Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
VOL. XL. NO. 4i.
tlil 1.
Political and Social News by Cable and Correspondence from the Old World
George V Give Some Evidence of
Having Settled Opinions of
Hit Own.
Queen Mary to Accompany Him on
Trip to India.
Bill Establishing Shop Hour for the
John Galavvorth Thunder Asa Inst
Proposed Aerial Warfare a a
New Madness .filar tfatatea
ttlll Rein- fold.
IDNDON. May . (flpeolal to The Bee.)
Th question of regency is disturbing
. pome good old souls who seem to be ob
1 llvlou to the fact that the country could
I Ret alonf nicely If the king should decide
' to leave the country for a few months
even longer. Kins George has reached
what they consider a peculiar decision.
Should he continue In his present way of
i thinking, there will be no regency ap
! pointed when he and the queen leave for
. India next November. In the event of a
demise of the king before the Prince of
"Walea reached the age of 18, Queen Mary
would act as regent until the young prince
attained his majority. When the matter
waa first mooted, It was suggested that
, the Duke of Connaugiit should return
home from Canada for that purpose, but it
is felt to be unwise, for him to leave
Canada so soon after arriving there. The
name of the princess royal was then
brought forward, but this nan now likewise
been dropped, as ha tho other suggestion
that Queen Alexander should be Invited
to art as regent. Th sobs will be at
Aerial Warfare Madnesa.
John Oalsworthy, the novelist, condemns
the use of aeroplanes In war in a letter
Just published, yr : ., .
"Of all the varying symptoms of mad
ness In the life of modem nations," he
says, "the most dreadful Is this prostitu
tion ef the conquest of the air to the ends
of warfare.
"It ever man presented a spectacle of
aheer Insanity It Is now when, having at
last triumphed in their long struggle' to
subordinate1 Jo tbu y!(e'the uncon
quered element.' thef , have straightway
commenced, to -defile that element, by fill
ing It with engine of deestruction. If this
fresh deviltry be not quenched" within the
next few years it will be too lale. Water
and " earth are wide enough for men to
kill each other on. For the love of the sun,
and the start, and the blue ky,. that .have
given us all our Inspirations since , the be
ginning of time.- let us leave the air to be
Shoe Hon re Bill. '
. The shop hours bill, which seeks to
lighten the lot of the shop assistant, has
been read a second time In the House -of
Commons. It provides for a sixty-hour
' weekt exclusive for meal times and sixty
hours per calendar year as limit of over
time; also thn( holding of a local Inquiry
where there la a demand (or early closing
In any locality. There are special pro
visions for Sunday trading In trades es
essentlal to tho community and for one
day's rest In teven.
T Compel ttecoiusuendntloas.
A bill presented by one liberal and six
members of Parliament makes compulsory
the. giving of character notes. The bill
provides that every employer shall glrr to
every person leaving his employment
upon application, character notes In writ
ing as to hi:; or her general conduct and
competence Anile In his employment.
This means that there will be more con
fidential letters' from one mistress to an
other about servants, or from one firm to
another about their clerks. Copies, will
have to be kept and supplied when desired.
Any employer who violates the law or
maliciously makes false statements in
specting the character or competence of
the applicant in ruch eeilifuate or char
acter note, shall he liable to summary
conviction to a penalty not exceeding Sl'.3.
One purpose of the proposed bill is to pie
vent blacklisting of cmpli yes
Hi F.statrs to Be Sold.
The coming estate auction sessrm will
probably procure a record for the extent
and value of landed property which will
change hands. 1'artlcuhus of tho princi
pal estates situated In all parts of Britain
which one firm alone have to offer have
Just been InUed, and they total JiB.000
acres. The moat extenalve'of these prop
erties are In Scotland, and the largest
compriaes portions uf the Menzles estates
In Perthshire.
A similar domain forms the south por
tion of the Isle of Islay and extends to
5tV0QO acres. Ixnd Colobrook's AbinKton
and Crawford estate ln Mnarkshirc, com
prising 27.000 aore, are also to be sold.
The Carsellach estate of 1.619.7 acres is
also for sale.
New Una to Be Unlit.
