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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1911)
FRAYS FOR AMATEURS TODAY Quigley Brothen' Gang Will Hop to It at Park. ' TROUBLE BREWING AT BENSON Ta Combats, Flairs Attlnl l'p dlkee a.a TroM KHo Venae Ike Lif mm 4 Vae Nlae, Ar Hrfceelaled. Two lively jamborees arc on the list t "'Fort Omaha for this afternoon. Flrt rvent, Advos VI. Counrll Bluffs Imperials; second frtra. Townnends vs. Hanscom Parks. The Bluffs atand unanimous with the derision that the Advos will have to ramhle aome to steal a march on them. Iawla will deliver his Junk for the Advos. The much talked of Hanscom Park-Town-send fray will commence promptly at 8:3 p. m. This game ahould be a thrilling affair. Morearty will shoot 'em over the oyster for the ctinners, while Bogatts or Rcott will dish them out for the shady out fit. Next Funday the Hanscom Parks will play the Americana at Rourke park. . From southtown today the Shamrock base ball machine will ride the cushions to Columbus, Neb., where they will meet the leae-ners that represent the man that discovered America In that town In the Nebraska Stale league. They had a con test booked with Columbus for last Sun day, but climatic conditions kept the Shamrocks In Packersville. Hortora Will Rr( Some time a so the tfootors, a South Omaha aggregation, booked a pair of arguments with Waterloo, Neb., one of which waa played yesterday and the other will take place today. Neitt Sunday tho Hoctore will glide up to Herman. Neb., for weet revenge. About a month ago the Hermanltea cleaned the Hoctor nine. Out at the Benson base ball park thia afternoon" two games that have created considerable Interest among the patrons of said park will be pulled off. The first de bate will be between the Benson Eagles and the Updlkea. Baker or Hadley will do the slinging for the flour boys. Sabln, the lad associated with the Nebraska School for the reaf aquad, la billed to hoist the pelleU for the Benson Eagles. After the first duel the J. 8. Cross kids will fuse with the Long A Voase herd. This game ought to be a hum dinger because rivalry of a vinegar nature exists between the two teams and they are about evenly matched. Across the muddy at the Merchants' horaehlde factory, located at Thirty-fifth street and Broadway, the ginks from Au burn, Neb., of the Mink league wUI line up againat the Council Bluffs Merchants. Ed Dvgert. formerly a atar on the Merchants team, will be seen with the Auburn salaried rets. Left winger Humbach la slated to do the tossing for the Merchants, and Hlrsch, the Omaha product, will In all probability heave the sphere for the leaguers. Marlon Gibson, the cheese of the Mer chants. Is well pleaaed with the ahowlng made to date by hla warriors and he states with emphasis that bis horde won t drop many arguments thia. season. x Railroad Boys Bay, That big pen pusner Joint located on Tenth and Farnara streets, known as the Burlington headquarter, has gathered to gether a crowd of pellet handlers for the purpose of informing the publio that Mr. Hill Is atlll on the railroad map and to show some of our make-lt-ln-nothlng teams that the Chicago, Burlington Qulnoy office men can play the great national amusement aome themselves. J, c. An drews plays the leading part. Teams wish ing struggles address J. C. Andrews, care Burlington headquarters, or telephone Douglaa 4753. Following la the lineup; Carver, catcher; Jaroah and Andrews, pitchers; Archibald, first base; Nordeen, eoond base; Liey. third base; Jaroah and Andrews, shortstop; Co) burn, left field; Bnyder, center field; Lindeman. right field. Thta team will play on Saturdays only. Acroas the road from the Burlington gen aral office, their neighbors, the Omaha Printing company, are on the sick list with the baa ball fever. Soma time ao A. R. UcElhenle caught a base ball germ nd he spread the disease through their shack. Here Is the gang that will repre sent the printing house: Kirch t. catcher; Lehr. pitcher; Wlldom. first base; Mlnlkua second base; Kope, third; Mangle, left; Arm, center; Kouth, right On May SO they will meet the Midland Glass and Paint company nine and on the following- Satur day the Carpenter Paper company outfi. For Quarrels with the Omaha Printing com pany crowd addresa A. R. MoElhenle, care the Omaha Printing company, or telephone lou-laa MC Next Saturday they will wrangle with the Byrne & Hammer bunoh. Achates te Hersaaua. This morning the Royai Achates will nab -steamboat for Herman. Neb., where they will do their utmost to bring