THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 7, 1911. S TWO TRACK MEETINGS COMING j Missouri Valler Hieh Schools to Com-1 pete Next Saturday. NEBRASKA SCHOOLS WEEK AFTER Elimination f lodleldael rri Re. lleved lo Reeolt la Murk Good far Mport Corah askrr Athletic Klertlon. LINCOLN. Neb.. May . (gpe lal ) High achool thltea will figure In th next two trees; meets held on the athletic field of tee unlvamlty, thus allowing the Corn husker authorities to vain a line on the new track material which will enter net fall. The annual meet of the Missouri t alley high school league will be held next Saturday on the Cornhusker field and on the following Friday the annual Fete day meat of the Nebraska high schools will be held. Jowa, Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska tha cream of the high school athlete of then four statea will participate next Sat urday In the annual Missouri valley meet. Omaha. Lincoln. Tork and Keurney high rchool will send teams. The Omaha and Lincoln- teams should be strong contenders foe firat honors In the meet Omaha having an especially well balanced bunch of ath letes, while Lea Mann, the wonderful Utile athlete of the Lincoln high achool, la ex pected to do valiant work for hta school. Wiley of Tork la another Nebraska athlete who 1 expected to mske a wonderful howlng in tha Missouri valley and Fete day meets. Those from Abroad. St. Joseph high achool. East and Went Ds Moinea high, and the Kansas City Manuel are the other entries In tha Mis souri valley meet. IJttle strength Is ex pected of the Bt. Joseph high, although they are of unknown quality. Tha two Des Moinea teams are feared, while Kansas City Manuel Is known to have a strong aggre gation. The cinder path at the university Is fast and some remarkable records are looked for. Early Indications point to a record-break-ing meet on Fete day, as the list of entries la already much larger than In previous years. The eligibility committee will hold a, meeting this week to psss upon the eligibility of soma of tha prospective en tries. The question of the eligibility of Les Mann of the Lincoln high and Luae of the Beatrice high srhoola has been raised by some of tha competing schools. Mann played professional base ball In the Mink league laat season, It Is claimed, while Luse la not eligible to compete, it Is claimed, having played his allotted time as a high school athlete In all branchee of sport. Both Mann and Luse are star athletes, each having ahont aa a gridiron star, as a bas ketball player and a track athlete. No Individual Prise, The elimination of an individual prise It rotating with the hearty approval of tha officials and high school authorities, for It la believed that, this effectually re moves tha most serious danger of a ntS" school meet or the tendency of a high ' school athlete to overdo himself. The other plans for entertainment on fete day ara progressing nicely and arrangements are nearly complete for the entertainment of the high achool visitors. Following the customary visit at the university grounds, the high school students will be enter tained at luncheons at the various fra ternity house. The freternltiea are also planning entertainment for the evening. Nebraska alhlatee ars taking notlea of the reeorde made by Missouri In track and field avanta and the Tlera ara eg pected to ba strong contenders In tha Ml vouri valley nieet. The wonderful work f tha Missouri athlete In smashing six records has aroused the Comhukra' doubts concerning the outcome of tha an nual Missouri valley conferenca meet, which the Coinhuskeis were hopeful of landing. Kanaa has a strong team and 41 showing of the Tigers Insures a great three-cornered fight between tha thre leading schools of the conference. Larasr Allllo Field. Mora land was bought reoently by tha Cornhusker Athletlo board from the sur plus of funds arising from a successful foot ball and basket ball season. The board has been renting two lots at an enormously high rent for the laat year, and the members thought it much wiser to make the Investment before expending further sums as rent. The land is already included In a part of tha athletic field. Seal Monday tha annual athletic board Itotion will ba held at tha university, rive ar to be selected from eleven can didal. . Thoe applying lor places on the board are: Owen Frank, V. C. Hawaii, Art Uiltnei, IS. W. Munsjn. W. C. Hates, W ayne l arroll, it M. SwlUler. A. W, Miller, Back Hornberger and Louie Ander son. t... ....,. i.. i,.. K. unuiuallv uuiet , ,.. v-... -. . - - thus far. and unless developments In r-1 igiion iu iiia annum . n..i place within the next forty-eight hours tha university will have held one athletic board election without the usual scrap. The campaigning is expectod to ba brisk Munday. as the candidates all have a num-i"' bar of Staunch supporters. Tha Cornhuskers clone tha aerie of dual track meats next Saturday, whan they meat the Gophers at Minnesota. The Go phers are about aa strong a lal, season, whan