Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Hare lgt Mat It.
0t. Eleetrlo ristnres. Bnrfess-arandan.
TIBtss, mnUt,
We aave eaaaalaad the accovats ef 8.
Archie Putt-tier, a former employe of ours,
and on a final Investigation find no short
age In hla accounts. Byron R. Haatiniia.
steading- at tba tyrto John Milton
Bcott of New York will begin public read
ing from "FtaRavad Oita" which the Hindus
rail the "Bona; of the Lord ' at I clock In
the. Lyric theater thli afternoon.
Usob Kuek Improved Jena Nellaon,
whrt wtA Injun d last Paturday night by an
automobile driven by Iran Noyes, chauf
feur of the engineer a department, la much
Imnrm ad, aecordtng to h-a physio ana, Dra.
Allison and Pniner.
Delegate to TaVerenloele Conveatlon
Miss I.. B. Stuff, secretary of the exam
ining board of nuraea, haa been appointed
a delegate to the National Tuberculoma
convention which will be held In Denver
on June 20 and n, by the nurses atata
loUee Matron an Tsoatlon Mrs Gib
bons, polio matron. In company with Mrs.
Charles Devereeae and Miss Nell Bwlft, left
Omaha laat night for Excelsior Springs,
Mo., where they will spend a week's vaca
tion. Mrs. Gibbons place at the Jail will
Se taken during hex absence by the county
all matron. ......
rark Beard KMti Monday A reorgan
isation t tha board of park commissioners
will bs effected at a meeting to be held
Monday morning. A meeting scheduled
for Saturday morning, wag postponed be
cause of lack of a quorum. A successor
to President Ed. Barryman will be named.
aa wUl a vice, president and secretary.
Was . "Vf. A. Thomas Hurt! An un
confirmed rumor waa circulated Friday
night that Dr. W. A. Thomas, der.tlat. 4
Brandela building, bad been aetlously In
jured tn an automobile wreck Stween
Elkhorn and Columbus. According to tha
report. Dr. Thomajs waa driving hla ma
chine at a high rata of speed when the
steering gear broke, causing tha machine
to tarn turtle in a ditch. It waa said
that tha doctor had been removed In a
serious condition to a Columbus hospital
Inquiries at tha hospital developed the
fact that do suoh said patient had been
broogbt In Friday night At tha doctor's
office it waa admitted that he had gone
on an automobile trip In the neighborhood
I tha accident, but no word had been re-
etwwd from, hint slnoo his departure Frl
day evening.
Activitiei of the Closing Month of
the School- Year.
Joa Leece Advertises
From His Jail Cell to
Secure Ten Dollars
Everything Suggest! Money to Man
in. Prison, but He is Unable
to Grasp It.
Joe Lece has . sat In his cell at the
f county jail ainoe April 10, when he waa
bound over to tha district court by Police
Judge Callanan of South Omaha on a
charge of forgery, awaiting In ever Indif
ferent mood his coming trial. Respite the
fact that he is behind the bars at tha Jail
with the doors of the penitentiary ready to
enfold him, Joa's ambition, or it may be
called a penchant, reigns.
The clock ticks and tocks and Joe sits
and conjectures what ha would be worth
If each tiny detonation placed a dollar
even a penny lr his pocket. A spider winds
Its web up in -tba comer, of his cell' and
Joe, seeing no files about, wonders If It
doesn't expeot a monetary gain thereby.
There are nine steel bars in the door of
Joe'a cell and one would have to hypnotise
him to make him think there are any more
or any lees, for ha lias counted them times
without number ah, as If they were gold.
Thus Joe Leece thinks of money and thus
very little thing constantly suggested to
him tha idea of gain, so he wrote the fal
lowing want ad, little dreaming that h". la
going to the penitentiary, at the authori
ties declare he Is:
WORK WANTED I am In jail and llkelv
to go to the penitentiary for the lack of
110. 1 will work for any one, at any kind
of work, for si months, who will advance
me that amount and board. I will work
faithfully. Andreas, Joe Leece, County
Jail, Omaha, Neb.