home the chicken. So far the tribe at Herman has been sending the Omaha lads home with the sad tale, but the Achates say they are coming back all covered with the smile of triumph. Here Is hoping the examiner treats them on the square. Tvfeetbar or not It happens the Omaha crew that re turns with the short end invariably toesea out the story that the umpire waa the best player with the opposition, for ha made put outs that were Impossible for the vll lags lad a. Next Saturday the Toung Men's Christian association company will hoof It out to Fort Omaha and play a return match with the boy. n blue stationed there. Tester day the Toung Men's Christian association Played the soldiers on the Toung Men's Christian association field. A few moons ago the Burlington Red Socks gathered their base ball toggery to gether and as It looked fit for another season they decided to organlae for this term. A. C. Warn berg was unanimously aiected to do the managerial stunt. Any team wishing a game send your Invitation to A. C. Wamberg. 1017 South Tenth, or telephone Douglas 236. Here Is the gang Clemens, catcher; Blondean and Kuni pitchers; Wamberg. firet base; Way. seo ond base; Stevens, third base; Hopple, shortstop; Loving. O'Connor and White outfielders. At Forty-fifth and Pacific streets this afternoon the Red Socks will open the season with the fast Independents. Raagers vs paldlaca, A game which has caused many an argu ment between players and fans as to which team Is the It will bo pulled off this after noon at Thirtieth and Spalding streets when the Rangers and the Spaldlnga tie up. The Spaldlngs ought to play some ball on a street bearing their appellation. Next Saturday afternoon at Diets park the Imperials will endeavor to threeh the speedy club warriors. Some time ago they tried to turn the trick, but they were badly fooled. Now that their lineup has been strengthened considerably by the ad dition of a couple of huskies they are of the opinion that the bacon can be copped by them. We won t state what the Diets think about the outcome. Last Sunday old man Pluvious put a crimp In ail the tan, lea booked for Omaha and the surrounding burgs. The players and bugs at the amateur lounging quarters found U a tough proposition all laat week to scout up something In the base bail line te gabble about, as they couldn't say, -He ought to caught that one In his trap, or didn't he sing one at a critical period." or tell about some fellow that had aa off day or cough about how rotten tho umpire happened to be, consequent!? tho only fscts talked about were the games sched uled for yesferdsy snd this afternoon. Today the Rourke family will be In Ft. Jostph, therefore the park will be utlllred by a quartet of amateur squads. The first mix at Rourke park this afternoon will be between the Holly and the Americans. For years these two teams have been rivals and all their matches border the nip and tuck route. Pat McAndrews, the Holly conductor, says he Is going io corner the initial game today and Ioule Korher, the Americana' mainspring spits out the same dope. Well, this evening somebody will have to confesa that he spelled the word win with too much confidence. Immediately after the first muss the Quigley Bros, will settle their troubles. Wlllard yulgley Is the chieftain of the Ferret Kyrups and Frank, Quigley manages the Stors Triumphs. season the sticky chaps had a shade the ht-st of the argument, hut this season the Muds boys are confident of licking the molanses kids. For the. Ktori Triumphs Hobble Probst will be the delivery clerk, while C'hamber lin. the new find, will hurl the pill for the syrup mixers. I.aet season all the games between these two teams were extraor dinarily clime, and as both Ran are about evenly matched a hard tussle for the win ning pearly Is anticipated. Mne-up for first game: . Holly. Americans. Dougherty Shortstop Smith Olllhani Second Itase Rapp Kilrksnn Ift Field Trncev Kelly Third I" tee Shercr Falconer renter Field Denny P Kelly First Base IVnnlsoh McAndrews R1cht Field Har-hlen Runam Cstiher Panue Hli-key Pitcher Adams Line-up for second game: " Farrels. JJ'cn Center Field I.ehr "all Second Base Kranda Right Field Brophy Drummy First Base Quigley Kastman j... I,eft Field O Neil McLean.... Shortstop Kucera Durkee Third Base Atkins Hatchen Catcher Taylor Catcher Rapke Probst Pitcher Chamnerlln Bruggeman Pitcher Toung Gossip of the Amatewrs. Up to date the Aavos have been going at a merry clip. Manager Mullen has signed Jack Dworak for the Townsends. Last week several changes