Nebraska had little difficulty in de flating Iheiu. Following tha Minnesota, meat tha Missouri valley conference meet close the season. NEBRASKA STATE SHOOT TO BE HELD AT UNCOLN Omaha fckotora Will Attend Boost far Ike Western Heudlc-oo. mud Kllootei cf the little clay birds at the trap are all turning their eyes to the Ne- hra.W tat alio.,! to h held at h Ci nl- . . r. ,, , M and 26. The list -if entries will probably include more than IK) of the htM shots In the state and some tew entries are ex pected from the surrounding states. Fifty targata will ba shot for the cham plonahJP. in case of any tlra. but there will b events each day, with a prize list, for each event. A I'h Howard watch will go ta the champion for mil. all other prises being divided on the Hquler system. Twu hundred dollar cash will be added to each event, and one cent will be added fur each target thrown. This will probably make tha prise list an extra tl.OOO. it. U. Woodward of Lincoln Is secretary of tha state shoot and hv has already atarted a live campaign. Lincoln mer chants ara to furnlsu number of special merchandise prlsaa. Billy Tvwnaend, tha boosting genius of tha Omaha Gun club and the coming west ern handicap shooting tourney, will be one of tha ahoiitera present at the big state event. . Billy la wily fellow, however, and haa a double purpose in entering, lie in tends to win tha watch and gel some luv shooters present at the Uncoln snoot to come to Omaha in August. tlaetiaae Defeat ktladen. HAKTISn Nab.. May (Special Tha llaiunes High school defeated the Bladen iNeb I tram t that place tu an tniereeliiig aaiue of bail FUOay W Uo aovco ui t U A WTC "TO Tennis Bug Begins to Stir in Expansive Rank of Omaha Clubs Summer Outlook Brightest in Yean and Courts Already Put Into Fine Shape. Crelghton college and the Omaha Field club will meet upon the tennis courts If the' plana of the committees of tha two tennis organlsationa do not go astray. The. event will bo held aoma time In May," aa the college dismisses its students early in June. Although the Crelghton squad haa shown up very well this season it la, of course, no match for such a team of tennis cracks as the Field club can produce. In all prob ability either the younger members of the club will play agalnBt the college lads or handicaps will be used. It haa been thought that Nebraska might possibly join and make It a three-cornered meet, but the outlook la doubtful, aa the Cornhusker brixade will be pretty busy until gradua tion week. Tennla at tha Omaha Country club this coming season will be In charge of W. It. McKeen, Mr. McKeen Is the live wire of the tennis brigade of tha Country club and will make tha season an interesting one at tha club. Ha plana to have aoma kind of a club tournament this summer, and tha club will probably provide a prise list for tha racquet wtelders. New tennis rules were adopted by the Field club at a recent meeting. Rule 1 says that courts one and seven are hereby reserved for the use of the women and Junior members between tha hours of i a. m. and 6 p. m., making it possible for these two classes of players to play In this time. Another tennis rule provides that one set of players shall not monopolise the courts for a whole afternoon when there Is a crowd wishing to use them. Three sets ara to be the limit hereafter when other play ers are waiting to try their luck across tha net. The old rule of only members being ad mitted has again been adopted by the Field club and other Omaha clubs will fol low suit when their seasons open, It is un derstood. A man haa been stationed at the gate, and visitors must present cards or produce other credentials showing a bona fide membership. It haa been found necessary to protest the club In this way from "visitors" who come too oftsn and never register.. , Courts at the Omaha Rod and Gun club, at the Young Men's Christian association, tha Diets elub and the three lake clubs near Omaha ara to ba placed in aha pa this week so that the members may get out on them and play soon. These clubs open late, but the tennis bugs ara anxious to Start aa soon aa tha snow Is melted. Aa the lake courts have a sand surface they soon dry off after a rain and will not need much attention until after tha season be gins. I flrotrai Imnilgraai Coming;. ULAiiroW, Scotland, May 6. Three steamers sailed from the Clyde today car rying J.6U0 Heottish Immigrant bound for tha I'ntted States and Canada. Western League Gossip Now since Uucoln hue got past Omaha In tha percentage column It haa begun to talk about Omaha's shouting away back In January and comments on Lincoln's silence. Methlnks there was soma noise around tha Anelnpea' camp to tha effect that they would burn the league up this season. It has been rumored around tha circuit for the last few days that "Buck" Free man, a former Sioux City player, haa been offered the management of the semi professional team at Dresden, Tenn., his home. Freeman was on tha firing Una lust ,ne cnempa ana pucnea rainy