Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Rourkes Lose to Drummers; Cubs and White Sox Lose Hard Fought Games'
Omaha Loiei Cloie One by Score of
Two to One.
Mrlnkv's Triple Irorfi M. jMpha
Haas ItrtM u Melaka io
fara TkfMltau lilt
Tt Tut-Bmn,
FT. JOSEPH, Mo.. Mar 7. (Special Tels
rm.) Ood pitching bat the Rourk.s
Mln today, Ht. Jbaeph taking ths second
srstrm of the sarins aftsr a hard fought
hauls, by th score of 1 to 1. Dirk Kauf
man, who handed the Rotirksa a defeat on
their lot last week turned the trick again.
He held them to four acattered hits, two
of them bplng scratches. In pinches ha
ii Invincible.
Dusty Rode waa pent to the mound
by Skipper Schlpke today, and ha waa
Just as at In if y with hla hlta as waa KatlT
m an, bet he weakened at a critical mo
ment !n the fourth Inning with two men
on base. Melnke tripped over Pickering's
head, sepdlng In tha two runs that apelt
victory. Rodea waa taken out In the sev
enth Inning to let Bchoonover hit for him.
Clay failed to deliver however. Lots fln
lahed tha irame and although a trifle wild
he retired the Drummera In the remaining
two sessions.
Omaha made a deaperate rally In the
eighth Inning and aucceeded In getting
one man around the circuit, but that waa
all. Rchlpke led off with a olen single.
King forced him at second. Kane grounded
to Hamilton, who booted, King went to
second.., Pickering then grounded to Rlelly,
and he too, booted, filling the baaea. Gra
ham drove out a sacrifice fly, acoiing
King, but Kneaves fell victim to Kauf
man' curve. Score:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Anderson, rf
Schlpke. 3b .
King, of
Kane, lb
Pickering, if .
Graham, 2b ..
Kneavea, aa .
........ 5 0 0 10 1
4 0 2 2 10
4 1 0 4 0 0
4 0 1 0 0
8 0 0 1 0 0
3 0 0 4 1 1
S 0 1 1 2 1
Oonding, a 2 0 0 6 4 0
Rhodes, p .-2 0 0 0 0 0
l,ut, p 0 0 0-0 I 0
Kohoonover 1 0 0 0 0 0
Asrnew 1 0 0 0 0 0
Purbln 100 0 0 0
Totala S3 1 4 24 10 "l
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Mchesney. Cf 4 0 0 2 1 0 0
Kellv, rf 2 0 0 0 0 0
Powet, If 4 1 2 4 0 0
Retlly, 2b 1 00 0 2 2
Borton, lb 4 1 ' 1 10 0 0
Melnke, es 2 0 13 2 0
Hamilton, i Jb 10 0 14 2
Goasert, c 3 0 0 7 1 0
Kaufman, p 3 6 0 0 2 0
Totala r 2 4 27 11 4
Batted for Rhodea In seventh Inning.
Batted for Gondlng in ninth Inning.
Batted for Lota In ninth Inning.
Omaha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Ol
ft. Joseph .......... 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3
Stolen baaea: Rellly. ' Graham, Kneaves.
Sacrifice hlta: Graham, Retlly. Thre-base
hits: Borton, Melnke. Two-base hits:
Powell, Schlpke. Struck out: By Kauf
man, 7; by' Rhodes, 8; by Lou. 1. Bases
on balls: Off lxiti, 3; off Kaufman, 2.
Hit .by pitched bail: By Rhodes, 1: by
Kaufman, I. Wild tltch:- Rhodes Hits;
Off Rhodes, 4 In six Innings; off Loti.
nooe iln two Innings. Double plavs: Lots,
to Graham to Kane. Jjett on bases: fit.
Josephs tj;, Omaha, 10. Umpire: Haskell.
Tlwat. . UtCK s
Kansans Win Game by Beore of Six
. ta Tbrae. .
WICHITA,;' Kan..' May 7. Applegate gave
twelve bases" on' balls and made a ' wild
pitch, giving Wichita tha game. to 3.
Bcor: (.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Mlddleton. cf. 2 10 8 10
Ilerger. ss 1 0 0 2 8 1
Reldsn. If ..... 4 12 10 0
Knerner. lb 4 0 0 11 0 0
Hughes, 2b , 4 112 4 0
Davla, rf V I 1 ,'t 2 0 0
Kchmld, 8b 8 0 0 0 0 0
Khaw, c. 3 1 1 8 1 0
Jarnlgan, p 4 110 0 0
Totala .1 27 6 27 14 1
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Cole, .rf; 2 10 10 0
Dundnn, ss 3 110 4 2
Cobb; , rf 4 0 2 2 1 0
Mo ormlck, If 3 0 0 0 0 0
I nglaub, lb 4 0 0 4 4 0
Thomas, lb 4 0 0 12 3 0
Cockman. 3b 4 0 0 0 2 0
Etratlon, i- 8 0 1 4 2 0
Applegata.. P "'...,2 1 0 1 3 0
Totala Z 3 4 24 1 2
Wichita 40800300 -8
Lincoln 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 08
Thrt'e-bMsa hit: Davis. Two-base hits:
C'obu. Dunoon. Stolen bases: Mlddleton.
