Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Thre fillk
All fio On Sale
On ni
nd Our Rf-u-Inr
Silk Dept.
There re
Piece of Ml
in thin
I ... c'w,
It Will I
the tirratct
SHM lal Kilk
Kale A
Kver Uriel
We mention
here only a
few of Ihe big
special bar
gains that nre
offered Mon
day in the em
broidery sec
tion. KmhroMrrles
Worth UOc. at,
linhro Idery
cdglnfw and
, Insert tons up
to 7 Inches
wide, worth
up to 20c a
at ...8
Great Silk
f ! . 1
.li.w.i im u.M swim p . ippm .... - i.i. .,.,., ii. i i 1
" miii.i.,,iii .1 ,. i , .ffA
Thousands of Yards of the Newest Silks
From the Famous Phoenix Silk Mills
Bought At Auction At Less Than Price
BnindfM?' representative secured the choiwst lots of silks nt tlii
jrrpat sale. These are silks of highest character and most desirable
weaves for present use.
SILKS at 29c YD.-
Ix)t 1 All the 27-inoh all-silk
dress pongees, 27-inch all
silk. Kajali style diagonals, 20
inch novelty fancy dress
silks, 2-kinch all silk printed
foulards, fancy stripe messa
lines, etc. Phoenix
Mills wholesale ,
price riis o(k
SILKS at 39c YD.
Lot 2 All 21 -inch all-silk chif
fon pure dye black and color
ed taffetas, all the 20-inch all
silk yarn dyed dress messa
lines, all the black and white,
navy and white and brown
and white checks, 24 inches
wide, black and colored satin
Duchesse Phoe
nix Mills whole
sale price 67Vfec,
. V If i SMS ?
SILKS at 59c YD.-
Ijot 3 All the waterproof and
spot proof 2 and 3 tone finest
dress printed foulards, 27
inch yam dyed messalines
and peau de cygne, 27-inch
finest natural and tan coat
pongee, 27-inch and yard wide
peau de gant, 27-inch and 24
inch pencil stripe
dress silks I 'hoe- Fdl jtx
nix Mills wholesale EfcrBfl
price 87Vi'C, at
SILKS at 95c YD.
Lot 4 42-inch, 44-inch and 36
inch stunning dress silks;
double width water-proof fou
lards in exact reproduction of
$2.50 to $3 imported foulards ;
all the 42-inch plain, laee and
printed marquisette 36-inch
black sa tin Dnchesse so much
in vogue, 46-inch bordered
sheer voiles and Rad
ium silks Phoenix IrlTC
, rUK Mills wnoiesaie
price $1.50 to $2, at
ill ssmLw
I $50 Lingerie, Voile and Marquisette Dresses at $25
We have selected 55 pretty sample and odd dresses in white lingerie,
colored and white hand embroidered voile and Marquisette Crtr
dresses, and marked them for Monday's selling. Worth V r
Great May Sale of Vaists
Our preparation for tlita annual waist aale were, made on a larlah acale. Big prepanu
tlona will be offered throughout the entire month. Monday's specials will be unusual.
Women's Fine Lingerie
and Tailored Waiata,
Voile and Marquisette
waists, worth tip to AO
$2. at JOC
Women's Voile, Marqui
sette, Lingerie and Tail
ored Summer Waists,
worth up to $3,
Beautiful new Lingerie and
and Tailored Waists la
all new style features.
worth up to
$4.50, at
$50 each, at
$35 Lingerie, Marquisette and Voile Dresses at $19
Ninety dresses in the daintiest of summer designs and fabrics, pret
tily hand embroidered effects, in colors and whites. Dresses tf A
that are practical for every semi-dress or dress occasion for V I i
the coming season, worth up to $35, at
Clever New lingerie Dresies. Worth Up to $12.50, at S6.98
A big lot of beautiful lingerie dresses in pretty embroidery and laces
and allover embroideries, the new Kimono sleeves, high $)QQ
and Dutch necks. - They are regularly worth up . to vlltfo
$12.50, at V
Misses' and Girls' Confirmttioa and Cammeicement Dresses
We are showing more clever new styles in these dainty white gradua
tion dresses and confirmation dresses than we have ever before of
fered. There are scores of pretty girlish $r $98 $1A15 up $QC?
styles here, priced very specially at .... " " " to w9
Separate Skirts
The selections at this price
includes all kinds of mater-"
ials and styles, the new
summer effects and a great
many sample skirts, worth
New Wash Skirts
In linen, .pique, Bedford
cords, etc. They are made in
all the correct style effects for
summer. Very practical and
popular this year.
