Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. MAY 8. 1911.
jour erdnt wish to coyer nur!f with
In a word, I promise you that we will
ms)t a triumphant marah until we arrive
kt the rapltal of the reput'lir. where you
11 rerelve the' reward whirr) rr
patriotism, and self-sacrifice . have fully
" earned.
" Kffeetlvn suffrese and na re-election.
Camp of the army of , liberation on the
shores of the Brave, before Cludad Jaurec.
on the seventh day of May.. 1911."
Benora Branlfi and Obron. o-betweena
In the recent negotiations, -probably will
return, to Mexico City tomorrow with
Judae CarbaJal, aha -official federal en
oy. Force At Arm Out? Beeeerif.
They made several efforts to peinuale
General Madero and Ms foliowera to recede
from their attitude on the tries qileatlon,
but without result. The lnsurrecto leaders
now feel more determined than ever that
they mum obtain their political reform!
by force of arms.
OeneraJ Madero'a' plana are not known.
It la believed he will march due south
to Madero, near tha point where he
topped recently prior to his march to
Juarei. he Intende to efcrry the flghtln
Into the state ef Coahullo. and mobilizing
all hla forces., effect a Junotlon with Am.
broelo Flgueroa and the other rebel chiefs
and attack -Mexico Clry.' ' 1
All the provlelonnl governors, who hith
erto have been In the United Ftatea con
sulting with the Juntas of the revolution
lets now will return to their respective
states. Benor Carransa, provisional gov
ernor of Coahulla, will take the field as
chief of the military sone comprehended
by Aueve Ieon, Coahulla and Tameullpas.
Benor Manuel Bonllla, provisional gover
nor of Blnaloa; Senora Maytorena, provis
ional governor of Bonora; Quadjelopa Oon
sales. provisional governor of Zacatecas;
Henor L'rgulde, provisional governor of
Tlaxcala, and Abraham Qonsales. provis
ional governor of Chihuahua, will accom
pany Oeneral Madero southward en rout
to their respective headquarters.
fienor Pino 8uarex, provisional gover
nor of Yucatan, will go to Han Antonio,
Tex., with the members of the new execu
tive consulting Committee, which probably
will be resident there.
This commission la composed of Dr. Vaa
quet Gomes, Francisco Madero, sr., and
Benor Pino Buares, who represented the
rebels In their brief peace conference with
tha federal government, Gustavo A. Mad
ero, Roque Estrada and Juan Banohes
Ascona, Tha other commission, whtoh will
cars for the business of tha revolutionists
In the United, Btatee, will be composed
of Dr. Gomes, a jUplQmatlp agent; Gustavo
A. Madera, financial agent; Jose Vascon
celos and Juan JBanchea. Ascona, as as
sistants to the - diplomatic., agent, and Al
berto Fuentes, acting consul at El Paso.
Gustao A. Madero. will have power to
appoint consuls or business agents in the
Tnlted States.
Part of the lnsurrecto army will leava
during tha night and the remainder to
morraw. Expect to Take Mexico City.
"One month more and we'll have Mexico
City." 'Thla was, the oft repeated phraea
With which 'tha 1 rebel leaders tonight
prepared for tha march.. Rebel detach
ments are scattered throughout the state
of Chihuahua and ' ara' now believed to
number 1.000 men. With tha additional
troops which the rebels expect to recruit
on their march, M they belleva sympathy
with tha revolutionists causa haa been
strengthen instead, of weakened by their
attitude oh tha Dlaa question, the Insur-
r set os hope to muster 30,000 men for their
grand attack -en -tha, Mexican capital.
A report? that "General Rabago, with
about 1.000 federal! had lefLTerrasae near
Chihuahua immediately after the armistice
was broken off reached here tonight.
There ia strong' likelihood of an engage
meat between Rabago and a detachment of
tha lnsurrecto army.
Fear ( Farther Ft gat las; Caaaes
Aaanaeatatlea of Kseaas.
MEXICO CITT. May a-Mexican offi
cials appear tonight to believe, that In spite
of tha disquieting newg from tha north
that a peace agreement will yet be reached.
In the department of foreign relations.
It was said. Information had been received
that the chiefs of tha revolution were In
consultation this afternoon and It was re
ported a cabinet meeting had been called
for tomorrow morning. A reply has been
received from Judge CarbaJal to a message
sent last night by Master Umantour, tha
Inference being that that message would
be considered. , ' ' .
A high official of the government said
negotiations wsra not broken off and these
was yet a chance that tha conferees would
get together.
