nE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 7, 1911. TWO M'NAMARAS ARRAIGNED' McManijal Will Not Appear in Court Champion Sunday School Class of Omaha Great Clearance Sale of Used Pianos Monday morning, May 8th, we will place on sale twenty-live Until Trial Befini. FIVE OTHER PERSONS ACCUSED Ks'iMf.siJl Aevasatloa Followed ay List of Srorea nf WltarMH Eaantlaed by 4 ho ftraad Jury Folloeraa; Times Dlsaater. . v . r . - . . t LOB AKGKLE8. May .-Jnhn J. McNa mara, secretary of Ihe International Asso Clatlon of Structural Iron Worker, waa formally arraigned today before Judge Walter Bordwell of the superior court on charges of murder and dynamiting, and his brother, Jamea B. McNamara, waa ar raigned on a charge of murder. aH In con nection with the explonlnn which wrecked the I -on Angeles Tlinea on October 1 and killed twenty-one men. Ortle E. McManlgal. alleged to have made a eonfesalon Implicating .the Mc Namaraa, waa pot arraigned and Is not xpected to make ny appearance In court until the trial begin. The day for theJ MOamaras to plead waa rixed for June 1. Fully an hour before the time for the arraignment tha court loom waa crowded, despite the effort of tha officlala to keep tha matter aecret. Judge Bordwell aacended the bench at exactly 3:30 o'clock. Tha McNamara brother, with hand manacled, were brought Into court by Sheriff Hammel and three deputlea. Assistant District Attorney Ford read all the nineteen Indictments charging them with tha murder of employea of the Time plant. . Accuaed with the brothera In the Indict menta were William Caplan, alleged to have been an assistant of Jamea B. Mc Namara in tha ckploalon, and four othera, one a woman, who were masked, by the name of "John Doe." "Richard Roe," "John Stiles" and "Jane Doe." ' The accusation was followed by a list of the scores of witnesses examined by the grand Jurors In the weeks following the Times disaster and with the late addition of Ortle E. McManlgal. tha alleged con vened dynamiter, who appeared before the inquisitorial body only yesterday. Attorney Aaks for Tint. "Considering tha importance of tha case and the dletance which It may be neces sary to bring witnesses," Attorney Rappa port, for the defense, said, "I would like to have thirty days before the pitas are entered." "If you are allowed an unusual time to enter pleas." said Fredericks, "will you waive the provisions of the statute which declare that the men must be tried within sixty days after they are arraigned V Rappaport signified hla willlngneaa and the district attorney said be would consent to the pleas being made June 1. Ford tlien read the other eighteen Indlot menta. James B. McNamara wsa permitted to sit down and then an Indictment was read charging John McNamara, Ortle R. Mc Manlgal, "John. Doe," "John Pt!les,, "Richard Roe" and "Jane Doe" with dyna mltlng the Llewellyn Iron works last Chrlatmne. The time for McNamara to Plead to that charge alao was fixed for June 1. Rappaport asked what had become of the Indictment upon which the men were rrested. inquiring if they had been "quashed, were pending, or whatT" Fredericks said they were on file In the court. He declared he had no wish to ar raign the men on them at present. Rappa port declared that John J. McNamara had been taken from hla home on the atrenrth of these Indictments, and that if they were to be used against the men, the latter had a right to be arraigned soon. Fredericks aid the old Indictments would not .be used between the date of arraignment and the time to plfad. Rappaport contended that there waa at least one bailable charge that accusing John J. McNumsra of placing explosive at the Llewellyn Iron works and aaked the fix bail. The district attorney replied that aa Mc Namara also waa Indicted for murder, it was useleaa o bring up the matter. Coun sel for the defense Informed the court that he would not press the point at thla time, but Intimated that he would do ao later. It waa fglnally agreed .that the court, the prosecuting ahorney and counsel for the prl.tmers would c6nfer over the matter next Tuesday morning. END OF . ARMISTICE) EXPECTED tioases Ckanaes Mind and Pereaadea Madrro Oae More. EL PASO, -Tex., May S.