENTER wants jobbing, repairing.
All kinds of screen work, new and old.
3701 Dodge St.. Telephone Harney hJb.
THE best cand made can be bought most
any plaoa where candy is sold. Remember
the name O'Rrlen'a candy. If Mrs. T.
Hawrey. 2124 Douicla street, will bring this
ad to The Bee office within three days
ws will give her a 0c box of this fine
cndv free.
London Paris Hamburg
Anirtk. May 11. I A. M MPr Lincoln.
It ekals'a. Ana. Vie. Mj sV PmoiijI
Mr n
eniti Csrltos a U Carte ResUursot.
..m t Plrmeath r,4 cserbouri.
Will tail at keuluna
' Secou4 t'tble Uoly. '
sTnbarg-Amertuan 2taa. ISO West Baa
Aolpa t- UMoaga, III, or looal agent.
Office of Indian Affairs. Washington.
t. t'.-flealed propoaals for letting gr
Ing District No. S. I'row Reservation,
Montana, for the graxlng of sheep, either
under a lease or by permit, will he re
ceived at the office of the commissioner of
Indian affaire. Washington. D. C, until I
o'clock p. m , on Monday, June 6, 1911, and
will he Immediately thereafter opened In
the presence of such bidder as may at
tend. All necessary Information may be
obtained on application to the superin
tendent of the t'row Indian school. Crow
Agenry. Montana. C. F. Hauke. Second
AsHlstant Commissioner. Mtdlflt.
tniO.f STATION -Teat k ! Mas a
talon Pacific
Depart. Arrlvs.
San Fran. Overland L a I;1K am all 30 pm
China and Japan F. M.a 4:06 pm a 6:46 pm
Atlantic Express a 0:46 am
Oregon Express s 4:00 pm a 6:10 pm
m Angeles 1 J ml ted. . .aJ2.5 pm a 8 pm
Denver Special a 7:04 am a 7:27 am
Colorado TO x press a l:M pm a 4 M pm
Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2:&0 pm a $:20 pm
North Platte Local all:56 pm a 4:46 pm
Grand Island Local. ...a 8:16 am a 10:. 10 am
Stromsburg Local bl2.41 pm b 1:20 pm
Mlseowrl Pacific
K. C. St. L. Ex a :2 am a 7:40 am
K. C. St. U Ex., ex
cept Saturday all:16 pm a 6:64) pm
K. ('. A St. L. Ex.. Sat
urday only 12:00 pm
Chlcaco, MIlTookee et St. Pawl
Oveland Limited all: 43 pra a 7:6 am
Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7M5 am
Om.-gavanna Local
.a 7:16 am
.a 6:00 pm
.a 7:42 am
.b 6:16 pm
all: 46 pm
a 8 ?o pm
a 8:60 am
bl0:00 am
Colo.-Cal. Express..
Colorado Special
Perry-Omaha Local..
Illinois Central
Chicago Express a 7:00 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Minn. -St. Paul Ex b 7:00 am
Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm
Chicago at Northwestern
Twin City Express. ...a 7:46 am
Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm
Minn. Dakota Ex. ...a 1:00 pm
Twin City Limited a 8.45 pm
Minnesota Express
Carroll Local a 7:00 am
Daylight Express a 7:40 am
Chicago Local al2:05 pm
Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm
Chicago Special a (:0t pm
Pacific ""Coast -Chicago.. a 6:i pm
Los Angeles LI ml ted... a W:60 pm
Overland Limited all:46 pm
Carroll Local a 4:30 pm
Fast Mall a 8:30 pm
Llncoln-Chadron a !:) am
Norfolk-Dallas a 8.-00 am
Long Plne-Llncoln a 8:16 pm
Hastings-Superior b 1:16 pm
Deadwood-Hot Springs. a 8:66 pm
Casper-Lander a 8:66 pm
Fremont-Albion b 6:80 pm
Omaha-St. Louis Ex. ...a 6:80 pm
Mail and Express a 7:02 am
blanb'y Lei urom C.B.JO 6:00 pm
a 8:46 pra
a 8:00 am
a 8:00 am
al0:20 pra
a 8:28 pm
a 8:16 am
a 7:30 am
all:u0 am
a 8:60 pm
al2:23 am
a 8:28 pm
a 8:28 pm
a 6:4 am
a 8:28 pm
all: 0 pm
a 7:46 am
al0:lo am
a 8:86 pm
all:00 am
al0:16 pm
a 6:20 pm
b 6:20 pm
a 6:20 pm
ail:00 am
t Lte pm
a 8:26 am
8-11:16 pm
blo:u am
Lhlcaao, Bock Island Pnclfl
Rocky Mountain Ltd...al2:6R am
Chicago Day Lx press.. a 6:46 am
Chicago Local Pass bl0:3S am
Des Moines Local Pass. a 4:00 pm
Chicago Express a 4:40 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:08 pm
Chi. Neb. Ltd. Lincoln. a' 8:20 am
Colo-Cal. Express a 1:26 pm
Okl. Texas Express.. a 8:16 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd...s40:o6 pm
Cktonsto-GrcMSt Westers
Chicago Limited a 6:48 pm
Twin City Limited b 8:M pm
Twin City Limited
Twin City Express a 7:80 am
Chicago Express
al0:46 pm
a 4:S0 pra
bl0:18 pm
all: 30 pm
a 1:16 pm
a 8:08 am
a 6:47 pen
a 4:8 pm
1:80 pm
aU:68 am
a 7:S8 am
ol0:30 ana
a 8:80 pm
a 8:46 pm
Barllncton Station lOtk evnd Mason.