Believing thst General Diss had de
termined to accede to tha demand of Ma
dero, thousands, of residents of the capital
wars astounded yesterday afternoon to
learn that the last moment of tha armistice
had passed without an agreement having
been reached. . v. y . . .i '
In the declaration ' of Madero that he
would resume hostilities they read tha
answer of tha president that he would not
yet yield his high position. Burprlae felt
by the public was shared by officials. At
moat ill of tha residents had entertained
tha bona that peace, would be declared.
In cites, clubs,' theaters and In tha
streets ansa are eagerly seeking news and
on every hand Is tard tha auery regarding
Intervention. . ,i' . ' . , .' ...
Dtava Paces Crisis,
Meanwhile tha aoiaier-preslderit sits In his
omce in his home en catena street, grimly
facing the meet desperate situation which
h8 menaced Mexico, since he assumed eon'
trol mora than thjrty. years ago. Army
officers, members xt hla cabinet and other
high officials come and go, but from the
president's home comes no word that ho Is
yet willing' to announca his Intention ta
resign. Members of hla cabinet refuse to
discuss yha situation.
Mr. limantour and Minister Da la Barra
have had numerous conferences with Dies
alnca yesterday noon and it may be as-
' turned that Limantour at least haa urged
tha advisability of yielding.
For weeka Americens have been leaving
tha city for the United fit a tea and today s
newa haa resulted in a sudden augmenta
tion of tha exodus. Tonight's train to
Vara Crua carried numerous Americans,
chiefly women and children, and many un
able to obtain accommodation on tha bdkvts,
whose reservations era .booked for thrsa
weeka In advance, ar attempting to get
out of the country ever tha ona railroad
left open to the north.
Fear that further fighting will bo fot
lowed by Intervention and that thla will
result In scenea of traglo disorder Is ex
pressed on every hand.
Tellew torr . Makes Troablo.
Belief that tha milted States will take
part la Mexloaa aXfalrs - waa stimulated
thla morning by the publication by a aews
paper here of a dispatch from New fork,
purporting to bo a1, ropy of a Washing
ton dispatch published la a . New York
aawapaper. According to this President
Taft bad discussed at length tha situation,
saying intervention was rsBtnlnent and
furnishing tho detail of tha movement of
troops and warahipa, tha landing at Vera
Crux and oven the amount of the Indemnity
the United Siatee wOMid ask at tha close
of tha war. - .'"' .'
Thla aXternooQ a, New York hewapaper
I lel'srsphfd a statement denying the publi
cation or receipt of any such story. Al
though not true, the story ha had Its
affect on the people, many of whom now
believe the end of Independence Is at hand.
This filing mav grow Into more serious
menace fur Americana.
Troablo Hrenlnat la t aahtasjtoa.
WASHINGTON, May 7 Stories printed
today that General Leonard Wood, chief
of staff of the army, at an Informal gather
ing of the members of the house committee
on military affairs on Thursday, expressed
the opinion that intervention In Mexico
will be Inevitable, and that it would take
fW.OOH American troops to patrol the troubled
republic brought no little chagrin to ad
ministration circles.
Official denials were Issued from several
aourcee and rare was taken to express
anew tha administration's position that In
tervention Is a most remote possibility.
One of president Tsft's callers went so
far today as to quote him as saying that
"blood would have to be so deep In Mexico
that a man could wade through It" before
the American army would cross the border.
This haa been reported to have been the
rresidenfa position throughout the Mexican
troubles and again was generally accepted
as such.
Members of congress were Inclined to the
belief that tha reported utterances of Gen
eral Wood were to be taken merely as that
offlcer'a persona! view. .
torlee llltterlr Deaoaaced.
General Wood, hi
Witt DICklnBOn Wer nartiniilarl., 1.11,.. ...
denouncing the circulation of such stories
saying that they considered
they would work inrlHfi miu.i ..
danger the lives of Americana In Mexico
oy tne natives and might even
plunge the two countries Into me
Through all of the conflicting, reports as
me American attitude there stood out
he fact, that intervention
come only through the action of congress.
This fact served to maintain placidity at
tha capltol.
President Taft, conscious of the constity
tlonal restrictions as to invtm i
m -v.,
country and thereby committing an act of
fr, nas iima ana again made the declara
lon that ha would lay tha whole man..
before congress if tha time ihrniM
com for Intervention by. this country and
mai me responsibility for action would be
placed squaraly" tip tq congress.
Today's happenings brought out fresh
rumors that friction exists between the
War and State departments over the "han
dling of affairs connected with the Mexican
situation. A resort hi elan nr.i.t.,.
night that Secretary Knox's resignation In
tne near ruiure would not cause great sur
prise. No confirmation was obtainable.