New "Slip-On" Aoto ud Storm Coats
Made with the coat , or raglan
i materials, In tans, drabs and gray, at
sleeves, plain or plaid back, rubberised
Black Satin Coats
A lot of pretty long black satin
coats in plain tailored effects and
silk embroidered , shawl collars.
Exceptional values for $ A5I
Monday's selling, at 1
Here are thousands of yards of high class 'embroideries, bought at
a big priei concession.
27-im-h fine Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Flouncings, 27-inch fine
embroidered waist fronting; also 24-inVh fine embroidered cross
barred batiste allovers for dresses, shirtwaists, etc - 10l
values up to $1.25 yard, at .' DvC-
27-inch fine embroidered flouncinys, skirtings, wide iiibroidrred bands 22-inch embroidered allovers Knglish' eyelet, Japanese blind
relief effects audldainty baby patterns vorth up QQ
to 75c vard at, vard 0 JC
1H and 22-ineh fine embroidered IMouncings. Skirtings and Corset
Coverings pretty new designs--w orth up to o0c yard 9
big bargain square, at, yard mOj
45-inch French Batiste embroidered 27-inch fins French batiste embroidered
Skirtings in English eyelet, floral and flouncings with dainl" linbv Irish lace
blind relief effects; also dainty baby and drawnwork and floral effects; also
Irish lace combinations, worth up to 24-int'h fine Swiss arid j'iatiste embroid-
$2.25 per yard, will go on sale 4Q ered allovers, worth up to $1.60 'Cm-
at J I .Of a yard, at.... IC
Real Hand Made Irish Crochet and Real Linen Cluny Laces, inser
tions and medallions, the much wanted lae?s, in all the fashionable
widths, at very popular prices.
These are the only pads that will not mar, but will protect the most
highly finished table. Every Peerlesss Asbestos Table Mat is guaran
teed, and we will refiuish any tabie top damaged while it is in use.
They are made in two sections, and each section is made with hinge, so
that it can be folded and put in a drawer, out of the way.
These pads are made in all sizes to fit the top of the table, and the
leaves come separate. You will find the Peerless Asbestos Table Mat on
special sale all week in our linen depailment.
All Pure 'Linen Table DamasU
- Full f!4 inches 'wide, extra
heavy weight, worth 69c, yd. 50c
Best Irish Linen Table Damask
Fine saiitt finish, full bleached, 2
yards wide, in a good assortment
of patterns, $1.10 values, yd.85c
Extra Fine Satin Finish Irish
Linen Table Cloths 2x2 yards,
very choice patterns, worth $3.50,
at, each . . $1.98
Beautiful Scalloped Satin Bed
Spreads Extra large size, elabor
ate designs, regular $7.50 values,
at, each . .. . $5.00
Fine Embroidered Towels
Extra large size with
scalloped or hemstitched
ends, $1.60 values,. $1
BO White Fleeed Turk
ish Bath Towels Very
soft And absorbent, extra
special, at, each. . . .3&
lOO Dozen Rennatsmuire
Lace, ' Scarfs and Lunch
Cloths Regular $1 val
ues, at,' each. 50
60 to 56-inch newest dress goods, Scotch fabrics, semi-rough summer weight (jr.
novelties, costume serges, etc., at, per yard 7C
Made by ladies' tailors, perfect fit and best workmanship guaranteed, choice
of any cloth up to $1.75 a yard, at $5 and 86.95
$1 to $2.60 42-inch imported Priestley's
fancy silk stripe voiles and marquisettes,
t -69 and 95
Our 50c Silk stripe 27-lnch Mercerized
Voiles will go on sale Monday QQa
at, per yard ud
Basement Bargains for Monday
All the new shades, also, black and
white, in beautiful summer Pop-(
lins a quality that always sells
for 25c yard Monday, f P
New Zephyr Ginghams, per
fect mill lengths, 6, 8,
and 10 yards In a piece,
16c quality, at, yd... 9
Figured Madras Waistings,
neat little stripes and fig
ures, worth .up to 30c a
yard, at ,15
Very fine white madras and whita
ndvelty Vaistings, all new pat
terns, in checks, corded and satin
stripes ' and figures, wpuld be
cheap at 25c yard, at 4AA
yard ;..'1UC
Extra fine quality Persian
Lawn, in waist lengths,
20c quality, at, per yard,
only : . . . XO
County Commissioners and County
Surveyor Still Squabbling'.
