Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Belief that Both Will Support Cana
dian Reciprocity Bill.
Meateaaat (Itfrrnor Clarke Will lie
",tdlas'' (aadldate
f fop the Nomtaatloa for
TifcR MOIN'Eft. May 7. (Special l-Despli '
Uiat nine of th- ten r.m,hii,. c,re...
men Tmm low' voted aeajnst th-5 bill to
make good the treaty for Canadian reci
procity at Washington, it Is the belief of
those who ara best informed that the
two senators from Iowa will be found
standing together In support of Prexirtont
Taft In this measure. Nothing def nlto has
keen Indicated as to ttia matter and It Is
presumed, nothing will bo known until
after1 the debate lias been enured upon.
The attitude taken by the senior senator
has .been all along that io the matter of
the general principle of reciprocity he
lands for' It now as in the past, but as
to this particular treaty or agreement he
was rfot ready to decide until all the facta
are known, and that while he believes it
rot to be as good an agreement as mle;ht
have te made it must be recognised as a
step.. Ttve attitude of the Junior sonator
has not been defined at aU on the ques
tion. . In the past he has been an ardent
advocate tf lower tariff duties and a
champion bt the, policy of -reciprocity, It
la regarded as almost certain he will sup
port the. billi'' ' .' V
The peciliar turn of affairs In the Ninth
district, where a special election has been
called, makea K alrnost certain the Issue
f the treaty will have great weight In the
lection. The repuhllran candldat a are all
committed against the pending bill. Judge
Green, who stands the best show of nomi
nation, hae beta quoted standing against
this treaty.-.-.Willis Btern, who represents
the opposite' faction, Is also said to be op
! posed to the treaty. The democrats plan
j to nominate a candidate who Is moderate
and would attract ' republican votes and
I who will take the position that he will
I support the administration In thla matter.
Then, there will be an Issue for the cam-
palga to follow. .
Flare rl a em State Ticket.
A gnod deal of gossip has been going
i the rounds lately aa to possible candidates
for state and other of floes. It la settled
. that Lieutenant Governor Q, W. Clarke
, of Dallas county, will be the leading can
, did ate for governor, and he may not bo
opposed, though It la known that a small
legislative group formed last wlnier de-
i cdad upon the support of Ittpresenatlve
E. W. Moore, a tanker of Cedar Hapids.
It has) also been on the program for W. L.
Harding of Bloux Vcitv to be a candidate
for lieutenant governor. It la possible that
; fieoretary of State W. C. Hayward will be
i a candidate for governor.
The federal positions in Iowa are to be
filled at an early date. In the northern
, district Truman L. Potter of Mason City
will be a candidate for marshal, and S. D.
Klnlker of Rock Rapids, a candidate for
I attorney. In the southern district Arthur
! Fprtnger of Wapello la candidate for col
1 lector. These are all new candidates, but
! It la supposed that some of the present
Inoumbenta will make an effort to retain
their plaoei. '..
WIU Cost Mia Operators Remethlsg.
The signature of Governor CacroU will
i cost the operators of coal mine In Iowa
I many thousand of dollars. Tbey appeared
j before legislature aod pleaded that the
i bill be not adopted because of this fact
; and d sole ned that - its -passage meant an
; increase of IB per oent In the cost of ooal
. In Iowa. The mala expanse will be in
the enlarging of the runways and tunnels
In the mines and rebuilding many of the
. shafts so as to better provision for safety
of the miners.
Frait CTo Hot Harmed.
Reports to the horticultural department
from all over Iowa Indicate that the recent
f reeae bad no effect on the fruit except In
rare cases. The strawberry crop Is short
because of dry weather last fall and the
peach crop was Injured In the winteri but
the ether - fruit la doing well. The per
centages of the crop reported to Secretary
Ureene axe: Apples. Wj pears, W; plums, i
cherries, W; peaches, S6, red raspberries,
T4i black raspberries. TOj blackberries, S8
currant. 17 1 gooseberries, K3l strain.
berries, U
Vote ( tke Ate Bill, f
Governor Carroll In vetoing the bill to
fix a rule of the road la regard to paastng
; of automobiles filed with the secretary of
: state his reasons as follows!
