B THE OMAHA ST7XDAY BEE: MAT 7. 1911. 11 TI I EL 1 . T r 4 ED METAL STEEL is the fire-proof substitute fwr ihc inflamable wooW lath. It Prevents Cracking and Falling of Plaster on Walls and Ceiling. Adapted by thr U. S. Govern ment and used everywhere in all goad buildings. Write fr circular. MORTHiiSTERN EXPANDED METAL Cf . 8 Van Curan Strait, CHICACO ICME 5UILDEK F A. CDf E xVcn, nj f0aCM B ttcnew 1 sicrion B PORCH WINDOW and DOOR SCREENS Ttlade Up and Put Up Omaha Window Screen Co. Ws take measurements and give estimates free. Basement 624 North 16th 8uwl, Omaha. Telephone Douglas 4092. Our booklet, "The Cst f a House," tells hw frame and brick compare ; id Cost., Copy free to ,JrUr..SJe ur display. Sun- I 1614 Harney I J I Homes for Special Places Arthur C. Clausen, Architect. w HEN designing a home. It has become customary through hault with many designers to consider It as belag for a level city lot. The grade of the lot is seldom considered as havlng anything to dr with the stule or design of the house, much less dictating what that stule should be Still. It In a fact that the grade of a tot and Its situation with refer ence to its surroundings often has consid erable to do with the proper planning and designing of It. Taka for a simple exam Pie, the mere fact that the house Is on. the north, aouth, east or west side of the street this has considerable to do with the ar rangement of the floor plans. The living room should, of course. In eneh case face either east or south, and both ways. If possible. This is why a house facing the north Is the hardest to plan. A house on a corner lot would, of course, be planned somewhat different than one on an Inside lot. since It has an open view on two streets. A northwest corner lost, giving a south and east exposure to the house, is therefore the most desirable for a city horn a. The else of a lot, more especially Its width, has much to do with the arrange ment of the plan and right here the ever good advice might be repeated, ''Never place a good house on a cheap lot." Fay a little more for your lot and then wait a year longer If necessary before building. No matter how complete and comfortable you build your home, you will In time become dissatisfied with it If the sur roundings are not in keeping with It and your neighbors uninteresting. No . lot should be less than forty-five feet wide and fifty would be a better minimum. Be sure the lot Is wide enough to' get the house you want on It. . There la another class of lots found In surburban or fine residence districts whose location have much to do with the plan ning of the home. They can be conven iently plated In four classes. The lot which slopes forward to the street, the lot which has a pronounced slope from one side to the other, the lot which slopes downward from the sneet and the com paratively level lot at the top of a hill, commanding a beautiful outlook over the city or surrounding country. The hardest owner does not express a decided prefer ence as to what the style of the house fhould be. for a colonial or gambrel roofed house would never fit a location of this kind In a becoming manner. The style most appropriate Is the English domestic style, for this style can be more easily varied and manipulated by a competent de signer than any other. The Eagllsh have reduced the appropriateness of a home to Us location to a fine art and from them we can often obtain valuable suggestions on the proper design and location of homes. An Englishman's home Is not the house It la the house and garden he needs no porch for he Uvea in his garden when out of doors and both are designed together. For these reasons an English home Is also appropriate for the other two hillside lo cations mentioned. When the lot slopes up from front to rear and the Incline Is not extreme a colonial home can be placed lot to design a house for of these four I c of nw ,nrtJlnc . co)ontal nom situation, is the lot which slope, down-I be pIaced upon hv art,fk.laMv t,r. ward from the street. Many designer. r.cnf t0 m.k ,eve, of , often give up In despair when trying to , portlon of ,t but hod M design a home appropriate for th. diffl- j never b, adopteJ cept wn,re owner. cu t location and consider the design as I dc.,r, are Imperative or the slope Is too being for a level lot merely letting tha st1(,n t0 ron(,1(jer any otner ,xpM1,nt. foundation be visible for a greater distance bt Iocatlon for , , In the rear than at the front. The problem I la not. however, a difficult one If the (Continued on Faga Twelve.) IIIP JJ1 Do Yda Kiio;-!liit,o, a Little Money Carefully Spent ,' ; You Caa,: Make Your, Home as Bright and -MoWCherful, Tlian When New? Marnot Floor Varnish, per quart , . . 