Ilerger. hurrifU'e hit: Cole. Double plays:
Cobb tu btimlun.lo Thomas, Merger to
HuaiivB tu.Koeiner. Baea on balls: Off
.PilvB.ate. 10; off JarnlKan, b. Hit by
piuhta bail:' ily A;lileKate. 2. Wild pitch:
APt'legate. l eft on bHes: Wichita. 8; Lin
coln, 1. Struck uut: lly Jarnlgitn. h; by
Aplegutv, Umie; i.A. u mpire: Clarke,
dbm kk
Kiwi Take tannic iu the Last Two
. Innings.
DENVER. May 7.-A batting rally In the
slghth and ninth "Innings, won today s !
game for Topeka, by a score of 7 tu f.
fccore: ' f
All. li. H. U. A. E.
IJoyd. Jb '. I 0 0 I Sol
Ollmore. f u 1 4 0 .01
Wetdeneaui, If ., 4 0 2 3 1
yulllln, 3b ,'. 5 3 2 2 2 0
Undaay, lb . ' 3 1 ) 11 0 0
t'oXfey.. av S . 1 I 2 1
Cassldy., rf 3.0 2 u 0 0 I
Mc Murray, c 3 1 1 a 2.0
I hman. ; 4 1
Harrlea. p l -l
2 0 11
0 ll it . it
Totala 3! 6 11 27 12 3
AH. It. H. t. A. K.
llHfford. Jb" : o o 3 t I 0
Uiikard. lf 6 . 1 1 4 0 I
Ti.ii;PHn ct V 2 . 1 10
Whitney , lb t 0 1 1 0
Buckii. lb 3 1 2 5 1 0
Hupkc, .' : i I 2, 1 8 0
Miorr. -It a. 1 . . 0 .0 , I . 0
Hawkins, rf, 2 1 0 o o
Breitrnnle'n.t. rt '.'... 4 ' ' 3 tl 0
Feamlies. c 4 2 3 4 I 1
Mcilrath, V 1 I 0 I
rugate, p 8 0ll81
Totala ...... .... 7 1 17 15 2;
Denver , 1 2 2 1 0- .
Topeka ...A......... 1 1 1 8-7 .
riloleit bases; . Cassldy t3. Khinan. 'ol- i
fey. Lamirtty. tjulllln To-u hlia: I
Franibe. Khnian. Ihrre-base hl.n: Unit-!
ney. Cofft-y, Hawkins. tacr.e hits: ;
Undaay, ijulllln. Coffey. Paaeeo bails: i
Krambe. tacrlflca flys. IJoyd, McMfrray. I
rltruck out: My Ehiruin, 4. by KunailT 1. I
Bases on. balls: Off kli'Orath. I, iff
Kugate. 1. lHuble plays: IJovd to i.lnd- i
say. Hit by pitched ball: Coffey. Left
on bases: Denvri. I. InntnsR pitriied: By
Mctarath. three and one-tmrd runs 8. hits. ;
2, by rui.atr. five and two-tulrds. ruos 3, :
hits. 8; h hhnta-a. eight and one-fouith. I
runa. I. h:ta. 13; by, Harries, three fourths.
runa, 3. hits. 1 I inpire: bnoemaker. I
Tltna: 11', !
! TaUen villh K.ane fcr lao j
-I'll Lade.
IOa;X CITY. la.. May 7. u City j
eaelly a on the serond game of the series
from Des Motncs tvMlny. 1" to 4 Vyskocll
aa bit hard by tha v ml tors, but Fred
Standing of Teams
W.UPct! W.L-Pct.
Pioun City.. 12 3 .m Philadelphia In S.i
Wichita ... 1 .R7 Pittsburg ....12 .W7
Ft. Joseph.... 6.wNew York. ...12 .7
Uncoln ....7 6 IWSIChlcago 11 8 .Itfn
Ienver 7 S.63W (Cincinnati ... 7 .47
Omaha R 8.M0 Boston ....... 7 14 .SKI
Topeka 4 10 28nlstu, Louis. t.. 4 11 .37
les Molnea. 2 14 .1261 Brooklyn .... 6 14 .2t'4
W.L.Pct.l W.UPct.
Minneapolis 18 7 .7201 Letrolt 1 2 .HO
Milw aukee .13 10 .WV. New Tork.... W0
Columbus ..10 .6W Boston 10 R2 10 .524 t hlt ago 8 8 uX
Ft. Paul in 10 .500 Philadelphia... f S.nOO
lxtilsville ...11 11 .' Washington... 8 10 .444
Toledo 8 16 .SWlCleveland .... 8 18 a"!
Indianapolis 7 16 .304 3t. louts 4 16 .200
Yesterday's Reaalta.
