The Omaha Sunday Bee. PART SIX WOMAN'S SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PART SIX DRAMATIC SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XL .-NO. 46. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNIXCS, MAY 7. 1JU1. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. A Host Tremendous Foulard Silk Sale Monday Our Entire 75c Line Goes at 49c For Monday's Quick Selling, we will offer our entire stock of 75c FouldrJ Silks, in all the very newest shades, including those Old Hose, Copenhagen, Navy, Tan, Olive, Brown, Black and White shades We find we are overloaded in 75c Foulard silk and must sacrifice our profits to unload this stock at once. Never before have such prices been given on such Foulards so early in the season. Come Monday sure, 75o Foulards, at pet yard 1 49c Magnificent Showing of New Dress Goods Six Big Shipments of (just arrived) Imjwrted Dross Goods Fabrics cam Satur day from Europe's most famous mills. The new shades of tans, creams and cream imd black, pin and pencil striped fabrics are foremost in these goods. It is, we think, the most perfect line and most attractive stock we've over shown. The prices range from 59c to $1.75 Wc know you'll enjoy this part of your Monday's shopping trip. Woman Who Needs a Tailored Suit Will I J rEE Om Ladles' Itmi Journal rattan with I I I copy of Ww Ittman Style Book at 80c. J Linens and White Goods for Graduation Gowns Graduation time is "Glad Time," the long wished for time, when students arc t be congratulated. And Bennetts mst heartily congratulate ymu all. Graduation time is re joicing time, rejoicing over jour first real success, for success it is. To those who will graduate this June, we wish to call your attention to the new linens and white goods that just came in from foreign and Domestic mills. Beautiful fabhics these that will make up charmingly into commencement gowns. Note, too, the range in prices 27-Inch Imported Voil, the newest and daintiest patterns; per yard, at 25 32-lnch St. Gall Dotted Dresses, beautiful goods, at 75c a yard; Monday, per yard 49 4 8-inch French Lawn, very sheer, our best 4 5c kind; Monday, yard 25 45-lnch Persian Lawn, extra quality, 35c value Monday, per yard lt) 27-lnch Embroidered Batiste, Mulls, Swisses and Lawns; our best 35c and 60c goods; extra special Monday, per yard 25 90-Inch All Linen Sheeting, the finest quality, round thread, Just the kind for suits and skirts; 1.50 quality, per yard 98 Wash Goods Near Silk Cotton Foulards clot, tripe, border and scroll effects and some beau'lful border pat terns 15o and lto Egyptian Tissue A new line Just arrived 100 different styles at, per yard SSo New Bordered Lawns Floral bordered effects on white grounds 40 Inches wide, at, per yard 850 Summer Bedding For Cool Nights Here's Some Strong Iiducements Large Sized Summer Com fortersFinished with the very best white coverings and filled with cotton, $4.00 value; Monday-for $2.98 72x90 Seamless Bod Sheets S9o ones, Monday, each at 64c 43x3G-inch Pillow Cases Extra good quality, 19o ones for 15c 32-inch Art Sateens All fast colors and in assorted patterns. Beautiful goods for cushions.. Big special Sale Monday, per yard at 27VC Every Final Clearance Sale of Peninsular Ranges ,14 Ranges to go at Less Than llalf Price. That we may enter next Fall's Range season with an all new, clean took, Monday we will sell regardless of former prices the balance of our last season's stock. ' 2 No. 8-17 Advance Ranges with 16x19 oven, high closet, reservoir and duplex grate, $38.75 values for 910.50 4 No. 8-19 Advance Ranges with 18x20 oven, 6 holed, No. 8 top and warming oven, $30.00 value for 914.50 2 No. 68 17'Flalnished Steel Ranges, fully nickel plated, duplex grate, high closet, 17x19 oven, a very high class range, , $47.00 value for only $23,50 1 No. 68-21 Plainlshed Steel Ranges, same aa above, but has 20x21 oven and reservoir; regular $65.00 value, at $30 4 No. 68-19 Plainished Steel Ranges, same aa above except It has 18x20 oven, a remarkable range at $32; Monday for $24.50 Trim mm: med HatsforSui mm $3.30 to $5.00 WHY pay seven to ten dollars for footwear? Right here you : can purchase, at half these prices, - dalhty " Dorothy x Dodd" styles that rival the best in custom shoemaking:. Snappy, original designs, lifted far above the ordinary, have linked the words, "Dorothy Dodd," with the highest "in the shoemakers art. BENNETT'S m m er andEvenmg V ear These are Tailored Hats of exquisite white hemp, S popular roll sailor hats rt - r r -x niltltll 1 -lVTi'lm ctliu ucauuiui imc ivinau hats, trimmed with the new French bows in sum and cool feather bands and other pretty summer trimmings; : fj t Included in .o'ur display arc .aUbvrich"" LacerHityiir purer "white elegantly, trimmed with pretty little French. JU wer and wreath. Monday-We offer the to at extrabrdinaxy prices- ., ! ' , !; .. .' 