The officers at the county Jail aver that
there is no, chance for Leece to get out
van if ha were given $100.
"Ha haa sent letters to people all over
tha country." Deputy Sher.ff Osborn said
last night "asking them for $10. I believe
he has no hopea of getting out without
serving time In the pen. He's Just craay
about money, and If ha were released under
tha conditions he asks in that want ad,
hla benefactor-employer would probably
never sea htm. He's served time before."
Cast Lett la Ovea by Mavlaa; Uaa
Oaaaaa lajary ta Mrs. Aaaa
Carrying a biasing can of kerosene from
tha oven of tha kitchen range, where It
had been placed by a moving van man.
Mra. Anna Kahley, 131 North Thirty
eighth "atreet, was badly burned about the
arms at S o'clock last night. She was
taken Into the home of Mrs. K. P. Ppnecer,
127 North Thirty-eighth street, where she
was attested by Dr. C. K. Clark.
The Kahleys moved Into tha house yes
terday. .The can of kerosene was In the
oven while Mrs. Kahley was cooking din
ner. After dinner Frank Kahley. the hus
band, built up the flee for tha children's
bath and left for down town. Shortly
afterwards Mrs. Kahley noticed amoke
pouring from the oven. Phe opened
the door and' saw the biasing can. At
tempting to throw It out the back door
she found the door had been locked by her
husband. She carried the can to the
front door beforo she found a place to
throw it. The house and contents were
damaged to the extent of tUjO.
Oscar HartaalatfFarreel ta Clva Over
Hla Meary' aa Watch la
Oscar Hurtqulntt tNnl Dodge atreet. was
held up and robbed within a few steps ef
his home at U; o'clock laat night. Two
men committed the robbery, one holding
a revolver in their1 victim's face, while the
other rifled hla pockets for 13 and a silver
Fred Reese of Fort Dodge, la., was re
lieved of HO at a lunch stand In the rear
of Fogg's saloon. Thirteenth and Daven
port streets, by a negro whom ha had
taken to the stand to get a sandwich. The
negro grabbed the 110 bill from Keese's
band as be was paying for the sandwiches.
Foley's Kidney Risrti Acted Qwlrkt
M. N. Ooorge, Irondale. Ala., waa both
ered with kidney trouble for many veara.
"I waa persuaded ta try Foley Kidney
Remedy, and before taking It three days
I could feel Its beneficial effects. The
pain left my back, my kidney action
cleared up and I am eo much better. I
do not healtate to recommend Foley Kid
ney Remedy." For sale by all drugglaia.
Nebraska Mara t p with Other States
In Medical Edaeatloa Decisive
Knock for Frats la
The announcement has been made of the
Bellevue college summer achool, the ses
sion extending from June 6 to July 28
Courses are to be offered In the four regu
lar departments, college, academy, normal
and conservatory. Three new Instructors,
William H. Trexler, Ph. D.. Miss Marlon
Crandall and Prof. Robert M. Stookey. A.
H . will be added to the Bellevue faculty
for the summer session.
Rev. George R. Lunn, D. D.. one of the
strongest pulpit orators of the east, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church of Hche
nectady, N. Y., has accepted the Invitation
to deliver the commencement address on
June g. Dr. Lunn Is a Bellevue alumnus
Friday morning In chapel the student
listened for the second time to sn address
by Mlaa Brehm, the temperance lecturer
of the general assembly of the Presbyter
Ian church. Miss Brehm's talk dealt with
the ream Its of intemperance In the light of
the most recent scientific discoveries.
Prof. E. M. Jones presented one of hla
pupils, Miss Susie Klnnler, In a piano re
cital Friday evening In the chapel. Miss
Klnnler hss done excellent work In her
two years In tha conservatory. A reading
"The Immigrant," by Miss Frances Sweet-
land, and two numbers by the male quartet
completed the program.