Omaha. 1; St. Joseph. 3. 1
Tnpeka, 7: lenver, .
Llneoln, 3: Wichita. 8.
Dee Moines. 4: Hloux City, 10.
Pittsburg, 4; Cincinnati. 8.
Bt. Louis, 8; Chicago, o. Ten Innings.
Detroit. 8; Chicago, 4. .
Cleveland. 8: Bt. Louis, 2. Twelve innings.
Columbua, 2; St. Paul, 0.
Louisville, S; Minneapolis, 3.
Indianapolis. 11: Kanaas Citj"l. ,
Toledo, 2; Milwaukee. 4.
Games Today.
Western Lf au" Omsha at St. Joseph,
Topeka at Denver. L'ncoln at Wichita,
Des Molnea at Hloux City.
National Lesgue-rNew York at' Boston.
Brooklyn at Philadelphia. St Louis at
American League Cleveland at Bt. Txjuls,
Philadelphia at Washington, Boston at
New Tork.
American Association Minneapolis at Ht.
Miller, who succeeded him in the fourth,
waa effective. Both Owens and McKee
wero wild and were hit opportunely. Score:
AH. R. H. O. A- E.
Andreas. 2t.... 4 1 0 8 2 0
Ptem. lb 2 1 0 18 1 0
i Welch. 3b 4 1 0 0 4 J
Nlghbors. rf 5 2.4 1 0
Wagner, cf 3 2 1 2 10
Rellly, as 4 2 3 3 8 1
Breen. lf 8 11 4 10
M. Miller, c... 3 0 4.0
Vyskocll. p 1 0 6 0 t 0
P. Miller, p.. 2 0 0 0 0 0
31 10
37 15
H. O.
0 0
A. E.
Curtis. If
I Colllgan, 2b..
I Mattick, cf...
I Dwyer, lb
Need ham, ss.
Kores, 8b
Decamp, rf...
Lynch, c......
McKee, p
Owen, p.,
Bachant, ....
Totals.... .....35 1 !4 18 4
Ratted for McKee In fourth.
ualted for Owena In ninth.
Blou City 0 4 1 v 0 ft 2 10
Dea Molnea ....... 0 101000004
Sacrifice hits: 6tem. M. Miller (2). Two
base hits: Neighbors. Mattick, Rellly.
Btolen bases: Andreas, Welch, Wagner.
Dwyer i!. Kores, Hits: Off McKee. o In
three Innings; otf 0ens, 4 in five Innings;
off Vyskocii, In four Innings-, otf K.
Miller, 1 In five Innings. Double plays:
Needham to Collllian to .Dwyer, Breen to
Andreas. Struck out: By K. Miller, 3: by
McKee, 1; by Owens, 1. basts on balls:
Off McKee, 2: off Owena. 8; off Vyskocll.
1; off K. Miner, 1.- Passed bans: imh.
Wild pitch: McKee. Hit by pitched ball:
Bv McKee. Wagner, Rellly; by Owena,
Andreas. Time: 1;0. Lmplres: Kneeland.
Attendance. 3.6u0.
Dartmouth Breaks Tie by Winning
the Last Event.
Harvard Is ' Weak la Sprints aad
Hart anon th'a I nejaperted Strength
la Field K vents . Proven Mar-.
prise to Opponents.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. May l.-Harvard
lot the snnu I ricR and f eld mert In the
fciailum here today by a margin of three
point". Dartmouth winning 80 prints to
Harvard's 87. When te running broad
Jump, -the las. event, began, the colleges
were tied with lit points cY Hirtarl
was week In the sprlnta and Dartmouth's
unexpectrd s.renitth In the field events sur
prised Harvard: Bumna.y:
Unt-yards dafh: J Rt ssell fartmoiith,
wn; v. v liKin '. Darim u.n, serond ; K.
(. Hllllnss lU.yaru, thrt. Tim . 0:10,
220-yaru da'h: J. S. Ru s II, Dartmouth,
win; It. t-o-ster; Harvard, second: W.
Whklns. Dartmouth third., H;22H.
)-) rd davh: It W. Krli. llarvaxd.
won; K. I. Stcinctt. lari,mouth, 8'tond;
il It. c.ardm r, isrtn.oud,i. ijiud. Time.
:.". -udv '
,o-Jard run: B. -M ' Pr bit). Harvard.
wi.n: A. H. Whitman Harvard, second;
K. K. raide ro. li.r.rao un th rd. Time,
1 .'. , 1
Hue mile run. H. Jaciuea, jr.. Harvard,
sen: II. p. Ijvim. lliirvnid, sreonu; .1.
W. Novfs. Darimouih: llilid Time.
breaking the rtioid of i.M made by
Jacques In 4he Harvard-Dartmouth meet
t o v ears ago.
To nnle mn: I'. R. Wlthlngton. Har
vaid, won: W. P. . Ryan. Harvard, second.
K L. Vieia. Har.ard, tbltd Time. ..