Herewith I transmit to you House File
No. 11 without my approval, for the follow-
1 . . , . ,. A V. k. 1 1 1
lua wwia j vw u.. r.J'va. U.W Wit.
I have no objections, but the provisions
regulating passing when one party over
tekee Mother are entirely too dxaatio and
in my opinion will. If It becomes a law,
I lead to much abuse and even litigation.
I The bill Is modeled. In seme respecu, alter
i the New York law, but It goes much be-
yond the provisions of the statutes of that
state. W have a very good law now with
regard to passing on the public highways
when parties meet and should have a law
regulating passage when one person over
takes another, but it la my opinion, and
the attorney general, Uiat this bill goes
lo an unreasonable extent and opens the
way for muuh abuse. The bill was by me
returned to the legislature with the re
quest that the part which I have referred
to be so amended as to remove the objection
able featurea, but In the last days of the ses
sion It was again sent to me without
amendment- I do 'not feel that I can give
It my approval without doing an injustice
, to the public; hence, as required by auction
la, artlole S of the constitution. I her,
with file l with, you with my objections.
Will Receive Medals.
Trie members of the Iowa National guard
rtfl team will receive beautiful gold and
silver medals of excellent deslsji. The team
members who get the medals are Colonel
a. ST. Brooabart. Major F. R. Fisher. Cap
tain. 20. ' C. Johnson. Sergeant It. W.
Ralston. Major B 8. llird. Captain E. 8.
Qeist, Captain II. G. Uttiey, lieutenant L.
R. Bchllllng, lieutenant J. L. Carlson.
Lieutenant J. P. King. Lieutenant U. A.
rruessuer. Sergeant George Beaver,
fiergeant F. J. FiceL Sergeant C. M. King
and Corporal W. II. Purchenwald. Alter
nates who get medals are Captain H A.
Rlngland, Sergeant T. L, Beaaon and
Bergeant S. B. Ulldebrand.
Iwa Frwteatlve Associativa Passes
Stsselatl l DesBMdtBeT Castas;
for Their Beateftt.
MiflOH CTTT, la.. May T. (BpecleJ Tel
granu Oavenport will be the next meet
ing place at b ste,te association c the
Travallnc hi en's Protective association,
which adjourned tonight. At the business
awaaloa a rejlutlon prevailed whl.h erg.
deoiaed the parcels post and asked that
National election day be on Monday In
Strad of Tuesday, one deieeete declaring
that ft per oent et the traveling men were
deprived f their vote under the present
plan.' The election result Is aa follows:
. Presldanl David R Ziegler. Burlington.
Vice presidents. Gus Kckerk. liv njort;
lark Ansuu, Muscatine, and Jacob Frank,
Thomas Hume," Burlington.
Get a Bee catalogue if 4M book titles
It will help solve pussl pictures. On sal
ba He oilWe, S Mil, maO. W cent
Governor Carroll
Vetoes Dunlap Bill
Measure Provided that Teams Must
Turn Out for Autos Going in
Same Direction.
ry.a MOINKS. May 7.-Onvmor Carroll
yesterday vetoed the Punlap bill, panned
hy the recent legislature, which required
that team must turn out ao that auto
mobiles may pass them to the left when
both ara enlnjr In tl.e same direction
",on th Pu'" highways. The governor
"glares me bill is too orasiic.
nolllver Fond eeds Cash.
VOHT notXJR. Ia., May 6. -(Special
I FOllT DODOK, la.. May 7. (Special
rovla, Cal., formerly of thla city, today
sent $1')0 to the Iolllver memorial associa
tlon. Over 1.1.000 is now In the treasury and
115,000 Is Deeded for the monument. '
Teachers' College Leads.
CEDAR FAL1.S, la.. May 7. (Special
Telegram.) State Teachers college won
in debate with Kansas Normal school last
night three to nothing in this city, whero
the negative of the question on Central
nanking system was upheld.
Cedar Kails Orator Wins.
