Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 18
10 TIIE CtttAIIA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 7, 1911. if 'J GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Fear of Rain in Wheat Belt Frighten the Longs. CORN FOLLOWS THE WHEAT alright, Clearing Hnthrr In th ( in - Belt Helps to Pnt Down the Trlr to Horn Kuril Closing Quotations. i OMAHA. May . 1911. Fesr of mln over th" spring wheat belt on the forecast iver Sunday seared longs lio turned willing sellers to the extent that wheat values dropped sharply from the during values yesterday, Cash prices were lower and- cables had an eaxler tone and ahort selling of the more distant fu tures featured the short Saturday session. With bright clearing weather over the corn helt which will holp the progress of corn planting, coupled with the drop In Wheat valued, raxed the corn market, clos Iru? prices hetiig "n the low point. The wheat market opened weak and lower, with the May option showing a loss of to from yesterday's clone. C'aali wheat on the floor was 3c lower. Corn ruled firm early, hut ahort selling Ml more pronounced, owing- to the weak wheat market, l'emand was Slack and cash value Uc lower. Primary wheat receipts were 418,000 bu. and ehjpmenr were 609.000 bu., against receipt last year of 229,000 bu. and ship ment of M.OnO bu. Primary corn receipts were 427.001) bu. and shipments were flu .000 bu.. against receipts Inst year of 259,000 bu. and shipments of 630.ono bu. Clearances were 97.000 bu. of corn, l.ooO bu. oats and wheat and flour equal to 117. 0"0 bu. Liverpool closed unchanged on wheat and Hd lower on corn. The following oaah sales were reported: WHKAT-No. 3 hard, 1 car. bt,4c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 8fiVic; 1 cars, 8So. CORN No. 2 white, 1 car, 49 V; No.' 3 white, 8 cars, 4Mi,o; 1 car. 49Vic; No. 4 white, 1 car. 49c; No. 2 yellow. 7 car. 49c; No. 3 yellow. S oars. 4B4c: No. 4 yel low, t car, 49o; No. 2 mixed. 1 car, 49e; 1 car. 49vo; No. 3 mixed, cara. 4lVc; No. 4 mixed, 2 cars. 4H"o; 2 cars, 49c; No. 3 color. 1 car, 49o; no grade, 2 cars, 4(c. OATH Standard. 1 car, Slc; No. 8 white, 3 cars, 31c; No. 4 white. 1 car. 81c; no grado. 1 car, 31c; 1 car, 31c; 1 car, 304c Omaha Cash Prices. , WHEAT No. 2 hard. ftSg-jSc; No. hard. 841 c; No. 4 hard. S2t87c; rejected hard. Ti.H34c; No. 3 spring. 8tvaiWc; No. 4 spring, 87(&4f3V4c; No. 2 durum, 86foSVc; No. I durum, 84iiN7V.c. CORN No. 2 white. 491Vff49!)ic; No. 8 white, 49vt49io: No. 4 white, 48S4S'.e; No. 3 color, 4Wi4ic: No. 2 yellow. 4HW 4te; No. 3 yellow. 49a-49Vo; No. 4 yellow, 4iVO'4&o; No. i. 4'vuM91c; .io. 3. 4;Vtf 49v,o; No. 4, 4SVft9c; no grade, 46f(4He. OATS No. 2 white. 31V!r3114e; standard. gUSSlHo; No. 3 white, S03lc; No. 4 white, aOVVSSIe:. No. 3 yellow, 30Vr4j31c; No. I yellow. ai,H30-c. BARLE7Y No. 3, 8S'n02o; No. 4. 8090c; No. 1 feed. 76088c; rejected, 60Jc. RYE No. 2. S8'j89c; No. 3. 87fcoSc. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 65 229 131 172 t, 30 5 13 U Chicago . Minneapolis Omaha .... Duluth .... CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Travde. CHICAGO, May 6. Owners of the big concentrated holdings of May wheat hare liad to slash prices for that delivery 4 cents a bushel today to head off shipments which were being headed toward Chicago from all directions. New crop months suf fered also, but only to a limited extent, closing easy Sf-sc to Ho under last night. Latest figures on corn wars a down and for oats, HVo to V4c. In hog products there was a net gain of 6gju2Hc. Urgent attempts on the part of com mission houses to sell May wheat at the opening disclosed the fact that offerings from outside over night had reached a staggering total. Thereupon all support was withdrawn In a hurry. Bull leaders ftractlcally threw up their hands and at east for the time being let the market go to pleoes. First sales of May were the highest of the seBBlon, SefctjVTo, a decline of ljia from the night before. Then there was plunge to Wo In a minute and as brokers vainly tried to execute stop' lose orders, a violent smash followed, bottom not appearing until V3Vfco was reached exactly 4 cents Joss In all. Moderate buy ing on the part of shorts caused a rebound w hich In the end left Slay Just lo up from the low points. July ranged from 8&v4.o to 89o, and closed He down at SHHSSHo. Receipts at the primary market centers tended to make corn weak. May fluctuated between 62o and 62.c, with last sales fc2-H4r63v4o, leaving the net decline Vsijjio. Cash grades were easy. No. 2 yellow fin ished at 64Vs&65c Prospective Increase of arrivals t here caused the oats market to slip backward. High and low limits for July proved to be 82o and iia, with the close HVio off at The meagsrneas with which offerings came from packing houses and speculators opened a way for an advance in provisions, when trading ceased, pork and ribs had gained 7Vo to 12vc, and ribs 6 We. Prices in Chicago, furnished by the Up. dike 'iraln company, Telephone Douglas 2473, 70s Brandela building. Omaha: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May... July... Kept... Corn May... July... Sept... Oats I May... July... Sept... Pork May... July... Kept... Lard May... July... Sept.... It lbs May... July... Sept... I9fi97 7 86 88 Vi &S14I (4W B7U MiSSViG- 87 64'. K3H 84 11 63 !4 62V0. 62Y 62kW 63 1 83 1 83 1 324 82 V4 I IS 82H 14 90 32H 82,31!SH132(iT, S2Vf-. 31' i311g32 32 IS 80 15 80 14 85 15 82H 14 92-s, 14 W . 00 307H 17H 8 OS ' IS 70 14 85 Ua 7 2H 8 02H 8 10 7 82H 7 8fi 7 80 14 87H I 00 t OS 8 00 7 s othI 3 02H I 12V: 8 12i S 17H 02H 7 92 ( 00 7 90 7 9V 7 87H 7 2Hl T 8J'4 7 8& 7 80 7 87H r Cash auotatlona were aa fnllnwa- FLOUR Klrm; winter patents, 33.8O04.4O: stralghu. U.UWi.'X; spring straights. 34.10 434 26; bakers, 33.3o4.&u. . RYK No. 2. $1.12. RA RLE Y Feed or mixing, 6Sflo: fair to Choice malting, 81&l.l2. SKED-No. 1 southwestern, nominal, timothy. 312 00; clover. 315.75. " PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., 815 87V4 Jiie.uu. Lard, per 100 lbs., 3S.00. Short ribs sides, loose. $7.S7Hfa7.87H. ' Total clearancee of wheat and flour were equal to im,0U0 bushels. Primary receipts were 418.000 buahels. compared with 229 000 DUBhela the corresponding day a year ago Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat' (3 cars; corn. 307 cars; oats, 133 cars: hoits' 48. (UK) head. . Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No 2 red 84V(aVo; No. 8 red. 3s97c; No. hard 842 7Vic; No. 3 hard, 92iu47c; No. 1 northern spring. 8i.0Sl.O4: No. 2 northern spring 81.016 L03; No. 3 spring. SiciUll.Ol. Corn: No 8 cash, &4mf64c; No. 3 cash, M?64ic- No' 3 white, 54Vsn65;; No. 3 white. Mitfilc1 No! 2 yellow, 64Vj65c; No. 3 yellow. 54r54Wc Oata: No. 3 cash, 32c: No. t white. 84a 84'c; No. 3 white; SS'tWMc; No. 4 whltsf 82'u'.4e: standard. 3SWfl33c. BUTTER Hteady; tearaeries. 121 dairies. 13fa'llic. " ' EtKiS Steady; receipts. 18.610 rases- at mark, causa included, 13un3Hc; firsts 15c prime firsts. 