Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA SUNDAY TtKE: MAT 7. 1011. , A . - J- J 1L-- '-JL -. . . J U . IIL-1.JJIX J !- AX..1- liELU-UU-H-JlLl-J. l-'B.aHJ p MRS. WILLIS CROSBY DIES supmNlET;?fTTc ?AIL CAR ' RILES IS DEAD. i.tkej Carbolic Acid by Accident at'; Home. SUFFERING FfeOM NERVOUSNESS I '. Miiortl to llae Mistaken I'olxon Inr rrif limli Had Bern In t.ood Spirit Onrina- the la. An Exclusive Assortment of Waists Fcr Girls, Juniors and Small Women Without a doubt, till lit tliq smartest allowing of Waist jet timrto in Omaha. Wo have nfm1 neither time nor effort to obtain these exclusive lines i full of alt desirable qualities. They must make a womlerful appeal to all of fine (liserlinina tlou and are well worth a speHal trip down town Monday MM)inins. Mnserie Waists lu the daintiest of lare trimmed effects, In flue Persian Um, Katistea, all-over embroidery effects, In high or Dntrh nwln, lonsr or short sleeves, made to fasten In front or back The assortment of Tailored WaisU Is the newest t be found. The man tailored waiM are made with mannish sleeves, plain front and hnk pocket on left side; nwMle in pure white linen or madras. Other tAilored models In fancy barred and checked dimities or with wide or narrow tucks. One of the most called for is the "Country Club Waist," so practical and smart looking. . This comes in plain white, pin stripes or wide stripe in soft blues, black and white or French flannel. ""Sizes 82 to 88. 2.00, S2.50. $2.75, $2.95, $3.50 and $3.95 Equally popular is the new Jlaoquet Waist made of Pure Linen. He sure to see this. A NEW LINE OF NECKWEAR We are showing w most attractive line of women's, nec k wear. Jabots, low collars,, stocks, embroidery, lace, real Irish Crochet; also wash belts, plain and embroidered. 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c $1.00 up to $8.50 Writ for New Spring Catalog. rnt Y0URG OV f I! Wit -s. - 1518-1520 FAENAJM STREET sag which had been sent filed by Judge f"rrbjl. It was feared that they had been lost through Interruptions In the line south of Monterey. 1 Judre Carbajel denied the report that he had received today messages which In any ray referred to the po"lti!Hy of the Plai rtflpnallon. H said he had received a meisage of three typewritten pages which referred only to points which he had com municated to Minister LJmantour on Wednesday. Dr. Vasquex Gomez, head of the rebel peace commission, addressed a letter to Juge Carbajal at 11 o'clock asking for a reply to the propositions submitted to him or. Thunday, particularly that which re Utrd to the announcement of the Dlai resignation. Judge Carbajal was at Juares during. the morning with General Navarro. Benora Branlff and Obregon were at the Madero headquarters. Dims afar nala-a ta Few Hoars. MEXICO CITY, Way (.The resignation of Forflrlo Olas as president of Mezloo within a short time is regarded here today as a certainty. Should the announcement b made tomorrow or even tonight it would caufe no surprise to his cabinet. No authoritative confirmation could be ob tained, but there appears little dour that 'resident Diss, recognizing the seriousness of the situation and responding to the pop ular demand," will retire when order is re stored. A't the president's office no statement could be had and the cabinet, realizing that he was the only man who could give a direct answer to the demands of Francisco I. Madero, Jr., the revolutionary leader, that Dies should publish his Intention to resign, were silent. This afternoon Minister of Foreign Af fairs de la Barra was peremptorily sum moned to the office of the president. On arriving he found Senor Llmantour, minis ter of finance, who likewise had been sum moned. The three officials were in con ference for hours. Immediately afterwards typewrlten state-' menu were issued by the foreign office to al! newspapers saying the reception to the Chilean minister tomorrow and the banquet to him had been postponed until May 13. The reason for this was given as "the slight Illness of the president." Since the statement was Issued General Dlas is known to have been out riding in his automobile. This morning he appar ently was In his Usual health. This in con nection with the fact that the conference was held gives rise to the belief that the announcement of his