IJ-ard nigh hurdles: H H. Kmlth. Dart
mouth. won: J. K. Lowla. lia vant. si ond
J. B. Cummings. Harvard,' third. Time 0:1.
2J-std low .hurdles-. .1. B. Cummings.
Hanaid. won:,H W. Smith. 1 mrtmouth.
second: J. K. Lew a and I H. Noble, both
of Harvard. Oed for; third place Time.
':'. ' . .
Running high jump: H. B Knrlght, Dart
mouth, won. D. H Maaon, artmoulh. and
A. D. Barker. Hcrvard. tied for second
plate Haght. & feet, k li ches.
Kuiin ng bioad jump: H t Knr r it,
Darunouih. wrn. J. K.'lwts. Harvard,
secor.d: C. K B ick. rtmouth, third. Dis
tance, 80 f -(.. HI Inchra. ,
la-pound shot pul. P. Kraya. Harvard,
won: I. E Lovejoy. artmoulh. second;
R B. Batcho dr. Harvard tu rd. l' s
tam-e. 41 feet. HA, Inrn.s'
IK-pouud hammer throw: H. .Til lev.
DertmouiH won. H t:. Mar l, n Dart
mouth, aarond. T. Cable. Harvard, tmrd.
liia c 14k ae'. 8 a rtes
PoinLa counted as fol'ows:
Ptrst, i. eecond 3: ihlrd, 1.
Total aoure: DavrunouiJa, 80; Harvard. C7.
St Louis Takes Hard Fought Contest
of Ten Innings.
Cm llaala erire Three Rasta la Las
Isslsg, While ta Paha Are
Ported . fla Caateat
with Twa.
ftame of ten Innings
Chicago today. I to I.
T. LOt'tS '
in a hard fought
St. I.ouls defeated
AB.H 0 A B.
Huf In., lb, J
Kill., If 4
Monrer. lb. i
Kenetcbr, lb I
Brans, rf . , . . 4
PrevTMhsQ, c I
1 I
Shean. lb.... t 1
Fherkanl, If I 1 1
Hofman, of.. I 1
Chance, lb.. I 0 11
I 1
1 11
1 1
Srhulta, rf... 4 I
t I I 0 Drle. Sb.
Oakaa. cf ... 4
Him, aa... 4
Sillaa. .'... 4
Harmrm, e... t
It Tinker, as.
II Arrher. e ..
18 Rlnhrr,
t ZioimarB .
Totals 40 II to II 4 Malar
Totals H IMU I
Batted for Richey In tenth.
Batted for Bhean In tenth.
Batted for Bheckard In tenth.
Batted for Hofman In tenth.
Bt tuis ... 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 38
Chicago 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 8t
Two-base hits: Bresnaban, Doyle. Bases
on balls: Off Richey, 2; off Bailee, I.
Struck out: By Richey, 8; by Bales. 1: by
Harmon, 1. Time: 2.30. .Umpires: Rlgler
and Flnneran.
CINCINNATI, O., May 7.-C1nclnnati
defeated Plttaburg today, 8 to 4. Llefleld
was relieved in the eigth by Camnltt, who
gave a base on balls and was hit for four
consecutive safeties. Score:
. AB.H O A S. AB.H O A K.
Brma. lb.... 6 0 1 0 Headier, If. 4 4 1
lack. cf..,. I 14 Kan. lb.... i III
itrr. It..,. I 0 o Batea. cf 4 I I 0
vasnar, sa. . I I I 4 1 Hoblltial, lb I 1 8
Millar, lb ... t I I 0Bok, rf I ft
Hunter, lb., till Oram, lb.... 1 0
Wllam, rf... 4 0 I 0 0 Dnvnle, is.. 1110 1
Olbaon, .... 14 Clarke, .... I 1 ft 0
Llafleld, p... I t 1 Sirsse, P I 1 ft 8 ft '
mnltt, p.. 0 ft 0 0 Gaapar, p... ft v
"Flrnn 1 ft ft 0 'McLean ... ft f"
A1tlMr ft
Total! K 414 1 I
Totals..... M 14 17 I
Batted for Suggs In the eighth.
'Ran for McLean in the eighth.
Batted for Camnlti In tha ninth.
Pittsburg 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 04
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 8 8
Two-base hlta: Wagner. Bates, Hobllt.
cel. Three-base hit: Suggs. Baaea on
balls: Off Suggs, 4: off Llefleld. 3: oft
Camnita. 1. Struck out: By Suggs, 4; by
Lelfleld, 8. Time: 3:08. Umpires: Bfen
nan and O'Day.
Clah Starts the Season with Victory
Over Athletes.