CEDAR. FALLS, la.. May 7. (Special
Telegram.) Glen Davis of Cedar Falls,
representing ,the Iowa Teachers' college,
won in the interstate oratorical contest
held in Missouri, his subject being
'America and World Peace." Wisconsin,
Illinois, Iowa, K an Has and Missouri con
tested for honors.
Iowa News Notes.
CRB8TON John Mllnes, former county
recorder, has been appointed state food
inspector. The appolutment becomes ef
fective July 1.
IDA GROVE Attorney Walter S. Wenger
of Aurora. Hi., will deliver the commence
ment addreKii at Ida Grove. There will be
thirty-one graduates from the Ida Grove
school. ,
BELLE PLAINK After being dead for
three days, the body of Mrs. Noah ltucker,
axed ! years, was found today in her
home where she lived alone. Heart fail
ure la supposed to have been the cause.
IDA GROVE Fred Ttidorr, a prominent
and wealthy Ida county farmer, bought
three Ida county farms from Chris Albera
of Holsteln for which he paid the lump
sum of $:.". ono. There are 471 acres m the
three farms.
MARSH ALL TOWN Frank Ditman.
farmer who formerly lived In Liecomb and
Marietta tnwnsnipa oi this county, com
mitted suicide at Wilcox, Sank., Canada,
yesterday, according to a telegram which
reached relatives here today.
ckmmtuis Hugh KosBon. express mes
senger between Chicago and Omaha, is
critically ill here, having submitted to
an operation for appendicitis. His condi
tion is considered serious, but hopes are
entertained tor his recovery.
LOGAN Thirty civil engineers submitted
bids for making preliminary surveys, maps
ana profiles oi the proposed line of sewer
age for Logan, and the city council has
commenced examination of the bids and the
selection of the civil engineer last even
NBWTON-Mn. Amelia Caldwell was
given a verdict of 15.3S9.16 against the Iowa
State Traveling Men's association today
by the Jury that heard the case she brought
against the company on an insurance pol
icy issued to her husband by the defend
ant company.
IOWA CITY The Columbia Phonograph
company hns begun bankruptcy, proceedings
against Wlllard F. Main, formerly worth a
intra or a million, and now owing 190.000.
with nearly no assets. He offers to settle
for 10 cents on the dollar, and his cred
itors nave tne matter under consideration.
man of this place, grand worthy matron of
the Eastern Star of Iowa, died last night
at the Mayo hospital in Rochester, Minn.,
according to a telegram received here to
day. , Mrs. Beckman is survived, by her
husband and ona eon.-8he was 4a years
of age. -
LOGAN The Rebekah convention was a
record breaker In point of attendance and
enthusiasm. The attendance was M Mis
souri Valley was selected as the next place
of meeting. Mary Belie Starlln of Missouri
Valley was elected president; Nora Don
nelson, Logan, vice president; Mrs. Amors
Burk. Missouri Valley, secretary, and lira
1'eteiBon, Dunlap, treasurer.
IOWA CITY The eastern lows dlfltrtct of
the Luther league of Iowa, adjourned here
today, after closing Its fifth annual con
vention, having elected officers for the en
suing year, aa follows: President, the Rev,
Paul II. Helsey, North Liberty; vice pres
ident. L. V. Gordon, Cedar Rapids; secre
tary. Miss Eleanor Rep pert, Burlington;
treasurer, John Mohl, Davenport
IDA GROVE William Langs was In
stantly killed while blasting rock six mile!
northeast of Odebolt. The exact manner
In which Lange met his death will never
be known as he was alone at the time and
no one saw the accident, but It is presumed
that the fuse was too short and did not
give him time to get away. His head
and one arm were torn from his body. He
leaves a family.
GRINNELL At the sixth annual contest
for the 8 paul ding prise for effective public
speaking prises were awarded aa follows:
First, J. Owen Redmon, Colfax; second,
W .H. Young, Center Junction; third, a tie
between Noel I. Breed, Grlnnell, and Her I
Fllck. Dea Moines. Through the liberality
of the giver of the prise. Senator H. W.