85 .Pratt and Lambert No. 61 Floor Varnish, per quart. .85 ' Bcreen -Enamel, black and rreenrtoer pint.". ... ,V.V,V. . .40 Moat lasting Gold and Aluminum Paint, per can -25 ; Deo-o-Unt, the cold water paint, 30 shades; per pkg." , . .40 Porch and Lawn Furniture Enamel, beautiful shades; per qt. . 03 :Keystona, the washable wall paint; per gallon .82.00 Floor Wax, Puttr, Glass, Paint, Jap-a-Lae and Floor Oil. " .Free Delivery to Any Part oC the City. arker Bros. Paint Co. 16091, Farnam St. Ind. 3821; Doug. 4750 Special Sale on Combination Gas and Electric Fixtures DURING THE MONTH OF MAY 1 n I I W rs- i t , , nMiiHa - la. L I. 9-M I r it I -- -- -- -J jw J POWC-M f it ik CrvwBtw. m 1 'I 1 ARTHUR CClAUStl, AatMiTtCX Ttttsio r-t-ocne cwn ct. mocm, nt Building Notes of the Week The Scott Tent and Awning company are prepared to; supply ypur want, in tents, aunings, etc., at moderate prices. Seed. In wide variety are handled by the Stewart Seed company. Their seeds bring good reauita. I arch., Metal weather strips in man v of Omaha'a new buildings. The cold of win ter and -tha dust of summer find It Impos sible to enter If Monarch , strips are used. Sunderland Bros., who have experts to in stall the strips, report numerous contracts In Omaba and vicinity. Tha Burgess-Qranden company has been receiving many compliments on the excel lent lighting fixtures which they sell. Order Now, Will Deliver When Kousa Is Raady M BurgossGranden Company 1511 Howard Street (iaa Company is next door to ns. R. K. Long, plumber, 40M North Twenty fourth street, finds that he is overcoming tha disadvantage of his out-of-the-way locatlod. ' Ha furnishes estimates on all work. . Metal ..old by tha Northwestern Ex panded Metal company of Chicago Is ex plained in detail In a pamphlet Issued by Ibis firm. This book will be sent upon re quest. The address of the company la S4 Van Buran street, Chicago. Tha residence of Charles Henry King, Thirty-second street and Woolworth ave nue, has been beautifully decorated by Prof. John M. Gaynore. Baker Broa. fur nished the material. It Is surprising the wonderful results you can obtain from a little enamel and a little varnish stain. A shabby dresser, an Iron bed. a picture frame, a desk or an Icebox can be made Ilka new. Barker Bros, are always glad to explain how you can do It. "A Short Btory With a Long Moral" it the title of a booklet Just Issued by Sunder land Bros. It Is written In story form and carries the reader through a dozen pages of dialogue, and descriptive text in literary fashion, so that there Is from beginning to end a constant desire to know "how It comes out." Not until the final sentence does one realise that the whole story Is a clever presentation of brick as a desirable material for house construction. "And Roberts did!" are the incisive words with which It closes. C. R. Haflln company always has "the key to tha situation." This concern makes keys to order and makes the kind that flta. It will send a man to your of fice or horns to open your desk or fix your lock at any time. Many people who wire houses do ao in hast and without regard for the future. The result Is that the wiring Is defeotlve and the home Is left in the dark aome night when It Is highly desirable to have the lights going. W. W. Sherwood. 