' Depart. Arrlvs.
Denver eV California.... a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm
Puget Sound Express. .a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm
Nebraska point a 8:80 am a (:10 pm
Black tlllls a 4.10 pra a 2:46 pm
Lincoln Mall b 1 20 pm al2:16 pm
North woet Express ....all 66 pm a 7:0 am
Nebraska points ........a 8:20 am a 8.10 pm
Nebraska Express a 8:16 am a 6:10 pm
Linooln i-ooai b 8:08 am
Uchuyler-Plattamouth...b 8:06 pm bl:2t am
Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pm
Plattsmouth-lowa a 8:18 am a 8:60 am
BeUevue-Plattemouth...al2 0 pm a 2:40 pm
Central Nebraska all. 66 pm all:li pm
Chicago Special a 7.16 am all: 36 pm
Denver Speolal a 7:00 am
Chicago Express a 4-20 pm a 8:66 pm
Chicago Fas Express.. a 8:80 pm a 6:00 am
Atlantlo Coast Limited.. 11:40 pm
Iowa Local a 8:15 am al0:80 am
Creaton Ua ) Local a 8 80 pm al0:80 am
St. Louis Express a 4:80 pm all: 46 sun
K. C. St. Joseph al0:46 pm a 8:46 am
K. C. a St. Joseph a 8:16 am a 6:10 pm
K. C. SL Joseph a 4.80 pm
Webster Statlos
Mlaaonrt Pacific
-lBth and Webster.
Depart- Arrlvs.
b 8:60 pm bll.66 am
Panl, Minneapolis A
Auburn Local ,
Cfclcaaro, St.
.b 1:26 pm
b 12:06 pra
e 8:26 pm
b 8 26 pm
Sioux City Express..
Omaha Local
Sioux City Pass
Twin City .Pans
Sioux City Local
Emerson Local
,...b 8:46 am
o 8:26 am
...h 6:66 pra
b 8:1 am
(b) dally except
Sunday, tci
Fear of Bain in Wheat Belt Frighteni
the Longs,
D right, Cleetrlsfc Weather In the Com
Belt Helps to Pat Down the
Price to 'Some Extent
Closing; Unntatlons.
OMAHA. May 8. 1L
Fear of rain over the spring- wheat belt
on the forecast ever Sunday scared longs
who turned willing sellers to the tTUnt
mat wneat values dropped ahtrvlv Iror.
the closing values yesterday. Cash prices
were lower and cables had ai. easier tons
and short selling of the more distant fu
tures featured the short Saturday session.
With bright clearing weather over the
corn belt which will help tlii progress of
eorn planting, coupled with the drop In
wheat values, eased the oorn inarket, cloa
lng prices being on the low poirt.
The wheat market opened wtir.k n!
lower, with the May option ahowlug toss
of 4c from yeaterday'a close. Cash wheat
on the floor waa 2o lower.
Corn ruled firm early, but short selling
was more pronounced, owing to the weak
wheat market. Demand waa slack and
cash values V lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 418.000 bu.
and shipments were 6-O.000 bu., against
recalpta last year of 229,uu0 bu. and ship
menu of 84.000 bu.
The following cash sales were reported:
WHEAT No. 8 hard, 1 car, bSc; No. 4
hard. 1 oar. UCie; 2 oars. 86c.
Primary corn receipts were 427,000 bu. and
shipments were bu., agalnat receipts
last year of 'JbMu bu. and shipments of
630.000 bu.
CORN fro. I white, 1 car, 40c; No. 8
white. 2 cars, 4VSo; 1 car- 4sc, No. 4
white, 1 car, 46c; No. 2 yellow, I cars,
4Bo; No. 8 yellow, 6 cars, 4H.o: No. 4 yel
low, 1 car. 4&VC; No. 1 mixed. 1 car. 40a;
1 car, 4c; No. 8 mixed, 8 care, 4vtc; No.
4 mixed, 2 cars. 4so; 2cars, 40c; No. 8
color. 1 car, 4KHc; no grade, 1 cars, 4&c.
OATS Standard, 1 oar. 21ic; No. I white,
8 cars, 21c; No. 4 white, 1 car. Ilo; no
grade, 1 car. 11c; 1 car. Sic; 1 car, sVc.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, gaJc; No. 1 hard,
84391c; No. 4 hard, traffic; rejected hard.
7TuUc: No. 2 aprtng. JWIV; No. 4
spring. 87$tic: No. 1 durum. tfKVc; No.
8 durum, H-&(i7Ve.