The freshman class (rave a party In
honor of tha olass of 114 In Adelphlan hall
Saturday evening.
Mrs. William Flndley entertained the .sen
ior class at dinner Saturday evening.
Prof. L. F. Pweetland, superintendent of
schools at Winnebago, is visiting friends
on the college hill. Mr. 8weetland Is a
Bellevue alumnus.
The election of officers for the college
paper, the "Purple and Gold," held this
week resulted In the election of Thomas
Miller, Jr., of Tork, Neb., as editor-in-chief
for the ensuing year, and of A. J. Reams
of Loup City, Neb., as business manager.
The-a men will take up their duties next
fall, succeeding H. J. Brandt and Joe Cla
baugh. Mrs. E. P. Fogg, who is on her way from
Pasadena, CaJ., to attend the commence
ment exercises at Cornell college, ML Ver
non, la., la visiting at the home of Dr. 8.
W. Stookey.
The Nebraska Weeleyan university base
ball team oomes to Bellevue on Thursday
afternoon to play tha team of . the local
college. On Saturday Coach Clevenger of
Wesleyan will bring his track team for a
dual meet with Bellevue. The meet will
be hotly contested as both teams are con
fident in their ability to bring home the
baoon for their respective institutions.
Activities of Teachers and students
and , Roster of Visitors.
President Clemmona of Fremont Normal
college addressed the teachers' meeting at
Chappell, Neb., on last Saturday. He re
ports a very successful meeting. Prof.
Softley addressed a teachers' meeting at
Johnstown on the same day.
Prof. Swlharfs pupils at . Blair gave a
recital on Wednesday, asaisted by. the
Blair High school orchestra, and Masters
Herbert, Devrles and Cheney and Miss Ruth
Cheney .of. Fremont.., Master -Giles - was
prevented from . assisting by. the serious
Illness of Ms father.
Famuel MoClain, Afraid-ef-a-Bear. half
brerd Indian, has again taken up his work
at the college. Ha will take the civil
servlie examination at his first oppor
tunity In lieu of a position In the govern
ment of Indian affairs. While he la as
near up-te-date as tha average white man.
he is fond of his own people and has no
idea of expatriating himself from them and
the r Interests.
Ira M. Rhodes of Wilcox, Neb., was a
caller at the college on Tuesday. He is
a member of the school board of Wilcox
and made it Ms business to select an as
sistant hjgh school teacher.
M1ss Yeiser of the art department Is
being rushed tn her work. New pupils are
registering and much order work is being
dene, notable among which, and the latest,
Is plates and place cards for a May dinner
for an out-of-town patron. The decoration
aehtme was baskets of roses and violets.
Clarence and Edna Voseller - and Mlrs
Ethel Thompson left for their homes In
Whitehall. Ill, on Friday to attend the
graduation exercises of a younger brother
of the Vossellers who will return with
them and finish up tha year at the Fre
mont college.
A plantation show was given In tha Star
literary hall on Thursday evening by mem
bers of the society. There were quartets,
solo singing and a chorus of twenty voices.
Krelzlnger and Vosseller were the end
men and Proekovec tha Interlocutor. The
dancing and Jokes were Immense. The
members of this society maintain all
expenses incident to the furnishing and
care of their society rooms and an ad
mittance tea waa charged tor nog-membsrs.
Me ef Nat frana This Coaatry and
Abroad Address ft Indents.
The spring lectures at the University of
Wisconsin ara bringing to tha Institution
many men of note, both from this coun
try and abroad. Baron Estournneles de
Constant winner of tha $40,000 Nobel peace
prise, and Henry Oldys, tha authority on
experimental observation of birds, spoke
at tha university laat week. This week
three lectures ara being given" by Prof.
L. T. Hobhouaa of the University of Lon
don, England. Prof. Hobhouse la noted
both as a psychologist and sociologist. Ha
Intends to remain In the United States
six weeks, delivering lectures at the Uni
versity of Wleeonaln. the University of
Chicago and Columbia university. The dis
tinguished Swedish scholar. Dr. Svanta
Arrhenlu. will also lecture during May.
