Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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, 'Supreme Court Holds that Informa
tion Wu Defective.
Hleh Coart Mold Jadae Sedgwick
Nat DleejaallMed Kit la
C" Chief Maloae
. Lmm.
( fFrom a tfiaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., May . (Kpeclal.) Ths
Supreme court today handed down an opin
ion In tha Wllann r.hiroprartlo cane, sent
here from Custer county. and reversed tha
derision given by the district court on ac
count of a defer In tha Information.
The lower court found that C. K. Wilson,
the defendant In tha cane, nasi been guilty
of practicing medicine without a license.
Today' opinion of the supreme court does
not allude to that phase of the matter, but
takes Ita action solely on a ont of the
Information defect. In the re vernal and re
manding for further nVoceedinjce the court
States that the defect which It banea Ita
action upon waa In that It did not allese
that the defendant Wilson Uvea In the
county where he waa aliened to hnve
practiced without a rreular Mue llreiu-e.
Judge BUaa A. Holcomb defended Wilson
In tha courts, aJlegedmn thst he had not
olated tha medical law In not obtaining
license to practice medicine because he
had not In fact prac'tlr d randiiJne in the
sens contemplated by the statute, and If
he did violate the medical law, then the
medical lav la unconstitutional. Assistant
Attorney General Edtterton for the state
argued that Wilson had violated the med
ical law, and that the Judgment of the
court Imposing a fine should ba Affirmed.
Jto Unease) Secored.
The medical law provides that one who
receives a license to practice medicine from
tha state board of hmealth shall file It for
record In tba county of his residence or In
tha county where ha Intends to practice.
Judge Root who wrote the opinion says the
information alleges that 'Wilson, "late of
Ouster county" violated the law by tiot
caving1 on record a license In Custer county,
N jflut tha Information does not allege that
TVater county la his residence, hence all
' that tha Information charges might be true
and still tshe defendant might not be guilty
of violating tba lomr for ba might have a
license on record In bis home county. The
court saya tha Information Is fatally de
fective and tha motion to quash should
have been sustained. Tha oyllabus of the
opinion la aa follows:
"A statement In an Information that the
accused did. treat and profess to heal a
frcrtaln named patient without having a
l.-ertlflcata or license Issued by tha state
Voard of health, and filed la tha office of
the clerk of Ouster county, Nebraska, as
required by law does not negative the fact
that a license lamed by tba state bo aid may
ave been tiled In tha etflca of the county
cleric of tha county where (ha accused re
sides." Hamtlto int . gname'a.
The motion to vacate a Judgment f re
versal in tha case of Hamilton county
against tha Aurora Rational banle. , tha
county having asked for- tha vacation on
tho ground that Judge Sedgwick waa not
qualified to act and that without but vote
there could not bava been a reversal, baa
been overruled by the supreme court. tThe
original suit involved the-question of re
covery of " Interest on Hamilton county
funds, no bank halving bid for tha money
and the county treasurer having kept the
money In the Aurora National Jjank- with-
out tha payment of Interest. The bank
and tha county treasurer vera both, sued
tha county, but recovery waa 'made
from neither one of the defendanta In the
case. The contention by tha county - that
Judge Sedgwick waa not qualified to 'act
arose because of the. fact that ne, perore
his election to tha supreme court, acted
aa attorney for the county attorney of
. Hamilton county when tha matter first
came up in the district court.
Harris STta-fa Wlss Case.
M. C.4 Harrington baa obtained an af
firmation of a Judgment of $330 agolht
John Hediund of Boyd . county In a' test
case, which waa recently brought up to the
state supreme court.. The suit was against
a Boyd county settler, who claimed land
under a federal homestead act, but which
waa Uo claimed by tba state. Ilarrlng
1 Von.' as attorney, la aaid to have agreed
IfAp .obtain the land - for tha settler under
tha homestead entry act at a certain coat.
Later, wrtaen tba Boy county man, aa
' well aa others who gave tha attorney sim
ilar ease under tha aame terms were
forced to pay more, he refused to com
peneato tha lawyer, for his trouble and
tho aulfc-geeulted.
- MaJeao Loses Suit.