guoa ball. now ,imei mJt tnal Capujn Schlpk, iBt a orand new hat to Tom Falrweather when the champa took that game Friday Skipper het Turn the hats that his team would take three straight games from the hioux city boy, and Tom came right back land said. "If you fellows take two names th series I will buy you the best hat In Omaha.' Fox nltched some game for Lincoln Fri day and won for the Antelope. However, Hiichanan of the losing team had a few of thosa twister himself and held the bova from the Nebraska capital down to Just six hit. Not a two or a three-base hit was made during the entire game. Jf Parson Farthing can (fet going now, Lin coln ought to begin t'limblng nearer that t'i rung. Sherlock, a t wirier on tha lia Moines team, and Outfielder Flannery were given the royal bounce by litgins of the les Moines aggregation last week. Htnln an nounce that he Is In the market for Just tlx new players. If. the Des Moines mug i ate keeps on he will have an entirely new team before the ason Well, a new team could not do any wore than the team which played her did. Joe Crisp, a recrut catcher of the Kt. l.ouie Browns, who was released to the Topeka Kaws. haa refused to reKrt to that club, saying that he bus Quit the I airt. ( rl Was considered one of the tha eastern tcaaue last I best receivers in season and was given a try out with the Hi owns. Ills hitting was below the stand ard, however, and thua he felled to make good. Whether Topeka wlil b able to per suade him to report remain to be seen. Who t-ald Hobert waa not getting along with the members of hie team. Sortie scribe ha It that l'liglaub and his teammate do not hitch. There ta no Indication of uch a catastrophe. The Uncoln team i going ebout at good as any other team In the league at the present time -and w lmt is more, eevry man on the team seem to be placing with the next one It Ih the team work of the Antelone wblch I bringing that tam up toward the top. Needham. who has been plavlng third base for the Kt. Joseph team up until a week ago. ha been added to the Ies Moines roster and will pl,iy shortstop for that crew. The putting of Need hum into short will change the lineup, ('oilman, who haa been playing the shortstop position, will tin back to his regular position at th sec ond sack This will improve the Infield for I'vjwr uunvii kdout nv per cent. Needham has a good arm and can throw the bases good, but hta work on th base line needs a little mora workout. There ia no getting awav from th fact that the seven other teams In the league will hve to keep a sharp gas on the champs. The membt-rs of thst team are iiiiung ine Din and pla Ing (he field posi tion a If there was nothing In It but to repeat. The pitching ataff of th Kloux I'll" Is eoual If not surior to anv in the league. Walter Wagner, tha recruit be gins to look like a (error to tna reel of the t.ani The Infield Is thor also. an1 the outfield le picking up. the bat I he box scores show w hat the ciiamna can do. MINNESOTA LOOKS STRONG Threatens to Lick Cornhusker Track Men Saturday. WOULD EE FIRST IN IIISTORY Nebraeka'e Shewlac AKolaet Antra, However, ladlrates Feat of Hev eral Seasons Will Be Reseated on Northrop Field. MINNKAPOLIS. Minn.. May . -(Special ) Interest In the track events at the Uni versity of Mlnneaota the coming week ren ter In the Nebraska dual meet on Satur day afternoon with the freshman meet with Carlton at Northfleld tomorrow as a aide issue. Not much Is known at present about Nebraska. Tha Cornhuskers have been making soma pretty good showings with tha Missouri valley schools this spring, but a definite Una on their possibilities haa not reached Mlnneaota. Tha Gopher men ara feeling confident since their defeat of Wisconsin a week ago by such a decisive score that they can not only take care of Nebraska on Saturday, but will alao take Iowa Into camp a week later. Tha team which will meat Nebraska will not ba materially different from tha one that won from Wisconsin a week ago. The men have all been before the eligibility committee and It la now too late to enter any more. Several men who passed the committee did not enter tha Wisconsin meet because they were not in form, but they expect to go against Nebraska Saturday. All of the men are training hard In the hopes of being sent into tha conference to represent Minnesota. What Oum Ho Think I Coach Grant still feels that the Gophers are a little weak in field events In spite of tha fact that tha Gophers took nearly double Wisconsin's points In tha fields. Gansale did not make good in the Badger meet because be practiced a few daya with the twelve-pound hammer and tha ten pound drew him out of the circle. He has been working hard since the Sadger meet and should ba good for a place Saturday. Jamea Walker, of wide foot ball fame, haa been working on the hammer and discus for several weeks and feels competent to enter against Nebraska. Wlpperman, Smith and Frank have been getting out steadily and Increasing their .effective distance. Tha freshman