His talk will deal with ths results of his
recent researches on. tha composition of
matter and . the cosmlo. system. Dr.
Arrhenlus Is now lecturing at the Lowell
institute in Boston. The third speaker
from abroad Is Prof. Max Walter of
Munich, well known for his Inauguration
In that city of tha model schools. He will
deliver two lectures setting forth the edu
cational principles which his work puts
Unto practice.
Nates fraaa Wayae Xorsmal.
Dean Hahn addressed a meeting of the
Dodge county teachers at North Bend Sat
urday afternoon.
Miss Sara J. Kitten is spending a few
days In Chicago in ths Interest of the art
E. A. Nordgrea, a member of the
present senior class, ha been elected to
the prlncipalship of. the Bell wood schools.
The baccalaureate sermon this year will
be delivered on Sunday evening May ft, by
Dr. T. U. Shlpherd. . Dr. Shipherd 1 pastor
of the First Congregational church at
At a recent meeting of the board of edu
cation Miss Ida Johnaoa of Lincoln was
employed for tha kindergarten department
of the Wayne Normal school for the sum- J
holding a similar position In tha Lincoln
schools. Miss Alwlne W. Luers waa elected
aa assistant In the art department.
Friday evening In the chapel of the
normal school occurred the annual debute
between the I'eru and Wayne Normal
schools The question for discussion was,
"Resolved, That the United States Govern
ment Should Fortify the Panama Canal."
Mra. Brltton, Mr. Hahn and Mr. Cresa.
representing tha Wayne school, advocated
the affirmative side of the question, and
the negative waa defended by Miss Be'.las.
Miss Mehlets and Mr. Roberts, who spoke
for the Peru Institution. - President Conn
presided and the Judges were Dr. Edwin
Maxey of the University of Nebraska, Su
perintendent F. D. Haddock and Prof. P.
G. Hunt of the Sioux City, la., schools.
The decision as announced was in favor
of Wayne, there being two affirmative
and one negative vote. At the close of the
debate a reception was given by the ladles
of the dormitory In honor of the visiting
Nebraska l.laea Up with Other States
In Forward Movement.
After a long season of neglect, says the
Journal of Hie American Medical associa
tion, it seems thst medical education Is
coming Into Its own In regard to financial
support. Such benefactions as the recent
gift of S20O.0CO from Dr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Long of Indianapolis, toward tha establish
ment of a teaching hospital for the Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indicate an
Increase of Interest in the cause; and not
only ara private donors making generous
contributions, but legislatures also are
making mora liberal appropriations for the
support of their state university medical
schools. Word has Just bsen received that
in Alabama 1100,000 bas been appropriated
for the support of tba medical school of the
state university for the next four years;
and from Nebraska comes tha news that a
Ilka sura has been appropriated to establish
all four years of ths University of Nebras
ka College of Medicine on the new campus
in Omaha. A smaller but no less Important
appropriation was that of $30,000 by the
Oregon legislature which has made possible
a closer relationship between the University
of Oregon and Its medical department a
relationship which heretofore has been
largely nominal. Thus from all sections
of the country come tidings of substantial
gifts or appropriations for medical teach
ing Institutions that represent the hgher
standards of medical education. These ap
propriations give much encouragement to
those who have been working for the de
velopment of higher standards and lead
one to believe that even mora liberal ap
propriations will be made in the future.
Exclusion from Chicago High Schools
Affirmed by Board.
A change In the membershln of the school
board of Chicago was the excuse for seek
ing to rescind the rule against high school
fraternities last week. The chanae In
membership did not change the sentiment
of the board, and the motion was rejected
by the decisive vote of 11 to S.
The crusade against the secret societies
was led to a successful finish by Dean Wal.
ter T. Sumner, chairman of the pomtnlitaa
on school management. The cause of the
Greek initials was championed by Dr. J. B.
McFatrlch, president Of the board; Frank
i. Bennett and George B. Swift.