-If president Dlag . does not ' announce by tomorrow ftoon hla Intention of resigning, an attack on Juares as well as a conclusion of the armistice for the Chihuahua district a Imminent. Thla .i was the opinion of Insurrecto leaders tonight after a twenty-four hour wait for the answer of Prraldent Dias to the suggestion , made yesterday by Fran cisco I. Madero, Jr.. through his peace commissioners to Judge Carbajal, the fed eral envoy. General Madero tonight was approached by one of the federal go-betweens in certain whether he would consent to an extenalon of the armistice which expires tomorrow, tie replied that he would ai ewer that question tomorrow mnmin lie eald if an extension were aaked by the isaerai government he would demand ape clflc reasona before granting it. Judge Carbajal. as well as the mhi peace commissioners, remained in their hotel here all day. Dr. Vumm rsnln.. head of the rebel commission, said at to o'clock tonight that ha waa Hill awaiting word from Judge Carbajal as to yester days proposition and that no moie peace conferences would be held until a reply was received. arbajal Makes Denial. Judge Carbajal himself thrust a perplex ing note into the day even is by declar ing that he had not officially transmitted the proposition of the rebel commission ers. He told the newspaper men that be had no authority to receive any propo sitions concerning the Dlaa resignation, his Instructions covering only specifio points concerning political reforms. When told of this General Madero ex pressed the opinion that perhaps Judge Carfcajul was not willing to acknowledge the submission of the Dlaa question to the . government. . Some of the federals' go-botweens admitted that It was their impression the govern ment received the Madero proposition last night, but could not state la what form U bad bees) sent. All the Insurrecto chiefs believe the gov ernment now is fully cognizant of their demands, at any rate through the press, and that the delay .In tha receipt of an answer Is due to confusion la official circles la Mexico City. Some of them eceat friction in the cabinet of the presi dent. Madera 4'kaaee Aliunde. General Madero feels that he has played his trump card. He showed plainly today the effect of the nervous strain of the last few da a. When the federal go-betweens first talked. Just before the first armistice ' was arraagedy they found him ready to aeoapi Gssnral Dias as president provided f , ' 'H-MU x'' jij v ji tt I t .ii'.- ' j- it- i . .. . - ?,..,; & v.? ' ' ' ' : SUNDAY SCHOOL . This class of young men waa organized In October, isoi, with a good membership of eight. Miss Selena Burns, now Mrs. J. L. Godfrey, was teacher, and It was known as 'the B. B. B. class. The membership grew rapidly and soon numbered- betrwren sixty sid seventy. They attended Sunday school regularly and in addition had their monthly business meetings at the home tt the teacher. These meetings were held for the purpose of getting the members closer together In the general work of good fel lowship among the young people of the First Methodist church. The class has been of great benefit to the Sunday school in carrying out plan for missionary Work, and is .planning now to support a foreign missionary. Miss Burns gave up the class in Novem ber, 1904, and was succeeded by her sister, Miss Ethel Burns, now Mrs. Z. T. Howell, who had charge yt the class for three certain reforms were Instituted, Since then he has been surrounded by tha po litical chiefs of the revolution and finally has been persuaded that only through an announcement of the Intended resignation of Diss could peace be restored. The change in hla views is said to have been due to the persuasion of Dr. Vasqiiea Gomes. Dr. 