CORN No. 1 whits. 404?4e: No. I
white. 4!ri40c: No. 4 white. 4St?s'4c;
No. 8 color. 4kM'r: No. 2 vellow,
4tc; No. 2 yellow, OOHtKVc; No. 4 yellow
4tf4Hc; No 1. 4KHtf4rc; No. 1, 09
4'tc: No. 4. 4Vfilvc, no grsde. 4-t4Tc.
OATS No. 2 white. 81,tf31c; standard.
rtSlV: No. 8 whits. 90v"W'; No 4
white. S0Htr31o: No. 8 yellow, WXlo; No.
4 yellow, ,ti304C.
BARl-ET No. 8. 852c: No 4. 800e;
No 1 feed. 7Ele: rejected. WTIio.
RYE No. 1. S (f c ; No. 8. 87gSc.
tar lot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats
Chicago ....
Omaha ....
Cattle for the Week Are' Steady to
Lambs Fifteen to Twenty-Five Htaher
la Fifteen Cents lllaher
for Same Period.
POTJTH OMAHA. May . 1!11.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sherp
or' cui
, 4.65
1.1 M
Estimated Saturday.
Six days this week....17.J4 67.272 2S.tfi
Psme davs lajit week.. .14.R 7I.77R S7,1W
Same days I weeks ago.. 20 077 58.700 82.116
Psme days 2 weeks ago.. 1". 3 f..ltt J1.109
Same days 4 weeks ago.. 14.544 48.628 29.74
rame oay last yesr is.ivhs w,.
The following table snws the receipts
of csttle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for tbs ysar to data as compared with iai
veer: mil 110 Inc.
Cattle 3T-S.79? 34l 8M .2!
Hogs 9l6.04fv 75S.RFA 1M.1M
Sheep S14.9M 624.002 OO.STil
The following table shows ths rsngs of
Prices on nogs at South Omsha for ths
last several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1011. I1810.I18C8.I1808.I1807.I1PW I1K
6 86U
8 841 81 S l 38 6 84
8 08 T 01 8 21 '
S 111 2 011 841 8 26
6 1
5 10
6 11
6 11
6 19
6 26
6 20
6 28
8 141 6 Wl 6 451 6 2S 8 l
I 6 851 6 41 8 841 6 28
i 0
6 74
6 m
S 60S
I 8 01 6 24 a at
8 4
7 01
I 6 28 8 ri
8 00
8 11
7 04! S 261
6 26 111
i 8 16
24 I
7 001 8 88
6 66HI 27 ( 84 6 87
Receipts end disposition nf live stock at
ths Union Stock yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 1 p. m. yes
terday: RECEIPTS.
C. M. & St. P
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific
C. A N. W.. east
C. A N. W., west
C. St. P., M. A O
C, B. eV Q., east
C, B. & Q . west
C. R. 1. A P., east
Illinois Central
Chicago Oreat Western.
1 21
1 20
Cattla. Ho
Omaha Packing- Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co ,
Other buyers
Totals T 8.147
CATTLE Today's market waa, as usual
on a Saturday, barren of fresh receipts of
any Importance, but the total for ths week
has been very liberal, showing a large
gain over last week, although being quite
a little under the record for the corre
sponding week last year.
During ths early part of ths 'week the
market on beef steers at all points was
more or lass of a drag, large receipts at
ths different market centers in the fp.oe
of a hot overly urgent consuming demand
for the product made the trade In live
cattle rather dull, with tha tendenoy of
prices lower. This tendency was tha most
pronounced on heavy oattle. Later on In
ths week, as the reoelpts fell off and aa
ths feeling that ths condsg week might
show still smaller receipts became pro
nounced In ths minds of buyers, the trade
seemed to take on more life and pruss
strengthened up. At the closs of ths week
handy light . cattle and good grades of
heavy cattla are around 10a higher, with
other kinds steady. While there are un
doubtedly a good many cattla still In ths
country and while It Is expected that re
ceipts will bs heavy on some days at least
for some Urns to come, still ths prophets
ars beginning, to talk that reoelpts In tha
future will be less burdensome and that
prices ought -ts show Improvement.
The market Jon cows and heifers has not
shown very much change during the week.
Ths demand on most days has been very
fair and tbs trade reasonably active. Oood
light heifers have been In best demand and
they ars poaalblv a little stronger than
ons week ago. Tha general run of butcher
stock, however, oould only be Quoted as
about steady. Veal calves and bulls ars
also a trifle stronger than last week.
Receipts of stockers and fseders have
bsen very light throughout the week, but
tha demand baa also bsen very moderate
and values have eased off a little, so that
at tha oloss of the week they are around
ltrfflio lowsr than last week.
Quotations on cattle: 0 od to choice beef
steers, 86.7S4.0; fair to good beef steers.
86.40ig6.70; common to fair beef steers, 86.00
S6.40; good to choice cows and heifers. 84.71
66.60; fair to good cows and heifers. K209
4.75: common to fair cows and heifers. 12.76
64 26; good to choldo stockers and feeders.
I6.4O06.SO; fair to good stockers and feeders.