16c. CHKE8K Steady; daisies, 12'l!4c twins ll'kd'Uc; young Americas. lJiSc; long horns. IS'qli'nC - POTATOES Stead v; choice to fancy US 6: fair to good. 58ac. IOULTRY-Llve. weak; turkeys, 14c; VEAL Steady; 50 to 60 lb. wis . ft3H" 60 to M lb. wta, 6(wf74c; 85 to 110 lb. wta 7WU9C. car Lot Receipts Today : Wheat. 5ft cars corn 2-J8 cars; oats. 181 cara. Estimated Monday: Wheat. 3 cars; corn. 307 cars oats, 133 cars. ' Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 1-WHEAT-Mav "Su7c; .July, 9S7,$;c: September. SKrc; cash. No. 1 hard. 3101V: No. 1 north ern, fcrteil.O0V No. 3 northern. WWac No. . 94uHTc. FLAX Closed at $1.57. RA RLE Y-;0cid (1.05. Ci'HN'-No. 3 yellow. (lHtgtJc. IHT-Ni). 3 white, 31Vfi32o. RYE No. I, (1 OS. PRAN-421 ftoit.oa FLOV'R Flrt patents. (4 796.00; second rtent. (4Utj4S0: first clears. (32o6jJ.8o Sicond cleara (J2ftC3.36. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL May .-WHBAT-pot. dull; No. i red western winter, po gioxk; futures steady; May 6slld; July 7s; Octo ber. IftSd. CORN Kpot firm: American mixed, new, 4a lid; American mixed, old, 5s4d; new American kiln dried. 5s 3d; futures, easy; July, 4s8d; September, 4s 9d. NEW YORK UK. KHAL MARKET Heotatlons of toe Day oa Varloes Commodities, , NEW YORK. May 8.-F101.R-Market firm; spring patents. (i.tti6 lv: winter straights.''u4., winter patents, H wa 4.40; spring clears, H.7doj4.1u; winter e trux, jo. J, ,i.juij.50, winter extras, N. 2. U.l.ii.l l., iansas strnlKhts. U.u.fn .). Rye iuur, firm; talr 10 good, M.wyl.tW; cnolce to lancy, 84.i6fiji.25. CORN MEAL Marsei urm; fine, white and yellow, (l.lowl.x;; coarse,; Kiln arlea, 12 sm. WHEAi-Kecelpts. 12TtO; shipments. 97,4i. Market easy on spot; No. 2 red, 9f)ru elevator, and 9t?MS 1. o. b., afloat; No. I northern Duluth, 10S. afloat, hutures steady at the opening op the cables, but declined under liitiidatlon fol lowing the break In Chicago May and weakness In the northwest and prospects of showers, closing o net lower. May closed, 9uSc; July, hoc; September, 3c. CORN-bpot, market atesdy; export new No. 2. 00c, nominal f. o. b., afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing unchanged to So net decline, -way cioseu, oic; July closed, title. OATS Spot, Aiarket firm; standard Wnite. 40r: Xn 9 mun- V j . 4, 8!4c Futures market 'was without t'rans- -..t'.,o, vi.,e.ii,s nuiuinai. HAY Market firm; prime, 31.3Exjn.40; No. 1. (1 25; No. 2, (l.lial.A); No. 3. sl.Swtfl.4U. H1HES Market steady; Central America, 20c; HogoU, 22c. LEAt HER Market steady; seconds. 21Vu'2.tL!re; thirds, 194(20c; rejwts, 1416c PKO 1SION8 Pork, murket steady; mess, (17.i618.25; family, 318.60a' 00; short clears. (ltt.oOB 18 00."- Reef, steady; mess, (KiOmn 13.50; family, $14,004(15.00; beef hams. 4 1 .t 7m ml iit n. . . . . ... . pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, $11.0oM8.uO; pickled hams, 10 to 14 pounds, 811.7612.&0. Lard, firm; middle west prime, .Ww 8.2u; refined steady; continent, (856; Boulh America, $9.40; compound. $7,071. TA LIOW Market steady; prime city, 6 16-life; country, &V3Wc. BUTTER-Steady; creamery extras, HHo. EOG8 Firm; fresh gatlred selected ex tras. 19H&30c; firsts. 17018c; seconds. 13 16V4c; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1, 1514 CgVoc; No. 2, 141&15c; poor to fair, 12tf ,34c; fresh gathered checks, good to prime, 1314314c; western gathered white, lhijjlSo. roULTRY-AHve. steady; western spring chickens, 0c; fowls, 14rl4Vie; turkeys. 13c dtessed. steady; western fowls, lfalSVic; turkeys, 13ai6c. Corn and Wheat Reaion Rslletln. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at S a m. Saturday, May 6, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT, -Temp.- Rain Ptstlons Max. Mln. fail Ashland, Neb fiS 47 .10 Auburn. Neb (4 41 .00 Colnmbut". Neh... S 42 ,i'5 Culbprtson, Neb.. 54 46 .00 Fairbury, Neb... 70 60 .00 Fairmont. Neb... 43 .CO Or. Island. Neb.. 62 -62 .00 HnrtinKton. Neb. 72 42 .00 Hast.iiKS, Neb.... 69 49 .rO Holdrrge, Neb... 63 46 ' .00 No. Tiatte, Neb. 63 60 .00 Oakdale, Neb rV) .00 Omaha. Neb 6 49 .00 Tekamah, Neb... 70 44 .( Valentine, Neb.. 66 60 .00 Aha, la 71 46 .00 Carroll, la 69 39 .01 Clartnda, la fO 39 .00 Sibley, la 72 ig .CO Sioux City, la... 68 60 .00 Minimum temperature for t period ending at 8 a., m. Skr. Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clondv Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. clDudy Cloudy Pt . cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. , No-,of Temp Rain- tiBinci. oiauoQA. Aiax. Aim. fall coiumou. o 17 .00 .00 .00 Louisville. Ky 20 Indianapolis. Ind.. 11 Chicago, 111 25 ,8t. Louis. Mo 25 Pes Moines. la.... 17 .00 .00 .00 .0) .20 .10 Mlnneapol a, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 21 Temperatures continue to moderate throughout the corn and wheat realon. and the weather Is much warmer-in the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys Frosts or freeslng temperatures oocurrel at points In the lake reg on. Scattered showers occurred In the Omaha and Kan as City distriots. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. X St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, May 6. WHEAT Futures, lower; May, l491Hc; July 86Hc; Septem ber, 85Hc; cash, lower; track No, 3 red, 96c; No. 2 hard, 9091c, CORN Lower; May. 62e; July, 61H M ! rash itMitv lrftilr KTa r.. 1 , 1 .. . No. 2 white, 66c. . oats-duii; May, 82c; July. S2ic; cash, lower; track No. 2. 32Hc; No. 2 white, 34 84c. RYE Nominal, $1.06. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents. $4.20 i4.7o; extra fancy and straight, (3.6oailo hid winter clears, $,.6T0'315. EEI 'nmothy. $6.0009.60. CORNMEAL 82.50. .. BRAN Weak; sacked ast track, $1,150 1.16. v HAY Steady; timothy. $16.00221.00; prai rie. $12 5Wrl5.50. ; PROVISIONS-Unchanged; Jobblntr. $16.00. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $7.650'7.76' Dry salt meats, unchanged;-boxed extra shorts, io clear ribs. c; short clears, Hie. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 8c; clear ribs, ic; short clears, 8rfcC. POULTRY-lower; chickens. HHc; spring. 2026c; turkeys. 1315c; ducks, 13Hc; geese 6 cents. Bl'TTER-Steady; creamery, 15fiac EGGS-Bteady at 15c. U " Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Wheat, bu M.oon 21 000 Xorn. bu 84.0(X 5S.OO0 u 62,000 84,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May. 6 WHEAT May, JUly' T30 Wd; September p82c sellers. Cash unchanged to lc lower; No. 2 hard, 8098; No. 8, 8TO&6 No. 2 red. 90i924c: No. 3, 88a91c. CORN-May, 60t,60Hc bid; July. 60O 60Hc, nllers; September, 6OH0, sellers Cash unhanged to lc higher; No. 2 mixed' 63Uo3-; No. 3, 63Vic; No. 2 white, 62H&63; No. 3. 62Hf63c OATS Steady; No. whits, S3HfiS6c: No 2 mixed. 80Va33o. ' ' RYK No. 2. 96(Stc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $15,500 16.00; choice prairie, $1150.13.00 BirTTER Creamery, 21c; firsts, lie seconds, lc; packing stock, 13c. GGS-Extras. 17Hc; firsts. 