team will leave Minneapolis early tomorrow morning for Northfleld where they will meet Carlton college In the afternoon. Tha meet will ba run off in time for tha team to leave Carlton and return to Minneapolis before evening. Coach Grant feela confident that tha youngsters will turn tha trick in tha running events, but feels that they are weak in tha field. The following men will make this trlpi Bplnk, high Jump; Gothan, high Jump and pola vault; Johnson, Cummlngs, mile run; Llndebarg, Karnopsky, Ferklns, Stone, half-mile; Bob and Palmer Hughea, Kar nopsky, Blerman, quarter-mlla; Boylan, Blerman, Hayward.,820 yard dash; Palmer Hughes. Blerman, Breckenridge, 100-yard dash; Webster, hurdles; Sawyer, hpt put, Iowa Game Before Moot, Iowa and Mlnneaota will meet In bass ball In two games, Friday and Saturday afternoon. The Friday game will be called at 1.30 and tha Saturday game at 1:1. so that It will be over before tha Nebraska track meet la called at 3:30. The policy of the athletic management of charging a small admission, which will admit to both ball game and track meet will be adhered to Saturday. Walter L. Stewart of Detroit is coaching the Iowa nine this year. He played sec ond base for Iowa for tha last thraa years and was captain In 1309 and 1910.. In addl tion ha has bad the advantage or a year with a professional team. Tha Hawkeyea started practice March 1, and have tha further advantage of earlier outdoor train Ing than the Gophers were able to get. Schmidt, third baaeman for Iowa, is tha only member of last year's Infield to be on the 1911 team. Captain Hook will play behind the bat, Wright at aecend. and Ferris at short. Wright played the outfield last season. Mericle and Williams will also play In the outfield. Alcorn Is tha only veteran pitcher that Iowa haa this year, and will probably be seen In one of the games against the . Gophers. Waggoner, Strlckler, Hermanca and Baird ara the other fllngera carried on the squad. Expects Ho Haa Beat Nine. Coach Clarke expects tjiat the Gopher team, which will be sent agalst Iowa, will ba tha best since tha beginning of tha year, McGovarn and Anderson are back In tha game and materially strengthen the In field. It Is possible that Smith may be'put at second and Captain Hartnett shifted to his old position in the outfield. Tha Gophers are up against it for pitchers. Sutton, Wan leu, Pickering and Victor ara on the staff at present, but do not seem to ba able to pitch often enough to fill out the needs of the schedule. Michigan Alumni Issue a Bold Dofi Challenge Cornell Men to Meet on the Diamond Will Play Any , Ex-Colleg-ians. A base ball challenge haa lued from th athlete of the University of Michigan Aiumn) association directed especially toward the alumni of Cornell university, but wlda enough to include any college alumni organization that ha faith in it ball player. At the regular monthly luncheon of the Michigan alumni several of th one-time varsity stars, pmniing fur the long forgotten clamor of the bleachers and th laurel of the diamond, asked the alumni lu back them In th deft and committee was named to arrange for the game or games. The contest is likely to be played upon tha field day of the Omaha Bar associa tion, which la scheduled for some Saturday this month. In appointing the team Presi dent John li. Webster found It easy to get enthu3iusts and It may be possible to make up a team entirely of men who won the initial "M" on the diamond. Th committee appointed to arrange for th game censiats of Frank Crawford Dale i. AblKitt, tiiarlrs U. Mcl'onald, A W. Jrfferi and rilanley Hose water. The alumni association decided to hold a luncheon at the Commercial club every Saturday noon instead of only once month, as has been done during the winter ILLINOIS MEN CONQUER PUEDUE Visitor Take Most of Point In Last kit Cvenls. LAFAYKTTE. lnd . May .-By taking moat of th point In th laat lx evenis Illinois defeated Purdue In the dual track meet on Stuart Field thi afternoon, 9 tu ' point. Hoffman of Purdue was th star of tha meet, winning th 100 and IM- ard dashes in fast time. Hartley Win front CilkfrlHi. BARTLKY. Nb. May .- Special. Th Hartley limn sehcol haea bail team d feated the Culbertaon High ernool her bv th score of li to . Mcfiowell of Hartley it nek out eleven men and allowed but three lilts. Karlley has won elx out of seien names played he ore R H f M.rilev O0H1 H ! l ft l uio. n-oi a i o i o a o -s s HHiirn.s: Woller. speuc aud MeUer; Jelv wU aad Tooieg, Field Club and the Country Club Will Open on Saturday Varied Programs to Accomodate All Have Been Prepared at Each Place. Golf and tennis and all the Joys of out- oor club life make their triumphal entry nto Omaha next Saturday when tha Omaha Field club and the Omaha Country club hold their annual openings for the year 1. Socially also the advent of tha ath letlo man and the "summer girl" into prominence will be one of the big affairs f the season. The two big clubs that have for many eara past fostered tha golf and