A suggestion that Secretary Knox might
retire from the state portfolio waa current
even before the Mexican situation was
Carp Predominate in
Streams of Nebraska
Fifty-Three Per Cent of Total Catch
ia State Covered by the Intruding-
WASHINGTON. D. C, May 7.-8tatlstlcs
of tha fisheries of the atata of Nebraska
are contained In tha forthcoming special
United States census report on the gen
eral census of ths fisheries of tha United
States for the year 1900, prepared under
the direction of William M. Bteuart, chief
statistician for manufactures, census
bureau. .
Nebraska's commercial ' fishing is con
fined to the Missouri river and tha value
of tha products In 1901 was 122,000, giving
employment to 128 persons. Tha. products
comprised German carp, catfish, buffalo
fish, paddla fish, sturgeon, fresh water
drum and pike, perch, or wall-eyed pike.
German oarp represented 64 per cent of tha
weight of all fishery products, and U per
cent of their value. None was reported
aa caught In 1809. showing how rapidly
this fish multiplies. Tha Incrsasa In tha
average prloe per' pound of fish Is illus
trated In tha catch of buffalo fish in 1908,
which waa less than one-third ths catch
of ism, but tha price waa nearly cents
a pound mora. .
In IMS Iowa bald a relatively unimport
ant place among tha states In which com
mercial fishing waa carried on, the fish
ery products amounting In value to $215,000,
of -which 1187.000 represented the value of
fish, 144.000, tha value of mussel products,
and 13,800, the value of "all other." :
The Mississippi and Missouri rivers were
the waters in which the commercial fish
eries were carried on, as tha stats laws
prohibit fishing in tha Interior excepting
with hook and Una. .No vessels were em
ployed In tha fisheries of tha state. Ths
number of persons employed was 7S0, and
tha capital Invested waa 77.0oo. Fewer
persons wsre employed In 1908 than In 1899
or 1KM, as a result of the discontinuance
of commercial fishing along tha Bkunk,
Des Moines and Big 81oux rivers, and In
tha lakes reported aaflshlng grounds in
formsr years.
If mussel shells, pearls and aluga are
eliminated the value of products waa L9,
000 In 184. tllO.OOO In HBO. $170,000 In 1908.
In tha latter year 86 per cent of tha fisher
men were employed In the basin of tha
Mississippi river, where more than 87 per
cent of the capital waa Invested.
German carp which had a value 5f IK, 000,
led in value of tha produots. It waa fol
lowed by catfish and bullheads, 131.000;
buffalo fish, 823.000; sturgeon and 'caviar,
118,000; with much smsller values for suck
ers, black basa, fresh watsr drum, eta. The
value of mussel products rsportej in 18S4
was 88.100; In 1899. 897,000. and in 18C8. t44.00a,
showing a phenomenal growth and rapid
track by TraJa aad I abort.
OEKVAI8, Ore.. May T. (Special Tele
gramsJohn Tingles, a farm hand. Is alive
today and apparently unhurt after being
hurled fifty feet when hla rig was struck
by the fast Shasta limited of tha Southern
Paciflo ' railway here today. Tha buck
board In which he waa riding waa demol
ished, but both Tlnglea and his team es
caped without a acratch. dasDlte the fa
that the train was running at tha rate of
nrty miles an hour.
Dyaaaalta W'rerke Ballalaae
as completely as coughs and colda wreck
ungs. cure them quick with Dr. Kin .
New Discovery. 60c and 11.00. For sale bv
Beaton Drug Os.
Detailed Census of
Tha director of the cenaua haa announced tha population of Brown county
Nebraska, according to Its minor divisions, as follows:
Minor Civil Division.
Alnsworlh precinct, including Aiaaworth village'.".'.".".'."""
AJns worth village . ' "
Buffalo pretinct ,', !!!""
( beater precinct "..'..","!
Fairfield precinct !.!!!!!!'.
Oarfleld precinct !.!.!!!!!!!
Johnstown precinct r ".""'"'"I."
lakeland precinct .".....".'.'.".'...'."'"'
Moon Lake precinct ."..."."."""
Pine precinct, including Long Pine village .",".".'.".".".'.'.'. ".'
Ixing Pine village
Pine Glen prelnct
Snuih precinct "'
Three Thousand of Them March Up
and Sown New York Avenues.