16c; second. T7ansAlrta( Dkl. - v... iTK'- u,vm 11. DIJ.'HV Cam, bu. 14 0y Oats, bu 14,u) 000 63.0r0 9.00 Peoria Market. PEORIA. May .-CORN-No. 4 white L;ic: - 5 ',',,,ow' Mc: No- 1 yiiow: Mc; No. 4 yellow, 62o; No. 3 mixed 5Me: No. 3 mixed, 530; No. 4 mixed V; no grade, 49c. OATS-No. 2 white, 33c; standard 33Ho; No. 3 white. r33c. 1 ' Mllwrankee Grata Market. ' MILWAUKEE. May 8. WHEAT No 1 northern, S1.04HMo6; No. 2 northern' $1.03Wnl.04H; May. 94c; July, SSC OATS Standard. 34,& 3410. BARLEY-Maltlng. $1.0241.14. Dolntk Grain Market. BULITTH. May 8,-WHEAT-No. 1 north ern. S1.01H: No. 2 northern. 98hHc: Ma v $1,004: July. $l.00,; September. 93-40. OATS-32HC. Boston Stocks and Bonds. ROSTON. May Closing quotation! on stocks were as follows: auoims at MotMVk Aiul. Copner tl4 Nevada Con A I L. A 8 t4 Nlpl.rtnf Minaa Arlaona Cora 134 Sorts Hull Atlantis SS North Ike . ... B. I' C. A 8. M. IS, Did nonunion . Butts "oilltlon 11 Oaraola Pal. A Arlaona (I Parrolt 8. A C Cal. Hacla 47S Qulnrr , Centanntal IS Shannon ftepper KaiifS C. C 41 Suoarlor P.ast Bulu C, 11.... 11 Superior ABM .. .. 1H .. 10 .. Hit s ... I ..1 .. 11 .. H .. 14 .. It .. l .. 1414 .. 4 .. 14 .. 4. .. 14 .. 44H .. S ..lot Franklin t Superior A P. c Glroux rVin 4 Tasiara-k Rranlif Con W V. . H R. a M Groan Caaanaa .... 4 4o pf4 Boj.Uo ( eppar. 11 t'tah rlon Karr 1W. (4 t-iak Copper Co. Laka tapper US W'lnnna 1 Sail Vrpar Wolrarta Miami Coppar lr bid. agar Market. NEW TORK. May . SUGAR Raw steadv; Muscovado, 89 test. 8.33c; centiitu- fal. ti test. 3 hJc: molasses sugar. i test oxc; refined, steady: crushed, o.SOc; gran ulated. .Mc; powdered, 6c Oils aad Renin. SAVANNAH. May a TURPENTINE Firm: faiyfljo. OSEWTrel typa-J", 7.lS; lype- CL.7.. 4 36 68 40 38 66 34 43 70 42 74 4 66 46 64 46 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Much Activity on the Stock Exchange During the Past Week. "' 1 tiHhthm 8il PROSPESITY FOR THE RAILROADS;,1!.'." & Tr.":: Lara Onlrri for 9(ert Kiila Arc Del hk riarrd And nifl. ParmcM Itifllrate Consldrrfible Work In Slffht. NEW YORK. Mav . ISnerlal Tnrrm One of the i.rln. lr.ol fnlnr. in n..nrfhin,,. mat hate clvrn a decided otnimtstie Ion to buninena during the Inst week has been the ac;lvttv on the stock exchange which has entirely overcome the stagnation which prevailed during March Bnd April Comparer! with the dullness which pre ceded It. the animation of the mnrket has been the token for speculation beyond what had been predicted hv mnrkr-t weeis. vet prices have little altered on the whole and th transactors fron day to day have brn much of k profem.ora! character. In one detail the statistical record of the country, as published tnls week, contained an item that was novel and of no little significance. This was the compilation of commercial futures, showing the laxirest aggregate of small defaults for nnv April for many yeari. Including April. 1!T8, when they reached their maximum after a Ions Interval. 80 fur as foreign! goes the weeklv port figures Indicate a matter recession, which will perhaps be notable In the ex port movement. ' The high prices of farm products hnve brought a prlod of prosperity In sight for the railroads as may be noted hv the placing of orders for rail and equipment. His; Orders of teel. The Carnegie fiteel com Dan y reports rail orders for oOO.OV) tons for the Western Pennsylvania railways company. The Florida Kast Coast order for 14.000 tons will be filled by the . Pennsylvania Steel company. An order by the Feabord Air IJne for l.VmiO tons Is divided between the Tennese Coal, Iron and Realty company and Penn sylvania Steel company. The Seaboard A'r Line has ordered ton specific type locomotives from the Ameri can ixiconiotlve company and ten consoli dated and five heavy switching ensrtnes from the Baldwin locomotive Works. The United States Steel corporation has banked no additional blast furnaces lately, and is operating about ti3 per cent of capacity. Finished production Is on a basis of something like ti6 per cent of capacity. This would seem to Indicate shipments of 28,ft) tons a day. which Is at the rate of abtiot S0.u00.000 tons a year. In 19 ;he steel corporation produced 8.3iO,OiiO tons of steel. Operations todav arc only slightly In excess of what they were trn years ago. Notwithstanding the fact that money was apparently the dominating Influence in promoting whatever Improvement took place In the stock market during the week, there Is a growing sentiment In some quarters that Wall street Is starting In to discount trade betterment In the not dis tant future. The argument used In favor of thla Is that In many years past Im provement has come when business was at a low ebb. That this Is the condition at present la shown by the week's de velopments. Bank clearings were a good barometer of the country's trade and show a decrease for April of nearly 12 per cent. Every state reported a loss with the ex ception of the South Atlantio section, which gained 10 per cent. As to Crop Outlook. Optimism overreaches Itself In descant ing upon the glowing proepect In May. It Is permissible to (Uncus agricultural con ditions in the spring, but there Is no crop prospect, properly speaking, before Au gust. Conditions to date have been gen erally propitious and unusually so, and the probabilities are that the agricultural outturn of the year will be satisfactory in amount. An active week on the-stock exchange closed with a dull session today, although prices realized were those of a strong mar Expectations of a favorable crop report on Monday cauaed a final recovery today from the early declines in the market and the final quotations were not widely di vergent from those of last night. These same expectations caused a sharp break In May wheat on the produce exchange and all deliveries closed lower, with the final trading extremely dull. The bank statement, too. was unfavorable. The sur plus was slightly Increased, but. Instead of the predicted gain in cash the actual week-end figures showed a loss of 83.000, 000. Loans were decreased 31ll.2OO.O0O a rather singular result In a week of ex pandlng financial markets. There were, of course, the foreign credits to draw upon,' but the foreign exchange market of the week has not reflected large requisitions of the sort. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as loiiows Bales, Hllh Clo.. Atlla-Ohalmers of Amalgamated Crppr ... American Agricultural ... Amaiicn Beat Sugar.... American Can American C. A F... .... Amartraa Cotton Oil Amarlcan H. A T pM... Am. Ioa 8a!urltlea Amaiiraa Llnaacd Amarlcan Locomotive . . .American B. A H , Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Btael Foundries 21 4,(00 43 64 S 47 47 10 M M4 23 23 10 IT 74 1.400 M0 47 10 47 10 400 87 67 'too ti '700 74 ' 104 44 Dun's Report of April Bank Clearings The Tolnms of bank exchanges again makes an indifferent eomparisoa with these ef ysar age, the total for the ssonth of April at all leadtog ctUea la the United Btataa, aeeordlag te the regular stat stent eosaellsd by R. a. Dtm Co, which l&esadas retnras freai 114 eltlea, ajnoantln( to 1 1294,717,436, a loss of 11.8 per east, as eosnpared with the sum meath last Tear aad of 1.8 per eeab with the eoirespoadbuj period la 1900. With the axMptaoa of th8outh Atlas do 8tatMTary seotlen re parts nor or leas deereaae eoaaparad wl th atstrear, whleh Is due to losses at numerous latpertaBt eenters, as goad galas are etttl retaraed at Biany nilaor points. As usual, howsTer, the most prenoaneed lass is saade by New York Cltr, where operatioat la the speanlatiTe aad flsaseM saarkata hare been on an cananally reduoed soale. In fact, on the Stock Exchange sales of stoektf or the past month have been less than last rear by nearly 9,000,000 shares, which, with the lower qaotattont that ruled,, probably aeeounta tor vary material proportion of the lost at that eeater. In the New England States, Boston makes a much better eosnpartsoa than tor some months past, but there U rcill some loss In the total for that section owing to a ihitmsss at that and other Important points which are not offset by gains at LoweO, Portland and New Haven. The returns from cities In the Middle Atlantic States Indicate a further falling off as compared with the previous moath, aad the majority ef see tan still report mere or less deareass, but fairly satisfactory returns are made by Rochester, 871004 aad BlBghamton. There is a very geod gain In the total of eltlos la the Sonth Atlantic States, proaounoed Increases at aeaerous points reflecting favorable eeedltioat la most parts of that seotloa over last year, besides marked improvement eompared with 1909. Among the leading eltlea reporting gains are Baltimore, Augusta, Norfolk, Maeon, Wilmington, N. C, Ootambus, Oa, garaaaah, Atlanta aad Jacksonville. The Central Scatea report some loss eompared with last year owing to decreases at Chisago aad some ether kadlng oltlea, but general gains eompared with two years ago, those over both years at daolanatl, aarvelaad, Peoria, Milwaukee, Can ton and a number of other eeater Indicat ing well maintained industrial activity at those points. In the Central Sonth eotuktarabU Irregularity sppears, although some etnas report galas, but those are not snffieiently pro nounced to offset the lsssss at several important potato and the total shows leas. Mere or leas lost eompared with last year by the majority of the cities thieaghout the West Is ' apparently a reflection of unsettled eondltioas In that portion of the eouatry, but there Is still some gala at few points and the comparison with 1909 is stilts sat1slsisaj On the P setae Slops the eeinparisoa with last year It bettor than in the pre viae month aad several titles report good galas, ameag them Sea Praaeiseo, Los Angeles aad Portland, while the exhibit as steaparos with 1909 It axtreanely favorable. The comparison is made below of bank exehaagae by taction severing three yoart; also the average dally figures for April aad tae p roosting moataai Aran. Nee AasavBg atMdie tw auaaata.. 1111. 1810. T.C 7H4)J5.11t rrSo.ltO.SOA , -1 vil71 l,OS0.0-l.tM5 It iM.7ai twOA8A6 -f . 17.41.46 S4AnlA74 4.1 HtJTJt.tMt 63,lt,34i.4 119 40H.m.W 46S.401.4M 0.9 6.i.-04 tti se.ouiA7o.srr 4.9 tJJliA 84l.08.171 -Id. 4 1 304,7 17.486 l3434Ji,40 11A S441 T4,PO0 aSM.38t.000 AS 4M.T4.UU0 tftUStOO 10.5 eU.4n7,OuO 6uJt.4.-0,(0 674.7cJ.uuo 6ej.ait.uuv lea VVeeaaiB ... raauu Total V.Y.UItr Oaavatf ntatet XvarasesaUvi Asrtl.... March reornarj .... 1MHU7 Most of the larger oitles la the Psr West report leas aad the total Is eontidsrabty smaller than last year, but tome gain Is still made by a number of eeators and the comparison with 190 U ouite satisfactory. The lgures la detail follow: Aran, at 'r - - lie ana raef..... Ixe ata4saw. tMI Ul 1 I, en7S4 HI 1911. 76 0.740 43AOJ 71 11.41A4H . 10.4O7.af7 6.W4A71 4.7uO.UuO 80a.4ie.inl 8.e-j.tfl i.ui.fij i..4& ltA0Ac4 67t.i7 84. 07.344 S.44,)81 S.74V444 lAos.leS .4tAaa aaaaaaacaajr. 1. Juaaaa.. t'e . Iiiieuia J'I"Li wioaaaa ...w... Tea, laa ..... .... Ilearar CMmaeasga.. lleM ...... ar tuaaia falls ... WottOrg Miai Am. putt I an) lit 117 1' m 1 140 4'H 7 "ft l t: T 7 LPS) 11 10" 1" 1111 ... .. l- 10 IM IM Ut Jl f.00 7- 7S 7 a.' :.. J7',' ri nu SO 7'i 7 Si :i l.m hi 111 114 i:o iu 10 44 im o 4 so u 4" 144 1 1-1 14 l'i t 4 m a 4 10 S4 34 4 "0 31' I l" 31 110 4S 4 44 ins JT S? M inn loo ui it 40 too 137 HT'i 117 ?nn it lt, nn M sa (2 1.000 i: 13 1 to tna 40 40 40 ion i 14 14 inn S4 34 as 100 r 7 7 1.000 106 105 in Ut 100 21 t2 n 7 w. , 4 1,100 49 4 4 100 14 1M 137 200 M ft M 400 31 32 100 10 104 10S 3) 4'J 42 41 400 106 10 1" 73 1,300 1U 124 1:1 24 1,400 122 133 "2 104 4 2 1M 12 2I.S00 isr, im ir-4 (00 30 10 30 44 600' 2a 29 0 4H 200 1I4 114 114, 6f0 J7 J7 27 44 104 37 17 34 . 100 1 14 19 200 49 4 4 t.100 177 1T7' 177 100 944 4 44 oo 7 7S 74 1.300 39 34 39 14,300 74 74 74 r00 119 119 114 nnfl 45 44 44 8,800 41 41 41 14 34 4,200 47 K5 47 100 44 44 M 1.000 76 74 74 4 4.400 174 173 174 Amrtran r t T . American Thacfo pt4. . AttiTir..n Wno?n ...... AncoiTla Mlnlcc At' hlin At. hiima f Atlttntlr (,V-m l.lnt . PMlninr & Ohio I -antral leather Onlral leather pfd.... Central et New Jaraer. rhe.areah A Ohio.... t-hlrarn A Alton r (i. w ptd rnlrags A X. w I C M. A P I ".. c. c a st 1. ll'"l' f- 1 tlorarto Houthertl. nolMated Oaa 1 'nrn Product! Delaware A Huilaon Ienver A RJo nrande D A R O pM Plat lllert' Seiurltlea IHrle Erin lrt pfd Krle 14 pfd Oeneral Electric Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfa.... llllnola central lntcrhoroufh Mat Int. Mat. prd Internal Innal llarreatar ... Int. Marine p'd tatematlonal Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kimu llty Southern K. O. 80. pfd Laclede Kaa loula-rltla A NaMlTtlle Minn. A Bt Louln M , St. P. A 8. B. M M , K. A T M . K. T. pfd MlKnourl Taciflc National Rtarutt National Lead v. it- 11. or M. :d prd.... New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A We.Xero North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania reople'a Gaa P.. t, C. A St. L Plltaburg Coal Preaned Steel Car Pullman Palace ir Railway Bteel Aprlng Reading Republic Bteel Republic Bleel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock Iff land t 'o. pfd Bt. L. 8. P. 14 pfd Bt. Loula B. W St. L. B W. pfd Bloaa-Bheffleld 8. A 1 Houtharn Pacific Bouthnm Hallway Bo. Railway prd Tennaaaea Copper Tnaa A Pacific T.. Bt. L. A W T., Bt. L. A w. pfd t'nlon Paclflo t'nlnn Paclflo pfd I'nlted Bitten Knotty Lnlted Btatea Huhhar I'nlted Btatea Bteel V. S. Bteel pfd tUah Ccipper Va. -Carolina , Chemical .... Waoaah Wahaah pfd Weatern Maryland Weattnrhouee Electric Weatern Union Wheeling A L. B Lehlnh Valley ToUl sales tor the day, M.700 shares. Cleartnar Honse Bank Statement. NEW TORK. May 6 The statement of clearing house banks for the week snows that the banks hold 838.808.07S more tnan the requirements of the 25 per cent re nerve rule. This Is a decrease of $1,874,000 In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The statement follows: DAILY AVERAGE. ' Decrease. Loans ,.fL?M.!:t.500 7.359,100 SptCiO 31t,3t3,Z. Legal tenders ....V.... 74.9H.iXW Deposits 1,405,872.100 Circulation 4V927.2O0 Reserve S90.2T7.1O0 Reserve required 3M ,488.025 But Plus 38 800.075 3,670.30 871.8O0 10.872,00) 197.0 4. f 42. 