MrBrlde Kaa llt Will Do Kothlna
Inttl th Member . of Ike
Coantr Board Hrrognli
HU Authority.
I'ntll tha Foard of County Commissioner!
and Qcorga McFtrlrie, county surveyor, who
become highway commissioner by a law
their iquabble aa to the respective author!
tlee of each all work on the county roads
It very likely to go a befglnfr.
McBrlJe refuse to order Oodfrey Wet
phalen, a road foreman appointed by the
eommlsaloner Friday, to so to work, and
until McBHde Muea the order W etphalen
cannot do no. The oommlxmonei on the
ether hand refuse to pea a resolution,
which SlcBrtde requests, recognlzlnc his
right to employ the men end have general
charire of their appointment.
HcHiide contends that if he is to be re
sponsible tor the bills and for the work
teat lie ought to have the appointment of
the men whose bills he has to endorse,
lie la making a test case out of West
phalen , and says that he has nothing
against htm personally.
"However." vavs McBrlde. j-there will
not be a man go to work on the roada until
1 get recognition."
Osrar J. Flckard. chairman of the com
mitter en roads and bridges, is just as
positive that McBride will not get the rec
ognition he wanta, and the board is pre
pared to fight It out. The matter will, in
all likelihood, be derided In the courts.
Hmbsil Derlarea Wife's Property.
Tbe wrath of a divorced husband was
foiled by the county commissioners Sat
urday morning, when they ordered the as
sessor to cunt-el the schedule of personal
property handed 'n for Mrs. PVancts J. Al
lison, declaring hir property at KM?i. The
resolution states that Mia. Allison "never
had any such amount of property," and
that the declaration had not been made
by her.
W. O. Hhriver. county assessor, was
authorised as a delegate to the nations!
convention of assessors to be held In Phila
delphia, May lii. IT. IS, with his expenses
paid, amounting to 1U0.
The assessor was also given authority to
Mr a special deputy at U a day to Inquire
laio Us value of automobiles, many of
which are declared at suspiciously - low
figure by their owner.
Resolution proposed by an executive
committee from the Manufacturer' asso
ciation were passed . In . which the board
agree to favor heme made product' in all
matter where other condition of price
and quality ar equal, and to direct all
subcontractor to do . the . aams
letters from architects on the Youngs
town and Cleveland, O., court houses .
where Colorado-Yule marble waa used In
the construction, heartily endorsing that
product, were placed on file by the board.
The Cleveland courv hquse was a M.OOO.KU
building. Although George W. Caldwell,
the contractor, and J. P. Manning, man
ager of the marble company, were on hand,
the board 'reached no final decision a to
the new marble.
Schroeder Would "
Have Dollar Gas
Says He Opposes Move of Some of the
Councilmen for Dollar Ten ,
Cents Gas.
"A movement 1 on foot among council -men
to fix the price of ga at (110 a
thousand. Instead of tl.'' say FYed
Schroeder, when the ordinance firing the
price of ga comes up for Consideration
in the amendment to. be offered, atrtking
out the dollar clause and substituting one
which calls fov ten cents more.
"I shall flgjit the proposition from the
jump." say gchroeder. "The city attor
ney has told us that we ran regulate the
price' cf gas. Now If We are going to
regulate it. the thing to do is to regulate
and not make a half hearted attempt at
it. We ran name II a easily as 1110. If
It's IsksI for us to fix the price, the tl
ate wl.l not be considered unreasonable
by any fair-minded man."
Real Estate Men Will Be Host to the
La ad Mea Pass! a a TfcroaBh
The Omaha Rral F.staie exchange I pre
paring to entertain a large delegation of
Chicago and eastern realty men ('ln July.
Invitations have been extended to several
boards to stop here on their way ts Den
ver to attend the national convention, and
i the j'hlrasi Heal F.sUte board has sent
'its acertsnce Th Chicago men wt I gj
; wet in a aptclal train. Tie Omaha ex
' change ha appointed a conim ttee to plan
1 the entertainment.
Craig Objects to
Having His Men in
Municipal Parade
Says it is Foolish to Have Day La
borers March Through the
. Declaring that the participation of hir
men in the municipal parade on May 35
will be of no benefit, either to the city or
to the department, George Clatg, city en
gineer, has declared himself against the
project. Mr. Clalg contend that the city
will be a big loser If his men are taken
from their work on that day.