Pellremea Head the Colanin, learlaar
the Way, While the Onlookers
Watch aad Cheer the
NEW YORK. Msy 7.-(Speclsl Telegram )
To the cheers snd a few jeers of a multi
tude that had Just witnessed a strictly
masculine affair, a marathon, with rein
forcements of their own friends, the
famous female-male suffrsge parsde
bravely marched down Fifth avenue from
Fifty-seventh to Seventeenth itreet and
then across to Union square, wherein an
outpouring of purely feminine wrath, de
livered from automobiles, and the denun
ciation of the tyrant in trousers ended.
The marathon crowd remained for the
most part patiently in its place, glad of
the chance to compare the mode of lo
comotion of the beet physically of the male
sex with the slow pace of thoe who de
mand all the rights or their Bwlft brothers.
At the head of the column of 3,000 march
ers came a few embarras&ed policemen.
The crowd focured lis Initial attention
upon the suffragette banner, white and
immaculate, and borne by a division of
the suffragettes leaders. Upon the ban
ner was this:
"Forward out of error,
Leave behind the night.
Forward through the darkness.
- Forward Into light."
Handbills Aloagr the Line.
The banner wss borne by Mips Ines
Mulholland, Miss Fullerton and Miss Al
berta HIM and It was Into darkness that
the women marched, for the antls had
been before them all along the line dis
tributing hand bills. Their phrasing gave
the onlookers the cue for cheering the
"Voles for wo-nen!" fh uted a marcher,
close behind the Scotch bagpipes. A qu'e(
man with a gleam in hla eye spread wide
the handbill which an anti had put in his
"The suffrage Is not a question of right
or of Justloe," he read from the antl-lltera-ture,
"but of policy and expediency, and if
there la no question of right or of Justice,
there is no cause for woman suffrage."
"Votes for women'" came back In chorus.
Along lumbered a float showing a woman
dressed In Eighteenth century costume,
laboring at her household tasks.
The poor thing," came from a scrub
woman on the ourb.
She Joins the Ranks. '
Then with a glance to the riant and one
to the left, the scrub woman fell In behind
the float, shouting.
"Votes for women!"
From far uo tha avenue there flnated
down to thoae near Fortysecond street a
ohorus of admiring approval In strictly
masculine tones from the sidewalk gal
lery. Manicure girls, dressmakers In their beat
creations, milliners, cooks, hair dressers,
trained nurses, professional women and
sttnogiaphera were among the marohera.
Benina tliem came the loaders and repre
sentatives of the various women'a suffrage
organisations under whose direction the
passage to a second reading of the English
suffragette bill was being celebrated In the
open In Fifth avenue.
The division of the parade that suffered
the most at tha hands of tha unfriendly
waa that of the male sympathisers of the
suffragette cause. This' section was not
numerous, but each member of that band
waa greeted from the sidewalk with "mol
lycoddle," "undesirable cltlaen," and even
Everybody, Can Fly at
Omaha Aero Meet
Aviators Will Be Generous in Taking
Passengeri on Free Thrill
ers in Air.
Many an Omaha person,, since tha an
nouncement waa made that tha aviators
were coming for the Omaha aero meet, has
expressed the wish that ona of tha aviators
would take them up in tha air. There Is
the chance for those wishing to tty tha
risky air route, for the bird-men declare
that they are quits willing to take a pas
senger In tha air any favorable day, pro
viding that ha does not weigh too much
and ran keep quiet.
The second annual" aviation meet of
Omaha opens Monday afternoon at 8:30 p.
m., st the Omaha Speedway course, with
five aeronaut of International repute
ready to entertain tha people of tha city
with their tights. Simon, Barrier, Fria
ble. Seymour and Staples constitute the
corps of bird-man who are o appear.
Their actions with monoplanes snd bi
planes of various designs have pleased and
thrilled audienoea In many cities of the
United States. Msxlco, and Cuba, for they
ara undoubted masters of their machines.
They come to Omaha from St. Joseph,
where they have performed with great suc
cess the last week. .
All of tha members of tha company are
licensed aviators In all the principal coun
tries of the world. They have won prises
in several meets, ona of tha most notabls
of those In which they competed being the
meet at Belmont Tark, New York, last
year. -
The events of the week will Include
flights for speed, altitude, long distance,
long distance In shortest time, cross coun
try Tight, and a ten-mile race between two
or more aeroplanes. Dally exhibition
flights of dips, curves and thrilling feats
will also bo undertaken.
Foley Kidney Pins take hold of your
system and help you to rid yourself of
your dragging backache, dull headache,
nerrouaness. Impaired eyesight, and of
all tha Ilia resulting from the Impaired
action of your kidneys and bladdsr. Re
member, It la Foley Kidney Pills that do
Iowa's Itirto Marks.