That Chief of Police Malone and former
Chief Cooper of this city muat turn over
to an Indemnity company something more
than IU100, which they took from tha
Chapman bank robbers at .the time of
their capture, la the decision 'of the su-
Of undisputed success
in the preservation
and purification of the
skin and hair , of in
fants, children and
adults, is the record of
Guticura Soap
And Ointment. No other
emollients have done so
much for poor coraplexions,
red, rough hands and dry,
thin and falling hair, or in
allaying distressing, disfigur
ing eczemas, rashes, itchings
and irritations.
Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment
Tt tclJ by druggist a.i.i dealers every,
where, a liberal sarar-l of ea.h, wilh
pige boatdct on the treatment of skirt
ael hir, will ba aant. post-free, on appk-fiS-tt
C&atfy Dae. , aWatae,
Phelps County
,' '""" " .. .i.. .mi . ii .
' ' ' .....- , . ' .... - . v. ,l i ' .
. ; , ; ' - - ... , .
." ' ' ' ' ' v :''-.
preme court rendered today. Ths oomt
has derided that none of the money
found on the yegirmen shall go to the
local officers aa their reward for arrest
ing the men. Chief Malone claimed 70
hut the evidence according to the decision
does not Justify his claim thereto. The
Judgment affirmed must be paid to the
indemnity company which Insured the
Chapman bRnk against robbery and which
paid all loss Incurred by the burglary,
which occurred in November, 1905.
The lowefcourt gave a Judgment for
$1,204.62 against Malone and Cooper and
a Judgment for $3,022.02 against two of
the robbers, John Burke and Thomas
Relley, who were later convicted snd are
now serving time In the penitentiary.
John Dorn, a third man arrested, had only
about $9 when het waa placed under
The supreme court haa affirmed tho
Judgment of the district court against
Malone and Cooper, Judge Sedgwick not
alttlng In the case.
The company paid the hank $2,000 In
surance money snd took an assignment
from the hank of Its claim upon the
money found In possession of the rob
bers. Malone alleged tnat the robhers
had assigned their money to their attor
neys and that he would have to pay it to
the attorneya, hut If It were found that
the money belonged to the indemnity
company then he waa entitled to $700 of
it aa reward money due from the com
pany. The indemnity company sued to re
strain Malone and Coper from transfer
ring the money to -attorneys of tha rob
bers or from retaining any of It as a re
ward for the arreat of the criminals.
The supreme court in ita opinion says:
"A court of equity may enjoin a police
oflcer from transferring a fund taken by
him from burglars who procured it by
robbing a bank and may restore It. to
the owner thereof."
The robbers alleged that the money
taken from them was not the Identical
money taken from the bank, but tha su
preme court holds that lnaamuch as some
of the money found upon them waa Iden
tified as money of the bank it may ba aa
sumed yiat all of it waa
Bapreaao Coart Opinions.
The following opinions were filed by the
upreme court:
Noclta against Omaha A Council Bluffs
Street Railway Co.; affirmed. Reeee, C. J.
Brucker against Kairn; affirmed. Faw
cett, J.
Mausy against Hlnrichs; affirmed. Faw-
cett J.t - " ? ... .- -t
. In re' 'Estate of Sleker'; Sicker against
Blaker; affirmed. Reese, . C. J.
Cannell against Rousoh; reversed and re
manded. tMXigwxk, J.
Aetna ImUmnlty Co. against Malone; af
firmed. Rose, J.; Reeae, C. J., concurs in
result; Sedgwick. J., not Bitting.
Huchow against Katz; affirmed. Rose, J.
Omaha Cooperage Co. against Central
State Cooperage Co. ; affirmed. Barnes, J.;
Root, J., not alttlng.
' - Larson against Chicago A northwestern
Railroad Co.; affirmed. Root, J.; Barnes
and Fawcett. J. J., dissent.
Harper against Harper; afflred. ' Rose, J.
Miller against Miller; affirmed. Latton,
j.; rawcett, J., concurs in conclusion.
Howell against Howell; reversed and dis
missed. Letton, J.
McManus against Burrows; affirmed.
Root. J.
Miller against Hanna; reversed and re
manded. Harnes, J.
liordon against Mannings; reversced and
remanded. Root, J. , .