Happy Hollow club'opened their Saturday
afternoon aeason with a victory over the
Denlson Athletes by a score of 8 to 6. The
club has gathered a team together which
will make them all take notice and Mana
ger Reed expects to make great record
this summer. Score:
Smith, aa I 1 Knven. If I 0
Harhtan, p.. I 1 1 4 , MrA'4'wa. lb 4 1 I I ft
DrnlMMi. Ik I I I I I Kutman, aa. 4 I 4 I
M'sarson. 2b 4 ft 1 I Casa. p 4 1
Danny, lb.... 1 1 ft Thampaoa, lb 4 I
Malady, If... I 1 ft Tauni. cf ...I lit
Hani, rf I 1 ft 1 Burnatt, e... 111
Hnrf. e I ft 't I Brhnsp, b...l 11
Kochar, rt...l t I Barker, rf.... I ' l
Totals. .....n ill I t Totals..'... .SI M a 14 1
Happy Hollow ........... 3 0 0 1 0 4
Denlson 0 1 0
' Earned rims: Athletes. 1; Happy Hollow,
. Two-base hits: Eastman 3), Thomp
son. Young Three-base hits: Burnett,
Bclopp. Home runa: Casa, Da-ni. Bases
on, ball: Off Hlchten. 2; off Caaa. 3. Hit
by pitched ball: Looher. Struck out: By
Hachten, 6.; by Cass, 6. Time: 1:30. Um
pire: Lyons.
Base Ball Team of Ora-aalaatlon May
Coma to Omaha oa Retara
la Jaly.
The Field club base ball team Is trying
to make arrangements with the Waseda
team for a game aa soon aa the Waseda
boys return from their playing trip In the
east. , Should they get the game, the Field
club will make It a big event. It will be
played on the Field club's grounds. The
probable date of such a contest would be
early In July.
Three I Leaarae Revolts.
DAVENPORT. Ia.. May 7-Rock Island
made the only run In a faat game today.
Scorei RUE.
Bock Island 1 6 3
Davenport 0 8 3
Batteries: Ftnke and Coleman; Dellar
and Custar.
WAT ERI.00, la.. May 7. Shaokleford
i pitched stesdy ball and won from Duhuoue
! today. Score: R.H.E.
v.aterloo ...,3 7 8
Dubuque 2 7 &
Batteries: Shackierora and Harrington;
Akera and Krlett.
IT. . Sapply Rrsnlars Wis.
At Uivei-slde park the 1'. 8. Supply Co.
regulars defeated the Yanigans by a score
of 10 to S. The fielding of Holbrook of
the regulars wss good. The V. S. Supply
Co. has gathered together a fast bunch
of ball players that will give any fast
amateur Saturday team a run for us
money. Score: R H E.
Regulars S 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 10 li 1
Vanleana 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 8 7 8
Batteries: Hegeman and O'Neill; Snyder
and Gudath. I'mplre: Carr. ,
Woa by Bloomfleld.
BIXOMriErJ, Neb., May 7. I Special. I
The Hioomfteld High school base ball
tram defeated the Piainvtew Htah school
boys by a score of 11 to I. Score;
Rloomfteld ... 8 8 8 1 0 4 0 0 01117 6
i'lalnvlew .... 01 202O0O b f
I'atlerles: Bloomfleld. Stone and Kloke;
Plainview, Crellln and lenos
- - - i
4-ollear Base Ball Reanlta.
Iowa. 1;, l leleven innings).
lYinoeti.n. 10: Pennsylvania, 8.
.Vermont. 2; Harvard. .
.Dartmouth. 0; Cornell, .
Voi the estern. 8: lndinna. 7.
Ohio State. 4: Michigan, 11.
Yale. K Columbia, 8.
Where Yoa lis Bar Wlaea aad i
Llqaora that Yaa Caa De-
prnd I'pos,
Everybody In Omaha has heard of tha
"Uladstons Brothers." Well, almost every
body In Omaha, too, has heard of the
"Brotherhood Wins Company" of New
York. Is there any other two firms on the
face of the earth better able to back up !
their guarantees? Gladatone Bros, are the j
only concern In the west who sell the
Brotherhood Wins company 'a old XXX XX
If you want a bottle of pure whisky for
the sick room call on "Gladstone Bros.'
and ask them for a yuart of the "Brother
hood s'' pure old XX XXX shlaky. You'll
find it absolutely pure, covering all the
guarantees of the pure food law and what
! ia still batter, your physician will secure
Just the results required where a stimulant
is required In the sick room of his patients.
Tha "Brotherhood Wine Company" of New j
York has. been doing business ta Omsha'
tor more than a quarter of a century. '
which Is certainly long enough to eslab-
i lleh a record for absolute purity of goods .
land so'iare dealing
Washington and tpring titreets. New York.
n. ir. ,
Japs Drop Their
First Ball Game to
Chicago Team
Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Per
sons Greet the Visitors
from the Orient.
CHICAGO. May T.-lSpeclat Telegram. -East
and west which Kipling avowed
never would did meet on Marahall Field
this afterrioon in . the first International
base ball game over played In Chicago.
The "east" waa the University of Chicago
team and the "want" the players of Wa
seda university, Japan.