IOWA CyT, la., May 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Iowa City High school shot 827
againat Portland, Me., High school today,
lorn a university rifle team shot 1.888 In ths
shoot for the intercollegiate rifle cham
pion ship today. Thla shoot Is a follower of
tha National league Shoot just closed and
won by Iowa.
Nebraska Counties
19!S. 116.
.on a;o
1 77 l,JhS
t"4i .
h ?&
4l 13
144 144
2 63
' vi4 l
47 in
7RI ( i-t
South Dakota Census'
Following will be found the cenHUS bu
reau'a returns for the 1910 urban population
of 6outh Dakota, contained In 22t cities.
towns and villages:
A I nee
Alceter ........
Alexandria ....
Almmont ......
Aiumore ,.
A rl inn ton
A ut ora
i wclv Fourche.
jvig .Mine ,
liontstell ,
t'.riflgewater ...
Bnaiol -
. 1H Kadoka
.. l.tiir-ennebec
. UiKmbaJI
. tkv Ijike Andes ...
. 41i l.ake Nocden ..
. i.HKe I'resion .
44t l.ane
. 14U i.angford
. r.n Le Beau -
. 1W8 Lean
SM i.emmon
. 4AI lennox
. I .coin
. UtMervllle ....
. 'i .H Letcher
.. . Lily
. 1,117. Lowry
. iMcintosh
. 6A.Madtson
, wvt Martun
. t.i!Mlltlle
, SftllMenno
, lMMldland
!M4jMI'i ank
. 444 Mlil-r
. 9mMltch-ll
. t"iMobrilge
. ZfiJ! Monroe
MnlMtllltl os
. 2&'Morrltown ....
. HttiMount Vernon.
. 4"9 ..ui i.ivlue
, 4W
. Ui
, 2..J
, 713
, 210
. l.ho
I Oln
. MS
3, out,
. Hi
3. (KM
Hi uce
IHrysnk ,
ttulfalo Gap....
Camp ( ronk....
Canova sil o u.iu.
Central City....
Chamberlain ...
3,lv ,.U)li'ioi. ...
Doiiuiaoam ....
t u
l,275.ra. Un
!!!, 111.. t
. l.jMiiteno
Clear Lake
704 ..muniuii
Coleman 3"2 r"latta
Columbia ..
Conde ......
Corsica ....
Creebaid ...
He Mnet ...
Dead w ood .
Iitll Hap. da
iinn riauiona
8j0Kapid City
.Kuj iiionn
L-'i 1 ,1-v.euneiu
li4 Kevillo
S.tvS UuoCo-
, LWW ..wanv.1 '
309,61. Lawrence...
6M ....lib,.,
611 nuunu
j i.
, 'o.i-ind
Prap -r
r.usi 8ioux tal's
V AmrmtrnA
814 neca
Miington 4ottiruian L
Kuan RlSciuux rails H.w-i
Lilt Point.
l.SOOo. dioux 'alls.. l&i
742 epeui nsn Ll
Fstelllaa ....
Fairview ....
EaAilkton ....
Fiandreau ..
Florence ....
44S a,iur
2:1'). Bins ton
h"Q eoutn chore ....
3IJ bprmglieiu
, .MIicAlckuey
1,41 lea
, STO Tolstoy
Fort Iter re.
Frankfort 4rtVTrtpp
Freeman ,
Oayvllle ,,
Oeddes ...
413 '1 urton
SIVTwtn Brooks .
477 ltft!a
257 A'alley Springs
7'i!Veblen 17a
tiilenham 1S2iVermlI!on 2.184
Ooodwln 146!Viborg 4H
flrrmrv 1 14? Vienna 4oJ
nroton voiga ok
Harr'sburg IRtiVoun sn
trarrnld tft'Waaner
Hartford '. 48Wakonda
Haal fcWIWall
Hecla v 42! Wallace .
' 23
Henry 44llWard
Hermosa ...
Herrlck ,
Mlhmoro ..
Hill City ti.
Hitchcock ..
Hot Springs
Moward ....
Hudson .....
Hurley ......
Hurcn .......
H4I Watertown ....
..... 414IWaubav
823iWentworth ....
l.OMiWesslngton ....
87UWess'Kt'n Sp'gs
258. White
' 2l7White I-ake ...
J.leVW rilte Rock ...
2iWhttewood ....
..... l,0iV Willow Lake...
..... "l'Vinfred
..... ,7t1'Voleev .........
..... fUQIWoonaocket ...