Ppauldlng of thla city, the ameant of the
third prise, $20, was doubled and each man
received, the fun price. ,
FORT DQDGB D. D. Douglas of Web
ster oounty has paid taxes on his home
farm every year consecutively for sixty
one years. His friends claim for him,
therefore, the Webster county record as
far as taxes go. Also Mr. Douglas has the
original government patent given him when
he settled on the property when Iowa was
a wilderness, and there has never been re.
corded on this patent any Instrument of
Incumbrance of any kind.
IDA GROVE) The Ida Grove school board
elected Percy Huntemer of Dell Rapids,
B. D., to have charge of the County School
of Agriculture whlcri the board will start
In connection with the high school next
fall, and which they hope to make the
greatest oounty school of the sort In the
northwest. Huntemer comes from the south
Dakota Agrlcult'tral college, where he was
a famous athlete and he will coeoh the
Ida Grove track and foot ball teams.
CRK8TON At a meeting of the school
board. Prof. Johanxan of Audubon was
elected to soooeed Prof. Bridges as prin
cipal at the present salary of 11,190 per
year. The resignations of Profs. Smith
and Hardtn and Miss Lystnger were ac
cepted . Prof. Smith goes to a position in
a private commercial college in Waterloo
and Prof. Hardin to Colorado. Miss Lv.
singer's plana are not known at present.
All the other high school teachers were
re-elected at the same salaries aa last year,
FORT POM E The Rev. H. Reedy, very
tiopular pastor of the First Methodist
church at Rockwell 1ty, died suddenly
Friday morning of a chronic trouble. He
had never given up io the disease though
he had suffered for several years and his
death, therefore, was a great shock to all
his friends. The Rev. Mr. Reedy was
only 44 years old and was doing excellent
work In the ministry. He was- born In
England, educated In the east and leaves
a widow and two daughters, aged and
4 years.
C RES TON Railroad Co nun last oners Pal
mer and Thorne met a delegation of stock
men and discussed the feasibility of put
ting on an extra stock train to run from
the northern terminal of the Cumberland
branch to St. Joseph, Mo. The stockmen
claim the train is needed and they 'oelleve
they ahlp enough stock from that territory
to insure the company a good profit. The
road officials, however, declare a train has
been tried and It does not pay. However,
they said thev were willing to make an
other trial and offered to put en a train
for four months' trial.
'Warelag te Hallrwad Ilea.
E. 8. Bacon, . II Bast It, Bath, Ma.
sends out this warning to railroaders:
"A conductor on the railroad; my work
caused a chronlo inflammation f tb kid
neys and I was miserable and all played
out A friend advised Foley Kidney ptlla
and from the day I commenced taking
them I began to regain my strength. The
Inflammation cleared and I am far better
than I have been for twenty years The
weaknesa aaj dlszy spells are a thing of
the past and I highly recommend Foley
Kidney Pills- For sale by all druggists.
Join th Bss Booklover puntsst ftawv
Commissioner Queson in Washington
and Talks for His Feople.
Ustrsdi that the People of the Phil
ippine Islands Were liaaraaleed
Liberty and thai They
heald Have It.
WASHINGTON, May 7. (Special Tel
egram.) In an Interview, Melville L.
Queson, one of the reuldent commission
ers of the Philippines, has nisde a bold
demand for Filipino independence, de
claring It Is high time the United Mates
made good its promise of thirteen years
ago, that his people would be held as
wards only until they were fit for self
government "As the representative of the 1,0(10,000
people of the Philippine islands, and as
their mouthpiece, I am directed to say
that they seek from you that which will
cost you nothing to concede and some
thing which Alll be more than life and
wealth to them their liberty," said the
Commissioner Queson, wnoss status In
Washington Is that of delegate In con
gress from the territories, claims to be the
only real representaUve of the Filipino
people, although he has a colleague here.
Commissioner Benito Legarda. Queaon
was choseu by the Philippine assembly,
being the 'unanimous choice of all par
tics. Legarda Is the representative of
the Philippine commission, and therefore
It 1b claimed Is not in sympathy with the
demands of the Filipinos for Immediate
"When the people of the United States
came Into contact with the Filipinos for
the first time," he 'said, "the orgy thing
they knew about them was that there was
some uncivilised people In the mountains,
and the people of the United States took
It for granted that all the rest of the
ls'ands were more or less In the same
Result ot Investigation.