tennla of Omaha generally hold their annual open ings on different date, but next Saturday both organlsationa will start tha year with a varied list of sporting events during the ay followed by table d'hote dinner and a brilliant social evening at tha clubhouses. Pine late laat fail workmen have been busy on both tha Country elub and tha Field club golf courses, building over parts f the courses, renovating greens and tees, and generally improving tha facilities for play at cost of aeveral thousand dollars. Work on tha Field club la still proceeding on the new undulating green of tha course. Blghteen-hole play, using tha handicaps n force at tha close of laat Mason, will ba enjoyed by the golfers Saturday. Two prizes will ba put up at tha Field elub for the opening and two or three for tha win ners at the Country club. Medal play will ba the scoring. It's going to work a little hard on tha members of both these popular plaooa this ear. Heretofore tha "repeaters" havo been able to attend opening day festivities at each on following Saturdays, but this year it will have to ba choice by a coin tosa aa to where ha will spend tha day. It la rumored that a band of those who belong to both have evolved tha brilliant plan of attending one party for tha dinner and tha early evening and embarking In their autoa and arxeding to tha other club for tha balance of fun to be had. Tennla will open formally at tha Field club next Saturday. Tha eourta were In shape yesterday and many raquot fiends were on hand for a trial of them, but tha real opening oomea a week from tha pree tica day. Tha big street paving roller of Hugh Murphy was placed on tha plowed up grounds last week and aoon reduced the seven courts to a fine state of hard ness. It haa not been decided whether any prises will bs placed for tha opening tennla. Tennla players will also ba busy at tha Country club, but golf la tha big sport there. Dancing will follow tha dinner In tha evening. WESLEYAN HAS BETTER OF MEET Track Event at L'nlvoraltr Place Result Tl to SI. UNIVERSITY PLACE, Neb., May 1- (BpecUU Telegram.) Wesloyan defeated Doana her today In a dual track moot by the score of 71 to 8L Tho track avetita were low because, ot th fact that they war run against a high wind. Mec&nd las of Wasleyan waa tha atar of tha meet, making eighteen points for hi schoql. ouiton or wesieyan broke tha school record In tha discus with a throw of 111 feet 1 inch. Summaries: 100-Yard Dash Anderson W,iUn. Nutzman, Doane; Thompson, Wealeyan. Tim: 0:10,! ' 1)-Yard Hurdles McCandleea. Wesieyan; Rice, Doane; Griffiths. Doan. Time: 0;17H. Mil Hun MIcklA. Doane; King-, Doan, Beck, Wealeyan. Tim: i:06. Shotput Sutton. Weslevan: (labia. rvan Wishart. Waalavan. Ulatanna: u f in Inches. 20- Yard Daah MeCandliuia walfan- Hoyla, Wealeyan; Anderson, Wealeyan. Time: 0:22. leeu Throw button WeaUvan- rSahla Doane; Dickeneon, Doan. Distance: lit fet 1 Inch. 440-Yard Run Nutzman. Doane: Mickev. Wesieyan.; Dickeneon, Doane. Time: 0:N. Pole VaultSmith. Weslevan: Wilkinson and Dickenson. Doane, tied for aocond. Height: feet 8 Inches 20-Yard HurdlesThompson, Wesieyan; McCandle. Wesieyan; Griffiths, Doane. Tim: 0:2S. High Jumn McCandleea Walvan fli-at- Wilson, Wasleyan, and Nutsman, Doan, tied for second. Height! t feet Inch. MO-Yard Run Mlckla. Doane: MlrWv Wealeyan; Beck, Wesieyan. Tim: MS. HroM jump Dickinson. Doane: Thomn- on. Weslevan; Davis, Wesieyan. Distance; 21 feat 4 Inches. Hammer Throw: Bronson. Doane: Sut ton. Wealeyan; (lawyer, Doane. Distance: 100 feet 10 Inches. Half Mil Relay Won by Waalavan team. Hoylo. Thompson. McCandleaa. An. deraon. Time: J:3SH. DIETZ BLANKS THE DEAF BOYS Win by the icon of J a to O Hatnrday Afternoon. At th Diets club yesterday afternoon tha Diets team trounced the Nebraska Kehool for tha Deaf team by the scor of 13 to 0. Although th scor Indicate a ragged con- teat, nevertheless th gam was Interest ing from a spectator's standpoint. Risen- hart pulled off th enatlonal stunt of th afternoon when he nipped a gent at sack one from right field an what looked like a safe drive. Hruggrman twirled magnifi cent ball for the Dlta team, strlnklng out twelve, and allowing only on hit. Score: DIET.. DsVty INSTITUTaY. HO At B.M O A g Hall. Ib 4 Durkee, lb .. i tn-ummy, lb. 4 Laffprty, cf I Harntaa, c . 4 A And'aoa, Ib 4 apellman. If. i Eiaanhtrt. rf I Brug'em'n, p I 3 44 Trenke, Is... 4 0 11 4 NpIsos. c. . . . 4 1 Marshall, ia- 4 ft W'tpsmao. if, I ft Hlabik. lb... 4 0 Cuaraaa, rf. 4 4 PAsa'ntfi. b 4 r.b.1, cf.,... ft SaMn, p I 4 114 4 14 1 1 II Totals 14 11 ft 4 1 Totals M 1 It II 1 Diet 1 0 . 0 8 0 0 1 U Mutes 0000000000 Two-base hit: Hall. Bases on balls: Off Habln. I: off Bruggeman. 1. Struck out: Bv Hruggeman. 12: by Kabln, I. Hit by pitched bull: Durkee, .able. I'mplres: Qulgley and Kldrldge. CORNELL BEATS PENNSYLVANIA i Aaoual Track Meet Won by Margin of One Folat. ' FHILADF.LPHIA, Fa., May .