The admiralty, by nay of replying to the
fourteen-lnch naval gun lately adopted by
Germany, have ordered experiments with
a new gun, which la to be' a decided ad
vance on the l&k-lnch with which our
dreadnoughts now under construction are
to be fitted. The new weapon will be
be styled the lt-A gun. but will be In fact
of lo-lnch diameter. The above announce
ment Is of a kind to create something like
a sensation In naval circles, giving rise,
aa It must do, to. questions affecting the
, whole policy of naval ci nti'i ut Hon. The
ten dreadnoughts which were designed to
tarry the 114-inch guns, were J.o tons
more displacement than the Neptune
(which was JO.fc tons) and the Introduo
lion, of the U-lnch would Involve still
' heavier battleship.
'"V, , Warship Travels I'm, .
' Tbe cruiser Indefatigable, which has
u returned to Plymouth, after carrying
hut steam and gunnery trials, travela
thirty-three and one-haJf miles per hour.
It Lsyconslderably faster'Jhan the record
holding Atlantic llnee Mauritania.
Durlnaythe year ending March Jl. 1910.
nine battlhlps have been struck off the
effective Hat and placed upon the reserved
list peadlngjapeeal by gal or otherwise.
Pope Will Be Properly Represented
at London Function.
Ancient Relics of Honaant Provinces
and Old Kaaperors to Be Seen at
International Exhibition
In Rome.
ROME, May . Special to Tho Bee.)
An English correspondent here has an
noyed the pope by sending out letters to
the effect that the Vatican would not be
represented In London at King George's
coronation; that. In fact, he has been
"This report, if true and the authorities
for It ought to be perfectly reliable
means that his holiness will not be repre
sented at the ceremony, and as the usual
notification of the event has already been
sent to various countries throughout the
world, it looks as if the Vatican has been
ignored by the British court The British
Catholics here are indignant at the news.."
So read the statement, which Is en
tirely unfounded. The pope will send a
representative to the coronation and the
king has expressed the pleaaure which
he will have In receiving the Roman dele
gate. The pope feels more than friendly
toward the English king for having the
offensive part of his ceremonial oath cut
The foremost man at the coronation,
aside from the king, will be the duke of
Norfolk, the marshal of the empire, noted
as a very ardent Catholic and who Is the
man to pick and choose the countries and
institutions which will be represented.
Old Roman Relics.
Relics from every (one of the thirty-six
province of the ancient Roman empire
have been got together for the Interna
tional exhibition. The exhibits illustrate
every aspect of private and dvio life In
the old Roman civilization.
King Emmanuel's contribution is a
gorgeous mosalo pavement and a superb
statue of a discus thrower.
. Among the many other ' exhibits are
fragments of the famous Temple of Peace
of Augustus and bronze ornament from
the wonderful' pleaaure gallery of Ti
berius, fished (up from Lake Neml.
Pay nana ter Mnrdered.
Brigands recently committed a foul mur
der In the woods on the Albau hills. The
district Is frequented by tourists, who are
often attacked by the brigands. A couple
of years ago the Duke of Weimar was at
tacked and robbed.
The brigands' latest crime Is to murder
a steward named Campagnonl, who waa
traveling on horseback with 13,000 to pay
a squad of woodmen. He waa suddenly
confronted by' highwaymen. The. steward
met the demand that he should hand aver
his money by spurring his horse and dash
ing off. He was wounded by a shot fired
after him. . .
The highwaymen .then made a short cut
through the Woods and waited the oncom
ing horseman at a bend In the road. As
the steward dashed by he waa killed. The
murderers were to some extent foiled, for
Campagnonl had. carefully hidden moat of
the money In his boots, which the assas
sins failed to search.
Agrarian Tragedy.
The agrarian trouble which has been
simmering in Ravenna took form Jn a
serious conflict between the socialists and
republicans. One man waa killed outright,
and several others wounded. The cause
of the fight waa the jealous rivalry of the
socialist and republican arganlzatlona.
which tried to steal a march upon each
other In winning adherents to their ranks
among laborers.
Meteorite Scare People.
Mysterious phenomena In the air threw
the people of Messina Into a state 'of ex
treme agitation and alarm recently.
There wax a sudden and brilliant Illumi
nation of the evening sky, the cause of
which could not be discovered. Later there
were report that rolled like thunder.
It was feared that a terrible explosion
had occurred, but tttls waa shown to be
groundless when news came from other
places In Sicily and on the mainland that
similar occurrences had been noted. It Is
believed that the light and the explosion
were the result of the bursting of a
Fearful Fate
Narrowly Missed
French Woman Was on the Point of
Being- Buried Alive When '
She Stirred.
PARIS. May (.(Special to The Bee.)
Nearly burled alive, a woman named Unit.