'Gomez, before coming here, was one of those who thought peace could be effected with President Diaz In power and 'the Informal assurances of President Dlai' Intention to resign would suffice. When' he arrived, however, and learned of the determined position of revolutionary leaders from various parts of Mexico, he I said to have devoted himself at once to the proposition which was finally submitted to the government envoy yesterday. x.4 brief celebration of the battle of Puebla took place In the Madero camp today. General Madero presented General Pascual Orozco, his commander-in-chief, with a silk Mexican flag.. A few speeches were made by rebel leaders and a band played martial airs. Elbert T. Duke Dies While at Los Angeles Early Resident in Nebraika and Omaha Expires While on the Coast for Health. Elbert T. Duks, a pioneer of Nebraska and a resident of Omaha since 1S7S, la dead In Los Angeles. At tha time of hi death Mr. Duke was 7 years of age. HI body will be brought to Omaha for burial, accompanied by Mrs. Duke and his sqn. who were with him at the moment of death. Mr. Duke was aTTilrty-third degree Ma son and well known in Omaha, where he occupied high positions In business and political life. Coming to Omaha from Plattsmouth at the age of 18 years, Mr. Duke engaged In business with Herbert Wheeler. For many years he wss presi dent of the Duke Hardware company at 140 Douglas street, loiter he was In the office of the city clerk and at one time he held the position of secretary1 to S. H. Elbert, first governor of Colorado.- Mr. Duke had been In poor health for seven years and last September, on the advice of his physicians, he Journeyed to the Pacific coast in the hope of regaining hla health. He Is survived by a widow and three children, one of whom, Mrs. F. 8. Knapp, lives In Omaha. The funeral ar rangements will not be made until the ar rival of the body here. SOUTH DAKOTA MODERN WOODMEN ELECT DELEGATES tata Camp Chooses Representatives to Meeting! of Head lamp at Buffalo. PIBRRK. S. D , May .-(8)eclal.)-At the Woodmen state camp closed here last evening. W. . N. Van Camp of Highmore was selected aa the state delegate to the meeting of the clerks or that order to be held at Buffalo. The delegatea and alter nates selected to the meeting of the' head camp at Buffalo by districts were the fol lowing, the first named In each district being the delegate and the second tho al ternate: First district. G. R. Hobson. A. Anderson Second district, J. J. Slattery, John Wldlon: Third district. Wiliam Scsl- lln, H. J. Kruae: Fourth district, George J. Danforth, E. B. Hill; Fifth district, J. B. Olilwetn. George A. I.owry: Sixth dis trict. C. O. Piper. W. S. IKehm, Seventh district. J. II. Wooley. K. B. Adams; Eighth district. W. D. Nelson, Bert IJIIy: Ninth district. William Knight, J. W. Freese; Tenth dlstriot. C. W. Haer, John Terry; Eleventh district. J. B. Tay lor. Theodore Rasmussen; Twelfth dis trict, John Smith, E. E. Brooks; Thir teenth district. M. V. Ixive. E. H. Hopen deck; Fourteenth district, C. P. Pensen baugh, B. L. Kirk ham. HEBRON BOOSTERS BANQUET Memhera Gather to Dlsroas Ways to Asvaaee the Interests of the f lly. HEBRON, Neb.. May (Hpe lal ) Hebron boosters held s banquet In 'Me Palaclne .hotel Wednesday at which met hods foe city betterment were taUr over. K. R. Correllwaa toastmaster and the following responded to toasts; "The Grouch." W. M. Hill; The Hustler," F. P. Hensel; "Drawing and Cementing the City.' Dr. V. II. viuli; "Keeping Things in Tune,' F. II (iaviorj; "Throwing Out the Halt, ' W. M. WiUon. "Relation of the Her to the Bualness In terests." C. K Richards; "Some of the Hani Propoaii ions." r ('. Naii; "gome of the Beauties of Cg- pera ion " C. H Kc'th: 'dome Thines We Should Haul Away.'' J K. Bhearer: "The Maying of a Prenldent." J. A. Peterson. The following made Impromptu talks: W. D. lialbraJth. W. J. Yeung. II. A. Brainerd. T. L. WlUmore, J. P. Baldwin. T. D. Kaftsr. CIASS OK FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF OMAHA. years, when it was taken by Rev S. D. Bartels and later by I T. Crosaraan. Since May, 1910, J. W. Nicholson has been in charge. In October, 1!)10, the class was taken into the international organisation of Sunday school workers known aa the World-Wide Baraca Phllathea union. In January, 1910, the class won the at tendance banner for having the largest representation at the quarterly meeting of the Tri-Clty Baraca union, held In Council Bluffs, and a second time, on April 24, at Hanacom Park Methodist church, with an attendance of fifty-eight. . The World-Wide Baraca Phllathea union waa organised twenty years ago by Mar shall A. Hudson of Syracuse, N. T. Thla class now has a membership of between 300 and 400 and In