121J Farnam street. dos tha kind of wiring that Is sura to lust. Only a short time remains before the pesky flies will be bothering, every house wife. Most homes have been fitted out with screens. A few are left, however, without protection, and It Is to the own er of these houses that the Omaha Win dow Screen company wishes to talk about screens for window, porch and door. A death blow to rattling, loose windows has been dealt by the Installation of Mon- Flower vases have been sold In large quantities In Omaha and vicinity this spring by the Ideal Cement Stone com pany. These vases are durable and pretty, and give the beat satisfaction. Cement atone has been furnished by this company for the following buildings:, Twenty-second snd F streets. South Omaha. i Thirty-fifth and Pacific streets, city. Korty-thlrd and Franklin. Fifteenth and Spruce, two buildings. Twenty-fifth avenue . and Plnknev. Thirtieth and Larimore avenue. Twenty-first and Ohio. Twenty-second and Blnney. every one realises the advantages of own ing a horns and not having tq pay rent Visitors are Invited to inspect the fire proof storage btwthe Omaha Van and Stor age company. This building is one of the finest In the went, and la Just now being filled with household goods that are being stored lor the summer. Here moths will not bother clothing, etc., and for this rea son this storage is very popular Just now as summer approaches. In many places shout the city, fence sold by the Anchor Fence company is be ing erected. This firm has dona a rec ord buKines this spring, and expects to total for the year a banner season. The following were supplied with fence by the above company in the laat week: John Kovarlk, 1828 South Twelfth street. A. H. Steffen, Bennington, Neb. Mrs. B. E. StanHsld, 2401 Jones street. Mrs. U O. Proctor, 41JS Baratoga. C. A. Sherwood, 2B2 Manderson. F. U. Wilson, 1611 Leavenworth. C. W. Whltmore, 3i22.Wirt. D. C. Bradford. 404 Snuth Thirty-ninth. Thomas McMahon, 3128 8 street, South Omaha. F. H. Monroa, 2041 North Twentieth. To give your horns a tone of cheer and comfort Is the aim of the decorating do partment of Miller, 1 Stewart Beaton. Experts in this store have conceived sev eral ldeaa for the home beautiful that are distinctive. The business of this depart ment for this spring has been the largest In the history of the company, ahowlng that the quality of work dona is appre ciated bv ail. The number of people fn Omaha who, during the last year, has taken advantage of the opportunity offered by the Omara Loan ft Building . association to build a home,. Is said to bo startling. Nearly Contrary to the usual opinion ordinary cement work la not waterproof. Tha ie. gree of capillarity, or absorption, depends somewhat upon the quantity of cement used, the character of the other Ingred ients and the wetness of the "mix." Num erous kinds of watenprooflng preparations for external application upon the sur faces of completed masonry and concrete have been in use for several years. A great step In adance has been made within tha last fsw months by mixing the waterproofing material with tha ce raeu. Itself In the grinding process. In this ir.tnner a certain quantity is uni formly .-ilxed with each bag of cement. For "stucco" or cement exteriors this is particularly Important, because the mois ture, which ordinarily soaks through the surface mclerlal and rusts tha metal lath, cannot toiV in at all. Concrete floors, walls sni loundstions. It Is said, may alao li in ado waterproof by this method and brick masonry will resist moixture If the mortar contains Medusa Waterproofed Portland Cement, which ia used by tha Ideal Cement Stone company. Every Family lays for a home, at least once. If uu pay,, for your home through this Association you y for it but ouoe nd it is yours. If you continue to rout you pay for a home oyery few years and it still reuains the property of the landlord. ; a ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTION? 1 Am I paying for my own horde, or for the landlord's! If .the-hitter. Will at our office, and we will explain our fviiteiiiati.' method of HOME OWNING. We will be glad to ai-r-ibt you. Ornate; Loan & Building Association C V. IrfXlMIS, Prldiit. W. R. AlUin. K. and Treaa. Northwest Corner t6th an Ikxlgs Sts. KESKRYK, 1 03.0O0. I ASSETS. t4.IS3.004l. , The Voice of Summer Calls Home beautifying is the word of the hour it is in harmony with the spirit of the season. Every housewife is anticipating a cool, refreshing home for summer. Every housewife will make her task more easy by coming to this store. The refreshing influence of new wall paper, new curtains, new rugs, and, per haps, several pieces of summer furniture, will change the whole appearance of your home. If experts in our department of. Interior decoration are permitted to work out a scheme for your home, you are certain to get just the results you desire. Estimates and suggestions will be gladly furnished. MILLER. STEWART (El BEATON CO. THE TAO POLICY HOUSE Established 1884. 