were made in the Council Bluffs Merchants lineup. Now the Long and Voase squad want to add the Royal A rebates to their victory Hereafter Phillips will ramhle around the short stop Job for the Council Bluffs Mer- vnams. stors Triumph's twlrler. He also has every other twist on the globe and all kinds ui smoae. Tickle the bell On South W8S and ask for Thomas Currsn for games with the South u.ana juercnania. At the present writing the Council Bluffs Invincible are badly crippled, consequently they can't act today. Dygert. formerly of the Council Bluffs Merchants, is attached to tho pay check crowd at Auburn, Neb. Recently Wlllard Quigley. the Farre.ll general, nooxeo Wilson Atkins. He will tatort around corner three. In Stevens the Hanscom Parks have a nifty fly catcher. He gluee 'em all and can cover an acre of ground. Watchler Is the policeman for the BpaJ dlngs in left field. When he gets his paws near your smack klsa It farewell. John Denniaon is the candy on the first mat for the Americans. Already this sea son he has tickled 'two for the count. When Dukes Dougherty arrives from that nign crow investigation back east he will cover the first sack for the Field club. Blanchard of the Roval Achates sent in his resignation. He used to pick things up at third for the Insurance aggregation. On comer two Bucher stabs tbem for the Spaldlngs. He has a speedy Whip, lots of smser ana is mere witn me mushroom. You fllngers that want to get wise to uuging me one you can count the seams on should talk to Tony Bruggeman. the The geeser that wears glasses en and off me Dan neia, vis: Nig Dow, works behind the platter for the Rod and Gun club organisation. All the Saturday teams will have to get moir nai racas, juncn nooks and pedals busy to slip anything ovsr on the Diets aggregation. ... Skyscraper Drummy of the Stors Tri umphs still spanks 'em like a regular Frank Chance. His .saps generally call for extra pillows. That famous Council Bluffa olouter known as Hodge will attend to matters in left field for the Council Bluffs Merchants. . He formerly worked at second. For the Hollys. Burt Street McAndrews puts the undertaker sign on that ones that wander to the right pasture. Bert Is also heavy with the ash furniture. Back of the pan for the Shamrocks of South Omaha, Tost Is the sweet meat. He has 'an accurate peg, plenty of pep and knows how to use his cranium. Don Eastman has slrned aa nfrlnlal scorer for the Happy Hollow bunch. He Knows the game like a book, therefore the Hollowltes are well fortified In that de partment. Last Thursday evening Rex Eastman surprised the suds family by bringing his fikine out to Rourke park for a little praotlee. Rex la the custodian of the left meadow for the Stors Triumphs. , Bird Man Ready to Fly in Monoplane T' e r '' V .... (... . 1'2 ' ; ..'; i ; ' ' . .m- V ct a, r :' L'U,!. ! MA 1 Cnob-Jolnt'' Sard aad left Coras (aw Remarkab! Horn Treatment For All Foot TraubUa Compound Caiiouses Sweaty Offensive Tee "Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of Calo ilde compound In a ba-iln of hot water, soak the feet In this for full fifteen minute.' time will not bring results.) Massage the sore parts gent! while in the water." Thin should he repested for h number of nights until Hie cure Is permanent. The effects are sJmnst magical. All wnreness goes in stantly and the feet teel so good that the whole nervous system Im benefited. Corns ami caj louses chi he peeled right I'ff. Bunions are reduced end the In flammation drawn out sweaty, bad smelllnR feet and nw.llen, tender feet need but a few applications. Any drug- fist has t'aloclde In stock or will get it ram his wholesale house. A twenty five cent package Is usually sufficient to cure the worst feet, t'aloclde Is not a patent ssedlclne. Formerly used only by doctors, but now is obtslnsble by the public In general, and is saving many an hour of torture for thousands. rreaeh eel Oram Ingrown ft ails Aching Tender Test RENE, BARRIER, WHO WILL SOAR AT THE SPEEDWAY THIS WEEK. Omaha Boys Eeady for the Missouri Valley Track Meet Beit in the School to Try for Honors , at Lincoln Next Sat urday. , Omaha High school will enter Its best athletes for the Missouri alley track meet which will be held at Lincoln next Sat urday. Coach R. L. Cama has not se lected definitely Just who will constitute the squad which will represent Omaha, but will enter the best men for each event. Omaha is entitled to a squad of ten men. Students of the Omaha High school who witnessed the dual track meet with Belle vue college were