Syracuse there are 10S Baraca classes. In the United States there are over 600.000 men In Baraca classes and MARY AT THE LEOPARD SHOW Miss Garden Admires Trained Beasts From Jungle. ON VAUDEVILLE STAGE AT LAST Opera Star Makes First Appearance There, But Beblod the Curtains Interested In Tralnlnar of Animals. Mary Garden loves anlmnls. Therefore Omaha Is assured prominent place in Mary Garden's Impressions of her present concert tour. This isn't entirely Omaha's fault; It Is partly Omaha's good fortune. Mary Garden's first Impression of Omaha, you see, was of Omaha's packing houses. She dtdn'e visit them; she didn'e even see them, but she did use them an a topic of conversation against the trio of newspaper reporters who Invaded her railroad castle soon after It crossed Omaha's drawbridge. 6he then expresed both her Interest In the business which so quickly converts living creatures Into merchandise, and her Inter est in the animals before their conversion. But the more vivid impression was also a more convincing Imprenslnn of this Inter est In animals. It was the prima donna's visit to the leopards who have been ap pearing this week at the Orpheum. And the Mary Garden who watched the performance of the five beautiful Jungle expatriates was very different from the Mary Garden who leaned among the cush ions of the room of her car and lazily but graciously answered the queries of the rress representatives and made conversa tion. She was both more interested and more Interesting. Anyway this Mary Garden at the theater she was a very smart looking person. gowned In blue tailor-made and hatted In lavender ribbon bows, and accompanied by a well set up young Englishman leaned forward In the box and watched with most evident admiration the tricks of the little spotted beasts In the cage on the stage. And later, after the act, aha went behind the scenes and talked to the leopard and Madam valleclta, their trainer. First Appearanee In Vandevllle. It waa Mary Garden's first appearance on a vaudeville stage. She acknowledged the fact with a smile when queried. It was a very pretty first appearance and quite captivated those who witnessed It. First the visiting opera star wanted to go up to the stage and look at the leopards, perhaps Btroke them. A watchful attend ant warned her back. "The chinchilla fur, madam," he said. "They don't like that." And madam lifted the broad stole of fur with a light French movement of the shoulders and obeyed, stepped back a little. "1 wonder." she mused, "how long it took to teach those animals to play the 'Last Rose of Summer' as they do." To wonder was to know apparently, for the prima donna met the leopard tamer and aked her. The leopard trainer flushed slightly with pleasure and pride lu the other's Interest and answered "Just about two years." "Two years! Think of that. It must take a great deal of patience said courage.' The opera queen in her conventional atreet garb stood smiling across at the leopard a mistress, who still wore her steel link doublet and hose and tlright-hued cape- The leopard's mistress flushed aga'" In ber pleasure. "You have to keep right at it. don't yeu?" the opera queen asked. "That la. If you start to have them to do a trick you always make them do It. don't you?" A pause made the question Impressive "Oh, yea," the other replied "It wouldn't do at all not to. If I once let one off 1 would not be able to control him next time." I And the two women, who when they start out to do anything do it. Immediately understood each other. . Perhaps this understanding was 'respon sible for the eagerness with Which Mme. Vallecula later led Mary Garden to the cages and Introduced her first to gentle. ube.!:e:jt Tom, and then to growling, fero cioue U'aoe. Anyway, the Mary Garden who looked ao ! intently upon the performance of the leopards and chatted so eagerly with then trainer was more of the conquering, ou erai,t artist who haa won rank in the operatic firmament tlian was the Mary (iarden who talked lasily to tlie presa rrp ivftniauve who interrupted tier luncheon and offered to write stories about her. A Lite Problem solreel by that great health tonic, Kiectrio Bit trs. is enrichment of poor, thin blood and trei;gth-nl'ig the weak. foe. For sale by llaton rkg Co. MOTBatXBTTB Or OCEAH STSAJIBaTirS. r.rt Arrl..L S.IIM. BOTTERDAM UVKRl.L , Emp. of Brtuua. SW Y0KK.