-Cornell showed unexpected strength In the field and on the cinder path today and won tha annual track meet from the I'nlver sity of Pennsylvania, by the narrow mar gin of. one point. The final scor waa: Cornell, 69; Pennsylvania, 6. Cornell captVred nine first, Pensylvanla getting only four. On feature was the defeat of Paull of Pennsylvania, who holda tha Inter-collegiate record for a mile. He waa beaten by Jones of Cornell, who ran the mile In 4:14 4-&. or one eecond alower than the record. Haydock contributed ten point to Pennsylvania' total, winning both hurdle events. PRINCETON WINS FROM YALE Flaal Kvewl Urlas Victor? to Xeer Jersey l nlrerelty. PRINCBTON. May ( For th first time In the history of Prince-Tale track meat th Tiger defeated Tal her this artrnnon, eu to t points, ins final re sult was In doubt until the last event, th high jump. In which Simon of Princeton brought victory to th New Jereev nlvereity by titng with Cgnfleld of Tal for first plsj-e. Princeton won first in cvety track event and Yale won ar ti4 lav eviy Xiald, oveua. big Meet entries all in Nineteen Eleren Battle Looks Like Greatest of Conference Gatherings. ARRANGE PLAY FOR VISITORS Rntoe-talomeat to Bo Fronted in Twin Cltle for Fraternity Men C'oneletloa; of Dinner, A nto Tonre, Theater forties. MINNEAPOLIS. May . Ppdal.)-Pr. linilnry entries for th conference meet to b hld on Northrop field at tha Uni versity of Minnesota, June t and t, wer mailed to tha conference committee Fri day. Tha entries had to b In by noon yesterday. Th ntrla sent In wer of all th ma who may enter th event of th mct, but their particular vent wer not apoclfted. These preliminary entries will bo listed and mailed to every college which ntra a team, so that it may pro test any en be for th final entries arc In. Tho final ntrts in which th men are entered for particular event will b mailed to th conference committee aom time within th next two week. With th preliminary en trie in th con ference loom up blggr and closer than vr. A supplementary list of Invitations haa been sent out from (ha central com mitt at Chicago. Carlton and Hamlin have been Invtud and will probably enter vral men each. They were not invited to the conference last year. Th Unl verlty of South Dakota at Vermillion and tha South Dakota Bute College bf Agri culture at Brooking have also been In vited. In Wlacoraln, Lawrence and RJpon have been added to the Ut. Several men ara expected from each of these achool. ris Tins of Flay. In order that the senior men on th track team may take part In the senior claaa play and that the visiting men may be able to aee the play, the committee In charge decided thla week that the play would be presented on two nlghu. Friday and Saturday, June t and a It ta the plan at present to take the visiting man around th Twin Cltle In automobile some time during Friday or Baturdsy mornings. Sat urday dinner at th fratarnity hou will be dinners In honor of visiting brother and In th evening the visitors will see the claaa play. It Is not believed that there will be any ether entertainment acbeduled for Saturday evening. Th Minnesota track which has been causing Coach Grant and Captain Hill much worry this spring, waa proved to b in good snap by th Wisconsin mt a week ggo. The coach tald that tha time of Cleveland In tha two-mile proved that tha track waa not aa alow aa supposed. Th dlsUno was made in 1:6. Tha dashes war alow, but a large force of man haa been put on the track and It la being packed harder vry day. Tennla Men Going; Knot. Jo Armstrong and John Adams, uni teralty champion In tennis, and each own ing a long string of titles, will leav on their aaatarn tennla tour next Saturday morning. Part of the expense of th trip -which Is the first of Its kind that Minna, eota tennis men have ever taken will be paid by the athletic association, and the balance by th college played. On thin trip the men will meet the best college talent of the country and the results of the trip will give a good line on Mlnne aota standing in th Unnla world. It I also expected to start a wider Interest In tennl at the university. Armstrong and Adam will spend Sunday In Chicago and will play In the Western Intercollegiate Tennla tournament, held there Monday and Tuesday, the fifteenth and alxuanth. Thy will alao play a match with Chicago untvrlty on on of th days. From Chic age thy will go to Obr lln collcg and play ther Wednesday after noon, th evntenth. Kenyon college at Gambler, O.. will be reached via Cleveland and the match there played Thursday, May 18. Co Into Philadelphia. From Gambler the team will jump to Philadelphia via Celumbua, reaching that city of brotherly lov Friday noon. May 19. Th team will play Pennsylvania that af ternoon and will go to Princeton for a match on Saturday, May . Sunday will be pent In New York and Monday afternoon, th tennl shark of Yale will bo met en th New Haven oourta. Th team will then double back to New Tork for a day and win play the college of the city of New York on Wednesday, May 3. Boston will b reached en the next day and Harvard will be met en the Cambridge court Friday, May 24. Th Harvard Alumni will b played on th Longwood court In Boston th next afternoon. The team will spend Sunday la Beaten and will go to Hanover, N. H., on Monday for a match with Dartmouth. Thl match will b th last played on the trip and the men will return to Minneapolis via the Brie railroad. Armstrong and Adam are two of the n r I have for sale the fineit body of laud in Colorado, consisting of 2,845 acres. 