Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, SPORTING SECTION, Image 29

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    ' part ftve
:VOL. XL NO. 46.
Rourkes' Hoodoo Still Working;. Phillies Run Over Brooklyn; Athletics Lose
BOUttKES, 7 TO 1
Johnson Proves Aimo5t Imincibie,
While. Fentrc. it Knocked Out
of Box in First.
Jack Holland's Crew of Pennant Chasers
Kansas Scores a Total of 48 PoinU
While the Boys of the Antelope
State Roll Up 61.
Mile Run in Trifle Over Three and
One-Half Minutes.
I' , . t . . , . J
OilAA SCOPES 127 'lite SIXTH.
" ? ie-v "i . A''.' V -- V 'Mr f ft 7 H. . : ,v i
..r-v a.-.wi ; t'T'. v.-.
Et Joseph Pati Six llsi Over in Fint
Two Iminji.
Bee, I sp orts
' w-. t ... k-- .!..- . . " u"'u""""' '. ' , " i
... , f-r w " r- v I I - - .
. . wa- -"-s it . .y'1 "" 1 . . . ,-i . ' 1
: f r- ' !' ... ' : w.r. " ,-',: -mtvf ..; f 3-' t J H
CJumpion Outhit Visitors, Winning:
f by Nine to Eight.
TtTm tartrtc Hit . Owe Horn Hm
RrtUf, Braea, Smith. North?,
Kcdhi autd Stem Get
ST. JOBBJPH, May (.Johnson wu almost
Invincible today, while 8t. Joseph knocked
Fentress out of the box In the first Inning.
AB. R. H.
A. El
MoChssney, cf..
Kelly, rf
Powell. If
Retlly. 2b
Borton. lb......
Ha m I i t 1
4 2 2
tQossett. 0
Johnson, p
81 7 11 27 1
AB. R. H. O. A. B.
I Anderson, rf 4 0 0 1 0
I Bohlpke. 2b.. 2 10 1
I King. yct.... 3 0 13 1
f Kuw, lb 4 0 0 10 1
i Plokertng. If 2 0 1 1 0
iOrahaui. Ib 4 I) C 4 2
Kneavea. aa 3 0 0 1 1
Kom'jTig. o 4 0 14 2
uFwntreM. p 0 0 0 0 0
JtU.n, p 3 0 10 2
( 8uhoonover 1 0 O 0 0
! Totals 31 1 4 4 16
V "Ratted for Pattern In ninth.
JOwaJia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
ftM. Joaevh 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
Double p'ay: Reiliy to Meinke to Borton.
i Bki'ilMoa bite: Kelly. Johnson (-. Stolen
" I bases: Kehy, Kcrtoo. Iwu-uase hit: Mr
! Chnawey. Struck out: By Johnson, 9; by
Una. a k.ll. llfl UillAn 'J
off K'encrene, 2; otf Johnson, 3. Hit by
, pitched ball; By Johnson, 2. Hits: Oil
Funlren. 3 In two-thirds Inning; off J'atton.
in seven and a third innings. Passed
bail: OoaretC Left on bases: St. Joseph,
; Omaha, a. Time: IM. Umpire: Haskell.
sua Wtm. br So i 31 la to
6XOUX CUT, la May C Sioux City
ut tUt Xea Molne Iter today, winning,
to Boor I
A3. R. H. O. A. K.
iiilnM, lb .. 3 3 13 11
Btam, lb . 4 0 3 7 0 0
Hkruiwn. 3b 3 0 0 1 3 0
Neighbor, rf ....... 4 t 3 3 0 0
Wasnsx, of 4 3 3 3 0 0
Relily, a 4 0 1 0 0 0
Krwen, If 3 1 0 0
Town. 1 0 112 0 0
r. MiiW, .. oooooo
Wllsoa. p 3 10 0 10
fftarber, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
tl. Mill, ... 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weion .. mi 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 U 27
AiB. 1U 1L O. A.
OurUs. If
Neeatmm. 2b . 4
aUok. of ......... 4
pwyer, lb 4
Korea, 3b - 4
lisoamp. rf ... 3
JLynota, a Him ii 4
Braltn, a 4
Owma, p . i. .... 1
aNasvaup, t ...
Totaia . S5 I 3 24 US 1
ta Motnaa 03000180
Jioux City 3 0130301
BaMed tor WUaon In Jh eighth.
ttatitim hi tat Mem. Tawne. Welch. F.
Iiflllta-j Lwaaip. Tw-bae blU: Reiriy,
iHseatw BmlUi, Northup, Needham, Ulem.