100 2,668.000 1.874 100 United mates deposits included, 100, an Increase of 833,500. ACTUAL CONDITION. Decrease. Loans ....! - $1,840,994,000 $1R,267,3( Specie 218.03.700 . 1 '!. 300 Legal tenders - 75.311.W0 Deposits 1.XM.831.1UO Circulation 45,841,70) Reserve 890.S47.irW 1.265.800 17,OR9.7i 14). 400 J.OSfi.lO) 4.272.425 1.187.825 Reserve required 848.707.775 Bui-Dlus 41.639.825 " United States deposits Included, $l.53V 800, on Increase of $28,900. Increase. Summary of state banks and trust com panies In Greater New York not reporting to tne Clearing nouse; - Increase. Loan4 $1,183,007,800 $ 8,837,500 8p cie 118.332.diW 1.239,400 Legal tenders 1S.7H8.700 229,9 0 T. tal deposits 1.303,481.300 24,040,400. Dt crease. New York Mtntna Stocks. NEW YORK, May . Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice . 200 Mttia Oiler ... I ...490 ...140 ...190 ...100 ... 40 Com. Tunnal stock... 34 do bonds 14 Con. Cal. A Va 13S Horn Silver 34 Iron Silver 140 Led villa Coo. 10 Oirerad. Meitcaa Ontario Ophtr Standard Yellow Jacket loot. aAAoiUl7 a. - 8.7 wovMi.sai Ml.47t.819 677J4W.141 !7.nS.(e0 6O0.0atl.7-J7 87UA71lU 8,i4.7W;T 13SMOA8 A24 47I.OOO 4oiOXXlO tKftl.l40UOO tor bllcev 8.8 -4ai an 4- 4 8 f 4.6 aao f 4 -oai 6( 81 -t- 8.8 1910. 968.S14.764) .711 J11 lB.6,40O 1S.6oJio'J J. US JT9 881.40?'i4 7lji. l!t01.446 t.4M.O)I 1.776 t.Otl.lM tJ.Oeei3 9.444.1116 P.O. 66 66 41 -SM -11A -lii 10.1 -lit -107 1 T 1 4 6 T 30 6 ui 41IJ -94.9 4- AT ISO. rro.a4t.93 tf 16.161.737 10J4M.671 Mint ltAeOS Moy tl 1J34J.863 P.O. t - 4170 1 88 44 m- 4- 9 0 -4-T i87.? -18 0 fA7 -r '4-4 11 3: 47 6Jr4.74t , 9.S4il t.ot.JU 9tMMJK& il -t- 4 1 OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle for the Week Are Steady to Stronger. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE HIGHER Lambs Fifteen te Teirntr-Flte Higher to Fifteen Cents lllaaer for arae rerlod. SOUTH OMAHA. May . 1911. Tteeelpfg were: Cattle. Hogs. Pheep. OffeUi K;onlav - 3 S.i8 Official' Tuesday 4.609 9.051 9.4R1 Offlrlal Wedneeday 6.2:0 17.2KI 9.4.9 Official Thursdav 4,0fs IS 8:M 6.T'" Official Friday 678 7.5S4 1.569 Kstlmated Saturday 1 t.Vii Six days this week....K.!49 8T.271 29.6B6 Came days last week..,14.(W9 7a.77S 87.18 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 20977 6.7) 82.118 Same davs 3 weeks ago.. 17. SM S1.1"9 Same days 4 weeks ago.. it. M4 48.6:8 2D.7!4 Same day last year 18.6.18 30.8H3 23.798 The following table s?ow tlie re-elt'ts of cattle, hogs and sheep ot South Omens for ths year to date aa compared wltn last vesr: isn. 1910 Inc. Cattle SS8.7S2 9.82J Hogs 918.04. ,bXK9 VA.IM Sheep 614,964 524.803 90.351 The following table shows the range of prires on hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, aith comparisons: Dates. I 1911. IWlO.I.IWOsTlW'-ll904-!11 April 27.. April 88.. 1 April 29.. April SO. . 6 8.-.I4I 9 Oil 6 981 6 281 6 88! 6 84 6 813.1 9 08 7 061 28 6 2i 8 18 6 It I 11 8 11 74 I 111 7 Ull 6 34 It ' 1 9 141 6 1 6 461 6 IS May 1 6 fUYV.'. t a:, 6 41; 6 24i t 2! May 2... I A 74 I 1(11 4, nil It -! It 271 6 11 May 8... 6 62; 8 94 ' 7 011 28 9 27 6 19 May 4... 5 61' 9 001 7 04 1 6 26 8 24; 6 211 t 26 May 6... B W1,! 9 19 7 00! 6 88 1 i 6 15 B 90 May B... 6 66 9 27 6 94 5 37 6 24 I t 28 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nion Stock yards, South Omnh, for twenty-four houra ending at 3 p. m. yes terday; RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. H'r's. C, M. r St. T u abash Mlsscun Pacific 3 I'nion Pacific 1 31 C. & X. W., east 6 O. & N. W.. west 1 80 C , Ht. P., M. & o 7 C, U. & y., east 1 C, B. & w , west... 1 C. H. I. P., east 2 Illinois Central 1 ChU-Seo Ureal Western 2 Total receipts 2 89 U1SPOS1T1UN. Pattla. Hun Omaha Packing Co 1,078 tjwirt and Company 1,4m Cudahy Packing Co 1,93s .Armour A Co 1,216 Murphy 424 uiner buyers j ToUls 7 6.147 CA i 1 L.B Today s market was, as usual on a Saturday, barren of fresh receipts of sny Importance, but the totsl for the week has been very liberal, 'showing a large gain over last week, although being quite nine unaer tne record tor the corre sponding week last year. During the early part of the week the market on beef steers at all points was more or less of a drag, large receipts at the different market centers In the face 01 a not overly urgent consuming demand for the product made the trade in live cattle rather dull, with the tendency of prices tower, xnis tendency waa the most pronounced on heavy cattle, letter on In ths week, as the receipts fell off and as the feeling that the coming wk might show still smaller receipts became pro nounced In the minds of buyers, the trade seemed to take on more life and prfets strengthened up. At the close of the week handy light cattle and good grades of heavy cattle are around 10c higher, with other kinds steady. While there are un doubtedly a good many cattle still In the country snd while It Is expected that re ceipts will be heavy on some days at lestt for some time to come, still the prophets are beginning to talk that receipts In the future will be less burdensome and that prices ought to show Improvement. The market on cows and heifers has not 5.J.own very much change during the week. The demand on most days has been very fair and the trade raaannahlv aniva rinnA light heifers have been In best demand and they are possibly a little atronger than one week ago. The general run of butcher stock, however, could only be quoted as about steady. Veal calves and bulls are " trifle stronger thsn last week. Receipts of stockers and feeders have been very light throughout the week, but the demand has also been very moderate and values have eased off a little, so that fL?Te .cloM of th8 week thV ro around lower than last week. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef Lte"c' ,J5'70S6 : Ulr to otters. 95.406.70; common to fair beef steers. 86.00 O.40; good to choice cows and heifers, 84.76 66.60; fair to good cows and heifers. 84.2a 4.76; common to fair cows and heifers, 82.78 JZittZ0'! f cholc 6tockers and feeders, 86 40tf.0; fair to good stockers and feeders. 