highly elated over the re sults of the meet. Omaha broke two rec ords and gained three flrxt places. Although several of the last year's squad which entered In the Missouri Valley meet have graduated from the school, there still remain several In school who will make the squad this season. Fraxer, Omaha's crack quarter-mile runner, who took first place In this event, haa gradu ated front school. Alfred Kennedy, who took second place In the mile run, and Kdward Burdlck. who took third place In the ahot put and discus throw, have both graduated from school Robert Wood, Omaha's crack sprinter on last year's squad, will again enter the meet for Omaha. Wood took third place last year in the 100-yard dash, and second place In the 130-yard daah. Wood has im proved a great deal since last season and the Omaha rooters look for him to clean up first places in both the 100-yard and )0-yard dashes. Benson Rowley, who holds the school record In the low hurdles, will enter the mert. Andrew Dow, who has been doing remarkable work In the weights, will Ukely enter the meet. Vergil Hector, who made a record of 10 feet 10 Inchea In the pole vault In the dual meet Friday with Belle vue. la also entered in the pole vault. Owing to Haileck Rouse leaving- school the relay team is somewhat broken up, and Cams has not selected any lad to fill the vacancy caused by Rouse. The teams Omaha will compete with are St Joseph, West Des Moines, Lincoln. Tork, Kansas City Manual Training, Kanaaa City Central and Kanaaa City Weal port. Kan sas Ctty Manual Training school won the moot last year, and have another strong team this year. Permits te smoke are now being Issued. See your dealer. TENNIS MEN TO FLOCK HERE Indications Are They Will Come from , All Section of the Country. CONTESTS BETWEEN THE CITIES Five Huwoarl River Towns' May Ea ter gqaada of Foar Meat Back la Series of Matches' on the Coarts. Tennis games between five cities Omaha, Sioux City, St. Joseph, Des Moines and Lincoln are being planned by the tennla committee of the Omaha Field club. An swers from the tennis experts of these and other cities of the middle west Indicate that Omaha will probably be host to a number of cracks from each locality some in the coming summer. Four men from each city Is the plan as outlined by g. S. Caldwell, head of the tennis committee of the club. They would come to meet a team of four of the tennis sharks of this city for a nice prise list. While here Caldwell and other Field club tennis men Intend to Impress It on their minds what a nice tennis town Omaha Is, and 'what a delightful time a bunch from each town could have in Omaha's National tournament week In August. Other - tennla ' preparation for the big nationally Important event hero are com ing along In good shape. Beals Wright Is now out on the Pacific coast, dropping a good word for Omaha wherever he stops on his trips among the tennis fans of the west. The Paclfio Coast, association' is sending to the east this year Bundy, Mc Laughlin, Summer, Hardy and Miss Hotoh klss and Melville Long. Melville Long will assuredly play here to defend his title, and as the other men will bs la Chicago the week preceding the Clay Court, they may come here, Joe Tyler will also come, and may bring soma Oregon and Washing ton players. Bailey a Booster. John T. Bailey from Oklahoma will be in the south a groat part of the coming sum mer, and In the letter Just received here, telling of his coming, he promised to bring some of the southerners with him. Harvey McQuiston of Texas, one of the best known tennis players of the south, will bring some of his Dixie cracks , with him. George Wright, editor of the Wright and Dlsson guide has made one of the pic tures of the Omaha tourney of last year the prominent picture In the book. Proof of the esteem sln which Omaha aa a tennla center is held In the middle states of ths country was received from the sporting editor ' of the St. Joseph New Press, recently. Following are his re marks on tennis in this city and the status of Omaha as a center of the sport' in the west.' , ; . Tennis fans at Omaha are pluggers from the word go. The members -of the Omaha Field club, under whose auspices the Na tional clay courts championships In .tennis will be held again this year already com menced preparing, 'for ., the' tournament, which will be held from August. 