16 2f 6.40; common to fair stockers and
feeders. 84.26426.2S; stock heifers. 24.2606.00
veal calves. 24.0tx26.25; bulls, stairs, stc. 12.78
HOGS A good, active market, at nickel
higher prices Is tha short set way of de
scribing today's hog trads. The activity to
demand, as well as ths advance, was
largely due to a limited supply. About S6
cars arrived and as most, buyers filled
orders without dslay. the session was a
short-lived affair. Complete clearance was
mads by 18 o'clock.
Spreads narrowed somewhat, a develop
ment that Is frequent on a strong; market,
and the major portion of ths crop held
within a 15c range. Naturally, it follows
that there were sales hero and there that
failed to show ths fat nickel advance,
varloua loads selling strong to 6c higher.
Shippers and speculators provided an out
let for about 10 per cent of total offerings.
Long strings ranged from 86.60 to 25.70.
good butchers moving around 86.86. Bacon
animals sold aa high as 16.76, a figure Iden
tified with yesterday's top, but 16o less
than tops a week ago.
While receipts for ths week show a
natural loss from last week's burdensome
runs, the total Is seasonably large. Ship
pers have been buying freely on most
days and packing demand has been broad
and generally active. Bulk of today's busi
ness averagea from a nickel to 16c lower
than last Saturday's market, heavy bogs
showing lesser declines.
Representative sales:
No. At. 6k. Pr. Ne. At. Bu. FT.
I ie 441 ... te it 111 ... 1 at
rt ... i m it so ... 1 t
?-, l III 11 Ml ... I w
U mo MO I H efi lei . 1 11
U Ml ... IH 41 HI N til
M 194 W IU 44 SM It H
W. ...... lie is IU a w mo t w
k i9 li;. a IM 10 i ti
V Ill 11 I 40 47 It4 II I U
1 a" ... I M 47 Ill M I I7U.
61 Ml US 8 40 II til ... 4 I7W
II Ml J4 40 (1 161 it iru
M I 10 W Itl ... 6 7W
,104 40 I 40 II Ill ...
41 Ill 19 I 44 11 Ul 10 I ITi.
41 HI ... 4 40 14 144 120 Mil,
U IU I 8 4S . M lit M I 7
11 He w la n 10 70
I IM ... IS 14 Ul ... 1
M Ill 140 6 IS TI Ul S HI
44 M I U II IM 0 I TO
U Ml K IS 71 tut ... I 71
l M IS 11 Hi N 111
M Ml ... 8 44 11 Ml ... 170
I Ml 40 I M T4 MT ... I 10
41 4 110 II Tl It IS I 70
II IN l Tl. Ml 14 171
44 167 ... I 14 14 144 111
44 Tl 10 6 41 40 141 ... I 71
1 71 ... I II II tit 4 II
44 144 M I 41 Tl IM ... IT
17 Ml 10 I 74 M4 ... I 71 U
11 M4 ... I 41 M Ill 14 I 71V,
U IM ... IN 11 Ii4 ... Ills
1 Ml M IS 41 IU ... I 71
46 Ul 11 I M T1 Ill M I 75
II m ... 141 II... Ul ... 7I
47 164 I 4 70 IM ... I 7
M Ul M I 44 II Ml St i 71
11 M I i 11. ....... 114 ... 7
II tf ... I 44 U 121 ... I 71
Ill M I 41 II IM t I 11
M Ul ... 11 11 114 ... 174
11 Ul Mitt M SM ... 6 Ti
SHEEP All branches of tha sheep and
lamb markets were barren this morning
snd ths seals of values remained un-
changed. No fresh receipts were avail -
able and yesterday s clearance was prac
tlcally complete. .'
Sine and Including Monday dally sup
plies have been well up to the -average
both In quantity and quality. About 29.0u0
head arrived In all. the bulk consisting of
lambs with shorn offerings more plentiful
than woolskins. Msxlcans are still running
freely, of course, and are ahowlng up
mostly In ths fleeoa. Old sheep proved the
exception to the rule at all times and
amount of business transacted does not
afford a very reliable idea of price levels.
Tons to demand lately was favorably
contrasted with dull, stumpy inquiry last
week. All regular buyers took a greater
Interest In the trade and mads their pur
chases In free-buying fashion. Prices Im
proved more or lees as ths result of
healthier feeling, bat advances were llm
Meat and cannot be taken as ths most i en
portent phafe of the market when com
pared wuh the K-mral character of de
mand l'inr1 isnilis, hoth wrjolpcj and shorn,
claim the Ions end of any advance, rinsing
slHdit 1,'ic siul lilMher than a week ito
Slieen of all klrds lanae from stronx to
j possibly l."o hiKhr In sii1s for the week.
I Tni.y woolcd lambs hse been eel It n K
around $ no. Mexicans rraching l 20. while
hrst westerns aie quotable over 86.H6 at
Quotations. Wooled: Spring larnhe, ISO'
8.ui: Mexican lamhs. 8:.8iVhi.20; western
lambs. is.26ii6.K6; earllnRs. 84.4vtf4.tO; weth
ers. 24 10(j4.ii0; ewes, J.1.5IK(i4 35.