7.S0 and . $10.0.0: v . - Instead of $15.00 and $20.00. Find Bennett's Suits More to Her Liking. Because, those women who have made the rounds say, "We are showing f a much larger and finer assortment of pretty styles and fabrics than any other Omaha store." Our display shows suits of Individuality and Distinction that only care- 'j fully chosen and perfectly hand tailored suits possess. So Monday it might be well to come here first Monday we're offering two splendid specials, too, besides lowering the prices. $5.00 Messaline Petticoat Free With each Suit purchase of $19.50 or more. Tree All this week All necessary Suit Alterations. Tans, Navy, Grey and Cream Serge Suits are the most popular These we are showing in b'2 distinctive styles in plain shade, pin stripe, pencil stripe and shepherd checks, as well as many novelty patterns. I rices lor iiuiiuu, s nuic i $45.00 Hand Tailored Suits $35.00 $40.00 Hand Tailored Suits ... $29.50 $:?5.00 Hand Tailored Suits $25.00 $30.00 Hand Tailored Suits $19.50 i Continuation Sale Star Cut Glassware at Half Price Water Sets, Wine and Whiskey Sets, Tumblers of all kinds, Champagne Glasses, Wines, Cordials, Cocktails, Creme de Menthes, Jugs and Decanters. Everything in fact, Half -Price. Muslin Underwear Six new styles In Corset Covers and Drawer Combinations for women. Some have English eyelet and blind swiss embrotd- ' ery; others have baby Irish lace and torchon lace trimmings. These garments are made of fine nainsook the drawers are circle shape and finished with baby ribbon draw strings at neck and waist Monday . . . . $1.25 III i J.. mer shade SPKCIALS 500 dozen Colonial Tumblers, very good quality, ROc kind, Monday, C for 15 100 Colonial Water Sets, either Tankard or Pitcher and 6 glasses, also nickel tray complete, for 7S Large Colonial Ice Tea Tumblers, $1.50 values, per dozen 005 Heavy Hotel Tumblers, 'fluted or plain bottoms, first quality, at, per dozen, only 50 Mew Things for the Mouse Many shipments this week bring new curtains, shirtwaist boxes, chests, bed bolsters and wall papers. For an extraordinary disposal, this mid season disposal of house furnishing holds somethimg for every houschoU. A Complete Realization of Sum mer Coolness in Women's, Waists For example see these at $2.95 Here's the new Lingerie Waists with the'little Dutch. neck cut low and square, with yoke q( pin tucks and three quarter Mikado sleeves. The trimmings are of silk em- broidery in Bulgarian shades we're showing these in all sizes, at , $2.95 Here's a very jaunty little waist, of striped messaline, with low round neck and narrow sailor collar of plain shade material to match. The Mikado sleeves are three-quarter length, finished with cuff to match collar. These come in blue and white, blacks and white, and brown and white. The Windsor tie of ground shades lends a remarkable charm and finish to these waists, at $2.95 Bennett's AVnists Display Every Dreamed for Hope of Milady. Shirt Waist Boxes Covered with Japanese Matting, air tight, some have casters, each a very necessary piece of furniture (or every women's bed room. The sizes, The Cost 16x28 Box for S3. 75 17x32 Box for $4.25 18x38 Box for $6.25 18x4 8 Box for $.75 21x48 Box for $7.75 Copper trimmed, have lock and casters. RED CEDAR CHESTS. 17x33 Chests for $8.50 18x39 Chests for $11.75 New Curtains Three big shipments of beautiful Snowflake curtains in assorted de signs, Monday sold at prices with big saving power. 