86.2citf5.40; common to fslr stockers and feeders. I4.26ft6.26; stock heifers, 84.2505 Oo veal calves, 84.00.25; built, stags, etc.; 7 C?4-90. HOQS-A good, active market, at nickel higher prices Is the thortest way of de scribing today s hog trade. The activity to demand, as well ss the advance, was largely due to a limited supply. About 85 cars arrived and as most buyers filled orders without delay, the session wss a short-lived affair. Complete clearance was made by 10 o'clock. Spreads narrowed somewhat, a develop ment that is frequent on a strong market, and the major portion of the crop held within a 16c range. Naturally, it follows that there were sales here and there that failed to show the fat nickel advance. '" luaiua aciiing strong to 60 higher. Shippers and speculators provided sn out let for about 10 per cent of total offerings. Ixing strings ranged from 86.60 to 86.70, good butchera moving around 86.66. Bacon animals sold as high as 86.76, a figure iden tified with yesterday's top, but lBo lets tban tops a week ago. While receipts for the week show a natural Iocs from last week's burdensome runs, the total Is seasonably large. Ship pers have been buying freely on most days and packing demand has been broad and generally active. Bulk of today's busi ness averages from a nickel to 16o lower than last Saturday's market, heavy hogs showing lesser declines. , ivepi cseniauve sales: No. Av. 8b. Pt. .441 ... I 60 .376 ... 1 60 .314 160 I 60 JiO 3a0 4 64 .301 ... 6 64 .1.14 340 4 45 .340 1(0 I 64 .IM IM 4 47Vt .1J 13) 4 4P .364 ... 4 40 .34 lit 8 40 .343 144 4 40 No. 73... 36... 71... 40... 43... 44... 41... 41... 47... 47... 76... 47... 44... 44... 71... 44... 44... 73... 44. .. 76... T3... 71... 76.... 71... 76... 71... 71... 71... 40... 41... 14... 74... 14... 11... 41... 77... 11... 14... 81... 77..., 45... II... 11... At. th. ..113 ... ..1"4 ... ..144 ... ..! ... ..lit 40 .. 44 ..3kl 200 ..364 44 Pr. I 44 I U I 44 6 44 I 44 I 44 I 44 8 44 I 44 8 4714. 4 47V. 4 47V4 I (' I 47 I 47V, 6 47V4 4 47V, I TO i 70 I it I 14 4 74 I 74 4 74 I 7 4 74 I 74 I 74 I 74 4 10 6 14 4 71 I 134 4 72 V, I 74 4 76 4 76 lit 6 16 I 74 I 14 I 16 I 71 10.. 44.. 47.. Si.. 63.. 44.. 63.. 10.. to.. 43.. 17.. 43.. 44.. 43.. 43.. 43.. 14.. 41.. 63.. ...354 ...334 ...334 ...361 ...361 80 404 40 6 40 40 4 40 144 6 CO ... 4 40 40 4 40 S40 4 00 ... 8 40 144 4 40 44 8 42V. 40 4 44 44 4 45 ... 4 45 44 4 44 120 4 U 130 8 46 ... 4 44 40 4 46 ... 4 44 40 4 44 40 4 4J ... 4 44 ... 8(6 (0 4 45 1H IK ... 8 44 40 I 44 44 46 40 I 44 ... 6 44 tt I 46 ... I 45 .304 .316 .374 .814 ,!W .35 .314 .it .143 .124 .11 .tit ...lit ... ...U4 10 ...144 XlO ...316 10 ...344 44 ...321 ... ...2:3 4t v 124 40 "..104 ... ...364 40 ...141 ... ...317 ... 44 44 U 40 44 44 44 44 41 44 .. .364 ...343 ...147 ...17t ...371 ...344 ...164 ...344 ...114 ...! ...:ti ...171 ...164 ...161 ...360 ..HI ...lit ...lit ...VCt ....341 844 ....144 44 ....141 ... ....Ml 44 ....3J4 ... ....144 ... ...114 144 ....124 ... ....113 ...'l 44 ....140 ... ....141 ... ....101 40 ...314 ... 47.. ....123 ...,1M ....14 14 40 4 44 44. .300 BHfc.fc.p-All branches of the sheep and lamb markets were barren thla morning and the acale of values remained un changed. No fresh recetpta were avail able and yesterday's clearance was prac tically complete. Since and Including Monday dally sup plies have been well up to the average both In quantity and quality. About 29.000 head arrived In all. the bulk consisting of lambs with shorn offerings more plentiful than woolsklns. Mexicans are still running freely, of courte. and are showing up mostly in the fleece. Old sheep proved the exception to the rule at all times and amount of business transacted does not afford a very reliable Idea of price levels. Tone to demand lately was favorably contrasted with dull, slumpy Inquiry last week. All regular buyers took s greater Interest In the trade and made their pur chases In free-buying fashion, prices im proved more or leas ss the result of healthier feeltng. but advances were lira lied, and, cannot be taken aa the most lm- portant vhasa of the market when com rared wtih the g.neral character of de niand. vd lamhs. both wooled and shorn, claim the long end of any advance, closing about 16c and 2.' hlaher than a week aci. I Sheep of nil kinds range from strong " l-u.-aimy lugnei in si'Ois lor me neex. I'op)'- wonlerl lambs have been selling around IS uO. Mexicans reaching 8 20. while Irrt westerns aie quotable over 8i.S6 at im.t. guotatlons, Wooled: Spring lambs. S.flvt 9 1: Mexican lambs. A STV-rii.-.H; weetem lambs. 86 a-tjii.RS; yearling", 84 4tH4.90; weth ers. $4. 10fj4.0; ewes. 13.504 4.3J. Quotations. Shorn: .Mexli-an lambs. 84.76 ti J 10. western lambs, 8t.g.vu4 88; heavy lambs, 14.1694.40: yearlings. Ii.85y4.85; wethers, 83.7S 44.15. ewes. tJ.401g4.Q0. CHICAGO L1VR STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Hogs Strnna Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. May . CATTIjE Receipts es timated at 2fl head; market strong; beeves. o.woe.w; lexas steers. 84.ta.ty5.6ti; western steeis, 84.SOig6.tO; ttockers and feeders, 84.W tiMrt; rows and heifers, 34ojj6.90; valves, ei ovq.w, HOUS Receipts estimated at lO.O'lO head; market strong to 6c higher; light. 1.70'u 10; mixed, 15.705.90; heavy, 85.55jj6.90; rough, 5.iitin.70; good to choice heavy, 5.70'(T5.!i; pigs, 2o.s6-tjG.00; bulk of sales, SHF:KP AND LAM US Receipts esti mated at l.OOii head; market steady; na'.ive. 3.hi4M.6: wVstern. $.1.2a4.fti: ear lings. 4.4U 5.40; lambs, native. $4.26gj.26; western, M.76jt.36. Konaas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 8-CATTl.K-Re-relpts, 100 head; no southerns; market steady; native steers, 5.25tri.10; southern steers, 4.2fi5.60; southern cows and heif ers, 23.25tJ4.75; native cows and heifers, 83 OnfivoO; storkers and feeders, 4.7ti5.75 : bulls, 4; calves. 84.00'0 7R; western steers, I4.7yu6.90; western cows. 83.25a6.0). HOGS Receipts 2.i0 hesd; market strong to 6n higher; bulk of sales. I5.76''6.S6; heavy, 86.76(ff6.W; packers and butchers, $5.76a6.Si; lights, 5.80u.9O. SHEEP AND IAM US-Receipts, none; market steady; muttons. 23.5fa4 50; lambs. 16 (XKH6.10; fed wethers and yearlings, 94.0OT1 6.35; fed western ewes, 83.60-yM.26. Bt. I.oels Lire Stork Market. ST. IOC1S. May S. CATTLE Receipts, 200 head, Including 100 Texans; market steady: native beef steers. 25.0Ofra.tyi; cows and heifers, 3.6inj65; stockers and feed ers, 93.ftVg6.5o; Texas and Indian steers, 84.fKVa.50; cows and heifers. 83.50-0 00; calves. In car load lots. $5.0vg.75. HOGS Receipts 6.200 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $.'i.9O'a'.0ft: packers, I6.0irjtti.00; butchers and best heavy, 6.06. - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; market, steady; steers, 85.00ti6.O6; cows and heifers, 83.0(Wj5.86; calves, 84.0nwti.00. HOGS Receipts, J.OOO head; market, steady; top, 86.90; bulk of aales, lfi.70W6 0 L 1 .. I. n Av-i. . ....... . . . . 1 tji .1 a.m) lAAinn rteceipis, ;juu neaa; marset, steady; lambs, 86.6O6.20. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prjn elpal western markets yesterday: cattie. nogs, sheep. South Omaha 15 6,90b St. Joseph 200 Kansas City 10Q St. Louis 2no Chicago 200 3.000 2 0 ) 8,200 10,010 36,100 300 1,000 Totals .... ... 715 1.300 lew York. Money Market NEW YORK, May 6. MONEY Dull; on call nominal. Time loans, dull; sixty days 2 per cent; ninety days. 24J per cent; six months, 8fl-84 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEH-334 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy with ac tual business In bankers bills at 84.8450 for 60-day bills, and at 91 8640 for demand. Com merclal bills. 