--..-L rrevwos. about JtiO.000 women In Phllathea classes. The fundamental principle of the organiza tion la forcible study, with a social fea ture added to hold the Interest of 'the members. In October, 1908, the Tri-Clty Baraca union was organised, with nine claaee In the three cities, Counoll Bluffs, South Omaha and Omaha. There are now twenty-six classes In Omaha, with a mem bership of more than 1,000. Dundee. Benson and Florence have recently1 been taken Into the organization. The national convention la to be held In Kansas City, June 10 to 15, and It Is esti mated that about J, M0 men and l.i00 women will be present. It Is planned for a spe cial train of four cars to go from Omaha carrying representatives from the Tft City - union and the state of Nebraska. Kansas City now has eighty-nine classes, with a membership of 4,000. Central Labor Union Enters Its Protest in McNamara Case Resolution Passed Denouncing Man ner of Arrest, of Secretary of Structural Ironworkers. f Alter a spirited aepate on tne propriety or tne use or certain expressions a resolu tion of protest against the kidnaping of McNamara and his conferes by the Cali fornia authorities wan drafted and ap proved by the members of the Central La bor union last nlKht at their regular meet ing. The resolution, which is based upon the constitutional right of liberty, Is as follows: Whereas. The constitution of the t'nlted States provides that no citizen shall be deprived of his liberty without due process of law; and, Whereaa. One .1. J. McNamars, whose home ie in Indiana, haa been unlawfully spirited out of the state without giving him a chance to produce evidence to show that he Ie Innocent of sa!4 crime; there fore, be it Resolved, By the Omaha Central Ijibor union, in regular meeting assembled, on behalf of our brother and organized labor, do condemn .this unjust, unlawful and un constitutional conspiracy In the effort to deprive a citizen of hla liberty; and. be it further Resolved, That we hereby call upon all union men and friends' of organized labor to unite for the purpose of preventing this foul conspiracy against right and Justice; tie it further Resolved, That the Central J.abor union pledge their moral and financial support to the outraged brothers who have been spirited across the continent and that we rail upon all our afflliateH unions to Join In this support. Several Interesting talks were made In the Interest of organised labor during the meeting. A plan for a co-operative store in Omaha waa amplified by C. A. Wicltes, secretary of. the CJ-Oparatlve Mercan tile company of Council Bluffs. A spe cial committee to look into the mat ter reported progress and the advisability of taking stock subscriptions was dis cussed. ' William Ollvy, general organizer of the I.abe.1 league and promoter of the United Garment Workere of America, told of the value of the label in propagating the principles of organized labor. He asked that all member of the unions de mand that their purchases have the union label stamped on them. Representatives from the machinists' lo cal announced that all the breweries of Milwaukee were on the "unfair list" and tha members of the Central Labor union were asked to report the matter to their respective locals for further action. Or ganizer C. M. Feider, in a speech on the necessity for organization among the labor unions of Omaha, announced that the time waa ripe for the formation of a union among the laundry workers of the city. He characterized the attitude of the Omaha locals as being listless in their siipport of the Central Lubor union. FIELD DAY FOR THE CHILDREN tnll nf Windsor Kcfcool Will Meet la Athletic and Uasvlsi Coatesta. Windsor school boys and girls will hold their annual field day of athletin eventa, May 12. Races and other sports by the boys and dancing by the glrla fill the proirram. Mias Harriet Rdd, principal of tha school, haa the pupils hold the field day eauh year, and declares that the affair this year will be much more exlemfive -than any thing ever tried before by the atudenta. The program of events will begin