David, who lives near Pau, haa Just had
a narrow escape from the fearful fate. She
la an elderly woman, was taken ill a few
days ago, and apparently died. The doc
tor said she was dead and the funeral
was arranged for. As the body was being
placed In t,he coffin a slight movement was
not iced.
The "corp"e" was hastily carried Into
another room and put to bed. In a couple
of hours' time Mme. Pavld recovered from
her death-like trance, and waa able to con
verse .Intelligently with members of her
family. During the state of catalepsy
she waa unconscious, and Is, therefore,
unaware that she had been taken for
Colonial Notables to Have'
Big Time at the Coronation
LONDON. May S. (Special to The Bee.)
Good progress is being made In the ar
rangements for the entertainments of
representatives of the dominion parlia
ment at the coronation by the lord and
commons committee.
One of the most important matters now
under consideration of the committee is
the banquet or luncheon of welcome which
will be"- given to the over-sea guests as
noun after their arrival in lndon as
possible. The date will probably be June
It. I-nrd Rosebcrry will preside, and tt
Is fully expected that Mr. Aaqulth. Mr.
Balfour, and all the premiers of the do
minions will attend, aa well as the other
gueats from- over-aca parliaments.
Housewivei Afraid of Work Have
Much Dificulty in Securing;
Female Help.
Girls Want Fall Information and
High Pay.
Socialist Teaching: Held Responsible
for Condition.
Had Mnrdered Four Men In l.eas Than
a Month and la Slain Resisting
Police H lotnns Semet
In t'harrh.
BERLIN. May . (Special to The Bee.)
Great distress Is being caused to house
wives by the remarkable dearth of domestic
servants, due primarily to German in
dustrial prosperity, which creates a great
demand for female labor In all branches of
commerce and manufactures. The young
girls, many of whom are Imbued at an
early age with revolutionary socialist doc
trines, shun the restrictions of domestic
service, preferring work In factories and
workshops, with the result that the number
of vacant situations in private houses ex
ceeds the number of cooks and maids seek
ing positions in the proportion of ten to
one. Each domestic looking for a place Is
sought by two competitors for her services.
The girls demand big wages and get them.
Servants refuse to enter a household
where there are ehlldre.n and others draw
the line at dogs. Girls insist on their mis
tresses giving them written promises to
fulfil their demands, down to the number
of bottles of beer due to them every dav.
One recently Insisted as a condition that
she he provided with a theater ticket
weekly and be allowed to ride to the
theater In the family automobile. She won
Despernte Assassin Killed.
Chance bullets, a few of several hundrad
fired at him, has put an end to one of the
worst criminals in police annals. He had
killed four men in less than a month.
On the night of March 16 a watchman
was shot at the' Bismarck mine by a thief.
A workman named Kowoll fell, nnd.r sus
picion and when he was seen a fortnight
later at the Loura colliery a policeman at
tempted to arrest him. But by using his
revolver and at the cost of a second vic
tim he escaped. Meanwhile, a reward had
been offered for his cantor anri whan
appeared at Josefsdorf a locksmith made a
brave attempt to wing his prize. . But ho,
too, was shot dead.
Kowoll then went to bid arnd-hv'
woman friend, buf he was observed and fol
lowed and ultimately body of police and
gendarmes brought him to bay. As soon
a he realised the situation he whipped out
his weapon and blazed away. A sergeant,
father of eight children, fell dead before his
unerring aim, and In the confusion he man
aged to escape. Kowoll had by now picked
up an old comrade named Walerus. and
loter the same evening the oair irnnk.t .
the door.of a miner in Rossberg and asked
m coiner not only admitted
the strangers, but sent out for llounr .nrf
the thjae had a carouse. As he advanced
u iiioiicauon, Kowoll Decame communica
tive, and Informed his host that he was a
fugitive from justice and tho aeain e
four men. Then he banished his revolver
ana declared that he would defend his
freedom to the death.
The miner encouraged his ) viitr. i-
their potations and at last had the satisfac
tion of seeing them both coll.n.
floor In a drunken slumber. He then
mu uim-iai. a iorce or eight
gendarmes was despatched to the house,
hut as the first of thm -- ...
the stairs Walertls flung himself upon him
and fastened his teeth in his flesh. The
official was able to fire his revolver and
wound his antagonist, who then relaxed
ilia noia.
Kowoll had meanwhll nnanai .
fire from a window, and Walerus speedily
Joined him. In spite of his wound. It was
with "a 'hat Kowo" U'lng dead
vwth half a dozen hifiutu in hi.