The grandstand and bleachera were filled
with Yankee rootera and Japanese fans,
although the temperature waa a bit low
for the latter. Among tha spectators were
Mayor and Hrs. Harrison and their guest,
Mrs. Wlliam A. Edwards of Lou Angeles.
Mrs. Edwards Is a elster of President Taft,
and, like him, a base ball enthusiast.
The Japanese exponents of America
own gams won econiums. banzais. flowers
and college yells irom a crowd of 7,600 ad
mirers. The Waueda , experts Improved
their reputations as sluggers, for they
touched up the midway twirlers for half
a' doxen hits, including a three-bagger by
Hitoshl Ot.
Takayuki Omura, who presided In the
box for all nine Innings, fanned two Ma
roons, gave only three passes and kept the
hits down to seven. Including two home
runa by very impolite mldwayltes.
By a great hitting rally and two Ma
roons' errors the three runs were made.
With men on second and third base, a
single by Mlkamt would have tied the
score, but the left fielder popped a foul to
Baldwin, and ended the gam with a score
of 6 to 4 for Chicago.
Three Kansas City Boxmen Are
Given a Good Walloping.
Holda the Kansas City Lads to
Poor Hits, from. Which Tbey
Garner Bat One Little
KANSAS CITT, May 7. Inability to hit
Linke, coupled with poor base running, de
feated Kansas City In the last of the series
with Indianapolis here this afternoon
the visitors won by a score of 11 to 1.
Pitchers for Kansas City were hit hard
and two were driven from the box only to
have the assault continued on the third.
Score: ,'
Hall man. If. 4 1
Barbaau, lb. I
0 Shannon, If.. 4
Wowlniff, it. I I
Freeman, lb. I I
Clhannall. rf. I I
0 lve. cf....,
ft Hiatt, lb...,
1 Gardner, rf
1 Bakar, ..,
ft Dovnla. aa..
0 O'Oonnor. o,
1 II
Mr Mr.e... I I I
Oeti. lb 5' I 1
Williams, lb 4 II
Mows, aa 4 1
Unke. p II
Brandnm, p.
Totals.. I. .-41 11 Xt 11 t Madilni. p..,
Paatorloua, p 1
Totala 1 4 17 11 1
Corridor) batter for Brandon In third.
Indianapolis 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 411
Kanaas City 0 00100000-1
Two-base . hits: Freeman. Williams. Love.
Gets. . Three-base hits: Freeman 2). Mc
carty, (2). Hits: Off Brandon. 4 In three
tnnings; off Maddox. 7 In three and oneV
third Innings: of Pastorlous. 8 In two and
two-thirds Innings. Struc out: By Llncke,
8: by Maddox, 2; by Brandom, 1; by Pas
torlous. 1.: Bases on balls: Off Llncke.6;
off Madox. 2. Hit by Pitcher: Hallman.
Sacrifice hits: Love, Woodruff. Mowc.
Stolen bases: Hallman (3). Qetx, 1. Passed
ball: O'Connor. Left on bases: Indian
apolis. 6; Kansas City, 6. First 'base on
errors: Indianapolis. 1; Kansas City. 1.
Time: 2:00. Umpires: Owens and Handl
boa. Seward "Defeats Grand Island.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May 7. (Special
Telegram.) Seward won an exhibition
gams today from Grand Island by 4 to 3.
The game was very exciting. Robinson's
home run for Seward In the third when
the visitors made three runs was the fea
ture. The teams were well matched.
Score) 1 R.H.E.
Seward ....0 03001000-458
Grand Island... 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-3 4 3
Batteries: Seward. Hansen and Walley;
Grand Island, Green and Jokerst.
Gleawood Defeats Vllllsra.
GLENWOOD, la- May 7 (Special.) The
Glrnwood Hteh school bas. ball team de
feated the Vlllisoa team Saturday after
noon. Score:
Villleea ........ 2 0 i 1 0 1 o
Glenwrod 00200022 17
Ba.ttenea: VUU.ica. Winters. Overman
and Stoddard: Glonwood. Gunsolly and
Morgan. I'mplre: Albie.
Fremont Beats Wahoo.
' FREMONT. Neb.. May 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The Fremont base ball team f.e
frated their old enemy. Wahoo. In a prac
tice game thla afternoon. 6 to 1. Jack
son was In the box for the state champions
and Anderson pitched for Wahoo.
j p-
Q I I l-l-' rJL sltUl. Jr!j l J
Detroit Takes Game by Score of Five
to Four.
Detroit Tlea rore la Klahth After
Seeartna- Three Haas la First
aad ' Proceeds ta Win
cago, 8 to 4 In ten
crowd said to be
witnessed a game i
park. Score:
.Detroit defeated Chl
Innlngs today, before a
the largest that ever
it tha American league
B. AB.H O A H.
I, lb 4 I 1 4 1
1 Balder. U. . . . 1 1 t II I
Mclntrr. cf I 1 I I ft
Prake, If.... 4 10
Purb, sa a
Chlb. cf I
rVawford, rf 4
DHehantr. lb 4
4 I
9 ft
ft 1
1 10
1 I
1 fl
ft Dnadiartr. If 4 1 ft
1) JVxlKk rf 4 1 1 ft ft
(lalnnr, lb... 4
Mnrlartr, Hb 4
Stanase, e.. 4
Mrely. p.... 4
ft TanneHII. ra 4 1 7 ft
ft nnlllna. lb.. I I 1 1 1
Sullivan, e... I 1 I 1
ft W hlta. n I ft I I ft
Jon. If.