at t p. m., and will continue until late In the afternoon. Kach recees now at Windsor school a phonograph purchased by parents and frlenda of the scholars Is played for the children. REPUBLICANS t)F FIFTH MEET t'lep Eajojs Good irssloa aad Elects Offlrrrs for the Vear to Come. W. I. Kle:siead ai elected pr.'e dent of the r'ifth Ward Republican club at a meeting last night, held in McKenna's hall, corner of Plxteenth and Locust streets. W. Christie was presiding officer of the evening. The following club of ficers In addition to president were rhosen: Vice prei-ldent. F. K. Stone; secretary. L. A. Ionahue; tieasurer. Mr. Stukman Speeches were made by Police Judge llryoe Crawford, Councilman I a.ta, K. Mora tv, C. A. fields. Uob rt flmlih. Frank U-wy, Joe Hummwl, Frank liest. Henry ) trom and Mensrs. Belsel and Oenau. PERSONAL PARAGRAFH3 Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph Klx and family leave May 7 for Haltlmnre where the doc tor expects to take post-graduate work used pianos that will range in price from $35.00 up. " Some oi these are only slightl used and can hardly be told from strictly new instruments. This will undoubtedly be the greatest opportunity ever offered f secure a piano fr your home at an extremely low price Below arc some mi the wonderful bargains we will offer. Come early and make your selection. Easy terms; free stool and scarf. Wheat & Co., Upright V. AV. Kimball, Upright Arion Mueller, Upright Davis & Son, Upright Decker Bros., Upright Schoninger, Upright Vose & Sons, Upright Bradford Cable Piano Co Decker & Sons Chiekering & Sons Price & Teeple Schinner may: ROAD BOOSTERS WILL MEET Conference to Be Held at Holdrege ' . Sixteenth of May. PARISOE UHGIN0 ATTENDANCE Secretary of Kesrser, dob C alls oa Cltlaevna Alone; Proposed Roale of State HI ah war to Sap port Morement. A conference of the road booster of Ne braska Is to be held at Holdrege, May It, to consider plans for the construction of a state road which will connect Omaha with the Colorado system and establish a perma nent highway between Omaha and Denver. The movement now started contemplate an extension to Salt Lake City. George E. Parlaoe, secretary of the--Kear-ney County Good Roads club, Minden, la in charge of the preliminary arrangements of the movement. He ts urglngthe attend ance of road boosters from all towns along the route proposed. i The road goes through Omaha, Nebraska City, Lincoln, Eieter, Fairmont, Sutton, Harvard, Hastings, Minden, Holdrege, Ox ford, Arapahoe, Cambridge, McCook, Cul bertson. Palisade and Imperial. Mr. Parlsoe In a recent letter urging the Interests of the road movement, says: "An automobile route from Omaha to Denver, through to Salt Lake City, un questionably would be a great advertising medium for your city and our state. "As you know our legislature has made no provision for a state highway commls; sion. If we are to obtain a etate road, it Is up to every city along the proposed route to co-operate in obtaining a state organization as would give a permanency to the proposed route. "We must keep In mind that at present, aa shown by a Colorado state road map Issued by the Colorado state highway com mission that there la a road from Denver to Julesburg, Colo.; from Denver to Holy oke, Colo., and from Denver to Wray, Colo. "C. P. Allen, chairman of the Colorado state highway commission, strongly favors the road from Denver to Holyoke. through Wauneto, Imperial, Palisade, Culbertson, McCook, etc., and cities along the Burling ton. Yet Mr. Allen and hla commission have no power to establish a road In our state. "The cities and every other city along the Burlington that the proposed route as recommended by the Colorsdo state high way commission passes through, must get together and form a state organization. (."This matter Is urgent and demands im mediate attention. Each city along this route will be allowed only two accredited delegates. No favoritism will be shown. We need officer! who will push our state road. An organisation of these towns can prop erly advertise our route, publish an official tourists' guide and generally add ts the keeping of our route before the varloua automobile associations of the United States. "I will be grateful