Walerus. though still alive, had received
-unu. , wnich he succumbed next morn
Ing. Hlotons Scenes In n C'hajrch.
There is antagonism between Pole, mil
Germans In the eastern provinces and this
led to extraordinary scenes at the church
m ivieinKreutsch. The Germans were for
merly In a majority In the district anri in
consequence the bishop allowed them to
have two German services to the Polish
one. The Poles are now In a majority and
have demanded two Polish aervW. tr.
German. The bishop, a German, refused,
ana me poles resolved to take matters Into
their own hands. This led to the scenes In
the church in question.
At the close of the service It Is the eua-
torn to sing a hymn. The Poles made up
heir mind that this hymn was to be in
i-oiisn. iney Invaded the choir and while
me uerman portion of the congregation
was singing a German hymn the Poles
were occupied with one of their own lang
uage. The priest tried to bring about
peace, but failed. Regularlv
days the Poles stormed the choir and sang
tneir psalm. It came at last to a series of
fights and the bishop decided that the
church had been desecrated and it haa been
It seems that nothing has been decided
so far In regard to the place of the ban- ,
quel of welcome. There will, however, be
a general consennus of opinion that It '
would be held If possible, In Westminster
hall, which is. Indeed, the only building
in London which Is entirely appropriate to
such a gathering. Westminster hall has
been the scene within the laat few years
of more than one historical banquet the
luncheons given In honor of the officers
of the French fleet In August, lOD. and
to the delegates attending the fourteenth
conference of the Inter-Parliamentary
In Ion In July. 190S, and that given to the
pr mlere of the over aeaa dominions In
April, lssTT, all fresh n the memory.
Bill to Limit Power of Lords ' Before Commons
LONDON. May S The Parliament bill
limiting the power of the House of Lords
has passed the committee stage of the
House of Commons unchanged, all amend
ments being voted down. The text of the
preamble and bill follows:
"Whereas It Is expedient that provision
should be made fur regulating the relations
between the two Houses of Parliament
"And whereas It Is intended to substi
tute for the House of Iords as It at pres
ent exists a second chamber constituted
on a popular Instead of hereditary basis,
but auch substitution cannot be Immedi
ately brought Into operation.
"And whereas provision will require
hereafter to be made by Parliament In a
measure effecting such substitution for
limiting and defining the powers of the
new second chamber, but It Is expedient
to make such provision as In this act ap
pears for restricting the existing powers
of the House of Lords:
"Be It therefore enacted by the king's
most excellent majesty, by and with the
advice and consent of the lords spiritual
and temporal, and commons. In this present
Parliament ntvtembled. and by' the author
ity of the same, as follows: .
"First in If a money bill, having been
passed by the House of Commons and sent
up to the House of lords it least one
month before the end of tho session. Is
not passed by the House of Lords without
amendment within one month after It 1
sent up to that house, the bill shall, unless
the House of Commons direct to the con
trary, be presented to his majesty, and
become an act of Parliament on the royal
assent being signified, notwithstanding
that the House of Lords have not con
sented to the bill.
"(2) A money bill means a bill which in
the opinion of the speaker of the Houfe of
Commons contains only provisions deallnt
Intimation that Anti-Home Rulers
Are Responsible.
Presentation ".(unifies o Criminal
Cases on the Docket at l.lmrrlck
or Tnllamore Reception
to Onr Wn rah I pa.
DUBLIN, May 6. (Special to The Bee.)
There is very little crime In this country,
except In the Ulster province, and that is
believed to be due to .the machinations of
tory politicians who have been egging on
the lawless element of the Orange organi
zation to deeds of violence with a view of
forestalling home rule. ' '
It la he custom In this country, to pre-.
sent white gloves to Judges on the circuit
In courts where no criminal caaes are on
the calendar. White gloves were presented
to Judge Lew Smith by Sheriff Halliday;
t, the opening of Limerick City -quarter
session to mark the -fact that no criminal
case wis listed for hearing.
County Judge Curran, 'on receiving white
gloves at' Tullamore quarter sessions,- aald
It was a happy state of affairs to find
blank calendars both at Birr and Tulla
more. He hoped the county would long
continue as It was at present.
In presenting Judge Curran with white
gloves at the Birr quarter sessions, the sub
sheriff remarked that he had had a similar
duty to perform at Tullamore. His honor
said one pair was suffclent for one county.
Reception to Yankee Wnrahipe.