Quotations, Shorn: Mexican lambs. 14 "fjf
5 10: western lambs, $4 35'o4Wi; heavy lambs,
24.154.40; yearlings. 23 Si'o4 So; wethers, 83.75
ti4.15; ewes, ljei'l;4tl0.
braised for Cattle and Hogs ron
hheep Utrailr,
CHICAGO, May 6.-CATTI.K Receipts es
timated nt 2i0 head; market strong; beeves,
85 vn.40; Texas steers, 84.Si'6.50; western
steers, 84 S046.0; stnekers and feeders, 24.0i)
ti6 40; cows and heifers, 12.40Q6.00; calves,
HOOS Receipts estimated at lO.ono head:
market slrnnK to 6c higher; light, l.VT'Vtf
6.10; mixed. 2R.70c66.50; heavy. S6.66416.M;
rough, 15. (jo's 6. 70; gond to choios heavy,
7u,.fi9ii; pigs Xo.4ift.00; bulk of sales,
25 6i-B6i. V
SHEEP AND IAMRS Receipts esti
mated at 1.000 head: market steady: native
12.ftvl(4.6ft; western. 82.254 60: yearlings. 24 40
V6.40; lambs, native. 14.26(S4.2&; western,
Kansas City Live Jtoelc Market.
ceipts, ltO head; no southerns; market
steady; native steers. 16.264jp6.10; southern
steers, U.'Xuf.60; southern cows and heif
ers. !3.26a4.76: native rows and heifers.
H.OOfftl.OO; stockers snd feeders, 14.755.76;
bulls, 14v?i5.00; calves. 84.0O4ii."5: western
steers, 84.75'd6 90; western cows. 83 25S6.00.
HOGS Receipts 2.000 head: market strons
to 5o higher; bulk of sales. I5.76'a.85; heavy,
!5.76fJ:5.t.n; packers and butchers. 15.75(26.86;
lights, 3580ig5.9)
PHKEP AND IMBS-Hecelpts, none;
market stead v: muttons, i3.6ftra4.ft0: lamha.
IS.Otvga.tO; fed wethers and Yearlings, 14.00
6.35, fed western ewes, 13.6034.26.
at. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, May 8. CATTLE Receipts,
!00 head. Including 100 Texana; market
steady; native beef steers, 16 00a.60; cows
and heifers. 18.60a56; stockers and feed
ers, 13.0rVgo.60; Texas and Indian steers.
14 60S.50, cows and heifers, 13.5ftii6.00;
calves, In car load lota, 25.OOQ6.75.
HOGS Receipts 6.200 hesd; market
steady; pigs and lights, !5.O6.06; packers,
!5.U0j.0O butchers and best heavy, lo.eo
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none.
St. Joseph Live Stook Market.
ceipts, 200 head; market, steady; steers.
15.006.06; cows and heifers, 13.00ifi6.85;
calves. 84 0Otr 00.
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market,
steady; top, IrvdO; bulk of sales, t6.70f80.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300
head; market, steady; lambs, 85. 60. 20.
Stock In Sight,
Receipts of live stock at the. five
clpal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs
South Omaha
St. Joseph ....
Kansas City ..
St. Louis
Peatarea of the Trading: and Cloalac
Prices oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, May 8. Owners of the big
concentrated holdings of May wheat here
had to slash prices for that delivery 4
cents a bushel today to head off shipments
whloh were being Leaded toward Chicago
from all directions. New crop months suf
fered also, but only to a limited extent,
closing easy ASHc to Ho under last night.
Latest fig-urea on corn were &o down
and for oats, fco to He In hog products
there was a net gain of 612Ho.
Urgent attempts en the part of com
mission houses to sell May wheat at the
opening dteoloaed the fact that offerings
from outside over night had reached a
etaggtaing- total. Thereupon all support
waa withdrawn In a hurry. Bull leaders
practically throw up their hands and at
leaat for the Urns being let the market go
to pieces. First sales of May were the
highest of the session, 96S97c, a decline of
0o from the night before. Then there
was a plunge to Wo In a minute and as
brokers vainly tried to execute stop loss
orders, a violent smash followed, bottom
not appearing until 930 was reached
exactly 4 cents loss In all. Moderate buy
ing on ths part of shorts caused a rebound
which In tha end left May Just lc up from
the low points. July ranged from ISStc to
80c, and closed He down at 88(3380.
Receipts at the primary market centers
tended to make corn weak. May fluctuated
between 62S and 6244c, with last sales
62HS62Hc, leaving the net decline Hfto.
Cash grades were easy. No. S yellow fin
ished at 54f&66c
Prospective increase of arrivals here
caused the oats market to slip backward.
High and low limits for July proved to be
320 and 32c, with ths oloss hit-o off at
The meagerness with which offerings
came from packing houses and speculators
opened a way for an advance in' provisions.
When trading ceased, pork and ribs had
gained 74o to 12Vtc, and ribs 6H0.
Prices in Chlcsgo, furnished by the Up
dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas
2473, 708 Brandels building, jDmaha:
Articles. I Open. High. I Low. Close. Tes'y.