2M Worthing
87iYankton 8,787
Nebraska News Notes.
WEST POINT Arthur O. Sexton haa
been reappointed city marshal and street
commissioner and Fred Jacobs as nilfht
YORK The F. P. Van Ickle Grain
company have leased the Foster grain
elevator at Lushton In this county, and
have taken possession. C. 1. Walters
of Lushton will have charge of the ele
vator. YORK The York State league team left
yesterday for Falla Cltr and will make a
part circuit oS the trl-atate league before
the State league season opens. On May
12 they will .play the first game of the
season at Fremont, i
WW POINT The Nebraska Transpor
tation company, promoters of ths proponed
Interurban railway, have applied to the
city council for a franchise to allow the
road to pass through the city of West
Point. Tha matter haa been referred to a
committee. Public feeling ia favorable.
TBCUMSEH 3. A. McPherrln and Oeorga
Townsend bought of Ralph Hardin of Vic
toria, Tex., the letters 200-acre farm near
Oraf, this county. The consideration was
820.OO6, which Is $100 per acre. Mr. Hardin
has sold hla farming Interests here expect
ing to make hia home In Texas.
WEST POINT-Ernest J. Jensen of Emer
son and Mlsa Anna A. Boyer of West Point
were united in marriage at the Catholic
parsonage by Dean RueBing yesterday. The
bride ia the daughter of F. L. Boyer ot
this place and the groom is a young busi
ness mar, of Emerson whera tha couple
will reslc.e.
WACO Otto Rusksdachel. a farmer liv
ing south of here, was unable to save his
horses and cows from a burning barn,
which was struck by lightning during ths
evening storm. Five hesd of horses, a
number of milch cows and a few hogs
were In the barn at the tlma and were
consumbed by tha fire.
WEST TOINT-The West Point volun
teer fire department has elected the follow
ing officers: Chief, F. I. Hunker; assis
tant chief, Dr. Harold Thomsen; secretary,
W. A. Kerl: treasurer, (i. L. Nelburg; janl
tor, Peter Jensen; fire marshals, Ed Bass,
14. C. Nits, Oeorge Shaw and Fred Jacobs.
Tha marshals are given ths powers of spe
cial policemen.
TECUM 8FJ1 The Tecumseh military
band ia planning to give sacred concerts
at the new auditorium building on the fair
grounds, each Sunday afternoon during
the summer. The programs will Include
both Instrumental and vocal musla, and
there will be an occasional speaker. The
band has secured the services of Prof J.
K. Wltsman of Conway- Springs, Kan.,
as bandmaster.
YORK The York Automobile club Is
getting busy and have called a meeting
in York for Friday May 12 at 2 p. mt
for tha purpose of creating Interest in an
Grand Island.' It Is believed there is
across-the-stste road from Lincoln to
enough enthusiasm along the proposed
route to build and maintain a first-class
road, which wll be the main or principal
road across the atate. -
WEST POINT The program of the Girls
Oulture club of their regular meeting hela
at the home of MlM mma Hoist was as
follows: Subject of study, Edgar Allan
Poe. Paper were read on the following:
"Biography and His Love for the Weird,"
Miss Mabel Brasda; "Poe's Female
Friends," Miss Maria Chambers; "What
Critics hsve Bald of Poe," Miss Roue
Glvens; "The Haunted Palace," interpreta
tion by Miss Margaret Gallagher.
HILDRETH At the village board meet
ing Friday right, saloon licenses were
granted to two applicants. Ed Meyer and
Northrup a- Kruee. The last named firm
fihoried to Macon at onoe and bad a dray
oad of liquid refreshments brought up Sat
urday morning and business started Imme
diately on its arrival. Freltaa A Phillips
trsnsferred their activities to Lincoln. Li
censes were fixed aa 11.20 lor each aa
loon. TECl'MSEH L. 0. 'Chapman, attorney
for Drainage District No. 1 of Johnson
county, Nebraska, has asksd Judge J. B.
Raper of the district court to modify the
injunction aaainst his client. Ths matter
was heard before the judge and Judge
Raper Informed Chapman that if both
sides of the case would get ready for a
hearing he would give it either May 11 or
May 81. In caae both sides are not ready
on these dates tha case will go over to the
adjourned term of tha court, which Is
June 8.
YORK Ed ward Elanv a 7-year-old boy
hard of tearing, narrowly escaped Instant
an automobile owned and driven by Dr.
aa eutomoblio ew4 and driven by Dr.