'"I oan't see where any benefit will ac
crue from such a procedure." said Craig
Saturday morning. "The expenses of this
department run In the neighborhood of 1500
a day. Just where the city would be bene
fited by having these .men trail up and
down the street when they anould be at
work is beyond my comprehension.
"I am decidedly opposed to It.. However,
if the resolution, as passed by the council
last Tuesday night maintains, the depart
ment will be represented In force. But I
thing It a great mistake."
A resolution, passed by the city council,
directed the heads of all departments to
participate in the parade and to provide all
apparatus that belong to the various de
partments. "I am heartily in accord with the parade,
a far a the police and fire departments
are concerned." continued Craig. "The men
of these departments, uniformed, will pre
sent an Imposing sight. Rut to have 'a lot
of laborers trailing along behind I out uf
the question, to my way of thinking."
Oborfol4er Asks Commercial Cloo for
CaaasT la Trade Eaearsloa
Brhedale Related.
Joseph Oberfe'rter, banker, Sidney, Neb ,
was her Saturday to plead with th.
i promoters of the Omaha trade excursion
for a longer stay In his city than ha been
scheduled The exoqrslonlats will be In
Sidney May 12. aad it 1 th deetre of the
I citlrens of tht town to entertain th
' Omahsns In fin tyle. If boosting elo
quence alone would have brought about
a change In the - excursion schedule he
j would have won, but the cluh ha decided
that it wHI be' Impossible to make anv
i Change in the arranged running time af
1 the train.
Water Company Wins in Suit Ag-ainst
City of Omaha.
Webster, Attorney for Defense, ln
' alata that tkre Company Is Only
Entitled to "Reasonable"
Sam for Services.
Five Judgment, aggregating S260.162.60,
were rendered against the city of Omaha
In favor of the Omaha Water company
Saturday morning In Judge T. C. Mun
ger's division of federal court.
The amount cover water hydrant rentals
and interest from July 1, 198, to January 1.
John Lee Webster, attorney for the
Water board, In opposing the claims,
argued that the ater company should be
forced to bring Its books In court and
Judgment rendered on the basis of actual
service to the city. The suits were brought
under a contract wtih the city, which ex
pired on September 3. If r, fixing the
amount of hydrant rentals.
Webster contended that a the contract
had expired the water company could col
lect only on a reasonable cost of service.
Judge Munger held that the contract
price should prevail and gave Judgments.
Thoughts notice of appeal ha been filed.
H. C. Lakln. attorney for the water com
pany, say the city will appeal.
Lineman Touches a
Live Wire and Life
is Gone in a Flash
Charles Witt Meets Sudden Death
Working on Pole with High
Tension Lead.
Swift and silent death overtook Charles
Witt, a lineman working on a power lead
at Thirteenth and Leavenworth streets
Saturday afternoon, when by an accidental
touch he shunted two powerful currents
through hi body.
Witt touched a line carrying 2,300 volts
and. a hi body awayed. reaohed across
another lead carrying 5,000 volt. Death
waa practically lnstantaeous.
The dead man waa 32 years old. His
home is In New Tork, and he is unmarried.
The body was lowered from the pole by
other linemen using insulated ropes. An
examination by a police aurgeon showed
that Witt had been Instantly paralysed
by the power electric Fhock.
Laborer Pinned Down
by Big Landslide
Has Narrow Escape from Death When
Bank Caves In on Him Saved
by Quick Work.
- Several tons of clay caved la upon Frank
Hadllck, a laborer, employed at the Corneer
brick yard Friday afternoon and would
have suffocated him but for two of hi
companion, who Immediately set to work
and dug .him out. He escaped injury ex
cepting' body bruises. He wai attended
by Dr. Con noli, who ordered him taken to
St. Joseph' hospital.
Hadllck ' and hi two fellow workmen,
rhlllp Cllken and Fred Wend, were dig
ging clay for th kiln. 1 he earth above
I hem slid down without warning and Had
lick had no. chance to leap from under It.
It The Bee' Booklovera' Contest now
Cotton Plantation
at Detention Home
Plot at City's Reformato'ry is Planted
to Seal Crop from Dixie
, Land. .
Vision of a waving field of cotton blos
soms are filling the minds of the children
at the Detention home. Tenth and Ban
croft street, for a small plot In "their"
garden has actually been planted to that
product. John William, a negro, who
ha taken an Interest In the children, has
an interest In a cotton plantation near
Vicksburg, has procured the seeds, and
at his request Mr. Roy Byrne, the matron,
allowed a small portion of the ground,
otherwise useless, to be plowed up. Mr.