Lrainge District No. 1, Richardson
county, against Bowker; affirmed, Barnes J.
Harrington against Hediund; affirmed.
Rose, J.
County of Hamilton agalnat Aurora Na
tional bank; on motion to vacate judgment
motion overruled. Root. J,; Rose and
Sedgwick, J. J., not sitting.
Wilson against btate; reversed and re
manded. - Root J.
Uallltin against Trl-State Land Co.; af
firmed. Barnes, J.
Goff against state; affirmed. Fawcett, J.
Following are rulings on motions for
Krull against Rose;, overruled.
Kiull against Ruse; ov rrruled.
Ireth-.r against Backer; overruled.'
Henderson xgalnst Weldman; overruled.
County of Hamilton against Aurora Na
tional bank; overruled.
. Kebruks News Notes.
BEATRICE Jamea Gallagher and Miss
Bessie Welskerschen. both of this city,
were married at Ulncoln Thursday.
W'HtiT POINT-A marriage license
bem. irtwied to Ernest J. Jensen of Kmei
sun and
Miss Anna A. Boyer of
OEVEVA-The juniors gave their class
filav last night In the high school auditor
urn, which was filled. The play was
"Rocky Ford."
UKNEVA-Iwb brick bu IdltiKa are to be
rec.ed f r fa loons, ana the Ice plant run
I y .. C Itx:f. pi is now in operation. Two
i ". .
'Miif,lv;"'lTllu: . ty . co-inc'i
' f,TT, 4'w u . .i . ,? .
nlnt. Tl-m is the same number a
jiear kt.d the r r' i-rtct'-T are the same
".Vlf.T rf'!NM!ln Juliet Frost, a well
i known and popular school teacher of um-
ilng coinLy. hns heen elect-l teacher of
the fit si lntrrii,dialo department ot the
i'ooper city schools.
WF8T KOI VT The Board of Education
I for the West Point school dUlrlot bus
I ori;ani2.el by electing J. C FJllioU. pre
iiloiii; A. K. Kraut-?, vice pre idnt, and
J '?-n M. Thompson, eecretary.
i V.U.I.FT- . J. McOurg of tee Omaha
1 he ibcial Pfm'narv. wiio lia-i been
lTiaoiimg at tht iebyterian church sloe
: .l.un;aiy 1 U.'l. i,l spend his vscaiion at
' Val'.'y. acting as pastor ot the church,
i rv.VTHM- i TTY- !n the firvcio ;ur
i suit of the C---nan National bank of ' !
I im-l'ue aMmv. -KiHcin' J. S''v.nn .
' Nebraska MIV. .1i'l: i'.u-n-. 'H i-n,1erel f.r
j the r-Jairttff li ice sum of '.." ha in
terest and cos: a
I VK:--c IH-.t V'-. Tl,.
rev, looul pfrohants. are hliev,1 -..i
Detailed Census of
T!i director i:f bwuk has ar.nm'nn- d iif rni.n'at'-'
NlirHska. BTjjrrth! to ita minor dlvj oi ., tolU-wri.;
Ml: or fv! Division.
Aillxn 'd proln-i. rsextanslva with Al iarrs r't-
.MilRnoa r'tT ,
".r1 1
XV t
" X Pll'o
!! p;- fK-: r
K.i p h!' t, moiua'.nir H; minfo A M Uat. j
uf id V,.L)(C
r e--.' -t
I, . v v o i' .,
I i : , r ' pi.-d'.rt
, nn.i.:! r "-'': .
Huin.rt' Va'.n i'rinct .'
hi i. i r "i:.ct
Wnnht lr, t-lr.ct
Court House
have made the record shipment of eggs
for the stale during last week. They
Khlpped three cai loads, containing 12.0rto
noxen each, every egg being of local pro
duction. MADISON The Northeast Nebraska In
terdlstrlct Declamatory contest between
the cities of Madison and Randolph oc
curs In this city this evening. Both Mad
ison and Randolph are ready and In good
trim and both towns are sanguine of
CI.AY "ENTER W. R McReynolds of and John Counsel of Harvard were
adjudged Insnne by the county board of In-
Hnlly today. Both were sent to the asy
lurn at Haaiinga, McReynolds Is the son
of . a former representnlve from Clay
county, ligan McReynolds
FAJRBVRT Misses Otena Welsel and
Dorothy Collier entertained the senior class
of the Falrbury High school st a line
party In the Majestic laat evening. After
wards the class went to Miss Welsel's
home at W2 E street, and enjoyed refresh
rpents of ice cream and cake.