84.84. SILVER Bar. 63Vie; Mexican dollars. 46o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, ir regular. Closing quotations on oonds today were as follows: I). . raf. la, rag. 101 Int. Met. 414s 60 coupon .....141 Int. 84. M. 4bs... 44 II. A la, rag 101SJ, japaji 4a oo cd upon ......iviw oo aaa , S4 C. A 4a. rag 114 K. C. So. 1st 3a.... 7JU. do coupon 114 L. 8. deb. 4a 131... t44 Alllf-Chal. 1st t.... 1M U A N. unl. 4s SS' Am. Ar 1014 M . K. A T. lat 4s.. t7(i Am. T. A T. ct. 4a.. 1104 4e fan. 4a t: Am. Tobacco 4a M Pacific 4a T7 do 4a 107H N. R. it. ot M. 4V4t 43 Armour A Co. 4Vis.i 1. X. U. g. Ia 4314 Atchison gen. 4a. do dob. 4a g'i do cv. 4a.. .luvt x., 11. it. SB M. .Ull U3i . 5Vi N. A W. lat c 4a.. 44 . t4 o cv. 4a 104 s . 2V, No. Paclflo 4a. ioo . tl'a 0 7i . 4'4 O. 8. u rfdg. 4a.... 6 .1044 "?" er. 1414.. 74 do ev. 4a A. C. L. lat 4a. Bal. A Ohio 4a. do do B. W. 3a. Brook. Tr. cv. 4 Oen. of Oa. 6a. On. Leather (a wu. aa ..1034. V.. of N. J. . 4a...l2JV, "oojlnt sod. 4a 374 K-hea. A Ohio 4a..loo St. U A 8. F. fg. 4a de con. 4H,a 64 on. o...... au l 1 ds con. 4H,a t . gon. a...... u Chicago A A. s. 44 a w. c. 4a... do sen. 4a. 1i ? f. L. a4). 4a an O. M. A 8. P. d. 4a 91 tt BO- rae. eol. 4a. C. R. I. A P. c. 4a. 74 do er. 4a do rfg 4a 39a do lat rar. 4a.. Colo. Ind. (a 75 So. Railway (a., OjIo. Mid. 4a 43 do gen. 4a C. A 6. r. A o. 4WstK4 Union Paolflo 4t. r H. cv. 4a v do cv. 4a ... 42H ... I7H ... ' -.. 74V, ...1(13 - D. A R. O. 4s aa do lat A ref. ... 7J do raf. 4a.. i u. B. Kubbar 4.... 1041 774 J. 8. 8lael 3d is.... lot 444 t.-Oaro. cham. 4a..ioni niatlllcra' 6s Vrl n I. 4a.. do gen. 4a 101k Vnaan lat . 1. lost do cv. 4a, aer. a.. i m at ex. 4a.... tsW eo aeHea B....U... 724 'eatarn Md. 4a n flan. Bloc. cv. 6a. ...IM woat. mac. cr. &.. 33 III. Can. lat rof. 4a JV4 Wis. Central 4a. 33 Bid. Offeree, Mo. Pio. ev. (a 3 I.ocnl Secarltles. Quotations furnished by Bums. Blinker St Co.. 449 New Omaha National bank building: Bid. Asked. Beamer (munlotpal) 6s 44 100 Colorado Telephon C 7 par coot.... 64 66 loss 1044, 100 a 1') 104 4 75 44 ' V 100 44V. 17H 12V, 47 44 44 101 10.1U. 43 Si or umana 4a, iu jna Cltr of Omaha 4Va, 1911, school 104V4 Cudahr Packing Co. ta, 1184 II Corn RxchajiK N'at'l Bank atock Eaat St. L. A Sub. la. 1M1 H14 Fairmont Craamerr lat g. 4 per cent.. 4414 Fairmont Ore unary pfd. 7 par cent... II Iowa Portland Cement 4s K. C, M. A O. 4a, 1461 46 K. C. B. A U 5a. 1I1S 474 Kiniat Cltr Stock Tarda n Kanaaa O. A R. I par ant pfd ft Omaha Water la 1344 4SV Omaha A C. B. St. Rr. 6a. 1424 v, Omaha A C. B. St. Rr. pfd 4 por cent 1 Omaha A C. B. 6t. Bjr., com Omaha A C B. Hy A B 46 Omaha Oao it. 1117 IT Swift A Co. 6a. lilt 100 V, South Omalia. cltr of. IVks t'nlon etork Yards atock Wit Memorial Hospital 4a 40 100 London Stock Market. liONDON, May 6. American securities were dull and featureless on the stock ex change here today. Prices opened a fraction above parity, but barely moved during the ahort session. Ths closing was dull but stead y. Conaola. money do sooount... Amal. Copper-. Anaconda Atchlaon . II 4 Leulavtlle A K. . I1V4 M., K. A 1 .. 44 N. Y. Cntral... . T'i Norfolk A W... .1I3V4 do pfd .. II V ..10S4, ..! .. 10 do pld.. .144 Ontario A W. A W 4.1U Baltimore A Ohla. . .107 Pcnnaylvanla ajv Canadian Paclflo 140 Rand Mlnea..v 7 Chaaapeaka A 0 13 fiaadtnt . 7 Chlcaio O. W 11 South. Ry. 17V4 Chi., Mil. A tt P..13oa do pfd s Da Beer ! Southarn Paclflo 43V4 Dearer A Rio 0 31V Union Paclflo M2V, do prd 47 V, do pra 17 31 U. A Slael 77 60 do pd.. 121V, 34 Wabaah lv, 17'4 do prd 17V, Erla ds 1st pfd do Id prd Grand Trunk llllnola r.ntral... SILVER Bar 141 quiet St 24 9-16(1 per OS. MONEY I'a'Sttm per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short snd three months bills is 2 Vt tt 2 8"-16 per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, May 6 Bank clearings for to day were I2.1X0.751. 76 and for the corre tpondtng date last year 12.506,223 m. Bank clearings for the week ending today were 115,083, '.2.6.1 and for the corresponding date last year 118,778.270 M. 1910. 1911. Mondav t 2.7.044 M $ 24.27? ; Tuesdav 1610.6H4.3O 2.644,782.18 Wednesday 2.752.713 40 2.691, 230.82 Thursday 1048.440.68 2 '.'4 6x 24 Frldav 2.790.744 27 2.627,92 64 Saturday J.&U6.K3.08 2. 11.751.76 Totals .$16,776,270.98 $15,063,232.93 ww Yarrk Cark Market. The following quotations are furnished br Ixgan A Bryan, members New Tork Stock exchange, $16 South Sixteenth stroet: i. 6uu Oaa 4 Nevada Com 144 Buna Coallttoa.. Cactus Oitrf Pooa...... BIT Cons Franklin Glroux Belmont 11 Nerada-t'tah' '. 44 1 Obla Copper j 17 Rawulda Coalition.. 41 4 Rar Central l 4 twlft Pk( Co 101 4 tllaor Plrk 4', 4 tupwler A PIUS ... 1444 ... 7 Kortb LaAa 44 Onni raoanaa avtrauoa JaW gas- 6 Kacc -laktuaio PROPHETS OTEYIL FAID PeBsimistio Predictiont of Eailroal Managers Not Realized. GROSS EARNINGS NOT LESSENING, Inpreasea Reported for April MortJ Than Offset the Iec reaaee - Rest j ported hi- Some Roods I i jj tereatlna- Cotton Figaros, PT PRESTON C. AIMMfl. I NEW YORK. Msv 8. (Special t Thej j Pee ) As prophets of disaster those whn predlrted that the railroads of the country would go to eternal sniaieU If thev were 1108 permitted to raise rates were rank fAIUtret. It Is a good thing for the country that the men at the head of the railroad are better executors than they are prophets. Uross earnlncs of all I'nlted States raIN roads reporting so far for the first two weeks In April continue In falrlv well main tained volume, the total. 812.348.863 showing an increase aa compared with the earnings of the same roads a year aao of 0.6 per rent. The returns now being received show considerable Irregularity, but in no Instance whore a loss is reported Is It especially pronounced, while the decreases on such rosds as Colorado & Southern. Penrer 4k Rio Urnnde. Missouri, Kansas Texas and Text Pacific are offset by calns by International tlreat Northern. St. I.ouls Southwestern Seaboard Air Ilne, Wabash ! Southern. In the following table are given the earnings of all l nlted Ststes rail roads reporting to date for the first two) iteekH in April and the Increase ss com pared with the em-nlngs of the same roads for the' corresponding period a year ago; slso for the same iM-rlnd In the two preced ing month', together Willi the percent Hges of gain or loss compared with last year: April, two weeks, 8U'.348,V2; gain, 8M.M7, ' S per cent. i March, two weeks. $17,295,287; loss, 8:il1,377. 3 per cent. February, two weeks, $17,222,097; gain, $28,626 1 per cent. History of t off on. Theodore II. Irl e In nri address delivered before the financial forum recently pre sented some Interesting cotton facts. Ho prefaced his remarks with the. following; interesting data: In 1720 the Kngllsh Parliament passed a law Imposing a fine of Ih upon the wearer 1 find 20 upon the seller of any printed or1 dyed calicoes. ' 177H. World's production of rntton. 