"President McKinley's Investigating
committee found that the Filipinos, even
at that time, were in much better condi
tion and were more fit to govern them
selves than were the people of Cuba, to
whom. Independence was given Immedi
ately. "You of the United States do not know
that all branches of science or art are
and have always been well represented
In the people of my race. We have al
ways been well represented. We have a
Riial, who beoarhe a world known celeb
rity, whom the Filipinos worship aa much
as the Americans worship Washington.
"There is a Luna, whose paintings have
been the admiration of the world; there Is
a Yoaxa and a Moreno-Lacalle, whose
learning In the law made them objects of
admiration of the highest courts In Spain;
there are numberless doctors who rank
with the highest of their profession In
Europe or this country, and there are
politicians who can occupy any plao In
any legislative body of any nation and
fill that position In a creditable manner.
"The government of the United States
pledged Itself before the whole world that
In governing the Philippines the welfare
of the Filipino should be given first con
sideration. and this, I regret to say, has
not been ' the case. A gradual letting In
of the" Filipinos In the government has
been promised time and again, but has not
been done and the most Important posi
tions oontlnue to be filled by Americans.
: Americans Gt Good Positions.
"The high-salaried positions are occupied
by American oltlsens and only the minor
and f unimportant ones ax given to na
tives. "The islands are costing the government
of the United States millions yearly, and
the longer the United States retains them
the greater will be the temptation for
American capital to exploit them. The
more American capital Is entrenched in
the Philippine Islands, the more difficult
will it be for the United States to grant
our Independence, because the American
interests will demand of Uncle Bam that
he remain there and protect them.
"And we do not want American capital
to take hold of our lands and our farms.
"President Taft said that the Philippine
Islands are for the Filipinos, and those
words have bean engraved In the heart of
very Filipino, and when we see that the
conduct of the administration Is not. In
conformity with that deotrtn. we protest
and demand that a stop to th actual con
dition of affairs be mad at ono and that
our vole be beard."
Blower Falls Into a
Pit of Molten Glas
George Dehaunt Meets Fearful Deth
When He Loaei Hia Balance
While at Work.
FAIRMONT. W. Vs.. May 7.-Oeorge De
haunt, a blower at the Fairmont Window
irisss company's p'nt, met a fearful
aeatn today when he feU Into a pit of
molten glass. He was blowing a piece of
glass when It suddenly broke and he Umx
his balance, falling Into the pit In his
fall he came In contact with a lot of
broken glass that split his skull, tore o
an eye, cut off an ear and almost severed
one arm.
Woman. Executive Bays ike Is Ready
te Ceperat with tke
. Coaarll.
HCTTNEWBLL, Kan., May T. Hune
well Is In worse condition than it was "
aid Mrs. Ella Wilson. the m.,..
thoughtfully, today. "There la more
drinking. W have no officers and I
cannot appoint any. v-
But." added the mayor. "I hnarA tiwi
that one of the councilmen la ashamed
or the way he has been doing. Whenever
th councilmen are ready to meet me, I
am ready to make the innnlntm.m.
Mrs. Osborne as marshal and Mrs. Hilton
aa elty clrk."
After declarlna- that the meeting .iu
by the councilmen for next Monday Is
megai. Mayor Wilson said firmly:
"Th next regular meeting will be on
May 16.-
TOPEKA. Kan, May . Governor W.
R. Stubba, In response t th appeal of
supporters of Mrs. Ella WlUon. mayor
f HunnwU, said today that h would
assist th women of that town to en
force th prohibitory lsw
Now Is th time to get rid ef your rheu
matism. You will find Chamberlain' Lin
iment wonderfully effective. On eepii ac
tion will eonvlaoe yon of It merits. Try
It For sal by aa dealer. ,
A .1 J Leave this tremendous alcohol
uWOICL It estio" to your doctor. .The dan
ger is too great for you to decide
alone. AVer's SarsapariUa is a tonic entirely free from
aiconoi. i aKe it or not, as yocr doctor directs.