FAIRBl'RY The annunal convention of
the Nebraska Plate Pharmaceutical associa
tion will he held la, Falrbury from June 13
to in. The committee in cnarge naa pre
pared a aood program for this meeting. A
part of each afternoon will be devoted to
athletlo sports In the city para.
BEATRICE Major C. W. Walden of
this cltv. a member of the Second regiment
hospital corps, yesterday received an order
detailing him to report at Ban Antonio,
Tex.. Mhv II to attend the Joint encamp
ment maneuvers and field Instruction of
the regular army, which will cover a period
ot fourteen days.
HOLDRE15E I. C. Miller, formerly of
Lincoln, Is now Installed aa proprietor and
manaser of the Hampton hotel, the leading
hostelry of this city. A deal waa made the
first of tha week whereby Mr. Miller ao
quired the hotel from B. H. Vlets, who has
been conducting It. The consideration has
not been made public but was about
GOTHENBURG On Monday evening the
P E. o. society was entertained" at the
home of Mrs. Kelly, the occasion being the
visit of State Inspector Mrs. tlugnes oi
South Omaha. The afternoon was spent In
P. E. O. work, which Mrs. Hughes found
satisfactory. A two-course buffet , supper
waa served at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Hughes gave
several good recitations.
VALENTINE The Juniors of the high
school held their annual reception at Qulg
ley's hall Friday night for the seniors
and the rest of the high school room. The
hall was very prettily decorated with the
different class colors, pennanta and ever
greens, etc. After the gamea and program
ot several musical numbers a very taaty
lunch was served to all.
FAIR BURT The Eaatern 8tar at Its
regular meeting elected the following of
ficers for the ensuing year: Worthy ma
tron, Mrs. 8. E. Hawes; worthy patron.
Mm. E. W. Mason; associate matron, Mrs.
Q. A. Heath; secretary, Mrs. F. R. Brill;
treasurer, Mrs. O. Houck; conductress,
Mrs. A. M. Hungerford; associate con
ductress, Mrs. Ernest Beardsley.
GRAND ISLAND-The second number ot
the Mav Festival of Music prosram. the
artists' night, was another pronounced suc
cess. The Rlcally string Quartet of Lin
coln and Prof. Smith, pianist, pf the Grand
Island Consrvatory of Muslp ftirnls'ied
a program of chamber music from the claa
Bica. A very largo and again a very ap
preciative audience was in attendance,
CENTRAL CITY The action of v-the
state against John Marquis on a charge
ot having liquor for unlawful sale was
continued until the next term on request
of the defendant on account of the illness
of one of his witnesses, and the case
against Fred Barritt on a similar charge
waa also continued, and Barritt was re
leased from Jail on his own recognisance.
GRAND ISLAND The charge of assault
with Intent to do great bodily Injury to his
.If. n a.rf en nut A. rj. Anscny. linn
been suspended pending his fulfillment of
the condition that he does not in any
manner molest her In the future. It ap
pears that the evidence of some of the
members of the family was slightly diverg
ing, though there Is no question as to the
VALENTINE The new three-story hotel
which has been In course of construction
for some time past by C. Church of this
place, haa been leased and opened by
Grace Son of this place, also proprietors
of the Dnnoher hotel. The new building
will be run In connection with the other
house for the present, as the dining room
and kitchen are not completed In the new
WEST POINT The marriage of Martin
Hamlk and Miss Anna Goehel took place
at St. Anthony's church at St. Charles on
Thursdav , Rev. V. Burger, resident pas
tor, officiating, assisted by Father Julius
Htttwer of Stuart and Rev. A. E. Klemens
of West Point. The bride Is the daughter
of Albert Goebel of St. Charles and the
groom a farmer of Stuart, where tn
newly-married couple will make their
future home.