Preparations are being made for the re
ception of the American warships, Iowa,
Indiana, and Maasachusetts, which will call
at Queenstown, June 19. The arrival of
the American officers and men will become
the occasion of a happy Interchange of
courtesies, in which the civic representa
tives of the district, aa voicing the people's
feellngB, will take part. It Is years since
we had a visit fom an American fleet at
Irish Fishing; Stories.
While fishing In the annual trouting com
petition at Dervock. a member of the Bel
fast Angling club captured a cow, which
gave him nearly, an hour's chase before be
recovered his fly from the frightened ani
mal's hide.
Daniel McNulty, who was worm fishing
near Londonderry, had an exciting tussle
with a wild dufk. which took the bait dur
ing his temiorary absence from the river
Remarkable Plan ' '
for a Young Army
Boys of Twelve to Be Started in
Training; for Military Service and
Kept Going;.
SYDNEY, N. 8. W., May S. -(Special to
The Bee.) Australia's new system of uni
versal military service Is now in being,
and It Is reckoned that by the middle of
the year from 80.000 to 100.000 youths be
tween the ages of 14 and 17 will have been
enrolled for the defense of the common
wealth. It may be recalled that under the
scheme every boy on attaining the age of'
12 muht begin physical drill, and at 14 he
becomes a senior cadet, and undergoes a
prescribed course of training until his
eighteenth year, when he Is drafted Into
the citizen army, to remain there until
he attains the age of 24. After this year
there will be a continuous transfer of
cadets to the ranks of the adult soldiery,
and In eight years or less there should
be available a reasonably well-trained
force of something like 100,000 men, with a
valuable second line of veterans behinJ
'ac hkaaaea" la the Prise Kind, as It
Permits Maklag tp for l.oat
BRUSSELS. May . (Special to The
Pee.) Dr. Nyrop, a Danish university
professor, once wrote a whole volume about
kUsing. He noted that, while even the
stern Romans had three words for a kiss,
according to the nature of the aulute, the
sentimental English have one term for
every sort of klas. The Hermans have
ovr thirty different styles of kloaes en
tered in their dictionaries. As it is, most
people find kissing good, no matter what
the word la that describes It, but lovers
may note the German word "nachkuasen,"
which megna making up for kisses which
kavg been nihued through absence.
with all or any of the following subjects,
namely, the Imposition, repeal, remission,
alteration, or regulation of taxation,
charges on the consolidated fund or the
provision of money by Parliament; supply,
the appropriation, control or regulation of
public money; the raising or guarantee of
any loan or the payment thereof; or mat
ters Incidental to those subjects or any of
"3 When a bill to which the House of
Lords Jias not consented is presented to
his majesty for assent as a money bill, the
bill shall be accompanied by a certificate
Of the speaker of the House of Commons
that It is a money bill. ,
"14) No amendment shall be allowed to
a money bill, which In the opinion of the
speaker of the House of Commons. Is such
as to prevent the bill retaining the char
acter of a money bill.
"Second l) If any bill other than a money
bill Is passed by the House of Commons In
three) successive sessloi (whether of the
same Parliament or not), and, (raving been
sent tip to the House of Lords at least
one month before the end of tho session Is
rejected by the House of Iord In eoch
of those sessions, the bill shall, on Its re
jection for the third time In the House of
Lords, unless the House of Commons direct
to tho contrary, be presented to his ma
jesty and become an act of Parliament on
the royal assent being signified thereto,
notwithstanding that the House of Lords
haa not consented to the bill; provided
that this' provision shall not take effect
unless twp years have elapsed between
the date of the first Introduction of the
bill In the House of Commons and the
Cate ori" which It passes the House of Com
mons for the third, time.
"(2) A bill shall be deemed to be rejected
by the House of Lords If it Is not passed
by the House of Ixrds either without
Head of Jesuits in Moscow Sent Away
by Kremlin Authorities.
Officiate of Rnaalan t'horch Are In
Trouble Recalcitrant Monk
Deflea the Heads of the
. Chnrch.
8T. PETERSBURG. May (.(Special to
The Bee.) Religious disturbances are still
frequent in many parts of Russia. The
expulsion of the head of the Jesuits and
other Roman Catholic sealots from Mos
cow haa disclosed a hitherto unsuspected
papal ' propaganda within the shadow' of
the very walls of the sacred Kremlin.. The
scope otthe mqvtrnerit baa led tle tuthorl-.
ties to see that they are now confronted
with a problem out of the ordinary.