Intention to resign will not be made before tomorrow at the earliest. In the event of his resignation there will be no opposition on the part of the present government officials to Senor de la Barra's Incumbency of the presidency pending elec tions. The question of Vice President Cor ral's resignation is not so simple. It Is known that before departing far Europe he refused to resign, and since arriving there he reiterated this statement. This is regarded as merely Incidental. The officials consider the resiguetton of Diss the only solution to the trouble. Reluctantly they admit the ' growing strength of the rebels and realise that peace is improbable should he antagonise them further. In the capital the celebration of the an niversary of the taking of Tuebla by Ignaclo .Zaragoza was characterised .by dullness. For the first time In many years the usual military parade was omitted, be cause the nation's soldiers are otherwue occupied. President Dlas took almost no part In the clu functions, leaving to the -governor. Land Kucandon, the task of distributing gold cuina to survivors of the battle. Moat of ttie busiue3s offices and mercan tile houaes were closed anl Sunday-like i aim prevailed. Peons, who wandered Idly about the streets, furnished the only ex citement. They gathered In the street In front of the national palace, and although UugUng and chatting. Indulged in a few cries of "Viva Madero." The police took no measures to disperse the crowd which filed Into the Garden of 2oca!o, the aquares In front of the palace or poured aimlessly in and out of the prin cipal tre-tj of the neighborhood. In Isa I'ella .ia Catollca street crowds banked ilietnelvj before a street car, stopped it and tore from it one of the little Mexican which adorned ail the cat. Still the I police failed to interfere aniT It was only j when the mob seized a auldier, lifted him ' to as shoulders and matched off with ' him. crying "Viva Maderu." that the ' anunted poilce rode Into Its midst. The '. crowd wsa not looking for trouble, how ever, end dropped the soldier and fled. No- ! body was Injured. , Another crowd"' pushed down Cade04 PtOPLTS TOKf street and In passing the president's house, let out a few shouts derogatory to the government and laudatory of Madero and the revolution. The poilce also dispersed this crowd again, without any one being hurt. Railroad Traffle Demoalised. Ha 11 road traffic continues demoralised. A ' train arriving from the north brought a story of a holdup by 500 rebels at Lulu, ninety miles south of SaJtlllo. The rebels searched the train but did not molest the passengers. From the express car they took some thousands of pesos, howeyer. The rebels then held the passenger train until the arrival of a freight train, the pox cars of which were loaded with rub ber. This was unloaded and the rebels, with their horses, got into the box cars. The crew of the freight train was then told to get aboard the passenger train, which was permitted to proceed. It developed then that the rebela had their own train crew and even telegraph operators. They told persons on the pas senger train they were going north on' a bridge burning expedition. The war department la silent on the sub ject at Torraon. Ealtlllo and Durango, which" are reported to have been taken by the rebels. . TROUBLE AMONG I .ML R RECTOS Factions Ready to Flaht Over Re. ported Thefts of Ammunition. EL PASO, Tex.,' May e.-What many in surrectos regard as a suspicious coinci dence was the drowning today of Jules Muller, a Frenchman serving in the revo lutionist army. One hour after he had almost caused a battle between the forces commanded by Colonel Villa and thosa of Colonel Garibaldi some insurrectos brought in the news that he had lost his life while batiUng In the Rio Grande. The trouble started several days ago. when Muller withdrew from Garibaldi's command and Joined that of Villa. He told tbe latter- that Americans In -Garibaldi's command wtre taking away ammu nition from the camp and selling it in El Paso. Colonel Villa sent Muller with an order today asking Colonel Garibaldi to disarm the, men suspected. Garibaldi, recognising Muller as a man 'who had prsvlously caused trouble, sent him back to Colonel Villa with aa order that he be arrested. Instead of delivering it, Muller reported