Under the rule of the board no secret
society In any city high school will be per
mitted In any circumstances. Punlla mn
either resign from societies or be expelled
irom their schools.
Dean Sumner said he had compiled sta
tistics showing conclusively that secret so
ciety members were not good atudenta. In
one scnool in which were 121 members of
sororities and fraternities the average
standing of these members was 74.5 per
cent. N
'And it cannot be argued that these
children were not normal." said Dean Rum.
tier. "Generally they are from tha best
Homes of the city and should, be expected
to be well near the top of their classes.
Utit they sre not good students, because
their society affiliations tend to hinder
them from doing good, or even acceptable,
school work."
Ed acatloaal Nates.
.Tnhn t V'anrfirnn-I .. ,t,u,.. . . .
Instructor at the Chicago Art Institute
and regarded by his associates as one of
""' iri auinoniies on arawings
nf til human rim... At-A V. . j .
? . : ........... . . ' , uicu yi , aisease
at University City, Mo., near St. Louis.
out or publlo bequests of SirA.OOO. Har
vard university la left $100,000 by the will
of Harriet K. Gondnow of Hterllng, which
....... c .i nuivrviflr. Har
vard a gift Is to be left Intaot until it
reaches ll&O.OnO and the Income Is then to
ne used to assist worthy poor boys of any
The oldest m.-rvil In th xur Vn-u ut, -
- , - v..u - " " u i a. uuuiiv
schools Mrs. Martha Harmon, has just
r'c"'ved from the Board of Education two
nmiuj. imib tor meru in stutlv and
the other Tn r- ...iiln.l,.. A . . j
Although 70 yeara old and a grandmother,
. munuui me w liner Term
ItU hfWin Si A HsTsan mnA avamr.1.... K . I
. ' . "' x-ciiijfis$l J fJUUll
In tha crimii'v Amnm Ttmm n Ji
school at public school 157. V.
Df Vala vr.ii.iM li.,n . j .
- " - a 1 1 v. iir.u mere
ere now a total of 2H.S1J, according to the
new quinquennial catalogue of the uni
versity. It Is the successor nf ih. ..i
triennial catalogue. Of the total number
of graduates. 1S.IH15 are living and 10J48
are dead. In the list of living and dead
number 1.0hs; of the aclentlflo school 4 4fil
A Frlarhtfal
with biliousness, malaria, and .nn.iin.u
quickly overcome by taking Dr. King s
ew tire tins. im. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
The Baltimore Ohio Railroad Aa.
aoaares Important t haasr of ,
Time. Effective May 14th.
Train No. 8-The Washington. Bsltimore.
Philadelphia A New York Special, will
leave Chicago at 10:00 A. M.; No. 14, Night
Expresa. at 9:30 P. M.. to Cleveland
Youngstown. Pittsburg. Washington."
Mansfield. Newark, Columbua. Zanesvllle
ana heeling. No. B. New York tt Chicago
IJmlted. will arrive Chicago at a m a v
Under thla arrangement Important connec
tions wm ne made with trains of .
lines. ,
Do Not Show Your Ago
in Your Complexion
(From San Francisco Examiner
What woman would not look ypung if
she had a clear, soft complexion?
Perhaps the most wonderful skin trest
rnent Is one of the most simple. Dr. Takka
Quoldo, Japan's famous skin specialist,
gives San Francisco women the following
"Yea. we never grow old in Japan I
mean the women's faces never show age.
All Japanese women uas mayatone dfe
soived In wltchhasel, and massage, the so
lution thoroughly into ths face, neck and
anna once or twice a day. This treatment
la abaolutely harmless even to a baby's
skin and gives wonderful results, removing
all manner of facial blemishes It also
prevents tha growth of hair. You never
saw a Japanese woman with hair on her
"Take a small original package of maya.
tone and dissolve tt all In eight ounces
of wltchhasel, and you are supplied wits
this aid to outh."-A4.