Jlacn funi Wagner. Btulen baaeal An
Or. Melgbbora. Breen. Hits: Off F.
SaJUea, 3 In tore Innings; oft Wilson,
In D.vm Innlnss; of Owens, 3 In one inning;
ott Jlavthup, 3, Double plays: Korea to
; Dwyer to iCore. Struok out: By NV'U
! , kf North op, M by F. Miller. 4.
1 aa M ballst Off P. Miller, 3; oft tt-
on, 14 oil Vortbup, 3. Pasaed balls:
frownat It L wild pitch: Owens.
nit by pltohen Andre. Need as. m, jywT,
Itartmmn. Umpire; KjMOland. Tim: 2:05.
Kttepdsnoe. J.tW0.
awr Takes First ttf Series, Sevea
D3SXTK3, Stay t. Denver celebrated Its
homei eomlng today by winning the first
ef la aerlea from Topeka,' T to L Score
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Lloyd 21 3 1 3 2 3 0
till met-, l r T . , . ., 3 1110
lieall, cl..,.r.MM.M 0 0 0 0 0
,Vlednaaul. L-. 3 113 0
Qulllln. 3b. ..4 13 13
lindeax. lb.. 4 113 3
(.'offer, aa..M.. 4 0 13 4
Castdy, rf. 3 0 3 3 0
Mo Murray, a... 4 133
O'Brien. P. m...... 1 0 0 0 1
lUgerman, P 3 10 3 0
Total 34 ,1 13 27 II
AH. R. IL O. A. E
Hafofrd. 2b. 3 1
Klokard. U. 3 3
Thomaaoo. of.. 4 1
ViTUtney, 1...M 3 1
J-Iopk. ............ 4 0
Moore, 3b..... 3 0
UrelteDstetn. rf 4 0
Hawklna, o. 3 0
iBeakar. p.... 3 0
Total .......
..2 t
S 4.
Xnver 0 1130080 7
Tope 3 03000000-3
Beaten bases: Beall, UcMurray, Uafford,
ZUcfcard 1. Wbllney. Thr-baae lilts
Lindsay. Whitney. UulUln. Coffoy. Sacrl
fioe alt: QUinore, Caesidy. tiacriflo .fly:
W ladensaul. bMruok out: By O'rbien, 2, by
Xlagwinaa. 3; by Booker. 3. Wild pitches:
poka. a Jnnlng pitched: By O'Brien, two
and on- third; runa, 4; hits, 4: by ilsger-
man, nv and two-uunu; runs, l, bit, x.
Timet 3 0a. Umplrai ttnoemaker.
Deeora-tlea Iay Shoot.
A Manorial day target shoot will be
Held thla year by tn Oman Uun club at
n aiu srroanas. starling at ju a. m.
and axteiadJna throtishuut t h. ds.v.
Teenty erveais will be held, 31 i entnuioe
fee fur son event and the club adding 36
rasa. Trap abootar are all invited to
- the event and thar will be two automatic
trap In action (or use ot the viisiors.
All numeya will be divided on the Jsck-
rabMt DiiMii, oo, so and nt pr cent, with
aweepexajiee optional itn tne winner.
Lunun will be served on the grounds by
the club and shells will he sold tlwra also
O fie Ixyal hotel will be the shooters' head-
Th 3Cey te the Situation-B Want Ada.
1 ?V' r'J 7v7 a i,v, - - - I ",.y" r ? f V
i:,r-r A' ?7 - V ,v -4 5 1 s i S -V
Lincoln Loses by Score of Seven to
Walk and three Hits Send Over
Wlaalaa . an -Vnarlaavh Bad
Thomas yirt Homo Itjna
Beldea tiets Two-naersrer,'
WICHITA. Kan., May S-Ater Unooln
apparently had the gmrne won today
Wichita, conducted a batting be In tha
ninth Inning. A walk and three hlU sent
over the winning man. Score:
fjoie. ci . 4
Dundon, aa 3
Oobb. rf 4
McCormlck, If-.... 4
I'ngiaub, i: (.... 4
Thomas, lb -- - 4
Cookman. .., ,,,,,,, 4
Mcuraw, o 3
Wolverton. p ,,,, 3
Mtddleton, cf.
Berger, a
tieiaen. ir..
Koemsr. lb..
Hughe. 2b.........
Petturrew. rf
Bohmld, 3b..
ehaw. o....
Durham, p
Kills, p. .,
Clair ....
Total ,M
Lincoln ,., 4 0
Wichita 0 8
On out when winning1 run aoored.
Batted for Kills in ninth.