Wheat-) I ' N I I
May... 9Ai97 87 93) H IT
July...8Vtf'4 SRHi88Hji 88lJiA
Sept... 8e4ifc8(4 tS 8754 S7 bT5(ij58
May...54H 64Vi 68W - 63 64
July... 62Stt 12 52i,62H8 62
Sept... 63'4 62TJt3 63 63 '2
Oats I 1 I
May... 38 28 32 S2H'V32V3':4
July... S2S&- 32V 22HI32VaS Si'
pSPt... 82V&H 82i 817, 81ft fl2
May... 16 80 15 82H 16 80 15 82 15 70
July... 14 87 14 W 14 86 14 92 14 85
St 1 14 60 14442H
May... 800 800 786 800 7 2'4
July... 8 06 8 7J 8 024 8 074 8 024
Sept.... 8 12 8 1741 t 124 8 174 S 10
May... 8 00 8 024 7 824 t 06 7 824
July... 7 90 7 924 7 874 7 824 7 86
6ept... 7 824 7 5 1 7 80 7 874 7 80
cash quotations were as follows:
FIXUR Firm; winter patents, 13.ft04 40
straights. 33.60iir4.25; spring straights. 84.10
W.b; Daaers, .Wi.k.
RYE No. 2. 11.12.
BARL&7T Feed or mixing, 6&e&c; fair to
choice malting, 11. 001 12.
SEED No. 1 aoulhwestern, nominal,
timothy, 112 00; clover, 115.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl 115.S7H
4J16.U0. Lard, per 100 Ihs., 18.00. Short ribs,
sides, loose, 87.S74ir7.87 4.
Total clearances of wheat and flour wers
equal to lie.ouo bushels. Primary receipts
were 418.000 bushels, compared with 229,000
Dusneis tne corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
63 cars; corn, 307 cars; oats, U3 cars; hogs,
4H.0U0 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red.
94ViSv7Vc; No. 8 red, 9:"&97c; No. 2 hard. 94(S
97'jc; No. 3 hard, 927c; No. 1 northern
spring, tl.03'&1.04; No. 2 northern spring.
tl.0ifil.0J; No. 3 spring. ItecfoH.Ol. Corn: No.
2 cash, HHijMV'l No. 2 cash. 64f44c; No.
2 white. 64 4425c ; No- white. 64f644c; No.
2 yellow, 644'ao5c; No. I yellow. 64'a644c.
Oats: No. 2 cash, 334c; No. 1 while,
S44o; No. 1 white, 83'46334c; No. 4 white,
roBV; standard. t3V?33
. BUTTER Steady ; Creameries, 162Ic;
dairies. 13tlc-
EGGS Steady; receipts. 18.810 rases: at
mark, cases Included, 13"U'L34c, firsts, 154c;
prime firsts, 16c.
CHEESE Steady; daisies. 12f 124c; twins,
1144?llc; young Americas, 124 'a 13c; long
horns. l31J4c.
POTATOES Steed v; choice to fancy, 6l9
62c; fair to good, 65i7'i0c.
POULTRY Live, weak; turkeys, lie;
fowls, lie.
VEAL Steady : 60 to 60 lb. wis . C-34e; 10
IA Kr. h WIN hWH'lUI1: XS frt 1 I U I ll urta
1 740c.
Car Lot Receipts Today : W heat. 65 cars;
corn, 229 cam. oats, 1.11 cars. Estimated
Monday: Wheat, t3 cars; corn, 3u cars;
oats, 131 cars.
Mlaneastalls Kralp Market.
97897e; July, 8''eti'!9c; September, 92n
22c; cash. No. 1 hard, 11014; No. 1 north
ern. 84c7tl 0u; No. 2 northern, 864''gi9c;
No. 1. 94fi97o.
FLAX 'losed at 12.57.
BARLET-70ctrl 05.
CORN No. 2 yellow. 6lVrt5.
OATS No. 2 white, Jlfc-gSlc.
RYE No 2. 1106.
PRAN-ia 6022 00.
FLOUR First patents. 14.7ftlr6.0ft: second
patents, 14 Vg!4 : first clears, 13 gj.6;
second clears, 4Z.3ir-.
Ingenuous Contestants Direct Pointed
Queries at Editor.
'If tlnnk Mlaht Be 'The Cow's f aires,
or 'Calves of the Cow, They
Write, "Which bsll We
Did you ever stop to think thnt the
four ersnrl prizes the Apperson touring
rsr. Klmhsll eighty-note player-piano,
1500 building lot In A. P. Tiikey Son's
Iler addition snd a Columbia Orafonnla
Regent" did you ever stop to think
that these r net all?
Has H ever met your eye that there
aro thirty-five more prises thirty-five
cash consolation awards for those con
testsnts who do not get any of the first
four r'tims?
If you have looker! down the list of
prises, however, you have seen the an
nouncement of the thirty-five cash
awards. There are five of $10 each, ten
of $5 each, and twenty of 12 each. These
prlxes mske It worth all your time and
energy, even If you dr not get one of
the first four grand awards.