5 to U Inclusive. Some S2.000 ' haa already' been raised as prize money and the officials of the Field club firmly believe that the af fair this summer will be the biggest suc cess In Its history. -Local tennis cracks had their first taste of real match play at the courts of ths St. Joseph Lawn Ten nla association, a week ago, Saturday aft ernoon. The grounds are In fine shape for the beginning of a strenuous season and those who capered behind the nets. In many Instances, showsd surprising form for this early In the season. The local club la. making ready to entertain the Inter-state tournament this summer. It Is altogether probable that a number of local enthuslasta will enter the clay courts championship at Omaha. Carter Lake Now Has 101,000 More Fish in Its Placid Waters Deputy Fish Commissioner O'Brien Brings Carload of Youngsters s to Omaha, Fishermen of Omana and vicinity were surprised Saturday morning by the sight of the special fish car "Antelope," bring ing 101.000 fish that were planted In Carter lake Saturday afternoon. W. J. O'Brien, deptuy fish commissioner for the state, was In charge of the car, and he was met at the station by some of the members of the Omaha Rod and Oun club, who aided him In the work of putting the fish in the waters of the lake. Nearly all the fish brought up on this trip were pike, 100,000 of them only a few weeks old. The remaining 1.000 finny creatures were the ring perch and channel catfish, both splendid fish for both sport and the table. "The pike Is one of the fish that cannot be fed by artificial means," said Mr. O'Brien, 'These fish are all very small, for the reason that they cannot be kept In our breeding place any longer than nec essary, but must be planted In their na tural element. They will feed In Carter lake and grow fast. I understand that before there was so much seining done there several years ago, there were many pike In the lake." The other 1,000 fish, the perch and chan nel cat, were from 1 to 2 years old and fine looking specimens. The entire stock of fisB was taken out to the lake In a special street ' car and put In the water. Witnesses declare that they wiggled with glee when they understood they were near Omaha. Commissioner O'Brien declares that the $3,000 appropriation given by the legisla ture for the seining of overflow lakes will help the fishermen greatly. The fish seined from, these waters will be stocked In less crowded lakes and will be of already good slse when planted. Next month some black bass will be brought to Omaha and placed In Carter lake. Permits to smoke are now being Issued. Ses your dealer. The Omaha Bee's Great Booklovers' Con test Thirty-nine prizes. Tou can enter at any time. Get in Line Your automobile should have our attention. We will make your nickel plate, gun metal and oxi dized trimmings look like new. Trices are $ 1 !. 00 and up. We have experts to do the work. Your 1910 car will be trim med like a 1911 model if we do the work. Omaha Silver Co. Phone Doug. 78. 814 So. 18th St. Omaha. More for your money More rubber better rub ber thicker treads tires that last longer puncture less easily stone bruise rarely in Da am out! TIRES Tangible Results 1 Mile age Talks! Diamond Service Stations in 54 cities of all sections place complete stocks con stantly within reach of your dealer and our owr offices are right at hand to give prompt attention to your every inquiry, requirement or com plaint The Diamond Rubber Co. Akron, Ohio 215 S. 20th St,, Omaha, and 68 other ptincliml cities. Boom of Fighting Game Crowds Paris NEW TORK. May .-The great boom in the fighting came In Franco has attracted so many American and English fighters to Paris that some of the Yankee fighters will be fortunate if they get on a battle there before the season closes, the latter part of this month. Al IJppe. manager of . Harry' Lewis, ths American middle weight, says that there are only two clubs In Paris, but that there are so many fight ers there that It would take six clubs to supply all of them with contests. IJppt further stated that many of the American fighters are so disgusted they Intend to rail for home shortly. S S tototo MDSTHE SYSTEM OF CATARRH . Catarrh nsually begins with irritated, inflamed membranes of the head, nose and throat, from which there is a constant and copious discharge ot WeA matter. Nature intends that these membranes shall be nourished by Se Wood, but waste matters and impurities deposited into these del ica e parts, seti up inflammation and the discharge is a natural result There is only one way to cure Catarrh, and that is to remove the cause VVZ , the blood. Washes, sprays, inhalations, etc . do not reach e Won. and therefore can only afford temporary relief S. S. S. cure