to Colonel Villa that Colo nel Uarlbaldl's ' men had opened fire" . on Villa's men. Colonel Villa immediately rode out with ids forces ready for. battle and a fight was Imminent, but the matter was straightened out among the leaders and apologlea exchanged. Muller's body waa recovered from the river a fow hours later. Shortly after Muller was drowned an American serving in Garibaldi's command, supposed to have become enraged because he was suspected of being one of those who had tsken arms from the camp, snatched a Mexican flag which hung from his tent and set flra to it. He then bolted for the river, pursued by other insurrectos, and began to swim to the American side. Troopers of the Fourth Iniled States cavalry paused in their patrol along the river and threw a ruie to the man after he had passed the middle of the stream. The insurrectos bad leveled their rifles at the swimming men, when the United States troopers also drew their revolvers. The United states troops shouted to the Insuriectos not to shoot. The swimmer vu pulled aahora safely. While they can, Insurreclo offloials are appealing to reap what rewards they may in taxution. The insurrectos hold the cus tom port of Pahniaa. Mexico, which Is opposite Columbus, X. M.. seventy-one miles west of El Paso. This is the only port through which cattle can now be exported to the United States froin north ern .Mexico, and many ow ners of . big ranchrs have conti acted for delivery of cattle In the United States snd must make deliveries et once. The insurrectos have fUed a tax of 15 a head on all live stock exported to the United States. The railroads are cut so that cattle can not be brought up to Juares and El Paso frcm the big ranches In northern Mexico. It Is said that General Luis Terrazas, former boss of Chihuahua, has contracted to deliver 40,000 head of cattle in the United States. If he has to submit to the rebel export tax. It w-11 coat him 1300,400 to get his cattle out. lOW A CITY-The eastern Iowa district of the Luther league of Iowa adjourned here today, after closing Its fifth annual con vention, having elected officers for the en duing year, ss follows: President, the Rev. Paul H. Heisey, North Liberty; vice pres ident, L. V. Gordon. Cedar Rapid , secre tary. Miss Eleanor Keppert. Burlington; treasurer, John Mohl, Lavenport. -a a. w m r id m a ni Mrs. Willis r. rnixhy, wife of tlie romner 1 of Douglas cnuntv, dird yesterday aftrr I nmtn shnatly before o'clock, at her home. ('hirles Htrect. from the erfeits of car. bolii' wield which sin- mistook Cm- a nerve ' unt Her body was found In a rear room of the home by her husband whrn lie re ! turned home at 4 o'clock. The family nhy- 8.1 ian. lit. T. R. Ward, and Dr. S. "Mclipn I ighun, were culled, hut found that she had I hern dead for weveral minutes, j Mrs. Crosby had been In III health for more tluin a year. She has been In a ! hlKhly nervous condition since Wednesday night when Kdward. her 7-year-old son. was knocked from his bicycle by a street car at Twenty-fourth and Marker -streets. The boy van taken from bene.fh the car within a foot of the back wheels. Although lie was nn'y slightly bruised, this accident to her boy so unnerved Mrs. Crosby that she has not been mentally right since, according to 1. McLeneghan. Phe had been taking a nerve medicine, which was kept, according to Mr. CroBby, on the same pantry shelf where the car bolic acid was. I Bnorii.v nfinifl ner oeain inre. vroroy ! wits talking to hpr husband over the tele ! phone and arrangements were made to at ' tend a theater In the evening. "We were going to the theater tonight." ; said Mr. Crosby'' and had also talked over I the 'phone about going to fiouth Omaha to , get her this afternoon. She has not been well and I wanted her to go with me on a ' carbolic acid cane at South Omaha, be j lievlng the ride would do her good. Rhe told me, though, that she was not feeling I well and we agreed that she stay home so I she would be rested enough to attend the I theater In the evening." i Mrs. Crosby was 24 yars old. She was married to Willis Crosby August 17, '39(18. I They have only the one son, Edward, a I boy of T. ! Mrs. Crosby is survived by her husband ! and son. her mother, Mrs. Hallie J. Hazen of 2410 Charles streef. and three brothers. George Hazen, John