William Insisted thai the seeds had to be
planted In this "moon," and did so lata
yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Byrne say
that she looks upon the cotton as an edu
cational experiment.
Feeble Condition
of Connelly Saves
Him from a Trial
County Attorney English Dismisses
Action When He Looks at
the Man.
James Connelly, aged A3 year, ha . hi
rheumatism and general feeble appearance
to thank for the fact that he Is not under
arraignment now in district court for
forgery. He came up for arraignment on
that charge before Judge Estella Saturdav
morning, but Jame P. Engllah. county at- rary v,-'n- He made the first extended
French Aviator is
Killed at Shanghai
Rene Vallon Falls While He it Giving
an Exhibition Before Chinese
j Army Officers.
SHANGHAI, My 6-Rene Vallon. the
French aviator, fell from a great height
today and wa instantly killed.
Vallon had been giving exhibition In
this country for six weeks in the hope of
interesting the Chinese government In mlll-
torney, took one look at Connelly' palsied,
shaking figure and Immediately "nolled"
the case, and laid aside the information
he was about to read.
Connelly was arrested two months ago
charged with attempting to pass a forged
check on Owen McCaffery.
Aa tnserlraa Klnar
Is the great king of cures. lr. King's New
Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and
cold remedy. Mr and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Ralldina Permits.
J. A. Carnaby, 3014 South Klghteenth
street, frame dwelling. 12.000; A. J Faddj k.
bvjti North Thirty-fifth street, frame
dwelling. 1100.
I'roarani Will Be Rendered at First
lrrsb ierlan Church, Begls
ulna at 3 ISO O'clock,
The tradition of coi In sermon and
song win renew reverence at the annual
memorial service, of Clan Gordon at the
First 1'ieshytcrian church, to be held Hun
day afternoon at i!;a0 o'clock.
' The program:
i)i nan voluntary In F, Introducing old j
SioliiMh pnaliii tui:es.
Organ pielude, "LochaLier no More"
1'iaihe. Uid p'alin. by the congregation; ,
iunr. ,,iaow; -The Lord n .Mv Khe, .
Hart Jenks,
Mrs. H. W.
Secretary James
nera. i iv .ot ant," etc.
Invocation, Hev. Kuwin
D. I.
Holo, "My Am Co'intrie,'
Hit. .
Hull call of The aluent
C. lindsav.
Seniiiiient, To the Departed
Prayer, Cliaplaiii John Trench.
(raise. .Vd puiaphraKe. bv me congrega
tion; tune. "Arlington;" 'Take Comfort,
Christians," etc.
Address. Clansman John I Kennedy.
Solo, "Unr! o' th Leal," Claiirman J.
Outhile tiunn.
Sermon, Clansman Hohert L. Wheeli.r.
D. D.j Houth Omaha.
Praise. nOth paraphrase, by the congre
gation, tune. "Martyrdom:" "rather of
Peace and od of Love," eto.
Benediction. Hev. Thomaa It. McConnell,
Wenminsier I'i ebj t i Ian church.
amer'in will act as
flight by an aviator in China,
Boinmer biplane.
It la the duty of every expectant
mother to prepare her system for the
coming of her little one ; to avoid as
far aa possible the suffering of such
occasions, and endeavor to pass
through the crisis with her health
and strength unimpaired. This she
may do through the use of Mother's
Friend, a remedy that has been so
long in use, and accomplished so
much good, that it is in no sense an
experiment, but a preparation which
always produces the best results. Jt
is for exernal application and so pen
etrating in its nature as to thoroughly
lubricate every niuscle, nerve and ten
don involved during the period before
i baby comes. It aids nature by ex
j panding the skin and tissues, relieves
i tenderness and soreness, and perfectly
: prepares tbe system for natural and
: safe motherhood. Mother's Friend
i has been used and endorsed by thoti-
sands of mothers, and its use will
prove a comfort and a benefit to any
.woman iff need oi euijn a remedy.
1 Mother's Friend
is ;sold at drug
, stores. AV rite for
I free book for
expectant moth
ers, which con-
nr4n. Chief .lames
chairman Services hin promptly at !H tains much valuable Information
mvitid.rminal' " 4 o . " UfmDKECUUTOMC(k. eiW G