1 lot to go at, each 37 1 lot to go at, each 75 1 lot to go at, each. '. . . .JJl Regular prices from $1.50 to S4.00. Bed Bolsters Come in pretty light summer shades and patterns, full bed size, very light and have opening for pillows, Monday, at. $1.50 Wall Paper Sale A fresh shipment of ingrain and varnish gilt wall papers from one of the largest eastern paper houses came in Friday. Monday these are offered at smaller prices 25c Ingrains, all colors, roll. . 10 85c Gilts for parlor, and all down stair rooms while they last, extra special, at, per roll ) Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's KxcUior Flour, suck, SI. 60 And 6U Stamps. Queen of Pantry Paatry Flour, LM-lh. sack for 91.85 And 40 Stamp. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. ran fur 63o And 40 Stamps. Teas, assorted, per lb 48 o And 40 Stamps. Tea tilftlngs. 1-lb. pacliHge for. . ISO And 80 Stamps. B. C. Baking powder, 'fc-lb. can, 13o And & Stumps. 8. W. C. Table Syrup, 1 nt. can tor lOe Cheese. Full Cream, per lb SOo And 10 Stamps. 30c Can Old MlJion Itlpe Olives, ISO Maple Butter, per can 85e And -0 Stamps. B. C. Maple Syrup, per can 300 Candled Orange, Lemon, per lb., ISO Columbia Milk, S large cans for SSo Ualllard's Pure OUvo Oil. small bot tle for , SSo And 10 Stamps. 20 Lbs. Granulated Sugar for 1.00 Vegetable and Flower Seeds, two packages for So (Six lbs. Navy Beans, for 860 Yrk Violet Toilet 8oap, 3 cakes for 860 .And 10 titampa.. SOUBIiS STAMPS OH BUTTIS IBB MONDAY. vtosdstsattisBB&SjaaaLi LONDON SOCIETY ENTRANCED One of the Most Brilliant Seasons in History Assured. BRITISH CAPITAL HOLDS C0UET Er's ( All Br t'eatered Thereon anal Notables TaronlQ Thereto la Harrr Kaaotlons (or Irish aad Hrotrh. BT 1.ADY MAN WARING. IjONPON. May (Special to The Bee.) London Is beginning one of the most brilliant social teason of Its history. lUr.'ly ban there been ouch busy three mon'hi for numbers of fie fashionable wirld to negotiate and by the end of July a rft In the country and a trip abroad will be greatly nerdrd. The functions In wllch the court and society will partici pate have b gun. and with the coronation season near at hand society In F.uropo has attention centered In affairs In London. lb fact that their malestles will hold courts at luiblln Castle and at Holyrnod Pnlnce will, to a certain extent, ease this congested state of affairs, and It is un derstood that Irish ladies and gentlemen are requested to attend the court In their oan capital at Iublln Castle, and a similar intimation has been conveyed with regard to (he Scottish court. In all other reitpects ths courts will follow the precedent set by the late king, and their majesties will re main seated throughout the evening. The court goes out of mourning for the late Km lid ward on Monday. May S, and on Friday. May 12. their majesties will attend the Imperial conference in connection with the Festival of F.inplre at the Crstal palac. On May 13 the German emperor aad empress and their daughter. Irinces Louisa, UJ arrive at UuckinfcUam palace on a visit to the king and queen, und o i the following day the unveiling of Queen Victoria's statue, which has b-en so long In course of erection, will take place by the king in the presence of their perman majesties and all the members of the royal family of England at that time. t'omsaaasl Theatricals. On Wednesday night. May 17. there will bo a command performance at Drury Lane theater, which Is to be graced by the presence of their majesties and their Im perial guests. The play selected for this Interest ng event Is Loid Lytton's "Money," and nearly all the leading actors and actretscs of Kurope will appear in the cast. The royal naval and military tournament la to open on May 1 at Olympla, and the king and iiueen have promlatd to attend one of the performances during the fort night the tournament is open. The queen's birthdsy will he celebrated ori Friday. May 26, and on V'ednes lay. May 31. th Ir mij bties and a very dl. t nguished com pany will be present at Epson In order to witness the Perby. In the evening hU ma Jeaty will act as host, for the first time, to the members of the Jockey club, the ban quet taking place at Buckingham palace. Queen Mary will honor the duke and duchess of Devonshire on this evening nth her presence at dinner and many of her personal friends will be present. Later In the evening the duchess of Devonnhlrc will give a ball, which the king and his guets from Buckingham palace