Hazen of the Burling ton and T. V. Hazen. who Is In the real estate business. The funeral arrangements have not been made. Rebel Horsemen Cut Off Supplies of Food from Fez Blockade of Capital of Morocco i Complete, Arrival of French Col umn Giving; No Eelief. FEZ, Morocco, April ao (By Courier to Tangier, May 6.) The arrival of Captain Bremond'a column has not chsnge the sit uation. The loose Investment of the capital continues. The rebel horsemen, who are beyond the reach of the artillery, have cut off the food supplies. The sultan's troops are worn out with the constant skirmishing and watchfulness. The rebel chiefs have a growing moral advantages since now all Morrocco knows that the aultan ia penned up in the capital and that his loyal troops are unable to move outside the range of their artillery. The rebels are obtaining the upper hand throughout the country. Tribes heretofore loyal ara Joining the rebellion through fear that the villages of those refusing will be raided. . The arrival of the French relief expedit ion will secure the entry of provisions and the safety of the capital, but the poli tical outlook Is confused and uncertain. PARIS, May . At a cabinet council today Jean Cruppl, minister of foreign af fairs, read a dispatch from Henri Gall lard, the French consul at Fez, dated April 30 and forwarded by way of Tangier. The consul stated that the blockade of the city waa complete and the ammunition of the artillery defending the capital had been greatly reduced. Food was selling at extraordinarily high prices. Clevenger Will Go . ' to Knoxville, Term. Athletio Director at Weileyan Uni versity Accepts Position with Southern, School. KNOXVILLE, Tenn.. May . (Special Telegram.) Z. G. Clevenger, athletio di rector at the Nebraska Wesleyan univer sity, has been elected to the same position at the University of Tennessee. His ac ceptance waa telegraphed the athletio coun cil of Tennessee .university today. - His en gagement will begin September 1.' Clevenger is a University of Indiana man and the local ' Institution believes it has engaged the services of a fine base ball and foot ball coach. Clevenger will play second base for the Knoxville team in the Apalachlan Base Ball league again this year and between playing on the local base ball team and coaching at the University of Tennessee he will have an all-year engagement at Knox ville. Tewanima Wins Modified Marathon Carlisle gunner Finishes First in the Twelve-Mile Run in City of New York. NEW TORK, May f. Tewanima, the Carlisle school Indian, finished first In the twelve mile modified Msrathnn race today, from Bronx to City Hill park. HI time was 1 hour 9 minutes, IS seconds, within three minutes of the American record. Masterson of the Mohawk Ath letic club, finished second, and" Harry Smith of the Pastime Athletio club, third. The two runners, up made a desperate spurt toward the finish and cut heavily into the leader's advantage. Masterson wss 1 hour 10 minutes and S seconds, and Smith's time 1 hour 11 minutes 10 sec onds. The American record Is 1 hour S minutes 50 S-S seconds, msde by J. F. Crowley In 1W9. Canton Revolt Spreads Eastward Insurgents Are Threatening Shek- lung;, Fifty-Seven Milei North . of Hongkong-. CANTON, Chins. iay 6 The revolution aries are threatening Hheklung on the East river, fifty-seven miles north of Hongkong and forty-five miles esst of this city. The authorities have dispatched troops to inter cept taaou I FUNERAL OF A. J. LATEY TODAY Services to Dr Held at Ylasoalc Temple, nlth Interment at Forest Lawn. With full .Masonic ritual the body of Alfred J. Ijitey will be burled Kundav afternoon In Forest 1-awn cemeterv. The services will be held in the Masonic Temple at 3 o'clock. As a mark of respect to their late suner Inlendcnt, the mail marrlern will attend the obsequies In full uniform. The car riers and all the postal employes will meet at 2:30 and march in a boy to the Ma sonlo Temple. Mr. Itey was a native of Omaha and for twenty-five years held a Dositlon in the postal service. He is survived by his widow and three children, Koith. Ethel and Willard. Two brothers and five sis ters including W. H. Latey of Omaha, Frank E. Itey of San Francisco; Mrs. F. E. Underwood and Margaret J. Latey of Omaha, Mrs. J. M. Hensman of Seattle, Mrs. H. O. Howard