Labor Trouble in
France is Nearing
Critical Climax
Fifteen Hundred Meetings of Railroad
Men Held in Paris to Decide
Upon General Strike.
PARIS, Msy 7. (Special Cablegram.)
The Fiench labor situation, alwas crit
ical, appears again to be approaching a
climax. Tonight 1.M0 meetings of railroad
men are to be held for the purpose of de
ciding whether a general strike Is neces
sary to force the companies to re-employ
the men discharged as a result of the last
strike, hundreds of whom are said to have
been reduced to misery, i
In addition to thi, th government Is
facing a tacit strike, or boycott, against
the new compulsory old age pension law,
which becomes effective July I. Lees than
1 per cent of the workmen compelled to
benefit by this law have complied with
the necessary formalities, while from all
over France meetings of protest against
the law are held. Last night 2.0(4 people
marched through the streets of Chalons
Sur Marae, carrying banners inscribed.
The dead cannot be pensioned."
Workmen show general distrust of the
government. They seem to be afraid of
a trap somewhere, and many enjoy -re
peating the question, "Where la the money
which Duoa took?"
Dues, It will be remembered, was the
man appointed by the government to
liquidate the property of the religious or
der when the latter were expelled from
France. Before Duel was through the
money and property had entirely disap
peared. Dues Is in prison, but the money
which was to have formed the basis of
the old age pensions has not been re
F. A. Stroup Suffers
Stroke After Injury
vice President of Omaha Eeal
Estate Finn is 111 in New
NEW ORLEAN3. La., May 7. (Special
Telegram. ) F. A. Btroup, vie president
of the Payne Investment company of
Omaha, who has been active for many
month with others of the company In the
colonization of Louisiana lands with north
ern farmers, was stricken with a form of
paralysis affecting the lower half of his
body while In the Turkish baths of the
St Charles hotel Friday evening. Mr.
Btroup was resting easily Saturday and It
Is believed he will ultimately recover fully
from the effects of the stroke, which Is
thought an after effect of a shock re
ceived about two weeks ago while on a
train on the Illinois Central railroad when
th oar In which he was sleeping was de
railed at Durant. Miss.
Mr. Btroup was bruised about the chest
and shoulders, but was up and about In a
few days and accompanied his train north
and returned to Louisiana with a party of
homeseekers. -
According to Mr. Btroup Saturday, be has
never missed an excursion of the Payne
Investment company In ail of the twenty
years that the corporation has been In ex
istence, and he Is much worried for fear
he will have to miss th next one.
Mr. Btroup' s home Is h Chicago and his
wife and several daughters reside there
While In Omaha, whersr his business In
terests frequently brought him, he lived
with his son's family, O. W. Btroup of
2126 Douglas street, who is also an em
ployee of the Payne company. ' He la a
man of about 66 years of age and has
been Interested In business In this city for
many years.
Archives of United
States Are Inspected
Secretary Knox Finds Receptacle is
Neither Fire Bor Water Proof
Constitution Well PreserretL
WASHINGTON, D. C, May 7.-The sa
cred relics of enduring; popular government,
the original declaration of independence
and constitution of the United States,
which for nearly a decade have been
locked up in th archives of th Btat de
partment, were personally inspected today
by Secretary Knox, who Is charged with
their preservation. Their exposure forcibly
revealed to the secretary that the safe In
which they are kept Is neipier water nor
Although without available funds he Is
sued Instructions that an estimate be mad
of the cost of a receptacle which would
make the historic Instruments absolutely
secure against destruction. When un-.
covered today the Immortal declaration
displayed the ravages of time and the
disastrous effects of press copying to which
It was subjected In 1K2 and from which all
facsimiles hsve been made.
Their condition i ascribed by official
more to the press copying than the wear of
years. The constitution, which has never
been press copied, is almost perfect
A Dangcroa Weand
rendered antiseptic by Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns,
piles, ecsema and salt rheum. Xc For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Unayoo's Bbeumatlstn Remedy relieves
palos In the lec, arms. Uack, stiff or
swollen Joints. Contains bo morphine,
eptuiu, cocaloe or dmge to deadeo tue
pain. It neutralises the acid aod drive
at all rheumatic poison from tb sr
tern. Write Prof. Muoyoa. 63d and Jeff
erson Sts., Phils., Pa for medical ad
tea, absolutely fro.