' Since the khfetblernent Of .ifie, 'Russian
orthodox establishment, owlnfe - to the re'
suits of. the- f'evoliitlohk.ry movement' and
-the liberal, reforms, , the .Roman - Catholic
have evidently . taken .clever and prompt
advantage of . this new and favorable sit
uation to penetrate within the serried ranks
of ven such staunch adherents of the
ancient Russian -church party os the Old
Believer. . Now a similar propaganda is
being unearthed here In St. Petersburg,
where It is stated that the Polish Jesuits
have already got' complete possession of
the Roman Catholic schools, and certain
active agents of the order are singled out
In the Novoye Vremya as further candi
dates for expulsion across the Russian
frontier, " "
The peremptory and forcible' action
against the Jesuits in Moscow Is In strik
ing contrast with the weakness of the
holy synod with regard to the recalcitrant
monk, Iliodor, at Tsarltsm, who con
tinues to defy the orders! of his ecclesias
tical superiors In St. Petersburg.
Terrorists Make a Hani.
Officers have been unable to run down
any trace of the band of outlaws who on
last Sunday . morning . committed a . bold
.postal robbery near Turek, fn the, govern-,
ment of Kallei. It waf but little after
surprise when thirty armed terrorists at
tacked a postal van and shot and killed
a gendarme and two policemen Escorting
the van and four horses drawing ft and
wounded the driver. They, then blew' the
v.-n open with dynamite and stole 47,000
roubles, or $22,81v - After the robbery the
bandits dashed away-and appear to have
made good their escape. ,
Vr Beings Ballt I p Anew.
The Russian government will lose no
time in enlarging and Increasing the effi
ciency of the navy. It has been decided
that the keel of four dreadnoughts for
the Black sea fleet are to be laid by the
end of May. All Russia' Is marveling at
the haste la which thla defensive prepara
tion Is to be rushed forward and the way
c which the work thus far has been ac
cclnpllshed Is extremely Interesting. In
the outset the peace-loving Duma was very
strongly against this expenditure. Then
kuddenly arose the-trouble between Rutwla
and China. The subjects of the crar became
Imprersed with the Importance of Increas
ing Russia's naval strength and the Duma
became reconciled to the Idea of four
dreadnoughts. The trouble with China
then disappeared as suddenly as it had
arisen. People note the relations of one
incident with the other and they are be
ing freely .commented upon.
Amundsen's Ran Brings
Forth Much Sharp Criticism
STOCKHOLM. May (Special to The
Bee.) Prof. Otto Nordcnskoid, the well
known Swedish. explorer, criticises Beverly
the secrecy - which Captain Amundsen
maintains coneernlng his south pole
project. It would" be very regrettable.
says Prof. Nordenskold, If Caput
Scott. aiTle'ng at the south pole, foun
that Captain Amundsen had reached It a
week before him, taking the British route
and .making use of previous British dis
coveries. . L'nder such circumstances It
would be no great honor for Amundsen
to be first at the pole. Norwegian news
papers have published a letter addressed by
Captain Amundsen to the chairman of the
committee of the Krm expedition. In
this letter Captain Amundsen apologizes
fur nut' having previously communicated
amendment or with such amendments only
as may be agreed to by both houses.
"13) A bill shall be deemed to be the
same bill as a former bill sent up to the
House of Lords In the preceding session
if. when It Is sent up to the House of
Lords, It Is Identical with the former bill
or contains only such alterations as are
certified by the speaker of the House
of Commons to be necessary owing to the
time which has elapsed ln e the date of
the former bill, or to represent amend
ments which have been made by the House
of Ixrds In the former bill In the pre
ceding session.
"Provided that the House of Commons
may. If they think fit, on the passage of
such a bill through the house In the sec
ond or third session, suggest any further
amendments without Inserting the amend
ments In the bill, and any such suggested
amendments shall be considered bv the
House of Lord, and If ugreed to by that
house, shall be treated as amendments
made by the House of Lords and agreed to
by the House of Commons: but the exer
cise of this power by the House of Com-
mini shall not affect the operation of this
section in the event of the bill being re
Jected by the House of Lords.
"Third Any certificate of the speaker of
the House of Commons given under this act
shaft be conclusive for all purposes, and
shall not be questioned In any court of
"Fourth Nothing In this act shall dimin
ish or qualify the existing rights and privi
leges of the House of Commons.