413-415-417 South Sixteenth Street Increase the Size of Your Rooms Have you aver thought of how "il vour rooms appear when yon pull down your shade the day time Your room nmy be a lOsll. en l.il or rt-n a larger room. The putting down of your shades lll really make It appear smaller. Your Room Size Stops at tho Shade Shades are good In their place, hut today every body wants room more room air mom no one wants to be shut up In the close confines of 4 walls. You will not be If you place Scott Awnings at the inriowa. Your rooms will liu'ie.tse .1unt so nui-i) In slxn and you will not frel thiit in. int you lil get out beyond and your sput-e will l-e Hniitel only Ty the number of windows nn which you have fccott Awnings. We will be glad to have an awning estimator call on you and give on prices. Scott Tent & Awning Co. Phone Douglas s3g. ' r. 8. We also, have tents, cots door, summer living. 314-316 So. lath tt. ve'ythlng for out- HARDY1 PHLOX, Choice Perennial Varieties llRrdy rhloxe have lona been mi popul.ir thnt It Is rare t,, ftnil a garden without n collection of st leiM n few of the many beautiful varieties now In cultivation. No plum Is more attractive or more uacful .Itlier for the adornment of the Kiirdrn jr for supplying cut flnwoj-s. The -tanlenrr's nit haa smceeded wonderfully In iroriurliig varieties iviilcli are tmirvets of beauty, both as tc sine of loonia anil variety, richness and ileitis v of color.- To those not tamllUr ith these r1""1" we clelip t nv that tliev are perfectly hardy, and Mucceeu we! In almoat anv hinil of anil. Sninll plants lire usually selected to start with, as thev m-reuxe ratiiillv In sue. not in lulglit so much, which la from two to throe leet. but in t lie number of. nowei- Ftenis, which muniiiy jcht after year. Albatros t'tnk, hhaded purple. .anareas ltoner fare white. Baoohante Dark crimson, salmon pink eye. Beranger White, suffused with pink. rosy-inac eya. Comts Dark Hed. lonls da Ten HrUht salmon, rri-n-son eye. , B rldesmald -1 "u re eye. white. crlnikon Any of the above 10c or set of seven, tific pott paid. STEWART SEED STORE, 119 N. 16th St., Opposite Post Office, Both Phones You can got tho best attention FROM W. W. SHERWOOD Electrical Contracting. Wiring for Light, Power and Electric Bells. Agents for Hawthorne Motors. 1213 FARNAM Street, OMAHA. Phones: Douglas 7633; Ind., A-22A4. Estimates Cheerfull Furnished. STRIP!! LET I S GIVE YOU A FIGURE tor ihstalllng in your house MONARCH METAL WEATHER STRIPS They will keep out all dust, rain and wind, and there will be no more rattling windows or doors. Installation made by our ex perts, In new and old buildings. Will cost you nothing to be come Informed, to please call or write. SUNDERLAND 1H14 HARNEY ST. JXrMBIWO THAT WXX.X. IATI HOWZT 1R. E. LONG. ' 4004 Worth Twenty-fourth Street When wa do your work you are not constantly discovering leaks. A trial Is what we should have from you. Estimates on work gladly furnished. Phone Webster (8. Dsn WKEH TOV BTXZTD ktOKlY YOU WAKT RESULTS' THAT fcATISFY. """ j ... 1 1 . 1 u ,,, V 1 H Til The Ideal Cement Stone Co. Gives Ton What Ton Want Wa make any thing that oan be made with cement. Bring your Plans and let us figure with you. Mala Of floe and Yard, 17th and Cuming.. Factory and Yard 31st and Spauldlns- OVa FLOWIS YASES Keep the Dost Out This Summer nWlth the American m tr t Ci.: It's Duet Proot. but will fit your windows so they will run with ease. F. H. Turney&Co. OMAHA. NEB. 305 So. 13th St. Phone Doug. 993. C. R. Heflin Co. 1516 Douglas. Upstairs We Duplicate All Kinds of Keys. V S Ay Tel. DoukUs 274. Anchor Fence Company 207 N. 17th St., Omaha Telephone Red-814 Time and Place to Buy Fencing AN INDIVIDUAL SToRE ROOM M ' ' ij L . , ' T: j .- -, 9 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. ABSOLUTELY FIKEt'KOOF Mala OffUa. SOS Bo. 16th St. Braaches, 30 Bo. 17th and il30 Ho. 19tU Sts I Telephone! Douglas 4163 anl Xno.4 A-1336.