GRAND ISLAND The police deportment
Is looking for Albert Beckwlth of Donl
hs.n thin eountv. who recently separated
from his wife. The latter Is llvina in this
city. Yesterdav evenln" 't Is allecei. he
came over ostensibly to have a talk with
, th'.r .1-vars-olrt daughter and, It being
about dusk, suddenly pl'-ked her up and
ri anny with her. So far no trace of the
mar. ha been found.
TECUMSEH Local Agent I,. L. Fuder
of t':o Burlington railroad has informed
Mew. G. W. Thomas and H. .1. lOndcrs,
t:.c committee from the Tecumseh Com
m.rcl'l i-.ub. whh h akcd-ti railroad
eon:r;iwiv to improve tneir am service
here' tbnt the nresnt yards will be 1m-
s,ld ,ddlUona made thereto. Scale
o- P'ov'd-d. an I n a.ld Hon the con-
.... w 11 nm s si viln1 Til I find fATO Print?
' lank it thn yards.
VK8T POINT The funeral of Mrs.
Orvce Nicholson, mother of County At
torney IIuko M. Nicholson, occurred at
Wisaer, w hwe the remains were laid to
i,t m the puhllo Cf-nmiery. Mra. Nichol-
I t r." ili'-d st the Presbyterian hospital at
!.!..! "-.a of lfuc!tnia. She was ear
j v ai'! leaves three children, Hugo M.
, of V -st Point. Hubert of Unooln and Mlns j
: Mart. -ii of Wlsner. Rev. Wllltem Ayers.
ti.e former pa-itor of the deceased, con- i
iiuc-l the funeral rite. j
I VATKKLOO William Podson. pioneer j
s::it .t jinlneni ritlsen of Mrentern loulmi
I oiuiuv. i1iel at his home in Waterloo. Fri- 1
'a,- afternoon, about 3 o'clock. The fueral I
'. v. I'l be held at the lale home Sunday aft-I
rri- tor. ai I o clock. Mr. nod son uvea ror
. many years on a farm near K!k 1ty and
!:a been s res1,lent of Wate'luo the lst
ten or twelve yeara. last October he and
I Mr l'fl?on cHehrated ibeir golden wed
j Jmf atm'. eraar j at the home of thilr
Nebcin Counties
I a Ptjc Putt count-. 1) W'
1". ft i tt
.1 " .i'.V.",
X'". 1!.' ifll
.i t 7-u
t 41 ! 7V,
v : i l-;
'.'I Kv
!7'i v ;
' "t 4"7
7h 1V V
r." i:i
3C1 MA
son. A. R, Dndeon, who Uvea northeast
of Valley.
VAI.LET The senior class of Ihe Val-
lev High school presented Its class play.
Mr. Boh." Friday evening In "Tie opera
bouse. Beuleh Bvars. t,eola Burt. Mabel
Johnson snd Clifford Edmlnster compose
the class of 'tl and they were asslsied by
linin wnitmore. t 'ovn nars arm Harry
Johnson, class of '13. This is the first class
plav ever given by the high school. Gov
ernor Aldrlch will give the addreae at the
commencement on Wednesday evening.
May 23.
MADlSON-Wlllev Wvatt. residing near
Tllden. wss brought before the dipso
maniac board this afternoon and adjudged
a suitable subject to be detained for a
time In the school for dypsomanlaes at
Lincoln. Also Ira Hamilton of Norfolk was
brought before the same board today and
likewise convicted and will take a course
f treatment at the state Institution, Mr.
Miller, a painter of Norfolk, was also ar
raigned before the board and the hearing
was continued until tomorrow.
GOTHENBURG A laughable farce com
edy was given Friday evening at the opera
house by members of the Junior class In
honor of the senior clssa faculty. The
name of the play Is "The Heavenly Twins."
and was carried out excellently. Following
the plav a three-course banquet was
served at the Ivunt of Mr. snd Mrs. Gentx
ler. The rooms were decorated In Junior
and senior class colors and carnations, the
senior class flowers. Toaata followed the
banquet. Russel Gentaler acted as toast
No More Final Exams
at Cornhusker School
Univenrty Authorities Decide Stu
dent Will Pais Upon Their
Record of Year.