O. W. Studier. The little fellow waa hang-
Ing on the end of a drsy wseon and
dropped off and started serosa the street
going directly In front Of the automobile,
which knocked him down, ciittinn a long
(tanh on the side of his hesd and face and
knocking him so hard thst he wan uncon
scious for some time snd for a time ap
peared dead. He Is now rapidly recovering
from tho injury.
"eroad Anaaal Con teat Will Be Held
at the Field flab
The second nnnunl Omsna High school
golf tourney will take place In a few weeks.
Harold Johnson, champion of 1310, Is called
upon to defend h's title. Twenty or twenty
five hoy will be entered In the touiney.
The tournament., will be held on the Field
club course.
Tad Forbes, who organized the first high
si houl gulf evm's. Is In chsrste this scaann,
and he Is already mukli.g the plans for C'S
rrsnglng of the entries. A sliver loving
cup will be the challenge cup this year.
Besides Forbes snd Johnson theta nre
several claacy golfers amine the local
boys. George Koas of the Happy Hollow
club astonished them all In the stale tour
nament last season and Is accounted a
possible wlnoor of the high school event.
Northern Una and Nonth Dakota
Schools Compete,
6IOUX CITY. May 7 Cherokee High
school won the annual Interecholaatlc
track meet, contested for here today by
high Bchools of Iowa, and South Dakota,
with a total of 33 points out of 1.13. Sioux
City High was second with 2J. Hawardcn.
third with 28; Fonda, 10; I-emars, . Sioux
Falls finished In sixth place with 8 points.
Centervllle, 8. P., tied with Storm Lake for
seventh place with 5 points.
Interest In the meet centered In the bril
liant running of Wilson of Charokee. He
captured the 220 and 440-yard da?hea. On
borne of Lemars won the 100-yard sprint.
Aldrich of Bloux City starred In Jumping.
Franklin of Sioux Falls waa second in the
high jump. '
Cherokee won the mils relay with Sioux
City second In 4:07.
Trie half mile relay went to Sioux City
in 1:40. Cherokee was second.
The records made in the 100-yard dash,
the mile run, the high Jump, the pole vault,
Chicago. The appointments of them
selves make it the accepted place for
the best people. The quiet dignity
and elegance which characterize THE
BLACKSTONE create an atmosphere
different from that of any other hotel
in the United Sfates.
World-wide travelers say that THE BLACK
STONE is the best equipped and managed hotel
in the world. The service is perfection. .
The accomodations for men are unexcelled.
There are rooms designed especially for
business conferences. The grill room is the mid
day meeting place of the representative men of
Women will find at THE BLACKSTONE
the refined atmosphere of a well appointed home.
At luncheon, dinner and during the tea hours
from four to six o'clock, especially after the
matinee, THE BLACKSTONE is the most
delightful spot in Chicago.
Located on Michigan Avenue, at Hubbard
Place, facing the lake front, THE BLACK
STONE is within walking distance of all the
theatres, retail stores, the banks and the business
And the prices charged at THE BLACK
STONE are no more than you would expect to
pay at any first class hotel.
Single rooms with lavatory, - $2.50 and up.
Single rooms with bath, 3.50 and up.
Large, double rooms with bath, 5.00 and up.
J'arlor.receptlon hall. bedroom and bath. 10. 00 and up.
(Each bathroom has an outside window)
The Drake Hotel Co.
Oivrntn and
Jiiji'! h
h! M Ml
il , i. , I! hi
Il I ' H ' I! il I
the 220-yard dash and the hammer throw
were considered good.
Three t olleae Records Are Broken at
Anaaal (lames.
POVOHKEF.rSIE. X. Y.. May 7.-Three
Vassar college records were broken at the
annual field day games yesterday. Miss
tVirothy Smith of New York. 1914, broke
the records In the running high Jump and
the base ball throw and Miss Carollns
Johnson of Yonkers set a new mkrk for
the 100-yard hurdle, going the distance In
ltii seconds. Tie previous record was
lt seconds.
Miss Smith threw a has ball feet R
Inches, as against the previous record of
1SR feet S Inches, and set the figures for
the high jump at 4 feet 4j inches.
The clavs of 1912 won the championship
banner for the greatest number of points.
Winners In the various events were csr
ried off the field on the shoulders of their
Western League Gossip
Now since IJncoln haa aot past Omaha
In the percentage column It has begun to
talk about Omaha's shouting away back
In January and comments on Lincoln's
silence. Methlnks there was some noise
around the Anelopes' camp to the effect
that tney would burn the leegue up this
st ason.