1 1 ft
0 Corhan, aa... 4 1 I 1 ft
Totala 31 1ft Ml II 1 Totala U 1ft ta t 4
Detroit 300000010 1
Chicago 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 04
Two-base hits: Dougherty, Drake. Three
base hit: Jones. Bases on balls: Off
Lively. 2; off White. 1. Struck out: Bv
White, 1; by Lively, 8. Time: 2;20. Urn
plies: Perrlne and Bherldan.
With the bases full In the twelfth Inning,
J nek sort hit the ball Into the left field for
a home run, Cleveland winning the game,
6 to 2. Score:
AB. H. (I A S. AB.H O A K
ftranry, If.. I ft ft 0 Shotton, If.. I 1 a 0 0
Olwin. .... t I 3 I ft Austin. !!... Ill
Jarkaon, rf.. 4 2 1ft ft Murray, rf... ft 1 ft 1
llnlr. lb ... I I I ft Laamrte. b. . 4 I 0
Kmlerly, aa. fl ft o Brhwaltt'r, cf 4 1 I 1 ft
Stovall. II, . 4 1 It ft 0 Clark, t ... 4 ft I 1 ft
Turnrr. Sb... 4 1 1 T 1 Wallace, aa. . 5 1 ft' 1 ft
band, c 10 4 1 0 Olaa. lb ... I I H 0 0
Ylngltns, p. . I I 1 I Powell, p... 1110
Totala 4 11 II IIS 1 Totala 42 I M 1 . 1
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
St. Louis . .. 0010010000 0-2
Two base hit: l.aoorte. Three-bajie hit:
Jackson. Home run: Jackson. Bases on
balls: Off Vlngling. 8. Struck out: By
Powell, 4; by Ylngllng. 3. Time: :S5. Um
pires: O Lough lln and Dlneen.
l.oa Anatelea Man's Hard Punches
lows Cleveland Pagrlllst.
lXa ANGELES. May 7. Joe Rivers of
Los Angeles wajs the aggressor throughout
twenty rounds of fast fighting with Johnny
Kllhane. the Cleveland. O.. featherweight,
at Vernon arena yesterday and gained the
decision, although Kilbane finished strong
and had all the best of the last round. Kil
bane showed himself to be the better boxer,
but Rivers' hard punches, when they
landed, slowed the Cleveland lad up and
several times had him in distress. Kil
bane took advantage of Rivers' over eager
ness and his wild swings to slip in hard
punches to the Jaw and stabbed him 're
peatedly with lefts to the face, but without
serious damage. The men weighed In at
122 pounds.
Teonmseh ta Second and Aubarn
Third la Pera Coateat.
PERU, Neb., May 7. (Special Telegram.)
Pawnee City was first, Tecumseh second
and Auburn High school thtrd in the south
east Nebraska high school track meet held
here today. Other towns competing were
Nebraska City, Humboldt and Falls City.
A Viper la tbre Stomach
Is dyspepsia, complicated with liver and
kidney trouble. Eleotrlc Bitters help all
such cases or no pay. 60c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Bronktr and Adams Sold.
CLEVELAND, O., May 7-Thlrd Base
man Herman Bronkle and Catcher Jack
Adams were tonight 'sold by the Cleveland
club to the Toledo American association
club. Both became members of the Cleve
land team last fall.
Do Yoa Have the Rlarht Kind of Helnf
Foley Kidney Pills furnish you the
right kind of help to neutralize and re
move the poisons that cauae backache,
headache, nervousness and other kidney
and bladder ailments." For sals by all
druggists. .
Natural Laxative
Quickly Relieves:
Rirlr Headache.
Stomach Disorders, P-fj
MTT' ' '
Ames Eliminates
Iowa from Contest
In Eleven-Inning: Game State Univer
sity Nine Loses by Six to
IOWA CITY. la.. May 7.-(pe,lal Tele
gram.) Ames eliminated Iowa from
the state base hall championship race yes
terday, by a score of R to 1. It took eleven
innings with Iowa tying the score In the
eight. H was Schmidts fault at third
base that the story wasn't different. His
error threw Ames of the hoodoo with
two t men down and four scores came in
succession. Tha score
Iowa ...0 tOOOOOlOO 01 6 8
Ames .... 8010000000 4 R S 1
Bases Stolen: Nsson, Kerrigan (2).