will go to afar dinner. This hall w.ll be the fust given by the duke and duchess of Devon shire. The king an J queen will attend the ace for the Oaks on Friday, June 2. On the following day the king l 1 celebrata l is Mithday, and with the quten and mem bers of the royal family and court will go tu Windsor csstle for the Whitsuntide recess. The last few weeks havs been marked by the marriage of an unusually large num ber of persons In London. Two peers were married on April 27. The first of these marriages was that of the earl of Hard wlcke and Miss Nellie Russell, the daugh ter of the late Mr. James Uussell and of Mrs. James Russell of New Zealand. This marrlaxe was held at St. Peter's, Eaton square. The second was that of Lord O'Hagan, who was for some time a lord-ln-waitlng to tho late k mt." and Mis Frances Strachey. daughtir tf Sir Edward Strachey. It took place at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and afterwards a reception was held at 14, Que'.n Anne's gate, wh cli was lent for the occasion by Mr. and Mrs. J. St. Joe Strachey. On the same day Mr. Charles Lyell. member of Parliament, and Miss Rosalind Watney, daughter of Mr. Vernon James and !-ady Margaret Watney. and nelce of the arl of Portsmouth, were married. The wedding took place at Cornbury, near Ox ford, q Hen. Jasper IiT3)ey. brother of Viscount Ridley, and Countess Nathalie Bencken dorff. the only daughter of the Russian ambassacor and Countess Renckendorff, Were married on Friday, April 2ft. at the Russian church, Welbeck street. A recep tion was held at the Russ an awbasay at Chesham Place fol owing the ferriage. Lord 8t. John cf Bletsoe and Miss Ethel Lutley hsd a very quiet wedding at the private chapel at Brockampion. Hereford shire, on Wednesday. At St. Margaret's church. Westminster, the same afternoon. Captain the Hon. Al gernon tttrutt was married to the Hen. Eva Bruce. The bridegroom la a young officer In the Second life guard and the son and heir to Lord Belper. His bride is the youngest daughter of Ixjrd A her ds r. and after the ceremony I-iy Aber dare held a reception at U Eaton square. On Tuesday L'vlonel the Hon, aLU Tal bot, a brother of Lord Talbot de Malahlde, was married to Miss Eva Jpice at St. Peter's church, Eaton square, and the same afternoon witnessed the marriage of the Hon. Francis Needham, younger son of tho earl of Kllmorey, to Miss Esther Combe, the daughter of Mr. and iJidy Constance Combe, and cousin of the Mar quis Conyngham. This took place at the Guard's chapel. Wellington barracks. On Thursday Mr. Pryce Harrison and Lady lattice Cholmondeley, the only daughter of the marquis and Marchioness of Cholmondeley, was married at St. Mar gaiet's church, Westminster, and the same day Mr. Walter Roch and Mips Florence Herbert, the daughter of Colonel Sir Ivor and the Hun. Iady Herbert, took place at IJanarth. On Saturday the Hon. Rack ville Tufton, a younger son of Lord and Lady Ilothfleld. was married to Miss Cicely Hill at St. Paul's church, Knights bridge. The marriage of Mr. Richard Sturgls Seymour of the British embassy In Berlin and Miss Victoria Fltzroy, a granddaughter of the duke of Grafton, was celebrated at St. Genevieve's church, Euston, near Thet ford, and the same afternoon there was the martage of Mr. Robert Emmett and Ijidy Alexandra Danby, the widowed niece of the t;arl of Aylesford. t hllslrea to Celebrate. Hundreds of thousands of children throughout the British empire will cele brate the coronation of King George V. On the day of the celebration 100.0(0 chil dren will be entertained by the king at the Crystal palace; at Edinburgh V.ono others will be regaled by the city; at New castle there will be a party of 60.000 strong; York will entertain 20.000; Birmingham. Portsmouth. Brighton, Windsor and other towns will add their quota to the list. It Is also expected that by the time the young aljKt expected that by the Uino the young- I sters have been to the Festival of Empire at the Crystal palace the total will reach somewhere about 400,000. The British Chamber of Commerce In Paris will enter tain about 13,000 guests. I.ady Lodlorr Dead. Death claimed one of England's most noted society matrons In the death of Lady Ludlow, who died suddenly at he country residence. Lady Ludlow