It has been rumored around the circuit
for the last few days that "Buck" Free
man, a former Sioux City player, has been
offered the msnagement of the semi
professional team st Dresden. Tenn., his
home. Freeman was on the firing line lust
yesr for the champs and pitched fairly
good ball.
It now comes out that Captain fchlpke
lost a brand new hat to Tom Kalrweather
when the champs took that same Frldav.
Skipper bet Tom the hats thst his team
would tske three straight games from the
Sioux City boys, and Tom came right hack
and said, "If you fellows tske twp games
of the series I will buy you the best hat in
Fox nltched some came for Lincoln Fri
day and won for the Antelopes. However.
Buchanan of the losing team had a few
of thoae twifters himself . and held ths
boys from the Nebraska capital down to
Just six hits. Not a two or a three-base
bit was made during the entire game. If
person rartning can get going now. Lin
coln ought to begin climbing nearer that
top rung.
Foley Kidney Pills sre a true medicine.
They ara healing, strengthening, antlssp
tic and tonic. They act quickly. For sale
by all druggists.
111 Mi m II i! -' ! 1 1 i I'lliii ill ill lilHl I ! i.
1 1 1 h ' . I 1 1 II
I .ill iil
Farm FilortgagesB
Bearing Interest at 5
per cent on lands within
20 to 50 miles of Omaha.
R&mge Building.
3 J i-
The old Idea ot using1 8au for
darkening the hair Is agairr com Ins;
In vogue. Our grandmothers used to
have dark, glossy hair at the age of
seventy-five, while our mothers have
white balr before they are fifty.
Our grandmothers used to make .
"sage tea" and apply it to their hair.
The tea made their hair soft and
glersy and gradually restored tha
natural color.
One objection to using such prep
aration was the trouble of making it,
especially aa It had to be mad very
two or three days on account fit It
ourlng quickly. Thla objection has
been overcome and by asking almost
any first-class druggist for Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy the
publlo can get a superior prepara
tion of sage, with the admixture of ,
sulphur, another valuable remedy for
hair and scalp troubles. Dally use of
this preparation will not only quickly
restore the color of the hair but will
also stop the hair from falling out
and make It grow. ,
This preparation Is offered to the
fiubltc at fifty cents a bottle and It
recommended and sold by
bbarmau & McConnell Drug Ce .
ana Owl Orug Co.
You will undoubtedly find- ft
great many things that have out
grown their usefulness to you- -
Things that have no value to
you 1 ' , - ' "
Bring them down stairs, clean
them up a little. Then . v
Put a want ad in The Dee, offer
ing them for sale . and see how
much more you ran get for thara '
than you thought they were worth. -
It Is an easy way to make money '
out of things that are worth nothing
to you
Try it today -
And remember
Other papers may bring
replies, but The Bee brings
FOOD FOR wf.."a. " m'ea ,
NFHVFS work ana youthful vigot
libit Vba on- . rssult of over '
work or msntal asertloft should take '
ill make you eat and s)p an4 be a
mail again.
81 Box. 8 Boss. 8 88 bjr Mali.
lasatuM si ifooosisTBi,K su oo- -
Csr. lath aad Soda's Btrseta.
Oee. aata aad ssaxas st. uaaaka. ' a ,
Ask Your Grocer for
Malted Milk Bread
Kay 15 and IS. Kaslaee'lStk. '
The Mendelssohn Choir of Omihi
Assisted hr
Tredriok Stock. Director,'
And Miss teroerai Ailea, Soeianei Ms
Janet ftpenoer, Contralto Mr. Jtosd Mil.
lar, Tenor; Mr. Cisrsnoe a. WUitahUL
Bar ton Mr. Mas Undow, Pianist i Mr '
runo Bteladel, Cellist; Mr. Hu. Lota!
Huliscrthers may exchange season tlrk
ets for reserved seats Munrtay, Tuesday
six) Wednesday, Msy 8 8 and 10. Ja- ..
ersl saie opens Thursday, Way ll" at
BeaeOB Tlokets, 93.001 ea sale at A,' '
osps'a. Admlssloa to slnrle oonoert. la.
oiudinf aeeerved seat. SI. SO. - . - i -
oorroox asurriTx, Km, ' '
Located three mlls up the Bta; Blue' -Kiver
An Ideal spot for camplne and flahla .
in lover or outdoors will find I,t in '
abundance all things which make fouah- "
Ins It desirable.
A boat line of essollne launches.
A flrsl-clase dining hall. 1 ' -.'
Thrsa sprints of running water.
Band Coucarts Bass Ball ' '
froqust and Lawn. Tennis tirousds
Cotiss end tent to isnt at teeeua
able reua "
i. s