1 (Bute a
Taste its deUcious and to
tally "different" flavor.
Then you'll learn the
meaning of "bread pexfec
tion" and declare TIP-TOP
without an equal. v.
For "goodness sake" try
it and your verdict will be
"good" 'Very good", "ex
ceedingly good"!
Look for the "TIP-TOP"
jfjp! Jfe fHTf' III
Absolute Protection Against Moths
We are Just completing the installation of a DRY-AIR
COLD STORAGE ROOM, for the protection of Valuable Furs
and Fine Rugs, and are now In position to offer the game ad
vantages, In this direction, as many of the large Department
Stores In eastern cities. i
Furs stored In this manner are absolutely protected
against, damage by moth or vermin and are Insured against
' loss by fire or theft. The freezing temperature keeps the furs
In the best possible condition.
can be done to the best advantage and at less expense during
the summer months, when our furriers are not busy. We are
In position to give the very highest class of service.
Write or call for folder explaining this method.
Uer la What One Grateful Ex-Rheamatfa
Sufferer Says: .
km lOOaT" Hmwkm wtth rbarmery Cev. Lea Aagslaa, writes
j,-!! . e add mr testsu y ta the vslae ol yotw rhensnstic remedy
UXICSOl. I have bad auucular rksaavstma lor aver a ar. Tried nail
remedies sad was eadcr traatnxat T a sbysicisa bat sot so relssf aatil I aac4
CIUCSOU astf a bottle of wbick cuna aaa, That was three BKtatas ale, sad 1
have Sad so retara ei tba disease."
91 far bottle cesBtsinlng- 64 tioeae
Ter Bala and Keeommanded by
Saermifl I Kcbnnell Drif Co., Owl Dmj Ci, Omihi, Neb
Ttic Omaha Ucc's Great
Booklovers' Contest
JTO. JtOAT, MAT B. 1911.
Vhat Does This Picture Represent?
Your Name
Street and Number
City or Town
Aftor you have written in the title of the book aave the coupon
and picture.
Do not send any coupons until the end of the contest Is aa.
Remember the picture represents the title of a book not a scene
or character from it.
Catalogues containing the names of all tbe books on which the
punle pictures are bas-d are for sale at the business office of The
Bee 35 cents. By trail, SO cents.
Rules of the Contest
All serasns are sltflbl te .alar this awiHi sansi mloya o the Omsbs an4
m.mMrs et thr UuiUim. luk oar, tor Mtrantr-tl. ui, (bare will iuSllm. la
Th. Baa a sletars "hlo will rar.a,n ths mt s book. Sanaa Lh aaok a'otura wlU bs a blaak or lbs c-aiMtaat ta till ta Us title o tha boob.
Cut est bath tb sl.tsrs ao blailt aa III I la tbe nam. atvt autbar of tbe beak ant
sad raur name an adraas aaatlr a piuolr la iu. imm snt'loaa.
He raatrtatMna wit be slaaa aa I ha war la wbleb aaawars te tha pleura, mar be
ascwaa. Smok latsrs en), aa. title of a beam It roa ara not sars of a
till. sn wish ta send la aaara thao an. answar ta aaaa alsture. r mar a so BUT
Sot mobs thak riva aniwbhs wiu. acx-sptid to ant on hcturs.
lnaarrast an.war will net he eaunt. SfalnM aoataataata II aarraat aaawar Is alaa flw.
Mors Ibaa ana .aswar aheult Bat b. at en In. aama asusaa. Kxtrs cauaaas .taeula .
saad ter extra awara Ail SMwacs t e the aaaM niimbar abMia be bast tasatbor is
wwSsb4IibbI law (s)0 al9C
While Bet abaelutslr nacaaaar., It H aawrabte that tba plataras ab.ala In sash aaaa
ba sent la with Ua asawara ,1a etear that sU aaswars be anllarmv AStlUoaai plataras
sad esaaana star ba aktataa4 at tha a Mlaa tt Tha Baa kr null er la siraua.