was a daughter of the late Mr. William Holden and mar ried Lord Howard de Walden In 17. Lord Howard de Walden died In 130, and his widow married Iord Ludlow thirteen years later. Lady Ludlow was one of the most beau tiful women In society, fays the Evening News, and was In the seventies and early eighties, with Lady de Bathe, then Mrs. Langtry, and Mrs. George Cornwallis-West, among the prettiest women in England. Ills Klsslna Bee. A quaint kissing custom still exists In the pretty little Wiltshire town of Hunger ford. An ancient toll is claimed by the authorities on Easter Monday from every man and woman In the town. From the men the toll Is one penny, but that Imposed upon the women Is a klw. The custom Is maintained by the beadles, who march from house to house and levy their quaint taxes. After the beadles have had their Innings, any msn Is at liberty to klrs any girl that he meets. And llungerfurd is crowded with visitors on Easter Monday Kla son the Jauip. King George Is now the busiest man In England, and at the coronation season will doubtlet-s be the most strenuous period of his career. During the coronation fes tlvltles the king win hardly have one moment's rest. Every day will see some off i lal function of an exacting nature which he has consented to attend. Tho Key to the Situation ilee Want Ads FEDERAL PRISONERS GUILTY Three of the Five Indicted Enter Pleas of Guilty. MORRISON SAYS "NOT GUILTY" Mast, for Whom Special (.rand Jury la tailed Kails Pleud as Was Expected that He Would. Four of the five prisoners, who were indicted by 'the federal grand Jury on Thursday were taken before Judge W. H. Munger In the I'nlted States district court to enter plea, Saturday morning. Three pleaded guilty and tho other nut guilty. James Owens, pleaded guilty to having In his posxevslon faUe an I altered obli gations of the I lilted Slutex. In company with W. L. Snephard, Owens raised II bills to a ti denomination and attempted to pass the same on a woman who runs a small candy store in South Omaha Shephard claimed that he was an unwill ing participant In the deal, but ulso pleaded guilty. Owens drew a finu of three years in ths federal prlaun at Uav enworth and Shephard was given eighteen months In the sams place. Mrs. Carrie fcmllh pleaded guilty to mailing noii-mallgble matter and sentence as put off until Monday morn'.ne;. Mis. Smith Is raid to have written letters through the mall claiming to be a doctor for women's diseases. The contents of the letter were not In keeping with the government law. Mrs. C. J. Junes who was indlctid for the same off-nss was granted a continuance until the early part of next week, before entering her plea. Frank Morrison fur whuiu toe special grand Jury was called, contrary to expec tations entered a plea of not guilty after having signified to the United States at torney that he was willing to plead guilty. Morrison Is alleged to have written letters to seveial young girls throughout tho state of Nebraska, which were of such a charac ter that they were not written on the in dictments. The entire morning was used Saturday in hearing the pleas of the prisoners and sentencing them. The case against Frank .Munlaon will in all probability be taken iip on either Monday or Tuesday. To Hold Omaha to New York Talk Party Bell Company Will Entertain Repre sentatives of Press with Lonjj Distance Chats. The K. 11 Telephone company will om open public service lines between Omaha. Chicago and New York, nml to' celebrate the event C. E. Yost, president of tho Ne braska company, las planned an Informal gathering of i epreaentatlves of the press for th- firm tilks over thesa lines. 'ihe Omana gathering w 11 be held In Itooin Keiintdy building. Nineteenth and Douglas streets, bit the date of ths party has not bten arranged. I'olaled I'ara graphs. Moderation Is one thing that is rare In the extreme. If a girl has pretty hands khe can afford to diapeime with gloves. Don't display our luck of knowledge by ImaHting about what you know. Care Is kaid to hate killed a eel, hut there is H lot of isie ami a lot of cats thai fail to gel tog'-thei . Hefoio marriage a uoinan think? he ou;lit to hate a protector, but after mar riage Hlie diHCovriK that Khe has a hu irauii tu protect. Chicago Nevta.