Orom a. Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May .-Speclal.-By action
of the university senate this morning, final
examinations are to be dispensed with at
the state university. The senate, which
consists of all full professors, haa authority
In the matter, and the dectston means that
the much dreaded "finals" will be a thing
of the past when the next school year
A better system of every day work and
a more concentrated attention to the
studies are planned to take the place of
the examinations and will prove ot far
more benefit to the students, It Is believed
A feeling which haa been growing for some
time among certa'n members of the faculty
Is responsible fr the reform.
Nebraska High School
Orators at Aurora
Elmer Nelion, Sidney; Harris Haw
kins, Stanton, and . M. Burr,
Aurora, Win Class Prizes.
AURORA, Neb.. May 6 (Special.) The
Nebraska high school declamatory contest
waa held In the opera house here yester
day afternoon. Twenty-two schools were
represented and (he house was crowded to
Its capacity. The winners In these classes
Oratorical First prise, Klmer Nelson,
Sidney; second, Richard Kadlng, Schuyler;
third. William Medlar, York.
Dramatic First prise, Harris Hawkins,
Stanton; second, Mary Bowman, Broken
Bow; third, Viola Beckler, Crawford.
Humorous First prise, E. M. Burr, Au
rora; second, Leo Cheney, Cambridge;
third, Beulah Smith, Alliance.
Jury at Central City Refasea to Graat
Dam area to Chapaaaa Maa Hit
by . Faust Trsvla.
CENTRAL CITT, Neb., May C BpecIal.)
A case that has attracted considerable
attention over the county, and stirred np
considerable feeling in the neighborhood
where the plaintiff lived, waa disposed of
In the district court here today when tho
jury In the case of William Worland
against the Union .Pacific Railway com
pany brought In a verdict finding no Issue
of action. The case occupied the entire at
tention of the court for the week, and after
the verdict was rendered the court ad
journed until the following Monday. , The
plaintiff, William Worland, has been a
drayman at Chapman for a number of
years. On the morning of March 10, 1910,
while In the discharge of his regular voca
tion, he attempted to cross the tracks with
his team and dray from the depot. Appar
ently he did not see the fast approaching
licm Angeles limited bearing down upon
him. Before he had cleared the track the
engine crashed into the rear end of the
wagon. The wagon was literally smashed
to kindling wood, the team was uninjured,
but Mr. Worland was tossed Into the air,
and when he was picked up was a mass of
cuts and bruises. He was taken to the
hospital st Grand Island, and tt was found
that he had sustained many bruises and
fractures. The railroad contended there
was ample opportunity for the plaintiff to
see the approaching train, and that there
was negligence on his part. Photographs
of the place where the accident occurred
were Introduced, and at the conclusion of
the hearing the Jury went down to Chap
man to view the scene first hand. The
jury deliberated for about ten minutes and
returned a verdict of no cause of action.
New Baak for' "prlogf leld.
GRETNA. Neb., May . (Special.) A
new bank haa been organised at Spring
field. Chief among the organlxers ars
William P. Mangold, cashier of the Farm
ers' and Merchants' bank at Gretna: John
C. Mangold of Klkhom. and Peter Man
gold of Bennington. Also quite a number
of well-to-do farmers .In the vicinity of
Springfield will be stockholders and tne
bank will be-cal'ed the Farmers' Stat
Hank of Spr nfleld. John O. Mangold will
be h caahler and business will be begun
aa soon aa the furniture and fixtures are
Thla beak, with Ita coinectiona. will be
en ef the s-rongren In aaatern Nebral-.a
out aide of Omaha.
arna louti G. Rall.
81 "J"!VJC, Nsb.. MsV . Bpm-laL Good
roada wnrtrrs nrs ars maktoir efforts t
brine; ths envn-staia antomaUla highway
throorb Jmna, A nMtini was hel! to
nlrM to perfwt loral plana. Tha stats
r?anixarl"n ni mrt alar 1 at Holdrtp;
to dortds on th ram.
Change the
I as
" There a Reason. '
Small County is Setting Pace for Some
of Its Larger Sisters.