to you for any sug gestions that will make thla good road meet a success. Send the names of your delegates and the time of their arrival at Holdrege." Girl Dies in Spite of Serum Treatment Elizabeth Sanza Victim of Meningitis Flezner Eemedy Administered in Vain. respite tH. administering of the Flezner meningitis serum. Elizabeth Rants, died about midnight Thursday night. The serum, which is put out as a pre ventive and cure for the disease by the Rockefeller Institute of New York, was admli.i.tered to the child at 8t. Joseph's hospital Thursday noon before a c.lnlc which many vltli)g physicians attended. Dr. Millard Langfe!d administered ' tlie serum, asxifcted by Ir 11. M. McClana lian. and theae two physicians say that the child had an extremely aevere case of meningitis, with practically no hope of re covery from the very ftrat. The operation was rformed aa carefully as Is possible, ai d according to lr. ljtngfeld this Is the firvl of six caet i pon w hich It has failed to act. The rhlld had been unconscious .a-e the beg. lining of Its attack. The funeral sricea were heid Friday afternoon from St. Phllomena e church, with Father Stenaon presiding. $35.00 $50.00 $65.00 $75.00 $85.00 $100.00 ..,.$125.00 $125.00 $135.00 .$140.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $100.00 Conductor Still Lives After Shock from a Live Wire Charlet R. Meredith Has a Narrow Escape from Death on the Intemrban Line. After receiving a direct electric shock from the trolley wire that operatea the Omaha & Southern Interurban railroad be tween South Omaha and Fort Crook last night, Conductor Charles R. Meredith, M40 South Seventh etreet, Omaha, waa able to stay at tils' station until the car reached the end of the line. The Injured man waa then able to go to hla home unassisted. The car was bound toward South Omaha and when It reached Mission street In the outskirts of Bellevue, the trolley pole re quired attention. Both Conductor Meredith and Motcrman Fred Patterson climbed to the roof and were engaged In putting a new trolley pole In position when Con ductor Meredith slipped end was about to fall frpm the car. Grasping the live trolley wire with one hand aa the only stable support In reach, he still clung to the steel mechanlam of the oar and received the full current, connection with the ground in some way being established. Meredith was unable to loosen his grasp and Motorman Patterson risked hia own life to save his comrade, managing to pull him loose, also without Injury. Meredith, while very much unnerved, was not seriously hurt and though bis hands were burned, they were not so seriously hurt that he ras prevented from taking his car into South Omaha when the repairs on the top were finished. Trafflo waa de layed an hour by the accident. ' NEW PROSECUTOR GETS HIS FIRST CONVICTION Ben Williams ie renal Gallty of atabala Harry Mack la the Rack. A verdict of guilty was brought in by a Jury In district court yssterday against Ben Williams, colored, charged with the stabbing of Harry Mack. The assault occurred on the night of Easter Sunday at Nineteenth and Cuming streets, originating in a quarrel over a woman. Mack received a cut twelve inches long In his back. James M. FiUgerald was the prosecutor. It being his first criminal case In his new position of deputy county attorney. CATERPILLARS STOP A TRAIN Kastera Oklahoma ie Visited fcy a Plagrne of Pests -Hoaeee aad Trees Are Covered. TULSA, Okl., May . A paaeenger train was delayed at Manford, west of here, to day by thousands of caterpillar clustered on a bridge. The wheele of the engine, crushing the larvae, made the track slip pery and the drivers spun on the rails. Sand was Ineffective so the train was backed up, and after gathering momentum, slid through the mass of crushed worms. The plague of caterpillars Is general over eastern Oklahoma. At Orcutt park this afternoon strset cars were Slopped on ac count of the pefts and houses and trees were literally covered with them. MARY MINA CRITICALLY ILL Voaag lrl Was Lived at laaio Plaee as Mlaa ftlta Haa Meala Kltla. Mary Mina. aged 11 yeara, of 2M8 Cali fornia street, was taken to the Swedish Mission hospital Thursday night suffering from spinal meningitis. A peculiar coincidence ia that the child waa taken 111 about the same time aa Miss Anna Hits, who died as the result of eating randy bought at a ten cent store. Miss Sits and Mary Mlna lived at 2639 California street. It Is not thought thst the condition of the elck girl is due to eating any of the poisoned candy- Man llee la 'olfaa Hotel. COLFAX. Ia., May &. (Special.)