"Fifth Five years shall be substituted for
seven years at the time fixed for the maxl
mum duration of Parliament under the
Septennial act, 1715.
"Sixth This act may he cited as the
Parliament act, 1910."
Improvement of Navy Has Fired the
Military Spirit.
Heavy Artillery of l.ateat Pattern to
He Provided for Thirteen Army
Corps Pardons for
Prlsonera. .'
VIENNA. May . (Special to The Bee.)
The military Improvement In Austria-Hungary
la not to end with the reorganisation
and enlargement of the navy, which Is now
under way through provisions of the re
cent appropriation made by the House of
Deputies, but the army, too, Is to be re
organised. Details of the plans for reorganising the
rmy are published' In 'the Zelt. which
Classes the actlpn as a reform movement.
It Is Intended to' fit out the heavy artil
lery anew, each of the thirteen corps being
provided with i heavy hovvltier divisions of
three batteries, , eofrfoed of four tlx-lnoh
howlttert. . ,Thl: plan will be put Into
force Immediately; after th ps swing of the
new army law. .. The batteries are to be
provided with modern six-Inch guns, and
model of these guns are now being tested,
while experiments with modern four and
one-half-inch guns for tr field artillery
are in progress. i , . f
Lnekr Visit for Prisoners.
No little Importance Is attached to the
forthcoming visit of King Pstfr of Servia
to. - Austria-Hungary' A leading official
newspaper, In an article on the approach-'
Ing visit, says th visit of the king of
Sorvla to the emperor, Francis Joseph, will
be paid In May; not, however. In Vienna,
but at Budapest, a th monarch will spend
the greater part of next month In the
Hungarian capital.
It. Is rumored that on the occasion of
King Peter's- visit to the emperor he will
pardon all th AustroHungarian subjects
condemned for political o rimes to long
periods of Imprisonment. Among thore to
be reprieved are an Austrian tradesman
named Muller. and a Hungarian merchant
named Moldovan, beside many others.
Vew Rifle for Array.
The military changes and reforms In
Austrla-Hungsry have, resulted In the
equipment of the army with a new and
powerful rifle which Is the product of this
country. No little Interest has been oc
casioned In military ch-etes end In Vienna
by the annuoncement that after long en
'deavors the military authorities have suc
ceeded In constructing a perfect model
automatic army rifle.
Themew weapon is said to be consider
ably lighter, and to hv a smaller caliber
than that now In usif- by the army.
Practice with, the new rifle Is no pro
ceeding en a large scale, and it is believed
that it will soon be Introduced into the
at my. " '
Crooked Official Caught.
A Hungarian woman was recently asked
to call st the postotftc at GiOHsbittse, near
Budapest, In order to receive $1,000 which
her husband hud sent her from America.
The avoman called upon the magistrate of
the dlatrict in order to obtain a card of
The magistrate cautioned htr to be Very
discreet as to ber unexpected good fortune
so that the attention qf thieves should not
be awakened. On th following ni-ht th,?
worn in was loused from her l cp by two
sprcteis. one dclar'ng, I aipi the devil.
Your husband hss stolen this money." It
was discovered tht the two ghosts were
ncne other than the magistrate and his
two telat'vts. .
bis change of plgns to the committee, and
at mits that one of (he reasons w hlch dic
tated his silence was the apprehension
that the committee might dissuade him
from bis project.
Statement of Urrwia thaneelor
I'lenalag to Authorities of
VIENNA. May . (Special to The Bee ),
The wet blanket cast by Herr von Beth-.
mann Ilollweg upon the too ardent hopes
of British Oermanophjles Is regardod aa a
sober and truthful definition of the Ger
man standpoint In regaruT to International
Fatheri and Mothers of Youngsters
in France Will Combat Ex
clusive Landlords.
Lepine Arrests Org-anirer at First
Meeting- Held.
Sixty Golden Weddings Celebrated at
One Town.
Village of Ay Is Destroyed Rlotera
After a Pierce Conflict with Sol
dier Morgan Una Relic
of St. Martin.
PARIS, May a (.Special to The Bee.)
The league of large families, organized tei
combat landlords who bar children from
their houses and which numbers 400.000
members, has come Into collision with the
government owing to a parade wihch wag
stopped by the police In Paris.
M. Lepine. perfect of police, watched the
assembling of about 3,000 fathers, mothers,
and children all dressed In their best
clothes and listened attentively to the
speech by Captain Malre. founder of the
league, and himself the father of eleven
children. At length he Interposed, and
told Captain Malre that the contemplated
parade must take place. "Why not?"
asked the captain Indignantly. We can
march If we like."