CaUrrb by cleansine the blood of all impure catarrhal matter, and at the same time buUdintip the system by its unequalled tonic effects In other words S cures Catarrh by purifying the blood so that the mucous surfaces and linings of the bodyVe supplied with healthy ;nounAt instead of being continually irritated from the catarrhal impurities. Then the inflamed membranes heal, the discharge is checked, head noises cease, the stomach's toned up, and the throat is no longer clogged with mucus. Book on Catarrtt and any medical advice desired, free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA, GA. ms and Strioes Bottled Beer BHaOEsesOaSBBnl J Made from Pure Spring Water Willow Springs Brg. Co. OMAHA- piSjTy SSS, KJ: Phon.j Dou(las 1306 lock, 16th and Capitol Ave Independent A 1306 HAVE YOU GOT YOUR Base Ball Monogram fiat Gloves. Shoes? If not, don't fail to call and see the line of these goods at our store.. W. A. (Pa) Rourke 310 South 18th St Omaha, Neb. .JMAHA BEE'S D IR EGT O FTY K Of Automobile r and Accessories "ft 4 Mi FRANKLIN MOTOR CO., 2032-54 Farnam St., Omaha. PEERLESS GUY L. SMITH, 2207 fzmm St. Don't Wear a Truss STUART'S Pt$-T-PD$ sr. v ts.r.s IroH th .sinful IriiM, MlM .!. Self. oao.Wo sursiMlr te buid lb. roplur. im p!c. irttawat suwiMk buckW. or ikidii-m.mI .lis, aa mmtm c- is tft of th. wet. TkMMiii k... .ocooMfallF Of PIAPA0 &-llomtrZ? ' k, MflfHMliMSN. traoiM of cur. It .mur.l, k no (nn uh (vi iiuhn. Awferde Ii.los. m il.4.1 m iB.nt.nott. iavvatioa. W. swove h.t . t bTMDal.f r.e Trt.l of FlspM .teolmtlr t aVkuK. wrlu u h eaufoi ul atll tesil, UAnm rUTM UMamUA Stock (2J. IT. lTO, . y. ' a 'The 12-Year Tires Our Tire Book tells how to cut tire cost in half. It is based on 12 years of experience. Motor car owners are learning more about tires. As a result,' our tire sales last year jumped to $3,500,000 trebled in a single year. As another result, 64 leading motor car makers have this year contracted for Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires. Will you let our Tire Book explain to you what led to this popularity? No Rim-Cutting Rim-cutting ruins more automobile tires than any other single cause. It may wreck a tire In a moment if you run it flat. Goodyear No-Rira-Cut tires avoid this trouble entirely. Half a million have been sold and never one has rim cut. Until a few months ago motorists gladly paid one-fifth extra to get these Jiatented tires. Now they cost Dotti ng extra. Don't you think it worth while to accept them? It is true that other makers still advo cate the old-style clincher type. But we control the pat ents on our type. And there is no other way to make a satisfactory tire which can't rim-cut. 10 Oversize The hook less base on the No-Rlm-Cut tires lets us make them 10 over size and still fvt the rim. And wa do it. V That means 10 more air 10 greater carrying capacity. It means, with the average car, 25 added tire mileage at do extra cost. This oversize takes care of the ex trasthe top, glass front, gas tank, etc. It avoids overloading the main cause of blow-outs. No-Rim-Cut Tires You can get these No-Rim-Cut tires these oversize tires at the price of other standard tires. You get In addition all the other perfections we have worked out in 12 years of tire makinar. Tens of thousands of buyers think them worth having. Please ask for our Tire Book and judge if you agree. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, Akron. OUe Io ell Supply Co., Mgra., 2020-2022 Farnani St, Omaha, Neb. raaeaae a4 Afeaaiee la all ae prtaolpeJ ottles. We soaks all sorts of Bubber Tires BflKEB ELECTRIC MOTOR CARS VELIE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1S92 Farnam Street John Deere Plow Co., Distributors JM&&&f&7&& Wallace flBjomobile Co, XZ mo to cak 2203 Farnam Street RUSH RUNABOUT A Marvel of Workmanship. T. 0. Nerthwall Co., 914 Jones St. Thomas, Hudson ii r r L!i n ti. r. m hi Kxn u in inn mum n. pwt, II hsl I llUIIWIIVVII IIUIWIIIUUIIU wwi rh.immt. S044-4C4S PAIIN4M STRICT Nebraska Buick Auto, Company tlnooln Branch 13th aa4 P ts. H. B. BISZ.BB, Oeal MfT. omaaa Branca. Iia-1-14 raruam Vt.-X.EK ivrr, aCf r. Buick and Olds mobile Cars Van Brunt Automobile Go. Overland and Pope Hartford Coo sell Blsffs la. Omaha. Bebr. Traynor Automobile Co. Everitt "30" Page Detroit 216 S. 19th Stree t nmmw FOUR MODELS Prices $1,150 700. OHIO EMXTRICH Marion Auto Company. C. W. MclJONAM), Mr. 21 01-21 OS Farnani St. SEARCHLIGHT GAS Ji,?Vre.t MORE LIGHT. MORE HOURS for LE08 MONEY Apperson "Jack Rabbit" APPERSOX AUTO COMPANY 1182 Finam JL I