Faratera and Rnstaeaa Ma Are Ce
Oserallsg la the Coestrwetloa
of Forty Miles ot Model
CENTRAL CITT. Neb , May 1 peelal)
Merrick county, while one of the smallest
counties In the state. Is certainly setting a
pace that should be followed by some of her
larger slstera In the summer of 110 a
government good reads expert was secured
from Washington, and under his direction
two miles of model road was built at a
cost of per mile. At the time of the
building arrangements were made to have
all of the township officers In the county
come In and learn how good roads coul l
bo built through sand, which was the men
difficult of construction.
The lessons of 1310 were so well learned
that In February, 1911, the good roads en
thuelasts formed an association, with H.
E. Olatfelter as president and Joe A. Hays
as secretary to build forty miles of roads
along the line of the Union Pacific railway
from the east to the west line of the
county. Central City business men donated
WOO In one day's soliciting for the pur
pose. The farmers along the proposed
route, almost to a man, have pledged two
days' work each, and sU townships
through which the road runs are throw
ing up the necessary machine grades,
which is to be top dressed with clay or
gumbo by the donation work.
Thlse two pictures were taken two
miles west of Central City on a sandy
stretch roat The first shows wagons
belngf loaded wth gumbo soli by an ele
vated grader one-half mile from where
toe road Is being constructed. The other
picture shows the twenty farmers' teams
dumping their loads on the sand road.
The.xe twenty teams put In nearly 400 loads
of dirt per day. and put from two to three
cubl yards per rod of road at a cost of
about 1.100 per mile for completed road.
The failure of the lata legislature to give
the btate an up-to-date road law has not
deterred our people from going ahead In
their road movement. It shows how an
up-to-date,-hustling bunch of farmers can
do things In spite of an adverse law-making
May 13 and have been fixed as the
days for the donation work on finishing
the road, but from present activities much
of the road will be finished before that
date. It is the purpose of the organiza
tion to maintain this road by means of
the King road drag for one year after
competition to more thoroughly demon
strate the neceaslty and economy of keep
ing a road good after building It right.
Permanent cement culverts are to replace
the wooden bridges on this line, and are
being provided by the county from the In
heritance tax funds, and before summer
is here Merrick county will have the long
est stretch of good roads in Nebraska,
Horse Stolen at Benkelmaa.
BENKETMAN. Neb., May . Special.)
A valuable horse waa stolen from the
farm of William Roberta, three miles eaat
ot Benkelman, on the night of May 4.
The animal has been traced to a point
In Cheyenne county, Kansas, aome flva
miles from the scene of the theft, when the
trail was lost. Three other horses have
been stolen In this vicinity since the first of
the year. Reports come from Otis. Colo.,
from former Dnndy county residents, of
the theft there of i eleven bead of horses,
about two weeks ago.
FREE $13,000 Other Money Value Prizes FREE
Tatir opportunity to win la as goad aa anjrona's. Bvsry contartant will ba awardad a prise. You mar win the,
Ml Piano or you mar win a Watoh,
rtrat Prise.
Tfeira Priaa.
lies: ,i
0 0 0
0 0 0
The contest le free and open to every man, woman and oh I Id In the Cnlted States, exoept those connected la
any av with Piano Business.
FIRST PRIZE will be awarded to the one sendlna; In the neatest and most original correct answer.
The Fecond Prise will be awarded to the ons sending- In the nesteat correct answers. All of the above prises
will be awarded according to merit as determined by the Judges, whose dnclsion shall be final. All prises muat
be called for wtthln twelve (12) days after close of contest. Every contestant must send us the name and address
of at least one family not owning a piano, so we can send them our catalog and Fax-tory-to-Home Selling Plan,
wtilch cute out all middlemen and saves to the piano buyers these enormous profits. This Is the only store wlthla
hundreds of miles where you can deal with the manufacturer direct.
Harry your aniwer bring or mall to oar store tadiy. Inclose self-addressed envelope
Contest closes p. m. Itlay 10th, 111.
The Segerstrom Plane Mfg Co., incorporated, authorlazed capital 1400.000, were among; the earliest manufao.
turers In the business to establish the One Price Kactory-to-Hme No Commission No Middlemen plan ot sell
ing pianos, which Is fair and equitable to buyer ana seller alike.