and Mrs. Mabel L. Squires of Jefferson, la. William Latey, father of the dead mail official, is liv ing, residing at S212 Emmet street. STATE BOARD AT HOLDREGE Proposed Rites for Xrvr Farm Krhool to Be Inspected Monday Morning;, HOLDREGE, Neb.. May 6-rSoecial Though the Information received last even ing to the effect that the State Board of Public Lands and Buildings, which la to locate the Southwestern Nebraska Agri cultural school, will arrive In this city tomorrow evening and depart Monday morning, came as a surprise, Holdrege will be ready for the board when It gets here. The site proposals, though not made public, have been carefully arranged by a committee of the Commercial club and those who know say they are bound to appeal to the board as admirably adapted for the school location. v.. As the commission will remain only until ' 11 'o'clock Monday morning, there win be no attempt to hold any public demonstration In their honor. Their stay here will be In the nature of a brief, busl-ness-like visit. From here the Junketers will proceed to MoCook and Culbertson, stopping at Cambridge, Oxford, Alma and Mascot on the return trip. CARL MORRIS PASSES AWAY County "nperlntendent of Lancaster Schools Dies Af tejTXsnsjr Slckness. CFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May ".-(Special Telegram.) Carl Morris, county superintendent of schools, and one ht the best known educa tors in this section of the state, died this morning after an illness of several weeks. The disease which brought his death Was one almost unknown to medical science, physicians assert, and was an affection of the bones. The deceassd was a native of Indiana, . where his parents still reside. His body will be taken to Bloomlngton, that state, for burial. He leaves a father! mother, two sisters and two brothers. He had served at different times as head of the Culbertson, Ceresco, Strang and Cedar Bluffs schools. ' Two Weddings at Holdreae. HOLDREGE, Neb., May (Special.) County Judge Barr's theory that the de mand for wedding licenses Is always much more briBk immediately following a good rain, reoelved strong vindication yester day, when two young couples of this county secured permits of the Judge and were wedded. Ait S o'clock In the after noon, Miss Ellen R. Anderson was wedded to Martin J. Johnson, at the bride's home northeast of this city. These young peo ple are members of prominent Swedish families of the county and will live on one of the farms owned by the groom's father north o? Funk. At 7 o'clock in the evening. Miss Jennie Applegata be came the bride of John E. Erlckson, the ceremony taking place at the home of the bride's mother, south of this city and be ing solemnised by Rev. E. C. Newland, pastor of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Erlokson also go to housekeeping at once on a farm he conducts near this city. HOUSE FACING REAL TROUBLE (Continued from First Page.) form In which Jt passed the house, Mr. Taft's concern with this session will be at an end. With that one accomplishment to its credit congress can adipurn as soon as It likes and the president will be glad to get away to Beverly and escape the Washington summer heat. HALSEY COOLEYJVES IS DEAD Director of City Arts Masaem Dies la l.cadon of Apo- . plesy. LONDON. May . Halfey Cooley Ives, director of the City Art museum of Bt. Iuls and widely known In the world of art, died during the night, following a stroke of apoplexy yesterday. The body will be embalmed and taken to the home in- Missouri for burial. Mr. Ives was a painter of note, and his landscape "Waste Lands" brought him a silver medal at the Portland exposition. His educational services In art were reo ognlxed by decorations, medals, and di plomas In thla country, France, Austria, Japan, China. Portugal, Belgium, Bulgaria. Fweden and Denmark. He was chief of the art departments of Chicago and Bt. luls expositions and several times repre sented the United 8'Sie government as commissioner abroad. He was a member of the National Sculpture Society, the Na tional Arts club, the academy of science and other societies. He was born at Mon tour rails,, N. T. In 114. -jV ... N,'.. -- s. Jj llrlll 1: J I - " 1 jj SAVINGS DASMK customers should buy school bonds. When a new high school Is built by a city, school bonds are Issued to pay for It and these bonds are paid by taxes collected from the people. If you have $50 or more and wish to get Interest on It buy school bonds. Call and talk with. our Mr. Haraer about them. A Safe Deposit Box In our burglar and fire proof vaults gives absolute protection to your money and valuable papers. Boxes rent $3 a year or $1 for three months. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. every day and until 9 P. M. on Saturday night. Call and see them. American Safe Deposit Vaults 216 South 17th St. Bee Bld. g The legislature has paswed a law authorising Trust Companlea to act as executor and administrator. Corporate admin istration la per manent, economi cal and Impartial. If yon do not le;a e a will the admin istration of your estate may be committed to per sons whom you would not select. Your Will will be drawn without charge, if you name us executor and trustee. riTiai TBCIT CO. ' HI, J" t J ESTAMuaneo 1884 V IMCOaPOMATEO 1907 EDUCATIONAL, Bockford College .H4-lr) foreVeaien Beckler. Ul. .... a. the anl oil's I for women In be MKiaio l,wlilr ! w-m tk n rat rask In I Iarhelarohlp by tHo ommUolenor of 1 Mamilon. Hn for f etalog o Bom I Jl'11 M. CUIUVEI. Pa. 1.. It... frrttrn I Arsenal Employes Will Be Reinstated Men Discharged at Bock Island Be cause of Activity in Local Poli tics to Get Jobs Back. ROCK 1SL.AXP, 111.. May A letL'r has been received from Congressman John McKenney ststing that he has a promise from General Crosier, chief of th ordnance department of the United States army, that C. O- AVllson and A. W Johnson, two employes tU the Rock Island smenal she;., who were disohsrged for allowing their names to be used a can didates fur the nomination for commis sioner in the recent city primaries in Rack Island, will be relnstaud at oca. Albert Edholm will hold his Second Annual Diamond Exhibit during the week of May 15. As last year, arrancemcntf have been made for bringing to this store one of the largest and finest collections of diamonds ever exhibited in the west. The first annual showing was unlike any wen in this section of the couutry. The one next week will even surpass that wonderful array for brilliancy, value and assortment of stories. Mr. Edholin' extends a welcome to the people of Omaha and the west to visit this house during the week of this extraordinary showing. It will be made an occasion for gettiug acquainted with the most precious of nature's stones. It will be an educational event, for here vrill be stones unlike any you have seen, and hero experts will explain points about the gems that will convey knowledge. ALBERT EDHOLM Jeweler Sixteenth and Harney Streets Vie Are Trying to Find and Convincing as TOE UEST Healthful, effervescent, strictly pure, cooling and refreshing. The popular flavors are lemon, root beer, orange, celery. We are open for suggestions in our ways of advertising, and solicit com ments. Write a good, crisp ad, send it in; if we use it we will pay you. Address communications, Advertising Departm't. LEO GROTTE MFG. CO., TELEPHONE DR. Z. D. CLARK DENTIST 12 Years in Same Location. Ind. A-1BOB. 1VIU Ious 2d Floor Ramge Bldg. Opposite Orpheum REMEMBER Z. D. Ha!H St! He! He! That's th way te feat EVERY ONE son that takes vs CASCARBT sighl BEFORE, wheat ha looks at too iejiew wfcedida't. Par OVER-BATING aad PNNUNO ootMaf Berth oleaaa yaej vt as a CASCARBT, aster a Br easily, wiefcoat that upeot siek faeliag. Dew't egUot at bod time' P. M. or 4 A. M. o-se difference tom'U aaod It. CUClum loo a bos for a work's tromuaaau. allaroggiota. Biggest sailer ta tae world. Million so.u . Boats. People are becoming more anl more interested in the development of the (treat Northwest. And The Bee, which has been untiring in creating this interest, is read by a vait throog. Advcrtisi your land ta Tht Be.. if ( ; v'l II i I ft the Best Way of Telling the Public That 1508 BURT STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. four Lawn Mower Sharpened for ... w Our aaw macltine sharveas the : mower witaout taklag oat the .ados aad it does the work p.rfeot, whloh caaaot be done otherwise. Olee aa a trial. We sail fa and deliver. Western Lock & Gun Repairing Co. teaou crmisTO trr. Faoaa Doug. 761. lad. B-S3M j r-. i M , .... . I tiaVMntto. J j j I 3-' f -a j minim uminil Imnf SMfcj