The names of all the winners of prizes
will he printed In Ths Hee, with tha
rrlies won bv them. Better look over
the prizes announced helow the nuzzle
picture that appears In ' the Issue of
today. '
Asking; Leading; Qnestlons.
Many Ingenuous contestants are di
recting at the contest editor what must
regretfully he termed "leading ques
"If a picture," they write, "might bs
snswered ss representing the book called
The Cow's Calves.' or the hook called
The Calves of the Cow.' which would be
Now, these contestants evidently want
the contest editor to tell them which of
the books Is ths proper one to put down
on that coupon. The titles cited above
ars fictitious, but the sort of query la
not. Very many of these "leading ques
tions" have been asked lately.
The only answer that can be given
these contestants Is to say that each plo
ture In the contest Is drawn to represent
the title of one particular book. A title
In the booklovera' catalogue la selected
s ons that would lend itself well to il
lustration. Then the Illustration Is
drawn to order by an artist, who draws
only what is told him to draw, and does
not know by any means what title ho is
Now, if some certain- picture Is con
strued by som certain contestant to be
capable of representing more than ons
title. It Is unfortunate, but not . to be
helped. The pictures are drawn to rep
resent one title. If you cannot decide
what title, you may make extra answers.
The: rules permit as many as five an
swers to each ' picture. Extra answers
must be made or) extra coupons.
And, Incidentally, It will cost only ons
cent to make each of these extra an
swers. 4. I.oala General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mav 6. WHEAT Future.
lower: May. 914'991: July 864c; Septem
ber, 86ic; cash, lower; track No. t red. 96c:
No. 3 hard, 90914c.
CORN Lower ; May. 62Ar: July. R149
51 He; cash steady; track No. 2, 644g65c;
No. 2 white. 55o.
OATS Dull: May. 82ic: July. 82,c: cash.
lower; track, No. 2. 824c; No. 2 white. 34(9
844e. '
RYE Nominal, 11.08.
FLOUR Firm: red winter patent. 14 80
?4.70; extra fancy and etra1ght.13.804r4.10:
hard wlnt-r clears. 8 '.(& 8 15. ,
SEED Timothy. 6.00fl.50.
RRAN Weak; sacked east track. Sl.lKft
PROVISIONS unchanged ; jobbing. 116.00.
When you see an illustration think of
Engravers -
1216 Howard St., Omaha.
Thinking right leads to buying
Organization and equipment are the
standard-bearers of quality and su
perior service.
Pride of production backed by prac
tical methods, skilled workmanship,
guarantees efficiency in cut making.
Ask for sample
Keep cool this summer
in a cool, clean office
Roomy, airy offices appeal to the business man who
'has a large amount of work to do each day. The
. cooler he is the better work he can do. Tenants of the
best known office building in the city catch every
breath that is blowing during the days when
the mercury is mounting high. Elevator service,
light, ventilation and janitor attention are the best.
Select from these offices at once
as they will not be available long:
HOOK 4l Is a very desirable room, having a south and west exposure,
which affords good light and plenty of air. The spacs 1 1320S,,
and rents st a very low figurs; psr month alt 00
BOOK 41s Adjoins ths abovs on ths north and these offices could b rented
en sulta As a alngls of Ilea It Is desirable on account of slss, 8x20 H.
Price, per month flt.00
BOOM 07 Is ens of ths cheapest snd best llghtsd rooms In the building
being located on the north side of court near skylight. It Is 16x16 and
rants for, psr month 16.00
BOOK 1T Ths only room In the building which rants for 110. 80 per month.
It Is located on the eaat slds of tha court and Is 8x14 fast la aisa.
New elevators are now being installed.
The Bee Building Company
Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts.
Ird. unchsnged; prim iwm. tlfW:
!rv salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra
i"r r-:"n. tm - .
short. 9-c; clear rlba, 9ol aoorf Clears.
9 V. '
H AY--Plead v; timothy, 1J94WL); pral-
re 112 Miti5 so. .
POI LTRY lower; chickens. HMo: spring.
rorf:o: turkeys. ItV 16c; ducks. 1340; gee.
Hl'TTFR Plead y; creamery, litrao,
EOXJS Stesdy at 16c
feMlna Ehlrtm tl
Flour, phis. ,
Wheal, hu
Corn, hu
Oats, bu ,
7.f0O S.rtW
HI taw H O"
M.ano 66 Win
82.080 84.000
FUTTFR Creamery. No. 1 fleBvero to
the retell trade In l ib. cartons. 84c; No.
In an-lh tuba, tic: No. 1 In 1-1 lv oartona
Tic: packing stork solid pack. 13c; dairy.
In 00-lb tuba. 4ai4c; market changes vary?
1 ue-de v
CHEESE Twins. 1441T1SC; young Ameri
cas. IfttriTVxf: daisies. 16c; triplets, 164j
llmberger, 18c; No. 1 brick. 164: Imported
Swiss. S.'c; domoatlo Bwlas. 82o; block Swiss
POULTRY Pressed broilers, under I Tbs,
K 08 per dos : hens. 16o: cocks, 134c; ducka.