-Thomas Cullen. a saloon keeper of Roclf Island. III., waa found dead In hla room at one of the hotels in this city at o'clock thla morning by the porter who went to call hlra for his train. He came to the hotel the day previous. The erdlct of the coroner's In'juest was 'alcoholic hesrt" Cullen wss a man of fine physique. 30 year old and leaves a widow and son at Rock Island. The body will be returned to his home for burial. ' Jacob Doll $160.00 Schaeffer $160.00 Chick eriug & Son $175.00 Stultz & Bauer .-$175.00 Ebersole $175.00 M. Peurices ' $185.00 Milton $190.00 H. & S. G. lindeinan $190.00 Estey, almost new $275.00 Sohmer, almost new $350.00 Knabe, almost new, raahog. case $375.00 Weber Grand $300.00 Hardin an Grand ..... ... .. . .$325.00 Player Pianos from ......... .$275 up AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Stock Yards Company is Floating Big Bond Issue. PLANS FOR IMPROVEMENT READY ' Prealdeat Daaham of Chicago Saya ArrsngemeaU Are Already torn. pietea ror Floating Honda Will Enlarge Sheep Ilaros. Five million dollar worth or bond will b floated during the next twenty years for Approvements by the Union stock Yards company of South Omaha. Ihm was Re dded by a vote yesterday at a meeting of the directors.' President R. J. Dunham of Chicago srM at the meeting that all arrangements for floating the bonds have been made'.-Ceveu hundred thousand dollars., will be Issued Immediately. Of this $400,000- will be used to take up floating Indebtedness and tho balance will be used to Install water works plant and make Improvements In the yards. These will Include enlargement of the slice;) barns to accommodate U.ouo more . animal and paving In the yard alleys. . The new water plant will supply water to the stock yards and the packing houses. Two big artesian wells are now bring dug on the bottoms of South Omaha to supply water for the new plant to be built by the Union Stock Yard company, v Fnneral of Jamea H. Ilrndy. The funeral of James H. Hrady -will be held from the home of his father-in-law, James Hardest, 452 U street, Monday morning at 8:39 o'clock to Ft. Mary's church where masses will be celebrated at t o'clock. Burial will be In St. Mary's ceme tery. Mngle City Uoaslp. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Tralilor entertained party of friend last evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. Arent, 24 J street port the birth of a daughter. - Mr. and Mre. Fred Clearer.' 4H0 South Twentieth street, report tlie birth of a daughter. To Suburban Home Hoekors: A nice acre tract on boulevard, north of Bellevue col lege, half block from interurhsjn car lne, covered with about f'fty natural trveji. This being high ground, comttmnda one of the verv few beautiful river vlewe VT tlilrtv miles. Telephone, electrio light, good title and reasonable price. An Ideal spot for country home. J. l'eters, 241t N street CATARRH nc tuc Ul I IIL 1 STniuinnH" Could Hardly Eat. Gradually Craw Wcrse. Relieved by Peruna. Mr. A. M. lUerd. Box 31 West Bur lington. 1-. writes: "I- had ca tarrh of tha small Intes stomai h sikI tines for ft number of years. I went Ui a number 0 f doctors und got mi relief, and finally one of in yy doctors sant me to Chicago, and 1 met the same. fate. They said they could could du nothing for they could do of the atom aclt and there waa no cure Mr. A. M. Ikerd. I almost thought tlie same, for my I could not eat misery, and I breath aa offensive and anything without great gradually grew worae. 'Finally I concluded to ti'y t'eruna. and I found relief and a cure for tliat dreadful dlaease, catarrh. I tork five bottles of I'eruna and two of Manallii, and I now feel like a new man. There la nothing Letter than Peruna, and I keep a bottle of It In my house all the tlni." j . ' ") - t ;':'' :' '. i ' ' "' W J LtnnnaMt'asnV.V '. annnannnnasnslBaskandtsB I r i J 1HV I4a