Mas. WiksloWs bootsino vacr bas bees.
! tjit best mnedy lor I1AKHBA. It is ab
solutely harmleM. B sure sa eak for ' Mrm.
Wuulew's eaothiag bvrup," take ao otter
Viad. Twesty-ec ceau butUt.
J. a Afar Ok.
Sir. WaitsTTort and Via Carlisle to
Plaase Into the Wilds of th
SEATTLE, Wash.. May 7. (Special Tele
gram.) To hunt big game through the
Interior wilds of Alaska Is the mission of
two society women of the national capi
tal. Mrs. Henry Wsdsworth. a member of
the celebrated family of that name, and
Ml-s Marie Carlisle, are both now In
Seattle. The women are traveling as mem
bers of the Alaska boundary survey party
of fifty, headed by Thomas Rings. The
privilege of Journeying with a body of gov
ernment officials came thrnugn the courtesy
of Vloe President Sherman.
Mrs. Wadsworth's home Is at Avon, N.
Y. Khe Is a sister-in-law of James Wnds
worth, speaker of the New Tork assembly.
Last year, riding In relays fourteen of her
thoroughbreds, she covered 223 miles In
Our A&e&c.
Schlitz was brewed first in a hut over
sixty years ago. Now our output exceeds
a million barrels a year. Our agencies dot
the earth.
More and
manding Schlitz Schlitz in Brown Bottles.'
In our brewery we spend more on purity in time in
skill in. money than on any other cost in our brewing.)
We scald every tub, keg and barrel every pipe and.
pump every time we use it. We wash every bottle foiir
times by machinery. Even the air, in which the beer is
cooled, is filtered. ,
If you knew what we know about beer, you would
say, "Schlitz Schlitz in Brown Bottles." '
That Made Milwaukee Fanou$
Every thing
W (t
There is no reaching high or bending low when you cook on
Notice the easy position when cooking over the open burners, the conven
ient level of the broiling oven, the facility with which the baking or roasting
oven may be reached and the readiness with which plates and dishes may be
set in the warming closet.
the Oenesee valley in fourteen hours. For
the last two year she has traveled with
troops of calvary through th Moqu! vil
lages of Arisona.
Her companion, Miss Carlisle, la reputed
to be a shot of no mean ability. Th party
will sail for Alaska tomorrow night
Araiy Maa Injered by Aato Will Be
Uihl to Work lor game
Dr. Roy Dodge, who has been attending
Sergeant Samuel S. Olbson, who was
knocked down and badly bruised In front
of the Bee building Tuesday afternoon by
an aulomobllo driven by Walter Molse, re
ported last night that his patient was
much Improved.
"Sergeant Olbson will, however, be unable
to work for two or three wteeks yet," the
doctor said. "He Is suffering from torn
ligaments In the right leg."
more people every year are de
The Beer
is in Easy Reach on a
Ovens, Burners,
Warming Closet
At Convenient Height!
Both Ovens and the Warming Closet are
heated by the one set of burners.
Price, Connected, $25 and
Attractive terms if desired.
1 11 u
Remoastratnra Aaalnet Salowai t,is)
cease aecare Tkens ta FP
Isk Kvldeaee. '
PEATRICK. Neh., May- T (Special Tele
gram -There wan a little excitement at
Wymore last night Just' before the city
council granted a saloon license to tjivall
d Calder of this place. Three boys from
pea trice, named Prntt. Tonng and Caa
seil. were secured by a minister and soma
of the remonstrators to testify In the oase,
and after they gave their evidence and
started to leave the city hall they were
net upon by a gang of young men and
drtven out of town. One of the boys was
pretty roughly handled by the mob. The
were brought to thla city early thm morn
ing In a buggy by a resident of Wymnr.
lv, i
Phones J "s-las 1RT
l iwncsj independent A 23
Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot
723 S. 9th St., Omaha, Nebr.
- .