1,000 acres of which are in alfalfa, and 250 acres in winter wheat; the balance pro duces the finest wild hay known. The ranch is entirely fenced and cross fenced, and is thoroughly irrigated; has main ditch and laterals reaching to all parts of the land; two sets of ranch buildings, granery, stables, sheds, corrals, wells, etc.; located in the Arkansas Valley, Prowess county, 60 miles east of Rocky Ford, 125 miles from Pueblo, Vz miles from two towns, on the main line of the Santa Fe R. R. Every part of the land is level and can be irrigated, and is now producing a good percentage on the asking price The finest body of land for sub-dividing or colonising and for which there is a ready sale in tracts of 40 to 80 acses, and can be sold, every foot of it, in this way, for $125.00 per acre. Land of a similar character, located in the neighbor hood of Rocky Ford is selling from $200.00 to $500.00 per acre. The porjerty is being offered until June first only, at a rare bargain to settle a partnership, aftes which it will be withdrawn from the market, or materially advanced in price. The property will stand the most rigid examination and investigation; title perfect and free from in cumbrance. The most liberal terms are offered, and the asking price is $7,500.00 less than the actual value. See, or write me for detailed information, maps, photographs, etc. 2402 CASS STREET. 11 best players In th Twin Cities and hold most of th amateur titles between them. Hoth are residents of St. rul. although they did not do any team playing until Armstrong entered the university last year. Hastings Boosting Interscholastic Meet For Western Schools Entriei from Score of Teams from Central and Western Nebraska in Wednesday's Session. HASTINGS. Neb.. May .-fSrclal.) The interscholastic track tournament next Wednesday promise to be the greatest athletic event ever held In Hastings. Un file have been received from a score of high achool and many mora ar expected. Til tournament I being promoted by Hasting eolleg with a view to encourag ing athletic among th high school of central and western Nebraska and It la proposed to mak It an annual event. Th Chamber of Commerce ta co-operating with the college and a movement Is now under way to declare, a half holiday for th afternoon of th tournament. A fund I being raised to py th traveling ex pense of all contestants. Th entries now recorded are from tha high school of Edgar. Beaver City, Cam bridge, Grand Island, Kearney, Holdrege, Franklin, Kearney military, Fianklln academy, Fairfield, Hasting, Norl.i Piatt, BlU Hill, Button, Superior, Broken Bow, Nelson, Kenesaw, Minden and Ox ford. Th contest will be held at Hastings college on one of the finest athletlo fields In the state. Gold, silver and bronze medal will b awarded to th three-plac winners in ach event and a suitable tro phy will be given the winning team. A new cinder track, twenty feet wide, has just been completed and Is of perfect grade for th entire dlstanc around. Tha spectators will be accommodated In a new grandstand built this spring. Ths program includes the usual track features. CUBS YIELD TO CINCINNATI Chicago Lose by Scor of Five to Fear. CHICAGO, May . Cincinnati defeated Chicago today In tha final gam of the sarlea, S to 4. Weaver was wild and was hit hard at opporlun time. The locals bunched hits off Burn In th aeventh In ning and Caspar waa sent in to pitch. Boor: CmtCINNAT!. CHICAGO. B H O A . B. H O. A B. acker, It,.. 1 Sseaa. Ik.... I ( t lexis, lb 4 1 I I Sherkar4, f. I I t 1 Bites, el.... I 4 4 4 4 Herman, (.. I ft 0 Heblltsel, lk 4 4 1 4 4 Kalaer. (...! 4 0 9 4 stltehsll, rt., 4 1 4 4 4 Slier, lb 4 1 4 4 0 Orant, lb ... 4 1 0 I 4 Brkulte, H...4 I 3 0 Downer, .. 4 4 4 1 I Dnrie. b....4 13 14 Clarke, ....! 4 11 4 Tinker, se... I 113 1 Burns. I 4 4 1 4 Archer, ....( 14 11 Caspar, .... 1 4 4 1 4 Weaver, e .. 1 4 0 1 ft rtalpter, p... 4 ft. 0 1 0 Total 14 IT ( I eKIln 1 4 ft ft ezimmerman 4 0 0 0 Brnwa, p.... 4 t 0 0 I) Chance .... 4 4 0 0 0 Totals II in I I Batted for P lesier In -eventh. Han for Kling in seventh. Hatted for Brown in ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-4 Cincinnati 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0-fi Two-base hit. Kgan, Payle 2, Archer. Three-ba-e hit: Bum. Hit: Off Weaver, In five and on ihir.l n.iing.-t; off PfUstcr, 0 in one and two-tnrids Inning, off ISrown, 0 In two Innings; oft Burns, 6 In six sn1 one-third Innlngei off Gasper, in two and two-third inn nn Hacrif cj hits: Weaver. Clarke. Sheckard, Tinker, r'tolcn bases: Mitchell, Kgan. Left on buses: Chicago. 