Lepine thereupon ordered the father of
eleven to be arrested, he was conducted to
the lock-up, obstinately delaying his pro-'
gress by trying to light his pipe with
match after match, volubly protesting.
Several other fathers of three or more
were also arrested before the procession
had been dispersed. Captain Malre and the
other arrested fathers were released, but
the league Is nevertheless In a state of
wild resentment at their arrest. M. MoiiIh,
the premier has promised to consider their
Sixty Kolden Weddings nt Once.
There was a marvelous and unique spec
tacle at Rheins one day lost week. Sixty
couples celebrated thlr golden weddings.
After they had attended mass at the
cathedral a reception was held In the town
hall, where each couple received a com
memorative medal. One couple was 85
years old. - i ' '
American VIoLnlst Makes Hit. '
Albert Spalding. theVgifted violinist, ha
taken Europe by storm. The young mn
who la now his secqnd European tour -has .
broken all recorde In hi line. This bril
liant' young American ha reversed th
usual order of. things coming from the
United States arjd capturing the old world
by his wonderful playing. He has appeared
before the most critical musical audiences, '
and Winning their enthusiuatlc plaudits, '
his tour has been an artist triumph.
Champagne Monopoly.
The whole agitatfm In the Marne a
movement, . ostensibly for the benefit of
local labor has been .engineered to give a
monopoly td five big champagne firms.
This is now so well recognised by the
other firms that May will witness the
breakup of the syndicate of champagne
merchants. The big firms will be left to
themselves, and the other will form a .
new. syndicate and agitate for a modifl-
cation of the DelimJnation Act. The vine
dresser have been hoodwinked. No wine
may be sold as champagne unless It Is .
made from grapes without any addition of
outside wine. This Is fine for the vintages ' ,
of the "Mountain of Rheins," which ar
purchased by the manufacturing firms for
MO francs a barrel, and sold afterwards
at the ratef of 12 to 15 francs a bottle.
Village Destroyed by Rioters.
The village of Ay has been destroyed by
fire as aresult of conflict between soldier
and thosfe who are engaged In riot.
"I have seen violent demonstrations In
this city." said an army officer, "but I
have never witnessed anything equal to
this. Never had my men to deal with peo
ple who had reaclu-d such fury. The
women, with their features ronvultied with
rage, shook their flats In our faces ar)d
spat at Ais." Trucks were loaded and
ready to start when the storm broke out.
Only distorted bits of Iron now remain
of them. The one question that alwayt
returns to my mind is how these ravages
could not have been foreseen."
Took Money to (irnve.
The, widow of the miser who died re
cently at Pau was visited a few day ago
by a debtor, who said that he bad signed
a promlsory note In favor of her deceased
husband. The widow searched toil .niilH
not find the note. Then she remembered
that her husband had been In the habit
of hiding money in bis night clothing.
She made an application to have the body
exhumed In order to examine the c lothcs '
in which he was buried. This proved suc
cessful. Tlu promlsory -note was there
und ulso a bund la- of bunk-notes anaitinl-
ing to J,i0.
Moriian Has Ml. Martin Relic,
'ii.e mystery of the head of St. Martin,
a relic which has disappeared from the
church of Soudcllles, has been partly
cleared up by a letter from Plerpont Mut
rhii to the minister of fine arts, an
nouncing that the relic Is in Ins posses
sion and offering It to the French gov
ernment. The loss of the relic only "be
came known througlt-'ti Belgian dealer In
antiquities purchasing what proved to be
an imitation St. Martin's head. The in
dignant purchaser made the matter pub
lic, and the minister of fine arts admitted
that th genuine relic had been stulen.
Mertaata' In Ion Forming,
VIENNA, May S.-tSpertal to The Bee.)
The servants' union f being formed in
kitchen aa the millinery workers' unluii
gave trni'ble to the society leaders over
their Easter hats and gowns. All through
the winter an agitation has been going on,
chiefly through (Sunday afternoon meet
ings. And now the new domestic servants'
union has developed with a preliminary
membership' of iJO. Meetings tor the ilia
cuss'on of grievances und tor the promo
t on of the Interests of the union are to b
held mi tvo Sunday afternoons a month
The a rvanl problem has been much ills,
cussed In social circles In Vienna of Ujl
and now tlu t the union Is bring wi . f
fectivel formed It is feared greater incon
lenience may te experienced.