Two-base hits: Balden. Hum rttnai TTn.
glaub, Thomas. Base on balle: Off Wolvei-
lon, 1; orniurnam, 1 off Bllla, 1. Struck
out: By Wolverton. 8; by SlUla, a Doubl
riay: tierger to Hugne 10 Koerner. Stolen
bases: Hughea. Time: 8:o5. Umpire: Clarke.
Boston Be tea in Game Fall of Sea.
sat tonal Fleldlngr.
NEW YORK, May I. New Tortc brok
Its losing streak today, defeating Boston
tn 3, In a gam full of sensational field
ing. Roach, E. Gardner and Ch& exe
cuted a triple play In the ninth Inning with
the shortstopyrktchlng CsrrtK&n'a liner and
throwing to f eoond, retiring Williams. Otu-O-ner
then relayed the ball to Chase and got
Nunamaker. Score:
B H.O.A H. B U O A I
lUrtiell. rf . 1 1
0 Hixr. rf . . . a 1 1 e I
4 ua'ntiwr, lb I t 1 1
Inl.l. of... 4(1
iliw lb ... I t (
(Tm, If 4 11
E i rtnsr. Ib 4 1 I
Johnson, tb.. 11
linarh. .... 44
H.MBil, O. .. t 1 t
for, p 8 1
1 BpMkar, St.. 4 4 11
tlwla, If 4 1 I
I 1 Riif!, lb.... 1114
I Y.rkaa, as.... 1111
I 1 William lb. 4 1 I
( N'a'maker, e 4 I 7 I
t1Mt p.... t 1 1
Ckrrlsul ... 1 (
17 U
Hatted for Clcott In the ninth.
Boston 10300000 03
New York 00601000
Two-has hit: Hooper, E. Gardner.
Triple play: Roach, E. Gardner and ('hue.
Struok out: By Ford, 2; by Cicotte, 7.
bases on balls: Off Clootte, 3; off Ford, &.
Time: 2.10. Umpire: Kvans and Kg an.
Fiercely Caatested Battl with Hut.
taw W o, Two te Osa
HASTINGS. Neb, May r. -(Special
Telegram.) In a fiercely contested game
Kearney Normal today defeated Hast
ing collet by th score of 8 to L Kear
ney scored th first point en a base on
balls, a saorlflc and a single. Hasting
tied th soot In th 4eatn on a singl
and a doubl. Kearney than won th
gam In th eighth on a baa on balls, a
tolen base and a atngl. Score:
Hastings 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 O13'8.
Kearney 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 03 S 0
Hits: Kearney, 5: Hastings. 4. Batteries
Hastings. W. .Smith and R, tmltk; Rear
nay. Murphy and 1-sm-rt.
Th Key to th Situation Be Want Ads.
H. O. A. E.
118 0 0
3 I 4 t 0
0 0 10 0
110 0 0
1 3 0 4 0
1 3 18 0 0
0 114 0
0 0 3 3 1
0 0 8 3 1
Totals 33 38 14 8
A3. R. II. O, A. B.
4 0 0 1 0 0
. 5 113 4 0
. (14 3 0 0 4 0 1 1 1
4 1 10 0 1
...... m v V V
.... 4 0 0 1 1 1
.. 8 11 5 0
...... 1 0 0 0 0 1
- . 1 0 0 0 1 0
1110 0 0
"? U 37 18 4
t 1 0 0 0 0 0-
10 0 10 0
. r h : - 'i : it! - () Vr
i -i V '
Standing of Teams
W.L.Pot.1 W.L-Pct.
Sioux aty..ll 8 ,7l Phlla IS 6 .750
Wichita .... 7 4
Lincoln .... 7 S
Denver T 6
.( Pittsburg ...12 0 .700
.btW, New , York... 12 6 -.6M
.iKl, Chicago 11 8 .678
.6711 Cincinnati ..6 8 .43)
.6:131 Boston 7 14 ,8
All I Brooklyn ... S 14 ,24
033;Ut. Louia 8 11 .214
St. Joseph.. 8 6
Omaha 8 7
Topeka I 10
Des Molne. 8 18
AMER. A88'N,
Kan. City. ..11
.760 Detroit OS 8 .800
.66UiNw York... 8 .fctt
Milwauka,.U 10
Bt. Paul 10 8
Columbus ..9 8
Louisville ..10 11
Toledo 3 14
.Ma jbloago A
.6261 Hoslwn 10 .61
.WOiPhlla 8 8 .tr
.47(1 Washington. 8 10 .M
.S(i4 Cleveland ... 7 13 .H00
Indianapolis 16 .273; St. Louis.
... 4 13 JiLi
Yesterday's Resalts.
Omaha, 1; Bt. Joseph, 7.
Topeka, 6; Denver, 7.
Unooln, ; Wichita, 7. ,
De Moines, 8; Sioux City, 8.
New Tork, IB; Boston, a
Brooklyn, 2; Philadelphia, 12, v
Bt. Louis, ij Pittsburg, 3.
Cincinnati, 6; Chicago, 4.
Detroit, 8 Bt. Lout. 4.
Chioago, 6: Cleveland, 6 (eight Innings).
Philadelphia, t; Wsshlngton, 7.
Boston, 8; New Tork, .
Columbus, 4; St, Paul, 8 (ten Innings).
Louisville, 7; Minneapolis, 3.
Indianapolis, 1; Kansas City, 8.
Toledo, 8; Milwaukee. 8.
Gaaae Today.
TO.' a.t.rn T.rii)m.h. . a Tna.nV
Topeka at Denver, Lincoln at Wichita, Des
Moines at hioux city.
National laitue Pittsburg at Cincinnati,
tt. ixui at cnicago.
American League Detroit at Chicago,
Cleveland at St, Louis.
American Association Columbus at Ht
Paul, Louisville at Minneapolis, Indlanapo-
11 at Kansas City, 1 oieoo at Milwaukee.
Eod and Gun Club
Ties Creighton Uni
Game Ends in Dispute Between Score-
keepers and is Declared an
Even Break.
Omaha Rod and Gun club and Creighton
university played a gam to a tie at the
Rod and Gun club grounds Saturday aft
ternoon, with a score of to 6. Th game
was over at the end of what th Rod and
Gun player thought was the ninth Inning
and aevaral of them had loft Ui field with
lb score, 8 to 6, when on sxnrekeeper
decided that It was the eighth Inning, No
settlement of th question could be made
and the game was declared a tie.
Maying was good In spit of Ui nlsli
wind and It was demonstrated that both
the club and th collage have spuol y
teama Crtffcs and Kelley pitched excep
tionally good ball, Kelley allowing four
tnen hits and Crosa nln. Hronek and Rus
aum played star ball for Creighton and
Harry Welch. Prentiss and Duw for the
I tod and Gun club.
The following la th lineup:
l N CLUB. Position. CRE1UHTON.
.. Third.. Hronek
.-Kislu. .... J. Kelly
...ancond., i. ........ Howard
til I ham
Welch ,
.. 'jur. Bum
Kennedy Short..
Kliemschrieber. . . . lf t
Ackina imfi..
Preniifa First.,
Dow Catch,
Cross IHch.
P. Kelley
Rtl K
Gun Club ... u j
Crniglilou .. 42
Base on balls: Off Cross, 8; off Kelley, 3.
Hit by pitched ball: Kelley, 1. Umpire:
Calberlaoa Blaaa Oxford.
OXFORD, Neb.. May . (Special.) The
Culbertson Ifiirli a-hui,l base ball team and
the Oxford team m-t on th local diamond
tins sfurnoon. 8core: R H ii
Culbertson 4 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 7 7 2
Ox ford 00000000 00 2 3
Batteries: Culler.n, Hoop and Wal
ters; of"rd, McMurrau and Cilaiui. ' in
pira; Axularsoav
i '
) v
vil) '-A - i
Johnson Weakens in Eighth Inainj,
Four Rons Reetuting,
Russell I Matted Hard Collins .
enrea Horn Ran Cuanlaanant
Oeta Three-Base Hit Two
Two-Ban-ner. .
WASHINGTON D. O.. May - Wathlr.g.
ton defeated Philadelphia today in an ex
citing game, 7 to 8. Johnson weakened tn
th eighth inning and was wild, four runs
resulting. Russell was batted hard, Dun-
nlngham getting a triple and three single
off his delivery. Boor:
WASHnsxvrox. PHiULDBUmA..
B.H.O.A.X. B.R.O.A.II.
Vllu, of.... I 114 1 Btrnnk. If....) 114 0
Oonroy. If.... I 0 8 0 Oldrln. t. 1 4 8 0 4
Lellnlt. rf..4 1 1 0 4 Collins, lb... 4 14 4 1
Blbarfo.4, 4b 4 1 14 4 Bmker, lb.... 4 118 1
Oewilsr. lb... 4 2 I 1 1 DctIs. lb.... 8 Mil
MpHrlds, . I 0 I I 1 Murphy, rf... 4 1 1 1 4
Oin'hun, lb. 4 I 1 Mcliuiei, I 1 1 I 1
Alnxnltk. .. I 1 t 1 0 Thomas. 14 14
Johiuos, ... 4 1110, p... 14 18
M"rin, p . , . 0 0 0 4
Totals 41 18 17 I 4 Haruel , I M I I
T! . .... 4 14 1 8
Batted for Russell in elghtn.
Washington 1 8 1 0 0 0 3 0 7
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 I'M
Two'base hits: Oessler, Mclnnls, Baker,
Lelivelt. Three-base hit: Cunningham.
Home run: Collins. Hits: Off Russell, 11 In
seven Innings. Sacrifice flies: Conroy,
Thomas. Sacrifice hit: Conroy. tHolen
bases, Collins. Elbejrfeld, Cunningham.
Double plays: Murphy, Davis. Collins. Left
on base: Washington, 8; Philadelphia, 8.
Bases on bails: Off Johnson, A: off Rus
sell. 4. First base on errors: Washington,
2. Philadelphia 4. Hit by pitcher: Lelivelt,
MnRrlrte. Struck out: by Johnson, 8; by
Rueaell, ft. Wild pitch: Johnson, 1. Time I
1:56. Umpires: Connolly and Mnullln.
rare Is Five to Five at End of
CLEVELAND, May . Cleveland and
Chicago played a tl game today, 6 to 6.
play being stopped at the end of the eighth
Inning to allow the Cleveland club to catch
a train. Poth teams batted hard. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O A B
Qrvney, If..-I 0 !M. Ib I 1 I
Olaon. at.... I III Cortiin, ... 1 1110
J.fkwvo. of.. I 11 4 Z.liter, lb... i 2 4 11
Loloia lb.... 14 4 1 Mclntrro, efl 1 I
Kul.rlr. rf. I I 1 14 DouRhorty, If I I I
BtoTill, lb... 4 17 1 0 Bxil. rl....l 1
Tumor, Sb. .4 II 4 Toe'hlll, s3b 4 0 4 1 1
Smith, a.... I 14 1 1 Collin., lb... 4 I 11 1
Blandlnc, . 4 4 4 ..4 1 I
Olmotaid. .. 1 2
ToUU II 12 14 11 3 Ri-ott. I 0 1 A
Wiloh. p.... 101
Totals XI ltt U I
Called to catch train.
Cleveland 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0-6
Chicago 0 0 1 01 0 2 16
Two-base hits: Corhan, Lord, Dougherty,
Collins, Kasterly, Jackson, Turner. Three
base hits: DouKherty. Sacrifice hits: Jack
son, Smith, lAjoie, Zeider. Sacrifice files:
Lajoie, Kaaterly. Stolen bases: Mclntyre
i-i, ldnr. Double plays; Easterly snd
Turner, Hlamllcg to Lajoie to HtovsJl. Hits:
Off OlmsteHd. 7 In three Innln; off Scott,
4 In four Innings:, off W a lull. 1 In one In
ning. Base on ti&llx: Off Blending, 4; off
Olmstead, 1; off Slcott. 1. tUruck out. By
Blandlng, 8: by Walsh, 1. Passed ball:
Smith. First on errors: Cleveland, 3; Chi
cago, 1. Ift on bases: Cleveland. 8; Chi
cago. 7. Time: 1:47. Umpires: Dineen and
I'. B. Sapply Reg-aJars Win.
At Riverside park the V. & Supply Co.
regulars defeated th Yanlgan by a score
of 10 to 5. The fielding of Holbrook of
the regulars was good. The U. S. Supply
Co. has gatheied together a fast bunch
of ball players that will give' any fast
amateur Saturday team a run for its
money. Score: RH.E.
Regular 8 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 010 16 1
VanlKana 2 0 0 10 0 2 0 0- 5 7 2
Batteries: Hagetnan and O'Neill; Snyder
aud Gudath. Umpire: Carr.
Llaeola All-Stars Wis at Crete.
CRETE Neb.. Mar . ( 8nM-1al.l Tha
Lincoln AU-Htsrs won from Creta here Fri
day In a closely-played game, securing
three runs, while the local wer unalile
to crosa th plats. Score. R H E
All Star 1 0 2 000 0 00 3 4 0
Crete 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 1
Batterlesi Crete. Chae, Wright snd
Brownuigj -dUtara. Kaiiuul and Holder-
U 1 '1 :
I! V yiH
Marathon Race is
Won by Tewanina,
a Carlisle Indian
Twelve Miles Covered la aa Hour and
a Fraction Here Than Nine and
One-Quarter Minutes.
NEW YOSVK, May 6, (SpeolM Telegram.)
Tewanina, lb Carlisle Indian, won the
modlld Marathon rat today, Th start
was mad a in tha Uronjt at liDS o'clock. Te
wanina ted nearly all th way. A great
orowd witnessed th race. Tewanina tlm
was on hour, nine minute and (Lxteen
second for th twolve miles; Frank Mas-
teraoa was second; Harry Smith, Pastime
A. C, third, and Arquette, Carlisle oollege,
Sullivan Belt is .
in Chicago Court
Donnelly Bring? Suit to Restrain the
Exhibiting of What He Claims is
Imitation of Famous Girdle.
CHICAGO, May . (Special Telegram.)
Few fight fans knew that the orltflnal
John L. Sullivan championship belt be
longed to a Chicago man until a suit
brought tn the circuit court today disclosed
the fact. It seems that Alexander F. Robb
is charged with exhibiting a fao simile of
the famous belt and Thomas N. Donnelly,
who owns the original, asks that Robb b
restrained from exhibiting It.
According to Donnelly, Mr. Robb'a fan
slmfle 1 worth only 1J00, while bis Is valued
at 310.000. This magnificent trophy was
presented to John I. en July 4, Wtt. the
year before he fought Charley Mitchell In
Chantllly, France.
- At that time John L. was the most
famous character In tha sporting world,
and the belt really represented the oham
plonshlp of the world, although critics have
argued themselves blue In the face whether
John evb,r was the world' title holder.
It was two years later that SulUvan met
and beat Jake Kllraln at Richburg, over
th seventy-five-round route. This fight
and the on with Mitchell are among the
most noted In th history of the prise
Donnelly has had th belt in hi pos
session for many year. It Is said that
John I. pawned it when In financial
St. I.ools l.nsrs by Moore of Eight to
ST. LOUIS, May . Detroit won th final
gams of the series from St. Louis today by
a score of 8 to 4. Bach team got numerous
hits. Score:
A. E.
Drako, If..
0 0 Stanton. If..
Buab. m 4
(VI. h. rf 4
Crawford, rf. 4
Itoioh'iujr, lb I
Morlarty, lb. 4
Gilnnr. th.... 1
Bttnoso, . . 4
atullia, p.. 4
1 Austin, lb..
4 Melnan, rf. .
A LatMirlA. 2b.
1 0
0 H'ljtniD, cf.
Clirke. 0.
0 Wallace, si
'rl, lb..
(leorro. D.
1 10
0 0
0 4
4 1
e o
lr-iry, p
11 I Hall.y, p.
Folly, p...
Totals.-.. .14 11 17
Tntali 18 11 IT tl 4
Detroit 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 08
St. Louis . 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 04
Two-base hits: Delehanty, Cries, Bush.
Laporte, Mullln. Three-base hli: Cobh.
Home run: Crln. Bases on balls: Off
George, 1; off Bailey, 3; off Mullln, 8; off
Peltv, 1. Siruik out: By George, 2; by
Mullln, 5. Hits: Off George, In two In
nings; off Gregory, S in one Inning; off
Bailey, 4 in five aud two-thirds lunulas; off
Felly, none in cue-third inning. Tiinu: 1:1a i.
Umpires: Perrlne and Sheridan.
Ohl Base Ball Bill Becomes Law.
COLUMBUS. O.. May . The Greevea
Sunday hase ball bill will become a law at
midnight tonight. The playing of the game
is restricted to the afternoon on rinday.
Governor Harmon wld allow It to become
a law without his aunatui.
J .
Brooklyn Escapes Shutout in Ninth
I'bUadrlphla Becnres Fourteen Hit
Off Vlsltlngr Pitchers Lohert aad
! Lsusd Mom Rnns On
PHILADELPHIA, May (.-Philadelphia
hit th ball ' hard today and defeated
Brooklyn, 11 18 2, th visitor scaping a
shutout in the ninth Inning, when thsy
mads four h'ls off Moore's delivery. Boor:
rarLADELrrflA. Brooklyn.
U.H.O.A.B. B.M.O.A-3)
W.loh'ooo, rli 1 1 0 OTooler, ,, 4 1114
Kiisbs, lb... 4 118 ODnubort, lb., 4 3 4 1 4
Ltfborc, SO... I 110 0 Whost,-It.... 4 110 1
VU(0, if..., I
fukirt, Of. ,
00 Hummol, Ib. 1080
ioo Airoro, or.-... i i
1udorut, lb. I I 0 4 Couloon, rf.. I
Duolu, as... I 118 4 Sus'rraaa, Ib I
1 I
poola, s 4
7 11 Borcon, 0...
I, p.... 8
0 10 Ruokor, p.,
1 0 0 0 0
Bchtrdt. B
10 0 1
ToUls M U 17 10 1 Buroh
1 4
ErwUt 1
Davidson ... 1
4 3
Touts 14 3 84 13
Batted for Rucker in me fifth.
Batted for Bergen In the ninth.
Batted for Sohardt In th ninth,
Philadelphia 30320183 13
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
Two-base hits: Magce, Doolan, Zimmer
man, irnree-baee hit: Knabe. Home runs:
Lobert, Magee. Pitchers' records: Off
Ruoker, 7 tilts and 17 times at bat In four
Innings; off eVImrdt. 7 hits and 18 times
at bat In four innings. Sacrifice hit. Doo
lan. Stolen bases: Cotilson, Lobert. Ms
gee. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 11; Phlla
aeipma, t. tnrst on bans: off Rucket, 4;
off Sohardt, 6; off Moore, 3. Struck out:
By Moore, 7. Time: 1:67. Umpires; John
ston ana uon.
Cardinals Defeated by Score st Three
to Two.
PITTBBTJRG, May 8. Pittsburg today
Won aruitheo" rl n.e aam. from Kt T -..11 a
the cor being 8 to 1 Pittsburg got all Its
run In the first Inrdna-. Ht. Tula rnl it.
two runs in the eighth on singles by Oakea
and Ilauser and a 'two-bagger by Bliss
PrTTfiBtrRjfL ST, lJUS.
B. H.O.A C. B H Ot.B
Rrrna, lb.... 1 Oil 0 Huairlna, lb.. 4 till
Ia.h. ef..., 4 0 4 4 0 Eilia It I 0 I i
Claras, if. ... I 0 10 0 Unwrap, SV.4 111
Wagner, .., 4 III 0, lb 4 414 l
MilleT, 2b.... 1111 Bvana, rf.,.. 4 1 1 i
Huntar, lb... I 4 4 Brwanahaa, 04 4 1 0
V. II1W11, rf.... I 11 OOakoi. of I 14li
Olbaon, e...M I 4 7 0 Hauaer, as... I 1 1 I
A da ma, p.. 1110 .... ( i
04,Mea, p. ... I 1 i
ToUla-...U I 17 7 Hllaa. aa 111.
llaruran, p..
... Tola! a U M 10 I
-nan tor tiauser in trie eighlli.
Pittsburg 80000000
St. Louis 00000002 0-3
Two-base hits: Evans, Bliss. Three-base
hit: Waaiier. Home run. Wagner. Double
play: Byrne to Miller to Hunter. First base
on pans: Off Adams, 1; off Golden. 1.
niruc oui: ny Aiiual, -r py (iolUnn, 1,
I.eft on bases: nttsburg. 8: St. I.oiils. 4
lilts: Off Golden, 4 In seven Innlturs; off
xiarmun, i in one tnniltK lime; l;40. Um
piresi o uay and Brenuan.
RodenbarsT of 11llno4a Has Resolstloa
for Hons laqatry.
WASHINGTON, May 8 On the ground
that base ball is about the only thing under
the sun that has not been made a sublet
of Investigation by the democratlo house.
Representative Rodetiberg of Illinois,
republican, today Introduced a resolution
providing for an Inquiry Into the national
game. Fouls, flies and two-baggers sre
specified among the subjects needing spe
clal Inquiry. Umplrea are to be compelled
to give eworn testimony, but are not to
be sworn at.
Falrbwry Defeat Eadlrott.
FAIRBURY. Neb., May .- Special. V-
jn a apiriiwi Kaine or liase hall at the
city park Friday afternoon between the
Kalrbury and kindlcott High school tesms
the lormar team won a de live viui-v
uviu j.inuootx. iu w .
Jayhawkcrs Unabls to Clear Hurdles
and Fall.
Gale of Wind Cuts Down tfc) Ties,
bat the Work of Osborm . and
Watson Is Somewhat
Spectacular. Tl"lf
LINCOLN. Neb., May t NbTaka de
feated Kansas St the dual track meet' her
this afternoon by the score of ffl to 48. Th
meet wss won by the Nebraska mil relay
team, the score at the time th race
started being 64 to 43 In favmr of Nebraska,
with the eight points In the high jump
conceded to Kansas,
Kansas led In the flrrt three quarter)
and the fourth man w:ent off thirty feet ;
In advance of Reed, the Nebraska captain. 1
Reed rauirht him about fifteen yards from
the end and finished about five feet to th
Nebraska then upset the dope by taking!
two points In the final event, tha high
Jump, which was expected to go to Kan-;
kss. Kansas took first, but two Nebraska'
men and a Kansan tied for second. j
Kansas Had Hard Lack. !
Kansas would probably TlftVe taken thai
meet, but for hard luck In the two hurdle.
when Its two entries fell, the solitary Ne
braskan finishing in the fore In alow time, i
Reed's running in the 220-yard dash, tha
quarter mile and the relay, and tha work
of Osborn In the two-mile and Watson
In the mile featured the meet.
A gale of wind cut down the time. Bum
Sl ot put. Amnions. Kansas, first. 87 feat.
nones; (joiima, fMehraska. second.
Z20-yard riaxh: Reed. Nebraska, nrst
David, Kansas, second. Time, 0:22V.
lOO-ynrJ dash: 1v. Nebraska, first:
Rohfrts, Kansas, second
Discus: Harmon. Kansas, first. 115 feet.
Coh.ns. Nebraska, second.
Half-mile dash: Anderson. Nebraska.
flrnt; Decker, Kansas, second..
TiU-yard dash: Woodruff. KSnaaa. first!
nujJHi, nrnrsua, secona. Aim, uun).
Kansas Win Mile Rare.
One-mile run: Watson, Kansas, first: An
derson, Nebraska second.
ZlM-yard hurdles: Power. Nebraska.
first: C. Woodbury. Kansas, second.
40-yaro nash: need, Nebraska, rtrst;
Anderson. Nebraska, second. Time. 6:6114.
fole vault: c. Woodbury, Kansas. Ilrst:
11 feet, 8s inches; Llndstrum and Russell.
Neoraska, tie lor second.
Two-mile run: Osborne, first: Mallory.
second. Time, 10:16H- " 1
Broad lump: Wilson. Kansas, first. 30
feet: Munson. Nebraska, second. i
One-mile relay Nebraska, firsts Kanaas.
second. Time: 8:33. I
High lump: French. Kansas, first: Rus-
sell and Christmas of Nebraska and C. 1
Woodbury of Kansas tied for urmnd.
Height, 6 leet, s Inches.
City Of f icials
Open the Season
For Miller Park
Mayor DaMman and Rome Miller
Preside Over Club Opening on
Golf Course and Diamond. ' i
Mayor James C. Dahlman and Rnrao
Millar, chairman of th park board ot
Omaha, presided at a brilliant opening ot
th Miller Park Golf club Saturday. After
th mayor had concluded th opening ax-
erdse by driving a ball with ' quit a,
series, of successful strokes for a begin- I
ner, golf, tennis and the mighty base bail
gam reigned for the day.
A merry crowd of members had gath
ered on the club houae porch and steps,
when President W. & Wlltnoth Introduced
Mayor Dahlman. The mayor spoke for s
few minutes, congratulating, th club on
the work don In beautifying? th park '
snd said he hoped for mora such, club i
and for a better condition of parks aval
boulevards tn th future.
W would like to spend more monsy
on our parka and boulevards," dnlarrl
th mayor, "but to do ao would rsqulr .
a new charter, and this the city was re- '
fused. However, w can bop tor bettor j
In the future, and I assure you I earn- I
estly advocate the playing of golf and
ports, such as the Miller Park club pro
motes, upon public parks. Th club ha
don much toward helping th city. 14
this park and 1 hop it will prosper,"
Rome Miller of th park board apoks
along tha same lines Mayor Dahlman,
giving figures showing that Omaha should
spend more for park and boulevards.
'You know that I would Ilk to spend
more on this park, but we have spent con
siderable here, and. In fact, some people
think that I own the park and It was
named after me Instead of after Dr.
Miller." declared Mr. Miller. "But w ar
building for the future now and In the
near future w hop to Improve th golf
course and other thing about the pars."
West Des Moines
Takes Track Meet
Team is First, with Sixty-Threa
Points, Captain McBain Winning
Individual Honors.
DES MOINES, la. May (.-(Special Tele
gram.) Weat Des Molne High school took
all tha honors st the Grlnnell High school
Invitation meet thla afternoon, when th
team won first rlace with alxty-three points.
McBatn. captain of th West team, took Indi
vidual honor with fourteen and one-fourth
Cedar Rapid took second place with
thirty-seven points; O.kalooa third, with
eleven, and Ottumwa fourth, with a
Bedding Cosspsay Leaders.
The Omaha Bedding company won from
the K '1. Doup company Saturday after
noon. The score:
Omaha Bedding Co. 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 30
L. G. Ixiup Co. .0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0-4
Batteries: Huntington and Bpsllman; Fal
ooner and MuUrath.