Wc: geeee. I5o: turkeys. 86c; pigeons per
dos.. 11.20: homer squabs, per doa, 14.80;
fancy squabs, per dos., 83.64): No. I per
dos., IS 00 Alive- Broiler. 860, 14 to 1
lbs., and 14 to t lbs.. 20o: smooth leer, 14o:
hens. 12o; stags. 10c; old roosters, so el4
ducks, full feathered, U4o; gesso, full
festhered. 6c: turkeys, 11c; grulaea fowls.
JOo esch; pigeons, per dos.. see; homers.
rer dos.. 13.00; squabs. No. 1. par 4oa,
1.20; Ne. 2. per doa, eta; capoaa, over I
lbs . 14c; old turkeys 4.
BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. t; 18c; No. S.
11c; No. 8, He. Loins: No. 1. 144c; No. 2,
12c; No. 8. 13c Chucks: No. L 74c; No. S.
74c; No. 3, 74c. Round: No. 1. c; No. 8.
4c; No. 2, 940. Plata: No. L 64c; No. 8.
J4c; No, 8. 6c.
FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 9c; whlto. IRo;
pike, 14c; trout, lie; large crapples, frgreoo;
Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, llo; haddock,
its. riAiindera lAr: areen catfish la- ...
naa. l Hcnj piiui per lmjr. aoo, xros;
legs, per doa, S&c; salmon, lOo; halibut. Jo;
herring. 7c.
FRUITS Apples: Kansas Pippins and
Jonathans, 44 tier, per box, $3 60; Kansas
Ganos. per box, 12 .50. Bananas: Fanny se
lect, per bU'irh. 12 2(Vir2.60; Jumbo, buneh,
12.7&C3 75. Dates: Anchor hrsnd, new, 80
l-lli. pkKS. In boxes, per box. 12 00; bulk In
70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 64o. Figs: Turkish.
7-crown. per lb., 18c; 8-crown. per lb.. 14c;
4-crown. per lb.. IV. G-rape Fruit: Florida.
64-64-80 s ses. per t ox, 17.00; 89-46 sixes, par
box, 34 60. Lemons: L'monaira brand, ex
tra fancy, 800-iWO sizes, per box, 85 50; 840
sue 60c per box less. Oranges: Camella
Redlands Nsvels. a'J s;e, per box. 1&.604
8.76: fancy navels. 8i-9ti-12 slzea, 83-16; 160
and smaller alKs, 136o3.75; California
Jaffa oranges. 1M and larger sizes, per
box, 83 60; Kd and smaller sues, per bos,
IS 60. Pineapples: 24-30 86 s'zes, per crate,
14 75. Strawberries: ArknnPas. per 24-qt.
case, 13.00; Tennessae, per 24-qt era, 13.25
VEGETABLES Reans: String and wax. ,
per hamper, 13.50. Bvet: Per bu., 76o. Csb
bage: California and Texas, now, per lb..
!c. Carrots: Per lb.. 2c. Cucumbers: Hot
house, 14 snd 1 dozen In box. per doT
11.60. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dos.,
1160. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb..
16c. Lettuce: Extra fanoy leaf, nor dos.,
4Ro. Onions: Texas Rermuda, whits, per
orate, 12 26; yellow, per crate, 12 00. Onion
sets: White, per bu., 32 lbs.. 11.76; vellsw,
per bu.. 32 lbs., 81.00; rod. per bu., 12 lbs ,
1125. Pa'eley: Fancy southern, per dez.
bundhs. 60c. Parsnips: Per lb., 2c. Pota
toes: Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per
bu., 86iS0c; Colorado, per bu.. 11.00; new
stock, per lb. 6c; per hamper, $2.76. Ruta
baess: Per 1h . lUc. Tnmiln. tn,-tH
ner 6-bsk. crate, fancy, 14.00; choice, 13.60.
Tl 1 rr. I n TAfl- Kit 7C
MISCET.LANEOt'S Almonds: California
soft shell, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo less.
Brazil Nuts. Per lb.. 13c; In sack lots, lc
less. Cocoenuts: Per sack. 15.00: per doz.
75o. Filberts. Per lb.. 14c; In sack lots. 1e
less. Hlckorynuts: Large, nei
per lb.. 6c. Ponnuts: Roaste
?aw, per lb 64c. Pecans: 1
16c; in sack lots, lo leas. Wi
per lh.. 24c: California, pe
sack lots, 1". Ie84. Cider: New
per bbl., 16.76. Honey: Ne
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. ' May . CORN-No.
624c; No. I yellow. 634c; No.
6Sc; No. 4 yellow, 624c; No.
63c; No. 1 mixed, Kkc; No.
4 white.
S yellow,
2 mixed,
4 mixed,
624c: no grade. 49c.
OATS No. 2 white, S34o; standard, S$4c:
No. white. 32,j33o. , . ,
naloth Grain Market.
DULUTH, Mav 8. WHEAT No. 1 north
ern. 11.014: No. 2 northern. 946!4c; May,
tl.OOH: July, 11.00; September, rc.
folder 20.
rVt "II