4; Cincinnati. S Bases cn balU: off Burns, 1; off Weaver, ; off Pf tester,' 2; off Gaapar. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Weaver, Bates; by Burns, 11 of man. til ruck out: By Weaver, 5; bv Pflester, 1: bv Burns, .1; by Brown, 1; by Gaspar, 1 Wild pitches: Weaver, Brawn. Tim: iJ7, Um pired Flnneran and Klglcr. ew Ball Park at Kuei, Iowa. ES9EX, la., May 4-(Speolal.)-Kssex ha a fine new ball park. A grandstand ha been erected, th ground put In first claaa condition ssal'everytlilng la in readi ness for the opening game which I scheduled for Friday, May 11. Th Knot Hoi, a team consisting of traveling men. will play the local club. Th Eaxex bond of thirty piece will fur nish music, all tha business houses will close during the gam and a big time I anticipated. Kearney Normal Win. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May '.(Special.) Kearney Normal won at baae ball from Grand Island college yesterday. I to 4, on the latter'a field. The hard hitting of th Normal team waa a feature. Mcdure for the Normal pitched "tight" ball. Batteries: Kearney, Met "lure, Carrlg and Essert; Grand Island college. Steward and Rosen. Ball Leagae far Klda. A new kid league of baae ball club I one that la being formed by th Benson & Thorn Co., to be called the "Benthor." and will Include th fastest kid teams in the city. The number uf teams Is to b Increased In th near future so a to in clude every boy who I Interested in th national game. It I proposed to extend the organization ta every town In the state. 1 1 r u J LJ w-X U VJ I S HOOSIERS EASYJOR RHOADES Kansas City Takes Game by Score of Six to One. VISITORS GET RUN IN EIGHTH Five Hill In as Maay Inalaa Ike Be ladlaaapeU fan Io Kaasaa City Hlte 'Webs) Freely. KANSAS CITT, Mo., My -Rceverlng from a bad mart. T'ltcher Bhoades for Kansas City had Indlanapoll at his mercy In th eecond gams rf th serle this af ternoon, the local winning, ft to 1. Five hit in aa many Inning was the best tha visitor could do. Kna City hit Whh freely, taking six In six Innngs and P. hlt ser. who succeeded him. fared a badly, allowing five In two innlnss. Pcore: KANPA0 CITT. INDIANAmi.1 B.H O A B , B.ll.O A r.. n.rhesu, lb.. 4 Oil 4 llillmnn. If.. 40104 ...... il 1 1 t ft ft Ww1niff. et. 4 I I ft S Ive. of 4 I 1 ft v rTPpman, in. w i" w th ... 1 '4 Channel!, rf. Carlarh. c... 4 ! Ih 4 I 1 WTllUmn. lb. I 1 0 Mows, se.... I I 1 Webb. I 1 flardner, rr. . Pnlier, lb ... I liownlp, as. .. 4 crrnnner, a.. 4 Khoarise. ..4 I I ,1 th 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 4 I ft 1 n 0 ft 0 4 1 1 I 4 I I Sb hltlsor, p.. 0 Tola!!.. .16 11 17 It I Nlehotf .... I 0 Totals II 4 ?4 IK Nlchoff batthed for Webb In seventh. Indlanapoll 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 0 t- 1 Kansas City 0 1 1 0 0 0 i 1 '-6 Two-bsse hits: Gardner. O'Connor. Downle. Rhoades. Three-bsse hits: llystt, love. Struck out: Hy Khoades S. by N ebl. 4. Danes on balls: Off Khoades. 2: off Webb, 1; off Schlltser, 1. liouble plas: Barbeau to O'Connor; Downle to Hnker to Hyatt. Hits: Off Webb, t In six Hinlngx. off Schlllwr. 8 in two Innings. Sacrlfi.e hits: Downla. Freeman, Mowe. Stolen bnsen: (Jardner. Wild pitches: Webb, 2: Schlitser. left on bases: Indlnnapolls. t; Kanaaa Cltv, 7. Firm on errors: Kansas City. 2; Indlanapoll. Time: 1.67. t'm pirea: Owena and Haudlboe. BREWERS WIN BY HARD HITTING Toledo Defeated hy Score of .Nine to Klaht. MILWAUKEE, May ft.-Th home club, by batting rallies In the eighth and ninth, scored eight runs, beating out Toledo, t to t. boore: Al KKC TOU-PO B II.II.A E B.H.n.A.jr. ORaniUll, rf Charles, ib jonaa. lb... Llbnlii. If. rip-RToff, rf. Cla-k. Ih... Iwla, aa... Breen, e.... Douaherty, I S 0 0 Nil... ,1h I 1 4 3 4 I 4 HlliPhm'n, 2t 5 3 ft 0 r-llik. rf 4 4 ft 1 llo nhorn. lb F 1 t I 1 10 I 3 I 1 I ft ft 1 1 1 null-r. m.... 4 t 1 1 Burns, cf ft ft 3 1 Hupp. p.... I 1 fVhultre, p I 0 Vallfere, p. 0 0 0 0 Totals.... ft ft .. .. I .. 0 Vlarlnn. p 0 Nicholson, P. 0 0 34 4 I Barrett ... 1 .. 1 budvl . Marehall .. 1 Totals St 13 Tl 10 4 Hatted for Dougherty In seventh. Btled for Breeu In seventh. Batted for Marion in eighth. One out when winning run scored. Milwaukee 0 n 1 0 0 n 3 r-! Toledo 1 4 4 0 0 1 1 1 0 S "Two-base hits: Degrnff. I.elhold. Three haa hit: Clark. Hits: Off Dougherty, II In seven Innings; tiff Marlon, 1 In one Inning; off Kchultre, 1 In eight and two- thirds Innings: off Valllcre, 3 In one-third in ning. Sacrifice hit: Hpp. Clark t"). 8tolin banes: Miles. Butler 12 1, llincliir.nn. Double plays: Hlnoliman to Butler to Hohnhorst, Degroff to Charles. Left on bases: Mil waukee, V; Toledo, 9. First base on halls: Off Dougherty, off richulue. 4: off Marion, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Hickman; by Marlon, Charles snd Jones by Schultze. Wtruck out: By Dougherty, S: by Hchulue. 3; by Valllerie, L Wild pitch: Schullie. Time: S;:0. I'mplrss: Chill and Ferguson. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. PHONE RED 6296. wife