Thli corn-nan v also sharss their advertlelng fund with their o
means. This company atreaay nas
srs uuioe lor ivio apeaae oi xaim
M if 'if i ' aiiiaua
Chassis in Three Sizes
The Packard "Six"
48-hortepotier, A. L A. M. ftlng
The Packard "30"
4O'rtf0weri A- L. A. M. rating
The Packard "18"
SS-Kersepwtr, A L. A. M. rating
Twelve Styles of Open and
Enclosed Bodies
Packard cars arc sold nlj tkrgh
Packard dealers, alvrayi at list price
and every Packard dealer maintains
tha prestige of Packard service.
Catalog, ready. Demonstration by appointment. Early
orders obtain preference in date of delivery.
Electric Garage Company
2218-20-22 Farnam" St.
1912 Packard
"Six" Phaeton
Csst, th & tricCfv
Dr. William Creighton Maxwell
wishes to announce to his friends and patrons his return from Pales
tine, the Holy Lsmd, Jerusalem and the Orient, where he has spent the
winter. Dr. Maxwell will he pleased to meet his friends and patrons
in his new location 408-400-4 1 0 thnalia National Bank Building, 17th
and Farnam St., where he is engaged in Treating All Diseases of the
Rectum without rutting, tying or burning and without pain. A written
guarantee given in all caaes treated, l'ay when cured.
408-0-10 Omaha Nat'l Bank, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Doug. 1701.
If you lo60 your pocketbook, umbrella, watch or any other
article of value, the thing to do is to follow the example of many
other people and advertise without delay in the "Lost & Found"
column of The Bee.
Diamond Rlna or ll-placs Sllrar Serrlca.
rtrmt Priaa 3I0 Piano.
rcaa PrlM 116 credit towards the purchase of any new piano In our store.
Thlrt Prise Gentleman's Gold Watch. Fifth Prise One pair Opera Onutses.
Pearth Prise Ladles' Diamond Rlnf. Sixth PHae Gentleman's Scart Pin.
eveath Prise Ladles' Broooh or 'Gentleman's Watch Fob.
Math Priaa.
tmwt Prisa,
Hew ta Selre It Wo Oaaraatee It Oaa Be Deae.
Take any number from one to fourteen Inclusive. Do not use any
number more than twice. Place one numtosr in each of the elg-ht
outalde diamonds and one in center diamond ao that when Uiey are
added perpendloularly or horlsontally the total will make 27.
Partial List of Prize Winners, Last Contest
David Mills, 26th and Lake, Omaha; Chariea H. Hunt, 3804
N. 18th, Omaha; Emolia Pedsrsen, 3319 N. 22d, Omaha; Mra.
Charles O. Hutchlnga, Roland apartment, Omaha; Miss J, Ellin,
2982 Harnay, Omaha; T. W. 8pafard, 21st and Z, South Omaha;
Hon. Adolph rials, Schuyler, Nob.; L. F. Ahl, Dorchester, Neb.j
John E. Hanson, Wayno, Nob.; Julius Floor, Council Bluffs, la.;
A. J. Miller, Decatur, Nob.; H. H. Voss, Plsgsh, la.; Chariea Kittle
son, Petersburg, Nob.; Dora Drongenberg, Johnson, Neb.; J. W.
Danshor, David City, Nab.; Mrs. Myra Ayrea, Fairmont, Neb.;
Joseph Petachs, Harlan, la.; Ross Colgsn, Paclflo Junction, la.;
Blanoho Hamilton, Plymouth, lit.; Theodora Klubundo, Irvlngton,
Neb.; Amos Mostl, Dodge, Nob.; G. F. Altmaler, Kearney, Neb.;
Henry Sander, Cedar Crook, Neb.; D. W. Dwnk!e, Logan, la.; C. W.
8 naffer, Benson, Nob.
fund with their oustomers.
nunareas oi sensnea ana enuiueiaeiio customers in inia state. Tre flajio luy
sensnea ana en
glowing terms.
coarpany in
"uho oTon.r ottes
Tou ara sura to win a prise.
In addition to tha
bova prlza a beau
tiful souvenir will be
given each contest
ant FREE.
Fourth Priaa.
I"""""" "V Fifth .Priaa. '"""V
Instead of other and mora expenetva
Farnam Street, Omaha