7S.nv ! hales of 300 pounds, mostly grown and used In the Kast Indies. 1793. Whitney Invented the cotton gin. 1800. World's production of cotton, 610,000 bales of SK) pounds. AMERICAN COTTON CROP. Hales. ... - rKies. l8oo-in stn.tto i;n-70... 1SI9-20 1X79-811... 1S29-30 P7ti.S46ISiH-t... 139-40 2.177.S:'lK!ift-1!Hin. 1849-50 2.333. 7IS1 WO-lcl. . . . S.l??.tV.t . B.7H1.263 1 . 7.311.33 . M.W.416 i .10,r9,f3l 1 he estimated number of persons depen dent upon cotton culture and trade for a livelihood. Including emplovpn and their families In I $00. $760,000; in 1910. $24,000,000. Value American cr.ttnn croi in 1MX), $2L 000.000; in 1910 $i0O.000.0iKI.. Value of American cotton exported In 1800L $9,500,000: In 1910, $4l,ono.noo. Consumed in the I'nlted States, factory and household manufacture In 1800, 27,000 bales. Consumed In the I'nlted States, factories alone.. In 1800, 370 bales; In 1910, 1800,000 bales. Number of world's factory spindles in! 1800. S.250,000; In 1910, 1S4.32fi.000. Capital invested In I'nlted Stales cotton! goods manufacture (factory). In 1800, $150, ' our; in iiu. f.oo.cjio.onn. Estimated value of cotton goods manu factured In factories throughout the world In lfiOO, JSO.OOO.OOO; ,in 1910. $:.i:aooo,ooo. Cost of cdtton per pound In th t'nlted, ststes. 44 cents. 1 Present cost ef picking tame by hand, $12.50 a'-barleJ. ;j Travelers' Checks Perfected. .The prospective Visitor : to- tirope need have no bother over tne nandung of hi a money. Banks and lrut companies, to say nothing -of pntvato banking- urma, have now the most elaborate arrangements for the convenient supplying .of funds to trav elers. One reputable trust company Las JUOb IHUVU AI UUBLUIItaia O.I1U uiiioj .b I letter in which the following Inducements are held out: "Should you intend visiting Europe during the coming season or bo . planning a trip on thla continent, you will : no doubt find It advantageous to provide yourself with a letter of credit or travel- 1 ere' check, and we beg to offer you our service la this connection. We will be pleased to obtain for you any foreign or domeetlo letter, which can be secured by your credit balance against which the drafts would be charged, or a deposit of securities to an amount sufficient to pro tect drafts against ths letter. Wo also furnish travelers' checks which are readily 1 convertible into cash at a fixed rate of exchange In any Kuropean country or on) 1 any of the trana-Atlantlo steamers." About the only thing none of these fin ancial Institutions will do is to supply the original capital on which to base the rest of the operations. Oaf AHA GENERAL MARKET. ' BDTTFR Oesmery. No. 1 dUvere4 t I the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 24c- Mn. 1 I, in 30-lb, tubs, 22c; No. 2. in 1-lb. cartons. . 22c; packing stock, solid pack, 18c; dairy, j In 60-lb. tuna, 14016a; market changes ovary) ClfEKSB-TwIns, Utt&lSc: young Ameri. 1 cas. 17biUvc; dalslea, 16c; triplets, I6V10: 1 llmberger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 15V4; imported ; Swiss, HZoi domeeUo Swiss, 22o; block alwlaa. : 18o. POULTRY Dressed brollera under t Ih. . ! $6.00 per do.; hens, 16c; cock. 12Vc; ducka -80c; geese, l&o; turkeys, 2uci pigeons per oox., ji. no; nomer squabs, per dot.. $4. oos fancy sauabs. per dos.. 83.60: No 1 dot.. $3.00. Alive: broilers, 86c. Iv4 to 1'4 I lbs., and 1H to t lbs., X0c: smooth lags. 14o; I bens. 12o; staga 10o; old roosters, to; old ' ducks, full feathered, 13Vc; geese, full feathered, to; turkeys, lie; guinea fowls. 8O0 each; pigeons, per dos.. 0a: hnm7 per dux.. 3.u0; squabs. No. 1. per doa $1.20; No. 1. per doa, oOo; capoaa, over k lbs.. 14c; old turkeys '4. BEEK CUTS Klbs: No. L 13r: Nn 9 i Uc; No. 8, 11c. Loins: No. 1 14v4c; No Z I 12c: No. 8, 12c Chucks: No. 1. 7V4: No 7 7-4!; No. 8, 7c. Hound: No. 1, 8Vc: No. ? 1 9Vjc; No. 8. 8'4c. Plate: No. 1, 6Vc; No. 2. ihio; No. I. 6c. FIoH (all frozen) Pickerel. c: white ik. pike, 14c; trout, 11c; large crapples, &fii2i)c: Spanish mackerel. 19c; eel. lbo; haddock. 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, idc; roe shad. 81 each: shed loo. Dor uair. ew. legs, per dos.. Ibc; salmon. 10c; halibut. 7c; i herring, 7c FRUITS Apples: Kanaaa Plnnin. 1 Jonathans, 4v tier, per box. $2.60; Kansas Ganos. per box, $2 60. Bananas: Fancy ae ici.vrBr -u-,ch. $2.252.60; Jumbo, bunch, ' $2.7&fJ3 7a. lates: Anchor brand, new 30 l-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box. $2 00; bulk ii 0-lb. boxes, pt.r ib U4e. Flgsr Turkish 7-crown. per lb.. 16c: 6-crown. nee ih it'. i:cI?V- ,p'r ,b 13c- "rape Fruit: Florida! 64-64-80 s.zes. per rox. $.0O; 3-46 sixes per box, $4 60. lemons: L.monelra brand, ex tra fancy, 300-3tki sizes, per box. 8.-..60 - 240 size ouo per box lest. Oranges: Camella Ktaiands Navels, all a ce. n-r i 11 sva. 3.75; fancy navels. l-r;-126 sizes, 83 26; 160 and smaller sizes. S.I !n,i 7S- r.nrnrai. Jaffa oranges. 160 and larger sizes, per ix. 83 60; 176 and smaller sizes, per' box 50. Pineapples: 24-30-3 aizea, per cratei $3.1 $4.75. case. $1.00; Tennessee, p r :t-ijt. ca?e, 83.25 VKQETTABLES fienns: String and wax. per hamrer. $3.50. BeeH: l'tr bu.. 75o. Cab bage; California and Texas, new, per Ih 2s,c. Carrots: Per lb.. 2c. Cucumbera: Hot rroi: rer 10., ic. cucumbers: Hot l,i and 2 dozen In box. per doz Kgg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doz.. Jarllc: Kxtra fncy. white, per lb. IliXJ. Kg at . . . .. . uiaini;: r. lira, mncy, wnite, pi inc. wuuer r.xtra ftm-v leaf r.. 46e. Onions: Texas liemiudu 'whii crate. $2 26; yellow, per crate, $2 00. Onion sets: White per bu., S2 lbs.. $1.75; vellow per bu.. 32 lbs., 81.(10; red. per bu. 32 lbs ' $12'.. Parsley: Fan. y southern, per doz! uuiie-iir., ouo. rarsnips: rer lb., 2c. Pota toes: Iowa and W.scint ln. white stock, per bu., biijrtSOc; t'olordd'j. per bu.. $ new stock, per lb.. 6c; per hamper. $2.75 Ruta bagas: Per lb.. lVc. Tomatoes: Florida per 6-bsk. f rate. fancy, $t.u0; choice. 83 50. 'I'll mips: Per bu.. 75c. - MI.SI'KLLAXKOIB Almond- 1. soft shrll, per lb.. 18c; In sack lots, lo loss. Brazil Nsia. Per lb. 13c; in p,vlc, lots, lo ito. . vm.uia. irr rnf-K. u ou ner rir 6c. Filberts. Per lb.. 14c; In sack lots In i"". im auijnuia, i.urKe, .er lb., f,c- small per lb.. 6c. Peanuts: Roamed. er lb 8c raw. per Ih.. nc. Pecans: large, per lb 16c: In aack Iota, lc less. Walnuts: (Hack-' per lb.. :": California, per lb.. 1c- a esck lots. 1-lest, cider: New York. Mott o, per bbl.. $6 .5. Honey; New, 24 frames. I Coffee Aiarket. S ' j NKW TORK, May 6 -4-:OFFF.-Flitura closed steady, net unchanged to 8 poiata higher, near months leading the advance. May, 10 62c; June. 10 56 ; Julv. 10.66c- A11 guet. 10 40c; September, 10.27c; October. I 1007c. Soot coffee, steadv; No. 7 Rio IITac'i No. 4 Santos. i:c; mild, quiet; Cordova. 1l'1jc uuminal. Meal aiarket. ST. LOT1S. May A-Metals-lgd gtealyJ