Miller (2). Wriht, Ferris. Sacrifice hits:
Kingman. McMillan, VnnLackiim. Two
base hits: McMillan, Brown. Three-base
hit: Schmidt. Base on balls: Off Ralrd
3: off Clark. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By
Ralrd, 1; by Clark. 1. Struck out: By
Clark, 14; by Balrd. 8. Passed halls: RinB
helm, 2. Wild pitch: Ralrd. Umpire: Hv
land. Time: 2:60.
Ia the Wake of the Measles.
:Ths little son of Mrs. O. B. Palmer,
Little Rock, Ark., bad the measles. The
result was a severe cough which grew
worse snd he could not sleep. She ssys:
"One bottle of Foley's Hone;' and Tar
Compound completely cured him and he
has never been bothered since" Croup,
whonplpg rough, measles rougji, all yield
to Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. The
genuine Is In the yellow package, always.
Refuse substitutes. For sals by all drug
gists.. Hmve Your Ticktt
Round Trip
Commencing Juno 1st.
New Tork City, standard routes , Jj; 15.00
New York City, other desirable routes .7. , .'j .-. .$42.00
Atlaatio City, N. J., standard route . . . .1. . .$44.50
Atlantic City, N.'J,', other desirable routes. ;': . . . .$43.50
Portland, Me., through St. Liawrence Riter region,
' 60 days;, via Boston, 30 days S42.35
Boston, Maes. (60 days) $10. GO L
Mantrefl.1 inrnHino- Rt Tawtoiim P.ivse
Montreal direct rail route () '.$35.00
Buffalo, N. Y. .$32.00
Toronto, Ont. , $29.60
' () Limit 60 days. ;
. (Return Limit October 3L)
Mackinac Island $31.80
Boston .$58.00
Portland, Me. . .$58.00
Atlantic City, N. J. $55.00
Buffalo, including tour of Lakes .v. . ..... .$44.50
Detroit, Mich ... . . : ...... . $30.00
Petoskey, Mich. S29.85
Bay View, Mich. 4 $29.85
.v , Liberal stopovers permitted on all tickets, i .
Family Trade Supplied It
IC'has. Htorz,
1260; lDdiendent B-lSfll.
to Avoid Street Car Accidents
Riding on the
not particularly dangerous if one
rope, the brake handle and the
leaping over the rail towards the parallel
oneself by holding onto some part of the car to
down while rounding a curve. But riding on
tabooed as being too dangerous
and Council Bluffs Street Ry. Co.
F ranklin Takes ( smpelltles,
Reaver City erond.
CAM BR t DUB. Neh. May 7 .-(Special. V
The Southwestern Nebraska Track and
Field Meet was held at Cambridge this af
ternoon, four schools competing, Trenton,
Reaver City, Franklin academy and Cam
bridge, with Franklin securing 61 points.
lints. .
,hl.h t
Braver City. 33 and Cambridge. 80. ,
The most remarkable event waa the hi
n. ... . V. ..., ... . n.Li M . , . .wiu 1
iit-i mi.'.. . ,. m iiiii oi v noioriuae, w no ii ,
waa within three feel of the new state rec
ord. A high wind prevented fast time.
The referee was Racely of the University
of Nebraska; starter and Judge, M. Dunlap
of Holdi cue Summsrics:
lU)-)ard dash: Monu. Franklin, flrat;
Chehey, Cambridge, second. Time, 0;lfV '
i'lf-yard dash: Mong, Franklin, first;
Chehey, Cambridge, second. Time, 0:26.
440-yard dash: . Bronhard, Braver City,
first. Time, 0..17. '
ssn-yard run: Avernon. Beaver Cltv.
first: McCoy Franklin, second. Time. 2:16.
One-mile fun: McCoy. Franklin, first;
Ehlerhart. Franklin, second. Time, 5:27
2l-ysrd hurdles: Bronhart. Heaver City,
first; Chehey. Cambridge, second. Time,
Hammer: Pahl. Cambridge, first: Mo
Coy. Franklin, second. Distance. 148 feet
2 Inches. I .
Discus: Rrongton.' Franklin, first; Goble,
Beaver City, second: Remington. Cam-
nnoge. tniro. I'lMance. av reet 1 Inch. 1
Pole vault: Jewltt, Reaver City, flrfli "
Carroll, Cambridge, aecond. Helghth. TnC,
feet 4 Inches " i "
, ,i l i . a . . , , . , . .
.nun juiiip:, ici oy, rrsnsnn, iirst;
Over.-iean, Beaver Cltv. second: Chehev,
Cambridge, third. Hrixhth 8 feet 4 Inches.
Broad lump: Piatt, Franklin, first;
Chehey. Cambridge, -second; Remington,
Cambridge, third. Distance. 19 feet 9
Relav: Franklin, first; Cambridge, sec
end. Time, 1:48.
Read "Burlington"
Rates East
DAY LIMIT. ,; f . '
Cmll, riu r telephone. an4 let me help you
plan your trip.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
1502 Farnam St., Omaha , .
Phones Webster
keeps away from the
step, refrain from
track, and Fteadies
avoid being thrown
the step should be