Whea wo k.Ta all eereatr-flTe sleturaa, taataa tbon ag.thar sn4 brlns ar Basil
tbaa ta The Omaha Baa. aaaraaaa te Uie BoofclsTara' Oontaat editor. Frites will be
awardoa te the aantaaioau aaoams la ths nassbar al carraot aoluJtoa.. In STaat
at twa ar Basra s.raon. bartss tha asBM lumMr of aarraat aslaUan.. tba saraaa aaln
Ibe smallar aumaar at estrs aaasoaa la hi. aat et aaswars wll be aetlarad wlnaar. la
ovaal of twa rraens bavlas tba sasM cam bar ..rrt sad sains Ua asma Bumbar al
awHu, tba saraaa whaa. aat al ssawara Is anaa aaatlr araaaraa, la the Sflatoa at
tha lall Judging aammlttaa. will raealra ths Ural prise.
Onlr ana list et aaawars ssar be .uaealttad br s aesiaSUnt.
Ths aa. at tha oautena la aat ohl lexer, sboo tba, and aa answer Baaf
be avbanltlad la aar latbla Baaawar the aaotaatasl snsr sals.
Awards wtU ba raada stnatlr aaaardlsf ta tba marlt at each aaaa rata list.
ma nana ot ssore tbas oaw parrm ntaat aat ba wrtttaa uaea anr ana eowaaa.
Tits swards wll ba maaa ar Ua Caaiast Bailar tad a aeatsaltus W wail-haowa alt
Isana. wbaas aaaias will ba aansuaMd later.
Tba Cnntaat la limited to tba following lorrltory : Nabraaks, WroaUa that portlaa
at Iowa waat al bat net Ineladlag Bas htalnaa, and that ssstiaa et SewU Dakota anowa
as tha aiaak Wills tnetrlsl.
First Prize
Value 92,000
A $1,000 Apperson "Jack Rab
bit" Touring car. Model Four
Thirty, with flve-paaaeager capac
ity. It la a great car In a great s
contest, it nas many speea ana
read records, and today ranks
among the leading motor cara. For both service and speed this auto
will make an excellent possession. It is a real Jov-maker. Tt la full
accompanying Illustration. Tbe. famous
thla car. Tha prise may be Inspected
equipped and is lust like
ADDaraon warrantv tn.t with
at the Appersen sales rooms, Jilt Farnam atreet.
Second Prize
Value $750
Not everybody can play a piano
but everybody would like te. The
ll-note Kimball placer-plane, worth
$760, which la tha ascend grand
prise, wi furnish muslo far you
whether yau play or not It is a
wonderful Instrument, and will make
soma home a happy place far every
member of the family. Bven Qrand
ni can play this Instrument If
elster wants ta play It without the
mechanlam. she simply hss ta lift
a lever. This player Is eahlbltod at
tha A. Hoepe store, loll Lculaa St.
f 9'
Third Prize
Valu 9800
Thla prise la a beautiful lot la
A. P. Tukey Bon e Her addttloa,
adjacent to Hanaoom park and Cen
tral boulevard. It is lot 4 of kiosk
olsht. on Thirty-third street, and Is
Itxllt feet The atreet car line mas
along Thirty-second Avenue, just a
block from tha site of the let tome
young couple, perhaps, will bare
erect a little cottage in which to
live for yeara aad yeara Who can
tell what lucky parens will set this
ideal lot? Tou may be the eua.
Fourth Prize
' Valu. 9280
A $109 Columbia "Recent" Orafon
ola and fad worth ef records form
the fourth grand prise. This excel
lent Instrument la one of the best
manufactured. It la built of finest
mahogany throughout. For any
tvnWr this instrument is simply a
musical com. It lT-sure ta lncioaao
the bliss of any home. It will draw
the family closer feather and form
moans of entertainment night after
night. This Orafonela la now at
hlMted at the Columbia Phonograph
Company's agency, llll-ll Phrnam
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
Value 9140
Fivo Priies of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2.
Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee