Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, HALF-TONE, Page 4, Image 24

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    Strangers at the City Gates and How They Fare in Passing
USrom the. land of tee E51
WEST OF -umzKcVms
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En Rovfc to Gfizensup m &r Vfosfem Sfafes
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Ticketed Tor VJaik 122 Wyoming
LOT of people come, and a lot of people, course, la a slim lad. Tlgbt-fittlng coat and Tery
go, at the Omaha railway gate.
Arriving, a stranger geta this rtrst
lmpreislon of the city's transfer aspect;'
unconscious that the east and the west,
.iio city and the country, meet at the
1 all way station. And a lot of people
v-o v , .jto Omaha go out of Omaha with the sta
tion their only glimpse of the city. Out in western
Nebraska there is many a small settlement of people
from across the seas who say "O-ma-ha" and have
a Tision of a long, wearying day spent roaming up
and down the platform, sleeping on the hard benches
or wearily watching the constant coming and going
bf people at the station. To them Omaha is a rail
way station, a transfer station, a break In the Journey
which brought them across the sea, across the new
country and Into the plains where they hope to garner
golden grain.
Even as these unassimllated citizens sit and wait
and leave the city unexplored, a number of city folk,
w hen on Journey bent, rush through the station, board
their train and fare forth into their travels, quite un
conscious that if they paused and watched with seeing
eye they would find the whole world mirrored in this
At the hour In the afternoon when the westward
bound passengers meet the eastwardbound people the
station is a most democratic, as it Is also a most cos
mopolitan, spot. Waiting for the aristocratic Over
land Limited to leave for the west and carry them for
ward to flower state Is a group of ease-saturated
folk. Their garments, like their manner, proclaim
their eminence, and aloofness from the money care.
They pace the platfom, exchanging lively anecdote
and somewhat arrogantly demanding and receiving
In one corner of the bench against the wall sits,
humped and crouched, a timid, bent and labor-worn
little woman who has left the toil of her peasant home
In Russia and, with Anton the grizzled, stolid man
who stands out by the Iron grating watching the en
gine has come to America to seek a more bountiful
sustenance. Beside ber on the seat is a bundle which
holds her clothes. . She sits there the Image of pa
tience and watches, without envy, but with curiosity,
the swinging, assured stride of the American women.
What she thinks? Nobody knows, because no cllnt
of it finds expression In ber face.
Out through the gate, seeking admittance to the
train which will carry them back to their plains home,
Is a group of native Americans. The men wear
ftlouchy specimens of the "white man's does," but
over their dresses the women wear bright-colored
blankets. The simplicity of their coUTures shrieks
Its scorn at the puffs and curls of the "white sister's"
From the train shed enters an Important person.
His Immaculate white coat proclaims his office, and
his cap spells his connection with the "special car"
which Is on Us westward way. He carries a yellow
hit of paper and steps Jauntily along to the telegraph
office to forward this message. This office of mes
senger acquires dignity from "George Washington's"
manner of assuming it and from the else of the fee.
He spares no glance to right nor left, but passes dis
dainfully through the litter of "boxes and bags"
which belong to the group of Syrians waiting to be
uarshalled to the train and to the western "jobs."
The Pullman car autocrat passes, too, an agitated
group of three people. A stout, voluble woman, who
Is haranguing a small man. Her speech has the roll
In "r" and the limpid vowel which proclaims her
former residence In the vineyard district of France,
beside te two, listening uncomfortably to the dls-
scant trousers emphasize this slimness and make It
bashful. George Washington neither seers nor hears
them as he rushes on to the telegraph office.
There's a group of ticket men; these, If you don't
know, are men who have been engaged by some labor
bureau for out-of-lown work; their railroad tickets
are pinned to their coats and they sit In a group wait
ing for the man in charge to marshal them to the
train which is to carry them out to work.
A bustle of excitement at the station's carriage
entrance, two or three red-cap attendants rush in,
carrying smart traveling bags; a maid enters carrying
a beribboned Japanese spaniel. She la followed by
two women in smartly tailored traveling' clothes;
their way to the eastbound limited is broad and attendant-lined.
No inconveniences of travel Intrude.
If the hour were midnight the spectator might see
'a more interesting but less spectacular departure of
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some star of the dramatic firmament. The star, who
has come directly from the theater, wears a long
traveling cloak of quiet color, small, black turban,
which fits closely and over which is tied a black veil.
There is a most dlsapopintlng absence of spectacular
or startling "latest fashion" in her dress. She la ao
companied by ber manager and followed by her maids.
There is an absence of commotion or excitement; to
them this matter of 'embarking for the Journey Is a
not unusual event; it happens once or twice some
times oftener every week, when the company la "on
the road." - The other members of the company have
come down and boarded the "special" as soon as
their parts were over, or will follow, and It Is all quite
. contrary to the way popular fancy pictures the trav
eling of the "theatrical company."
For excitement noise the observer should
watch the- company carrying a large chorus or a
burlesoue company.
Because It gives glimpses of all phases of life and
Includes representatives of the white, brown, red and
black races; and because, also, all the languages of
the world may be heard here, the Union station la
typical of cosmopolitan Omaha.
Coming of Thomas Orchestra Puts Omaha on Musical Map
(Continued from Page One.)
come to Miss Spencer through sheer ability and un
deniable charm of manner. It means rigid compar
ison with the leading contraltos of the time In voice,
musical talent, intelligence and personality. In all
to these respects the American singer has stood the
test, and so well Ok at before she sailed for home In
1909, she had consented to return again the following
spring to resume her place In the first musical circle
of London, which she did with increased success.
Soprano is an English Artist.
Perceval Allen, an English dramatic soprano,
made her first visit to "America two years ago, and
before returning to. her own land she had captivated
all who heard her by the greatness of her voice, her
art and her temperament. In her own country
Perceval Allen ranks as the premier soprano now
before the pulille. Her American tour commenced
late la February of this year and will last until June.
Two years ago when this sterling soprano ap
feured as soloist at the many concerts given oy the
Theodore Thomas orchestra, during an extensive tour,
he left an Indelible Impression upon all who were
fortunate enough to hear her glorious voice, her
fiaUhed Interpretative qualities.
That her second American appearances are cer
tain te be clasHed with the principal musical offerings
cf the season critics assert Is absolutely certain. Her
full, sonorous voice Is not only telling In compositions
of the most drsmatlo character, but Is susceptible of
producing' equally delightful effects In music of simpler
structure that calls for smoothness of tone, the sym
pathetic mezxa-voce, and expressiveness possible In an
organ that has "color."
Omaha's Owa Musical Organization.
The Mendelssohn choir of Omaha, Thomas J.
Kelly, conductor, was organised and had its first ro
hearsal in October, 1908. Previous to that time there
had been ventilation of the plan In the papers. On
October 6, the birthday of the conductor, Mr. Kelly,
the first rehearsal was held In Edward Crelghtoo In
stitute assembly hall, which has since that time con
tinued to he the place of rehearsal. , The work
begun was "The Elijah" of Mendelssohn, which will
be given In the Auditorium the evening of May 16.
As announced at the beginning, the first and foremost
object of the organization is the establishment of a
high musical standard and a devotion and loyalty tu
it on the part of its members. The membership, as
the organization's constitution and by-laws state, is
open to all those who are possessed of good voices,
aMllty to read music at first sight, enthuniasm,
earnestness, and willingness to abide by the principal
rule, which Is that "each member shall agree to learn
thoroughly his or her part outside of rehearsal."
Mr. Kelly organized this chorus with the definite
idea of the future. The organization was for the
ttudy of choral work In all Its branches if, possible,
and without any thought of an Immediate concert.
The additions in membership were to be slow and
Membership of the Mendelssohn Choir and
Thomas Orchestra
Miss Mary Austin
Mrs. J. E. Anderson
MIhs Julia Bedn:ir
Miss Ulanch? Hulln
Miss Klsls Holln
M ma Emily M. Holts
Miss M. Buctrrfleld
Miss Ida Hlarkmore
Miss Maybel Baldwin
Mrs. Anna Rratton
Miss V. ttalt baser
Miss IJMle L Hanker
Miss Mildred Banker
Miss Anna M. Cajurl
Miss C. Oajorl
Mrs. Ren E. H. Co
Miss i-Tiima Chleboun
Miss Alice Curry
Mrs. A. B. Ourrie
Mrs. W. H. Pale
MIhs Iena Hickman
Miss Grace Dooltttl
Miss Letlle Eby
Miss Kmma C. Kdllng
Miss Eunice Rnsnr
Miss K. Kergusuii
Mlsa Marie Foster
Miss Elisabeth M. Fry
Miss Alice Fry
Miss Helen Forbes
Mrs. Kara Frank
Mrs. H. B. Ferree
Miss Liaura Uoets
Mrs. J. O. Goodwin
Mrs. Elsie Dam tile
Miss Ruth Ganson
Miss Cora I. Goodman
Miss O. L Hancock
Miss Hslen M. Hlirby '
Miss Erna U Hudra
Mrs. H. Ketherinston
Miss Hulda Hsnsen
Mrs. Henry H or nuns
Miss Margaret Judge
Miss A M. Karbsi h
Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly
Mlsa Alice U Ketrldge
Mrs. H. L. Kennedy
Mrs. H. M. Lord
Miss Kuth Lord
Mrs. Ion B. Lewis
Miss Theresa M. Utile
Mrs. Mary Learned
Miss Josephine 14 noh
M1s A. A Mlddleion
Mis Faonl McHugh
Miss Louise McPherson
Miss M. McPherson
MIhs Mary McShane
Miss Kva Mahoney
Miss Juliet McCune
Miss Ruth Mchrlde
Miss May Mulvlhill
Miss Carol Marhoff
MIhs Loretta Mullck
Miss Maude McAneney
Miss Mars McCalmont
Miss OIK'S Mcf'all
Mrs. Verne Miller
Mrs. W. F. Milroy
Miss Minnie Nelson
Miss Minna M. Olver
Mrs. O. H. Osborne
Miss Mabel Parker
Mrs. H C. Paul
Miss Kthel J. Pray
MIhs Minnie Prltchard
MIhs Nanna Prltchard
Miss Kannle Pratt
Miss Klsle Paustian
Miss May B. PoM
Mrs. Lucius Pry or
Miss Vera Pearson
Miss Laura Peterson
Miss Winifred Perkins
Mrs. John Price
Miss M. F. Roberts
Miss May Rlale
Miss Belle Robinson
Miss Laura Robinson
Mrs. Hal Roberts
Miss Myrta Schneider
Mli-s Medora Bantee
Mrs. GeoiKe M. Strain
Mrs. George tilert
Mrs. J. M eturdevant
Mrs. H. C. Shears
Miss Agnes A. Scott
Miss Blanche Sorenson
Miss Amanda Tebbens
Mrs. (ieiirne P. Turner
Mrs. W. W. Turner
Mrs. F. A. Towle
Miss C. Williams
Mrs. A. E. Wlckstrorn
Mrs. a. Wlckersham
Mrs. F. M. Wllklna
Mrs. M. H. Wade
Miss Fern Wallace
Mrs. A P. Wolcotl
Mlsa G. B Warren
Miss Lydta Zaun
Mrs. G. T. Zimmerman
Mrs. Adolph Zastera
rr. I. J. H. Atkinson
Oscar A Anderson
C. B. Arnold
Paul Bechert
V. B. Rurchmore
H. H. Cockerell
A. J. Conrad
J. M. CralK
Frits A. Carlson
Henry Cox
W. H. Dale
Jean P. Duffleld
A. L. IMck
R. W. Derrick
Everett S. Dodds
Ir. W. C. Dean '
Leonard Everett
F. H. Gallup
J. S. Helftren
John Heniler
W. L. Harris
Dr. David Isaao
A. V. Jessen
H. C. Jessen
H. J. J. Josepb
H. L. Kennedy
lsmund Laudnbers;
Major H. M. Ird
Lewis R. R. Lorlng
Tbomaa A. Lewis
John A. McCreary
W. F. Murden
Harry E. McCord
Jonathan Mellen
Col. D. E. McCarthy
.Charles MeGrath
Dr. W. F. Milroy
Harry A. A. Polk
A. R. Parker
Lucius I 'nor
M J. Preiner
John Rush
Wtnfleld Shrum
Guy M. Enow
J. M. Sturdevant
H. C. Shears
G Seaberg
Warwick Saunders
W. H. Smalls
Robert W. Smiley
B. S. Trans
G. A. Wallerstedt
F. M. Wllklns
A. A. Wedemeyer
The Theodore
Thomas Orchestra
Frederick Stock.
Frederick Weasels,
H. Lets
F. Esser
A. Zukowsky
J. Rulnen
S. Culp
A. Van Der Voort
F. Itte
L. Nuinberger
It. Mangold
S. Rhys
C. Hillman
O. Bsrksr
H. Braun
L. Novak
W. Woollett
A. Busse
A. L'lrlch
H. Rabe
G Dasch
G. Meyer
R. Kchroeter
11. Nurnherger
F. Mlttlestaedt
B Btelndet
W. Unger
L. Corel I
H. Felber
C. Klammstemer
A. Helnlrkel
V. Jlskra
H. Parbs
R. Maedler
W. Speckln
f. Frleurlch
V. Ott
A, Quensel
W. Singer
C. Baumbach
J. Fur-man
R. Bchroeter
A. Barthel
O. Hesselbach
F. Starke
J. Bchreurs
A. Busse
C. Meyer
P. Kruse
H. Pleschel
O. Fried rich
L. De Mara
M, Pottag
W. Frank
C. Albrecht
O. Schubert
P. Handke
A. trirlch
H. Felber
O. Stange
W. teller
A. Gunther
F. Otts
I. Zettlemann
M. Wlntrlem
E. Wagner
F. Mlttsistaedt
T. McNIcol
T. McNIcol. Jr.
sure. No effort was made to secure a large mem
bership, although every one was welcome who would
and could comply, with the simple rules. From the
first there was enthusiasm, and the choir began to
grow steadily and firmly. The first two seasons
Martin Bush acted aa accompanist and for the flv
season Alfred Marschner served aa secretary, both
very efficiently. Mr. Marschner was succeeded the
second season by Miss Iona Barnbart, . who is at
present the choir's exceedingly competent and faith
ful membership secretary. '
The second season of the choir's work dosed
with a most successful concert in Brandels theater
May 10, 1910, John Forsell, baritone, being the aa
sisting artist.
The People Who Handle the Work.
The choir's business this season was handled by
the following executive committee: Major H. M. Lord,
chairman; W. H. Dale, Sigraund Landsberg, John A,
McCreary, A. V. Jessen, Jean P. Duffleld and J. 8.
Itelgren; Mrs. Iona Barnhart Lewis, secretary and
tieusurer; Kenneth P. Lord, assistant secretary.
The works which have been studied includo th
following: "The Elijah," Mendelssohn; "Hiawatha's
Vedding Feast" and "Death of Minnehaha," 8 Cole
ridge Taylor, and Verdi's Requiem Maes. This last
ambitious work will be produced at some future time
with the Thomas orchestra.' In addition to the works
quoted, the choir has mastered a great many part
songs and miscellaneous choruses by some of thJ
bost composers, and March 30 last gave a concert
for the benefit of the Ak-Sar-Ben building fun-t at
ti e "Den," the program for which was largely made
up from these miscellaneous selections, as was the
Brandels theater concert of one year ago.
This last fall the choir perfected the following
organization, all of whom are active singing members
of the chorus: Major H. M. Lord, pres'dent; Mrs,
Mary Learned and Miss Louise McPherson, vice prert
dents; Albert A. Wedemeyer, secretary; Mrs. Ion;
B. Lewis, membership secretary; Frank B. Huron
more, treasurer; Major H, M. Lord, John A. Mo
Creary. Walter H. Dale, Slgmund Lansberg, Jean P,
Duffield, Arthur V. Jesson, John 8. Helfron, Frank
B. Burchmore, Luclos Pryor, Jona. Mellen, executive
committee; H. H. Cock rill, librarian; W. H. Dale, Jean
p. Duffleld, Mies Mellona Butterfleld, chorut com
mittee. Mr. Thomas J: Kelly was unanimously
chosen conductor and Miss Grace L. Hancock accompanist